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import { app } from "scripts/app.js";
import { RgthreeDialog, RgthreeDialogOptions } from "rgthree/common/dialog.js";
import { createElement as $el, query as $$ } from "rgthree/common/utils_dom.js";
import { checkmark, logoRgthree } from "rgthree/common/media/svgs.js";
import { LogLevel, rgthree } from "./rgthree.js";
import { SERVICE as CONFIG_SERVICE } from "./services/config_service.js";
/** Types of config used as a hint for the form handling. */
enum ConfigType {
enum ConfigInputType {
CHECKLIST, // Which is a multiselect array.
const TYPE_TO_STRING = {
[ConfigType.UNKNOWN]: "unknown",
[ConfigType.BOOLEAN]: "boolean",
[ConfigType.STRING]: "string",
[ConfigType.NUMBER]: "number",
[ConfigType.ARRAY]: "array",
type ConfigurationSchema = {
key: string;
type: ConfigType;
label: string;
inputType?: ConfigInputType,
options?: string[] | number[] | ConfigurationSchemaOption[];
description?: string;
subconfig?: ConfigurationSchema[];
isDevOnly?: boolean;
onSave?: (value: any) => void;
type ConfigurationSchemaOption = { value: any; label: string };
* A static schema of sorts to layout options found in the config.
const CONFIGURABLE: { [key: string]: ConfigurationSchema[] } = {
features: [
key: "features.progress_bar.enabled",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Prompt Progress Bar",
description: `Shows a minimal progress bar for nodes and steps at the top of the app.`,
subconfig: [
key: "features.progress_bar.height",
type: ConfigType.NUMBER,
label: "Height of the bar",
key: "features.progress_bar.position",
type: ConfigType.STRING,
label: "Position at top or bottom of window",
options: ["top", "bottom"],
key: "features.import_individual_nodes.enabled",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Import Individual Nodes Widgets",
"Dragging & Dropping a similar image/JSON workflow onto (most) current workflow nodes" +
"will allow you to import that workflow's node's widgets when it has the same " +
"id and type. This is useful when you have several images and you'd like to import just " +
"one part of a previous iteration, like a seed, or prompt.",
menus: [
key: "features.comfy_top_bar_menu.enabled",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Enable Top Bar Menu",
"Have quick access from ComfyUI's new top bar to rgthree-comfy bookmarks, settings " +
"(and more to come).",
key: "features.menu_queue_selected_nodes",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Show 'Queue Selected Output Nodes'",
"Will show a menu item in the right-click context menus to queue (only) the selected " +
"output nodes.",
key: "features.menu_auto_nest.subdirs",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Auto Nest Subdirectories in Menus",
"When a large, flat list of values contain sub-directories, auto nest them. (Like, for " +
"a large list of checkpoints).",
subconfig: [
key: "features.menu_auto_nest.threshold",
type: ConfigType.NUMBER,
label: "Number of items needed to trigger nesting.",
key: "features.menu_bookmarks.enabled",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Show Bookmarks in context menu",
description: "Will list bookmarks in the rgthree-comfy right-click context menu.",
groups: [
key: "features.group_header_fast_toggle.enabled",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Show fast toggles in Group Headers",
description: "Show quick toggles in Groups' Headers to quickly mute, bypass or queue.",
subconfig: [
key: "features.group_header_fast_toggle.toggles",
type: ConfigType.ARRAY,
label: "Which toggles to show.",
inputType: ConfigInputType.CHECKLIST,
options: [
{ value: "queue", label: "queue" },
{ value: "bypass", label: "bypass" },
{ value: "mute", label: "mute" },
key: "",
type: ConfigType.STRING,
label: "When to show them.",
options: [
{ value: "hover", label: "on hover" },
{ value: "always", label: "always" },
advanced: [
key: "features.show_alerts_for_corrupt_workflows",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Detect Corrupt Workflows",
"Will show a message at the top of the screen when loading a workflow that has " +
"corrupt linking data.",
key: "log_level",
type: ConfigType.STRING,
label: "Log level for browser dev console.",
"Further down the list, the more verbose logs to the console will be. For instance, " +
"selecting 'IMPORTANT' means only important message will be logged to the browser " +
"console, while selecting 'WARN' will log all messages at or higher than WARN, including " +
"'ERROR' and 'IMPORTANT' etc.",
options: ["IMPORTANT", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "DEV"],
isDevOnly: true,
onSave: function (value: LogLevel) {
key: "features.invoke_extensions_async.node_created",
type: ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
label: "Allow other extensions to call nodeCreated on rgthree-nodes.",
isDevOnly: true,
"Do not disable unless you are having trouble (and then file an issue at rgthree-comfy)." +
"Prior to Apr 2024 it was not possible for other extensions to invoke their nodeCreated " +
"event on some rgthree-comfy nodes. Now it's possible and this option is only here in " +
"for easy if something is wrong.",
* Creates a new fieldrow for main or sub configuration items.
function fieldrow(item: ConfigurationSchema) {
const initialValue = CONFIG_SERVICE.getConfigValue(item.key);
const container = $el(`div.fieldrow.-type-${TYPE_TO_STRING[item.type]}`, {
dataset: {
name: item.key,
initial: initialValue,
type: item.type,
$el(`label[for="${item.key}"]`, {
children: [
item.description ? $el("small", { html: item.description }) : null,
parent: container,
let input;
if (item.options?.length) {
if (item.inputType === ConfigInputType.CHECKLIST) {
const initialValueList = initialValue || [];
input = $el<HTMLSelectElement>(`fieldset.rgthree-checklist-group[id="${item.key}"]`, {
parent: container,
children: => {
const label = (o as ConfigurationSchemaOption).label || String(o);
const value = (o as ConfigurationSchemaOption).value || o;
const id = `${item.key}_${value}`;
return $el<HTMLSpanElement>(`span.rgthree-checklist-item`, {
children: [
$el<HTMLInputElement>(`input[type="checkbox"][value="${value}"]`, {
checked: initialValueList.includes(value),
$el<HTMLInputElement>(`label`, {
for: id,
text: label,
} else {
input = $el<HTMLSelectElement>(`select[id="${item.key}"]`, {
parent: container,
children: => {
const label = (o as ConfigurationSchemaOption).label || String(o);
const value = (o as ConfigurationSchemaOption).value || o;
const valueSerialized = JSON.stringify({ value: value });
return $el<HTMLOptionElement>(`option[value="${valueSerialized}"]`, {
text: label,
selected: valueSerialized === JSON.stringify({ value: initialValue }),
} else if (item.type === ConfigType.BOOLEAN) {
container.classList.toggle("-checked", !!initialValue);
input = $el<HTMLInputElement>(`input[type="checkbox"][id="${item.key}"]`, {
parent: container,
checked: initialValue,
} else {
input = $el(`input[id="${item.key}"]`, {
parent: container,
value: initialValue,
$el("div.fieldrow-value", { children: [input], parent: container });
return container;
* A dialog to edit rgthree-comfy settings and config.
export class RgthreeConfigDialog extends RgthreeDialog {
constructor() {
const content = $el("div");
content.appendChild(RgthreeConfigDialog.buildFieldset(CONFIGURABLE["features"]!, "Features"));
content.appendChild(RgthreeConfigDialog.buildFieldset(CONFIGURABLE["menus"]!, "Menus"));
content.appendChild(RgthreeConfigDialog.buildFieldset(CONFIGURABLE["groups"]!, "Groups"));
content.appendChild(RgthreeConfigDialog.buildFieldset(CONFIGURABLE["advanced"]!, "Advanced"));
content.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
const changed = this.getChangedFormData();
($$(".save-button", this.element)[0] as HTMLButtonElement).disabled =
content.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
const changed = this.getChangedFormData();
($$(".save-button", this.element)[0] as HTMLButtonElement).disabled =
const dialogOptions: RgthreeDialogOptions = {
class: "-iconed -settings",
title: logoRgthree + `<h2>Settings - rgthree-comfy</h2>`,
onBeforeClose: () => {
const changed = this.getChangedFormData();
if (Object.keys(changed).length) {
return confirm("Looks like there are unsaved changes. Are you sure you want close?");
return true;
buttons: [
label: "Save",
disabled: true,
className: "rgthree-button save-button -blue",
callback: async (e) => {
const changed = this.getChangedFormData();
if (!Object.keys(changed).length) {
const success = await CONFIG_SERVICE.setConfigValues(changed);
if (success) {
for (const key of Object.keys(changed)) {
.find((f) => f.key === key)
id: "config-success",
message: `${checkmark} Successfully saved rgthree-comfy settings!`,
timeout: 4000,
($$(".save-button", this.element)[0] as HTMLButtonElement).disabled = true;
} else {
alert("There was an error saving rgthree-comfy configuration.");
private static buildFieldset(datas: ConfigurationSchema[], label: string) {
const fieldset = $el(`fieldset`, { children: [$el(`legend[text="${label}"]`)] });
for (const data of datas) {
if (data.isDevOnly && !rgthree.isDevMode()) {
const container = $el("div.formrow");
if (data.subconfig) {
for (const subfeature of data.subconfig) {
return fieldset;
getChangedFormData() {
return $$("[data-name]", this.contentElement).reduce((acc: { [key: string]: any }, el) => {
const name = el.dataset["name"]!;
const type = el.dataset["type"]!;
const initialValue = CONFIG_SERVICE.getConfigValue(name);
let currentValueEl = $$("fieldset.rgthree-checklist-group, input, textarea, select", el)[0] as HTMLInputElement;
let currentValue: any = null;
if (type === String(ConfigType.BOOLEAN)) {
currentValue = currentValueEl.checked;
// Not sure I like this side effect in here, but it's easy to just do it now.
el.classList.toggle("-checked", currentValue);
} else {
currentValue = currentValueEl?.value;
if (currentValueEl.nodeName === "SELECT") {
currentValue = JSON.parse(currentValue).value;
} else if (currentValueEl.classList.contains('rgthree-checklist-group')) {
currentValue = [];
for (const check of $$<HTMLInputElement>('input[type="checkbox"]', currentValueEl)) {
if (check.checked) {
} else if (type === String(ConfigType.NUMBER)) {
currentValue = Number(currentValue) || initialValue;
if (JSON.stringify(currentValue) !== JSON.stringify(initialValue)) {
acc[name] = currentValue;
return acc;
}, {});
id: "rgthree.config",
name: "Open rgthree-comfy config",
type: () => {
// Adds a row to open the dialog from the ComfyUI settings.
return $el("tr.rgthree-comfyui-settings-row", {
children: [
$el("td", {
child: `<div>${logoRgthree} [rgthree-comfy] configuration / settings</div>`,
$el("td", {
child: $el('button.rgthree-button.-blue[text="rgthree-comfy settings"]', {
events: {
click: (e: PointerEvent) => {
new RgthreeConfigDialog().show();