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import { app } from "scripts/app.js";
import { RgthreeBaseVirtualNode } from "./base_node.js";
import { SERVICE as KEY_EVENT_SERVICE } from "./services/key_events_services.js";
import { NodeTypesString } from "./constants.js";
import type {
} from "typings/litegraph.js";
import { getClosestOrSelf, queryOne } from "rgthree/common/utils_dom.js";
* A bookmark node. Can be placed anywhere in the workflow, and given a shortcut key that will
* navigate to that node, with it in the top-left corner.
export class Bookmark extends RgthreeBaseVirtualNode {
static override type = NodeTypesString.BOOKMARK;
static override title = NodeTypesString.BOOKMARK;
override comfyClass = NodeTypesString.BOOKMARK;
// Really silly, but Litegraph assumes we have at least one input/output... so we need to
// counteract it's computeSize calculation by offsetting the start.
static slot_start_y = -20;
// LiteGraph adds mroe spacing than we want when calculating a nodes' `_collapsed_width`, so we'll
// override it with a setter and re-set it measured exactly as we want.
___collapsed_width: number = 0;
override isVirtualNode = true;
override serialize_widgets = true;
//@ts-ignore - TS Doesn't like us overriding a property with accessors but, too bad.
override get _collapsed_width() {
return this.___collapsed_width;
override set _collapsed_width(width: number) {
const canvas = app.canvas as LGraphCanvas;
const ctx = canvas.canvas.getContext("2d")!;
const oldFont = ctx.font;
ctx.font = canvas.title_text_font;
this.___collapsed_width = 40 + ctx.measureText(this.title).width;
ctx.font = oldFont;
readonly keypressBound;
constructor(title = Bookmark.title) {
const nextShortcutChar = getNextShortcut();
(value: string, ...args) => {
value = value.trim()[0] || "1";
y: 8,
this.addWidget<INumberWidget>("number", "zoom", 1, (value: number) => {}, {
y: 8 + LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT + 4,
max: 2,
min: 0.5,
precision: 2,
this.keypressBound = this.onKeypress.bind(this);
this.title = "🔖";
// override computeSize(out?: Vector2 | undefined): Vector2 {
// super.computeSize(out);
// const minHeight = (this.widgets?.length || 0) * (LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT + 4) + 16;
// this.size[1] = Math.max(minHeight, this.size[1]);
// }
get shortcutKey(): string {
return this.widgets[0]?.value?.toLocaleLowerCase() ?? "";
override onAdded(graph: LGraph): void {
KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.addEventListener("keydown", this.keypressBound as EventListener);
override onRemoved(): void {
KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.removeEventListener("keydown", this.keypressBound as EventListener);
onKeypress(event: CustomEvent<{ originalEvent: KeyboardEvent }>) {
const originalEvent = event.detail.originalEvent;
const target = ( as HTMLElement)!;
if (getClosestOrSelf(target, 'input,textarea,[contenteditable="true"]')) {
// Only the shortcut keys are held down, otionally including "shift".
if (KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.areOnlyKeysDown(this.widgets[0]!.value, true)) {
* Called from LiteGraph's `processMouseDown` after it would invoke the input box for the
* shortcut_key, so we check if it exists and then add our own event listener so we can track the
* keys down for the user.
override onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent, pos: Vector2, graphCanvas: LGraphCanvas): void {
const input = queryOne<HTMLInputElement>(".graphdialog > input.value");
if (input && input.value === this.widgets[0]?.value) {
input.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
// ComfyUI swallows keydown on inputs, so we need to call out to rgthree to use downkeys.
input.value = Object.keys(KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.downKeys).join(" + ");
canvasToBookmark() {
const canvas = app.canvas as LGraphCanvas;
// ComfyUI seemed to break us again, but couldn't repro. No reason to not check, I guess.
if (canvas?.ds?.offset) {
canvas.ds.offset[0] = -this.pos[0] + 16;
canvas.ds.offset[1] = -this.pos[1] + 40;
if (canvas?.ds?.scale != null) {
canvas.ds.scale = Number(this.widgets[1]!.value || 1);
canvas.setDirty(true, true);
name: "rgthree.Bookmark",
registerCustomNodes() {
function isBookmark(node: LGraphNode): node is Bookmark {
return node.type === NodeTypesString.BOOKMARK;
function getExistingShortcuts() {
const graph: LGraph = app.graph;
const bookmarkNodes = graph._nodes.filter(isBookmark);
const usedShortcuts = new Set( => n.shortcutKey));
return usedShortcuts;
const SHORTCUT_DEFAULTS = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("");
function getNextShortcut() {
const existingShortcuts = getExistingShortcuts();
return SHORTCUT_DEFAULTS.find((char) => !existingShortcuts.has(char)) ?? "1";