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import { app } from "scripts/app.js";
import type {
LGraphCanvas as TLGraphCanvas,
} from "../typings/litegraph.js";
import { drawNodeWidget, drawRoundedRectangle, fitString, isLowQuality } from "./utils_canvas.js";
* Draws a label on teft, and a value on the right, ellipsizing when out of space.
export function drawLabelAndValue(
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
label: string,
value: string,
width: number,
posY: number,
height: number,
options?: { offsetLeft: number },
) {
const outerMargin = 15;
const innerMargin = 10;
const midY = posY + height / 2;;
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR;
const labelX = outerMargin + innerMargin + (options?.offsetLeft ?? 0);
ctx.fillText(label, labelX, midY);
const valueXLeft = labelX + ctx.measureText(label).width + 7;
const valueXRight = width - (outerMargin + innerMargin);
ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR;
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.fillText(fitString(ctx, value, valueXRight - valueXLeft), valueXRight, midY);
export type RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds = {
/** The bounds, either [x, width] assuming the full height, or [x, y, width, height] if height. */
bounds: Vector2 | Vector4;
onDown?(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode): boolean | void;
event: AdjustedMouseEvent,
pos: Vector2,
node: LGraphNode,
bounds: RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds,
): boolean | void;
onUp?(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode): boolean | void;
event: AdjustedMouseEvent,
pos: Vector2,
node: LGraphNode,
bounds: RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds,
): boolean | void;
onMove?(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode): boolean | void;
event: AdjustedMouseEvent,
pos: Vector2,
node: LGraphNode,
bounds: RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds,
): boolean | void;
data?: any;
export type RgthreeBaseHitAreas<Keys extends string> = {
[K in Keys]: RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds;
* A base widget that handles mouse events more properly.
export abstract class RgthreeBaseWidget<T> implements IWidget<T, any> {
// We don't want our value to be an array as a widget will be serialized as an "input" for the API
// which uses an array value to represent a link. To keep things simpler, we'll avoid using an
// array at all.
abstract value: T extends Array<any> ? never : T;
name: string;
last_y: number = 0;
protected mouseDowned: Vector2 | null = null;
protected isMouseDownedAndOver: boolean = false;
// protected hitAreas: {[key: string]: RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds} = {};
protected readonly hitAreas: RgthreeBaseHitAreas<any> = {};
private downedHitAreasForMove: RgthreeBaseWidgetBounds[] = [];
constructor(name: string) { = name;
private clickWasWithinBounds(pos: Vector2, bounds: Vector2 | Vector4) {
let xStart = bounds[0];
let xEnd = xStart + (bounds.length > 2 ? bounds[2]! : bounds[1]!);
const clickedX = pos[0] >= xStart && pos[0] <= xEnd;
if (bounds.length === 2) {
return clickedX;
return clickedX && pos[1] >= bounds[1] && pos[1] <= bounds[1] + bounds[3];
mouse(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode) {
const canvas = app.canvas as TLGraphCanvas;
if (event.type == "pointerdown") {
this.mouseDowned = [...pos];
this.isMouseDownedAndOver = true;
this.downedHitAreasForMove.length = 0;
// Loop over out bounds data and call any specifics.
let anyHandled = false;
for (const part of Object.values(this.hitAreas)) {
if ((part.onDown || part.onMove) && this.clickWasWithinBounds(pos, part.bounds)) {
if (part.onMove) {
if (part.onDown) {
const thisHandled = part.onDown.apply(this, [event, pos, node, part]);
anyHandled = anyHandled || thisHandled == true;
return this.onMouseDown(event, pos, node) ?? anyHandled;
// This only fires when LiteGraph has a node_widget (meaning it's pressed), but we may not be
// the original widget pressed, so we still need `mouseDowned`.
if (event.type == "pointerup") {
if (!this.mouseDowned) return true;
this.downedHitAreasForMove.length = 0;
let anyHandled = false;
for (const part of Object.values(this.hitAreas)) {
if (part.onUp && this.clickWasWithinBounds(pos, part.bounds)) {
const thisHandled = part.onUp.apply(this, [event, pos, node, part]);
anyHandled = anyHandled || thisHandled == true;
return this.onMouseUp(event, pos, node) ?? anyHandled;
// This only fires when LiteGraph has a node_widget (meaning it's pressed).
if (event.type == "pointermove") {
this.isMouseDownedAndOver = !!this.mouseDowned;
// If we've moved off the button while pressing, then consider us no longer pressing.
if (
this.mouseDowned &&
(pos[0] < 15 ||
pos[0] > node.size[0] - 15 ||
pos[1] < this.last_y ||
pos[1] > this.last_y + LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT)
) {
this.isMouseDownedAndOver = false;
for (const part of this.downedHitAreasForMove) {
part.onMove!.apply(this, [event, pos, node, part]);
return this.onMouseMove(event, pos, node) ?? true;
return false;
/** Sometimes we want to cancel a mouse down, so that an up/move aren't fired. */
cancelMouseDown() {
this.mouseDowned = null;
this.isMouseDownedAndOver = false;
this.downedHitAreasForMove.length = 0;
/** An event that fires when the pointer is pressed down (once). */
onMouseDown(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode): boolean | void {
* An event that fires when the pointer is let go. Only fires if this was the widget that was
* originally pressed down.
onMouseUp(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode): boolean | void {
* An event that fires when the pointer is moving after pressing down. Will fire both on and off
* of the widget. Check `isMouseDownedAndOver` to determine if the mouse is currently over the
* widget or not.
onMouseMove(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode): boolean | void {
* A better implementation of the LiteGraph button widget.
export class RgthreeBetterButtonWidget extends RgthreeBaseWidget<string> {
value: string = "";
mouseUpCallback: (event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode) => boolean | void;
name: string,
mouseUpCallback: (event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode) => boolean | void,
) {
this.mouseUpCallback = mouseUpCallback;
draw(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, node: LGraphNode, width: number, y: number, height: number) {
drawWidgetButton({ctx, node, width, height, y},, this.isMouseDownedAndOver);
override onMouseUp(event: AdjustedMouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode) {
return this.mouseUpCallback(event, pos, node);
* A better implementation of the LiteGraph text widget, including auto ellipsis.
export class RgthreeBetterTextWidget implements IWidget<string> {
name: string;
value: string;
constructor(name: string, value: string) { = name;
this.value = value;
draw(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, node: LGraphNode, width: number, y: number, height: number) {
const widgetData = drawNodeWidget(ctx, { width, height, posY: y });
if (!widgetData.lowQuality) {
drawLabelAndValue(ctx,, this.value, width, y, height);
mouse(event: MouseEvent, pos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode) {
const canvas = app.canvas as TLGraphCanvas;
if (event.type == "pointerdown") {
canvas.prompt("Label", this.value, (v: string) => (this.value = v), event);
return true;
return false;
* Options for the Divider Widget.
type RgthreeDividerWidgetOptions = {
marginTop: number;
marginBottom: number;
marginLeft: number;
marginRight: number;
color: string;
thickness: number;
* A divider widget; can also be used as a spacer if fed a 0 thickness.
export class RgthreeDividerWidget implements IWidget<null> {
options = { serialize: false };
value = null;
name = "divider";
private readonly widgetOptions: RgthreeDividerWidgetOptions = {
marginTop: 7,
marginBottom: 7,
marginLeft: 15,
marginRight: 15,
thickness: 1,
constructor(widgetOptions?: Partial<RgthreeDividerWidgetOptions>) {
Object.assign(this.widgetOptions, widgetOptions || {});
draw(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, node: LGraphNode, width: number, posY: number, h: number) {
if (this.widgetOptions.thickness) {
ctx.strokeStyle = this.widgetOptions.color;
const x = this.widgetOptions.marginLeft;
const y = posY + this.widgetOptions.marginTop;
const w = width - this.widgetOptions.marginLeft - this.widgetOptions.marginRight;
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(`M ${x} ${y} h ${w}`));
computeSize(width: number): [number, number] {
return [
this.widgetOptions.marginTop + this.widgetOptions.marginBottom + this.widgetOptions.thickness,
* Options for the Label Widget.
export type RgthreeLabelWidgetOptions = {
align?: "left" | "center" | "right";
color?: string;
italic?: boolean;
size?: number;
/** A label to put on the right side. */
actionLabel?: "__PLUS_ICON__" | string;
actionCallback?: (event: PointerEvent) => void;
* A simple label widget, drawn with no background.
export class RgthreeLabelWidget implements IWidget<null> {
options = { serialize: false };
value = null;
name: string;
private readonly widgetOptions: RgthreeLabelWidgetOptions = {};
private posY: number = 0;
constructor(name: string, widgetOptions?: RgthreeLabelWidgetOptions) { = name;
Object.assign(this.widgetOptions, widgetOptions);
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
node: LGraphNode,
width: number,
posY: number,
height: number,
) {
this.posY = posY;;
ctx.textAlign = this.widgetOptions.align || "left";
ctx.fillStyle = this.widgetOptions.color || LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR;
const oldFont = ctx.font;
if (this.widgetOptions.italic) {
ctx.font = "italic " + ctx.font;
if (this.widgetOptions.size) {
ctx.font = ctx.font.replace(/\d+px/, `${this.widgetOptions.size}px`);
const midY = posY + height / 2;
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
if (this.widgetOptions.align === "center") {
ctx.fillText(, node.size[0] / 2, midY);
} else {
ctx.fillText(, 15, midY);
} // TODO(right);
ctx.font = oldFont;
if (this.widgetOptions.actionLabel === "__PLUS_ICON__") {
const plus = new Path2D(
`M${node.size[0] - 15 - 2} ${posY + 7} v4 h-4 v4 h-4 v-4 h-4 v-4 h4 v-4 h4 v4 h4 z`,
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.fillStyle = "#3a3";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#383";
mouse(event: PointerEvent, nodePos: Vector2, node: LGraphNode) {
if (
event.type !== "pointerdown" ||
isLowQuality() ||
!this.widgetOptions.actionLabel ||
) {
return false;
const pos: Vector2 = [nodePos[0], nodePos[1] - this.posY];
const rightX = node.size[0] - 15;
if (pos[0] > rightX || pos[0] < rightX - 16) {
return false;
return true;
/** An invisible widget. */
export class RgthreeInvisibleWidget<T> implements IWidget<T> {
name: string;
type: string;
value: T;
serializeValue: IWidget['serializeValue'] = undefined;
constructor(name: string, type: string, value: T, serializeValueFn: ()=> T) { = name;
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
if (serializeValueFn) {
this.serializeValue = serializeValueFn
draw() { return; }
computeSize(width: number) : Vector2 { return [0, 0]; }
type DrawContext = {
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
node: LGraphNode,
width: number,
y: number,
height: number,
* Draws a better button.
export function drawWidgetButton(drawCtx: DrawContext, text: string, isMouseDownedAndOver: boolean = false) {
// First, add a shadow if we're not down or lowquality.
if (!isLowQuality() && !isMouseDownedAndOver) {
drawRoundedRectangle(drawCtx.ctx, {
width: drawCtx.width - 30 - 2,
height: drawCtx.height,
posY: drawCtx.y + 1,
posX: 15 + 1,
borderRadius: 4,
colorBackground: "#000000aa",
colorStroke: "#000000aa",
drawRoundedRectangle(drawCtx.ctx, {
width: drawCtx.width - 30,
height: drawCtx.height,
posY: drawCtx.y + (isMouseDownedAndOver ? 1 : 0),
posX: 15,
borderRadius: isLowQuality() ? 0 : 4,
colorBackground: isMouseDownedAndOver ? "#444" : LiteGraph.WIDGET_BGCOLOR,
if (!isLowQuality()) {
drawCtx.ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
drawCtx.ctx.textAlign = "center";
drawCtx.ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR;
drawCtx.node.size[0] / 2,
drawCtx.y + drawCtx.height / 2 + (isMouseDownedAndOver ? 1 : 0),