import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js'
function chainCallback(object, property, callback) {
if (object == undefined) {
//This should not happen.
console.error("Tried to add callback to non-existant object")
if (property in object && object[property]) {
const callback_orig = object[property]
object[property] = function () {
const r = callback_orig.apply(this, arguments);
callback.apply(this, arguments);
return r
} else {
object[property] = callback;
var helpDOM;
function initHelpDOM() {
let parentDOM = document.createElement("div");
helpDOM.className = "litegraph";
let scrollbarStyle = document.createElement('style');
scrollbarStyle.innerHTML = `
chainCallback(app.canvas, "onDrawForeground", function (ctx, visible_rect){
let n = helpDOM.node
if (!n || !n?.graph) {['left'] = '-5000px'
//draw : function(ctx, node, widgetWidth, widgetY, height) {
//update widget position, even if off screen
const transform = ctx.getTransform();
const scale = app.canvas.ds.scale;//gets the litegraph zoom
//calculate coordinates with account for browser zoom
const bcr = app.canvas.canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = transform.e*scale/transform.a + bcr.x;
const y = transform.f*scale/transform.a + bcr.y;
//TODO: text reflows at low zoom. investigate alternatives
Object.assign(, {
left: (x+(n.pos[0] + n.size[0]+15)*scale) + "px",
top: (y+(n.pos[1]-LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT)*scale) + "px",
width: "400px",
minHeight: "100px",
maxHeight: "600px",
overflowY: 'scroll',
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: 'scale(' + scale + ',' + scale +')',
fontSize: '18px',
backgroundColor: LiteGraph.NODE_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR,
boxShadow: '0 0 10px black',
borderRadius: '4px',
padding: '3px',
zIndex: 3,
position: "absolute",
display: 'inline',
function setCollapse(el, doCollapse) {
if (doCollapse) {
el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML = '+'
Object.assign(el.children[1].style, {
color: '#CCC',
overflowX: 'hidden',
width: '0px',
minWidth: 'calc(100% - 20px)',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
for (let child of el.children[1].children) {
if ( != 'none'){
child.origDisplay =
} = 'none'
} else {
el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML = '-'
Object.assign(el.children[1].style, {
color: '',
overflowX: '',
width: '100%',
minWidth: '',
textOverflow: '',
whiteSpace: '',
for (let child of el.children[1].children) { = child.origDisplay
helpDOM.collapseOnClick = function() {
let doCollapse = this.children[0].innerHTML == '-'
setCollapse(this.parentElement, doCollapse)
helpDOM.selectHelp = function(name, value) {
//attempt to navigate to name in help
function collapseUnlessMatch(items,t) {
var match = items.querySelector('[vhs_title="' + t + '"]')
if (!match) {
for (let i of items.children) {
if (i.innerHTML.slice(0,t.length+5).includes(t)) {
match = i
if (!match) {
return null
//For longer documentation items with fewer collapsable elements,
//scroll to make sure the entirety of the selected item is visible
//This has the unfortunate side effect of trying to scroll the main
//window if the documentation windows is forcibly offscreen,
//but it's easy to simply scroll the main window back and seems to
//have no visual side effects
for (let i of items.querySelectorAll('.VHS_collapse')) {
if (i.contains(match)) {
setCollapse(i, false)
} else {
setCollapse(i, true)
return match
let target = collapseUnlessMatch(helpDOM, name)
if (target && value) {
collapseUnlessMatch(target, value)
helpDOM.addHelp = function(node, nodeType, description) {
if (!description) {
//Pad computed size for the clickable question mark
let originalComputeSize = node.computeSize
node.computeSize = function() {
let size = originalComputeSize.apply(this, arguments)
if (!this.title) {
return size
let title_width = this.title.length * 0.6 * LiteGraph.NODE_TEXT_SIZE
size[0] = Math.max(size[0], title_width + LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT)
return size
node.description = description
chainCallback(node, "onDrawForeground", function (ctx) {
//draw question mark
ctx.font = 'bold 20px Arial'
ctx.fillText("?", this.size[0]-17, -8)
chainCallback(node, "onMouseDown", function (e, pos, canvas) {
//On click would be preferred, but this'll be good enough
if (pos[1] < 0 && pos[0] + LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT > this.size[0]) {
//corner question mark clicked
if (helpDOM.node == this) {
helpDOM.node = undefined
} else {
helpDOM.node = this;
helpDOM.innerHTML = this.description || "no help provided ".repeat(20)
for (let e of helpDOM.querySelectorAll('.VHS_collapse')) {
e.children[0].onclick = helpDOM.collapseOnClick
e.children[0].style.cursor = 'pointer'
for (let e of helpDOM.querySelectorAll('.VHS_precollapse')) {
setCollapse(e, true)
return true
let timeout = null
chainCallback(node, "onMouseMove", function (e, pos, canvas) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null
if (helpDOM.node != this) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
let n = this
if (pos[0] > 0 && pos[0] < n.size[0]
&& pos[1] > 0 && pos[1] < n.size[1]) {
//TODO: provide help specific to element clicked
let inputRows = Math.max(n.inputs.length, n.outputs.length)
if (pos[1] < LiteGraph.NODE_SLOT_HEIGHT * inputRows) {
let row = Math.floor((pos[1] - 7) / LiteGraph.NODE_SLOT_HEIGHT)
if (pos[0] < n.size[0]/2) {
if (row < n.inputs.length) {
} else {
if (row < n.outputs.length) {
} else {
//probably widget, but widgets have variable height.
let basey = LiteGraph.NODE_SLOT_HEIGHT * inputRows + 6
for (let w of n.widgets) {
if (w.y) {
basey = w.y
let wheight = LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT+4
if (w.computeSize) {
wheight = w.computeSize(n.size[0])[1]
if (pos[1] < basey + wheight) {
helpDOM.selectHelp(, w.value)
basey += wheight
}, 500)
chainCallback(node, "onMouseLeave", function (e, pos, canvas) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null
name: "AdvancedControlNet.documentation",
async init() {
if (app.VHSHelp) {
helpDOM = app.VHSHelp
} else {
helpDOM = document.createElement("div");
app.VHSHelp = helpDOM
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) {
// NOTE: May need manual adjusting for the few non-namespaced nodes
if(nodeData?.name?.startsWith("ACN_") && nodeData.description) {
let description = nodeData.description
let el = document.createElement("div")
el.innerHTML = description
if (!el.children.length) {
//Is plaintext. Do minor convenience formatting
let chunks = description.split('\n')
nodeData.description = chunks[0]
description = chunks.join('
} else {
nodeData.description = el.querySelector('#VHS_shortdesc')?.innerHTML || el.children[1]?.firstChild?.innerHTML
chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function () {
helpDOM.addHelp(this, nodeType, description)