from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image import impact.core as core import cv2 import numpy as np from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image import torch orig_torch_load = torch.load try: from ultralytics import YOLO except Exception as e: print(e) print(f"\n!!!!!\n\n[ComfyUI-Impact-Subpack] If this error occurs, please check the following link:\n\t\n\n!!!!!\n") raise e # HOTFIX: # importing YOLO breaking original torch.load capabilities torch.load = orig_torch_load def load_yolo(model_path: str): try: return YOLO(model_path) except ModuleNotFoundError: # YOLO("") return YOLO(model_path) def inference_bbox( model, image: Image.Image, confidence: float = 0.3, device: str = "", ): pred = model(image, conf=confidence, device=device) bboxes = pred[0].boxes.xyxy.cpu().numpy() cv2_image = np.array(image) if len(cv2_image.shape) == 3: cv2_image = cv2_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() # Convert RGB to BGR for cv2 processing else: # Handle the grayscale image here # For example, you might want to convert it to a 3-channel grayscale image for consistency: cv2_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2_image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv2_gray = cv2.cvtColor(cv2_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) segms = [] for x0, y0, x1, y1 in bboxes: cv2_mask = np.zeros(cv2_gray.shape, np.uint8) cv2.rectangle(cv2_mask, (int(x0), int(y0)), (int(x1), int(y1)), 255, -1) cv2_mask_bool = cv2_mask.astype(bool) segms.append(cv2_mask_bool) n, m = bboxes.shape if n == 0: return [[], [], [], []] results = [[], [], [], []] for i in range(len(bboxes)): results[0].append(pred[0].names[int(pred[0].boxes[i].cls.item())]) results[1].append(bboxes[i]) results[2].append(segms[i]) results[3].append(pred[0].boxes[i].conf.cpu().numpy()) return results def inference_segm( model, image: Image.Image, confidence: float = 0.3, device: str = "", ): pred = model(image, conf=confidence, device=device) bboxes = pred[0].boxes.xyxy.cpu().numpy() n, m = bboxes.shape if n == 0: return [[], [], [], []] # NOTE: will be None when n == 0 segms = pred[0] h_segms = segms.shape[1] w_segms = segms.shape[2] h_orig = image.size[1] w_orig = image.size[0] ratio_segms = h_segms / w_segms ratio_orig = h_orig / w_orig if ratio_segms == ratio_orig: h_gap = 0 w_gap = 0 elif ratio_segms > ratio_orig: h_gap = int((ratio_segms - ratio_orig) * h_segms) w_gap = 0 else: h_gap = 0 ratio_segms = w_segms / h_segms ratio_orig = w_orig / h_orig w_gap = int((ratio_segms - ratio_orig) * w_segms) results = [[], [], [], []] for i in range(len(bboxes)): results[0].append(pred[0].names[int(pred[0].boxes[i].cls.item())]) results[1].append(bboxes[i]) mask = torch.from_numpy(segms[i]) mask = mask[h_gap:mask.shape[0] - h_gap, w_gap:mask.shape[1] - w_gap] scaled_mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(image.size[1], image.size[0]), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) scaled_mask = scaled_mask.squeeze().squeeze() results[2].append(scaled_mask.numpy()) results[3].append(pred[0].boxes[i].conf.cpu().numpy()) return results class UltraBBoxDetector: bbox_model = None def __init__(self, bbox_model): self.bbox_model = bbox_model def detect(self, image, threshold, dilation, crop_factor, drop_size=1, detailer_hook=None): drop_size = max(drop_size, 1) detected_results = inference_bbox(self.bbox_model, core.tensor2pil(image), threshold) segmasks = core.create_segmasks(detected_results) if dilation > 0: segmasks = core.dilate_masks(segmasks, dilation) items = [] h = image.shape[1] w = image.shape[2] for x, label in zip(segmasks, detected_results[0]): item_bbox = x[0] item_mask = x[1] y1, x1, y2, x2 = item_bbox if x2 - x1 > drop_size and y2 - y1 > drop_size: # minimum dimension must be (2,2) to avoid squeeze issue crop_region = core.make_crop_region(w, h, item_bbox, crop_factor) if detailer_hook is not None: crop_region = detailer_hook.post_crop_region(w, h, item_bbox, crop_region) cropped_image = core.crop_image(image, crop_region) cropped_mask = core.crop_ndarray2(item_mask, crop_region) confidence = x[2] # bbox_size = (item_bbox[2]-item_bbox[0],item_bbox[3]-item_bbox[1]) # (w,h) item = core.SEG(cropped_image, cropped_mask, confidence, crop_region, item_bbox, label, None) items.append(item) shape = image.shape[1], image.shape[2] segs = shape, items if detailer_hook is not None and hasattr(detailer_hook, "post_detection"): segs = detailer_hook.post_detection(segs) return segs def detect_combined(self, image, threshold, dilation): detected_results = inference_bbox(self.bbox_model, core.tensor2pil(image), threshold) segmasks = core.create_segmasks(detected_results) if dilation > 0: segmasks = core.dilate_masks(segmasks, dilation) return core.combine_masks(segmasks) def setAux(self, x): pass class UltraSegmDetector: bbox_model = None def __init__(self, bbox_model): self.bbox_model = bbox_model def detect(self, image, threshold, dilation, crop_factor, drop_size=1, detailer_hook=None): drop_size = max(drop_size, 1) detected_results = inference_segm(self.bbox_model, core.tensor2pil(image), threshold) segmasks = core.create_segmasks(detected_results) if dilation > 0: segmasks = core.dilate_masks(segmasks, dilation) items = [] h = image.shape[1] w = image.shape[2] for x, label in zip(segmasks, detected_results[0]): item_bbox = x[0] item_mask = x[1] y1, x1, y2, x2 = item_bbox if x2 - x1 > drop_size and y2 - y1 > drop_size: # minimum dimension must be (2,2) to avoid squeeze issue crop_region = core.make_crop_region(w, h, item_bbox, crop_factor) if detailer_hook is not None: crop_region = detailer_hook.post_crop_region(w, h, item_bbox, crop_region) cropped_image = core.crop_image(image, crop_region) cropped_mask = core.crop_ndarray2(item_mask, crop_region) confidence = x[2] # bbox_size = (item_bbox[2]-item_bbox[0],item_bbox[3]-item_bbox[1]) # (w,h) item = core.SEG(cropped_image, cropped_mask, confidence, crop_region, item_bbox, label, None) items.append(item) shape = image.shape[1], image.shape[2] segs = shape, items if detailer_hook is not None and hasattr(detailer_hook, "post_detection"): segs = detailer_hook.post_detection(segs) return segs def detect_combined(self, image, threshold, dilation): detected_results = inference_segm(self.bbox_model, core.tensor2pil(image), threshold) segmasks = core.create_segmasks(detected_results) if dilation > 0: segmasks = core.dilate_masks(segmasks, dilation) return core.combine_masks(segmasks) def setAux(self, x): pass