
Get connections of net or pin in the top level module, return the leafs and the hierarchical connections
Usage: @result = get_conns($net_or_pin, @options);
$net_or_pin: The net name or pin name that needs to get connections.
   -driver: Return driver only
   -load: Return load only
   -count: Return connections count
@result: a two dimension array
          instance, port_name, pin_or_port, load_or_driver, is_it_a_leaf, 
@result = ([instance_0, pin_0, 'pin', 'load', 1],


#1. Net 'n599' has three connections, instance 'U198' is the driver
gte_344 A[14] pin load 0
U198 Y pin driver 1
U94 AN pin load 1

#2. Net 'qcifhbeat' has three connections, it is output port of the current top level module
 qcifhbeat port load
U80 A pin load 1
qcifhbeat_reg Q pin driver 1

#3. The argument in inst/pin format
U294 A1 pin load 1
U187 A pin load 1
U80 Y pin driver 1

#4. Return connections count
get_conns("U187/A", "-count");