
Get all ports in the current top level module
Usage: @matching_ports = get_ports($pattern, @options);
$pattern: Match pattern, can have wildcard "*". If it is empty, it is treated as "*"
          -input: Get input ports only
          -output: Get output ports only
          -inout: Get inout ports only
          -bus: Get ports in bus format instead of bit blast. 
                The API returns an array point if this option present
                The item in the array has format of [port, IsBus, MaxIndex, MinIndex]
                if IsBus == 1, MaxIndex is the Max Index of the bus, E.G, 7 if the bus is port_a[7:0]
                if ISBus==0, MaxIndex and MinIndex are not defined
If no option is present, get all ports

@matching_ports: Return ports matching the pattern and the option specified in 
                  the current top level module


@ports = get_ports("-input", "dsp2mc_*");  # Get input ports with "dsp2mc_" as prefix
@ports = get_ports;                       # Get all ports