import base64 import datetime import io import json import re from collections import Counter import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import tiktoken import yaml from openai import OpenAI def extract_json_from_response(text: str) -> str: """Extract JSON from a response that might contain markdown code blocks.""" # Try to find JSON within code blocks first json_match ="```(?:json)?\s*(\{.*?\})\s*```", text, re.DOTALL) if json_match: return # If no code blocks, try to find raw JSON json_match ="\{.*\}", text, re.DOTALL) if json_match: return # If no JSON found, return the original text return text def count_tokens(text: str, model: str = "gpt-4") -> int: """Count tokens in text using tiktoken.""" try: encoder = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model) return len(encoder.encode(str(text))) except Exception as e: print(f"Error counting tokens: {e}") return 0 def create_distribution_plot(data, column): """Create a distribution plot using Plotly and convert to image.""" try: # Check if the column contains lists if isinstance(data[column].iloc[0], list): print(f"Processing list column: {column}") value_counts = flatten_list_column(data, column) fig = go.Figure( [ go.Bar( x=value_counts.index, y=value_counts.values, marker=dict( color=value_counts.values, colorscale=px.colors.sequential.Plotly3, ), ) ] ) else: if data[column].dtype in ["int64", "float64"]: # Continuous data - use histogram fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Histogram( x=data[column], name="Count", nbinsx=30, marker=dict( color="rgba(110, 68, 255, 0.7)", line=dict(color="rgba(184, 146, 255, 1)", width=1), ), ) ) else: # Categorical data value_counts = data[column].value_counts() fig = go.Figure( [ go.Bar( x=value_counts.index, y=value_counts.values, marker=dict( color=value_counts.values, colorscale=px.colors.sequential.Plotly3, ), ) ] ) # Common layout updates fig.update_layout( title=dict(text=f"Distribution of {column}", x=0.5, y=0.95), xaxis_title=column, yaxis_title="Count", template="plotly_white", margin=dict(t=50, l=50, r=30, b=50), width=600, height=400, showlegend=False, plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", ) # Rotate x-axis labels if needed if isinstance(data[column].iloc[0], list) or data[column].dtype not in [ "int64", "float64", ]: fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45) # Update grid style fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor="rgba(128,128,128,0.1)", gridwidth=1) fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor="rgba(128,128,128,0.1)", gridwidth=1) # Convert to PNG with moderate resolution img_bytes = fig.to_image(format="png", scale=1.5) # Encode to base64 img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_bytes).decode() return img_base64 except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating distribution plot for {column}: {str(e)}") raise e def create_wordcloud(data, column): """Create a word cloud visualization.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud try: # Handle list columns if isinstance(data[column].iloc[0], list): text = " ".join( [ " ".join(map(str, sublist)) for sublist in data[column] if isinstance(sublist, list) ] ) else: # Handle regular columns text = " ".join(data[column].astype(str)) wordcloud = WordCloud( width=600, height=300, background_color="white", colormap="plasma", max_words=100, ).generate(text) # Create matplotlib figure plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") plt.title(f"Word Cloud for {column}") # Save to bytes buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format="png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150) plt.close() # Convert to base64 img_base64 = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode() return img_base64 except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating word cloud for {column}: {str(e)}") raise e def analyze_dataset_with_openai(client: OpenAI, data) -> dict: """Analyze dataset using OpenAI API with improved type inference and efficient sampling.""" # Convert dictionary to DataFrame if needed if isinstance(data, dict): df = pd.DataFrame(data) else: df = data # Take a very small sample for efficiency sample_size = min(3, len(df)) if len(df) > 3: sample_indices = df.index[ :sample_size ] # Take first 3 rows instead of random sampling sample_df = df.loc[sample_indices] else: sample_df = df dataset_sample = sample_df.to_dict("records") single_record = dataset_sample[0] # Create type hints dictionary - only process the sample type_hints = {} for column in sample_df.columns: # Get the pandas dtype dtype = sample_df[column].dtype # Efficiently identify types without complex operations if pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(dtype): type_hints[column] = "integer" elif pd.api.types.is_float_dtype(dtype): type_hints[column] = "number" elif pd.api.types.is_bool_dtype(dtype): type_hints[column] = "boolean" elif pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype): type_hints[column] = "datetime" elif pd.api.types.is_categorical_dtype(dtype): type_hints[column] = "categorical" elif pd.api.types.is_string_dtype(dtype): # Simple check for list-like values first_val = sample_df[column].iloc[0] if isinstance(first_val, list): type_hints[column] = "array" else: type_hints[column] = "string" else: type_hints[column] = "unknown" prompt = f"""Analyze this dataset sample and provide the following in a JSON response: 1. A concise description that includes: - A one-sentence overview of what the dataset contains - A bullet-pointed list of key features and statistics - A brief statement about potential ML/AI applications 2. A schema showing each field's type and description. Here is the actual DataFrame type information: {json.dumps(type_hints, indent=2)} And here's a single record for reference: {json.dumps(single_record, indent=2)} 3. A formatted example record Format your response as JSON with these exact keys: {{ "description": {{ "overview": "One clear sentence describing the dataset...", "key_features": [ "Feature or statistic 1", "Feature or statistic 2" ], "ml_applications": "Brief statement about ML/AI use cases..." }}, "schema": {{ "field_name": {{ "type": "use the type from the provided type_hints", "description": "Description of what this field contains" }} }}, "example": {{"key": "value"}} }} For context, here are more sample records: {json.dumps(dataset_sample, indent=2)} """ try: response = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}], temperature=0.7, max_tokens=2000, ) # Get the response content response_text = response.choices[0].message.content # Extract JSON from the response json_str = extract_json_from_response(response_text) # Parse the JSON result = json.loads(json_str) return result except Exception as e: print(f"OpenAI API error: {str(e)}") return { "description": { "overview": "Error analyzing dataset", "key_features": ["Error: Failed to analyze dataset"], "ml_applications": "Analysis unavailable", }, "schema": {}, "example": {}, } def analyze_dataset_statistics(df): """Generate simplified dataset statistics with token counting.""" stats = { "basic_stats": { "total_records": len(df), "total_features": len(df.columns), "memory_usage": f"{df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024*1024):.2f} MB", }, "token_stats": {"total": 0, "by_column": {}}, } # Count tokens for each column for column in df.columns: try: if df[column].dtype == "object" or isinstance(df[column].iloc[0], list): # For list columns, join items into strings if isinstance(df[column].iloc[0], list): token_counts = df[column].apply( lambda x: count_tokens(" ".join(str(item) for item in x)) ) else: token_counts = df[column].apply(lambda x: count_tokens(str(x))) total_tokens = int(token_counts.sum()) stats["token_stats"]["total"] += total_tokens stats["token_stats"]["by_column"][column] = total_tokens except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing column {column}: {str(e)}") continue return stats def format_dataset_stats(stats): """Format simplified dataset statistics as markdown.""" md = """## Dataset Overview ### Basic Statistics * Total Records: {total_records:,} * Total Features: {total_features} * Memory Usage: {memory_usage} """.format( **stats["basic_stats"] ) # Token Statistics if stats["token_stats"]["total"] > 0: md += "\n### Token Info\n" md += f"* Total Tokens: {stats['token_stats']['total']:,}\n" if stats["token_stats"]["by_column"]: md += "\nTokens by Column:\n" for col, count in stats["token_stats"]["by_column"].items(): md += f"* {col}: {count:,}\n" return md def generate_dataset_card( dataset_info: dict, distribution_plots: dict, wordcloud_plots: dict, openai_analysis: dict, df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> str: """Generate a beautiful and clean dataset card.""" # Basic dataset metadata yaml_content = { "language": ["en"], "license": "apache-2.0", "multilinguality": "monolingual", "size_categories": [get_size_category(len(df))], "task_categories": ["other"], } yaml_string = yaml.dump(yaml_content, sort_keys=False) # Generate dataset statistics stats = analyze_dataset_statistics(df) description = openai_analysis["description"] # Build the markdown content with proper spacing readme_content = f"""--- {yaml_string}--- # {dataset_info['dataset_name']} {description['overview']} ### Key Features {chr(10).join(f'* {feature}' for feature in description['key_features'])} ### Potential Applications {description['ml_applications']} ## Dataset Statistics * Total Records: {stats['basic_stats']['total_records']:,} * Total Features: {stats['basic_stats']['total_features']} * Memory Usage: {stats['basic_stats']['memory_usage']} ## Dataset Schema | Field | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | {chr(10).join(f"| {field} | {info['type']} | {info['description']} |" for field, info in openai_analysis['schema'].items())} ## Example Record ```json {json.dumps(openai_analysis['example'], indent=2)} ``` ## Data Distribution Analysis The following visualizations show the distribution patterns and characteristics of key features in the dataset: """ # Add individual distribution plots with clean spacing for col, img_str in distribution_plots.items(): readme_content += f"""### Distribution of {col} Distribution of {col} """ # Add word clouds with clean spacing if wordcloud_plots: readme_content += "## Feature Word Clouds\n\n" for col, img_str in wordcloud_plots.items(): readme_content += f"""### Word Cloud for {col} Word Cloud for {col} """ # Add token statistics if available if stats.get("token_stats") and stats["token_stats"]["total"] > 0: readme_content += """## Token Statistics """ readme_content += f"* Total Tokens: {stats['token_stats']['total']:,}\n" if stats["token_stats"].get("by_column"): readme_content += "\n**Tokens by Column:**\n" for col, count in stats["token_stats"]["by_column"].items(): readme_content += f"* {col}: {count:,}\n" # Add citation section clean_name = dataset_info["dataset_name"].replace("/", "_") readme_content += f""" ## Citation ```bibtex @dataset{{{clean_name}, title = {{{dataset_info['dataset_name']}}}, year = {{{}}}, publisher = {{Hugging Face}}, url = {{{dataset_info['dataset_name']}}} }} ``` ### Usage Guidelines This dataset is released under the Apache 2.0 License. When using this dataset: * 📚 Cite the dataset using the BibTeX entry above * 🤝 Consider contributing improvements or reporting issues * 💡 Share derivative works with the community when possible """ return readme_content def get_size_category(record_count: int) -> str: """Determine the size category based on record count.""" if record_count < 1000: return "n<1K" elif record_count < 10000: return "1K1M" def format_overview_section(analysis: dict, stats: dict) -> str: """Create a comprehensive overview section.""" description = analysis["description"] overview = f""" {description['overview']} ### Key Features and Characteristics {chr(10).join(f'* {feature}' for feature in description['key_features'])} ### Potential Applications {description['ml_applications']} ### Dataset Size * Total Records: {stats['basic_stats']['total_records']:,} * Total Features: {stats['basic_stats']['total_features']} * Memory Usage: {stats['basic_stats']['memory_usage']} """ return overview.strip() def format_schema_section(schema: dict, df: pd.DataFrame) -> str: """Generate an enhanced schema section with statistics.""" # Table header table = "| Field | Type | Description | Non-Null Count | Unique Values |\n" table += "| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |\n" # Generate rows with additional statistics for field, info in schema.items(): try: non_null = df[field].count() unique = df[field].nunique() row = f"| {field} | {info['type']} | {info['description']} | {non_null:,} | {unique:,} |" table += row + "\n" except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing field {field}: {e}") continue return table def format_visualization_section( distribution_plots: dict, wordcloud_plots: dict ) -> str: """Format the visualization section with improved layout.""" content = ( """The following visualizations show key characteristics of the dataset:\n\n""" ) # Add distribution plots if distribution_plots: content += "### Distribution Plots\n\n" content += '
\n' for col, img_str in distribution_plots.items(): content += f"""

Distribution of {col}

\n""" content += "
\n\n" # Add word clouds if wordcloud_plots: content += "### Word Clouds\n\n" content += '
\n' for col, img_str in wordcloud_plots.items(): content += f"""

Word Cloud for {col}

\n""" content += "
\n" return content def generate_limitations_section(df: pd.DataFrame, analysis: dict) -> str: """Generate a section about dataset limitations and potential biases.""" limitations = [ "This dataset may not be representative of all possible scenarios or use cases.", f"The dataset contains {len(df):,} records, which may limit its applicability to certain tasks.", "There may be inherent biases in the data collection or annotation process.", ] # Add warnings about missing values if present missing_values = df.isnull().sum() if missing_values.any(): limitations.append( f"Some fields contain missing values: {', '.join(missing_values[missing_values > 0].index)}" ) return f"""The following limitations and potential biases should be considered when using this dataset: {chr(10).join(f'* {limitation}' for limitation in limitations)} Please consider these limitations when using the dataset and validate results accordingly.""" def generate_usage_section(dataset_info: dict, analysis: dict) -> str: """Generate comprehensive usage guidelines.""" return f"""This dataset is released under the Apache 2.0 License. When using this dataset: * 📚 Cite the dataset using the BibTeX entry provided below * 🤝 Consider contributing improvements or reporting issues * 💡 Share derivative works with the community when possible * 🔍 Validate the dataset's suitability for your specific use case * ⚠️ Be aware of the limitations and biases discussed above * 📊 Consider the dataset size and computational requirements for your application For questions or additional information, please visit the dataset repository on Hugging Face. """ def get_task_categories(df: pd.DataFrame, analysis: dict) -> list: """Infer potential task categories based on the data and analysis.""" categories = ["other"] # Default category # Add more sophisticated task inference logic based on column names and content text_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=["object"]).columns numeric_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=["int64", "float64"]).columns if len(text_columns) > 0: categories.append("text-classification") if len(numeric_columns) > 0: categories.append("regression") return list(set(categories)) # Remove duplicates def clean_dataset_name(name: str) -> str: """Clean dataset name for citation.""" return name.replace("/", "_").replace("-", "_").lower() def generate_schema_table(schema: dict) -> str: """Generate a markdown table for the schema, handling nested structures.""" # Table header table = "| Field | Type | Description |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n" # Generate rows recursively rows = [] for field, info in schema.items(): rows.extend(format_schema_item(field, info)) # Join all rows table += "\n".join(rows) return table def format_stats_section(stats: dict) -> str: """Format the statistics section of the dataset card.""" content = """### Basic Statistics """ # Add basic stats for key, value in stats["basic_stats"].items(): # Convert key from snake_case to Title Case formatted_key = key.replace("_", " ").title() content += f"* {formatted_key}: {value}\n" # Add token statistics if available if stats.get("token_stats") and stats["token_stats"]["total"] > 0: content += "\n### Token Statistics\n" content += f"* Total Tokens: {stats['token_stats']['total']:,}\n" if stats["token_stats"].get("by_column"): content += "\n**Tokens by Column:**\n" for col, count in stats["token_stats"]["by_column"].items(): content += f"* {col}: {count:,}\n" return content def format_schema_item(field_name: str, field_info: dict, prefix: str = "") -> list: """Recursively format schema items for nested structures.""" rows = [] # Handle nested objects if isinstance(field_info, dict): if "type" in field_info and "description" in field_info: # This is a leaf node with type and description rows.append( f"| {prefix}{field_name} | {field_info['type']} | {field_info['description']} |" ) else: # This is a nested object, recurse through its properties for subfield, subinfo in field_info.items(): if prefix: new_prefix = f"{prefix}{field_name}." else: new_prefix = f"{field_name}." rows.extend(format_schema_item(subfield, subinfo, new_prefix)) return rows def flatten_list_column(data, column): """Flatten a column containing lists into individual values with counts.""" # Flatten the lists into individual items flattened = [ item for sublist in data[column] if isinstance(sublist, list) for item in sublist ] # Count occurrences value_counts = pd.Series(Counter(flattened)) return value_counts