import importlib
import time
import inspect
import re
import os
import base64
import gradio
import shutil
import glob
from shared_utils.config_loader import get_conf
from loguru import logger
def html_local_file(file):
base_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # 项目目录
if os.path.exists(str(file)):
file = f'file={file.replace(base_path, ".")}'
return file
def html_local_img(__file, layout="left", max_width=None, max_height=None, md=True):
style = ""
if max_width is not None:
style += f"max-width: {max_width};"
if max_height is not None:
style += f"max-height: {max_height};"
__file = html_local_file(__file)
a = f'
if md:
a = f"![{__file}]({__file})"
return a
def file_manifest_filter_type(file_list, filter_: list = None):
new_list = []
if not filter_:
filter_ = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]
for file in file_list:
if str(os.path.basename(file)).split(".")[-1] in filter_:
new_list.append(html_local_img(file, md=False))
return new_list
def zip_extract_member_new(self, member, targetpath, pwd):
# 修复中文乱码的问题
"""Extract the ZipInfo object 'member' to a physical
file on the path targetpath.
import zipfile
if not isinstance(member, zipfile.ZipInfo):
member = self.getinfo(member)
# build the destination pathname, replacing
# forward slashes to platform specific separators.
arcname = member.filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)
arcname = arcname.encode('cp437', errors='replace').decode('gbk', errors='replace')
if os.path.altsep:
arcname = arcname.replace(os.path.altsep, os.path.sep)
# interpret absolute pathname as relative, remove drive letter or
# UNC path, redundant separators, "." and ".." components.
arcname = os.path.splitdrive(arcname)[1]
invalid_path_parts = ('', os.path.curdir, os.path.pardir)
arcname = os.path.sep.join(x for x in arcname.split(os.path.sep)
if x not in invalid_path_parts)
if os.path.sep == '\\':
# filter illegal characters on Windows
arcname = self._sanitize_windows_name(arcname, os.path.sep)
targetpath = os.path.join(targetpath, arcname)
targetpath = os.path.normpath(targetpath)
# Create all upper directories if necessary.
upperdirs = os.path.dirname(targetpath)
if upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs):
if member.is_dir():
if not os.path.isdir(targetpath):
return targetpath
with, pwd=pwd) as source, \
open(targetpath, "wb") as target:
shutil.copyfileobj(source, target)
return targetpath
def extract_archive(file_path, dest_dir):
import zipfile
import tarfile
import os
# Get the file extension of the input file
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1]
# Extract the archive based on its extension
if file_extension == ".zip":
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zipobj:
zipobj._extract_member = lambda a,b,c: zip_extract_member_new(zipobj, a,b,c) # 修复中文乱码的问题
zipobj.extractall(path=dest_dir)"Successfully extracted zip archive to {}".format(dest_dir))
elif file_extension in [".tar", ".gz", ".bz2"]:
with, "r:*") as tarobj:
# 清理提取路径,移除任何不安全的元素
for member in tarobj.getmembers():
member_path = os.path.normpath(
full_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, member_path)
full_path = os.path.abspath(full_path)
if not full_path.startswith(os.path.abspath(dest_dir) + os.sep):
raise Exception(f"Attempted Path Traversal in {}")
tarobj.extractall(path=dest_dir)"Successfully extracted tar archive to {}".format(dest_dir))
except tarfile.ReadError as e:
if file_extension == ".gz":
# 一些特别奇葩的项目,是一个gz文件,里面不是tar,只有一个tex文件
import gzip
with, 'rb') as f_in:
with open(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'main.tex'), 'wb') as f_out:
raise e
# 第三方库,需要预先pip install rarfile
# 此外,Windows上还需要安装winrar软件,配置其Path环境变量,如"C:\Program Files\WinRAR"才可以
elif file_extension == ".rar":
import rarfile
with rarfile.RarFile(file_path) as rf:
rf.extractall(path=dest_dir)"Successfully extracted rar archive to {}".format(dest_dir))
except:"Rar format requires additional dependencies to install")
return "\n\n解压失败! 需要安装pip install rarfile来解压rar文件。建议:使用zip压缩格式。"
# 第三方库,需要预先pip install py7zr
elif file_extension == ".7z":
import py7zr
with py7zr.SevenZipFile(file_path, mode="r") as f:
f.extractall(path=dest_dir)"Successfully extracted 7z archive to {}".format(dest_dir))
except:"7z format requires additional dependencies to install")
return "\n\n解压失败! 需要安装pip install py7zr来解压7z文件"
return ""
return ""