{ "breathing": { "box_breathing": { "name": "Box Breathing", "description": "A simple technique to reduce stress and improve focus", "duration": 300, "steps": [ "Inhale slowly for 4 counts", "Hold your breath for 4 counts", "Exhale slowly for 4 counts", "Hold for 4 counts before the next breath" ], "instructions": "Find a comfortable position. We'll practice box breathing for 5 minutes." }, "deep_breathing": { "name": "Deep Breathing", "description": "Calming deep breathing exercise", "duration": 300, "steps": [ "Take a deep breath in through your nose", "Feel your belly expand", "Exhale slowly through your mouth", "Feel your body relax" ], "instructions": "Sit comfortably with your back straight. Let's begin deep breathing." } }, "meditation": { "body_scan": { "name": "Body Scan Meditation", "description": "Progressive relaxation through body awareness", "duration": 600, "steps": [ "Focus on your toes and feet", "Move attention to your legs", "Progress through torso and arms", "End with neck and head" ], "instructions": "Lie down comfortably. We'll guide you through a full body scan." }, "loving_kindness": { "name": "Loving-Kindness Meditation", "description": "Develop compassion for self and others", "duration": 600, "steps": [ "Direct love to yourself", "Extend to loved ones", "Include neutral people", "Embrace all beings" ], "instructions": "Sit in a relaxed position. We'll practice sending loving-kindness." } } }