[project] | |
enable_telemetry = true | |
user_env = [] | |
session_timeout = 3600 | |
cache = false | |
allow_origins = ["*"] | |
[features] | |
unsafe_allow_html = false | |
latex = true | |
auto_tag_thread = true | |
edit_message = false | |
[features.spontaneous_file_upload] | |
enabled = false | |
accept = ["*/*"] | |
max_files = 20 | |
max_size_mb = 500 | |
[] | |
min_decibels = -45 | |
initial_silence_timeout = 3000 | |
silence_timeout = 1500 | |
max_duration = 15000 | |
chunk_duration = 1000 | |
sample_rate = 44100 | |
[UI] | |
name = "USDA Food Assistant" | |
default_collapse_content = false | |
cot = "full" | |
custom_css = "/public/styles.css" | |
custom_js = "/public/app.js" | |
[UI.theme] | |
default = "dark" | |
layout = "wide" | |
[UI.theme.light] | |
background = "#FFFFFF" | |
paper = "#111111" # Darker grey for the panels | |
[UI.theme.light.primary] | |
main = "#000000" # Full black text | |
[UI.theme.light.text] | |
primary = "#000000" # Full black text | |
secondary = "#000000" # Full black secondary text | |
[UI.theme.dark] | |
background = "#000000" # Fully black background | |
paper = "#111111" # Darker grey for the panels | |
[UI.theme.dark.primary] | |
main = "#FFFFFF" # Fully white text | |
[UI.theme.dark.text] | |
primary = "#FFFFFF" # Fully white text | |
secondary = "#FFFFFF" # Fully white secondary text | |
[meta] | |
generated_by = "1.2.0" | |