[\u0000] 0 [\u0001] 1 [\u0002] 2 [\u0003] 3 [\u0004] 4 [\u0005] 5 [\u0006] 6 [\u0007] 7 [\u0008] 8 [\u0009] 9 [\u000a] 10 [\u000b] 11 [\u000c] 12 [\u000d] 13 [\u000e] 14 [\u000f] 15 [\u0010] 16 [\u0011] 17 [\u0012] 18 [\u0013] 19 [\u0014] 20 [\u0015] 21 [\u0016] 22 [\u0017] 23 [\u0018] 24 [\u0019] 25 [\u001a] 26 [\u001b] 27 [\u001c] 28 [\u001d] 29 [\u001e] 30 [\u001f] 31 [ ] 32 [!] 33 ["] 34 [#] 35 [$] 36 [%] 37 [&] 38 ['] 39 [(] 40 [)] 41 [*] 42 [+] 43 [,] 44 [-] 45 [.] 46 [/] 47 [0] 48 [1] 49 [2] 50 [3] 51 [4] 52 [5] 53 [6] 54 [7] 55 [8] 56 [9] 57 [:] 58 [;] 59 [<] 60 [=] 61 [>] 62 [?] 63 [@] 64 [A] 65 [B] 66 [C] 67 [D] 68 [E] 69 [F] 70 [G] 71 [H] 72 [I] 73 [J] 74 [K] 75 [L] 76 [M] 77 [N] 78 [O] 79 [P] 80 [Q] 81 [R] 82 [S] 83 [T] 84 [U] 85 [V] 86 [W] 87 [X] 88 [Y] 89 [Z] 90 [[] 91 [\] 92 []] 93 [^] 94 [_] 95 [`] 96 [a] 97 [b] 98 [c] 99 [d] 100 [e] 101 [f] 102 [g] 103 [h] 104 [i] 105 [j] 106 [k] 107 [l] 108 [m] 109 [n] 110 [o] 111 [p] 112 [q] 113 [r] 114 [s] 115 [t] 116 [u] 117 [v] 118 [w] 119 [x] 120 [y] 121 [z] 122 [{] 123 [|] 124 [}] 125 [~] 126 [\u007f] 127 [�] 128 [�] 129 [�] 130 [�] 131 [�] 132 [�] 133 [�] 134 [�] 135 [�] 136 [�] 137 [�] 138 [�] 139 [�] 140 [�] 141 [�] 142 [�] 143 [�] 144 [�] 145 [�] 146 [�] 147 [�] 148 [�] 149 [�] 150 [�] 151 [�] 152 [�] 153 [�] 154 [�] 155 [�] 156 [�] 157 [�] 158 [�] 159 [�] 160 [�] 161 [�] 162 [�] 163 [�] 164 [�] 165 [�] 166 [�] 167 [�] 168 [�] 169 [�] 170 [�] 171 [�] 172 [�] 173 [�] 174 [�] 175 [�] 176 [�] 177 [�] 178 [�] 179 [�] 180 [�] 181 [�] 182 [�] 183 [�] 184 [�] 185 [�] 186 [�] 187 [�] 188 [�] 189 [�] 190 [�] 191 [�] 192 [�] 193 [�] 194 [�] 195 [�] 196 [�] 197 [�] 198 [�] 199 [�] 200 [�] 201 [�] 202 [�] 203 [�] 204 [�] 205 [�] 206 [�] 207 [�] 208 [�] 209 [�] 210 [�] 211 [�] 212 [�] 213 [�] 214 [�] 215 [�] 216 [�] 217 [�] 218 [�] 219 [�] 220 [�] 221 [�] 222 [�] 223 [�] 224 [�] 225 [�] 226 [�] 227 [�] 228 [�] 229 [�] 230 [�] 231 [�] 232 [�] 233 [�] 234 [�] 235 [�] 236 [�] 237 [�] 238 [�] 239 [�] 240 [�] 241 [�] 242 [�] 243 [�] 244 [�] 245 [�] 246 [�] 247 [�] 248 [�] 249 [�] 250 [�] 251 [�] 252 [�] 253 [�] 254 [�] 255 [e][ ] -> [e ] 256 [t][h] -> [th] 257 [ ][ ] -> [ ] 258 [d][ ] -> [d ] 259 [s][ ] -> [s ] 260 [t][ ] -> [t ] 261 [i][n] -> [in] 262 [e][r] -> [er] 263 [th][e ] -> [the ] 264 [.][ ] -> [. ] 265 [a][n] -> [an] 266 [o][u] -> [ou] 267 [,][ ] -> [, ] 268 [e][n] -> [en] 269 [o][n] -> [on] 270 [e][d ] -> [ed ] 271 [\u000a][ ] -> [\u000a ] 272 [\u000a ][ ] -> [\u000a ] 273 [a][r] -> [ar] 274 [ ][the ] -> [ the ] 275 [ ][s] -> [ s] 276 [t][o] -> [to] 277 [y][ ] -> [y ] 278 [in][g] -> [ing] 279 [r][e] -> [re] 280 [o][f] -> [of] 281 [o][r] -> [or] 282 [ ][h] -> [ h] 283 [e][s] -> [es] 284 [i][s ] -> [is ] 285 [ ][a] -> [ a] 286 [l][l] -> [ll] 287 [h][e ] -> [he ] 288 [t][i] -> [ti] 289 [a][t ] -> [at ] 290 ["][ ] -> [" ] 291 [ ][w] -> [ w] 292 [an][d ] -> [and ] 293 [\u000a ]["] -> [\u000a "] 294 [o][w] -> [ow] 295 [ ][th] -> [ th] 296 [i][d] -> [id] 297 [o][m] -> [om] 298 [a][t] -> [at] 299 [ ][m] -> [ m] 300 [i][t] -> [it] 301 [a][c] -> [ac] 302 [g][h] -> [gh] 303 [e][d] -> [ed] 304 [ ][c] -> [ c] 305 [i][c] -> [ic] 306 [i][s] -> [is] 307 [a][u] -> [au] 308 [e][l] -> [el] 309 [a][l] -> [al] 310 [ ][f] -> [ f] 311 [ ][b] -> [ b] 312 [y][ou] -> [you] 313 [a][s ] -> [as ] 314 [u][r] -> [ur] 315 [a][s] -> [as] 316 [r][o] -> [ro] 317 [.][\u000a ] -> [.\u000a ] 318 [a][id] -> [aid] 319 [e][s ] -> [es ] 320 ['][s ] -> ['s ] 321 [ ][d] -> [ d] 322 [h][a] -> [ha] 323 [. ]["] -> [. "] 324 [v][e ] -> [ve ] 325 [i][m] -> [im] 326 [ing][ ] -> [ing ] 327 [er][ ] -> [er ] 328 [u][s] -> [us] 329 [l][e] -> [le] 330 [n][o] -> [no] 331 [T][he ] -> [The ] 332 [i][th] -> [ith] 333 [e][m] -> [em] 334 [a][d] -> [ad] 335 [au][l] -> [aul] 336 [t][r] -> [tr] 337 [l][i] -> [li] 338 [P][aul] -> [Paul] 339 [er][e ] -> [ere ] 340 [T][h] -> [Th] 341 [c][h] -> [ch] 342 [i][r] -> [ir] 343 [ ][p] -> [ p] 344 [l][d ] -> [ld ] 345 [. ][. ] -> [. . ] 346 [u][n] -> [un] 347 [es][s] -> [ess] 348 [e ][s] -> [e s] 349 [.][" ] -> [." ] 350 [of][ ] -> [of ] 351 [i][t ] -> [it ] 352 [l][o] -> [lo] 353 [ti][on] -> [tion] 354 [e][c] -> [ec] 355 [a][ll] -> [all] 356 [to][ ] -> [to ] 357 [t][er] -> [ter] 358 [ou][gh] -> [ough] 359 [f][or] -> [for] 360 [v][er] -> [ver] 361 [of][ the ] -> [of the ] 362 [e][y] -> [ey] 363 [.][\u000a "] -> [.\u000a "] 364 [a][w] -> [aw] 365 [a][in] -> [ain] 366 [e][, ] -> [e, ] 367 [a][k] -> [ak] 368 [ h][is ] -> [ his ] 369 [n][d ] -> [nd ] 370 [a][m] -> [am] 371 [a][ ] -> [a ] 372 [l][e ] -> [le ] 373 [w][h] -> [wh] 374 [th][er] -> [ther] 375 [-][-] -> [--] 376 [en][ ] -> [en ] 377 [b][e] -> [be] 378 [,][" ] -> [," ] 379 [an][d] -> [and] 380 [ s][aid] -> [ said] 381 [th][at ] -> [that ] 382 [h][is ] -> [his ] 383 [s][t] -> [st] 384 [w][as ] -> [was ] 385 [o][p] -> [op] 386 [i][l] -> [il] 387 [u][t ] -> [ut ] 388 [w][ith] -> [with] 389 [. ][H] -> [. H] 390 [:][ ] -> [: ] 391 [r][i] -> [ri] 392 [r][om] -> [rom] 393 [n][e] -> [ne] 394 [an][ ] -> [an ] 395 [ou][t ] -> [out ] 396 [p][er] -> [per] 397 [,]["] -> [,"] 398 [.]["] -> [."] 399 [o][k] -> [ok] 400 [a][y] -> [ay] 401 [re][m] -> [rem] 402 [a][b] -> [ab] 403 [n][ow] -> [now] 404 [o][s] -> [os] 405 [ ][in] -> [ in] 406 [ou][ld ] -> [ould ] 407 [. ][I] -> [. I] 408 [en][t] -> [ent] 409 [i][ll] -> [ill] 410 [J][ess] -> [Jess] 411 [Jess][ic] -> [Jessic] 412 [a][g] -> [ag] 413 [a][p] -> [ap] 414 [, ][s] -> [, s] 415 [t][ed ] -> [ted ] 416 [l][y ] -> [ly ] 417 [to][ the ] -> [to the ] 418 [e][ar] -> [ear] 419 [no][t ] -> [not ] 420 [a][y ] -> [ay ] 421 [e][t] -> [et] 422 [e][p] -> [ep] 423 [h][im] -> [him] 424 [Y][ou] -> [You] 425 [en][t ] -> [ent ] 426 [a][d ] -> [ad ] 427 [o][ ] -> [o ] 428 [e][y ] -> [ey ] 429 [u][p] -> [up] 430 [Jessic][a] -> [Jessica] 431 [ac][k] -> [ack] 432 [ow][n] -> [own] 433 [ha][d ] -> [had ] 434 [on][ ] -> [on ] 435 [. . ][. ] -> [. . . ] 436 [on][e ] -> [one ] 437 [re][s] -> [res] 438 [. ][The ] -> [. The ] 439 [." ][\u000a "] -> [." \u000a "] 440 [e][t ] -> [et ] 441 [i][f] -> [if] 442 [l][an] -> [lan] 443 [ th][at ] -> [ that ] 444 [. ][Th] -> [. Th] 445 [h][er] -> [her] 446 [ur][n] -> [urn] 447 [i][gh] -> [igh] 448 [in][ the ] -> [in the ] 449 [ w][h] -> [ wh] 450 [. ][A] -> [. A] 451 [u][m] -> [um] 452 [ed ][the ] -> [ed the ] 453 [o][ther] -> [other] 454 [W][h] -> [Wh] 455 [k][e ] -> [ke ] 456 [?][" ] -> [?" ] 457 [f][rom] -> [from] 458 [S][he ] -> [She ] 459 [s][, ] -> [s, ] 460 [ar][k] -> [ark] 461 [d][er] -> [der] 462 [o][l] -> [ol] 463 [h][e] -> [he] 464 [s][el] -> [sel] 465 [ou][r] -> [our] 466 [ ][of] -> [ of] 467 [on][g] -> [ong] 468 [a][tion] -> [ation] 469 [ w][ith] -> [ with] 470 [you][r] -> [your] 471 [c][e ] -> [ce ] 472 [us][t ] -> [ust ] 473 [B][ar] -> [Bar] 474 [u][l] -> [ul] 475 [ ][and ] -> [ and ] 476 [ ][to] -> [ to] 477 [: ]["] -> [: "] 478 [q][u] -> [qu] 479 [ar][e ] -> [are ] 480 [. H][e ] -> [. He ] 481 [e][ll] -> [ell] 482 [e][x] -> [ex] 483 [D][u] -> [Du] 484 [a][ve ] -> [ave ] 485 [k][now] -> [know] 486 [s][e] -> [se] 487 [s][e ] -> [se ] 488 [e][ir] -> [eir] 489 [t][en] -> [ten] 490 [sel][f] -> [self] 491 ['][t ] -> ['t ] 492 [an][g] -> [ang] 493 [, ][the ] -> [, the ] 494 [."][\u000a ] -> [."\u000a ] 495 [ a][ ] -> [ a ] 496 [es][s ] -> [ess ] 497 [s][h] -> [sh] 498 [s][aid] -> [said] 499 [ou][nd ] -> [ound ] 500 [ou][n] -> [oun] 501 [i][b] -> [ib] 502 [F][rem] -> [Frem] 503 [ h][er] -> [ her] 504 [ough][t] -> [ought] 505 [?]["] -> [?"] 506 [ti][l] -> [til] 507 [w][or] -> [wor] 508 [b][ut ] -> [but ] 509 [ f][or] -> [ for] 510 [a][th] -> [ath] 511 [ said][. "] -> [ said. "] 512 [s][p] -> [sp] 513 [ed][, ] -> [ed, ] 514 [Bar][on] -> [Baron] 515 [b][e ] -> [be ] 516 [i][g] -> [ig] 517 [ h][im] -> [ him] 518 [o][d] -> [od] 519 [ s][t] -> [ st] 520 [ing][ the ] -> [ing the ] 521 [ti][m] -> [tim] 522 [f][ac] -> [fac] 523 [c][k] -> [ck] 524 [to][r] -> [tor] 525 [m][an] -> [man] 526 [ ][g] -> [ g] 527 [t ][the ] -> [t the ] 528 [p][l] -> [pl] 529 [ s][h] -> [ sh] 530 [c][om] -> [com] 531 [i][d ] -> [id ] 532 [b][l] -> [bl] 533 [o][ver] -> [over] 534 [t][urn] -> [turn] 535 [in][k] -> [ink] 536 [lo][ok] -> [look] 537 [l][y] -> [ly] 538 [th][is ] -> [this ] 539 [m][o] -> [mo] 540 [H][e ] -> [He ] 541 [w][ar] -> [war] 542 [ s][he ] -> [ she ] 543 [ s][e] -> [ se] 544 [,"][ the ] -> [," the ] 545 [i][on] -> [ion] 546 [in][ ] -> [in ] 547 [it][s ] -> [its ] 548 [d][e] -> [de] 549 [g][ar] -> [gar] 550 [ed ][b] -> [ed b] 551 [ th][is ] -> [ this ] 552 [a][v] -> [av] 553 [re][c] -> [rec] 554 [A][r] -> [Ar] 555 ['][ll] -> ['ll] 556 [c][on] -> [con] 557 [p][p] -> [pp] 558 [u][t] -> [ut] 559 ['][ve ] -> ['ve ] 560 [ed ][to] -> [ed to] 561 [S][til] -> [Stil] 562 [e][. ] -> [e. ] 563 [ic][e ] -> [ice ] 564 [in][d ] -> [ind ] 565 [u][d] -> [ud] 566 [." ][\u000a ] -> [." \u000a ] 567 [H][aw] -> [Haw] 568 [in][d] -> [ind] 569 [w][ere ] -> [were ] 570 [on][ the ] -> [on the ] 571 [."][\u000a "] -> [."\u000a "] 572 [ed ][at ] -> [ed at ] 573 [Stil][gar] -> [Stilgar] 574 [?][ ] -> [? ] 575 [e][ver] -> [ever] 576 [e ][the ] -> [e the ] 577 [ac][h] -> [ach] 578 [r][ak] -> [rak] 579 [y][n] -> [yn] 580 [m][per] -> [mper] 581 [, ][and ] -> [, and ] 582 [r][ough] -> [rough] 583 [m][y ] -> [my ] 584 [ th][em] -> [ them] 585 [t][w] -> [tw] 586 [o][d ] -> [od ] 587 [ s][p] -> [ sp] 588 [d][o] -> [do] 589 [Ar][rak] -> [Arrak] 590 [l][ow] -> [low] 591 [Frem][en] -> [Fremen] 592 [ing][ a] -> [ing a] 593 [s][k] -> [sk] 594 [ ][you] -> [ you] 595 [K][yn] -> [Kyn] 596 [en][s] -> [ens] 597 [B][ut ] -> [But ] 598 [ed ][his ] -> [ed his ] 599 [v][o] -> [vo] 600 [ b][e ] -> [ be ] 601 [g][r] -> [gr] 602 [ar][d] -> [ard] 603 [s][t ] -> [st ] 604 [ w][as ] -> [ was ] 605 [e s][aid] -> [e said] 606 [e][v] -> [ev] 607 [o][ld ] -> [old ] 608 [on][n] -> [onn] 609 [e]['s ] -> [e's ] 610 [o][th] -> [oth] 611 [e][f] -> [ef] 612 [H][ark] -> [Hark] 613 [!][ ] -> [! ] 614 [gh][t ] -> [ght ] 615 [li][f] -> [lif] 616 [al][ ] -> [al ] 617 [ h][e ] -> [ he ] 618 [ h][ad ] -> [ had ] 619 [A][nd ] -> [And ] 620 [at][er] -> [ater] 621 [ed][. "] -> [ed. "] 622 [Hark][onn] -> [Harkonn] 623 [e ][of] -> [e of] 624 [. ][\u000a "] -> [. \u000a "] 625 [s][he ] -> [she ] 626 [s][u] -> [su] 627 [th][em] -> [them] 628 [as][s] -> [ass] 629 [c][ould ] -> [could ] 630 [en][c] -> [enc] 631 [es][t] -> [est] 632 [ha][ve ] -> [have ] 633 [am][e ] -> [ame ] 634 [is][t] -> [ist] 635 [ro][s] -> [ros] 636 [. A][nd ] -> [. And ] 637 [th][ing] -> [thing] 638 [. ][\u000a ] -> [. \u000a ] 639 [.\u000a ][The ] -> [.\u000a The ] 640 [om][e] -> [ome] 641 [r][u] -> [ru] 642 [li][ke ] -> [like ] 643 [ti][ll] -> [till] 644 [, ][but ] -> [, but ] 645 [," ][Paul] -> [," Paul] 646 [p][os] -> [pos] 647 [h][o] -> [ho] 648 [ th][eir] -> [ their] 649 [ f][rom] -> [ from] 650 [en][d ] -> [end ] 651 [W][e ] -> [We ] 652 [C][h] -> [Ch] 653 [id][e ] -> [ide ] 654 [p][o] -> [po] 655 [om][e ] -> [ome ] 656 [p][ro] -> [pro] 657 [an][i] -> [ani] 658 [ h][ave ] -> [ have ] 659 [a][ s] -> [a s] 660 [Du][k] -> [Duk] 661 [ b][e] -> [ be] 662 [. I][t ] -> [. It ] 663 [th][ey ] -> [they ] 664 [Kyn][es ] -> [Kynes ] 665 [ a][s ] -> [ as ] 666 [ur][e ] -> [ure ] 667 [ec][k] -> [eck] 668 [w][e] -> [we] 669 [you][ ] -> [you ] 670 [u][ch] -> [uch] 671 [i][el] -> [iel] 672 [n]['t ] -> [n't ] 673 [. ][She ] -> [. She ] 674 [i][p] -> [ip] 675 [u][s ] -> [us ] 676 [=][ ] -> [= ] 677 [ the ][s] -> [ the s] 678 [t][s ] -> [ts ] 679 [ed ][in] -> [ed in] 680 [ ][of ] -> [ of ] 681 [ti][c] -> [tic] 682 [ne][w] -> [new] 683 [Du][ke ] -> [Duke ] 684 [th][ought] -> [thought] 685 [E][mper] -> [Emper] 686 [Emper][or] -> [Emperor] 687 [g][o] -> [go] 688 [p][e] -> [pe] 689 [a][ther] -> [ather] 690 [c][r] -> [cr] 691 [ m][y ] -> [ my ] 692 [ou][s ] -> [ous ] 693 [f][o] -> [fo] 694 [w][ay] -> [way] 695 [Haw][at ] -> [Hawat ] 696 [ c][on] -> [ con] 697 [r][e ] -> [re ] 698 [u][re] -> [ure] 699 [ac][e ] -> [ace ] 700 [war][d ] -> [ward ] 701 [?" ][\u000a "] -> [?" \u000a "] 702 [y][ the ] -> [y the ] 703 [an][t ] -> [ant ] 704 [d][own] -> [down] 705 [th][ere ] -> [there ] 706 [d][s ] -> [ds ] 707 [at][ch] -> [atch] 708 [u][e] -> [ue] 709 [Ch][ani] -> [Chani] 710 [be][en] -> [been] 711 [I][ ] -> [I ] 712 [the ][s] -> [the s] 713 [ed][.\u000a "] -> [ed.\u000a "] 714 [o][v] -> [ov] 715 [un][der] -> [under] 716 [an][y ] -> [any ] 717 [p][res] -> [pres] 718 [f][e] -> [fe] 719 [g][i] -> [gi] 720 [er][t] -> [ert] 721 [or][e ] -> [ore ] 722 [es][, ] -> [es, ] 723 [L][e] -> [Le] 724 [ou][t] -> [out] 725 [c][l] -> [cl] 726 [m][e] -> [me] 727 [ig][n] -> [ign] 728 [ed][.\u000a ] -> [ed.\u000a ] 729 [d][-] -> [d-] 730 [igh][t ] -> [ight ] 731 [u][ll] -> [ull] 732 [ a][sk] -> [ ask] 733 [ar][ound ] -> [around ] 734 [c][an] -> [can] 735 ['][d ] -> ['d ] 736 [on][ly ] -> [only ] 737 [l][ong] -> [long] 738 [at][e ] -> [ate ] 739 [ak][e ] -> [ake ] 740 [d][r] -> [dr] 741 [t][ro] -> [tro] 742 [ a][ s] -> [ a s] 743 [ w][ill] -> [ will] 744 [from][ the ] -> [from the ] 745 [Paul][ ] -> [Paul ] 746 [is][h] -> [ish] 747 [w][e ] -> [we ] 748 [d][es] -> [des] 749 [w][ill] -> [will] 750 [ d][o] -> [ do] 751 [t][re] -> [tre] 752 [ ][to ] -> [ to ] 753 [ ][of the ] -> [ of the ] 754 [g][u] -> [gu] 755 [ou][l] -> [oul] 756 [ros][s ] -> [ross ] 757 [ h][e said] -> [ he said] 758 [g][re] -> [gre] 759 [an][c] -> [anc] 760 [d][i] -> [di] 761 [f][ir] -> [fir] 762 [.][\u000a] -> [.\u000a] 763 [ou][s] -> [ous] 764 [a][f] -> [af] 765 [th][ough] -> [though] 766 [F][ey] -> [Fey] 767 [os][t ] -> [ost ] 768 [,"][ she ] -> [," she ] 769 [op][en] -> [open] 770 [ th][ought] -> [ thought] 771 [c][ar] -> [car] 772 [!]["] -> [!"] 773 [,"][ he said] -> [," he said] 774 [ m][e] -> [ me] 775 [at]['s ] -> [at's ] 776 [Wh][at ] -> [What ] 777 [gh][t] -> [ght] 778 [i][z] -> [iz] 779 [as][k] -> [ask] 780 [for][ ] -> [for ] 781 [y][ s] -> [y s] 782 [or][d] -> [ord] 783 [s][. ] -> [s. ] 784 [g][l] -> [gl] 785 [h][er ] -> [her ] 786 [= ][= ] -> [= = ] 787 [os][e ] -> [ose ] 788 [ro][om] -> [room] 789 [as][t ] -> [ast ] 790 [t]['s ] -> [t's ] 791 [Harkonn][en] -> [Harkonnen] 792 [h][and] -> [hand] 793 [H][all] -> [Hall] 794 [with][ ] -> [with ] 795 [p][lan] -> [plan] 796 [ap][p] -> [app] 797 [o][b] -> [ob] 798 [s ][of] -> [s of] 799 ['][re ] -> ['re ] 800 [ro][ck] -> [rock] 801 [t][ing] -> [ting] 802 [w][ay ] -> [way ] 803 [ar][m] -> [arm] 804 [ h][er ] -> [ her ] 805 [ d][e] -> [ de] 806 [t][le ] -> [tle ] 807 [wh][ere ] -> [where ] 808 [!][" ] -> [!" ] 809 [a][ m] -> [a m] 810 [or][ ] -> [or ] 811 [th][rough] -> [through] 812 [a][ f] -> [a f] 813 [es][t ] -> [est ] 814 [?"][\u000a "] -> [?"\u000a "] 815 [wh][at ] -> [what ] 816 [I][t ] -> [It ] 817 [s ][and ] -> [s and ] 818 [y][, ] -> [y, ] 819 [it][y ] -> [ity ] 820 [le][f] -> [lef] 821 [au][th] -> [auth] 822 [M][u] -> [Mu] 823 [a][id ] -> [aid ] 824 [ed ][s] -> [ed s] 825 [Hall][eck] -> [Halleck] 826 [en][ce ] -> [ence ] 827 [g][ain] -> [gain] 828 [v][i] -> [vi] 829 [-][h] -> [-h] 830 [Fey][d-] -> [Feyd-] 831 [Feyd-][R] -> [Feyd-R] 832 [b][o] -> [bo] 833 [tr][u] -> [tru] 834 [en][d] -> [end] 835 [Feyd-R][auth] -> [Feyd-Rauth] 836 ['][D] -> ['D] 837 [ic][k] -> [ick] 838 [ag][ain] -> [again] 839 [n][ess ] -> [ness ] 840 [a][ p] -> [a p] 841 [Mu][ad] -> [Muad] 842 [ c][h] -> [ ch] 843 [ic][h] -> [ich] 844 [ c][an] -> [ can] 845 [m][ust ] -> [must ] 846 [Muad]['D] -> [Muad'D] 847 [Muad'D][ib] -> [Muad'Dib] 848 [ha][d] -> [had] 849 [," she ][said] -> [," she said] 850 [ha][ll] -> [hall] 851 [ed ][him] -> [ed him] 852 [on]['t ] -> [on't ] 853 [k][ar] -> [kar] 854 [en][e ] -> [ene ] 855 [ ][. . . ] -> [ . . . ] 856 [ed ][her] -> [ed her] 857 [el][t ] -> [elt ] 858 [p][ar] -> [par] 859 [to][ s] -> [to s] 860 [oth][er ] -> [other ] 861 [th][eir] -> [their] 862 [ c][om] -> [ com] 863 [G][urn] -> [Gurn] 864 [Gurn][ey] -> [Gurney] 865 [ a][t ] -> [ at ] 866 [b][er] -> [ber] 867 [S][ard] -> [Sard] 868 [Sard][au] -> [Sardau] 869 [Sardau][kar] -> [Sardaukar] 870 [ess][er] -> [esser] 871 [ab][le ] -> [able ] 872 [as][t] -> [ast] 873 [le][ar] -> [lear] 874 [G][esser] -> [Gesser] 875 [B][ene ] -> [Bene ] 876 [Bene ][Gesser] -> [Bene Gesser] 877 [ag][e ] -> [age ] 878 [l][it] -> [lit] 879 [, ]["] -> [, "] 880 [. "][I] -> [. "I] 881 [p][r] -> [pr] 882 [ ][I] -> [ I] 883 [ey][es ] -> [eyes ] 884 [tr][ain] -> [train] 885 [i][ld ] -> [ild ] 886 [p][or] -> [por] 887 [er][v] -> [erv] 888 [n][if] -> [nif] 889 [oun][d] -> [ound] 890 [w][om] -> [wom] 891 [lan][c] -> [lanc] 892 [en][e] -> [ene] 893 [of][f] -> [off] 894 [th][ing ] -> [thing ] 895 [c][ap] -> [cap] 896 [m][ost ] -> [most ] 897 [h][as ] -> [has ] 898 [ se][e ] -> [ see ] 899 [er][s ] -> [ers ] 900 [ w][or] -> [ wor] 901 [ a][m] -> [ am] 902 [ a][c] -> [ ac] 903 [f][l] -> [fl] 904 [ c][ould ] -> [ could ] 905 [tim][e ] -> [time ] 906 [ m][ust ] -> [ must ] 907 [Le][to] -> [Leto] 908 [ in][ the ] -> [ in the ] 909 [a][ir] -> [air] 910 [ing][s ] -> [ings ] 911 [e][.\u000a ] -> [e.\u000a ] 912 [g][e ] -> [ge ] 913 [or][n] -> [orn] 914 [ear][d ] -> [eard ] 915 [w][ould ] -> [would ] 916 [, ][he ] -> [, he ] 917 [st][ar] -> [star] 918 [Th][ey ] -> [They ] 919 [from][ ] -> [from ] 920 [vo][ice ] -> [voice ] 921 [ed ][to ] -> [ed to ] 922 [. Th][ey ] -> [. They ] 923 [Arrak][is] -> [Arrakis] 924 [e][e] -> [ee] 925 [ ][on] -> [ on] 926 [O][n] -> [On] 927 [your][ ] -> [your ] 928 [a][h] -> [ah] 929 [m][en] -> [men] 930 [pe][op] -> [peop] 931 [b][r] -> [br] 932 [ab][out ] -> [about ] 933 [at][ed ] -> [ated ] 934 [vo][ic] -> [voic] 935 [es][e ] -> [ese ] 936 [ne][y ] -> [ney ] 937 [c][i] -> [ci] 938 [l][in] -> [lin] 939 [ ][it ] -> [ it ] 940 [d][en] -> [den] 941 [lo][s] -> [los] 942 [b][ack] -> [back] 943 [an][k] -> [ank] 944 [Y][ue] -> [Yue] 945 [Yue][h] -> [Yueh] 946 [. ][S] -> [. S] 947 [el][y ] -> [ely ] 948 [w][ater] -> [water] 949 [s][tr] -> [str] 950 [. ][You] -> [. You] 951 [L][ord] -> [Lord] 952 [ou][th] -> [outh] 953 [igh][t] -> [ight] 954 [G][ur] -> [Gur] 955 [Gur][ney ] -> [Gurney ] 956 [R][ever] -> [Rever] 957 [f][ather] -> [father] 958 [v][e] -> [ve] 959 [, ][th] -> [, th] 960 [b][y ] -> [by ] 961 [re][ad] -> [read] 962 [ ][t] -> [ t] 963 [for][e ] -> [fore ] 964 [Arrak][is ] -> [Arrakis ] 965 [look][ed ] -> [looked ] 966 [Bene Gesser][it ] -> [Bene Gesserit ] 967 [u][b] -> [ub] 968 [k][new] -> [knew] 969 [ac][ross ] -> [across ] 970 [ a][ll] -> [ all] 971 [ha][p] -> [hap] 972 [e][w] -> [ew] 973 [.\u000a ][Paul] -> [.\u000a Paul] 974 [ab][b] -> [abb] 975 [ th][ink] -> [ think] 976 [.\u000a ][A] -> [.\u000a A] 977 [ar][r] -> [arr] 978 [ ][to the ] -> [ to the ] 979 [ b][ack] -> [ back] 980 [and ][the ] -> [and the ] 981 [k][ill] -> [kill] 982 [m][e ] -> [me ] 983 [ b][l] -> [ bl] 984 [oul][d] -> [ould] 985 [ m][e ] -> [ me ] 986 [Rever][end ] -> [Reverend ] 987 [Reverend ][M] -> [Reverend M] 988 [d][is] -> [dis] 989 [c][re] -> [cre] 990 [ ][re] -> [ re] 991 [lef][t ] -> [left ] 992 [a][ h] -> [a h] 993 [wh][o] -> [who] 994 [tre][id] -> [treid] 995 [do][or] -> [door] 996 [ing][ s] -> [ing s] 997 [d][d] -> [dd] 998 [ ][is ] -> [ is ] 999 [fac][e ] -> [face ] 1000 ['][m] -> ['m] 1001 [ed ][with] -> [ed with] 1002 [v][en] -> [ven] 1003 [Frem][en ] -> [Fremen ] 1004 [A][treid] -> [Atreid] 1005 [s][o] -> [so] 1006 [i][ve ] -> [ive ] 1007 [ou][ch] -> [ouch] 1008 [ed b][y ] -> [ed by ] 1009 [it][er] -> [iter] 1010 [ m][o] -> [ mo] 1011 [mo][v] -> [mov] 1012 [ed ][and ] -> [ed and ] 1013 [Jessic][a ] -> [Jessica ] 1014 [a][ c] -> [a c] 1015 [N][o] -> [No] 1016 [. Th][ere ] -> [. There ] 1017 [iel][d ] -> [ield ] 1018 [p][ass] -> [pass] 1019 [s][w] -> [sw] 1020 [for][m] -> [form] 1021 [g][lanc] -> [glanc] 1022 [ a][ p] -> [ a p] 1023 [u][g] -> [ug] 1024 [ing][, ] -> [ing, ] 1025 [h][ow] -> [how] 1026 [to][od ] -> [tood ] 1027 [," Paul][ said] -> [," Paul said] 1028 [of][ his ] -> [of his ] 1029 [c][ep] -> [cep] 1030 [ with][ ] -> [ with ] 1031 [ad][e ] -> [ade ] 1032 [in][ his ] -> [in his ] 1033 [m][other] -> [mother] 1034 [ a][l] -> [ al] 1035 [ar][d ] -> [ard ] 1036 [a][ti] -> [ati] 1037 [. ][But ] -> [. But ] 1038 [c][ame ] -> [came ] 1039 [us][h] -> [ush] 1040 [ wh][at ] -> [ what ] 1041 [an][ce ] -> [ance ] 1042 [at][ter] -> [atter] 1043 [Paul]['s ] -> [Paul's ] 1044 [he][ad ] -> [head ] 1045 [b][ec] -> [bec] 1046 [f][elt ] -> [felt ] 1047 [G][u] -> [Gu] 1048 [no][dd] -> [nodd] 1049 [. H][e s] -> [. He s] 1050 [f][er] -> [fer] 1051 [er][t ] -> [ert ] 1052 [al][k] -> [alk] 1053 [." ][He ] -> [." He ] 1054 [Th][ere ] -> [There ] 1055 [er ][and ] -> [er and ] 1056 [he][ad] -> [head] 1057 [," the ][Baron] -> [," the Baron] 1058 [i][et] -> [iet] 1059 [.\u000a "][I] -> [.\u000a "I] 1060 [ing ][to] -> [ing to] 1061 [for][ the ] -> [for the ] 1062 [a][il] -> [ail] 1063 [Feyd-Rauth][a] -> [Feyd-Rautha] 1064 [Th][is ] -> [This ] 1065 [ri][ght ] -> [right ] 1066 [in][c] -> [inc] 1067 [u][c] -> [uc] 1068 [be][en ] -> [been ] 1069 [, s][he ] -> [, she ] 1070 [s][m] -> [sm] 1071 [ a][t the ] -> [ at the ] 1072 [H][e s] -> [He s] 1073 [m][ore ] -> [more ] 1074 [an][t] -> [ant] 1075 [s ][of ] -> [s of ] 1076 [at][t] -> [att] 1077 [us][p] -> [usp] 1078 [t][y ] -> [ty ] 1079 [ f][o] -> [ fo] 1080 [," Paul][ said. "] -> [," Paul said. "] 1081 [h][ind ] -> [hind ] 1082 [s][id] -> [sid] 1083 [on][der] -> [onder] 1084 [tw][o] -> [two] 1085 [ d][es] -> [ des] 1086 [k][nif] -> [knif] 1087 [J][am] -> [Jam] 1088 [b][out ] -> [bout ] 1089 [e][-] -> [e-] 1090 [c][us] -> [cus] 1091 [M][y ] -> [My ] 1092 [P][iter] -> [Piter] 1093 [N][ow] -> [Now] 1094 [in][to the ] -> [into the ] 1095 [is][on] -> [ison] 1096 [," ][Jessica] -> [," Jessica] 1097 [ene][ath] -> [eneath] 1098 [au][se ] -> [ause ] 1099 [is][s] -> [iss] 1100 [\u000a ][The ] -> [\u000a The ] 1101 [h][ere ] -> [here ] 1102 [ec][t ] -> [ect ] 1103 [ert][ain] -> [ertain] 1104 [rem][ain] -> [remain] 1105 [p][re] -> [pre] 1106 [ed at ][the ] -> [ed at the ] 1107 [. ][W] -> [. W] 1108 [d][a] -> [da] 1109 [ h][and] -> [ hand] 1110 [re][al] -> [real] 1111 [tro][op] -> [troop] 1112 [I][n] -> [In] 1113 [ten][tion] -> [tention] 1114 [ m][an] -> [ man] 1115 [it][, ] -> [it, ] 1116 [ th][ey ] -> [ they ] 1117 [n][ess] -> [ness] 1118 [ p][ro] -> [ pro] 1119 [ev][en] -> [even] 1120 [all][ ] -> [all ] 1121 [as][h] -> [ash] 1122 [e][ach] -> [each] 1123 [no][ ] -> [no ] 1124 [m][ent] -> [ment] 1125 [b][as] -> [bas] 1126 [" ][\u000a "] -> [" \u000a "] 1127 [," ][Stilgar] -> [," Stilgar] 1128 [in][n] -> [inn] 1129 [em][ber] -> [ember] 1130 [on][d ] -> [ond ] 1131 [ w][e ] -> [ we ] 1132 [s][ib] -> [sib] 1133 [ey][es] -> [eyes] 1134 [of][ s] -> [of s] 1135 [ok][e ] -> [oke ] 1136 [h][el] -> [hel] 1137 [er][s] -> [ers] 1138 [o][t] -> [ot] 1139 [t][ak] -> [tak] 1140 [wom][an] -> [woman] 1141 [i][re] -> [ire] 1142 [r][on] -> [ron] 1143 [to][o] -> [too] 1144 [ne][ver] -> [never] 1145 [a][ d] -> [a d] 1146 [h][and ] -> [hand ] 1147 [ed ][out ] -> [ed out ] 1148 [at ][the ] -> [at the ] 1149 [i][le ] -> [ile ] 1150 [ w][ater] -> [ water] 1151 [en][ough] -> [enough] 1152 [to][ok] -> [took] 1153 [ter][s ] -> [ters ] 1154 [ s][aw] -> [ saw] 1155 [s][till] -> [still] 1156 [n][g] -> [ng] 1157 [ a][ c] -> [ a c] 1158 [it][e ] -> [ite ] 1159 [at][er ] -> [ater ] 1160 [pl][ac] -> [plac] 1161 [t][ain] -> [tain] 1162 [, s][aid] -> [, said] 1163 [it][y] -> [ity] 1164 [ w][e] -> [ we] 1165 [all][y ] -> [ally ] 1166 [t][ing ] -> [ting ] 1167 [ab][le] -> [able] 1168 [-][m] -> [-m] 1169 [e][en] -> [een] 1170 [ol][d] -> [old] 1171 [ ][not ] -> [ not ] 1172 [is][per] -> [isper] 1173 [er][e's ] -> [ere's ] 1174 [C][oun] -> [Coun] 1175 [\u000a][\u000a] -> [\u000a\u000a] 1176 [mper][i] -> [mperi] 1177 [peop][le ] -> [people ] 1178 [I][mperi] -> [Imperi] 1179 [pres][s] -> [press] 1180 [ their][ ] -> [ their ] 1181 [.\u000a "][You] -> [.\u000a "You] 1182 [had][ow] -> [hadow] 1183 [l][ed] -> [led] 1184 [com][p] -> [comp] 1185 [ w][ere ] -> [ were ] 1186 [w][all] -> [wall] 1187 [le][g] -> [leg] 1188 [es][tion] -> [estion] 1189 [be][g] -> [beg] 1190 [li][ght ] -> [light ] 1191 [d][ark] -> [dark] 1192 [c][all] -> [call] 1193 [L][ad] -> [Lad] 1194 [in][e ] -> [ine ] 1195 [th][ink] -> [think] 1196 [ from][ the ] -> [ from the ] 1197 [a][it] -> [ait] 1198 [g][et ] -> [get ] 1199 [turn][ed ] -> [turned ] 1200 [li][p] -> [lip] 1201 [in][to] -> [into] 1202 [ang][e ] -> [ange ] 1203 [a][ b] -> [a b] 1204 [Reverend M][other] -> [Reverend Mother] 1205 [ d][i] -> [ di] 1206 [again][st ] -> [against ] 1207 [. H][is ] -> [. His ] 1208 [no][t] -> [not] 1209 [o ][you] -> [o you] 1210 [ted ][the ] -> [ted the ] 1211 [da][ho] -> [daho] 1212 [fir][st ] -> [first ] 1213 [tr][i] -> [tri] 1214 [."\u000a ][The ] -> [."\u000a The ] 1215 [him][self] -> [himself] 1216 [ h][e] -> [ he] 1217 [ru][g] -> [rug] 1218 [ll][ow] -> [llow] 1219 [ wh][o] -> [ who] 1220 [, said][: "] -> [, said: "] 1221 [ang][er] -> [anger] 1222 [under][st] -> [underst] 1223 [an][y] -> [any] 1224 [wor][m] -> [worm] 1225 [ st][ar] -> [ star] 1226 [enc][e] -> [ence] 1227 [lit][tle ] -> [little ] 1228 [re][at ] -> [reat ] 1229 [h][eard ] -> [heard ] 1230 [ed b][ack] -> [ed back] 1231 [t][ouch] -> [touch] 1232 [il][d] -> [ild] 1233 [s][ur] -> [sur] 1234 [ d][is] -> [ dis] 1235 [with][ the ] -> [with the ] 1236 [our][ ] -> [our ] 1237 [H][ow] -> [How] 1238 [ h][as ] -> [ has ] 1239 [b][le ] -> [ble ] 1240 [b][y the ] -> [by the ] 1241 [ d][own] -> [ down] 1242 [c][e] -> [ce] 1243 [or][der] -> [order] 1244 [though][t ] -> [thought ] 1245 [un][c] -> [unc] 1246 [. ][We ] -> [. We ] 1247 [iel][d] -> [ield] 1248 [j][ust ] -> [just ] 1249 [lo][g] -> [log] 1250 [r][id] -> [rid] 1251 [rem][ember] -> [remember] 1252 [t][ell] -> [tell] 1253 [. ][Wh] -> [. Wh] 1254 [--]["] -> [--"] 1255 [I]['m] -> [I'm] 1256 [s ][of the ] -> [s of the ] 1257 [ in][ ] -> [ in ] 1258 [it]['s ] -> [it's ] 1259 [em][p] -> [emp] 1260 [ a][ m] -> [ a m] 1261 [i][on ] -> [ion ] 1262 [po][in] -> [poin] 1263 [ f][e] -> [ fe] 1264 [th][ey] -> [they] 1265 [d][id ] -> [did ] 1266 [es][ide ] -> [eside ] 1267 [al][m] -> [alm] 1268 [qu][estion] -> [question] 1269 [r][ing] -> [ring] 1270 [f][ound ] -> [found ] 1271 [ p][l] -> [ pl] 1272 [Atreid][es ] -> [Atreides ] 1273 [fe][el] -> [feel] 1274 [with][out ] -> [without ] 1275 [el][i] -> [eli] 1276 [im][p] -> [imp] 1277 [ for][ ] -> [ for ] 1278 [ h][ow] -> [ how] 1279 [Kynes ][said] -> [Kynes said] 1280 [er][e] -> [ere] 1281 [lear][n] -> [learn] 1282 [li][ght] -> [light] 1283 [r][y ] -> [ry ] 1284 [pp][ed ] -> [pped ] 1285 [un][n] -> [unn] 1286 [u][al] -> [ual] 1287 [s][l] -> [sl] 1288 [A][li] -> [Ali] 1289 [wh][en] -> [when] 1290 [. It ][was ] -> [. It was ] 1291 [ar][en] -> [aren] 1292 [f][ear] -> [fear] 1293 [tr][a] -> [tra] 1294 [com][m] -> [comm] 1295 [to][p] -> [top] 1296 [v][es ] -> [ves ] 1297 [ p][lan] -> [ plan] 1298 [tor][m] -> [torm] 1299 [over][ the ] -> [over the ] 1300 [ed ][for] -> [ed for] 1301 [o][ok] -> [ook] 1302 [. Th][is ] -> [. This ] 1303 [a][ w] -> [a w] 1304 [ ][know] -> [ know] 1305 [au][ght ] -> [aught ] 1306 [Bar][on ] -> [Baron ] 1307 [:][ the ] -> [: the ] 1308 [ f][ac] -> [ fac] 1309 [w][onder] -> [wonder] 1310 [ b][re] -> [ bre] 1311 [. "][You] -> [. "You] 1312 [an][other] -> [another] 1313 [s][aw] -> [saw] 1314 [it ][was ] -> [it was ] 1315 ['][th] -> ['th] 1316 [t][er ] -> [ter ] 1317 [b][od] -> [bod] 1318 [ wh][ich] -> [ which] 1319 [ha][ir] -> [hair] 1320 [tro][l] -> [trol] 1321 [--][" \u000a "] -> [--" \u000a "] 1322 [ed][. \u000a "] -> [ed. \u000a "] 1323 [ut][ter] -> [utter] 1324 [com][e ] -> [come ] 1325 [, ][I] -> [, I] 1326 [?"][\u000a ] -> [?"\u000a ] 1327 ['th][op] -> ['thop] 1328 [t][ake ] -> [take ] 1329 [o][ve ] -> [ove ] 1330 [us][t] -> [ust] 1331 [e][as] -> [eas] 1332 [M][ent] -> [Ment] 1333 [, ][my ] -> [, my ] 1334 [i][es ] -> [ies ] 1335 [ th][rough] -> [ through] 1336 [is ][the ] -> [is the ] 1337 [v][is] -> [vis] 1338 [f][lo] -> [flo] 1339 [an][ a] -> [an a] 1340 [ th][ere ] -> [ there ] 1341 [Gu][ild ] -> [Guild ] 1342 [ a][gain] -> [ again] 1343 [en][ti] -> [enti] 1344 [s][ome] -> [some] 1345 [u][e ] -> [ue ] 1346 [en][g] -> [eng] 1347 [R][abb] -> [Rabb] 1348 ['][Lord] -> ['Lord] 1349 [on][e] -> [one] 1350 [ri][ght] -> [right] 1351 [--"][\u000a "] -> [--"\u000a "] 1352 [s][t the ] -> [st the ] 1353 [sh][ip] -> [ship] 1354 [em][ent ] -> [ement ] 1355 [?"][ the ] -> [?" the ] 1356 [ m][ov] -> [ mov] 1357 [way][s ] -> [ways ] 1358 [un][i] -> [uni] 1359 [s][on] -> [son] 1360 [at][tention] -> [attention] 1361 [to][ld ] -> [told ] 1362 [au][gh] -> [augh] 1363 [knif][e ] -> [knife ] 1364 [Duk][e said] -> [Duke said] 1365 [," ][Kynes said] -> [," Kynes said] 1366 [to][ be ] -> [to be ] 1367 [le][as] -> [leas] 1368 [l][ed ] -> [led ] 1369 [ly][, ] -> [ly, ] 1370 [you][ng] -> [young] 1371 [. ][\u000a] -> [. \u000a] 1372 [I][daho] -> [Idaho] 1373 [c][or] -> [cor] 1374 [pl][ace ] -> [place ] 1375 [w][ell] -> [well] 1376 [um][p] -> [ump] 1377 [f][ul] -> [ful] 1378 [ a][ f] -> [ a f] 1379 [ch][o] -> [cho] 1380 [l][ess ] -> [less ] 1381 [e][ep] -> [eep] 1382 [y][et ] -> [yet ] 1383 ['][ ] -> [' ] 1384 [f][f] -> [ff] 1385 [is][e ] -> [ise ] 1386 [sp][ice ] -> [spice ] 1387 [W][e] -> [We] 1388 [s][.\u000a ] -> [s.\u000a ] 1389 [ar][ri] -> [arri] 1390 [be][fore ] -> [before ] 1391 [ p][e] -> [ pe] 1392 [own][ ] -> [own ] 1393 [ a][bout ] -> [ about ] 1394 [ a][ d] -> [ a d] 1395 [ar][y ] -> [ary ] 1396 [ough][t ] -> [ought ] 1397 [o][c] -> [oc] 1398 [-h][-h] -> [-h-h] 1399 [Th][ey] -> [They] 1400 [H][ar] -> [Har] 1401 [c][ur] -> [cur] 1402 [e, ][the ] -> [e, the ] 1403 [u][fir] -> [ufir] 1404 [r][a] -> [ra] 1405 [ould][n't ] -> [ouldn't ] 1406 [ m][ore ] -> [ more ] 1407 [re][li] -> [reli] 1408 [n][ ] -> [n ] 1409 [i][tion] -> [ition] 1410 [ w][ish] -> [ wish] 1411 [m][ent ] -> [ment ] 1412 [en][er] -> [ener] 1413 [i][li] -> [ili] 1414 [l][and] -> [land] 1415 [t ][of] -> [t of] 1416 [th][en] -> [then] 1417 [m][ak] -> [mak] 1418 [t][, ] -> [t, ] 1419 [m][an ] -> [man ] 1420 [Har][ah] -> [Harah] 1421 [ing][ his ] -> [ing his ] 1422 [ com][m] -> [ comm] 1423 [ s][o] -> [ so] 1424 [s ][that ] -> [s that ] 1425 [ed ][to the ] -> [ed to the ] 1426 [ s][till] -> [ still] 1427 [ed ][up] -> [ed up] 1428 [gi][ve ] -> [give ] 1429 [I][t's ] -> [It's ] 1430 [ar][g] -> [arg] 1431 [um][m] -> [umm] 1432 [pos][sib] -> [possib] 1433 [real][iz] -> [realiz] 1434 [," the ][Duke said] -> [," the Duke said] 1435 [Jessica][ thought] -> [Jessica thought] 1436 [Th][ufir] -> [Thufir] 1437 [re][e ] -> [ree ] 1438 [?" ][\u000a ] -> [?" \u000a ] 1439 [wh][en ] -> [when ] 1440 [to][ b] -> [to b] 1441 [in][ter] -> [inter] 1442 [. Th][ey] -> [. They] 1443 [e][ak] -> [eak] 1444 [iet][ch] -> [ietch] 1445 [. ][D] -> [. D] 1446 [th][er ] -> [ther ] 1447 [it][ch] -> [itch] 1448 [ou][se ] -> [ouse ] 1449 [hap][s ] -> [haps ] 1450 [des][ert ] -> [desert ] 1451 [ b][y ] -> [ by ] 1452 [ne][ed] -> [need] 1453 [ f][l] -> [ fl] 1454 [un][g] -> [ung] 1455 [v][er ] -> [ver ] 1456 [ de][ep] -> [ deep] 1457 [go][od ] -> [good ] 1458 [en][se ] -> [ense ] 1459 [to][ his ] -> [to his ] 1460 [le][, ] -> [le, ] 1461 [ward ][the ] -> [ward the ] 1462 [v][es] -> [ves] 1463 [ed ][on] -> [ed on] 1464 [ing ][of] -> [ing of] 1465 [ ][r] -> [ r] 1466 [ ][on the ] -> [ on the ] 1467 [ed b][y the ] -> [ed by the ] 1468 [ne][ar] -> [near] 1469 [ s][aid ] -> [ said ] 1470 [d][uc] -> [duc] 1471 [had ][been] -> [had been] 1472 [, s][aw] -> [, saw] 1473 [per][i] -> [peri] 1474 [aw][ay ] -> [away ] 1475 [ p][o] -> [ po] 1476 [em][and] -> [emand] 1477 [ w][ould ] -> [ would ] 1478 [t][ly ] -> [tly ] 1479 [wor][k] -> [work] 1480 [ha][m] -> [ham] 1481 [s][ul] -> [sul] 1482 [ud][den] -> [udden] 1483 [y][s] -> [ys] 1484 [a][tor] -> [ator] 1485 [ h][el] -> [ hel] 1486 [--][ ] -> [-- ] 1487 [Haw][at] -> [Hawat] 1488 [ed ][her ] -> [ed her ] 1489 [as][p] -> [asp] 1490 [ever][y ] -> [every ] 1491 [e s][h] -> [e sh] 1492 [Duk][e] -> [Duke] 1493 [lif][e ] -> [life ] 1494 [r][y] -> [ry] 1495 [ g][r] -> [ gr] 1496 [to][ m] -> [to m] 1497 [, ][m] -> [, m] 1498 [t ][of ] -> [t of ] 1499 [," he said][. "] -> [," he said. "] 1500 [through][ the ] -> [through the ] 1501 [e][k] -> [ek] 1502 [G][reat ] -> [Great ] 1503 [ him][self] -> [ himself] 1504 [con][s] -> [cons] 1505 [id][e] -> [ide] 1506 [oul][der] -> [oulder] 1507 [ with][ the ] -> [ with the ] 1508 [he ][had ] -> [he had ] 1509 [wor][ds ] -> [words ] 1510 [On][e ] -> [One ] 1511 [des][ert] -> [desert] 1512 [Th][at ] -> [That ] 1513 [ap][on] -> [apon] 1514 [i][x] -> [ix] 1515 [an][sw] -> [answ] 1516 [he]['s ] -> [he's ] 1517 [de][ad] -> [dead] 1518 [said][: "] -> [said: "] 1519 [ c][our] -> [ cour] 1520 [f][ri] -> [fri] 1521 [ d][o ] -> [ do ] 1522 [to][m] -> [tom] 1523 [Coun][t ] -> [Count ] 1524 [ ][l] -> [ l] 1525 [ed him][self] -> [ed himself] 1526 [y][ear] -> [year] 1527 [P][r] -> [Pr] 1528 [ s][ome] -> [ some] 1529 [ m][any ] -> [ many ] 1530 [g][e] -> [ge] 1531 [w][ind] -> [wind] 1532 [li][k] -> [lik] 1533 [lif][ted ] -> [lifted ] 1534 [re][turn] -> [return] 1535 [ th][is] -> [ this] 1536 [ec][t] -> [ect] 1537 [g][n] -> [gn] 1538 [It ][was ] -> [It was ] 1539 [om][ent ] -> [oment ] 1540 [p][ow] -> [pow] 1541 [m][in] -> [min] 1542 [ing ][in] -> [ing in] 1543 [Wh][y ] -> [Why ] 1544 [el][t the ] -> [elt the ] 1545 [un][til] -> [until] 1546 [d][ay] -> [day] 1547 [ th][ese ] -> [ these ] 1548 [le][ad] -> [lead] 1549 [.\u000a ][She ] -> [.\u000a She ] 1550 [t][able] -> [table] 1551 [re][ach] -> [reach] 1552 [ex][p] -> [exp] 1553 [wor][d] -> [word] 1554 [t][u] -> [tu] 1555 [hel][d ] -> [held ] 1556 [ou][b] -> [oub] 1557 [re][f] -> [ref] 1558 [ th][at] -> [ that] 1559 [ing][ c] -> [ing c] 1560 [w][atch] -> [watch] 1561 [, ][c] -> [, c] 1562 [ s][tr] -> [ str] 1563 [," she said][. "] -> [," she said. "] 1564 [res][s] -> [ress] 1565 [.\u000a ][Jessica] -> [.\u000a Jessica] 1566 [across ][the ] -> [across the ] 1567 [ a][t] -> [ at] 1568 [ro][b] -> [rob] 1569 [look][ed at ] -> [looked at ] 1570 [ed][i] -> [edi] 1571 [to][ c] -> [to c] 1572 [ic][e] -> [ice] 1573 [us][e ] -> [use ] 1574 [ wh][ere ] -> [ where ] 1575 [ed ][in the ] -> [ed in the ] 1576 [Y][es] -> [Yes] 1577 [b][re] -> [bre] 1578 [be][hind ] -> [behind ] 1579 [ s][m] -> [ sm] 1580 [, ][Paul] -> [, Paul] 1581 [um][an] -> [uman] 1582 [ ][your] -> [ your] 1583 [ ][out ] -> [ out ] 1584 [ter][ri] -> [terri] 1585 [s][aid ] -> [said ] 1586 [for][c] -> [forc] 1587 [ th][ose ] -> [ those ] 1588 [ar][e] -> [are] 1589 [ m][uch] -> [ much] 1590 [ d][on't ] -> [ don't ] 1591 [ ][up] -> [ up] 1592 [around ][the ] -> [around the ] 1593 [p][h] -> [ph] 1594 [-][s] -> [-s] 1595 [flo][or] -> [floor] 1596 [ne][ed ] -> [need ] 1597 [Harkonnen][s ] -> [Harkonnens ] 1598 [ey][ond ] -> [eyond ] 1599 [L][et ] -> [Let ] 1600 [. ][B] -> [. B] 1601 [em][or] -> [emor] 1602 [re][t] -> [ret] 1603 [with][in] -> [within] 1604 [," the Baron][ said. "] -> [," the Baron said. "] 1605 [ s][on] -> [ son] 1606 [?" ][Paul] -> [?" Paul] 1607 [d][ist] -> [dist] 1608 [im][m] -> [imm] 1609 [read][y ] -> [ready ] 1610 [," ][Hawat ] -> [," Hawat ] 1611 [g][lo] -> [glo] 1612 [gu][ard] -> [guard] 1613 [res][p] -> [resp] 1614 [ in][to the ] -> [ into the ] 1615 [m][ay ] -> [may ] 1616 [ros][s] -> [ross] 1617 [. I][f] -> [. If] 1618 [por][t] -> [port] 1619 [ing][ b] -> [ing b] 1620 [es ][and ] -> [es and ] 1621 [Th][ere's ] -> [There's ] 1622 [ov][er ] -> [over ] 1623 [st][ud] -> [stud] 1624 [t][in] -> [tin] 1625 [ s][uch] -> [ such] 1626 [gr][ow] -> [grow] 1627 [an][other ] -> [another ] 1628 [s, ][the ] -> [s, the ] 1629 [f][ull] -> [full] 1630 [rec][o] -> [reco] 1631 [bas][in] -> [basin] 1632 [that ][the ] -> [that the ] 1633 [il][y ] -> [ily ] 1634 [I]['ve ] -> [I've ] 1635 [is][ten] -> [isten] 1636 [ong][ the ] -> [ong the ] 1637 [d][re] -> [dre] 1638 [re][l] -> [rel] 1639 [de][ep] -> [deep] 1640 [w][ait] -> [wait] 1641 [as][on] -> [ason] 1642 [k][eep] -> [keep] 1643 [a][ th] -> [a th] 1644 [ever][y] -> [every] 1645 [ent][, ] -> [ent, ] 1646 [." \u000a "][You] -> [." \u000a "You] 1647 [P][er] -> [Per] 1648 [ ask][ed.\u000a "] -> [ asked.\u000a "] 1649 [ st][ep] -> [ step] 1650 [," Jessica][ said] -> [," Jessica said] 1651 [can][not ] -> [cannot ] 1652 [d][, ] -> [d, ] 1653 [bec][ause ] -> [because ] 1654 [ h][ere ] -> [ here ] 1655 [a][j] -> [aj] 1656 [Rabb][an] -> [Rabban] 1657 [c][o] -> [co] 1658 [al][f] -> [alf] 1659 [m][ind ] -> [mind ] 1660 [tr][ac] -> [trac] 1661 [app][ear] -> [appear] 1662 [on ][Arrakis] -> [on Arrakis] 1663 [ab][ove ] -> [above ] 1664 [s][ay] -> [say] 1665 [. I][t's ] -> [. It's ] 1666 [ag][e] -> [age] 1667 [s ][were ] -> [s were ] 1668 [le][an] -> [lean] 1669 [b][ro] -> [bro] 1670 [d][o ] -> [do ] 1671 [re][ad ] -> [read ] 1672 [tw][o ] -> [two ] 1673 [er][, ] -> [er, ] 1674 [S][o] -> [So] 1675 [t][ur] -> [tur] 1676 [t][y] -> [ty] 1677 [ha][pp] -> [happ] 1678 [s][and] -> [sand] 1679 [se][en] -> [seen] 1680 [one ][of the ] -> [one of the ] 1681 [m][ind] -> [mind] 1682 [ bre][ath] -> [ breath] 1683 [Emperor]['s ] -> [Emperor's ] 1684 [ti][ve ] -> [tive ] 1685 [s ][the ] -> [s the ] 1686 [ver][y ] -> [very ] 1687 [ s][ur] -> [ sur] 1688 [I]['ll] -> [I'll] 1689 [Harkonn][en ] -> [Harkonnen ] 1690 [ti][v] -> [tiv] 1691 [t][on] -> [ton] 1692 [f][ar] -> [far] 1693 [, th][en] -> [, then] 1694 [know][n] -> [known] 1695 [old ][woman] -> [old woman] 1696 [lo][se ] -> [lose ] 1697 [bl][ack] -> [black] 1698 [I][f] -> [If] 1699 [m][ight ] -> [might ] 1700 [ing a][t ] -> [ing at ] 1701 [m][uch] -> [much] 1702 [ec][ess] -> [ecess] 1703 [. There ][was ] -> [. There was ] 1704 [ m][en] -> [ men] 1705 [wh][ich] -> [which] 1706 [be][tw] -> [betw] 1707 [f][ut] -> [fut] 1708 [st][ep] -> [step] 1709 [ep][t ] -> [ept ] 1710 [Jam][is ] -> [Jamis ] 1711 [am][p] -> [amp] 1712 [h][ear] -> [hear] 1713 [m][outh] -> [mouth] 1714 [i][es] -> [ies] 1715 [Duk][e's ] -> [Duke's ] 1716 [l][ad] -> [lad] 1717 [ s][tood ] -> [ stood ] 1718 [H][is ] -> [His ] 1719 [ ][it] -> [ it] 1720 [, she ][thought] -> [, she thought] 1721 [di][rec] -> [direc] 1722 [d][ay ] -> [day ] 1723 [. ][T] -> [. T] 1724 [tr][an] -> [tran] 1725 [ h][eard ] -> [ heard ] 1726 [p][ack] -> [pack] 1727 [M][ap] -> [Map] 1728 [reco][gn] -> [recogn] 1729 ['thop][ter] -> ['thopter] 1730 [Jam][is] -> [Jamis] 1731 [Ali][a] -> [Alia] 1732 [se][e ] -> [see ] 1733 [ed ][down] -> [ed down] 1734 [v][el] -> [vel] 1735 [re][qu] -> [requ] 1736 [fo][llow] -> [follow] 1737 [ed ][it ] -> [ed it ] 1738 [!][\u000a ] -> [!\u000a ] 1739 [ can][not ] -> [ cannot ] 1740 [her][e] -> [here] 1741 [h][igh] -> [high] 1742 [gu][ard ] -> [guard ] 1743 [ing ][and ] -> [ing and ] 1744 [s][ign] -> [sign] 1745 [ug][gl] -> [uggl] 1746 [s][ome ] -> [some ] 1747 [e][qu] -> [equ] 1748 [a][z] -> [az] 1749 [)][ ] -> [) ] 1750 [r][ow] -> [row] 1751 [if][fer] -> [iffer] 1752 [ion][s ] -> [ions ] 1753 [s][and ] -> [sand ] 1754 [b][lo] -> [blo] 1755 [to][pp] -> [topp] 1756 [ a][d] -> [ ad] 1757 [ s][ay ] -> [ say ] 1758 [b][eneath] -> [beneath] 1759 [r][own] -> [rown] 1760 [es ][of] -> [es of] 1761 [S][h] -> [Sh] 1762 [ c][ame ] -> [ came ] 1763 [ing ][to ] -> [ing to ] 1764 [ir][l] -> [irl] 1765 [ten][s] -> [tens] 1766 [aw][n] -> [awn] 1767 [ell][ow] -> [ellow] 1768 [es][it] -> [esit] 1769 [as][ter] -> [aster] 1770 [, ][p] -> [, p] 1771 [ p][er] -> [ per] 1772 [low][er] -> [lower] 1773 [al][most ] -> [almost ] 1774 [to][ f] -> [to f] 1775 [e][ve ] -> [eve ] 1776 [n][ecess] -> [necess] 1777 [eng][th] -> [ength] 1778 [.\u000a "][The ] -> [.\u000a "The ] 1779 [n][ight] -> [night] 1780 [rough][t ] -> [rought ] 1781 [h][un] -> [hun] 1782 [recogn][iz] -> [recogniz] 1783 [C][al] -> [Cal] 1784 [al][ s] -> [al s] 1785 [est][ro] -> [estro] 1786 [s][ens] -> [sens] 1787 [ob][s] -> [obs] 1788 [car][ri] -> [carri] 1789 [w][r] -> [wr] 1790 [ p][re] -> [ pre] 1791 [ m][ay ] -> [ may ] 1792 [es][cap] -> [escap] 1793 [Harkonn][ens] -> [Harkonnens] 1794 [cep][t ] -> [cept ] 1795 [em][ent] -> [ement] 1796 [m][en ] -> [men ] 1797 [ of][f] -> [ off] 1798 [as ][though] -> [as though] 1799 [me][an] -> [mean] 1800 [thought][: ] -> [thought: ] 1801 [i][ous ] -> [ious ] 1802 [su][b] -> [sub] 1803 [Kyn][es] -> [Kynes] 1804 [e, ][but ] -> [e, but ] 1805 [--][the ] -> [--the ] 1806 [S][ire] -> [Sire] 1807 [= = ][= = ] -> [= = = = ] 1808 [Cal][ad] -> [Calad] 1809 [tor][y ] -> [tory ] 1810 [th][an] -> [than] 1811 [o][t ] -> [ot ] 1812 [po][ison] -> [poison] 1813 [v][ed ] -> [ved ] 1814 [ wh][isper] -> [ whisper] 1815 [;][ ] -> [; ] 1816 [ec][ted ] -> [ected ] 1817 [underst][and] -> [understand] 1818 [W][ell] -> [Well] 1819 [I][ am] -> [I am] 1820 [l][im] -> [lim] 1821 [Haw][at's ] -> [Hawat's ] 1822 [again][st the ] -> [against the ] 1823 [ed her][self] -> [ed herself] 1824 [an][n] -> [ann] 1825 [E][R] -> [ER] 1826 [ be][g] -> [ beg] 1827 [ in][ his ] -> [ in his ] 1828 [inc][ess ] -> [incess ] 1829 [ation][s ] -> [ations ] 1830 [usp][ens] -> [uspens] 1831 [in][st] -> [inst] 1832 [ing][ m] -> [ing m] 1833 [ a][pp] -> [ app] 1834 [s][ide ] -> [side ] 1835 [a][tic] -> [atic] 1836 [ c][all] -> [ call] 1837 [ing][ that ] -> [ing that ] 1838 [ent][ly] -> [ently] 1839 [ing ][out ] -> [ing out ] 1840 [ sh][ould ] -> [ should ] 1841 [ing][ f] -> [ing f] 1842 [," Hawat ][said] -> [," Hawat said] 1843 [un][d] -> [und] 1844 [.\u000a ][He ] -> [.\u000a He ] 1845 [." \u000a ][The ] -> [." \u000a The ] 1846 [su][it ] -> [suit ] 1847 [fo][re] -> [fore] 1848 [le][t ] -> [let ] 1849 [c][los] -> [clos] 1850 [r][ed ] -> [red ] 1851 [ex][pos] -> [expos] 1852 [ h][ear] -> [ hear] 1853 [there ][was ] -> [there was ] 1854 [."\u000a ][Paul] -> [."\u000a Paul] 1855 [a][x] -> [ax] 1856 [on][ his ] -> [on his ] 1857 [I ][know] -> [I know] 1858 [p][ur] -> [pur] 1859 [. And ][he ] -> [. And he ] 1860 [ a][ b] -> [ a b] 1861 [F][en] -> [Fen] 1862 [ath][er ] -> [ather ] 1863 [U][sul] -> [Usul] 1864 [ed ][a ] -> [ed a ] 1865 [i][ent ] -> [ient ] 1866 [ul][ar] -> [ular] 1867 [F][or] -> [For] 1868 [Lad][y ] -> [Lady ] 1869 [U][n] -> [Un] 1870 [is][t ] -> [ist ] 1871 [k][in] -> [kin] 1872 [ pe][op] -> [ peop] 1873 [ s][il] -> [ sil] 1874 [ b][od] -> [ bod] 1875 [th][ese ] -> [these ] 1876 [augh][ter] -> [aughter] 1877 [A][h] -> [Ah] 1878 ['ll][ be ] -> ['ll be ] 1879 [A][ ] -> [A ] 1880 [ing][ for] -> [ing for] 1881 [ac][tion] -> [action] 1882 [at][e] -> [ate] 1883 [en][tr] -> [entr] 1884 [aw][l] -> [awl] 1885 [Pr][incess ] -> [Princess ] 1886 [H][e's ] -> [He's ] 1887 [." ][She ] -> [." She ] 1888 [w][is] -> [wis] 1889 [--][ the ] -> [-- the ] 1890 [ti][es ] -> [ties ] 1891 [, s][ee] -> [, see] 1892 [d][ro] -> [dro] 1893 [e][e ] -> [ee ] 1894 [aw][ay] -> [away] 1895 [ c][an ] -> [ can ] 1896 [ex][peri] -> [experi] 1897 [him][, ] -> [him, ] 1898 [Th][at's ] -> [That's ] 1899 [t][alk] -> [talk] 1900 [at][ure] -> [ature] 1901 [c][ertain] -> [certain] 1902 [er][g] -> [erg] 1903 [f][ill] -> [fill] 1904 [ec][tion] -> [ection] 1905 [N][ef] -> [Nef] 1906 [plan][et ] -> [planet ] 1907 [e][en ] -> [een ] 1908 [ be][fore ] -> [ before ] 1909 [f][in] -> [fin] 1910 [wh][o ] -> [who ] 1911 [her][self] -> [herself] 1912 [j][o] -> [jo] 1913 [ed ][as ] -> [ed as ] 1914 [wh][isper] -> [whisper] 1915 [tru][th] -> [truth] 1916 [!"][\u000a ] -> [!"\u000a ] 1917 [se][em] -> [seem] 1918 [No][t ] -> [Not ] 1919 [to][ d] -> [to d] 1920 [could ][be ] -> [could be ] 1921 [. I][n] -> [. In] 1922 [m][ade ] -> [made ] 1923 [ of][ s] -> [ of s] 1924 [lif][f] -> [liff] 1925 [tim][e] -> [time] 1926 [ther][e] -> [there] 1927 [ru][lan] -> [rulan] 1928 [W][ith] -> [With] 1929 [ing][: ] -> [ing: ] 1930 [ed ][it] -> [ed it] 1931 [C][H] -> [CH] 1932 [aw][aren] -> [awaren] 1933 [tr][ay] -> [tray] 1934 [ w][atch] -> [ watch] 1935 [ing][ her] -> [ing her] 1936 [sh][oulder] -> [shoulder] 1937 [d][om] -> [dom] 1938 [man]['s ] -> [man's ] 1939 [m][it] -> [mit] 1940 [voic][e] -> [voice] 1941 [= = = = ][= ] -> [= = = = = ] 1942 [= = = = = ][=] -> [= = = = = =] 1943 [= = = = = =][\u000a\u000a] -> [= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] 1944 [um][bl] -> [umbl] 1945 [fac][e] -> [face] 1946 [at][ur] -> [atur] 1947 [ch][ang] -> [chang] 1948 [.\u000a][\u000a] -> [.\u000a\u000a] 1949 [, ][that ] -> [, that ] 1950 [.\u000a ][And ] -> [.\u000a And ] 1951 [le][c] -> [lec] 1952 [," Stilgar][ said] -> [," Stilgar said] 1953 [b][al] -> [bal] 1954 [d][ec] -> [dec] 1955 [I][rulan] -> [Irulan] 1956 [Calad][an] -> [Caladan] 1957 [answ][er] -> [answer] 1958 [Y][es, ] -> [Yes, ] 1959 [le][av] -> [leav] 1960 [ed ][them] -> [ed them] 1961 [n][am] -> [nam] 1962 [must ][be ] -> [must be ] 1963 [ad][i] -> [adi] 1964 [es][h] -> [esh] 1965 [ w][om] -> [ wom] 1966 [Per][haps ] -> [Perhaps ] 1967 [le][ave ] -> [leave ] 1968 [s][. The ] -> [s. The ] 1969 [ in][to] -> [ into] 1970 [rug][g] -> [rugg] 1971 [g][ener] -> [gener] 1972 [ing ][of the ] -> [ing of the ] 1973 [ong][ ] -> [ong ] 1974 [Gurney ][Halleck] -> [Gurney Halleck] 1975 [p][rec] -> [prec] 1976 [gre][at ] -> [great ] 1977 [c][er] -> [cer] 1978 [c][oun] -> [coun] 1979 [, and ][he ] -> [, and he ] 1980 [ec][i] -> [eci] 1981 [on][e s] -> [one s] 1982 [g][low] -> [glow] 1983 ['ll][ ] -> ['ll ] 1984 [. ][E] -> [. E] 1985 [em][b] -> [emb] 1986 [al][ways ] -> [always ] 1987 [ com][p] -> [ comp] 1988 [n][or] -> [nor] 1989 [y][ellow] -> [yellow] 1990 [per][son] -> [person] 1991 [.\u000a ][S] -> [.\u000a S] 1992 [n][app] -> [napp] 1993 [f][elt the ] -> [felt the ] 1994 [f][ic] -> [fic] 1995 [ a][ h] -> [ a h] 1996 [eli][eve ] -> [elieve ] 1997 [ed in][to the ] -> [ed into the ] 1998 [!"][ the ] -> [!" the ] 1999 [man][y ] -> [many ] 2000 [ with][out ] -> [ without ] 2001 [l][e s] -> [le s] 2002 [wor][d ] -> [word ] 2003 [ver][s] -> [vers] 2004 [ed][. He ] -> [ed. He ] 2005 [p][ut ] -> [put ] 2006 [ f][ear] -> [ fear] 2007 [g][ave ] -> [gave ] 2008 [ f][ron] -> [ fron] 2009 [ ][on ] -> [ on ] 2010 [, ][his ] -> [, his ] 2011 [y][st] -> [yst] 2012 [ p][r] -> [ pr] 2013 [Now][, ] -> [Now, ] 2014 [t][est] -> [test] 2015 [de][ath] -> [death] 2016 [p][ath] -> [path] 2017 [will][ be ] -> [will be ] 2018 [ed ][that ] -> [ed that ] 2019 [. ][M] -> [. M] 2020 [ar][p] -> [arp] 2021 [ be][hind ] -> [ behind ] 2022 [b][ank] -> [bank] 2023 [ w][ant ] -> [ want ] 2024 [ sp][eak] -> [ speak] 2025 [ do][or] -> [ door] 2026 [c][lear] -> [clear] 2027 [ w][ay ] -> [ way ] 2028 [we][apon] -> [weapon] 2029 [ wor][k] -> [ work] 2030 [arr][ow] -> [arrow] 2031 [re][por] -> [repor] 2032 [qu][ar] -> [quar] 2033 [ wor][m] -> [ worm] 2034 [-m][-m] -> [-m-m] 2035 [," ][Chani] -> [," Chani] 2036 [Princess ][Irulan] -> [Princess Irulan] 2037 [it][ter] -> [itter] 2038 [I][s ] -> [Is ] 2039 [as][s ] -> [ass ] 2040 [his ][mother] -> [his mother] 2041 [do][es ] -> [does ] 2042 [cho][ol] -> [chool] 2043 [. . . ][" ] -> [. . . " ] 2044 [p][alm] -> [palm] 2045 [g][est] -> [gest] 2046 [lin][e ] -> [line ] 2047 [ed, ][and ] -> [ed, and ] 2048 [looked ][up] -> [looked up] 2049 [. "][The ] -> [. "The ] 2050 [?"][ he ] -> [?" he ] 2051 [t][rem] -> [trem] 2052 [o][ck] -> [ock] 2053 [ s][ay] -> [ say] 2054 [b][le] -> [ble] 2055 [th][at] -> [that] 2056 [in][s] -> [ins] 2057 [et][t] -> [ett] 2058 [ag][g] -> [agg] 2059 [ne][ver ] -> [never ] 2060 [ th][an] -> [ than] 2061 [D][o you] -> [Do you] 2062 [s][torm] -> [storm] 2063 [and][, ] -> [and, ] 2064 [id][n't ] -> [idn't ] 2065 [l][ast ] -> [last ] 2066 [c][over] -> [cover] 2067 [om][ent] -> [oment] 2068 [d][un] -> [dun] 2069 [\u000a][\u000a ] -> [\u000a\u000a ] 2070 [mo][ther ] -> [mother ] 2071 ['][r] -> ['r] 2072 [You][r] -> [Your] 2073 [u][ck] -> [uck] 2074 [i][ef] -> [ief] 2075 [C][om] -> [Com] 2076 [H][ous] -> [Hous] 2077 [cons][ci] -> [consci] 2078 [gh][ten] -> [ghten] 2079 [ed][.\u000a The ] -> [ed.\u000a The ] 2080 [ev][en ] -> [even ] 2081 [th][is] -> [this] 2082 [ she ][ask] -> [ she ask] 2083 [ed][. ] -> [ed. ] 2084 [ed ][in ] -> [ed in ] 2085 [ c][r] -> [ cr] 2086 [ from][ ] -> [ from ] 2087 [anc][e] -> [ance] 2088 [t ][of the ] -> [t of the ] 2089 [f][il] -> [fil] 2090 [," the Baron][ said] -> [," the Baron said] 2091 [I][ have ] -> [I have ] 2092 [ g][o] -> [ go] 2093 [su][ch] -> [such] 2094 [ that ][the ] -> [ that the ] 2095 [ham][ber] -> [hamber] 2096 [P][res] -> [Pres] 2097 [d][ep] -> [dep] 2098 [ ac][ross ] -> [ across ] 2099 [m][us] -> [mus] 2100 [ for][ the ] -> [ for the ] 2101 [ed][. \u000a ] -> [ed. \u000a ] 2102 [u][d ] -> [ud ] 2103 [," Stilgar][ said. "] -> [," Stilgar said. "] 2104 [," ][Gurney] -> [," Gurney] 2105 [, and ][the ] -> [, and the ] 2106 [ th][ere] -> [ there] 2107 [H][ouse ] -> [House ] 2108 [qu][ick] -> [quick] 2109 [I][ will] -> [I will] 2110 [s ][to] -> [s to] 2111 [er ][of] -> [er of] 2112 [as ][the ] -> [as the ] 2113 [f][ing] -> [fing] 2114 [ d][id ] -> [ did ] 2115 [le][ap] -> [leap] 2116 [terri][ble ] -> [terrible ] 2117 [!" ][\u000a ] -> [!" \u000a ] 2118 [their][ ] -> [their ] 2119 [ould]['ve ] -> [ould've ] 2120 [ab][r] -> [abr] 2121 [ s][ome ] -> [ some ] 2122 [c][an ] -> [can ] 2123 [ing ][of ] -> [ing of ] 2124 [mo][tion] -> [motion] 2125 [ sp][ice ] -> [ spice ] 2126 [tim][es ] -> [times ] 2127 [This ][is ] -> [This is ] 2128 [Ment][at] -> [Mentat] 2129 [y][self] -> [yself] 2130 [Feyd-Rauth][a ] -> [Feyd-Rautha ] 2131 [ing][ him] -> [ing him] 2132 [. Th][at ] -> [. That ] 2133 [ad][d] -> [add] 2134 [su][it] -> [suit] 2135 [ec][ause ] -> [ecause ] 2136 [b][rought ] -> [brought ] 2137 [ent][ly ] -> [ently ] 2138 [i][tor] -> [itor] 2139 [cr][awl] -> [crawl] 2140 [i][v] -> [iv] 2141 [" ][by the ] -> [" by the ] 2142 [f][am] -> [fam] 2143 [t][un] -> [tun] 2144 [I][ must ] -> [I must ] 2145 [pl][ain] -> [plain] 2146 [le][t] -> [let] 2147 [a][ver] -> [aver] 2148 [er][ve ] -> [erve ] 2149 [ s][ens] -> [ sens] 2150 [en][ess ] -> [eness ] 2151 [re][g] -> [reg] 2152 [re][ason] -> [reason] 2153 [, but ][the ] -> [, but the ] 2154 [w][ent ] -> [went ] 2155 [ con][trol] -> [ control] 2156 [ob][ey] -> [obey] 2157 [n][eck] -> [neck] 2158 [ b][et] -> [ bet] 2159 [tr][ick] -> [trick] 2160 [re][d] -> [red] 2161 [voic][e, ] -> [voice, ] 2162 [ s][w] -> [ sw] 2163 [tr][ap] -> [trap] 2164 [ch][ed ] -> [ched ] 2165 [you][, ] -> [you, ] 2166 [d][on't ] -> [don't ] 2167 [uspens][or] -> [uspensor] 2168 [each][ ] -> [each ] 2169 [ed][g] -> [edg] 2170 [betw][een] -> [between] 2171 [ th][ought ] -> [ thought ] 2172 [is][ion] -> [ision] 2173 [ th][ey] -> [ they] 2174 [ar][i] -> [ari] 2175 [and ][s] -> [and s] 2176 [r][ul] -> [rul] 2177 [Wh][ere ] -> [Where ] 2178 [ou][p] -> [oup] 2179 [ and ][the ] -> [ and the ] 2180 [re][st] -> [rest] 2181 [er ][of the ] -> [er of the ] 2182 [" by the ][Princess Irulan] -> [" by the Princess Irulan] 2183 [, ][you] -> [, you] 2184 [fo][cus] -> [focus] 2185 [atter][n] -> [attern] 2186 [ bl][ack] -> [ black] 2187 [, ][h] -> [, h] 2188 [D][o] -> [Do] 2189 [ said][: "] -> [ said: "] 2190 [could ][not ] -> [could not ] 2191 [ d][r] -> [ dr] 2192 [tr][y ] -> [try ] 2193 [b][e s] -> [be s] 2194 [, s][p] -> [, sp] 2195 [plan][et] -> [planet] 2196 [it ][is ] -> [it is ] 2197 [s][o ] -> [so ] 2198 [ ][are ] -> [ are ] 2199 [di][tion] -> [dition] 2200 [enti][re ] -> [entire ] 2201 [one ][of] -> [one of] 2202 [on][ce ] -> [once ] 2203 [en][ter] -> [enter] 2204 [all][ the ] -> [all the ] 2205 [happ][en] -> [happen] 2206 [li][ve ] -> [live ] 2207 [igh][ting] -> [ighting] 2208 [to][ do] -> [to do] 2209 [ sh][ow] -> [ show] 2210 [ p][ar] -> [ par] 2211 [S][ay] -> [Say] 2212 [A][N] -> [AN] 2213 [D][un] -> [Dun] 2214 [that ][he ] -> [that he ] 2215 [all][ow] -> [allow] 2216 [h][ang] -> [hang] 2217 [l][isten] -> [listen] 2218 [thing][s ] -> [things ] 2219 [Imperi][al ] -> [Imperial ] 2220 [bod][y ] -> [body ] 2221 [be][tray] -> [betray] 2222 [m][all] -> [mall] 2223 [you ][know] -> [you know] 2224 [ob][vi] -> [obvi] 2225 [ again][st ] -> [ against ] 2226 [s][il] -> [sil] 2227 [w][as] -> [was] 2228 [m][emor] -> [memor] 2229 [imm][edi] -> [immedi] 2230 [ w][all] -> [ wall] 2231 [on][d] -> [ond] 2232 [el][y] -> [ely] 2233 [em][erg] -> [emerg] 2234 [other][s ] -> [others ] 2235 [b][ar] -> [bar] 2236 [ p][res] -> [ pres] 2237 [th][an ] -> [than ] 2238 [equ][ip] -> [equip] 2239 [ed][ay] -> [eday] 2240 [ b][eneath] -> [ beneath] 2241 [m][ess] -> [mess] 2242 [m]['Lord] -> [m'Lord] 2243 [reli][gi] -> [religi] 2244 [.][) ] -> [.) ] 2245 [li][v] -> [liv] 2246 [y][al] -> [yal] 2247 [.\u000a "][S] -> [.\u000a "S] 2248 [s][s] -> [ss] 2249 [en][em] -> [enem] 2250 [ing ][in the ] -> [ing in the ] 2251 [is][m] -> [ism] 2252 [Reverend M][other ] -> [Reverend Mother ] 2253 [A][gain] -> [Again] 2254 [in][ a ] -> [in a ] 2255 [or][t ] -> [ort ] 2256 [es ][of ] -> [es of ] 2257 [Jessica]['s ] -> [Jessica's ] 2258 [at][ing] -> [ating] 2259 [e][h] -> [eh] 2260 [d][emand] -> [demand] 2261 [an][ts ] -> [ants ] 2262 [ s][ec] -> [ sec] 2263 [r][it] -> [rit] 2264 [if][ you] -> [if you] 2265 [s][tood ] -> [stood ] 2266 [A][s ] -> [As ] 2267 [ s][ign] -> [ sign] 2268 [ b][lo] -> [ blo] 2269 [.][' ] -> [.' ] 2270 [ed ][with ] -> [ed with ] 2271 [t][able ] -> [table ] 2272 [Th][en] -> [Then] 2273 [ati][ve ] -> [ative ] 2274 [he][w] -> [hew] 2275 [ir][e ] -> [ire ] 2276 [ef][ul] -> [eful] 2277 [Atreid][es] -> [Atreides] 2278 [I][ was ] -> [I was ] 2279 [aj][est] -> [ajest] 2280 [. . . ][and ] -> [. . . and ] 2281 [ hel][p] -> [ help] 2282 [ee][k] -> [eek] 2283 [, he ][thought] -> [, he thought] 2284 [con][trol] -> [control] 2285 [ing ][up] -> [ing up] 2286 [ g][u] -> [ gu] 2287 [Lad][y] -> [Lady] 2288 [ed ][from the ] -> [ed from the ] 2289 [sk][nif] -> [sknif] 2290 [ri][ef] -> [rief] 2291 [tim][e, ] -> [time, ] 2292 [c][liff] -> [cliff] 2293 [ des][ert ] -> [ desert ] 2294 [t][ent] -> [tent] 2295 [ ][H] -> [ H] 2296 [d][el] -> [del] 2297 [n][ight ] -> [night ] 2298 [anc][ient ] -> [ancient ] 2299 [ ][--] -> [ --] 2300 [es ][of the ] -> [es of the ] 2301 [and][s] -> [ands] 2302 [d][ri] -> [dri] 2303 [t][e] -> [te] 2304 [ro][ll] -> [roll] 2305 [t][ud] -> [tud] 2306 [m][iss] -> [miss] 2307 [T][ru] -> [Tru] 2308 [ st][and ] -> [ stand ] 2309 [b][eside ] -> [beside ] 2310 [lo][st ] -> [lost ] 2311 [. He ][felt ] -> [. He felt ] 2312 [ s][l] -> [ sl] 2313 [in][to ] -> [into ] 2314 [p][ast ] -> [past ] 2315 [k][ind] -> [kind] 2316 [er ][to] -> [er to] 2317 [," Jessica][ said. "] -> [," Jessica said. "] 2318 [ho][ok] -> [hook] 2319 [ol][or] -> [olor] 2320 [d][en ] -> [den ] 2321 [Le][to ] -> [Leto ] 2322 [is][ted ] -> [isted ] 2323 [ou][se] -> [ouse] 2324 [rem][ov] -> [remov] 2325 [o][log] -> [olog] 2326 [ m][ake ] -> [ make ] 2327 [c][aught ] -> [caught ] 2328 [ ][now] -> [ now] 2329 [t][ent ] -> [tent ] 2330 [mo][on] -> [moon] 2331 [. . ][. "] -> [. . . "] 2332 [c][as] -> [cas] 2333 [w][alk] -> [walk] 2334 [g][un] -> [gun] 2335 [l][as] -> [las] 2336 [ow][l] -> [owl] 2337 [A][M] -> [AM] 2338 [pow][er] -> [power] 2339 [an][im] -> [anim] 2340 [ th][ing] -> [ thing] 2341 [D][on't ] -> [Don't ] 2342 [c][hair] -> [chair] 2343 [like ][the ] -> [like the ] 2344 [ar][e s] -> [are s] 2345 [e, ][and ] -> [e, and ] 2346 [ f][elt ] -> [ felt ] 2347 [op][e ] -> [ope ] 2348 [c][up] -> [cup] 2349 [a][, ] -> [a, ] 2350 [at][ure ] -> [ature ] 2351 [your][self] -> [yourself] 2352 [ her][e] -> [ here] 2353 [ir][c] -> [irc] 2354 [v][al] -> [val] 2355 [of][ this ] -> [of this ] 2356 [r][is] -> [ris] 2357 [ed ][on the ] -> [ed on the ] 2358 [ed ][this ] -> [ed this ] 2359 [underst][and ] -> [understand ] 2360 [es][n't ] -> [esn't ] 2361 [in][ this ] -> [in this ] 2362 [vi][ol] -> [viol] 2363 [hand][s ] -> [hands ] 2364 [a h][and ] -> [a hand ] 2365 [s][--] -> [s--] 2366 [tra][itor] -> [traitor] 2367 [F][eday] -> [Feday] 2368 [b][orn] -> [born] 2369 [a][ ch] -> [a ch] 2370 [al][ready ] -> [already ] 2371 [ad][er] -> [ader] 2372 [s][hadow] -> [shadow] 2373 [, ][a ] -> [, a ] 2374 [s][ec] -> [sec] 2375 [il][ity ] -> [ility ] 2376 [th][ree ] -> [three ] 2377 [ed ][through] -> [ed through] 2378 [igh][ten] -> [ighten] 2379 [war][d] -> [ward] 2380 [ to][ok] -> [ took] 2381 [ c][l] -> [ cl] 2382 [ peop][le ] -> [ people ] 2383 [Gu][ild] -> [Guild] 2384 [af][t ] -> [aft ] 2385 [no][thing ] -> [nothing ] 2386 [e][. The ] -> [e. The ] 2387 [C][on] -> [Con] 2388 [M][ajest] -> [Majest] 2389 [ve][al] -> [veal] 2390 [P][ro] -> [Pro] 2391 [ed][: "] -> [ed: "] 2392 [s ][in the ] -> [s in the ] 2393 [b][u] -> [bu] 2394 [ through][ the ] -> [ through the ] 2395 [h][id] -> [hid] 2396 [ b][eside ] -> [ beside ] 2397 [beg][an ] -> [began ] 2398 [. ][(] -> [. (] 2399 [ st][ud] -> [ stud] 2400 [from ]["] -> [from "] 2401 [st][and] -> [stand] 2402 [le][ep] -> [leep] 2403 [father]['s ] -> [father's ] 2404 [er ][of ] -> [er of ] 2405 [uni][ver] -> [univer] 2406 [f][low] -> [flow] 2407 [ f][ace ] -> [ face ] 2408 [i][ed the ] -> [ied the ] 2409 [turn][ed, ] -> [turned, ] 2410 [train][ing] -> [training] 2411 [vi][ew] -> [view] 2412 [. ][Paul] -> [. Paul] 2413 [ de][ath] -> [ death] 2414 [ic][ ] -> [ic ] 2415 [t][ar] -> [tar] 2416 [p][ull] -> [pull] 2417 [is][ter] -> [ister] 2418 [no][thing] -> [nothing] 2419 [g][o ] -> [go ] 2420 [ w][ay] -> [ way] 2421 [Ment][at ] -> [Mentat ] 2422 [tr][y] -> [try] 2423 [ her][ m] -> [ her m] 2424 [or][iz] -> [oriz] 2425 [s][. "] -> [s. "] 2426 [ic][al] -> [ical] 2427 [ti][r] -> [tir] 2428 [m][oment ] -> [moment ] 2429 [tr][ib] -> [trib] 2430 [. And ][she ] -> [. And she ] 2431 [d][iffer] -> [differ] 2432 [?" ][Jessica] -> [?" Jessica] 2433 [wh][ile ] -> [while ] 2434 [sh][ield] -> [shield] 2435 [h][y] -> [hy] 2436 [gr][oup] -> [group] 2437 [was ][the ] -> [was the ] 2438 [n][arrow] -> [narrow] 2439 [sid][er] -> [sider] 2440 [A][R] -> [AR] 2441 [c][ri] -> [cri] 2442 [ s][hall] -> [ shall] 2443 [on][ly] -> [only] 2444 [an][ al] -> [an al] 2445 [religi][ous ] -> [religious ] 2446 [T][ue] -> [Tue] 2447 [Tue][k] -> [Tuek] 2448 [S][ee ] -> [See ] 2449 [A][L] -> [AL] 2450 [T][o] -> [To] 2451 [?][\u000a ] -> [?\u000a ] 2452 [had ][been ] -> [had been ] 2453 [yst][em] -> [ystem] 2454 [G][a] -> [Ga] 2455 [t][est ] -> [test ] 2456 [c][orn] -> [corn] 2457 [e. ][She ] -> [e. She ] 2458 [ a][way ] -> [ away ] 2459 [Ar][e ] -> [Are ] 2460 [ev][er ] -> [ever ] 2461 [g][one ] -> [gone ] 2462 [ed][. The ] -> [ed. The ] 2463 [p][ain] -> [pain] 2464 [ se][e the ] -> [ see the ] 2465 [pur][pos] -> [purpos] 2466 [e][." \u000a "] -> [e." \u000a "] 2467 [of][ a] -> [of a] 2468 [ter][r] -> [terr] 2469 [under][ the ] -> [under the ] 2470 [led][ge ] -> [ledge ] 2471 [ p][ass] -> [ pass] 2472 [b][el] -> [bel] 2473 [w][ant ] -> [want ] 2474 [tru][c] -> [truc] 2475 [in][ess ] -> [iness ] 2476 [w][ater ] -> [water ] 2477 [you]['ve ] -> [you've ] 2478 [oun][ds ] -> [ounds ] 2479 [ had ][been] -> [ had been] 2480 [a][ sh] -> [a sh] 2481 [M][other] -> [Mother] 2482 [led][g] -> [ledg] 2483 [de][ad ] -> [dead ] 2484 [ ][(] -> [ (] 2485 [ti][ff] -> [tiff] 2486 [. He ][had ] -> [. He had ] 2487 [re][w] -> [rew] 2488 [inn][er] -> [inner] 2489 [ c][o] -> [ co] 2490 [Map][es ] -> [Mapes ] 2491 [lef][t] -> [left] 2492 [a][it ] -> [ait ] 2493 [ comm][and] -> [ command] 2494 [Baron]['s ] -> [Baron's ] 2495 [l][ay ] -> [lay ] 2496 [v][ic] -> [vic] 2497 [es ][the ] -> [es the ] 2498 [en][ the ] -> [en the ] 2499 [o][tion] -> [otion] 2500 [t][all] -> [tall] 2501 [." \u000a ][Paul] -> [." \u000a Paul] 2502 [id][e the ] -> [ide the ] 2503 [au][ti] -> [auti] 2504 [a m][an] -> [a man] 2505 [wall][ow] -> [wallow] 2506 [ro][at] -> [roat] 2507 [il][dr] -> [ildr] 2508 [w][itch] -> [witch] 2509 [. ][O] -> [. O] 2510 [y]['s ] -> [y's ] 2511 [ic][al ] -> [ical ] 2512 [e ][and ] -> [e and ] 2513 [v][ent] -> [vent] 2514 [ d][emand] -> [ demand] 2515 [!"][\u000a "] -> [!"\u000a "] 2516 [d][ear] -> [dear] 2517 [ g][ive ] -> [ give ] 2518 [s ][are ] -> [s are ] 2519 [s][." \u000a "] -> [s." \u000a "] 2520 [know][s ] -> [knows ] 2521 [hel][p] -> [help] 2522 [f][ig] -> [fig] 2523 [re][veal] -> [reveal] 2524 [ h][un] -> [ hun] 2525 [W][all] -> [Wall] 2526 [d][one ] -> [done ] 2527 [sh][ould ] -> [should ] 2528 [Paul][, ] -> [Paul, ] 2529 [ me][an] -> [ mean] 2530 [of ][its ] -> [of its ] 2531 [ed][, s] -> [ed, s] 2532 [ h][o] -> [ ho] 2533 [ for][m] -> [ form] 2534 [ d][ec] -> [ dec] 2535 [af][ter] -> [after] 2536 [em][on] -> [emon] 2537 [lo][ck] -> [lock] 2538 [ten][d] -> [tend] 2539 [fri][end] -> [friend] 2540 [long][ ] -> [long ] 2541 [-][from "] -> [-from "] 2542 [ing a][bout ] -> [ing about ] 2543 [f][r] -> [fr] 2544 [ w][ell] -> [ well] 2545 [et][, ] -> [et, ] 2546 [ain][t ] -> [aint ] 2547 [Tru][th] -> [Truth] 2548 [ h][e s] -> [ he s] 2549 [d][e ] -> [de ] 2550 [ c][ome ] -> [ come ] 2551 [N][o ] -> [No ] 2552 [ h][old ] -> [ hold ] 2553 [ w][ar] -> [ war] 2554 [. ][L] -> [. L] 2555 [d][o you] -> [do you] 2556 [y ][and ] -> [y and ] 2557 [A][n] -> [An] 2558 [e][u] -> [eu] 2559 [ch][ild ] -> [child ] 2560 [glanc][ed at ] -> [glanced at ] 2561 [ti][es] -> [ties] 2562 [nodd][ed, ] -> [nodded, ] 2563 [Fen][ring] -> [Fenring] 2564 [s][e, ] -> [se, ] 2565 [ s][ub] -> [ sub] 2566 [h][ar] -> [har] 2567 [en][ds ] -> [ends ] 2568 [ him][, ] -> [ him, ] 2569 [s][, s] -> [s, s] 2570 [or][d ] -> [ord ] 2571 [at][tle ] -> [attle ] 2572 [th][r] -> [thr] 2573 [he][ath] -> [heath] 2574 [gre][w] -> [grew] 2575 [c][ross] -> [cross] 2576 [v][en ] -> [ven ] 2577 [ g][lanc] -> [ glanc] 2578 [er][e, ] -> [ere, ] 2579 [et][s ] -> [ets ] 2580 [of][ m] -> [of m] 2581 [was ][a ] -> [was a ] 2582 [I][N] -> [IN] 2583 [li][gh] -> [ligh] 2584 [ro][be ] -> [robe ] 2585 [ho][od ] -> [hood ] 2586 [Stilgar][ ] -> [Stilgar ] 2587 [if][t] -> [ift] 2588 [tw][ent] -> [twent] 2589 [an ][un] -> [an un] 2590 [K][wis] -> [Kwis] 2591 [Kwis][at] -> [Kwisat] 2592 [Kwisat][z] -> [Kwisatz] 2593 [Kwisatz][ H] -> [Kwisatz H] 2594 [Kwisatz H][ader] -> [Kwisatz Hader] 2595 [Kwisatz Hader][ach] -> [Kwisatz Haderach] 2596 [u][k] -> [uk] 2597 [Duke ][Leto] -> [Duke Leto] 2598 [Arrak][een] -> [Arrakeen] 2599 [around ][him] -> [around him] 2600 [ fe][el] -> [ feel] 2601 [did ][not ] -> [did not ] 2602 [ri][g] -> [rig] 2603 [b][eyond ] -> [beyond ] 2604 [awaren][ess ] -> [awareness ] 2605 [h][ur] -> [hur] 2606 [she ][had ] -> [she had ] 2607 [h][esit] -> [hesit] 2608 [ib][le ] -> [ible ] 2609 [i][ed ] -> [ied ] 2610 [ b][r] -> [ br] 2611 [lan][ce ] -> [lance ] 2612 [ a][ deep] -> [ a deep] 2613 [ m][e, ] -> [ me, ] 2614 [et][al] -> [etal] 2615 [ p][ut ] -> [ put ] 2616 [. ][F] -> [. F] 2617 [. ][On] -> [. On] 2618 [c][our] -> [cour] 2619 [of][ p] -> [of p] 2620 [th][ose ] -> [those ] 2621 [m][ark] -> [mark] 2622 [."\u000a "][You] -> [."\u000a "You] 2623 [ said][, "] -> [ said, "] 2624 [m][ake ] -> [make ] 2625 [ saw][ the ] -> [ saw the ] 2626 [d][anger] -> [danger] 2627 [f][ind ] -> [find ] 2628 [bo][ok] -> [book] 2629 [," ][Piter] -> [," Piter] 2630 [ in][ter] -> [ inter] 2631 [e. ][You] -> [e. You] 2632 [S][t] -> [St] 2633 [Imperi][um] -> [Imperium] 2634 [ s][c] -> [ sc] 2635 [b][oth] -> [both] 2636 [ey][es, ] -> [eyes, ] 2637 [Sh][ield ] -> [Shield ] 2638 [t][ec] -> [tec] 2639 [wh][y ] -> [why ] 2640 [peop][le] -> [people] 2641 [experi][enc] -> [experienc] 2642 [?" Paul][ ask] -> [?" Paul ask] 2643 [with][ his ] -> [with his ] 2644 [str][um] -> [strum] 2645 [." ][He s] -> [." He s] 2646 [as ][he ] -> [as he ] 2647 [no][ted ] -> [noted ] 2648 [bo][ve ] -> [bove ] 2649 [cr][y] -> [cry] 2650 [to][ward ] -> [toward ] 2651 [ w][ater ] -> [ water ] 2652 [n][atur] -> [natur] 2653 [ s][and] -> [ sand] 2654 [Stilgar]['s ] -> [Stilgar's ] 2655 [Say][y] -> [Sayy] 2656 [Sayy][ad] -> [Sayyad] 2657 [Sayyad][in] -> [Sayyadin] 2658 [Feday][kin] -> [Fedaykin] 2659 [d][am] -> [dam] 2660 [fac][t ] -> [fact ] 2661 [al][s ] -> [als ] 2662 [on][e, ] -> [one, ] 2663 [or][t] -> [ort] 2664 [aver][n] -> [avern] 2665 [dre][am] -> [dream] 2666 [em][otion] -> [emotion] 2667 [gre][en ] -> [green ] 2668 [D][id ] -> [Did ] 2669 [res][t ] -> [rest ] 2670 [ sp][oke ] -> [ spoke ] 2671 [ w][onder] -> [ wonder] 2672 [ di][rec] -> [ direc] 2673 [im][port] -> [import] 2674 [he ][could ] -> [he could ] 2675 [ st][and] -> [ stand] 2676 [. H][ow] -> [. How] 2677 [a][im] -> [aim] 2678 [mit][ted ] -> [mitted ] 2679 [B][ut] -> [But] 2680 [ac][cep] -> [accep] 2681 [re][p] -> [rep] 2682 [ed][." \u000a "] -> [ed." \u000a "] 2683 [ he][ad] -> [ head] 2684 [ing][ d] -> [ing d] 2685 [bl][ue ] -> [blue ] 2686 [ s][u] -> [ su] 2687 [ne][p] -> [nep] 2688 [nep][hew] -> [nephew] 2689 [to][ward the ] -> [toward the ] 2690 [ f][ind ] -> [ find ] 2691 [We]['ve ] -> [We've ] 2692 [of][ a ] -> [of a ] 2693 [fut][ure ] -> [future ] 2694 [bo][y ] -> [boy ] 2695 [ed ][a s] -> [ed a s] 2696 [udden][ly ] -> [uddenly ] 2697 [ist][ure ] -> [isture ] 2698 [Wh][en ] -> [When ] 2699 [ ][over] -> [ over] 2700 [, th][ink] -> [, think] 2701 [e. ][\u000a "] -> [e. \u000a "] 2702 [Wh][o] -> [Who] 2703 [now][, ] -> [now, ] 2704 [y][m] -> [ym] 2705 [of ][it] -> [of it] 2706 [k][ept ] -> [kept ] 2707 [lif][e] -> [life] 2708 [cr][ow] -> [crow] 2709 [cl][im] -> [clim] 2710 [on][or] -> [onor] 2711 [b][ir] -> [bir] 2712 [ad][is] -> [adis] 2713 [wom][an ] -> [woman ] 2714 [ se][em] -> [ seem] 2715 [.\u000a ][Paul ] -> [.\u000a Paul ] 2716 [ he ][had ] -> [ he had ] 2717 [b][es] -> [bes] 2718 [ac][her] -> [acher] 2719 [ing ][to the ] -> [ing to the ] 2720 [wind][ow] -> [window] 2721 [at][ed the ] -> [ated the ] 2722 [ation][ of] -> [ation of] 2723 [."\u000a ][Paul ] -> [."\u000a Paul ] 2724 [m][it ] -> [mit ] 2725 [to][ see ] -> [to see ] 2726 [ ][only ] -> [ only ] 2727 [an][ted ] -> [anted ] 2728 [ed ][you] -> [ed you] 2729 [out ][of the ] -> [out of the ] 2730 [ther][e's ] -> [there's ] 2731 [?" the ][Baron] -> [?" the Baron] 2732 [fo][ol] -> [fool] 2733 [ch][ange ] -> [change ] 2734 [ as ][the ] -> [ as the ] 2735 [like ][a ] -> [like a ] 2736 [B][e] -> [Be] 2737 [ing a][c] -> [ing ac] 2738 ['d ][have ] -> ['d have ] 2739 [n][ame ] -> [name ] 2740 [ ][or] -> [ or] 2741 [j][us] -> [jus] 2742 [at][ed, ] -> [ated, ] 2743 [ap][pro] -> [appro] 2744 [s][to] -> [sto] 2745 [in][ a] -> [in a] 2746 [i][et ] -> [iet ] 2747 [, the ][Baron] -> [, the Baron] 2748 [ak][en] -> [aken] 2749 [Thufir][ ] -> [Thufir ] 2750 [-][f] -> [-f] 2751 [bec][ome ] -> [become ] 2752 [ m][ight ] -> [ might ] 2753 [ed. "][You] -> [ed. "You] 2754 [ug][g] -> [ugg] 2755 [ at][tention] -> [ attention] 2756 [s, ][but ] -> [s, but ] 2757 [ b][ut ] -> [ but ] 2758 [tra][ighten] -> [traighten] 2759 [au][tion] -> [aution] 2760 [you]['re ] -> [you're ] 2761 [w][ish] -> [wish] 2762 [Do][es ] -> [Does ] 2763 [rec][all] -> [recall] 2764 [k][ind ] -> [kind ] 2765 [,"][ he ] -> [," he ] 2766 [he ][was ] -> [he was ] 2767 [lo][ve ] -> [love ] 2768 [."\u000a ][Jessica] -> [."\u000a Jessica] 2769 [as][ur] -> [asur] 2770 [h][as] -> [has] 2771 [b][ur] -> [bur] 2772 [if][ted ] -> [ifted ] 2773 [l][ace ] -> [lace ] 2774 [O][h] -> [Oh] 2775 [tor][y] -> [tory] 2776 [m][il] -> [mil] 2777 [s][outh] -> [south] 2778 [O][f] -> [Of] 2779 [ter][n] -> [tern] 2780 [pro][duc] -> [produc] 2781 [en][, ] -> [en, ] 2782 [umm][on] -> [ummon] 2783 [j][ect ] -> [ject ] 2784 [ p][os] -> [ pos] 2785 [It ][is ] -> [It is ] 2786 [m][uggl] -> [muggl] 2787 [s][up] -> [sup] 2788 [dr][ed ] -> [dred ] 2789 [ing][le ] -> [ingle ] 2790 [down][ the ] -> [down the ] 2791 [. I]['ve ] -> [. I've ] 2792 [an][ion] -> [anion] 2793 [al][ong] -> [along] 2794 [ble][m] -> [blem] 2795 [l][and ] -> [land ] 2796 [m][utter] -> [mutter] 2797 [. ][What ] -> [. What ] 2798 [e s][p] -> [e sp] 2799 [ys][ter] -> [yster] 2800 [ s][usp] -> [ susp] 2801 [att][ack] -> [attack] 2802 [ure][d] -> [ured] 2803 [g][ion] -> [gion] 2804 [g][az] -> [gaz] 2805 [ing][ with] -> [ing with] 2806 [possib][le ] -> [possible ] 2807 [e][to] -> [eto] 2808 [they ][were ] -> [they were ] 2809 [bl][ad] -> [blad] 2810 [around ][them] -> [around them] 2811 [Paul][ had ] -> [Paul had ] 2812 [ing][ them] -> [ing them] 2813 [oriz][on] -> [orizon] 2814 [Shield ][Wall] -> [Shield Wall] 2815 [, m]['Lord] -> [, m'Lord] 2816 [They]['re ] -> [They're ] 2817 [crawl][er] -> [crawler] 2818 [.) ][\u000a] -> [.) \u000a] 2819 [of ][Muad'Dib] -> [of Muad'Dib] 2820 [ir][st ] -> [irst ] 2821 [ha][h] -> [hah] 2822 [Y][et ] -> [Yet ] 2823 [ hel][d ] -> [ held ] 2824 [would ][be ] -> [would be ] 2825 [ex][plain] -> [explain] 2826 [l][ess] -> [less] 2827 [Truth][say] -> [Truthsay] 2828 [av][el] -> [avel] 2829 [ se][e] -> [ see] 2830 [d][ar] -> [dar] 2831 [Lady ][Jessica] -> [Lady Jessica] 2832 [c][lose ] -> [close ] 2833 [ro][p] -> [rop] 2834 [new][ ] -> [new ] 2835 [fl][esh] -> [flesh] 2836 [D][o ] -> [Do ] 2837 [ a][b] -> [ ab] 2838 [?" he ][ask] -> [?" he ask] 2839 [ star][ed at ] -> [ stared at ] 2840 [d][rug] -> [drug] 2841 [ac][c] -> [acc] 2842 [ef][f] -> [eff] 2843 [from][ his ] -> [from his ] 2844 [c][tor] -> [ctor] 2845 [you][ have ] -> [you have ] 2846 [." ][And ] -> [." And ] 2847 [m][e, ] -> [me, ] 2848 [ m][us] -> [ mus] 2849 [war][n] -> [warn] 2850 [tr][ust ] -> [trust ] 2851 [one ][of ] -> [one of ] 2852 [ c][ar] -> [ car] 2853 [op][er] -> [oper] 2854 [el][se ] -> [else ] 2855 [a ][S] -> [a S] 2856 [ ][S] -> [ S] 2857 [poin][t ] -> [point ] 2858 [ear][s ] -> [ears ] 2859 [f][ter] -> [fter] 2860 [l][d] -> [ld] 2861 [."\u000a ][She ] -> [."\u000a She ] 2862 [your][ f] -> [your f] 2863 [.\u000a\u000a][= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] -> [.\u000a\u000a= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] 2864 [is][n't ] -> [isn't ] 2865 [sp][eak] -> [speak] 2866 [W][ill] -> [Will] 2867 [," ][Halleck] -> [," Halleck] 2868 [bl][ade ] -> [blade ] 2869 [st][ret] -> [stret] 2870 [ra][is] -> [rais] 2871 [can][ be ] -> [can be ] 2872 [ar][ge ] -> [arge ] 2873 [ pl][ac] -> [ plac] 2874 [y s][on] -> [y son] 2875 [sp][ir] -> [spir] 2876 [for][e the ] -> [fore the ] 2877 [ a][bove ] -> [ above ] 2878 [no][se ] -> [nose ] 2879 [ha][i] -> [hai] 2880 [.\u000a ][Jessica ] -> [.\u000a Jessica ] 2881 [ fo][llow] -> [ follow] 2882 [all][y] -> [ally] 2883 [las][gun] -> [lasgun] 2884 [ s][and ] -> [ sand ] 2885 [j][ec] -> [jec] 2886 [," the ][Fremen] -> [," the Fremen] 2887 [," Kynes said][. "] -> [," Kynes said. "] 2888 [A][T] -> [AT] 2889 [" by the Princess Irulan][\u000a\u000a ] -> [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] 2890 [t][ure ] -> [ture ] 2891 [h][alf] -> [half] 2892 [op][en ] -> [open ] 2893 [ed in][to] -> [ed into] 2894 [CH][O] -> [CHO] 2895 [re][am] -> [ream] 2896 [ed][ge ] -> [edge ] 2897 [resp][on] -> [respon] 2898 [le][vel] -> [level] 2899 [gr][ound ] -> [ground ] 2900 [er][s, ] -> [ers, ] 2901 [when][ the ] -> [when the ] 2902 [t][s] -> [ts] 2903 [enc][e, ] -> [ence, ] 2904 [sp][ok] -> [spok] 2905 [in][v] -> [inv] 2906 [dr][aw] -> [draw] 2907 [."\u000a ][He ] -> [."\u000a He ] 2908 [if][fic] -> [iffic] 2909 [iffic][ul] -> [ifficul] 2910 [ m][utter] -> [ mutter] 2911 [ a][war] -> [ awar] 2912 [ wh][en] -> [ when] 2913 [. ][C] -> [. C] 2914 [looked ][down] -> [looked down] 2915 [e. ][But ] -> [e. But ] 2916 [s][ent ] -> [sent ] 2917 [ed to][ his ] -> [ed to his ] 2918 [ his ][head] -> [ his head] 2919 [c][ul] -> [cul] 2920 [al][th] -> [alth] 2921 [to][o ] -> [too ] 2922 [ ][us] -> [ us] 2923 [c][le] -> [cle] 2924 [su][re] -> [sure] 2925 [ w][r] -> [ wr] 2926 [m][on] -> [mon] 2927 [f][ather ] -> [father ] 2928 [er][c] -> [erc] 2929 [tru][e ] -> [true ] 2930 [. W][e] -> [. We] 2931 [tic][al] -> [tical] 2932 [ do ][not ] -> [ do not ] 2933 [pr][of] -> [prof] 2934 [p][an] -> [pan] 2935 [ sh][ook] -> [ shook] 2936 [glanc][ed at the ] -> [glanced at the ] 2937 [T][ell] -> [Tell] 2938 [p][atch] -> [patch] 2939 [Paul][ thought] -> [Paul thought] 2940 [m][or] -> [mor] 2941 [ch][eek] -> [cheek] 2942 [N][oth] -> [Noth] 2943 [sh][ield ] -> [shield ] 2944 [ne][x] -> [nex] 2945 [stud][y] -> [study] 2946 [m][ur] -> [mur] 2947 [ing a][t the ] -> [ing at the ] 2948 [uni][form] -> [uniform] 2949 [f][ron] -> [fron] 2950 [pos][ition] -> [position] 2951 [There ][was ] -> [There was ] 2952 [af][f] -> [aff] 2953 [eto][log] -> [etolog] 2954 [ ][its ] -> [ its ] 2955 [w][ing] -> [wing] 2956 [ them][, ] -> [ them, ] 2957 [E][N] -> [EN] 2958 [ said][.\u000a "] -> [ said.\u000a "] 2959 [c][hamber] -> [chamber] 2960 [s][erv] -> [serv] 2961 [ing ][it ] -> [ing it ] 2962 [pass][age ] -> [passage ] 2963 [ ][like ] -> [ like ] 2964 [ ][j] -> [ j] 2965 [CHO][AM] -> [CHOAM] 2966 [Great ][Hous] -> [Great Hous] 2967 [ m][an ] -> [ man ] 2968 [. \u000a ][The ] -> [. \u000a The ] 2969 [wor][ld ] -> [world ] 2970 [per][haps ] -> [perhaps ] 2971 [as ][she ] -> [as she ] 2972 [ha][w] -> [haw] 2973 [ w][ait] -> [ wait] 2974 [ s][at ] -> [ sat ] 2975 [ s][to] -> [ sto] 2976 [ d][oub] -> [ doub] 2977 [." ][The ] -> [." The ] 2978 [z][z] -> [zz] 2979 [ a deep][ breath] -> [ a deep breath] 2980 [ f][ound ] -> [ found ] 2981 [?"][ she ask] -> [?" she ask] 2982 [ti][p] -> [tip] 2983 [ bet][we] -> [ betwe] 2984 [for][ you] -> [for you] 2985 [f][all] -> [fall] 2986 [H][ave ] -> [Have ] 2987 [ plan][et] -> [ planet] 2988 [ m][en ] -> [ men ] 2989 [dre][w] -> [drew] 2990 [ to][ his ] -> [ to his ] 2991 [?][\u000a "] -> [?\u000a "] 2992 [ed his ][attention] -> [ed his attention] 2993 [p][leas] -> [pleas] 2994 [Th][en ] -> [Then ] 2995 [pl][ay] -> [play] 2996 [n][ar] -> [nar] 2997 [ou][d ] -> [oud ] 2998 [D][r] -> [Dr] 2999 ['ll][ have ] -> ['ll have ] 3000 [ev][id] -> [evid] 3001 [sp][oke ] -> [spoke ] 3002 [e][ad] -> [ead] 3003 [p][attern] -> [pattern] 3004 [blo][od] -> [blood] 3005 ['ll][ not ] -> ['ll not ] 3006 [do][esn't ] -> [doesn't ] 3007 [unc][an ] -> [uncan ] 3008 [ed ][on ] -> [ed on ] 3009 [s][.\u000a "] -> [s.\u000a "] 3010 [w][av] -> [wav] 3011 [some][thing ] -> [something ] 3012 [," Paul said][, "] -> [," Paul said, "] 3013 [bal][is] -> [balis] 3014 [pre][par] -> [prepar] 3015 [man][n] -> [mann] 3016 [ m][ak] -> [ mak] 3017 [train][ed ] -> [trained ] 3018 [where ][the ] -> [where the ] 3019 [a][head ] -> [ahead ] 3020 [d][et] -> [det] 3021 [l][ack] -> [lack] 3022 [," the Duke said][. "] -> [," the Duke said. "] 3023 [lead][er] -> [leader] 3024 [O][ur] -> [Our] 3025 [ ][an ] -> [ an ] 3026 [!" ][\u000a "] -> [!" \u000a "] 3027 [ri][v] -> [riv] 3028 [ b][o] -> [ bo] 3029 [ d][ark] -> [ dark] 3030 [quar][ter] -> [quarter] 3031 [, ][Jessica thought] -> [, Jessica thought] 3032 [B][ew] -> [Bew] 3033 [cry][sknif] -> [crysknif] 3034 [hai][-h] -> [hai-h] 3035 [hai-h][ul] -> [hai-hul] 3036 [g][asp] -> [gasp] 3037 [beg][an] -> [began] 3038 [lan][k] -> [lank] 3039 [ed][--] -> [ed--] 3040 [e][el] -> [eel] 3041 [L][is] -> [Lis] 3042 [Lis][an al] -> [Lisan al] 3043 [Lisan al][-] -> [Lisan al-] 3044 [Lisan al-][Ga] -> [Lisan al-Ga] 3045 [Lisan al-Ga][ib] -> [Lisan al-Gaib] 3046 [cr][aft ] -> [craft ] 3047 [bank][er] -> [banker] 3048 [fut][ure] -> [future] 3049 [ep][ar] -> [epar] 3050 [call][ed ] -> [called ] 3051 [ation][ ] -> [ation ] 3052 [haw][k] -> [hawk] 3053 [go][t ] -> [got ] 3054 [g][irl] -> [girl] 3055 [ c][ur] -> [ cur] 3056 [ wh][o ] -> [ who ] 3057 [ro][de ] -> [rode ] 3058 [a ][good ] -> [a good ] 3059 [h][uman] -> [human] 3060 [tru][ly ] -> [truly ] 3061 [ h][uman] -> [ human] 3062 [, ][star] -> [, star] 3063 [look][ed at the ] -> [looked at the ] 3064 [en][ess] -> [eness] 3065 [voice ][was ] -> [voice was ] 3066 [. They ][were ] -> [. They were ] 3067 [."\u000a "][The ] -> [."\u000a "The ] 3068 [tin][u] -> [tinu] 3069 [it][self] -> [itself] 3070 [ st][are ] -> [ stare ] 3071 [one ][who] -> [one who] 3072 [of][ them] -> [of them] 3073 [Imperi][al] -> [Imperial] 3074 [too][, ] -> [too, ] 3075 [ound][ed ] -> [ounded ] 3076 [so][on] -> [soon] 3077 [ to][ld ] -> [ told ] 3078 [. A][s ] -> [. As ] 3079 [jo][in] -> [join] 3080 [Pres][ently] -> [Presently] 3081 [ sh][ield ] -> [ shield ] 3082 [in][ess] -> [iness] 3083 [L][if] -> [Lif] 3084 [ ask][ed. \u000a "] -> [ asked. \u000a "] 3085 [any][thing] -> [anything] 3086 [D][uncan ] -> [Duncan ] 3087 [li][pp] -> [lipp] 3088 [. A][ ] -> [. A ] 3089 [s][c] -> [sc] 3090 [t][ong] -> [tong] 3091 [lan][gu] -> [langu] 3092 [ther][e, ] -> [there, ] 3093 [ mo][tion] -> [ motion] 3094 [Ah][-h-h] -> [Ah-h-h] 3095 [ex][press] -> [express] 3096 [ow][er] -> [ower] 3097 [sh][ow] -> [show] 3098 [ po][ison] -> [ poison] 3099 [ his ][father] -> [ his father] 3100 [. He ][was ] -> [. He was ] 3101 [if][ic] -> [ific] 3102 [in][e] -> [ine] 3103 [he][av] -> [heav] 3104 [om][e of] -> [ome of] 3105 [estro][y ] -> [estroy ] 3106 [el][f] -> [elf] 3107 [re][at] -> [reat] 3108 [W][ater ] -> [Water ] 3109 [li][eu] -> [lieu] 3110 [lieu][ten] -> [lieuten] 3111 [equip][ment] -> [equipment] 3112 [Nef][ud] -> [Nefud] 3113 [Nef][ud ] -> [Nefud ] 3114 [pres][ci] -> [presci] 3115 [," ][Harah] -> [," Harah] 3116 [P][adis] -> [Padis] 3117 [Padis][hah] -> [Padishah] 3118 [Padishah][ ] -> [Padishah ] 3119 [eci][al] -> [ecial] 3120 [plac][e] -> [place] 3121 [In][ the ] -> [In the ] 3122 [ag][e, ] -> [age, ] 3123 [. "][S] -> [. "S] 3124 [s of][ his ] -> [s of his ] 3125 [L][ands] -> [Lands] 3126 [Lands][ra] -> [Landsra] 3127 [ of][ his ] -> [ of his ] 3128 [f][ell] -> [fell] 3129 [s ][. . . ] -> [s . . . ] 3130 [Wh][en] -> [When] 3131 [in the ][c] -> [in the c] 3132 [b][b] -> [bb] 3133 [, saw][ the ] -> [, saw the ] 3134 [e ][of ] -> [e of ] 3135 [obs][erv] -> [observ] 3136 [. ][P] -> [. P] 3137 [ sp][ace ] -> [ space ] 3138 [iss][ion] -> [ission] 3139 [g][ent] -> [gent] 3140 [b][ow] -> [bow] 3141 [in][, ] -> [in, ] 3142 [ h][and ] -> [ hand ] 3143 [obvi][ous ] -> [obvious ] 3144 [your][ m] -> [your m] 3145 [th][at's ] -> [that's ] 3146 [t][each] -> [teach] 3147 [i][le] -> [ile] 3148 [," he said][.\u000a "] -> [," he said.\u000a "] 3149 [fe][w] -> [few] 3150 [s ][in] -> [s in] 3151 [anc][es] -> [ances] 3152 [f][ail] -> [fail] 3153 [j][aw] -> [jaw] 3154 [ c][ap] -> [ cap] 3155 [m][ir] -> [mir] 3156 [ac][t ] -> [act ] 3157 [es][ted ] -> [ested ] 3158 [you][th] -> [youth] 3159 [d][aughter] -> [daughter] 3160 [od][d ] -> [odd ] 3161 [out][sid] -> [outsid] 3162 [ de][ad ] -> [ dead ] 3163 [ s][up] -> [ sup] 3164 [ing][.\u000a "] -> [ing.\u000a "] 3165 [."\u000a "][I] -> [."\u000a "I] 3166 [What ][is ] -> [What is ] 3167 [tran][sp] -> [transp] 3168 [?"][\u000a The ] -> [?"\u000a The ] 3169 [about ][the ] -> [about the ] 3170 [er][y ] -> [ery ] 3171 [ ][our] -> [ our] 3172 [to][ him] -> [to him] 3173 [m][ad] -> [mad] 3174 [cl][es ] -> [cles ] 3175 [S][al] -> [Sal] 3176 [ we][apon] -> [ weapon] 3177 [Gurney][, ] -> [Gurney, ] 3178 [in][strum] -> [instrum] 3179 [A][ll] -> [All] 3180 [ c][oun] -> [ coun] 3181 [de][f] -> [def] 3182 [ag][es ] -> [ages ] 3183 [ for][c] -> [ forc] 3184 [s][hall] -> [shall] 3185 [au][s] -> [aus] 3186 [sp][ice] -> [spice] 3187 [repor][t ] -> [report ] 3188 [ing][ a ] -> [ing a ] 3189 [. A][ll] -> [. All] 3190 [.\u000a ][But ] -> [.\u000a But ] 3191 [poin][ted ] -> [pointed ] 3192 [c][old ] -> [cold ] 3193 [," he said][. "I] -> [," he said. "I] 3194 [my ][Lord] -> [my Lord] 3195 [Leto]['s ] -> [Leto's ] 3196 [ha][k] -> [hak] 3197 [of][ b] -> [of b] 3198 [to][oth] -> [tooth] 3199 [ c][arri] -> [ carri] 3200 [th][en ] -> [then ] 3201 [A][D] -> [AD] 3202 [ear][ch] -> [earch] 3203 [car][ry] -> [carry] 3204 [um][in] -> [umin] 3205 [.\u000a ][Kynes ] -> [.\u000a Kynes ] 3206 [ des][ert] -> [ desert] 3207 [m][-m-m] -> [m-m-m] 3208 [Chani]['s ] -> [Chani's ] 3209 [And ][the ] -> [And the ] 3210 [on ][Arrakis ] -> [on Arrakis ] 3211 [d][u] -> [du] 3212 [." \u000a "][I] -> [." \u000a "I] 3213 [heard ][the ] -> [heard the ] 3214 [au][ght] -> [aught] 3215 [you][ to] -> [you to] 3216 [of][ cour] -> [of cour] 3217 [he ][thought] -> [he thought] 3218 [. He s][aw] -> [. He saw] 3219 [th][roat] -> [throat] 3220 [ b][e s] -> [ be s] 3221 [ing ][it] -> [ing it] 3222 [b][ent ] -> [bent ] 3223 [low][ly] -> [lowly] 3224 [. W][ith] -> [. With] 3225 [ wom][an] -> [ woman] 3226 [ous][ly ] -> [ously ] 3227 [will][ ] -> [will ] 3228 [ a][ w] -> [ a w] 3229 [oc][cup] -> [occup] 3230 [sur][face ] -> [surface ] 3231 [tr][ad] -> [trad] 3232 [, the ][s] -> [, the s] 3233 [ch][em] -> [chem] 3234 [ast][e ] -> [aste ] 3235 [ef][ull] -> [efull] 3236 [id][e, ] -> [ide, ] 3237 [h][op] -> [hop] 3238 [ome][thing] -> [omething] 3239 [tw][isted ] -> [twisted ] 3240 ['d ][be ] -> ['d be ] 3241 [m][ain] -> [main] 3242 [be][ing ] -> [being ] 3243 [c][olor] -> [color] 3244 [." \u000a ][Jessica] -> [." \u000a Jessica] 3245 [se][en ] -> [seen ] 3246 [. I][ must ] -> [. I must ] 3247 [ th][ings ] -> [ things ] 3248 [f][ix] -> [fix] 3249 [w][ind ] -> [wind ] 3250 [ed ][for ] -> [ed for ] 3251 [in][t ] -> [int ] 3252 [at][es ] -> [ates ] 3253 [, sp][oke ] -> [, spoke ] 3254 [. H][aw] -> [. Haw] 3255 [ing][ down] -> [ing down] 3256 [out ][of] -> [out of] 3257 [us][a S] -> [usa S] 3258 [usa S][ec] -> [usa Sec] 3259 [usa Sec][und] -> [usa Secund] 3260 [l][ump] -> [lump] 3261 [f][ight] -> [fight] 3262 [ d][ef] -> [ def] 3263 [each ][other] -> [each other] 3264 [ c][lear] -> [ clear] 3265 [remain][ed ] -> [remained ] 3266 [!][\u000a "] -> [!\u000a "] 3267 [l][arg] -> [larg] 3268 [ of][ a ] -> [ of a ] 3269 [ur][b] -> [urb] 3270 [per][s] -> [pers] 3271 [sp][ic] -> [spic] 3272 [L][ord ] -> [Lord ] 3273 [am][m] -> [amm] 3274 [There ][is ] -> [There is ] 3275 [m][yself] -> [myself] 3276 [to ][you] -> [to you] 3277 [ d][ust ] -> [ dust ] 3278 ['r][e s] -> ['re s] 3279 [ c][he] -> [ che] 3280 [ed s][il] -> [ed sil] 3281 [ in][ the s] -> [ in the s] 3282 [ter][-] -> [ter-] 3283 [es][cor] -> [escor] 3284 [at][ely ] -> [ately ] 3285 [land][s] -> [lands] 3286 [lands][cap] -> [landscap] 3287 [il][y] -> [ily] 3288 [L][iet] -> [Liet] 3289 [sm][uggl] -> [smuggl] 3290 [ed to][ward ] -> [ed toward ] 3291 [am][ong the ] -> [among the ] 3292 [clim][b] -> [climb] 3293 [ro][be] -> [robe] 3294 [unn][el] -> [unnel] 3295 [-][Muad'Dib] -> [-Muad'Dib] 3296 [O][N] -> [ON] 3297 [Padishah ][Emperor] -> [Padishah Emperor] 3298 [t][ep] -> [tep] 3299 [con][c] -> [conc] 3300 [comp][let] -> [complet] 3301 [glow][glo] -> [glowglo] 3302 [up][on] -> [upon] 3303 [ous][ness ] -> [ousness ] 3304 [anim][al] -> [animal] 3305 [gi][ven] -> [given] 3306 [ure][s ] -> [ures ] 3307 [univer][se ] -> [universe ] 3308 [ c][los] -> [ clos] 3309 [, see][ing the ] -> [, seeing the ] 3310 [z][e ] -> [ze ] 3311 [po][ck] -> [pock] 3312 [end ][of the ] -> [end of the ] 3313 [p][ac] -> [pac] 3314 [Jessica][, ] -> [Jessica, ] 3315 [po][is] -> [pois] 3316 [ s][wallow] -> [ swallow] 3317 [G][o] -> [Go] 3318 [G][et ] -> [Get ] 3319 [hand][, ] -> [hand, ] 3320 [bre][ath] -> [breath] 3321 [. ][No] -> [. No] 3322 [rem][ind] -> [remind] 3323 [t][al] -> [tal] 3324 [eli][ev] -> [eliev] 3325 [lin][es ] -> [lines ] 3326 [. And ][the ] -> [. And the ] 3327 [lo][v] -> [lov] 3328 [to][ con] -> [to con] 3329 [ ask][ed. "] -> [ asked. "] 3330 [you][ were ] -> [you were ] 3331 [ am][ong] -> [ among] 3332 [ic][i] -> [ici] 3333 [be][t] -> [bet] 3334 [ m][ark] -> [ mark] 3335 [ again][st the ] -> [ against the ] 3336 [h][old ] -> [hold ] 3337 [ her][self] -> [ herself] 3338 [ for][ce ] -> [ force ] 3339 [im][ag] -> [imag] 3340 [evid][ence ] -> [evidence ] 3341 [ers][on] -> [erson] 3342 [from][ the s] -> [from the s] 3343 [a][-] -> [a-] 3344 [ he][av] -> [ heav] 3345 [bo][y] -> [boy] 3346 [rock][s ] -> [rocks ] 3347 [I][ can] -> [I can] 3348 [l][es ] -> [les ] 3349 [gl][ar] -> [glar] 3350 [step][p] -> [stepp] 3351 [wh][ose ] -> [whose ] 3352 [ s][ent ] -> [ sent ] 3353 [ous][and ] -> [ousand ] 3354 [every][thing] -> [everything] 3355 [ h][igh] -> [ high] 3356 [aw][are ] -> [aware ] 3357 [ir][st] -> [irst] 3358 [he]['d ] -> [he'd ] 3359 [rel][ax] -> [relax] 3360 [Sal][usa Secund] -> [Salusa Secund] 3361 [re][leas] -> [releas] 3362 [f][ighting] -> [fighting] 3363 [ sh][ield] -> [ shield] 3364 [ p][ress] -> [ press] 3365 [. Th][ere's ] -> [. There's ] 3366 [1][0] -> [10] 3367 [se][ek] -> [seek] 3368 [to][ w] -> [to w] 3369 [. . . "][\u000a "] -> [. . . "\u000a "] 3370 [ b][ecause ] -> [ because ] 3371 [ag][re] -> [agre] 3372 [ h][ang] -> [ hang] 3373 [realiz][ed ] -> [realized ] 3374 [s ][on] -> [s on] 3375 [ th][ere, ] -> [ there, ] 3376 [id][d] -> [idd] 3377 [there ][were ] -> [there were ] 3378 [ de][ad] -> [ dead] 3379 [said][. "] -> [said. "] 3380 [m][oment] -> [moment] 3381 [ith][op] -> [ithop] 3382 [ue][-] -> [ue-] 3383 [imp][le ] -> [imple ] 3384 [fac][e, ] -> [face, ] 3385 [le][ast ] -> [least ] 3386 [s][ietch] -> [sietch] 3387 [ heard ][the ] -> [ heard the ] 3388 [still][suit ] -> [stillsuit ] 3389 [ all][ ] -> [ all ] 3390 [gl][adi] -> [gladi] 3391 [gladi][ator] -> [gladiator] 3392 [," the ][Count ] -> [," the Count ] 3393 [Majest][y] -> [Majesty] 3394 [," the ][Emperor] -> [," the Emperor] 3395 [ho][od] -> [hood] 3396 [u][res] -> [ures] 3397 [: "][The ] -> [: "The ] 3398 [om][ j] -> [om j] 3399 [om j][abb] -> [om jabb] 3400 [om jabb][ar] -> [om jabbar] 3401 [p][ush] -> [push] 3402 [ed with][ the ] -> [ed with the ] 3403 [er][i] -> [eri] 3404 [ wh][ile ] -> [ while ] 3405 [d][ic] -> [dic] 3406 [his ][own] -> [his own] 3407 [ f][ar] -> [ far] 3408 [estro][y] -> [estroy] 3409 [g][ri] -> [gri] 3410 [ili][ar] -> [iliar] 3411 [Truthsay][er] -> [Truthsayer] 3412 [ed ][across the ] -> [ed across the ] 3413 [at][, ] -> [at, ] 3414 [ ][Paul] -> [ Paul] 3415 [tri][ed to] -> [tried to] 3416 [trem][bl] -> [trembl] 3417 [O][ld ] -> [Old ] 3418 [if][t ] -> [ift ] 3419 [cre][as] -> [creas] 3420 [c][ouldn't ] -> [couldn't ] 3421 [ex][cept ] -> [except ] 3422 [re][pe] -> [repe] 3423 [are ][the ] -> [are the ] 3424 [ed to][ward the ] -> [ed toward the ] 3425 [qu][ot] -> [quot] 3426 [your][ s] -> [your s] 3427 [ f][elt the ] -> [ felt the ] 3428 [c][ent] -> [cent] 3429 [ed out ][of the ] -> [ed out of the ] 3430 [b][ig] -> [big] 3431 [."\u000a ][A] -> [."\u000a A] 3432 [dear][ ] -> [dear ] 3433 [of][t] -> [oft] 3434 [tre][acher] -> [treacher] 3435 [ be][en] -> [ been] 3436 [Fey][d] -> [Feyd] 3437 [. ][One ] -> [. One ] 3438 [con][dition] -> [condition] 3439 [ud][g] -> [udg] 3440 [ay][s ] -> [ays ] 3441 [ar][th] -> [arth] 3442 [and ][his ] -> [and his ] 3443 [Of][ cour] -> [Of cour] 3444 [ves][ti] -> [vesti] 3445 [in][ce ] -> [ince ] 3446 [ad][v] -> [adv] 3447 [ec][olog] -> [ecolog] 3448 [mo][re] -> [more] 3449 [s, ][and ] -> [s, and ] 3450 [ist][ak] -> [istak] 3451 [a ][Pro] -> [a Pro] 3452 [ing ac][ross ] -> [ing across ] 3453 [him][ ] -> [him ] 3454 [ th][an ] -> [ than ] 3455 [c][ess] -> [cess] 3456 [:][ a ] -> [: a ] 3457 [e][. "] -> [e. "] 3458 [qu][ite ] -> [quite ] 3459 [s][af] -> [saf] 3460 [c][il] -> [cil] 3461 [for][ce ] -> [force ] 3462 [op][p] -> [opp] 3463 [war][d, ] -> [ward, ] 3464 [s][heath] -> [sheath] 3465 [re][tre] -> [retre] 3466 [ f][all] -> [ fall] 3467 [y][es] -> [yes] 3468 [h][ouse ] -> [house ] 3469 [ f][ig] -> [ fig] 3470 [," ][Yueh] -> [," Yueh] 3471 [or][m] -> [orm] 3472 [ke ][off] -> [ke off] 3473 [pe][ak] -> [peak] 3474 [ b][u] -> [ bu] 3475 [sh][arp] -> [sharp] 3476 [es][tim] -> [estim] 3477 [f][re] -> [fre] 3478 [tak][en] -> [taken] 3479 [.\u000a ][They ] -> [.\u000a They ] 3480 [arm][, ] -> [arm, ] 3481 [, my ][Lord] -> [, my Lord] 3482 [ce][al] -> [ceal] 3483 [br][up] -> [brup] 3484 [way][ the ] -> [way the ] 3485 [if][ ] -> [if ] 3486 [orn][ithop] -> [ornithop] 3487 [h][orizon] -> [horizon] 3488 [We ][must ] -> [We must ] 3489 [m][ask] -> [mask] 3490 [am][ong] -> [among] 3491 [a f][ew] -> [a few] 3492 [ c][ho] -> [ cho] 3493 [ch][ief] -> [chief] 3494 [p][i] -> [pi] 3495 [ ][B] -> [ B] 3496 [s][ense ] -> [sense ] 3497 [, and ][she ] -> [, and she ] 3498 [cap][tain] -> [captain] 3499 [r][ank] -> [rank] 3500 [year][s ] -> [years ] 3501 [.\u000a][-from "] -> [.\u000a-from "] 3502 [k][y ] -> [ky ] 3503 [ s][hadow] -> [ shadow] 3504 [of][t ] -> [oft ] 3505 [g][et] -> [get] 3506 [s][et ] -> [set ] 3507 [e][al] -> [eal] 3508 [d][im] -> [dim] 3509 [ as ][he ] -> [ as he ] 3510 [e. ][\u000a ] -> [e. \u000a ] 3511 [t][aught ] -> [taught ] 3512 [blo][od ] -> [blood ] 3513 [c][lo] -> [clo] 3514 [no][ther] -> [nother] 3515 [vis][ible ] -> [visible ] 3516 [ro][ach] -> [roach] 3517 [tr][avel] -> [travel] 3518 [F][rom] -> [From] 3519 [ war][n] -> [ warn] 3520 [ sur][vi] -> [ survi] 3521 [ch][ildr] -> [childr] 3522 [lip][s ] -> [lips ] 3523 [b][urn] -> [burn] 3524 [ter][m] -> [term] 3525 [m][oun] -> [moun] 3526 [b][it] -> [bit] 3527 [d][ifficul] -> [difficul] 3528 [ag][on] -> [agon] 3529 [e of][ his ] -> [e of his ] 3530 [ th][at's ] -> [ that's ] 3531 [some][thing] -> [something] 3532 [tic][ ] -> [tic ] 3533 [\u000a\u000a][= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] -> [\u000a\u000a= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] 3534 [r][umbl] -> [rumbl] 3535 [ do][es ] -> [ does ] 3536 [ ac][cept ] -> [ accept ] 3537 [Well][, ] -> [Well, ] 3538 [of ][Arrakis] -> [of Arrakis] 3539 [fir][st] -> [first] 3540 [ h][app] -> [ happ] 3541 [rom][is] -> [romis] 3542 [er][r] -> [err] 3543 [lim][it] -> [limit] 3544 [h][ouse] -> [house] 3545 [ will][ ] -> [ will ] 3546 [ d][ep] -> [ dep] 3547 [il][it] -> [ilit] 3548 [c][irc] -> [circ] 3549 [iel][ds ] -> [ields ] 3550 [ s][napp] -> [ snapp] 3551 [e][? ] -> [e? ] 3552 [ m][ade ] -> [ made ] 3553 [We]['ll] -> [We'll] 3554 [ was ][the ] -> [ was the ] 3555 [ s][o ] -> [ so ] 3556 [ se][ek] -> [ seek] 3557 [out ][the ] -> [out the ] 3558 [g][ather] -> [gather] 3559 [M][ission] -> [Mission] 3560 [Mission][ari] -> [Missionari] 3561 [Missionari][a Pro] -> [Missionaria Pro] 3562 [Missionaria Pro][tec] -> [Missionaria Protec] 3563 [Missionaria Protec][tiv] -> [Missionaria Protectiv] 3564 [ve][il] -> [veil] 3565 [out ][of ] -> [out of ] 3566 [ud][den ] -> [udden ] 3567 [train][ing ] -> [training ] 3568 [cer][n] -> [cern] 3569 [ed ][me ] -> [ed me ] 3570 [d][idn't ] -> [didn't ] 3571 [ar][ound] -> [around] 3572 [Halleck]['s ] -> [Halleck's ] 3573 [, Paul][ thought] -> [, Paul thought] 3574 [ed ][their] -> [ed their] 3575 [long][er] -> [longer] 3576 [to ][take ] -> [to take ] 3577 [?" Paul][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Paul asked.\u000a "] 3578 [me][ters ] -> [meters ] 3579 [um][b] -> [umb] 3580 [not ][the ] -> [not the ] 3581 [tin][y ] -> [tiny ] 3582 [appro][ach] -> [approach] 3583 [guard][s ] -> [guards ] 3584 [att][le] -> [attle] 3585 [have ][been] -> [have been] 3586 [twent][y ] -> [twenty ] 3587 [ b][el] -> [ bel] 3588 [w][on't ] -> [won't ] 3589 [ph][ec] -> [phec] 3590 [r][um] -> [rum] 3591 [comm][and] -> [command] 3592 [lit][er] -> [liter] 3593 [ref][lec] -> [reflec] 3594 [mak][er] -> [maker] 3595 [c][ut ] -> [cut ] 3596 [our][ce ] -> [ource ] 3597 [sel][ves ] -> [selves ] 3598 [at][ing ] -> [ating ] 3599 [in][ my ] -> [in my ] 3600 [e sh][ould ] -> [e should ] 3601 [ a][ir] -> [ air] 3602 [pro][b] -> [prob] 3603 [hy][th] -> [hyth] 3604 [hyth][m] -> [hythm] 3605 [mess][age ] -> [message ] 3606 [," the ][man] -> [," the man] 3607 [," ][Leto] -> [," Leto] 3608 [ app][ear] -> [ appear] 3609 [r][ound] -> [round] 3610 [an][ti] -> [anti] 3611 [.\u000a The ][Baron] -> [.\u000a The Baron] 3612 [, the Baron][ thought] -> [, the Baron thought] 3613 [-][l] -> [-l] 3614 [um][per] -> [umper] 3615 [th][ron] -> [thron] 3616 [Sayyadin][a] -> [Sayyadina] 3617 [R][E] -> [RE] 3618 [O][R] -> [OR] 3619 [cor][rec] -> [correc] 3620 [S][had] -> [Shad] 3621 [ all][ the ] -> [ all the ] 3622 [that ][had ] -> [that had ] 3623 [near][ the ] -> [near the ] 3624 [ h][air] -> [ hair] 3625 [Your][ ] -> [Your ] 3626 [T][w] -> [Tw] 3627 [ b][ir] -> [ bir] 3628 [ ch][ang] -> [ chang] 3629 [ some][thing ] -> [ something ] 3630 [h][old] -> [hold] 3631 [ a][w] -> [ aw] 3632 [um][an ] -> [uman ] 3633 [of][ c] -> [of c] 3634 [Wh][o ] -> [Who ] 3635 [Bene Gesser][it] -> [Bene Gesserit] 3636 [al][ong the ] -> [along the ] 3637 [on][es ] -> [ones ] 3638 [g][lance ] -> [glance ] 3639 [. I][ ] -> [. I ] 3640 [ his ][mother] -> [ his mother] 3641 [!"][\u000a The ] -> [!"\u000a The ] 3642 [V][o] -> [Vo] 3643 [ene][tr] -> [enetr] 3644 [bo][x] -> [box] 3645 [ you][ ] -> [ you ] 3646 [!"][ she ] -> [!" she ] 3647 [al][e ] -> [ale ] 3648 [us][, ] -> [us, ] 3649 [t][le] -> [tle] 3650 [with][in the ] -> [within the ] 3651 [ b][ec] -> [ bec] 3652 [ib][er] -> [iber] 3653 [mov][ement] -> [movement] 3654 [. ][R] -> [. R] 3655 [ing][ h] -> [ing h] 3656 [ he ][was ] -> [ he was ] 3657 [to ][get ] -> [to get ] 3658 [: ]['] -> [: '] 3659 [unc][tion] -> [unction] 3660 [or][ig] -> [orig] 3661 [pres][ent] -> [present] 3662 [, s][h] -> [, sh] 3663 [. Th][eir] -> [. Their] 3664 [touch][ed ] -> [touched ] 3665 [o][il] -> [oil] 3666 [c][le ] -> [cle ] 3667 [cl][ud] -> [clud] 3668 [re][ally ] -> [really ] 3669 [ pre][par] -> [ prepar] 3670 [ind][ic] -> [indic] 3671 [Fen][r] -> [Fenr] 3672 [s][usp] -> [susp] 3673 [as ][it ] -> [as it ] 3674 [ m][atter] -> [ matter] 3675 [," he said][, "] -> [," he said, "] 3676 [no][ more ] -> [no more ] 3677 [terr][or] -> [terror] 3678 [ her][e, ] -> [ here, ] 3679 [. H][e's ] -> [. He's ] 3680 [ing][s, ] -> [ings, ] 3681 [sm][il] -> [smil] 3682 [ a][ th] -> [ a th] 3683 [room][, ] -> [room, ] 3684 [Duncan ][Idaho] -> [Duncan Idaho] 3685 [ with][ his ] -> [ with his ] 3686 [ing][: "] -> [ing: "] 3687 [I]['d ] -> [I'd ] 3688 [on ][and ] -> [on and ] 3689 [ f][ri] -> [ fri] 3690 [ener][g] -> [energ] 3691 [W][ater] -> [Water] 3692 [gr][ay ] -> [gray ] 3693 [of ][Lif] -> [of Lif] 3694 [her][e, ] -> [here, ] 3695 [glanc][ed ] -> [glanced ] 3696 [i][er] -> [ier] 3697 [ said][. He ] -> [ said. He ] 3698 [ in][to ] -> [ into ] 3699 [fil][ter] -> [filter] 3700 [," Paul said][.\u000a "] -> [," Paul said.\u000a "] 3701 [with][ a ] -> [with a ] 3702 [gest][ur] -> [gestur] 3703 [10][,] -> [10,] 3704 [op][ul] -> [opul] 3705 [v][ill] -> [vill] 3706 [.\u000a "I][t's ] -> [.\u000a "It's ] 3707 [reli][gion] -> [religion] 3708 [m][ust] -> [must] 3709 [ou][d] -> [oud] 3710 [ome][one ] -> [omeone ] 3711 [ef][for] -> [effor] 3712 [u][fac] -> [ufac] 3713 [ m][ind ] -> [ mind ] 3714 [Duk][e s] -> [Duke s] 3715 [,"][ his father] -> [," his father] 3716 [ed][. She ] -> [ed. She ] 3717 [ fo][cus] -> [ focus] 3718 [Yueh]['s ] -> [Yueh's ] 3719 [, my ][Lady] -> [, my Lady] 3720 [ist][ure] -> [isture] 3721 [op][pos] -> [oppos] 3722 [tiff][en] -> [tiffen] 3723 [ b][elieve ] -> [ believe ] 3724 [wom][en] -> [women] 3725 [E][x] -> [Ex] 3726 [I][ could ] -> [I could ] 3727 [ d][idn't ] -> [ didn't ] 3728 [ se][en] -> [ seen] 3729 [ing ][on] -> [ing on] 3730 [ir][cl] -> [ircl] 3731 [kill][ed ] -> [killed ] 3732 [eir][d] -> [eird] 3733 [r][hythm] -> [rhythm] 3734 [ex][am] -> [exam] 3735 [ign][al] -> [ignal] 3736 [ across ][the ] -> [ across the ] 3737 [un][ic] -> [unic] 3738 [ c][arr] -> [ carr] 3739 [ mov][ement ] -> [ movement ] 3740 [ s][ietch] -> [ sietch] 3741 [our][n] -> [ourn] 3742 [turn][ed to ] -> [turned to ] 3743 [in][ fron] -> [in fron] 3744 [ ][enough] -> [ enough] 3745 [d][awn] -> [dawn] 3746 [f][it] -> [fit] 3747 [leg][end] -> [legend] 3748 [no][ted the ] -> [noted the ] 3749 [beg][inn] -> [beginn] 3750 [ th][en] -> [ then] 3751 [vis][ion] -> [vision] 3752 [," Chani][ said] -> [," Chani said] 3753 [.\u000a][S] -> [.\u000aS] 3754 [y ][of the ] -> [y of the ] 3755 [tak][e the ] -> [take the ] 3756 [fam][ily ] -> [family ] 3757 [,"][ said ] -> [," said ] 3758 [c][al] -> [cal] 3759 [g][om jabbar] -> [gom jabbar] 3760 [Wh][at's ] -> [What's ] 3761 [the s][tr] -> [the str] 3762 [ing][ w] -> [ing w] 3763 [en][ch] -> [ench] 3764 [of ][Arrakis ] -> [of Arrakis ] 3765 [?][ he ] -> [? he ] 3766 [l][ac] -> [lac] 3767 [ am][ong the ] -> [ among the ] 3768 [ed.\u000a ][Paul] -> [ed.\u000a Paul] 3769 [tens][ion] -> [tension] 3770 [ti][ce ] -> [tice ] 3771 [ to][ see ] -> [ to see ] 3772 [n][erv] -> [nerv] 3773 [lik][e s] -> [like s] 3774 [above ][the ] -> [above the ] 3775 [s][chool] -> [school] 3776 [d][ust ] -> [dust ] 3777 [gre][en] -> [green] 3778 [r][adi] -> [radi] 3779 [nodd][ed. "] -> [nodded. "] 3780 [comm][and ] -> [command ] 3781 [ol][ds ] -> [olds ] 3782 [ betwe][en] -> [ between] 3783 [to][ a] -> [to a] 3784 [ing ][off] -> [ing off] 3785 [mo][ve ] -> [move ] 3786 [ mo][ve ] -> [ move ] 3787 [l][ing] -> [ling] 3788 [s][topp] -> [stopp] 3789 [told ][him] -> [told him] 3790 [m][er] -> [mer] 3791 [star][ed at ] -> [stared at ] 3792 [C][ould ] -> [Could ] 3793 [ step][p] -> [ stepp] 3794 [ver][y] -> [very] 3795 [ about ][the ] -> [ about the ] 3796 [s ][it ] -> [s it ] 3797 [ir][ ] -> [ir ] 3798 [p][ol] -> [pol] 3799 [l][augh] -> [laugh] 3800 [ wh][en ] -> [ when ] 3801 [in ][it] -> [in it] 3802 [es][." \u000a "] -> [es." \u000a "] 3803 [ru][le ] -> [rule ] 3804 [Arrak][een ] -> [Arrakeen ] 3805 [at][ely] -> [ately] 3806 [ . . . ][" ] -> [ . . . " ] 3807 [re][t ] -> [ret ] 3808 [There ][are ] -> [There are ] 3809 [A][t ] -> [At ] 3810 [id][ent] -> [ident] 3811 [vesti][g] -> [vestig] 3812 [ pl][ace ] -> [ place ] 3813 [to b][e s] -> [to be s] 3814 [ a][long] -> [ along] 3815 [fig][ure ] -> [figure ] 3816 [ru][bb] -> [rubb] 3817 [se][e the ] -> [see the ] 3818 [Wh][at] -> [What] 3819 [lik][ely ] -> [likely ] 3820 [sm][ell] -> [smell] 3821 [ f][ull] -> [ full] 3822 [ h][ope ] -> [ hope ] 3823 [turned ][away] -> [turned away] 3824 [ fe][et] -> [ feet] 3825 [of][ my ] -> [of my ] 3826 [back][ to ] -> [back to ] 3827 [ ][one ] -> [ one ] 3828 [pass][ed ] -> [passed ] 3829 [Gurney]['s ] -> [Gurney's ] 3830 [tru][ck] -> [truck] 3831 [al][i] -> [ali] 3832 [.\u000a ][He s] -> [.\u000a He s] 3833 [t][ed] -> [ted] 3834 [s][ol] -> [sol] 3835 [you][ think] -> [you think] 3836 [k][il] -> [kil] 3837 [," Hawat said][. "] -> [," Hawat said. "] 3838 [hid][den] -> [hidden] 3839 [ h][esit] -> [ hesit] 3840 [I][ think] -> [I think] 3841 [mov][ed ] -> [moved ] 3842 [n][in] -> [nin] 3843 [knew][ the ] -> [knew the ] 3844 [od][, ] -> [od, ] 3845 [ed to][ be ] -> [ed to be ] 3846 [Dun][can] -> [Duncan] 3847 [le][ad ] -> [lead ] 3848 [s][low] -> [slow] 3849 [Rabb][an ] -> [Rabban ] 3850 [im][e ] -> [ime ] 3851 [ will][ be ] -> [ will be ] 3852 [ beg][an] -> [ began] 3853 [ed ][its ] -> [ed its ] 3854 [ag][es] -> [ages] 3855 [t][e ] -> [te ] 3856 [ven][tion] -> [vention] 3857 [any][thing ] -> [anything ] 3858 [ris][k] -> [risk] 3859 [. But ][the ] -> [. But the ] 3860 [. I][ts ] -> [. Its ] 3861 [pro][blem] -> [problem] 3862 [ly][ the ] -> [ly the ] 3863 [ s][ure ] -> [ sure ] 3864 [ili][ties ] -> [ilities ] 3865 [." \u000a ][She ] -> [." \u000a She ] 3866 [ed ][for the ] -> [ed for the ] 3867 [rit][ual] -> [ritual] 3868 [o][-] -> [o-] 3869 [ g][re] -> [ gre] 3870 [o][x] -> [ox] 3871 [ c][re] -> [ cre] 3872 [ of][ this ] -> [ of this ] 3873 [her][, ] -> [her, ] 3874 [in ][its ] -> [in its ] 3875 [es][p] -> [esp] 3876 [to][ her] -> [to her] 3877 [lo][p] -> [lop] 3878 [truc][tion] -> [truction] 3879 [E][ ] -> [E ] 3880 [sp][ec] -> [spec] 3881 [ f][am] -> [ fam] 3882 [ to][ be ] -> [ to be ] 3883 [ b][y the ] -> [ by the ] 3884 [?" the ][Duke ] -> [?" the Duke ] 3885 [, ][Sire] -> [, Sire] 3886 [ter][min] -> [termin] 3887 [a w][ay ] -> [a way ] 3888 [y][ing] -> [ying] 3889 [anc][e, ] -> [ance, ] 3890 [rid][or] -> [ridor] 3891 [lower][ed his ] -> [lowered his ] 3892 [ sh][out] -> [ shout] 3893 [they ][had ] -> [they had ] 3894 [as][in] -> [asin] 3895 [abr][ic] -> [abric] 3896 [Jessica][ saw] -> [Jessica saw] 3897 [g][g] -> [gg] 3898 [tri][be] -> [tribe] 3899 [cre][am] -> [cream] 3900 [z][ig] -> [zig] 3901 [Yes, ][m'Lord] -> [Yes, m'Lord] 3902 [sl][av] -> [slav] 3903 [.\u000a ][Stilgar] -> [.\u000a Stilgar] 3904 [.\u000a ][Chani] -> [.\u000a Chani] 3905 [sl][ave ] -> [slave ] 3906 [," ][Alia] -> [," Alia] 3907 [," Gurney][ said. "] -> [," Gurney said. "] 3908 [sm][all] -> [small] 3909 [to][ me] -> [to me] 3910 [li][d ] -> [lid ] 3911 [ sp][ic] -> [ spic] 3912 [in][ted ] -> [inted ] 3913 [ comm][and ] -> [ command ] 3914 [consci][ous ] -> [conscious ] 3915 [ she ][had ] -> [ she had ] 3916 [ al][most ] -> [ almost ] 3917 [M][o] -> [Mo] 3918 [ s][hap] -> [ shap] 3919 [u][zz] -> [uzz] 3920 [ang][ry ] -> [angry ] 3921 [ at ][her] -> [ at her] 3922 [it ][and ] -> [it and ] 3923 [e][.\u000a "] -> [e.\u000a "] 3924 [s][ay ] -> [say ] 3925 [escap][e ] -> [escape ] 3926 [to][ p] -> [to p] 3927 [ey][e ] -> [eye ] 3928 [dro][pp] -> [dropp] 3929 [ s][topp] -> [ stopp] 3930 [w][anted ] -> [wanted ] 3931 [li][pped ] -> [lipped ] 3932 [l][ed the ] -> [led the ] 3933 [ex][c] -> [exc] 3934 [b][elieve ] -> [believe ] 3935 [immedi][ate ] -> [immediate ] 3936 [terrible ][purpos] -> [terrible purpos] 3937 [e][. He ] -> [e. He ] 3938 [to][ them] -> [to them] 3939 [ome][thing ] -> [omething ] 3940 [ach][in] -> [achin] 3941 [per][mitted ] -> [permitted ] 3942 [ib][le] -> [ible] 3943 [orig][in] -> [origin] 3944 [sh][ock] -> [shock] 3945 [. It ][is ] -> [. It is ] 3946 [ of][ them] -> [ of them] 3947 [sh][ook] -> [shook] 3948 [ at][t] -> [ att] 3949 [att][emp] -> [attemp] 3950 [ed in][ his ] -> [ed in his ] 3951 [ref][us] -> [refus] 3952 [ a][ss] -> [ ass] 3953 [wh][ite ] -> [white ] 3954 [qu][iet] -> [quiet] 3955 [ne][er] -> [neer] 3956 [wr][ong] -> [wrong] 3957 [enc][y ] -> [ency ] 3958 [s ][with] -> [s with] 3959 [ti][tud] -> [titud] 3960 [think][ing: ] -> [thinking: ] 3961 [et][y ] -> [ety ] 3962 [outsid][e the ] -> [outside the ] 3963 [tom][ic] -> [tomic] 3964 [Feyd-Rautha]['s ] -> [Feyd-Rautha's ] 3965 [in][de] -> [inde] 3966 [ m][in] -> [ min] 3967 [you][ can] -> [you can] 3968 [inter][est] -> [interest] 3969 [in][t] -> [int] 3970 [ol][v] -> [olv] 3971 [ said][. \u000a "] -> [ said. \u000a "] 3972 [com][b] -> [comb] 3973 [s][. She ] -> [s. She ] 3974 [ d][aughter] -> [ daughter] 3975 [ t][ell] -> [ tell] 3976 [ a][fter] -> [ after] 3977 [\u000a][And ] -> [\u000aAnd ] 3978 [sp][read ] -> [spread ] 3979 [possib][le] -> [possible] 3980 [his ][father] -> [his father] 3981 [gi][v] -> [giv] 3982 [kil][ome] -> [kilome] 3983 [mo][isture ] -> [moisture ] 3984 [ing][ back] -> [ing back] 3985 [e. ][S] -> [e. S] 3986 [ing][s] -> [ings] 3987 [. H][er] -> [. Her] 3988 [Duk][e, ] -> [Duke, ] 3989 [H][e] -> [He] 3990 [b][est ] -> [best ] 3991 [m][yster] -> [myster] 3992 [e][op] -> [eop] 3993 [ sp][read ] -> [ spread ] 3994 [lif][ted the ] -> [lifted the ] 3995 [f][ield ] -> [field ] 3996 [an ][in] -> [an in] 3997 [. ][Let ] -> [. Let ] 3998 [only ][one ] -> [only one ] 3999 [" ][. . . ] -> [" . . . ] 4000 [. This ][is ] -> [. This is ] 4001 [ g][et ] -> [ get ] 4002 [at][ed] -> [ated] 4003 [there ][are ] -> [there are ] 4004 [betw][een ] -> [between ] 4005 [ar][y] -> [ary] 4006 [ad][jus] -> [adjus] 4007 [ fo][re] -> [ fore] 4008 [gr][ay] -> [gray] 4009 [el][ess ] -> [eless ] 4010 [?][ she ask] -> [? she ask] 4011 [? she ask][ed herself] -> [? she asked herself] 4012 [till][suit ] -> [tillsuit ] 4013 [appear][ed ] -> [appeared ] 4014 [ with][ a ] -> [ with a ] 4015 [crysknif][e ] -> [crysknife ] 4016 [ing][.\u000a ] -> [ing.\u000a ] 4017 [emp][ty ] -> [empty ] 4018 [mov][ement ] -> [movement ] 4019 [Th][ose ] -> [Those ] 4020 [, ][feel] -> [, feel] 4021 [cus][tom] -> [custom] 4022 [. They]['ve ] -> [. They've ] 4023 [ che][ek] -> [ cheek] 4024 [s][top] -> [stop] 4025 [ing][ himself] -> [ing himself] 4026 [Q][u] -> [Qu] 4027 [even][ the ] -> [even the ] 4028 [ p][rec] -> [ prec] 4029 [ dec][ision] -> [ decision] 4030 [. H][ere ] -> [. Here ] 4031 [we ][must ] -> [we must ] 4032 [them][ ] -> [them ] 4033 [am][ong ] -> [among ] 4034 [ s][qu] -> [ squ] 4035 [u][ally ] -> [ually ] 4036 [ ac][cep] -> [ accep] 4037 [dist][ant ] -> [distant ] 4038 [r][asp] -> [rasp] 4039 [C][.] -> [C.] 4040 [C][zig] -> [Czig] 4041 [t][unnel] -> [tunnel] 4042 [ti][le ] -> [tile ] 4043 [c][avern] -> [cavern] 4044 [Paul][-Muad'Dib] -> [Paul-Muad'Dib] 4045 [Water ][of Lif] -> [Water of Lif] 4046 [Ali][a ] -> [Alia ] 4047 [I][S] -> [IS] 4048 [U][S] -> [US] 4049 [. (][See ] -> [. (See ] 4050 [, ][d] -> [, d] 4051 [word][s] -> [words] 4052 [P][lan] -> [Plan] 4053 [re][plac] -> [replac] 4054 [, ][this ] -> [, this ] 4055 [pl][ay ] -> [play ] 4056 [-][th] -> [-th] 4057 [ con][s] -> [ cons] 4058 [r][ich] -> [rich] 4059 [al][one ] -> [alone ] 4060 [ten][d ] -> [tend ] 4061 [ ac][c] -> [ acc] 4062 [of][ her ] -> [of her ] 4063 [ c][ross] -> [ cross] 4064 [ign][or] -> [ignor] 4065 [ as ][she ] -> [ as she ] 4066 [import][ant ] -> [important ] 4067 [un][able ] -> [unable ] 4068 [fing][er] -> [finger] 4069 [fl][ash] -> [flash] 4070 [out][side ] -> [outside ] 4071 [inn][er ] -> [inner ] 4072 [S][il] -> [Sil] 4073 [bod][y] -> [body] 4074 [ f][ail] -> [ fail] 4075 [li][ves ] -> [lives ] 4076 [ing][. The ] -> [ing. The ] 4077 [, th][en ] -> [, then ] 4078 [ s][et ] -> [ set ] 4079 [" ]['] -> [" '] 4080 [.][C] -> [.C] 4081 [.C][. B] -> [.C. B] 4082 [ m][ind] -> [ mind] 4083 [ con][tinu] -> [ continu] 4084 [t][one ] -> [tone ] 4085 [av][en] -> [aven] 4086 [im][ir ] -> [imir ] 4087 [ec][tor] -> [ector] 4088 [, ][Baron] -> [, Baron] 4089 [nam][e] -> [name] 4090 [m][et ] -> [met ] 4091 [Duke ][Leto ] -> [Duke Leto ] 4092 [pr][is] -> [pris] 4093 [long][ as ] -> [long as ] 4094 [?" ][\u000a The ] -> [?" \u000a The ] 4095 [Un][cle] -> [Uncle] 4096 [i][tive ] -> [itive ] 4097 [ . . . ][and ] -> [ . . . and ] 4098 [A][l] -> [Al] 4099 [f][rown] -> [frown] 4100 [ said. "][You] -> [ said. "You] 4101 [E][ven] -> [Even] 4102 [ c][ertain] -> [ certain] 4103 [. A][ s] -> [. A s] 4104 [form][ation] -> [formation] 4105 [." \u000a "][The ] -> [." \u000a "The ] 4106 [j][ect] -> [ject] 4107 [ro][ar] -> [roar] 4108 [rugg][ed. "] -> [rugged. "] 4109 [rob][es ] -> [robes ] 4110 [I][ want ] -> [I want ] 4111 [m][atter] -> [matter] 4112 [ he][ad ] -> [ head ] 4113 [ f][lo] -> [ flo] 4114 [tim][es] -> [times] 4115 [ly][: "] -> [ly: "] 4116 [We]['re ] -> [We're ] 4117 [ a p][lan] -> [ a plan] 4118 [s ][for] -> [s for] 4119 [As ][you] -> [As you] 4120 [ with][in] -> [ within] 4121 [sk][y] -> [sky] 4122 [Hawat ][thought] -> [Hawat thought] 4123 [ g][l] -> [ gl] 4124 ['thop][ter ] -> ['thopter ] 4125 [ w][ord] -> [ word] 4126 [r][un] -> [run] 4127 [t][ing the ] -> [ting the ] 4128 [of][ d] -> [of d] 4129 [ing the ][s] -> [ing the s] 4130 [r][ap] -> [rap] 4131 [W][ould ] -> [Would ] 4132 [av][or] -> [avor] 4133 [ed ][off] -> [ed off] 4134 [to][ me ] -> [to me ] 4135 [ p][ur] -> [ pur] 4136 [ing ][on the ] -> [ing on the ] 4137 [ch][arg] -> [charg] 4138 [b][ark] -> [bark] 4139 [is ][a ] -> [is a ] 4140 [behind ][the ] -> [behind the ] 4141 [wor][e ] -> [wore ] 4142 [con][sider] -> [consider] 4143 [be][fore the ] -> [before the ] 4144 [us][ion] -> [usion] 4145 [b][ol] -> [bol] 4146 [ from][ his ] -> [ from his ] 4147 [direc][tion] -> [direction] 4148 [bro][ke off] -> [broke off] 4149 [it][y, ] -> [ity, ] 4150 [e ][of the ] -> [e of the ] 4151 [ness][, ] -> [ness, ] 4152 [ing][ her ] -> [ing her ] 4153 [Map][es] -> [Mapes] 4154 [comp][anion] -> [companion] 4155 [con][f] -> [conf] 4156 [leg][end ] -> [legend ] 4157 [j][i] -> [ji] 4158 [ot][e ] -> [ote ] 4159 [b][lank] -> [blank] 4160 [ sm][il] -> [ smil] 4161 [of][ water] -> [of water] 4162 [w][ound] -> [wound] 4163 [g][rief] -> [grief] 4164 [o][ts ] -> [ots ] 4165 [y][et] -> [yet] 4166 [tw][ist] -> [twist] 4167 [or][g] -> [org] 4168 [ b][ur] -> [ bur] 4169 [.\u000a A][ ] -> [.\u000a A ] 4170 [E][S] -> [ES] 4171 [re][fer] -> [refer] 4172 [r][im] -> [rim] 4173 [sw][allow] -> [swallow] 4174 [th][ir] -> [thir] 4175 [er ][to ] -> [er to ] 4176 [t][ab] -> [tab] 4177 [fac][tory ] -> [factory ] 4178 [tu][be ] -> [tube ] 4179 [ h][ur] -> [ hur] 4180 [dr][ink] -> [drink] 4181 [on][to the ] -> [onto the ] 4182 [er]['s ] -> [er's ] 4183 [r][aid] -> [raid] 4184 [Paul][ and ] -> [Paul and ] 4185 [unc][ertain] -> [uncertain] 4186 [awaren][ess] -> [awareness] 4187 [hang][ings ] -> [hangings ] 4188 [A][S] -> [AS] 4189 [. D][o ] -> [. Do ] 4190 [ down][ the ] -> [ down the ] 4191 [ h][is] -> [ his] 4192 [tim][e of] -> [time of] 4193 [wh][irl] -> [whirl] 4194 [Thufir ][Hawat] -> [Thufir Hawat] 4195 [war][m] -> [warm] 4196 [e][g] -> [eg] 4197 [av][o] -> [avo] 4198 [du][ce ] -> [duce ] 4199 [. \u000a "][You] -> [. \u000a "You] 4200 [of][ her] -> [of her] 4201 [on][ce] -> [once] 4202 [h][ung] -> [hung] 4203 [ app][roach] -> [ approach] 4204 [ther][n] -> [thern] 4205 [am][n] -> [amn] 4206 [ti][ghten] -> [tighten] 4207 [," she said][, "] -> [," she said, "] 4208 [e s][hall] -> [e shall] 4209 [took][ a deep breath] -> [took a deep breath] 4210 [m][is] -> [mis] 4211 [wh][i] -> [whi] 4212 [h][ib] -> [hib] 4213 [his ][attention] -> [his attention] 4214 [on ][is ] -> [on is ] 4215 [Are ][you] -> [Are you] 4216 [ ][it's ] -> [ it's ] 4217 [ti][ght] -> [tight] 4218 ['][t] -> ['t] 4219 [f][le] -> [fle] 4220 [ blo][od] -> [ blood] 4221 [fe][et ] -> [feet ] 4222 [I'm][ not ] -> [I'm not ] 4223 [ b][oth] -> [ both] 4224 [ri][ll] -> [rill] 4225 [that ][this ] -> [that this ] 4226 [O][r] -> [Or] 4227 [O][.C. B] -> [O.C. B] 4228 [was][n't ] -> [wasn't ] 4229 [ith][er] -> [ither] 4230 [ed ][a] -> [ed a] 4231 [f][al] -> [fal] 4232 [. Wh][en] -> [. When] 4233 [We ][are ] -> [We are ] 4234 [p][ast] -> [past] 4235 [se][e] -> [see] 4236 [ h][alf] -> [ half] 4237 [es][ide the ] -> [eside the ] 4238 [V][lad] -> [Vlad] 4239 [nor][th] -> [north] 4240 [s][? ] -> [s? ] 4241 [," the ][Baron ] -> [," the Baron ] 4242 [Emperor][ ] -> [Emperor ] 4243 [learn][ed ] -> [learned ] 4244 [ I]['ve ] -> [ I've ] 4245 [, but ][he ] -> [, but he ] 4246 [ m][yself] -> [ myself] 4247 [ to][ s] -> [ to s] 4248 [direc][tly ] -> [directly ] 4249 [e][at] -> [eat] 4250 [enc][y] -> [ency] 4251 [light][ly ] -> [lightly ] 4252 [, ][how] -> [, how] 4253 [ul][tim] -> [ultim] 4254 [we]['ll] -> [we'll] 4255 [s and ][the ] -> [s and the ] 4256 [head][, ] -> [head, ] 4257 [leg][ion] -> [legion] 4258 [Landsra][ad ] -> [Landsraad ] 4259 [ing][ from the ] -> [ing from the ] 4260 [ str][ength] -> [ strength] 4261 [ter][s] -> [ters] 4262 [," ][Feyd-Rautha] -> [," Feyd-Rautha] 4263 [n][ative ] -> [native ] 4264 [d][estroy] -> [destroy] 4265 [, and ][his ] -> [, and his ] 4266 [b][ul] -> [bul] 4267 [tr][ud] -> [trud] 4268 [ w][ind] -> [ wind] 4269 [el][ess] -> [eless] 4270 [ pr][of] -> [ prof] 4271 [ed ][against the ] -> [ed against the ] 4272 [beneath][ the ] -> [beneath the ] 4273 [you][ d] -> [you d] 4274 [low][ ] -> [low ] 4275 [ b][us] -> [ bus] 4276 [wor][th] -> [worth] 4277 [ ask][ed.\u000a ] -> [ asked.\u000a ] 4278 [b][y] -> [by] 4279 [h][iss] -> [hiss] 4280 [gl][imp] -> [glimp] 4281 [;][ the ] -> [; the ] 4282 [. I]['m] -> [. I'm] 4283 [ with ][its ] -> [ with its ] 4284 [s][. \u000a ] -> [s. \u000a ] 4285 [P][ar] -> [Par] 4286 [l][ay] -> [lay] 4287 [of][fe] -> [offe] 4288 [cannot ][be ] -> [cannot be ] 4289 [do ][not ] -> [do not ] 4290 [On][ly ] -> [Only ] 4291 [ro][pp] -> [ropp] 4292 [bl][ow] -> [blow] 4293 [?" ][Halleck] -> [?" Halleck] 4294 [ac][t] -> [act] 4295 [if][ I] -> [if I] 4296 [d][oub] -> [doub] 4297 [. Th][at's ] -> [. That's ] 4298 [m][ured] -> [mured] 4299 [ se][al] -> [ seal] 4300 [s][! ] -> [s! ] 4301 [.\u000a The ][Duke ] -> [.\u000a The Duke ] 4302 [vers][ation] -> [versation] 4303 [man][ufac] -> [manufac] 4304 [Sardaukar][ ] -> [Sardaukar ] 4305 [s ][as ] -> [s as ] 4306 [pr][ice ] -> [price ] 4307 [ you][, ] -> [ you, ] 4308 [i][ti] -> [iti] 4309 [ar][ch] -> [arch] 4310 [c][am] -> [cam] 4311 [. ][Jessica] -> [. Jessica] 4312 [bec][om] -> [becom] 4313 [. They]['re ] -> [. They're ] 4314 [time ][to ] -> [time to ] 4315 [. Haw][at ] -> [. Hawat ] 4316 [rid][g] -> [ridg] 4317 [of][ that ] -> [of that ] 4318 [One ][of the ] -> [One of the ] 4319 [l][arge ] -> [large ] 4320 [b][on] -> [bon] 4321 [repor][ts ] -> [reports ] 4322 [es][--] -> [es--] 4323 [dr][y ] -> [dry ] 4324 [them][, ] -> [them, ] 4325 [b][es ] -> [bes ] 4326 [re][action] -> [reaction] 4327 [t][em] -> [tem] 4328 [m][etal] -> [metal] 4329 [?][ she ] -> [? she ] 4330 [ou][ble ] -> [ouble ] 4331 [crow][d] -> [crowd] 4332 [ h][onor] -> [ honor] 4333 [e][--] -> [e--] 4334 [ent][ly, ] -> [ently, ] 4335 [to ][know] -> [to know] 4336 [ hand][s ] -> [ hands ] 4337 [a p][ro] -> [a pro] 4338 [Coun][cil] -> [Council] 4339 [ d][ist] -> [ dist] 4340 [c][av] -> [cav] 4341 [Stilgar][, ] -> [Stilgar, ] 4342 [I][ wish] -> [I wish] 4343 [p][as] -> [pas] 4344 [ing][ their] -> [ing their] 4345 [.\u000a ][In] -> [.\u000a In] 4346 [ mo][on] -> [ moon] 4347 [k][en] -> [ken] 4348 [inst][ant ] -> [instant ] 4349 [w][ings ] -> [wings ] 4350 [return][ed his attention] -> [returned his attention] 4351 [l][av] -> [lav] 4352 [ill][umin] -> [illumin] 4353 [Czig][o] -> [Czigo] 4354 [he ][saw] -> [he saw] 4355 [presci][ent ] -> [prescient ] 4356 [?" ][Stilgar] -> [?" Stilgar] 4357 [aren][a] -> [arena] 4358 [C.][E] -> [C.E] 4359 [C.E][.] -> [C.E.] 4360 [C.E.][T] -> [C.E.T] 4361 [I][T] -> [IT] 4362 [in ][your] -> [in your] 4363 [an ][and ] -> [an and ] 4364 [it ][the ] -> [it the ] 4365 [. H][er ] -> [. Her ] 4366 [l][ed. "] -> [led. "] 4367 [ro][yal] -> [royal] 4368 [ ][. . ] -> [ . . ] 4369 [." \u000a ][And ] -> [." \u000a And ] 4370 [enc][e.\u000a ] -> [ence.\u000a ] 4371 [Dun][e ] -> [Dune ] 4372 [ ][under] -> [ under] 4373 [le][m] -> [lem] 4374 [, ][Paul ] -> [, Paul ] 4375 [. ][Yueh] -> [. Yueh] 4376 [ash][ar] -> [ashar] 4377 [does ][not ] -> [does not ] 4378 [requ][ire] -> [require] 4379 [ sh][oulder] -> [ shoulder] 4380 [wait][ing] -> [waiting] 4381 [. ][Now] -> [. Now] 4382 [str][ong] -> [strong] 4383 [en][jo] -> [enjo] 4384 [R][em] -> [Rem] 4385 [st][rode ] -> [strode ] 4386 [fri][ghten] -> [frighten] 4387 [ a][way] -> [ away] 4388 [low][ly, ] -> [lowly, ] 4389 [ f][ill] -> [ fill] 4390 [s][napp] -> [snapp] 4391 [m][et] -> [met] 4392 [. "I][t's ] -> [. "It's ] 4393 [. I][ am] -> [. I am] 4394 [. "I][f] -> [. "If] 4395 [ c][aught ] -> [ caught ] 4396 [. I][ will] -> [. I will] 4397 [ ][your ] -> [ your ] 4398 [; ]["] -> [; "] 4399 [every][thing ] -> [everything ] 4400 [ had ][been ] -> [ had been ] 4401 [up][ the ] -> [up the ] 4402 [sid][e, ] -> [side, ] 4403 [to][ my ] -> [to my ] 4404 [from][ her] -> [from her] 4405 [li][ves] -> [lives] 4406 [ach][ine ] -> [achine ] 4407 [ed to][ him] -> [ed to him] 4408 [m][as] -> [mas] 4409 [ wh][ose ] -> [ whose ] 4410 [ed in][to ] -> [ed into ] 4411 [Vlad][imir ] -> [Vladimir ] 4412 [lov][ely ] -> [lovely ] 4413 [mo][oth] -> [mooth] 4414 [f][old] -> [fold] 4415 [w][ide ] -> [wide ] 4416 [ess][age ] -> [essage ] 4417 [can][n] -> [cann] 4418 [for][ a ] -> [for a ] 4419 [trad][ition] -> [tradition] 4420 [," Piter][ said. "] -> [," Piter said. "] 4421 [ to][o] -> [ too] 4422 [ at ][his ] -> [ at his ] 4423 [to m][ake ] -> [to make ] 4424 [, ][eh] -> [, eh] 4425 [Ah][, ] -> [Ah, ] 4426 [u][tion] -> [ution] 4427 [. ][My ] -> [. My ] 4428 [C][or] -> [Cor] 4429 [ed.\u000a "][You] -> [ed.\u000a "You] 4430 [s][uspensor] -> [suspensor] 4431 [? ][You] -> [? You] 4432 [s ][to ] -> [s to ] 4433 [too][ much] -> [too much] 4434 [s][ame ] -> [same ] 4435 [S][hall] -> [Shall] 4436 [eyond ][the ] -> [eyond the ] 4437 [Wh][y] -> [Why] 4438 [Th][ere] -> [There] 4439 [we ][have ] -> [we have ] 4440 [to ][kill] -> [to kill] 4441 [to][w] -> [tow] 4442 [aj][or] -> [ajor] 4443 [ed][. His ] -> [ed. His ] 4444 [an][atic] -> [anatic] 4445 [how][ ] -> [how ] 4446 [k][ey ] -> [key ] 4447 [pre][t] -> [pret] 4448 ['r][e the ] -> ['re the ] 4449 [ bod][y ] -> [ body ] 4450 [? ][What ] -> [? What ] 4451 [!" ][Jessica] -> [!" Jessica] 4452 [se][al] -> [seal] 4453 [com][pl] -> [compl] 4454 [Is ][there ] -> [Is there ] 4455 [you][ see ] -> [you see ] 4456 [tr][ip] -> [trip] 4457 [b][itter] -> [bitter] 4458 [ w][alk] -> [ walk] 4459 [I][ cannot ] -> [I cannot ] 4460 [open][ed his ] -> [opened his ] 4461 [, then][: "] -> [, then: "] 4462 [ mo][re] -> [ more] 4463 [dep][th] -> [depth] 4464 [om][ent, ] -> [oment, ] 4465 [a][per] -> [aper] 4466 [stud][ied the ] -> [studied the ] 4467 [my ][father] -> [my father] 4468 [ h][our] -> [ hour] 4469 [in][ their] -> [in their] 4470 [ w][ear] -> [ wear] 4471 [ them][ ] -> [ them ] 4472 [still][suit] -> [stillsuit] 4473 [it ][had ] -> [it had ] 4474 [."\u000a ][And ] -> [."\u000a And ] 4475 [ wor][ds ] -> [ words ] 4476 [o][ol] -> [ool] 4477 [ask][ed.\u000a "] -> [asked.\u000a "] 4478 [an ][entire ] -> [an entire ] 4479 [y ][of ] -> [y of ] 4480 [e][em] -> [eem] 4481 [wonder][ed] -> [wondered] 4482 [ri][end ] -> [riend ] 4483 [balis][et] -> [baliset] 4484 [ast][er ] -> [aster ] 4485 [comp][ani] -> [compani] 4486 [!" ][Paul] -> [!" Paul] 4487 [sk][in] -> [skin] 4488 [an ][ex] -> [an ex] 4489 [mann][er] -> [manner] 4490 [on][ this ] -> [on this ] 4491 [ on][ his ] -> [ on his ] 4492 [full][y ] -> [fully ] 4493 [10,][1] -> [10,1] 4494 [stret][ch] -> [stretch] 4495 [ se][ver] -> [ sever] 4496 [ c][lo] -> [ clo] 4497 [, think][ing: ] -> [, thinking: ] 4498 [arm][s ] -> [arms ] 4499 [n][i] -> [ni] 4500 [c][atch] -> [catch] 4501 [in][ation] -> [ination] 4502 [. A][n] -> [. An] 4503 [we]['re ] -> [we're ] 4504 [of ][our] -> [of our] 4505 [lo][yal] -> [loyal] 4506 [ym][bol] -> [ymbol] 4507 [ud][ge ] -> [udge ] 4508 [ sh][ip] -> [ ship] 4509 [p][riv] -> [priv] 4510 [much][ ] -> [much ] 4511 [?"\u000a "][The ] -> [?"\u000a "The ] 4512 [plan][etolog] -> [planetolog] 4513 [ed ][against ] -> [ed against ] 4514 [k][no] -> [kno] 4515 [recogniz][ed the ] -> [recognized the ] 4516 [ ac][tion] -> [ action] 4517 [. There ][are ] -> [. There are ] 4518 [terri][f] -> [terrif] 4519 [th][an a] -> [than a] 4520 [wh][it] -> [whit] 4521 [ur][g] -> [urg] 4522 [or][b] -> [orb] 4523 [It's ][the ] -> [It's the ] 4524 [eas][y ] -> [easy ] 4525 [por][t ] -> [port ] 4526 [tro][ll] -> [troll] 4527 [. ][Paul ] -> [. Paul ] 4528 [know][ledg] -> [knowledg] 4529 [is][ely ] -> [isely ] 4530 [lim][b] -> [limb] 4531 [ing ][on ] -> [ing on ] 4532 [ed ][over] -> [ed over] 4533 [av][ail] -> [avail] 4534 [be][ing] -> [being] 4535 [ ][it, ] -> [ it, ] 4536 [ed ][through the ] -> [ed through the ] 4537 [on][c] -> [onc] 4538 [--][a ] -> [--a ] 4539 [ati][gu] -> [atigu] 4540 [ con][c] -> [ conc] 4541 [difficul][t ] -> [difficult ] 4542 [who][ had ] -> [who had ] 4543 [pro][jec] -> [projec] 4544 [ pos][ition] -> [ position] 4545 [. In][ the ] -> [. In the ] 4546 [voice][: "] -> [voice: "] 4547 [floor][, ] -> [floor, ] 4548 [se][qu] -> [sequ] 4549 [r][ag] -> [rag] 4550 [F][or ] -> [For ] 4551 [in][ s] -> [in s] 4552 [es][c] -> [esc] 4553 [in][oc] -> [inoc] 4554 [inoc][ular] -> [inocular] 4555 [ c][over] -> [ cover] 4556 [sign][al] -> [signal] 4557 [ic][ro] -> [icro] 4558 [no][str] -> [nostr] 4559 [nostr][il] -> [nostril] 4560 [manufac][tur] -> [manufactur] 4561 [Kyn][es, ] -> [Kynes, ] 4562 [bec][ame ] -> [became ] 4563 [Bew][t ] -> [Bewt ] 4564 [tran][sl] -> [transl] 4565 [o][y] -> [oy] 4566 [dun][es ] -> [dunes ] 4567 [, ][Muad'Dib] -> [, Muad'Dib] 4568 [l][aw] -> [law] 4569 [s][un] -> [sun] 4570 [t][el] -> [tel] 4571 [hai-hul][ud ] -> [hai-hulud ] 4572 [Jamis]['] -> [Jamis'] 4573 [," the Count ][said] -> [," the Count said] 4574 [Feyd-Rautha][ thought] -> [Feyd-Rautha thought] 4575 [unn][i] -> [unni] 4576 [0][0] -> [00] 4577 [Z][ens] -> [Zens] 4578 [E][:] -> [E:] 4579 [ic][ate ] -> [icate ] 4580 [be][ar] -> [bear] 4581 [at ][his ] -> [at his ] 4582 [door][, ] -> [door, ] 4583 [or][row] -> [orrow] 4584 [way][ she ] -> [way she ] 4585 [s][ound ] -> [sound ] 4586 [ed][om] -> [edom] 4587 [ t][ouch] -> [ touch] 4588 [fam][iliar] -> [familiar] 4589 [with][ a] -> [with a] 4590 [you][ s] -> [you s] 4591 [?" \u000a "][Yes] -> [?" \u000a "Yes] 4592 [s][."\u000a "] -> [s."\u000a "] 4593 [left ][hand ] -> [left hand ] 4594 [. Th][en] -> [. Then] 4595 [Th][us ] -> [Thus ] 4596 [m][y s] -> [my s] 4597 [ted ][to] -> [ted to] 4598 [ing a][s ] -> [ing as ] 4599 [ing][ me ] -> [ing me ] 4600 [. You][r] -> [. Your] 4601 [ m][other] -> [ mother] 4602 [tr][app] -> [trapp] 4603 [ is ][the ] -> [ is the ] 4604 [c][alm] -> [calm] 4605 [can]['t ] -> [can't ] 4606 [ se][e, ] -> [ see, ] 4607 [ p][ain] -> [ pain] 4608 [ in][ this ] -> [ in this ] 4609 [ge][ther] -> [gether] 4610 [kind ][of ] -> [kind of ] 4611 [ing a][way ] -> [ing away ] 4612 [." \u000a ][He ] -> [." \u000a He ] 4613 [f][ought ] -> [fought ] 4614 [ of][ a] -> [ of a] 4615 [, ][though] -> [, though] 4616 [f][our] -> [four] 4617 [to f][ind ] -> [to find ] 4618 [. "][And ] -> [. "And ] 4619 [," she said][. \u000a "] -> [," she said. \u000a "] 4620 [experi][ence ] -> [experience ] 4621 [ me][asur] -> [ measur] 4622 [ab][ly ] -> [ably ] 4623 [, ][Jessica] -> [, Jessica] 4624 [a p][lace ] -> [a place ] 4625 [ her][ head] -> [ her head] 4626 [ with][ a] -> [ with a] 4627 [f][at ] -> [fat ] 4628 [ri][p] -> [rip] 4629 [necess][ary ] -> [necessary ] 4630 [ s][tir] -> [ stir] 4631 [c][y] -> [cy] 4632 [an ][Atreides ] -> [an Atreides ] 4633 [. "][What ] -> [. "What ] 4634 [. T][o] -> [. To] 4635 [ist][en ] -> [isten ] 4636 [v][it] -> [vit] 4637 [. I]['ll] -> [. I'll] 4638 [G][i] -> [Gi] 4639 [ s][ummon] -> [ summon] 4640 [l][ab] -> [lab] 4641 [bet][ter] -> [better] 4642 [il][ity] -> [ility] 4643 [ s][igh] -> [ sigh] 4644 [t][emp] -> [temp] 4645 [l][ad ] -> [lad ] 4646 [danger][ous ] -> [dangerous ] 4647 [plan][ted ] -> [planted ] 4648 [we]['ve ] -> [we've ] 4649 [ they ][were ] -> [ they were ] 4650 [ p][erson] -> [ person] 4651 [."\u000a The ][Baron] -> [."\u000a The Baron] 4652 [" by the Princess Irulan][\u000a] -> [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a] 4653 [ s][un] -> [ sun] 4654 [ d][el] -> [ del] 4655 [dec][ision] -> [decision] 4656 [," Jessica said][.\u000a "] -> [," Jessica said.\u000a "] 4657 [ty][-] -> [ty-] 4658 [ c][ent ] -> [ cent ] 4659 [os][e s] -> [ose s] 4660 [with ][its ] -> [with its ] 4661 [v][ent ] -> [vent ] 4662 [in][ her ] -> [in her ] 4663 [st][and ] -> [stand ] 4664 [to][day] -> [today] 4665 [. And ][I] -> [. And I] 4666 [\u000a\u000a]["] -> [\u000a\u000a"] 4667 [. A][gain] -> [. Again] 4668 [know][ the ] -> [know the ] 4669 [en][se] -> [ense] 4670 [. H][e] -> [. He] 4671 [ th][ousand ] -> [ thousand ] 4672 [w][ear] -> [wear] 4673 [go][ing to] -> [going to] 4674 [h][ind] -> [hind] 4675 [r][unn] -> [runn] 4676 [ac][tic] -> [actic] 4677 [r][ust ] -> [rust ] 4678 [min][ut] -> [minut] 4679 [, s][ens] -> [, sens] 4680 [ ][or ] -> [ or ] 4681 [inst][ant] -> [instant] 4682 [cl][es] -> [cles] 4683 [if][ the ] -> [if the ] 4684 [ p][ull] -> [ pull] 4685 [ a s][mall] -> [ a small] 4686 [ sp][ec] -> [ spec] 4687 [tak][en ] -> [taken ] 4688 [l][ength] -> [length] 4689 [ed. "][The ] -> [ed. "The ] 4690 [ the ][way ] -> [ the way ] 4691 [or][s ] -> [ors ] 4692 [effor][t ] -> [effort ] 4693 [ m][y s] -> [ my s] 4694 [." \u000a "][And ] -> [." \u000a "And ] 4695 [has ][been] -> [has been] 4696 [Guild][s] -> [Guilds] 4697 [cap][able ] -> [capable ] 4698 [ awar][eness ] -> [ awareness ] 4699 [gi][ant ] -> [giant ] 4700 [fl][at ] -> [flat ] 4701 [Th][ese ] -> [These ] 4702 [tep][p] -> [tepp] 4703 [remember][ed ] -> [remembered ] 4704 [s ][with ] -> [s with ] 4705 [in][ that ] -> [in that ] 4706 [.\u000a "][My ] -> [.\u000a "My ] 4707 [th][ank] -> [thank] 4708 [br][ush] -> [brush] 4709 [ti][red] -> [tired] 4710 [ome ][of the ] -> [ome of the ] 4711 [in][ her] -> [in her] 4712 [qu][iet ] -> [quiet ] 4713 [ati][v] -> [ativ] 4714 [ ][M] -> [ M] 4715 [expos][ed ] -> [exposed ] 4716 [ mo][isture] -> [ moisture] 4717 [took][ ] -> [took ] 4718 [ing][ wh] -> [ing wh] 4719 [st][ance ] -> [stance ] 4720 [es][. The ] -> [es. The ] 4721 [light ][of the ] -> [light of the ] 4722 [equip][ment ] -> [equipment ] 4723 [pl][ug] -> [plug] 4724 [ing][, s] -> [ing, s] 4725 [th][er and ] -> [ther and ] 4726 [b][ush] -> [bush] 4727 [escor][t ] -> [escort ] 4728 [They]['ve ] -> [They've ] 4729 [to][ a s] -> [to a s] 4730 [p][our] -> [pour] 4731 [ts ][and ] -> [ts and ] 4732 [Count ][Fenring] -> [Count Fenring] 4733 [not][e ] -> [note ] 4734 [tr][us] -> [trus] 4735 [exam][in] -> [examin] 4736 [. She ][saw] -> [. She saw] 4737 [ sign][al] -> [ signal] 4738 [ed ][now] -> [ed now] 4739 [pres][ence ] -> [presence ] 4740 [ it ][was ] -> [ it was ] 4741 [your ][own] -> [your own] 4742 [know][ what ] -> [know what ] 4743 [u][ff] -> [uff] 4744 [ glanc][ed at ] -> [ glanced at ] 4745 [res][s ] -> [ress ] 4746 [dis][cus] -> [discus] 4747 [tr][ack] -> [track] 4748 [gener][ator] -> [generator] 4749 [it][u] -> [itu] 4750 [," the Fremen][ said. "] -> [," the Fremen said. "] 4751 [ al][ways ] -> [ always ] 4752 [G][od ] -> [God ] 4753 [s][at ] -> [sat ] 4754 [at][e, ] -> [ate, ] 4755 [tra][ight ] -> [traight ] 4756 [pro][v] -> [prov] 4757 [on][e. ] -> [one. ] 4758 [o][ll] -> [oll] 4759 [th][rown] -> [thrown] 4760 [re][ar] -> [rear] 4761 [." \u000a ][A] -> [." \u000a A] 4762 [sur][fac] -> [surfac] 4763 [natur][al] -> [natural] 4764 [as][ten] -> [asten] 4765 [e s][till] -> [e still] 4766 [ d][un] -> [ dun] 4767 [f][requ] -> [frequ] 4768 [s][. He ] -> [s. He ] 4769 [ligh][ted ] -> [lighted ] 4770 [cer][emon] -> [ceremon] 4771 [oun][c] -> [ounc] 4772 [of][ their] -> [of their] 4773 [g][en] -> [gen] 4774 [r][ush] -> [rush] 4775 [id][i] -> [idi] 4776 [ could ][not ] -> [ could not ] 4777 [, p][ull] -> [, pull] 4778 [hear][ing the ] -> [hearing the ] 4779 [car][p] -> [carp] 4780 [only][ the ] -> [only the ] 4781 [ac][om] -> [acom] 4782 [at][ro] -> [atro] 4783 [atro][l] -> [atrol] 4784 [rock][ wall] -> [rock wall] 4785 [Th][arth] -> [Tharth] 4786 [Tharth][ar] -> [Tharthar] 4787 [Zens][unni] -> [Zensunni] 4788 [: ][any ] -> [: any ] 4789 [I][L] -> [IL] 4790 [. A][r] -> [. Ar] 4791 [u][al ] -> [ual ] 4792 [she ][was ] -> [she was ] 4793 [of][ a s] -> [of a s] 4794 [dark][ness ] -> [darkness ] 4795 [ee][z] -> [eez] 4796 [.\u000a Paul]['s ] -> [.\u000a Paul's ] 4797 [his ][eyes ] -> [his eyes ] 4798 [d][ur] -> [dur] 4799 [ s][erv] -> [ serv] 4800 [ed.\u000a ][He ] -> [ed.\u000a He ] 4801 [m][el] -> [mel] 4802 [ar][ent ] -> [arent ] 4803 [con][tain] -> [contain] 4804 [per][il] -> [peril] 4805 [think][ing] -> [thinking] 4806 [consci][ousness ] -> [consciousness ] 4807 [. . . ][the ] -> [. . . the ] 4808 [ic][e, ] -> [ice, ] 4809 [. . . ][\u000a ] -> [. . . \u000a ] 4810 [pe][er] -> [peer] 4811 [.\u000a "][H] -> [.\u000a "H] 4812 [k][ne] -> [kne] 4813 [ him][ ] -> [ him ] 4814 [m][orn] -> [morn] 4815 [person][al] -> [personal] 4816 [ c][ouldn't ] -> [ couldn't ] 4817 [respon][sib] -> [responsib] 4818 [sh][ort ] -> [short ] 4819 [d][one] -> [done] 4820 [ed ][c] -> [ed c] 4821 [rec][e] -> [rece] 4822 [?" ][He ] -> [?" He ] 4823 [ang][er ] -> [anger ] 4824 [ as ][though] -> [ as though] 4825 [ted ][to ] -> [ted to ] 4826 [ po][is] -> [ pois] 4827 [Let ][us ] -> [Let us ] 4828 [?" \u000a "][The ] -> [?" \u000a "The ] 4829 [you]['ll] -> [you'll] 4830 [will][ not ] -> [will not ] 4831 [childr][en] -> [children] 4832 [ing ][in his ] -> [ing in his ] 4833 [. . . ][but ] -> [. . . but ] 4834 [ m][ust] -> [ must] 4835 [look][ at ] -> [look at ] 4836 [But ][the ] -> [But the ] 4837 [ awar][eness] -> [ awareness] 4838 [lifted ][his ] -> [lifted his ] 4839 [ing ][in ] -> [ing in ] 4840 [fir][m] -> [firm] 4841 [exc][it] -> [excit] 4842 [ed ][a f] -> [ed a f] 4843 [ed ][a p] -> [ed a p] 4844 [ing ][an ] -> [ing an ] 4845 [oun][ter] -> [ounter] 4846 [lo][t ] -> [lot ] 4847 [gi][ves ] -> [gives ] 4848 [e of][ s] -> [e of s] 4849 [it][er ] -> [iter ] 4850 [s][.\u000a The ] -> [s.\u000a The ] 4851 [any][one ] -> [anyone ] 4852 [o][re] -> [ore] 4853 [ behind ][him] -> [ behind him] 4854 [ed.\u000a "][The ] -> [ed.\u000a "The ] 4855 [ me][et] -> [ meet] 4856 [? ][And ] -> [? And ] 4857 [a f][l] -> [a fl] 4858 [Baron][, ] -> [Baron, ] 4859 [ s][end ] -> [ send ] 4860 [. Th][ese ] -> [. These ] 4861 [ fo][ol] -> [ fool] 4862 [ so][on] -> [ soon] 4863 [know][ledge ] -> [knowledge ] 4864 [I][ don't ] -> [I don't ] 4865 [w][ouldn't ] -> [wouldn't ] 4866 [. ][Perhaps ] -> [. Perhaps ] 4867 [ m][ost ] -> [ most ] 4868 [j][udg] -> [judg] 4869 [ity ][of ] -> [ity of ] 4870 [at][el] -> [atel] 4871 [arr][ang] -> [arrang] 4872 [ bod][y] -> [ body] 4873 [ do][ctor] -> [ doctor] 4874 [H][er] -> [Her] 4875 [arr][y ] -> [arry ] 4876 [ed it][self] -> [ed itself] 4877 [plan][n] -> [plann] 4878 [." \u000a "][M] -> [." \u000a "M] 4879 [our][c] -> [ourc] 4880 [de][al] -> [deal] 4881 [ag][o] -> [ago] 4882 [. A][n ] -> [. An ] 4883 [dam][n] -> [damn] 4884 [f][fer] -> [ffer] 4885 [eyes][. "] -> [eyes. "] 4886 [try][ing to] -> [trying to] 4887 [ h][ide ] -> [ hide ] 4888 [wor][ld] -> [world] 4889 [to][ this ] -> [to this ] 4890 [\u000a][S] -> [\u000aS] 4891 [ could ][be ] -> [ could be ] 4892 [th][ing about ] -> [thing about ] 4893 [may ][be ] -> [may be ] 4894 ['ve ][been ] -> ['ve been ] 4895 [de][v] -> [dev] 4896 [ed][."\u000a ] -> [ed."\u000a ] 4897 [e s][he ] -> [e she ] 4898 [tr][oub] -> [troub] 4899 [you][ must ] -> [you must ] 4900 [energ][y ] -> [energy ] 4901 [for][ s] -> [for s] 4902 [ they ][had ] -> [ they had ] 4903 [r][ain] -> [rain] 4904 [tong][u] -> [tongu] 4905 [mus][cles ] -> [muscles ] 4906 [e][." \u000a ] -> [e." \u000a ] 4907 [Salusa Secund][us] -> [Salusa Secundus] 4908 [ the ][Fremen] -> [ the Fremen] 4909 [around the ][room] -> [around the room] 4910 [ch][eck] -> [check] 4911 [sub][tle ] -> [subtle ] 4912 [c][od] -> [cod] 4913 [sup][pos] -> [suppos] 4914 [w][ave ] -> [wave ] 4915 [of][ f] -> [of f] 4916 [ou][ter] -> [outer] 4917 [.\u000a "][What ] -> [.\u000a "What ] 4918 [ att][ack] -> [ attack] 4919 [. "][This ] -> [. "This ] 4920 [ in][to his ] -> [ into his ] 4921 [ bl][ad] -> [ blad] 4922 [ c][atch] -> [ catch] 4923 [cur][r] -> [curr] 4924 [express][ion] -> [expression] 4925 [ap][h] -> [aph] 4926 [.][)] -> [.)] 4927 [ f][ather] -> [ father] 4928 [. ][Kynes ] -> [. Kynes ] 4929 [edg][e of] -> [edge of] 4930 [B][y ] -> [By ] 4931 [ ch][ildr] -> [ childr] 4932 [f][ind] -> [find] 4933 [re][as] -> [reas] 4934 [er][ than] -> [er than] 4935 [at ][a ] -> [at a ] 4936 [ed ][Paul] -> [ed Paul] 4937 [my ][own] -> [my own] 4938 [val][u] -> [valu] 4939 [ b][ro] -> [ bro] 4940 [into][ his ] -> [into his ] 4941 [i][al] -> [ial] 4942 [gaz][e ] -> [gaze ] 4943 [ett][led ] -> [ettled ] 4944 [F][ather] -> [Father] 4945 [al][so] -> [also] 4946 [ has ][been] -> [ has been] 4947 [um][ber] -> [umber] 4948 [Hous][es ] -> [Houses ] 4949 [."\u000a The ][Duke ] -> [."\u000a The Duke ] 4950 [Con][vention] -> [Convention] 4951 [ where ][the ] -> [ where the ] 4952 [ing][ly ] -> [ingly ] 4953 [ con][f] -> [ conf] 4954 [. Wh][o] -> [. Who] 4955 [ sp][ice] -> [ spice] 4956 [ ][us ] -> [ us ] 4957 [pr][ison] -> [prison] 4958 [wh][ere] -> [where] 4959 [t][ough] -> [tough] 4960 [ir][on] -> [iron] 4961 [an][tic] -> [antic] 4962 [dist][urb] -> [disturb] 4963 [they]['re ] -> [they're ] 4964 [C][an ] -> [Can ] 4965 [ex][trem] -> [extrem] 4966 [: ][The ] -> [: The ] 4967 [ri][es ] -> [ries ] 4968 [ plan][et ] -> [ planet ] 4969 [k][en ] -> [ken ] 4970 [to][ her ] -> [to her ] 4971 [hall][en] -> [hallen] 4972 [hallen][ge ] -> [hallenge ] 4973 [mo][b] -> [mob] 4974 [hun][dred ] -> [hundred ] 4975 [my ][Lady] -> [my Lady] 4976 [viol][ence ] -> [violence ] 4977 [as ][a ] -> [as a ] 4978 [w][ild ] -> [wild ] 4979 [ry][sknif] -> [rysknif] 4980 [ak][er] -> [aker] 4981 [ fl][esh] -> [ flesh] 4982 [K][ill] -> [Kill] 4983 [do][or ] -> [door ] 4984 [ing ][over] -> [ing over] 4985 [ a s][and] -> [ a sand] 4986 [turn][ed back] -> [turned back] 4987 [E][ach] -> [Each] 4988 [what ][they ] -> [what they ] 4989 [f][ive ] -> [five ] 4990 [ed, ][but ] -> [ed, but ] 4991 [ing][ from] -> [ing from] 4992 [turned ][to the ] -> [turned to the ] 4993 [u][ted ] -> [uted ] 4994 [id][ent ] -> [ident ] 4995 [found ][himself] -> [found himself] 4996 [r][in] -> [rin] 4997 [as][ted ] -> [asted ] 4998 [ w][ent ] -> [ went ] 4999 [ornithop][ter] -> [ornithopter] 5000 [pr][im] -> [prim] 5001 [fo][ot] -> [foot] 5002 [vis][ion ] -> [vision ] 5003 [w][eird] -> [weird] 5004 [bl][ue-] -> [blue-] 5005 [s][om] -> [som] 5006 [G][od] -> [God] 5007 [per][f] -> [perf] 5008 [ s][ense ] -> [ sense ] 5009 [t][less ] -> [tless ] 5010 [par][t ] -> [part ] 5011 [ we][ak] -> [ weak] 5012 [stret][ched ] -> [stretched ] 5013 [ed ][out] -> [ed out] 5014 [on][el] -> [onel] 5015 [cr][ap] -> [crap] 5016 [ c][as] -> [ cas] 5017 [ci][pl] -> [cipl] 5018 [reat][en] -> [reaten] 5019 [li][qu] -> [liqu] 5020 [d][ah] -> [dah] 5021 [dah][o ] -> [daho ] 5022 [L][iet ] -> [Liet ] 5023 [is ][that ] -> [is that ] 5024 [ar][ies ] -> [aries ] 5025 [st][ain] -> [stain] 5026 [ gu][ard] -> [ guard] 5027 [cor][ridor] -> [corridor] 5028 [s][av] -> [sav] 5029 [be][fore] -> [before] 5030 [he][ll] -> [hell] 5031 [f][aint ] -> [faint ] 5032 [eas][e ] -> [ease ] 5033 [us][ually ] -> [usually ] 5034 [ing][--] -> [ing--] 5035 [open][ desert] -> [open desert] 5036 [seen][ the ] -> [seen the ] 5037 [s][. \u000a "] -> [s. \u000a "] 5038 [od][or] -> [odor] 5039 [ed.\u000a ][A] -> [ed.\u000a A] 5040 [ he ][could ] -> [ he could ] 5041 [across ][the s] -> [across the s] 5042 [ s][top] -> [ stop] 5043 [. He ][could ] -> [. He could ] 5044 [p][al] -> [pal] 5045 [ co][ll] -> [ coll] 5046 [, ][not ] -> [, not ] 5047 [. ][Yes] -> [. Yes] 5048 [n][av] -> [nav] 5049 [log][ic] -> [logic] 5050 [gr][ain] -> [grain] 5051 [guard ][captain] -> [guard captain] 5052 [I][B] -> [IB] 5053 [," Paul][ whisper] -> [," Paul whisper] 5054 [ flo][or] -> [ floor] 5055 [," ][Tuek] -> [," Tuek] 5056 [univer][se] -> [universe] 5057 [-][spice ] -> [-spice ] 5058 [m][ass] -> [mass] 5059 [thr][ong] -> [throng] 5060 [n][a-] -> [na-] 5061 [U][N] -> [UN] 5062 [c][are ] -> [care ] 5063 [that ][you] -> [that you] 5064 [ I][V] -> [ IV] 5065 [not ][be ] -> [not be ] 5066 [M][an] -> [Man] 5067 [of Muad'Dib][" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] -> [of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] 5068 [at][ted ] -> [atted ] 5069 [at][ures] -> [atures] 5070 [," said ][the ] -> [," said the ] 5071 [r][as] -> [ras] 5072 [ h][e's ] -> [ he's ] 5073 [led][ge] -> [ledge] 5074 [trac][t ] -> [tract ] 5075 [.\u000a "][A] -> [.\u000a "A] 5076 [ d][ream] -> [ dream] 5077 [ch][an] -> [chan] 5078 [et][y] -> [ety] 5079 [inc][t ] -> [inct ] 5080 [r][ene] -> [rene] 5081 [b][ed] -> [bed] 5082 [wonder][ed at ] -> [wondered at ] 5083 [ing ][room] -> [ing room] 5084 [h][i] -> [hi] 5085 [more ][than] -> [more than] 5086 [fl][ick] -> [flick] 5087 [ing ][is ] -> [ing is ] 5088 [of cour][se] -> [of course] 5089 [. ][Yet ] -> [. Yet ] 5090 [p][enetr] -> [penetr] 5091 [away ][from the ] -> [away from the ] 5092 [on ][its ] -> [on its ] 5093 [t][ee] -> [tee] 5094 [K][eep] -> [Keep] 5095 [you][ in] -> [you in] 5096 [re][duc] -> [reduc] 5097 [br][ings ] -> [brings ] 5098 [. Wh][ere ] -> [. Where ] 5099 [ that ][he ] -> [ that he ] 5100 [f][ree ] -> [free ] 5101 [," the ][old woman] -> [," the old woman] 5102 [ ch][ild ] -> [ child ] 5103 [fe][et] -> [feet] 5104 [. . . ][" \u000a "] -> [. . . " \u000a "] 5105 [it ][that ] -> [it that ] 5106 [in][f] -> [inf] 5107 [know][ ] -> [know ] 5108 [lif][t ] -> [lift ] 5109 [l][ave ] -> [lave ] 5110 [R][ev] -> [Rev] 5111 [ut][ch] -> [utch] 5112 [We ][have ] -> [We have ] 5113 [ sp][ecial] -> [ special] 5114 [ sh][arp] -> [ sharp] 5115 [e said][: "] -> [e said: "] 5116 [e][ither] -> [either] 5117 [c][ent ] -> [cent ] 5118 [ t][ake ] -> [ take ] 5119 [mother]['s ] -> [mother's ] 5120 [memor][y] -> [memory] 5121 [ c][hair] -> [ chair] 5122 [P][iter ] -> [Piter ] 5123 [Baron ][Vladimir ] -> [Baron Vladimir ] 5124 [g][over] -> [gover] 5125 [s ][on the ] -> [s on the ] 5126 [you ][to ] -> [you to ] 5127 [ sm][all] -> [ small] 5128 [to s][ay] -> [to say] 5129 [ beg][an ] -> [ began ] 5130 [in][ them] -> [in them] 5131 [w][ast] -> [wast] 5132 [. I][ know] -> [. I know] 5133 [po][or ] -> [poor ] 5134 [ of ][it] -> [ of it] 5135 [ sh][ould've ] -> [ should've ] 5136 [ blo][od ] -> [ blood ] 5137 [ f][ive ] -> [ five ] 5138 [." And ][he ] -> [." And he ] 5139 [ing][, the ] -> [ing, the ] 5140 [st][ly ] -> [stly ] 5141 [fe][ature] -> [feature] 5142 [will][ have ] -> [will have ] 5143 [ili][ties] -> [ilities] 5144 [unc][le] -> [uncle] 5145 [How][ ] -> [How ] 5146 [-h-h][-h] -> [-h-h-h] 5147 [ed, ]["] -> [ed, "] 5148 [no][ther ] -> [nother ] 5149 [focus][ed on the ] -> [focused on the ] 5150 [c][ha] -> [cha] 5151 [er ][in the ] -> [er in the ] 5152 [ing][ with the ] -> [ing with the ] 5153 [it][s] -> [its] 5154 [ hun][dred ] -> [ hundred ] 5155 [\u000a][-from "] -> [\u000a-from "] 5156 [What ][do you] -> [What do you] 5157 [your][ son] -> [your son] 5158 [ati][ve] -> [ative] 5159 [?" \u000a "][I] -> [?" \u000a "I] 5160 [certain][ly ] -> [certainly ] 5161 [! ][You] -> [! You] 5162 [ar][ ] -> [ar ] 5163 [up][, ] -> [up, ] 5164 [voic][e s] -> [voice s] 5165 [her ][own] -> [her own] 5166 [on ][Caladan] -> [on Caladan] 5167 [ a p][o] -> [ a po] 5168 [."\u000a "][And ] -> [."\u000a "And ] 5169 [ her m][outh] -> [ her mouth] 5170 [ think][ I] -> [ think I] 5171 [ sw][ept ] -> [ swept ] 5172 [gre][at] -> [great] 5173 [ comp][anion] -> [ companion] 5174 [Thufir ][Hawat ] -> [Thufir Hawat ] 5175 [ch][ar] -> [char] 5176 [i][le, ] -> [ile, ] 5177 [on][s] -> [ons] 5178 [n][ic] -> [nic] 5179 [at][ell] -> [atell] 5180 [sp][ac] -> [spac] 5181 [con][cern] -> [concern] 5182 [a][, the ] -> [a, the ] 5183 [. She ][had ] -> [. She had ] 5184 [ wor][ld ] -> [ world ] 5185 [p][oke ] -> [poke ] 5186 [oun][tain] -> [ountain] 5187 [langu][age ] -> [language ] 5188 [x][im] -> [xim] 5189 [know][n ] -> [known ] 5190 [. ][N] -> [. N] 5191 [m][aster] -> [master] 5192 [Halleck][ ] -> [Halleck ] 5193 [g][am] -> [gam] 5194 [bar][b] -> [barb] 5195 [a m][an ] -> [a man ] 5196 [enti][re] -> [entire] 5197 [, ][too, ] -> [, too, ] 5198 [k][ey] -> [key] 5199 [f][ast ] -> [fast ] 5200 [w][a] -> [wa] 5201 [left ][hand] -> [left hand] 5202 [t][en ] -> [ten ] 5203 [ f][ew] -> [ few] 5204 [ac][y ] -> [acy ] 5205 [s. ][S] -> [s. S] 5206 [um][e ] -> [ume ] 5207 [ bet][ter] -> [ better] 5208 [no ][longer] -> [no longer] 5209 [ull][ ] -> [ull ] 5210 [ation][ that ] -> [ation that ] 5211 [es ][were ] -> [es were ] 5212 [Well][ing] -> [Welling] 5213 [W][ann] -> [Wann] 5214 [ation][ of the ] -> [ation of the ] 5215 [opul][ation] -> [opulation] 5216 [t][ure] -> [ture] 5217 [ me][ters ] -> [ meters ] 5218 [ f][il] -> [ fil] 5219 [gi][ven ] -> [given ] 5220 [as ][well] -> [as well] 5221 [pass][age] -> [passage] 5222 [w][if] -> [wif] 5223 [ a m][oment ] -> [ a moment ] 5224 [for][ his ] -> [for his ] 5225 [har][sh] -> [harsh] 5226 [ub][tle ] -> [ubtle ] 5227 [y][th] -> [yth] 5228 [ some][thing] -> [ something] 5229 [, ][look] -> [, look] 5230 [E][ven ] -> [Even ] 5231 [the ][Harkonnens ] -> [the Harkonnens ] 5232 [C][ertain] -> [Certain] 5233 [pro][p] -> [prop] 5234 [in][clud] -> [includ] 5235 [resp][ond] -> [respond] 5236 [ g][reat ] -> [ great ] 5237 [un][less ] -> [unless ] 5238 [li][t ] -> [lit ] 5239 [d][in] -> [din] 5240 [B][e ] -> [Be ] 5241 [im][mob] -> [immob] 5242 [ing][ with ] -> [ing with ] 5243 [me][an ] -> [mean ] 5244 [land][ing f] -> [landing f] 5245 [br][ing] -> [bring] 5246 [ett][l] -> [ettl] 5247 [viol][ence] -> [violence] 5248 [ip][it] -> [ipit] 5249 [pro][phec] -> [prophec] 5250 [poin][t] -> [point] 5251 [con][ceal] -> [conceal] 5252 [c][lean] -> [clean] 5253 [go][od] -> [good] 5254 [not][ing the ] -> [noting the ] 5255 [im][pl] -> [impl] 5256 [ s][ide ] -> [ side ] 5257 [thought ][of the ] -> [thought of the ] 5258 [her][ son] -> [her son] 5259 [enc][es ] -> [ences ] 5260 [.\u000a "][We ] -> [.\u000a "We ] 5261 [an][ch] -> [anch] 5262 [bl][ur] -> [blur] 5263 [t][ast] -> [tast] 5264 [necess][i] -> [necessi] 5265 [b][est] -> [best] 5266 [if][ he ] -> [if he ] 5267 [s ][to the ] -> [s to the ] 5268 [exp][los] -> [explos] 5269 [it][.\u000a ] -> [it.\u000a ] 5270 [he ][knew] -> [he knew] 5271 [r][an] -> [ran] 5272 [ to][ward the ] -> [ toward the ] 5273 [glanc][ed back] -> [glanced back] 5274 [c][ast ] -> [cast ] 5275 [ above ][the ] -> [ above the ] 5276 [T][H] -> [TH] 5277 [I][C] -> [IC] 5278 [lieuten][ant] -> [lieutenant] 5279 [, s][ir] -> [, sir] 5280 [at ][least ] -> [at least ] 5281 [tri][ed to ] -> [tried to ] 5282 [unic][ations ] -> [unications ] 5283 [r][age ] -> [rage ] 5284 [ ad][v] -> [ adv] 5285 [ed in][ fron] -> [ed in fron] 5286 [on][e sh] -> [one sh] 5287 [tr][ail] -> [trail] 5288 [dun][e ] -> [dune ] 5289 [a ][new] -> [a new] 5290 [ b][attle ] -> [ battle ] 5291 [desert][, ] -> [desert, ] 5292 [with][ a s] -> [with a s] 5293 [ur][face ] -> [urface ] 5294 [.\u000a "][There's ] -> [.\u000a "There's ] 5295 [Presently][, he ] -> [Presently, he ] 5296 [af][t] -> [aft] 5297 [exp][ect] -> [expect] 5298 [ b][as] -> [ bas] 5299 [s ][against ] -> [s against ] 5300 [ex][tend] -> [extend] 5301 [ th][ree ] -> [ three ] 5302 [pro][per] -> [proper] 5303 [ou][ri] -> [ouri] 5304 [b][and] -> [band] 5305 [," ][Idaho] -> [," Idaho] 5306 [blad][e] -> [blade] 5307 [h][onor] -> [honor] 5308 [They ][are ] -> [They are ] 5309 [bel][ow] -> [below] 5310 [el][se] -> [else] 5311 [more ][than ] -> [more than ] 5312 [ar][ose ] -> [arose ] 5313 [enc][los] -> [enclos] 5314 [ud][d] -> [udd] 5315 [r][aw] -> [raw] 5316 [?" \u000a "][You] -> [?" \u000a "You] 5317 [tr][ic] -> [tric] 5318 [to][ol] -> [tool] 5319 [ wh][om] -> [ whom] 5320 [ass][ur] -> [assur] 5321 [.\u000a ][With] -> [.\u000a With] 5322 [pow][er ] -> [power ] 5323 [ s][tiffen] -> [ stiffen] 5324 [miss][ion] -> [mission] 5325 [ mo][isture ] -> [ moisture ] 5326 [h][is] -> [his] 5327 [:][ a] -> [: a] 5328 [ed for][ward ] -> [ed forward ] 5329 [pres][erv] -> [preserv] 5330 [. ][G] -> [. G] 5331 [ who][ had ] -> [ who had ] 5332 [left ][and ] -> [left and ] 5333 [in][ish] -> [inish] 5334 [m][ell] -> [mell] 5335 [memor][y ] -> [memory ] 5336 [sh][ar] -> [shar] 5337 [remain][ed sil] -> [remained sil] 5338 [eli][ef] -> [elief] 5339 [lit][ter] -> [litter] 5340 [th][ick] -> [thick] 5341 [b][ri] -> [bri] 5342 [D][oc] -> [Doc] 5343 [err][or] -> [error] 5344 [hall][eng] -> [halleng] 5345 [nav][ig] -> [navig] 5346 [prof][ound ] -> [profound ] 5347 [w][ait ] -> [wait ] 5348 [ed in][ a ] -> [ed in a ] 5349 [ the ][Baron] -> [ the Baron] 5350 [ h][iss] -> [ hiss] 5351 [L][ump] -> [Lump] 5352 [b][ind] -> [bind] 5353 [nar][co] -> [narco] 5354 [narco][tic] -> [narcotic] 5355 [!" the ][Baron] -> [!" the Baron] 5356 [K][in] -> [Kin] 5357 [me][asur] -> [measur] 5358 ['][Lord ] -> ['Lord ] 5359 [th][umper] -> [thumper] 5360 [ch][ild] -> [child] 5361 [res][tor] -> [restor] 5362 [f][igh] -> [figh] 5363 [ad][ise ] -> [adise ] 5364 [anti][do] -> [antido] 5365 [ilit][ary ] -> [ilitary ] 5366 [ re][li] -> [ reli] 5367 [ . . . ][lump] -> [ . . . lump] 5368 [Chani][, ] -> [Chani, ] 5369 [," Chani][ said. "] -> [," Chani said. "] 5370 [gr][and] -> [grand] 5371 [.\u000a ][Gurney ] -> [.\u000a Gurney ] 5372 [E][L] -> [EL] 5373 [C.E.T][. ] -> [C.E.T. ] 5374 [A][: ] -> [A: ] 5375 [A][K] -> [AK] 5376 [. \u000a][S] -> [. \u000aS] 5377 [we][ather] -> [weather] 5378 [a m][oment ] -> [a moment ] 5379 [ at ][him] -> [ at him] 5380 [aw][aken] -> [awaken] 5381 [ a][head ] -> [ ahead ] 5382 [ed ][like ] -> [ed like ] 5383 [ gr][ow] -> [ grow] 5384 [ with][ a s] -> [ with a s] 5385 [ing][ this ] -> [ing this ] 5386 [iffer][ent ] -> [ifferent ] 5387 [Y][et, ] -> [Yet, ] 5388 [ a][s] -> [ as] 5389 [-th][e-] -> [-the-] 5390 [avo][id] -> [avoid] 5391 [lo][ad ] -> [load ] 5392 [ p][leas] -> [ pleas] 5393 [ in][ her] -> [ in her] 5394 [s][. A] -> [s. A] 5395 [pock][et] -> [pocket] 5396 [the ][Emperor's ] -> [the Emperor's ] 5397 [oun][t ] -> [ount ] 5398 [s ][on ] -> [s on ] 5399 [ou][thern] -> [outhern] 5400 [requ][ir] -> [requir] 5401 [ c][am] -> [ cam] 5402 [ s][k] -> [ sk] 5403 [d][anc] -> [danc] 5404 [is ][dead] -> [is dead] 5405 [." \u000a ][Paul ] -> [." \u000a Paul ] 5406 [ers ][of the ] -> [ers of the ] 5407 [to ][in] -> [to in] 5408 [ to][ her] -> [ to her] 5409 [enem][y] -> [enemy] 5410 [ a d][ry ] -> [ a dry ] 5411 [tee][th] -> [teeth] 5412 [j][er] -> [jer] 5413 [jer][k] -> [jerk] 5414 [ru][le] -> [rule] 5415 [e][."\u000a "] -> [e."\u000a "] 5416 [wh][at] -> [what] 5417 [ out ][of the ] -> [ out of the ] 5418 [ ][-- the ] -> [ -- the ] 5419 [ t][ak] -> [ tak] 5420 [rem][ove ] -> [remove ] 5421 [ing ][p] -> [ing p] 5422 [ s][low] -> [ slow] 5423 [! ][The ] -> [! The ] 5424 [is][p] -> [isp] 5425 [T][ake ] -> [Take ] 5426 [ the s][ec] -> [ the sec] 5427 [h][arm] -> [harm] 5428 [bro][ther] -> [brother] 5429 [no ][one ] -> [no one ] 5430 [under][stood ] -> [understood ] 5431 [h][ope ] -> [hope ] 5432 [ man]['s ] -> [ man's ] 5433 [J][i] -> [Ji] 5434 [ stud][ied the ] -> [ studied the ] 5435 [, s][o] -> [, so] 5436 [emp][has] -> [emphas] 5437 [ted ][by ] -> [ted by ] 5438 [b][eliev] -> [believ] 5439 [e][per] -> [eper] 5440 [sel][ves] -> [selves] 5441 [m][ay] -> [may] 5442 [we ][cannot ] -> [we cannot ] 5443 [su][c] -> [suc] 5444 [ol][den] -> [olden] 5445 [s][ix] -> [six] 5446 [thing][ that ] -> [thing that ] 5447 [voice ][came ] -> [voice came ] 5448 [qu][al] -> [qual] 5449 [enough][ to] -> [enough to] 5450 [from][ him] -> [from him] 5451 [ad][mir] -> [admir] 5452 [. And he ][thought: ] -> [. And he thought: ] 5453 [ bl][ue ] -> [ blue ] 5454 [re][ven] -> [reven] 5455 [auti][ful] -> [autiful] 5456 [--][ and ] -> [-- and ] 5457 [ str][ang] -> [ strang] 5458 [you][ will] -> [you will] 5459 [ would ][be ] -> [ would be ] 5460 [arg][um] -> [argum] 5461 [. ][For] -> [. For] 5462 [Great Hous][es ] -> [Great Houses ] 5463 [ti][ght ] -> [tight ] 5464 [ri][ed ] -> [ried ] 5465 [ p][romis] -> [ promis] 5466 [ st][ay] -> [ stay] 5467 [Bene Gesserit ][witch] -> [Bene Gesserit witch] 5468 [of][ten] -> [often] 5469 [ wr][ong] -> [ wrong] 5470 [voice][. "] -> [voice. "] 5471 [is][dom] -> [isdom] 5472 [ go][od ] -> [ good ] 5473 [In][de] -> [Inde] 5474 [! ][He ] -> [! He ] 5475 [fact ][that ] -> [fact that ] 5476 [Per][hap] -> [Perhap] 5477 [ a f][ew] -> [ a few] 5478 [. We ][must ] -> [. We must ] 5479 [him][ to] -> [him to] 5480 [ultim][ate ] -> [ultimate ] 5481 [eff][ect ] -> [effect ] 5482 [s][ed ] -> [sed ] 5483 [ a][gent] -> [ agent] 5484 [some][one ] -> [someone ] 5485 [anger][ous ] -> [angerous ] 5486 [imag][in] -> [imagin] 5487 [Emperor][ and ] -> [Emperor and ] 5488 [ along][ the ] -> [ along the ] 5489 [ag][ent] -> [agent] 5490 [us][tain] -> [ustain] 5491 [au][ty ] -> [auty ] 5492 [me][ant ] -> [meant ] 5493 [of ][your ] -> [of your ] 5494 [ed. "][I] -> [ed. "I] 5495 [ou][s, ] -> [ous, ] 5496 [. I][t] -> [. It] 5497 [tell][ you] -> [tell you] 5498 [ th][ere's ] -> [ there's ] 5499 [when][ he ] -> [when he ] 5500 [." \u000a "][How] -> [." \u000a "How] 5501 [y ][with] -> [y with] 5502 [ho][t ] -> [hot ] 5503 [of s][and ] -> [of sand ] 5504 [:][\u000a\u000a"] -> [:\u000a\u000a"] 5505 [possib][ility ] -> [possibility ] 5506 [V][ery ] -> [Very ] 5507 [your f][ather] -> [your father] 5508 [. Wh][en ] -> [. When ] 5509 [d][ang] -> [dang] 5510 [. There ][were ] -> [. There were ] 5511 [le][ather] -> [leather] 5512 [ed on][ce ] -> [ed once ] 5513 [ed his ][throat] -> [ed his throat] 5514 [over][ his ] -> [over his ] 5515 [old ][man] -> [old man] 5516 [eyes ][were ] -> [eyes were ] 5517 [, ][Hawat thought] -> [, Hawat thought] 5518 [an ][odd ] -> [an odd ] 5519 [h][ard] -> [hard] 5520 [look][ing ] -> [looking ] 5521 [fo][ot ] -> [foot ] 5522 [ c][or] -> [ cor] 5523 [kilome][ters ] -> [kilometers ] 5524 [d][ust] -> [dust] 5525 [c][aution] -> [caution] 5526 [ fe][et ] -> [ feet ] 5527 [pr][ay] -> [pray] 5528 [it][ting ] -> [itting ] 5529 [B][ecause ] -> [Because ] 5530 [seem][ed to] -> [seemed to] 5531 [. Wh][y ] -> [. Why ] 5532 [, ][Thufir] -> [, Thufir] 5533 [C][ome ] -> [Come ] 5534 [s][uddenly ] -> [suddenly ] 5535 [?][\u000a The ] -> [?\u000a The ] 5536 [? ][He ] -> [? He ] 5537 [tr][ange ] -> [trange ] 5538 [opp][on] -> [oppon] 5539 [coun][ter] -> [counter] 5540 [tr][ue] -> [true] 5541 [ask][ed himself] -> [asked himself] 5542 [ure][ly ] -> [urely ] 5543 [, saw][ ] -> [, saw ] 5544 [ed.\u000a ][Paul ] -> [ed.\u000a Paul ] 5545 [." \u000a "][A] -> [." \u000a "A] 5546 [and][er] -> [ander] 5547 [ b][ear] -> [ bear] 5548 [ some][one ] -> [ someone ] 5549 [after][ the ] -> [after the ] 5550 [ti][ck] -> [tick] 5551 [," Yueh][ said. "] -> [," Yueh said. "] 5552 [.\u000a "][M] -> [.\u000a "M] 5553 [.' ]["] -> [.' "] 5554 [ut][ation] -> [utation] 5555 [ must ][be ] -> [ must be ] 5556 [reas][on ] -> [reason ] 5557 [ p][ack] -> [ pack] 5558 [to ][Paul] -> [to Paul] 5559 [That ][was ] -> [That was ] 5560 [.\u000a "You][r] -> [.\u000a "Your] 5561 [S][on] -> [Son] 5562 [train][ed to] -> [trained to] 5563 [f][ur] -> [fur] 5564 [ang][e] -> [ange] 5565 [a ][little ] -> [a little ] 5566 [nex][t ] -> [next ] 5567 [." \u000a "][But ] -> [." \u000a "But ] 5568 [cas][ion] -> [casion] 5569 [. ][Not ] -> [. Not ] 5570 [ a m][oment] -> [ a moment] 5571 [. . . " ][He ] -> [. . . " He ] 5572 [ sh][are ] -> [ share ] 5573 [pro][t] -> [prot] 5574 [ sp][ac] -> [ spac] 5575 [of][ their ] -> [of their ] 5576 [ce][il] -> [ceil] 5577 [. \u000a ][She ] -> [. \u000a She ] 5578 [b][arr] -> [barr] 5579 [. Th][en ] -> [. Then ] 5580 [-][blue ] -> [-blue ] 5581 [," he said][.\u000a She ] -> [," he said.\u000a She ] 5582 [J][udge ] -> [Judge ] 5583 [Judge ][of the ] -> [Judge of the ] 5584 [Judge of the ][Ch] -> [Judge of the Ch] 5585 [ the s][ame ] -> [ the same ] 5586 [in][ a s] -> [in a s] 5587 [ink][l] -> [inkl] 5588 [des][ign] -> [design] 5589 [Great ][Mother] -> [Great Mother] 5590 [rem][ote ] -> [remote ] 5591 [could ][only ] -> [could only ] 5592 [ti][ve] -> [tive] 5593 [a ][and ] -> [a and ] 5594 [hai-hul][ud] -> [hai-hulud] 5595 [op][press] -> [oppress] 5596 [sur][vi] -> [survi] 5597 [. "][A] -> [. "A] 5598 [el][bow] -> [elbow] 5599 [Welling][ton] -> [Wellington] 5600 [T][o ] -> [To ] 5601 [ p][ast ] -> [ past ] 5602 [ d][et] -> [ det] 5603 [ey][e] -> [eye] 5604 [ing][ through] -> [ing through] 5605 [might ][be ] -> [might be ] 5606 [usp][ic] -> [uspic] 5607 [th][od] -> [thod] 5608 [, the ][Duke ] -> [, the Duke ] 5609 [il][ence ] -> [ilence ] 5610 [hesit][ated, ] -> [hesitated, ] 5611 [con][troll] -> [controll] 5612 [ des][ign] -> [ design] 5613 [ on][to the ] -> [ onto the ] 5614 [c][ircl] -> [circl] 5615 [time ][of ] -> [time of ] 5616 [s][hap] -> [shap] 5617 [duc][al s] -> [ducal s] 5618 [ducal s][ig] -> [ducal sig] 5619 [ducal sig][ne] -> [ducal signe] 5620 [g][all] -> [gall] 5621 [glimp][s] -> [glimps] 5622 [per][mit ] -> [permit ] 5623 [e, ][s] -> [e, s] 5624 [ w][ait ] -> [ wait ] 5625 [ re][ach] -> [ reach] 5626 [par][t of ] -> [part of ] 5627 [complet][ely ] -> [completely ] 5628 [. . . "][\u000a ] -> [. . . "\u000a ] 5629 [rock][, ] -> [rock, ] 5630 [e of][ th] -> [e of th] 5631 ["][The ] -> ["The ] 5632 [udden][ly] -> [uddenly] 5633 [ ][open] -> [ open] 5634 [Com][m] -> [Comm] 5635 [ those ][who] -> [ those who] 5636 [I][daho ] -> [Idaho ] 5637 [on][ my ] -> [on my ] 5638 [fac][ed ] -> [faced ] 5639 [ir][d ] -> [ird ] 5640 [ fri][end] -> [ friend] 5641 [the ][Fremen] -> [the Fremen] 5642 [grow][th] -> [growth] 5643 [f][is] -> [fis] 5644 [g][ap] -> [gap] 5645 [S][ir] -> [Sir] 5646 [ in][ a ] -> [ in a ] 5647 [ d][estroy ] -> [ destroy ] 5648 [at][e the ] -> [ate the ] 5649 [st][ant ] -> [stant ] 5650 [ c][ut ] -> [ cut ] 5651 [? ][The ] -> [? The ] 5652 [at][al] -> [atal] 5653 [.\u000a][-] -> [.\u000a-] 5654 [a p][o] -> [a po] 5655 [pers][ti] -> [persti] 5656 [instrum][ent] -> [instrument] 5657 [. If][ you] -> [. If you] 5658 [s][le] -> [sle] 5659 [tr][ang] -> [trang] 5660 [icro][ph] -> [icroph] 5661 [instrum][ent ] -> [instrument ] 5662 [rock][ ] -> [rock ] 5663 [ a][gre] -> [ agre] 5664 [are][a] -> [area] 5665 [el][t] -> [elt] 5666 [brup][t ] -> [brupt ] 5667 [We ][will] -> [We will] 5668 [m][m] -> [mm] 5669 [ of][ c] -> [ of c] 5670 [took][ the ] -> [took the ] 5671 [cr][am] -> [cram] 5672 [cram][bl] -> [crambl] 5673 [. This ][was ] -> [. This was ] 5674 [fo][od] -> [food] 5675 [wonder][ed ] -> [wondered ] 5676 [fac][es ] -> [faces ] 5677 [k][a] -> [ka] 5678 [ p][ush] -> [ push] 5679 [oppos][ite ] -> [opposite ] 5680 [ s][outh] -> [ south] 5681 [word][s, ] -> [words, ] 5682 [S][uch] -> [Such] 5683 [cap][tur] -> [captur] 5684 [ bel][ow] -> [ below] 5685 [ re][turn] -> [ return] 5686 [they]['ll] -> [they'll] 5687 [read][y] -> [ready] 5688 [--" \u000a "][You] -> [--" \u000a "You] 5689 [ peop][le] -> [ people] 5690 [agg][er] -> [agger] 5691 [.\u000a The ][Baron ] -> [.\u000a The Baron ] 5692 [re][ak] -> [reak] 5693 [ sh][ifted ] -> [ shifted ] 5694 [ing ][its ] -> [ing its ] 5695 [R][O] -> [RO] 5696 [b][arri] -> [barri] 5697 [tent]['s ] -> [tent's ] 5698 [en ][and ] -> [en and ] 5699 [par][acom] -> [paracom] 5700 [ h][ook] -> [ hook] 5701 [ab][ility ] -> [ability ] 5702 [above ][them] -> [above them] 5703 [trib][e ] -> [tribe ] 5704 [tim][e-] -> [time-] 5705 [tel][esc] -> [telesc] 5706 [that ][his ] -> [that his ] 5707 [m-m-m][-m] -> [m-m-m-m] 5708 [," Harah][ said. "] -> [," Harah said. "] 5709 [R][I] -> [RI] 5710 [dam][ IV] -> [dam IV] 5711 [sp][ecial] -> [special] 5712 [twent][y] -> [twenty] 5713 [qu][ir] -> [quir] 5714 [f][em] -> [fem] 5715 [gl][itter] -> [glitter] 5716 [s][.\u000a "I] -> [s.\u000a "I] 5717 [al][is] -> [alis] 5718 [S][o ] -> [So ] 5719 [b][right ] -> [bright ] 5720 [old ][woman ] -> [old woman ] 5721 [like ][a] -> [like a] 5722 [e][ad ] -> [ead ] 5723 [? he ][wonder] -> [? he wonder] 5724 [D][es] -> [Des] 5725 [ss][ass] -> [ssass] 5726 [Com][p] -> [Comp] 5727 [ f][ell] -> [ fell] 5728 [rem][emb] -> [rememb] 5729 [ig][g] -> [igg] 5730 [ c][lose ] -> [ close ] 5731 [h][uman ] -> [human ] 5732 [ p][attern] -> [ pattern] 5733 [ for][ him] -> [ for him] 5734 [ing][. "] -> [ing. "] 5735 [leas][e ] -> [lease ] 5736 [H][el] -> [Hel] 5737 [ s][id] -> [ sid] 5738 [o][ci] -> [oci] 5739 [d][ut] -> [dut] 5740 [D][amn] -> [Damn] 5741 [ sto][pped ] -> [ stopped ] 5742 [dro][pped ] -> [dropped ] 5743 [lin][e of] -> [line of] 5744 [ir][t] -> [irt] 5745 [ g][ave ] -> [ gave ] 5746 [? ][Paul] -> [? Paul] 5747 [ ][no] -> [ no] 5748 [rec][i] -> [reci] 5749 [. "You][r] -> [. "Your] 5750 [ s][traighten] -> [ straighten] 5751 [ sm][ile ] -> [ smile ] 5752 [at ][him] -> [at him] 5753 [gest][ure] -> [gesture] 5754 [en][time] -> [entime] 5755 [Paul][ saw] -> [Paul saw] 5756 [od][d] -> [odd] 5757 [o][be] -> [obe] 5758 [need][le ] -> [needle ] 5759 [-][ah] -> [-ah] 5760 [am][ed ] -> [amed ] 5761 [gl][isten] -> [glisten] 5762 [you][ may ] -> [you may ] 5763 [touch][ed his ] -> [touched his ] 5764 [If][ you] -> [If you] 5765 [o][bl] -> [obl] 5766 [it ][has ] -> [it has ] 5767 [. On][ly ] -> [. Only ] 5768 [fore][head] -> [forehead] 5769 [. He s][ens] -> [. He sens] 5770 [g][on] -> [gon] 5771 [ing at ][him] -> [ing at him] 5772 [i][ver] -> [iver] 5773 [. Th][ere] -> [. There] 5774 [s ][had ] -> [s had ] 5775 [l][ash] -> [lash] 5776 [ sh][ock] -> [ shock] 5777 [h][ate ] -> [hate ] 5778 [ back][ to ] -> [ back to ] 5779 [h][ard ] -> [hard ] 5780 [what ][the ] -> [what the ] 5781 [gre][ater] -> [greater] 5782 [es ][in the ] -> [es in the ] 5783 [But][l] -> [Butl] 5784 [Butl][eri] -> [Butleri] 5785 [ev][el] -> [evel] 5786 [evel][op] -> [evelop] 5787 [li][tic] -> [litic] 5788 [tell][s ] -> [tells ] 5789 [g][ene] -> [gene] 5790 [car][ry ] -> [carry ] 5791 [ hand][le ] -> [ handle ] 5792 [plac][es ] -> [places ] 5793 [in][ward ] -> [inward ] 5794 [, ][no] -> [, no] 5795 [."][\u000a\u000a= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] -> [."\u000a\u000a= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] 5796 [a d][ark] -> [a dark] 5797 [c][end] -> [cend] 5798 [b][e, ] -> [be, ] 5799 [co][ll] -> [coll] 5800 [ati][tud] -> [atitud] 5801 [ri][ver] -> [river] 5802 [black][ ] -> [black ] 5803 [op][port] -> [opport] 5804 [have ][been ] -> [have been ] 5805 [you ][are ] -> [you are ] 5806 [Is ][it ] -> [Is it ] 5807 [re][gre] -> [regre] 5808 [car][efull] -> [carefull] 5809 [. . ][. I] -> [. . . I] 5810 [kind][j] -> [kindj] 5811 [ef][fic] -> [effic] 5812 [necess][ity ] -> [necessity ] 5813 [s][ack] -> [sack] 5814 [p][s] -> [ps] 5815 [ back][ to the ] -> [ back to the ] 5816 [ that ][you] -> [ that you] 5817 [ your][self] -> [ yourself] 5818 [t][one] -> [tone] 5819 [? ][I] -> [? I] 5820 [now][ ] -> [now ] 5821 [s ][in ] -> [s in ] 5822 [a][tomic] -> [atomic] 5823 [?" ][Feyd-Rautha] -> [?" Feyd-Rautha] 5824 [af][e ] -> [afe ] 5825 [inv][olv] -> [involv] 5826 [j][ust] -> [just] 5827 [dark][ ] -> [dark ] 5828 [ed][uc] -> [educ] 5829 [t][es] -> [tes] 5830 [ru][el] -> [ruel] 5831 [ a ][Harkonnen] -> [ a Harkonnen] 5832 ['re ][not ] -> ['re not ] 5833 [br][av] -> [brav] 5834 [r][ace ] -> [race ] 5835 [its ][own] -> [its own] 5836 [ation][ of ] -> [ation of ] 5837 [pos][e ] -> [pose ] 5838 [li][z] -> [liz] 5839 [between][ them] -> [between them] 5840 [ pre][vent ] -> [ prevent ] 5841 [ation][, ] -> [ation, ] 5842 [t][ears ] -> [tears ] 5843 [ p][ay ] -> [ pay ] 5844 [we][ak] -> [weak] 5845 [corn][er] -> [corner] 5846 [should ][be ] -> [should be ] 5847 [a ][long] -> [a long] 5848 [time ][to] -> [time to] 5849 [to ][go] -> [to go] 5850 [s][. And ] -> [s. And ] 5851 [com][es ] -> [comes ] 5852 [?" he ask][ed.\u000a "] -> [?" he asked.\u000a "] 5853 [aven]['t ] -> [aven't ] 5854 [the s][ame ] -> [the same ] 5855 [reg][ular] -> [regular] 5856 [ wor][d ] -> [ word ] 5857 [ pl][ay] -> [ play] 5858 [gu][id] -> [guid] 5859 [." \u000a ][Hawat ] -> [." \u000a Hawat ] 5860 [looked up][ at the ] -> [looked up at the ] 5861 [prec][ious ] -> [precious ] 5862 [know][ how] -> [know how] 5863 [lo][ad] -> [load] 5864 [L][i] -> [Li] 5865 [l][aim] -> [laim] 5866 [pres][sure] -> [pressure] 5867 [s, ][the s] -> [s, the s] 5868 [ h][op] -> [ hop] 5869 [c][offe] -> [coffe] 5870 [pro][cess] -> [process] 5871 [eop][le ] -> [eople ] 5872 [l][ur] -> [lur] 5873 [ pl][ay ] -> [ play ] 5874 [in][e s] -> [ine s] 5875 [ you][ng] -> [ young] 5876 [a f][riend ] -> [a friend ] 5877 [w][aste ] -> [waste ] 5878 [ bl][ur] -> [ blur] 5879 [ed at ][his ] -> [ed at his ] 5880 [," Paul said][. He ] -> [," Paul said. He ] 5881 [b][elt ] -> [belt ] 5882 [your][ w] -> [your w] 5883 [ gu][ard ] -> [ guard ] 5884 [enem][y ] -> [enemy ] 5885 [ f][ight ] -> [ fight ] 5886 [ f][ighting] -> [ fighting] 5887 [cr][ouch] -> [crouch] 5888 [ back][, ] -> [ back, ] 5889 [el][ec] -> [elec] 5890 [t][act ] -> [tact ] 5891 [en][s ] -> [ens ] 5892 [w][ould've ] -> [would've ] 5893 [al][ c] -> [al c] 5894 [ in ][it] -> [ in it] 5895 [al][ut] -> [alut] 5896 [m][e s] -> [me s] 5897 [ st][ret] -> [ stret] 5898 [.\u000a ][This ] -> [.\u000a This ] 5899 [p][ill] -> [pill] 5900 [.][G] -> [.G] 5901 [p][le ] -> [ple ] 5902 [t][at] -> [tat] 5903 [com][ing] -> [coming] 5904 [interest][ing] -> [interesting] 5905 [of cour][se, ] -> [of course, ] 5906 [ m][el] -> [ mel] 5907 [dr][ed and ] -> [dred and ] 5908 [j][ection] -> [jection] 5909 [tu][ally ] -> [tually ] 5910 ['ve ][been] -> ['ve been] 5911 [edge ][of the ] -> [edge of the ] 5912 [id][ing ] -> [iding ] 5913 [ b][ark] -> [ bark] 5914 [ir][d] -> [ird] 5915 [He s][h] -> [He sh] 5916 [ can]['t ] -> [ can't ] 5917 [ro][at ] -> [roat ] 5918 [knif][e, ] -> [knife, ] 5919 [oc][casion] -> [occasion] 5920 [tr][ong] -> [trong] 5921 [ con][dition] -> [ condition] 5922 [loyal][ty ] -> [loyalty ] 5923 [of s][uch] -> [of such] 5924 [man][, ] -> [man, ] 5925 [, ][a s] -> [, a s] 5926 [par][t of the ] -> [part of the ] 5927 [m][ut] -> [mut] 5928 [in ][one ] -> [in one ] 5929 [," the Duke said][, "] -> [," the Duke said, "] 5930 [s ][(] -> [s (] 5931 [accep][ted ] -> [accepted ] 5932 [e][ast ] -> [east ] 5933 [ound][, ] -> [ound, ] 5934 [.\u000a A][gain] -> [.\u000a Again] 5935 [e][cho] -> [echo] 5936 [ there ][was ] -> [ there was ] 5937 [on][ her] -> [on her] 5938 [din][ing h] -> [dining h] 5939 [dining h][all] -> [dining hall] 5940 [g][olden] -> [golden] 5941 [green ][and ] -> [green and ] 5942 [cri][p] -> [crip] 5943 [glanc][ed down] -> [glanced down] 5944 [My ][Lord] -> [My Lord] 5945 [your][ d] -> [your d] 5946 [ of][ d] -> [ of d] 5947 [our ][own] -> [our own] 5948 [re][port] -> [report] 5949 [Fremen][ were ] -> [Fremen were ] 5950 [s][. It ] -> [s. It ] 5951 [adjus][ted ] -> [adjusted ] 5952 [te][ch] -> [tech] 5953 [sec][ond ] -> [second ] 5954 [res][erv] -> [reserv] 5955 [have ][the ] -> [have the ] 5956 [e][ight ] -> [eight ] 5957 [repe][at] -> [repeat] 5958 [C][hak] -> [Chak] 5959 [Chak][obs] -> [Chakobs] 5960 [rum][or] -> [rumor] 5961 [at][e s] -> [ate s] 5962 [f][aster] -> [faster] 5963 [p][aus] -> [paus] 5964 [ill][ion] -> [illion] 5965 [right][, ] -> [right, ] 5966 [right ][hand] -> [right hand] 5967 [vent][ur] -> [ventur] 5968 [emb][arr] -> [embarr] 5969 [embarr][ass] -> [embarrass] 5970 [esp][eci] -> [especi] 5971 [ th][er] -> [ ther] 5972 [enc][e s] -> [ence s] 5973 [--][and ] -> [--and ] 5974 [. "][But ] -> [. "But ] 5975 [ man][n] -> [ mann] 5976 [bl][ink] -> [blink] 5977 [ ch][ild] -> [ child] 5978 [ou][bl] -> [oubl] 5979 [ p][ower] -> [ power] 5980 [ plan][t ] -> [ plant ] 5981 [up][ ] -> [up ] 5982 [ did ][not ] -> [ did not ] 5983 [y ][that ] -> [y that ] 5984 [Of cour][se ] -> [Of course ] 5985 [sh][atter] -> [shatter] 5986 [necessi][ties ] -> [necessities ] 5987 [mo][ther and ] -> [mother and ] 5988 [ w][av] -> [ wav] 5989 ['s ][s] -> ['s s] 5990 [ dr][aw] -> [ draw] 5991 [dis][cover] -> [discover] 5992 [k][it ] -> [kit ] 5993 [un][ch] -> [unch] 5994 [cre][ature] -> [creature] 5995 [ sp][ir] -> [ spir] 5996 [id][ual] -> [idual] 5997 [tir][r] -> [tirr] 5998 [ in][ fron] -> [ in fron] 5999 [il][t ] -> [ilt ] 6000 [le][af] -> [leaf] 6001 [give ][you] -> [give you] 6002 [ her m][ind] -> [ her mind] 6003 [ m][ess] -> [ mess] 6004 [ing][er] -> [inger] 6005 [trus][ted ] -> [trusted ] 6006 [enc][ounter] -> [encounter] 6007 [ro][g] -> [rog] 6008 [behind ][him] -> [behind him] 6009 [with][ him] -> [with him] 6010 [I ][understand] -> [I understand] 6011 [ing across ][the ] -> [ing across the ] 6012 [po][st] -> [post] 6013 [M][in] -> [Min] 6014 [ m][y son] -> [ my son] 6015 [!][\u000a The ] -> [!\u000a The ] 6016 [They ][have ] -> [They have ] 6017 [.\u000a ][B] -> [.\u000a B] 6018 [ar][b] -> [arb] 6019 [elf][-] -> [elf-] 6020 [immedi][ately ] -> [immediately ] 6021 [des][p] -> [desp] 6022 [try][ing to ] -> [trying to ] 6023 [und][er ] -> [under ] 6024 [ho][le ] -> [hole ] 6025 [st][up] -> [stup] 6026 [to][ a ] -> [to a ] 6027 [ed ][here ] -> [ed here ] 6028 [up][on the ] -> [upon the ] 6029 [Pres][ently, ] -> [Presently, ] 6030 [O][ver] -> [Over] 6031 [th][e] -> [the] 6032 [th][re] -> [thre] 6033 [Le][to s] -> [Leto s] 6034 [turn][ed to] -> [turned to] 6035 [c][ave ] -> [cave ] 6036 [the s][muggl] -> [the smuggl] 6037 [ed ][away ] -> [ed away ] 6038 [ne][g] -> [neg] 6039 [M][ost ] -> [Most ] 6040 [ dis][cus] -> [ discus] 6041 [wor][n] -> [worn] 6042 [rais][ed ] -> [raised ] 6043 [ec][ts ] -> [ects ] 6044 [sens][ed the ] -> [sensed the ] 6045 [ re][l] -> [ rel] 6046 [Will][ you] -> [Will you] 6047 [tran][s] -> [trans] 6048 [pi][ec] -> [piec] 6049 [ re][ason] -> [ reason] 6050 [old ][Reverend Mother] -> [old Reverend Mother] 6051 [W][or] -> [Wor] 6052 [no][is] -> [nois] 6053 [ shook][ his head] -> [ shook his head] 6054 [Let ][him] -> [Let him] 6055 [de][w] -> [dew] 6056 [in][ which] -> [in which] 6057 [C][oll] -> [Coll] 6058 [bl][ind ] -> [blind ] 6059 [way][, ] -> [way, ] 6060 [ m][outh] -> [ mouth] 6061 [carri][ed ] -> [carried ] 6062 [ pro][duce ] -> [ produce ] 6063 [as][tic] -> [astic] 6064 [entr][ance ] -> [entrance ] 6065 [ hand][s] -> [ hands] 6066 [ fac][e, ] -> [ face, ] 6067 [com][for] -> [comfor] 6068 [ness ][and ] -> [ness and ] 6069 [tr][ength] -> [trength] 6070 [ex][h] -> [exh] 6071 [s ][this ] -> [s this ] 6072 [or][ange ] -> [orange ] 6073 [as ][they ] -> [as they ] 6074 [in ][an ] -> [in an ] 6075 [pan][el] -> [panel] 6076 [saw][ the ] -> [saw the ] 6077 [ation][ship] -> [ationship] 6078 [cre][d] -> [cred] 6079 [are][a ] -> [area ] 6080 [in][no] -> [inno] 6081 [Kynes]['] -> [Kynes'] 6082 [m][icroph] -> [microph] 6083 [po][t] -> [pot] 6084 [c][owl] -> [cowl] 6085 [ carr][y] -> [ carry] 6086 [: "][You] -> [: "You] 6087 [n][umber] -> [number] 6088 [crow][d ] -> [crowd ] 6089 [gl][id] -> [glid] 6090 [ the s][and ] -> [ the sand ] 6091 [ still][suit ] -> [ stillsuit ] 6092 [ co][ol] -> [ cool] 6093 [ ][un] -> [ un] 6094 [!"][ he ] -> [!" he ] 6095 [around ][her] -> [around her] 6096 [water][-] -> [water-] 6097 [ to][ward ] -> [ toward ] 6098 [t][le s] -> [tle s] 6099 [study][ing the ] -> [studying the ] 6100 [uc][t] -> [uct] 6101 [Doc][tor] -> [Doctor] 6102 [lec][tur] -> [lectur] 6103 [ con][sider] -> [ consider] 6104 [g][ently ] -> [gently ] 6105 [knew][ what ] -> [knew what ] 6106 [are ][not ] -> [are not ] 6107 [ th][roat] -> [ throat] 6108 [ a p][lace ] -> [ a place ] 6109 [c][enter] -> [center] 6110 [S][car] -> [Scar] 6111 [s][earch] -> [search] 6112 [us ][the ] -> [us the ] 6113 [ conc][ub] -> [ concub] 6114 [between][ the ] -> [between the ] 6115 [bre][ak] -> [break] 6116 [ol][onel] -> [olonel] 6117 [rid][ge ] -> [ridge ] 6118 [avail][able ] -> [available ] 6119 [k][er] -> [ker] 6120 [ cr][ouch] -> [ crouch] 6121 [Kynes ][thought] -> [Kynes thought] 6122 [u][f] -> [uf] 6123 [T][abr] -> [Tabr] 6124 [F][ar] -> [Far] 6125 [troop][ ] -> [troop ] 6126 [plan][ting] -> [planting] 6127 [Coun][t] -> [Count] 6128 [em][aster] -> [emaster] 6129 [! ][Y] -> [! Y] 6130 [navig][ator] -> [navigator] 6131 [O][L] -> [OL] 6132 [U][L] -> [UL] 6133 [ f][irst ] -> [ first ] 6134 [. Ar][rak] -> [. Arrak] 6135 [.\u000a ][It was ] -> [.\u000a It was ] 6136 [room][ and ] -> [room and ] 6137 [half][-] -> [half-] 6138 [s ][he ] -> [s he ] 6139 [ift][een] -> [ifteen] 6140 [Tw][o] -> [Two] 6141 [wonder][ing: ] -> [wondering: ] 6142 [--][ a ] -> [-- a ] 6143 [conc][ub] -> [concub] 6144 [CHOAM][ ] -> [CHOAM ] 6145 [r][ic] -> [ric] 6146 [vic][tory ] -> [victory ] 6147 [pre][dic] -> [predic] 6148 [, ][had ] -> [, had ] 6149 [s][ystem] -> [system] 6150 [less][on] -> [lesson] 6151 [ri][d ] -> [rid ] 6152 [ed ][Paul's ] -> [ed Paul's ] 6153 [be][am] -> [beam] 6154 [."\u000a ][He s] -> [."\u000a He s] 6155 [for][ him] -> [for him] 6156 [ fl][ick] -> [ flick] 6157 [Again][, the ] -> [Again, the ] 6158 [Hel][en ] -> [Helen ] 6159 [Helen ][Mo] -> [Helen Mo] 6160 [Helen Mo][hi] -> [Helen Mohi] 6161 [Helen Mohi][am] -> [Helen Mohiam] 6162 [cur][v] -> [curv] 6163 [. She ][was ] -> [. She was ] 6164 [a s][mall] -> [a small] 6165 [us][ed ] -> [used ] 6166 [auti][ous ] -> [autious ] 6167 [t][ly] -> [tly] 6168 [Jessica][. "] -> [Jessica. "] 6169 [look][ed back] -> [looked back] 6170 [ar][gu] -> [argu] 6171 [he ][felt ] -> [he felt ] 6172 [Rem][ember] -> [Remember] 6173 [ing ][of s] -> [ing of s] 6174 [ol][id] -> [olid] 6175 [. ][Now, ] -> [. Now, ] 6176 [Vo][ice ] -> [Voice ] 6177 [. ][No ] -> [. No ] 6178 [right ][hand ] -> [right hand ] 6179 [ sh][ot ] -> [ shot ] 6180 [. He s][tar] -> [. He star] 6181 [Is ][this ] -> [Is this ] 6182 [your m][other] -> [your mother] 6183 [old woman]['s ] -> [old woman's ] 6184 [of ][Paul's ] -> [of Paul's ] 6185 [fac][e, the ] -> [face, the ] 6186 [the ][way ] -> [the way ] 6187 [with][ you] -> [with you] 6188 [un][t] -> [unt] 6189 [p][ass ] -> [pass ] 6190 [on ][it] -> [on it] 6191 [L][it] -> [Lit] 6192 [you][ do] -> [you do] 6193 [le][x] -> [lex] 6194 [," he ][whisper] -> [," he whisper] 6195 [. E][very ] -> [. Every ] 6196 [n]['t] -> [n't] 6197 [C][an] -> [Can] 6198 [r][ide ] -> [ride ] 6199 [? ][She ] -> [? She ] 6200 [u][ish] -> [uish] 6201 [J][ust ] -> [Just ] 6202 [r][up] -> [rup] 6203 [necess][ity] -> [necessity] 6204 [Why ][do ] -> [Why do ] 6205 [ f][re] -> [ fre] 6206 [Butleri][an ] -> [Butlerian ] 6207 [Have ][you] -> [Have you] 6208 [?"\u000a ][She ] -> [?"\u000a She ] 6209 [P][o] -> [Po] 6210 [rec][ord] -> [record] 6211 [ wh][y ] -> [ why ] 6212 [at ][her] -> [at her] 6213 [?"\u000a "][You] -> [?"\u000a "You] 6214 [hook][ his head] -> [hook his head] 6215 [ can][ be ] -> [ can be ] 6216 [attemp][t ] -> [attempt ] 6217 [par][tly ] -> [partly ] 6218 [ed ][it, ] -> [ed it, ] 6219 [r][ound ] -> [round ] 6220 [it ][is] -> [it is] 6221 [Baron Vladimir ][Harkonnen] -> [Baron Vladimir Harkonnen] 6222 [ we][alth] -> [ wealth] 6223 [s ][or] -> [s or] 6224 [s][erve ] -> [serve ] 6225 [rip][pl] -> [rippl] 6226 [rem][ind ] -> [remind ] 6227 [s ][--] -> [s --] 6228 [cr][ack] -> [crack] 6229 [. A][nother] -> [. Another] 6230 [opport][un] -> [opportun] 6231 [?" the Baron][ asked. "] -> [?" the Baron asked. "] 6232 [ous][in] -> [ousin] 6233 [. I][ have ] -> [. I have ] 6234 [mean][s ] -> [means ] 6235 [. He ][has ] -> [. He has ] 6236 [y][." \u000a "] -> [y." \u000a "] 6237 [em][ut] -> [emut] 6238 [ome][times ] -> [ometimes ] 6239 [kindj][al] -> [kindjal] 6240 [o][om] -> [oom] 6241 [ne][ed to] -> [need to] 6242 [ed ][m] -> [ed m] 6243 [dr][agg] -> [dragg] 6244 [you]['d ] -> [you'd ] 6245 [bes][ide the ] -> [beside the ] 6246 [G][ive ] -> [Give ] 6247 [s of][ a ] -> [s of a ] 6248 [ m][er] -> [ mer] 6249 [f][unction] -> [function] 6250 [They ][were ] -> [They were ] 6251 [ s][nar] -> [ snar] 6252 [i][er ] -> [ier ] 6253 [ pos][sib] -> [ possib] 6254 [ g][o ] -> [ go ] 6255 [rene][g] -> [reneg] 6256 [os][sib] -> [ossib] 6257 [it ][be ] -> [it be ] 6258 [Dr][. Yueh] -> [Dr. Yueh] 6259 [ly][ s] -> [ly s] 6260 [in][at] -> [inat] 6261 [. . . ][ah] -> [. . . ah] 6262 [ with][in the ] -> [ within the ] 6263 [ec][ur] -> [ecur] 6264 [b][ound ] -> [bound ] 6265 [ed, and ][he ] -> [ed, and he ] 6266 [Com][ment] -> [Comment] 6267 [?" ][The ] -> [?" The ] 6268 [ she ][was ] -> [ she was ] 6269 [you][ could ] -> [you could ] 6270 [ sens][ed the ] -> [ sensed the ] 6271 [st][ead] -> [stead] 6272 [n][ine ] -> [nine ] 6273 [per][ cent ] -> [per cent ] 6274 [H][ouse] -> [House] 6275 [b][ad ] -> [bad ] 6276 [on][e's ] -> [one's ] 6277 [fl][ag] -> [flag] 6278 [said][, "] -> [said, "] 6279 [turned away][, ] -> [turned away, ] 6280 [this ][planet ] -> [this planet ] 6281 [ed to][ her] -> [ed to her] 6282 [s][n't ] -> [sn't ] 6283 [Be][hind ] -> [Behind ] 6284 [Bene Gesser][it, ] -> [Bene Gesserit, ] 6285 [, but ][she ] -> [, but she ] 6286 [ sil][ent ] -> [ silent ] 6287 [t][ear] -> [tear] 6288 [any ][other] -> [any other] 6289 [How][ many ] -> [How many ] 6290 [back][ to] -> [back to] 6291 [s][ounds ] -> [sounds ] 6292 [from ][Paul] -> [from Paul] 6293 [like ][an ] -> [like an ] 6294 [ b][low] -> [ blow] 6295 [ pro][blem] -> [ problem] 6296 [ing a][ll] -> [ing all] 6297 [ ][over ] -> [ over ] 6298 [ex][cep] -> [excep] 6299 [s. ][You] -> [s. You] 6300 [ beside ][him] -> [ beside him] 6301 [pos][t ] -> [post ] 6302 [. He ][looked ] -> [. He looked ] 6303 [a th][ing] -> [a thing] 6304 [I][ w] -> [I w] 6305 [differ][ent ] -> [different ] 6306 [that ][s] -> [that s] 6307 [it ][with] -> [it with] 6308 [get][ting ] -> [getting ] 6309 [Fremen][, ] -> [Fremen, ] 6310 [al][ys] -> [alys] 6311 [e of][ them] -> [e of them] 6312 [."\u000a "][My ] -> [."\u000a "My ] 6313 [what ][is ] -> [what is ] 6314 [around the ][table] -> [around the table] 6315 [be][hind] -> [behind] 6316 [ag][u] -> [agu] 6317 [ watch][ed the ] -> [ watched the ] 6318 [," Halleck][ said. "] -> [," Halleck said. "] 6319 [ w][on't ] -> [ won't ] 6320 [adv][anc] -> [advanc] 6321 [sw][ung] -> [swung] 6322 [om][e s] -> [ome s] 6323 [."\u000a "][S] -> [."\u000a "S] 6324 [gr][abb] -> [grabb] 6325 [compani][on ] -> [companion ] 6326 [fore][head ] -> [forehead ] 6327 [, ][one ] -> [, one ] 6328 [ch][est] -> [chest] 6329 [n][ak] -> [nak] 6330 [held ][it ] -> [held it ] 6331 [!" ][He ] -> [!" He ] 6332 [ed][. S] -> [ed. S] 6333 [b][ub] -> [bub] 6334 [. If][ I] -> [. If I] 6335 [ b][eside the ] -> [ beside the ] 6336 [ took][ the ] -> [ took the ] 6337 [turn][ed] -> [turned] 6338 [dr][awn] -> [drawn] 6339 [un][ish] -> [unish] 6340 [ense ][of] -> [ense of] 6341 [in][tens] -> [intens] 6342 [per][hap] -> [perhap] 6343 [a ][Reverend Mother] -> [a Reverend Mother] 6344 [fill][ed with] -> [filled with] 6345 [cross][ed to the ] -> [crossed to the ] 6346 [. \u000a ][Paul] -> [. \u000a Paul] 6347 [ing][-] -> [ing-] 6348 [S][uk] -> [Suk] 6349 [ p][ac] -> [ pac] 6350 [when][ we ] -> [when we ] 6351 [, c][aught ] -> [, caught ] 6352 [who][le ] -> [whole ] 6353 [m][arri] -> [marri] 6354 [I][ can ] -> [I can ] 6355 [l][ink] -> [link] 6356 [ d][ar] -> [ dar] 6357 [ol][ar] -> [olar] 6358 [g][ift ] -> [gift ] 6359 [." \u000a "][It's ] -> [." \u000a "It's ] 6360 [de][af] -> [deaf] 6361 [s][ess] -> [sess] 6362 [. S][till] -> [. Still] 6363 [th][in] -> [thin] 6364 [bre][ast] -> [breast] 6365 [spir][ation] -> [spiration] 6366 [p][il] -> [pil] 6367 [ sp][ok] -> [ spok] 6368 [com][e] -> [come] 6369 [ar][sh] -> [arsh] 6370 [ w][e s] -> [ we s] 6371 [s][:] -> [s:] 6372 [b][it ] -> [bit ] 6373 [." \u000a "You][ ] -> [." \u000a "You ] 6374 [what ][he ] -> [what he ] 6375 [ say][s ] -> [ says ] 6376 [ which][ the ] -> [ which the ] 6377 [sp][ace ] -> [space ] 6378 [they]['ve ] -> [they've ] 6379 [sub][ject ] -> [subject ] 6380 [ of ][it ] -> [ of it ] 6381 [," his father][ said. "] -> [," his father said. "] 6382 [sm][ile ] -> [smile ] 6383 [this ][was ] -> [this was ] 6384 [H][ere ] -> [Here ] 6385 [ap][ar] -> [apar] 6386 [ w][ing] -> [ wing] 6387 [z][e] -> [ze] 6388 [ome][where ] -> [omewhere ] 6389 [r][ang] -> [rang] 6390 [at ][and ] -> [at and ] 6391 [to ][keep] -> [to keep] 6392 [ty][p] -> [typ] 6393 [that ][she ] -> [that she ] 6394 [for][ a] -> [for a] 6395 [vit][al] -> [vital] 6396 [et]['s ] -> [et's ] 6397 [as][ide ] -> [aside ] 6398 [a ][Bene Gesserit ] -> [a Bene Gesserit ] 6399 [in][ a h] -> [in a h] 6400 [Great ][Hall] -> [Great Hall] 6401 [ol][der] -> [older] 6402 [h][ut] -> [hut] 6403 [hid][den ] -> [hidden ] 6404 [mad][e the ] -> [made the ] 6405 [ com][b] -> [ comb] 6406 [ed ][from ] -> [ed from ] 6407 [hand][le ] -> [handle ] 6408 [Jessica thought][: ] -> [Jessica thought: ] 6409 [w][ail] -> [wail] 6410 [el][ation] -> [elation] 6411 [reflec][tion] -> [reflection] 6412 [? ][Jessica] -> [? Jessica] 6413 [sto][pped ] -> [stopped ] 6414 [es ][that ] -> [es that ] 6415 [ent][y ] -> [enty ] 6416 [Missionaria Protectiv][a] -> [Missionaria Protectiva] 6417 [h][orn] -> [horn] 6418 [ which][ ] -> [ which ] 6419 [?"][ she ] -> [?" she ] 6420 [he]['ll] -> [he'll] 6421 [os][e, ] -> [ose, ] 6422 [t][umbl] -> [tumbl] 6423 [, feel][ing the ] -> [, feeling the ] 6424 [ ][I ] -> [ I ] 6425 [lo][om] -> [loom] 6426 [hadow][s ] -> [hadows ] 6427 [ p][h] -> [ ph] 6428 [For][ the ] -> [For the ] 6429 [par][t of] -> [part of] 6430 [gr][asp] -> [grasp] 6431 [and][on] -> [andon] 6432 [," she said][.\u000a "] -> [," she said.\u000a "] 6433 [worm][s ] -> [worms ] 6434 [she ][thought: ] -> [she thought: ] 6435 [when ][you] -> [when you] 6436 [limit][ed ] -> [limited ] 6437 [po][or] -> [poor] 6438 [time ][for] -> [time for] 6439 [is ][not ] -> [is not ] 6440 [to][ watch] -> [to watch] 6441 [ed][. And ] -> [ed. And ] 6442 [ in ][its ] -> [ in its ] 6443 [inn][am] -> [innam] 6444 [titud][e ] -> [titude ] 6445 [e][ze ] -> [eze ] 6446 [we][ep] -> [weep] 6447 [ ][out] -> [ out] 6448 [dr][ag] -> [drag] 6449 [that ][would ] -> [that would ] 6450 [h][ous] -> [hous] 6451 [al][se ] -> [alse ] 6452 [could ][be s] -> [could be s] 6453 [through][ ] -> [through ] 6454 [. It was ][a ] -> [. It was a ] 6455 [ed b][y s] -> [ed by s] 6456 [ sh][ields ] -> [ shields ] 6457 [lef][t, ] -> [left, ] 6458 [ed ][past ] -> [ed past ] 6459 [to][tal] -> [total] 6460 [a ][traitor] -> [a traitor] 6461 [An][y ] -> [Any ] 6462 [prec][isely ] -> [precisely ] 6463 [ fo][ot] -> [ foot] 6464 [m][all ] -> [mall ] 6465 [floor][ of the ] -> [floor of the ] 6466 [recogniz][ed ] -> [recognized ] 6467 [rem][e ] -> [reme ] 6468 [has][n't ] -> [hasn't ] 6469 [ m][or] -> [ mor] 6470 [i][or] -> [ior] 6471 [wr][it] -> [writ] 6472 [ m][e. ] -> [ me. ] 6473 [IN][G] -> [ING] 6474 [water][, ] -> [water, ] 6475 [.\u000a "][He ] -> [.\u000a "He ] 6476 [erv][es ] -> [erves ] 6477 [resp][ect ] -> [respect ] 6478 [ h][old] -> [ hold] 6479 [looked ][out ] -> [looked out ] 6480 [ beneath][ the ] -> [ beneath the ] 6481 [ligh][ts ] -> [lights ] 6482 [f][ast] -> [fast] 6483 [extrem][e ] -> [extreme ] 6484 [a p][ar] -> [a par] 6485 [p][ut] -> [put] 6486 [ his ][head ] -> [ his head ] 6487 [priv][ate ] -> [private ] 6488 [ think][ of] -> [ think of] 6489 [ing][ for ] -> [ing for ] 6490 [ c][alm] -> [ calm] 6491 [?" the Duke ][ask] -> [?" the Duke ask] 6492 [quot][ation] -> [quotation] 6493 [ c][rew] -> [ crew] 6494 [ direc][t ] -> [ direct ] 6495 [it ][came ] -> [it came ] 6496 [where ][they ] -> [where they ] 6497 [ b][rought ] -> [ brought ] 6498 ['][s] -> ['s] 6499 [dark][en] -> [darken] 6500 [." \u000a ][Halleck] -> [." \u000a Halleck] 6501 [r][ac] -> [rac] 6502 [e][gi] -> [egi] 6503 [ heav][y ] -> [ heavy ] 6504 [fri][g] -> [frig] 6505 [f][ight ] -> [fight ] 6506 [in fron][t of] -> [in front of] 6507 [carry][all] -> [carryall] 6508 [ bre][ak] -> [ break] 6509 [ d][ay] -> [ day] 6510 [ m][ay] -> [ may] 6511 [ed for][ward, ] -> [ed forward, ] 6512 [j][ob] -> [job] 6513 [r][en] -> [ren] 6514 [. I]['d ] -> [. I'd ] 6515 [es][, s] -> [es, s] 6516 [ouri][er] -> [ourier] 6517 [?" ][Leto] -> [?" Leto] 6518 [," Stilgar said][. He ] -> [," Stilgar said. He ] 6519 [pas][t the ] -> [past the ] 6520 [ said][.\u000a ] -> [ said.\u000a ] 6521 [smuggl][er] -> [smuggler] 6522 [I][ shall] -> [I shall] 6523 [.\u000a ][It ] -> [.\u000a It ] 6524 [an a][d] -> [an ad] 6525 [ st][atic] -> [ static] 6526 [main][tain] -> [maintain] 6527 [con][sequ] -> [consequ] 6528 [back][ to the ] -> [back to the ] 6529 [ed b][eneath] -> [ed beneath] 6530 [ings ][of ] -> [ings of ] 6531 [ mov][ement] -> [ movement] 6532 [as][n't ] -> [asn't ] 6533 [dro][p] -> [drop] 6534 [watch][ed the ] -> [watched the ] 6535 [they]['d ] -> [they'd ] 6536 [told ][himself] -> [told himself] 6537 [rob][e, ] -> [robe, ] 6538 [be][ard] -> [beard] 6539 [spok][en ] -> [spoken ] 6540 [--][but ] -> [--but ] 6541 [ aw][are ] -> [ aware ] 6542 [a ][Fremen] -> [a Fremen] 6543 [planetolog][ist] -> [planetologist] 6544 [ give ][you] -> [ give you] 6545 [one ][and ] -> [one and ] 6546 [ of s][and ] -> [ of sand ] 6547 [res][um] -> [resum] 6548 [v][ari] -> [vari] 6549 [D][elt] -> [Delt] 6550 [Delt][a ] -> [Delta ] 6551 [of ][you] -> [of you] 6552 [an a][brupt ] -> [an abrupt ] 6553 [ sil][ence ] -> [ silence ] 6554 [sil][ent ] -> [silent ] 6555 [ou][der] -> [ouder] 6556 [ di][e ] -> [ die ] 6557 [up][ward ] -> [upward ] 6558 [ we]['ve ] -> [ we've ] 6559 [.\u000a ][His ] -> [.\u000a His ] 6560 [at][er and ] -> [ater and ] 6561 [ th][es] -> [ thes] 6562 [.\u000a ][There was ] -> [.\u000a There was ] 6563 [ will][ not ] -> [ will not ] 6564 [wh][el] -> [whel] 6565 [whel][m] -> [whelm] 6566 [ion ][of] -> [ion of] 6567 [. ][Noth] -> [. Noth] 6568 [troop][ers ] -> [troopers ] 6569 [ fl][agon] -> [ flagon] 6570 [rec][over] -> [recover] 6571 [ti][red ] -> [tired ] 6572 [to s][ay ] -> [to say ] 6573 [. The ][man] -> [. The man] 6574 [in][sul] -> [insul] 6575 [r][abb] -> [rabb] 6576 [lim][its ] -> [limits ] 6577 [ed ][. . . ] -> [ed . . . ] 6578 [ c][limb] -> [ climb] 6579 [! ][What ] -> [! What ] 6580 [persti][tion] -> [perstition] 6581 [d][rugg] -> [drugg] 6582 [ and ][s] -> [ and s] 6583 [de][fe] -> [defe] 6584 [ing][ what ] -> [ing what ] 6585 ['d ][been] -> ['d been] 6586 [sens][ed ] -> [sensed ] 6587 [for][e s] -> [fore s] 6588 [a][i] -> [ai] 6589 [cri][b] -> [crib] 6590 [ as ][they ] -> [ as they ] 6591 [ b][eyond ] -> [ beyond ] 6592 [tr][um] -> [trum] 6593 [sand][, ] -> [sand, ] 6594 [look][ of] -> [look of] 6595 [ed the ][pack] -> [ed the pack] 6596 [open][ed ] -> [opened ] 6597 [a d][ist] -> [a dist] 6598 [ion ][of ] -> [ion of ] 6599 [ al][-] -> [ al-] 6600 [ m][ourn] -> [ mourn] 6601 [ation][ in the ] -> [ation in the ] 6602 [ker][chief] -> [kerchief] 6603 [ that ][he had ] -> [ that he had ] 6604 [bir][th] -> [birth] 6605 [ pres][ci] -> [ presci] 6606 [nose ][plug] -> [nose plug] 6607 [ p][atrol] -> [ patrol] 6608 [ in][ that ] -> [ in that ] 6609 [Arrakis ][A] -> [Arrakis A] 6610 [ sp][e] -> [ spe] 6611 [id][ar] -> [idar] 6612 [ledg][e, ] -> [ledge, ] 6613 [v][as] -> [vas] 6614 [ re][pe] -> [ repe] 6615 [str][ength] -> [strength] 6616 [Liet][-] -> [Liet-] 6617 [aren][a ] -> [arena ] 6618 [weird][ing] -> [weirding] 6619 [Stilgar][ had ] -> [Stilgar had ] 6620 [ ][C] -> [ C] 6621 [B][i] -> [Bi] 6622 [if][a] -> [ifa] 6623 [se][g] -> [seg] 6624 [of ][Jamis] -> [of Jamis] 6625 [ush][ion] -> [ushion] 6626 [s. ][\u000a] -> [s. \u000a] 6627 [! ][Muad'Dib] -> [! Muad'Dib] 6628 [," Gurney][ said] -> [," Gurney said] 6629 [ ][W] -> [ W] 6630 [H][AD] -> [HAD] 6631 [AN][D] -> [AND] 6632 [(][See ] -> [(See ] 6633 [E][: ] -> [E: ] 6634 [.\u000a][C] -> [.\u000aC] 6635 [A][:] -> [A:] 6636 [S][:] -> [S:] 6637 [.\u000a][D] -> [.\u000aD] 6638 [.\u000a][H] -> [.\u000aH] 6639 [lo][c] -> [loc] 6640 [fore][ver] -> [forever] 6641 [to ][Arrakis] -> [to Arrakis] 6642 [ew][el] -> [ewel] 6643 [ her][ s] -> [ her s] 6644 [l][ate ] -> [late ] 6645 [hear][d] -> [heard] 6646 [all][y the ] -> [ally the ] 6647 [eyes ][of the ] -> [eyes of the ] 6648 [, c][los] -> [, clos] 6649 [of][ what ] -> [of what ] 6650 [Lad][y, ] -> [Lady, ] 6651 [to ][learn] -> [to learn] 6652 [. Arrak][is ] -> [. Arrakis ] 6653 [A][ssass] -> [Assass] 6654 [enem][ies] -> [enemies] 6655 [CHOAM ][Comp] -> [CHOAM Comp] 6656 [Landsra][ad] -> [Landsraad] 6657 [glowglo][bes] -> [glowglobes] 6658 [rememb][er ] -> [remember ] 6659 [ b][ashar] -> [ bashar] 6660 [ac][tice ] -> [actice ] 6661 [ cons][ci] -> [ consci] 6662 [ fo][od] -> [ food] 6663 [beyond ][the ] -> [beyond the ] 6664 [ m][oment ] -> [ moment ] 6665 [form][s ] -> [forms ] 6666 [c][ell] -> [cell] 6667 [low][-] -> [low-] 6668 [r][ack] -> [rack] 6669 [observ][ation] -> [observation] 6670 [ur][ry ] -> [urry ] 6671 [d][ress] -> [dress] 6672 [Bene Gesserit ][school] -> [Bene Gesserit school] 6673 [Reverend Mother ][Ga] -> [Reverend Mother Ga] 6674 [Reverend Mother Ga][i] -> [Reverend Mother Gai] 6675 [Reverend Mother Gai][us ] -> [Reverend Mother Gaius ] 6676 [S][pac] -> [Spac] 6677 [s. ][But ] -> [s. But ] 6678 [has ][been ] -> [has been ] 6679 [line ][of the ] -> [line of the ] 6680 [one ][thing] -> [one thing] 6681 [dar][ted ] -> [darted ] 6682 [a h][ard ] -> [a hard ] 6683 [glance ][at ] -> [glance at ] 6684 [."\u000a ][Jessica ] -> [."\u000a Jessica ] 6685 [es ][. . . ] -> [es . . . ] 6686 [his mother]['s ] -> [his mother's ] 6687 [e of][ this ] -> [e of this ] 6688 [ens][ion] -> [ension] 6689 [ f][our] -> [ four] 6690 [ m][etal] -> [ metal] 6691 [obe][y ] -> [obey ] 6692 [ dr][ink] -> [ drink] 6693 [s][."\u000a ] -> [s."\u000a ] 6694 [?" he ][demand] -> [?" he demand] 6695 [I][ s] -> [I s] 6696 [! ][I] -> [! I] 6697 [Go][od] -> [Good] 6698 [ di][e] -> [ die] 6699 [to m][en] -> [to men] 6700 [kill][er] -> [killer] 6701 [ per][mit ] -> [ permit ] 6702 [. W][ell] -> [. Well] 6703 [, ][w] -> [, w] 6704 [Sil][ence] -> [Silence] 6705 [ed b][eside ] -> [ed beside ] 6706 [ t][rem] -> [ trem] 6707 [ trem][bl] -> [ trembl] 6708 [a][had] -> [ahad] 6709 [vo][id ] -> [void ] 6710 [on][ic] -> [onic] 6711 [ h][ate ] -> [ hate ] 6712 [?" ][She ] -> [?" She ] 6713 [door][ and ] -> [door and ] 6714 [es][. \u000a ] -> [es. \u000a ] 6715 [ow][er ] -> [ower ] 6716 [to][ stand ] -> [to stand ] 6717 [ measur][e of] -> [ measure of] 6718 [,][' ] -> [,' ] 6719 [Butlerian ][Ji] -> [Butlerian Ji] 6720 [abr][up] -> [abrup] 6721 [." \u000a "][Then] -> [." \u000a "Then] 6722 [S][ome ] -> [Some ] 6723 [M][any ] -> [Many ] 6724 [Have ][you ] -> [Have you ] 6725 [ on][e s] -> [ one s] 6726 [ star][ed at the ] -> [ stared at the ] 6727 [had ][the ] -> [had the ] 6728 [ist][ake ] -> [istake ] 6729 [Piter]['s ] -> [Piter's ] 6730 [lip][s. "] -> [lips. "] 6731 [ b][eliev] -> [ believ] 6732 [," the Baron ][rumbl] -> [," the Baron rumbl] 6733 [ m][ad] -> [ mad] 6734 [ed][."\u000a "] -> [ed."\u000a "] 6735 [Mentat][, ] -> [Mentat, ] 6736 [ed ][across ] -> [ed across ] 6737 [treacher][y] -> [treachery] 6738 [ of ][you] -> [ of you] 6739 [t][y, ] -> [ty, ] 6740 [ as ][a ] -> [ as a ] 6741 [I'm][ ] -> [I'm ] 6742 [unc][le ] -> [uncle ] 6743 [. D][o] -> [. Do] 6744 [do][ctor] -> [doctor] 6745 [ha][ven] -> [haven] 6746 [haven]['t ] -> [haven't ] 6747 [ t][alk] -> [ talk] 6748 [Gi][edi] -> [Giedi] 6749 [Giedi][ ] -> [Giedi ] 6750 [Giedi ][Pr] -> [Giedi Pr] 6751 [, my ][dear ] -> [, my dear ] 6752 [ed ][only ] -> [ed only ] 6753 [." The ][Baron] -> [." The Baron] 6754 [. H][ave ] -> [. Have ] 6755 [ al][ready ] -> [ already ] 6756 [ob][ject ] -> [object ] 6757 [com][par] -> [compar] 6758 [m][achin] -> [machin] 6759 [, I]['ve ] -> [, I've ] 6760 [in][formation] -> [information] 6761 [it][. The ] -> [it. The ] 6762 [circ][um] -> [circum] 6763 [am][ily ] -> [amily ] 6764 [es][id] -> [esid] 6765 [at][ing the ] -> [ating the ] 6766 [on][ him] -> [on him] 6767 [in][vestig] -> [investig] 6768 [ed with][out ] -> [ed without ] 6769 [a p][lan] -> [a plan] 6770 [ed, ][then] -> [ed, then] 6771 [. The ][Duke ] -> [. The Duke ] 6772 [gu][is] -> [guis] 6773 [Emperor and ][his ] -> [Emperor and his ] 6774 [planet][ary ] -> [planetary ] 6775 [f][ief] -> [fief] 6776 [ ][Fremen] -> [ Fremen] 6777 [, ][too] -> [, too] 6778 [feel][ the ] -> [feel the ] 6779 [ d][im] -> [ dim] 6780 [k][i] -> [ki] 6781 [.\u000a "I][ am] -> [.\u000a "I am] 6782 [at][-] -> [at-] 6783 [e][at ] -> [eat ] 6784 [ar][ies] -> [aries] 6785 [ wom][en] -> [ women] 6786 [ of][ b] -> [ of b] 6787 [peri][or] -> [perior] 6788 [," she ][whisper] -> [," she whisper] 6789 [!" ][The ] -> [!" The ] 6790 [fac][ed the ] -> [faced the ] 6791 [in][ this] -> [in this] 6792 [ know][ the ] -> [ know the ] 6793 [ sm][ell] -> [ smell] 6794 [what ][we ] -> [what we ] 6795 [pres][s ] -> [press ] 6796 [, s][traighten] -> [, straighten] 6797 [." \u000a ][Jessica ] -> [." \u000a Jessica ] 6798 [ ][remember] -> [ remember] 6799 [ed ][a c] -> [ed a c] 6800 [ b][ig] -> [ big] 6801 [Paul][. "] -> [Paul. "] 6802 [ a plan][et ] -> [ a planet ] 6803 [to ][tell] -> [to tell] 6804 [e][ag] -> [eag] 6805 [ bec][ome ] -> [ become ] 6806 [," he said][. "You] -> [," he said. "You] 6807 [dev][il] -> [devil] 6808 [nodd][ed.\u000a "] -> [nodded.\u000a "] 6809 [ c][aution] -> [ caution] 6810 [des][per] -> [desper] 6811 [ ][room] -> [ room] 6812 [im][it] -> [imit] 6813 [at ][down] -> [at down] 6814 [?" Paul ask][ed.\u000a ] -> [?" Paul asked.\u000a ] 6815 [b][ad] -> [bad] 6816 [lo][ose ] -> [loose ] 6817 [they ][have ] -> [they have ] 6818 [w][ants ] -> [wants ] 6819 [rec][laim] -> [reclaim] 6820 [.\u000a ][Hawat ] -> [.\u000a Hawat ] 6821 [import][ance ] -> [importance ] 6822 [sp][read] -> [spread] 6823 [et ][his ] -> [et his ] 6824 [un][er] -> [uner] 6825 [ pl][ain] -> [ plain] 6826 [ri][end] -> [riend] 6827 [and ][not ] -> [and not ] 6828 [b][y s] -> [by s] 6829 [Salusa Secund][us ] -> [Salusa Secundus ] 6830 [ wor][ld] -> [ world] 6831 [ ch][arg] -> [ charg] 6832 [ed the ][p] -> [ed the p] 6833 [un][known] -> [unknown] 6834 [ d][ropp] -> [ dropp] 6835 [ex][erc] -> [exerc] 6836 [of][ him] -> [of him] 6837 [balis][et ] -> [baliset ] 6838 [ed s][o] -> [ed so] 6839 [a sh][ield ] -> [a shield ] 6840 [b][ut] -> [but] 6841 [iel][d-] -> [ield-] 6842 [ th][rust ] -> [ thrust ] 6843 [es][.\u000a ] -> [es.\u000a ] 6844 [e ][to ] -> [e to ] 6845 [," ][Gurney ] -> [," Gurney ] 6846 [get ][the ] -> [get the ] 6847 [f][avor] -> [favor] 6848 [l][uck] -> [luck] 6849 [ad][n't ] -> [adn't ] 6850 [vel][op] -> [velop] 6851 [-][color] -> [-color] 6852 [, s][l] -> [, sl] 6853 [s][. His ] -> [s. His ] 6854 [mur][mured] -> [murmured] 6855 [w][el] -> [wel] 6856 [Duke Leto ][Atreides] -> [Duke Leto Atreides] 6857 [al][, ] -> [al, ] 6858 [ic][tion] -> [iction] 6859 [dur][ing the ] -> [during the ] 6860 [to b][elieve ] -> [to believe ] 6861 [mark][ed ] -> [marked ] 6862 [ha][bit] -> [habit] 6863 [s][?" \u000a "] -> [s?" \u000a "] 6864 [ec][on] -> [econ] 6865 [to ][re] -> [to re] 6866 [ m][emor] -> [ memor] 6867 [find ][the ] -> [find the ] 6868 [touch][ed the ] -> [touched the ] 6869 [tun][ic] -> [tunic] 6870 [.\u000a And ][he ] -> [.\u000a And he ] 6871 [ much][ ] -> [ much ] 6872 [ac][he ] -> [ache ] 6873 [E][very] -> [Every] 6874 [con][fron] -> [confron] 6875 [s][lip] -> [slip] 6876 [as ][a s] -> [as a s] 6877 [E][c] -> [Ec] 6878 [dep][end] -> [depend] 6879 [gr][im] -> [grim] 6880 [leader][ship] -> [leadership] 6881 [off][ici] -> [offici] 6882 [Great ][Convention] -> [Great Convention] 6883 [or][t of] -> [ort of] 6884 [if][ it ] -> [if it ] 6885 [re][vel] -> [revel] 6886 [dead][ly ] -> [deadly ] 6887 [we][alth] -> [wealth] 6888 [s][neer] -> [sneer] 6889 [ne][go] -> [nego] 6890 [nego][ti] -> [negoti] 6891 [ar][ti] -> [arti] 6892 [i][pp] -> [ipp] 6893 [ch][in] -> [chin] 6894 [voic][es ] -> [voices ] 6895 [leg][ends ] -> [legends ] 6896 [l][at] -> [lat] 6897 [ab][ilities ] -> [abilities ] 6898 [All][ ] -> [All ] 6899 [on][e.\u000a ] -> [one.\u000a ] 6900 [ be][fore the ] -> [ before the ] 6901 [w][o] -> [wo] 6902 [:][ th] -> [: th] 6903 [v][ing ] -> [ving ] 6904 [c][ity ] -> [city ] 6905 [c][old] -> [cold] 6906 [no][ s] -> [no s] 6907 [, s][topp] -> [, stopp] 6908 [ she ][could ] -> [ she could ] 6909 [answ][er ] -> [answer ] 6910 [us][tom] -> [ustom] 6911 [exp][ect ] -> [expect ] 6912 [Shad][out ] -> [Shadout ] 6913 [al][though] -> [although] 6914 [d][id] -> [did] 6915 [it ][in] -> [it in] 6916 [ ][look] -> [ look] 6917 [, the ][way ] -> [, the way ] 6918 [immedi][ately] -> [immediately] 6919 [year][s] -> [years] 6920 [ wh][irl] -> [ whirl] 6921 [-][e] -> [-e] 6922 [u][es ] -> [ues ] 6923 [off][ the ] -> [off the ] 6924 [e][ath] -> [eath] 6925 [ c][ent] -> [ cent] 6926 [compl][ish] -> [complish] 6927 [from ][its ] -> [from its ] 6928 [! ][She ] -> [! She ] 6929 [com][pos] -> [compos] 6930 [it][e the ] -> [ite the ] 6931 [ h][av] -> [ hav] 6932 [ d][rew] -> [ drew] 6933 [augh][t the ] -> [aught the ] 6934 [e.\u000a ][Jessica] -> [e.\u000a Jessica] 6935 [ing to][ward the ] -> [ing toward the ] 6936 [, s][tood ] -> [, stood ] 6937 [up][p] -> [upp] 6938 [no][ sign] -> [no sign] 6939 [ her][ son] -> [ her son] 6940 [for][ me] -> [for me] 6941 [a f][aint ] -> [a faint ] 6942 [eyes ][and ] -> [eyes and ] 6943 [ys][ical ] -> [ysical ] 6944 [lop][e ] -> [lope ] 6945 [tr][oubl] -> [troubl] 6946 [cl][aw] -> [claw] 6947 [v][ol] -> [vol] 6948 [any][way] -> [anyway] 6949 [ susp][ect ] -> [ suspect ] 6950 [," he said. "][The ] -> [," he said. "The ] 6951 [. It's ][the ] -> [. It's the ] 6952 [ten][se ] -> [tense ] 6953 [ susp][ic] -> [ suspic] 6954 [, ][was ] -> [, was ] 6955 [o][ted ] -> [oted ] 6956 [Duke ][was ] -> [Duke was ] 6957 [go][es ] -> [goes ] 6958 [never][ seen] -> [never seen] 6959 [ doub][t ] -> [ doubt ] 6960 [Cor][rin] -> [Corrin] 6961 [had][n't ] -> [hadn't ] 6962 [?" \u000a ][She ] -> [?" \u000a She ] 6963 [fron][t ] -> [front ] 6964 [eas][ily ] -> [easily ] 6965 [If][ I] -> [If I] 6966 [ar][o] -> [aro] 6967 [ behind ][the ] -> [ behind the ] 6968 [ter-][seek] -> [ter-seek] 6969 [org][an] -> [organ] 6970 [ ][Paul's ] -> [ Paul's ] 6971 [kno][ck] -> [knock] 6972 [to][ri] -> [tori] 6973 [came ][up] -> [came up] 6974 [st][air] -> [stair] 6975 [Be][fore ] -> [Before ] 6976 [an a][ir] -> [an air] 6977 [ed down][ the ] -> [ed down the ] 6978 [ducal signe][t ] -> [ducal signet ] 6979 [id][enti] -> [identi] 6980 [ acc][ident] -> [ accident] 6981 [:][\u000a "] -> [:\u000a "] 6982 [po][ol] -> [pool] 6983 [lif][e. ] -> [life. ] 6984 [that ][it ] -> [that it ] 6985 [lif][ting ] -> [lifting ] 6986 [M][ay ] -> [May ] 6987 [refer][r] -> [referr] 6988 [ing][. She ] -> [ing. She ] 6989 [ in][ a s] -> [ in a s] 6990 [I][ do not ] -> [I do not ] 6991 [ed to][ d] -> [ed to d] 6992 [. "][We ] -> [. "We ] 6993 [." \u000a "][W] -> [." \u000a "W] 6994 [has ][the ] -> [has the ] 6995 [ m][aster] -> [ master] 6996 [bet][ter ] -> [better ] 6997 [Hawat][, ] -> [Hawat, ] 6998 [lo][y] -> [loy] 6999 [us][e the ] -> [use the ] 7000 [comm][unications ] -> [communications ] 7001 [, ][an ] -> [, an ] 7002 [ form][al] -> [ formal] 7003 [up][press] -> [uppress] 7004 [to][ have ] -> [to have ] 7005 [ here ][and ] -> [ here and ] 7006 [with][ their] -> [with their] 7007 [. Here ][was ] -> [. Here was ] 7008 [onc][e, ] -> [once, ] 7009 [f][ound] -> [found] 7010 [low][er ] -> [lower ] 7011 [tic][ular] -> [ticular] 7012 [length][ of the ] -> [length of the ] 7013 [other][s] -> [others] 7014 [for][ this ] -> [for this ] 7015 [ed][ic] -> [edic] 7016 [! ][And ] -> [! And ] 7017 [thir][ty ] -> [thirty ] 7018 [ey][ed ] -> [eyed ] 7019 [mer][ely ] -> [merely ] 7020 [atell][it] -> [atellit] 7021 [ how][ ] -> [ how ] 7022 [s][et] -> [set] 7023 [rep][air] -> [repair] 7024 [ing a][m] -> [ing am] 7025 [ b][att] -> [ batt] 7026 [turn][ed toward ] -> [turned toward ] 7027 [fig][ur] -> [figur] 7028 [on][ their] -> [on their] 7029 [m][oment, ] -> [moment, ] 7030 [d][ign] -> [dign] 7031 [to the ][s] -> [to the s] 7032 [s ][there ] -> [s there ] 7033 [keep][ the ] -> [keep the ] 7034 [." \u000a ][Stilgar] -> [." \u000a Stilgar] 7035 [?" the ][Fremen] -> [?" the Fremen] 7036 [knif][e] -> [knife] 7037 [bas][es ] -> [bases ] 7038 [itu][ation] -> [ituation] 7039 [with ][an ] -> [with an ] 7040 [ p][atch] -> [ patch] 7041 [ des][truction] -> [ destruction] 7042 [conc][entr] -> [concentr] 7043 [ coun][tless ] -> [ countless ] 7044 [estro][y the ] -> [estroy the ] 7045 [l][ater] -> [later] 7046 [consci][ous] -> [conscious] 7047 [aw][ the ] -> [aw the ] 7048 [ing ][into the ] -> [ing into the ] 7049 [ed.\u000a ][And ] -> [ed.\u000a And ] 7050 [Coll][ected ] -> [Collected ] 7051 [k][y] -> [ky] 7052 [for][ the s] -> [for the s] 7053 [some][times ] -> [sometimes ] 7054 [b][ann] -> [bann] 7055 [watch][ing the ] -> [watching the ] 7056 [str][a] -> [stra] 7057 [f][ath] -> [fath] 7058 [, ][yet ] -> [, yet ] 7059 [ing to][ward ] -> [ing toward ] 7060 ["][the ] -> ["the ] 7061 [for][ them] -> [for them] 7062 [Plan][etolog] -> [Planetolog] 7063 [gl][are ] -> [glare ] 7064 [thought][s ] -> [thoughts ] 7065 [one ][who ] -> [one who ] 7066 [t][er and ] -> [ter and ] 7067 [lo][os] -> [loos] 7068 [." \u000a ][Kynes ] -> [." \u000a Kynes ] 7069 [more ][than a] -> [more than a] 7070 [l][es] -> [les] 7071 [f][asten] -> [fasten] 7072 [. It was ][as though] -> [. It was as though] 7073 [emerg][ency ] -> [emergency ] 7074 [ al][so] -> [ also] 7075 [ad][ap] -> [adap] 7076 [t][an] -> [tan] 7077 [im][il] -> [imil] 7078 [e. ][\u000a] -> [e. \u000a] 7079 [said: "][You] -> [said: "You] 7080 [rel][ationship] -> [relationship] 7081 [W][orm] -> [Worm] 7082 [ a][ worm] -> [ a worm] 7083 [Wh][en the ] -> [When the ] 7084 [light][est ] -> [lightest ] 7085 [ dep][ress] -> [ depress] 7086 [s][iz] -> [siz] 7087 [voice ][from the ] -> [voice from the ] 7088 [pl][astic] -> [plastic] 7089 [until][ the ] -> [until the ] 7090 [ his ][own] -> [ his own] 7091 [ hand][s, ] -> [ hands, ] 7092 [.\u000a A][ll] -> [.\u000a All] 7093 [in][ a p] -> [in a p] 7094 [the s][and ] -> [the sand ] 7095 [on the ][sand] -> [on the sand] 7096 [ w][arr] -> [ warr] 7097 [in][ their ] -> [in their ] 7098 [ers ][of ] -> [ers of ] 7099 [ship][per] -> [shipper] 7100 [?" Jessica][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Jessica asked.\u000a "] 7101 [over][whelm] -> [overwhelm] 7102 [, s][lipp] -> [, slipp] 7103 [tru][g] -> [trug] 7104 [trug][gl] -> [truggl] 7105 [pro][g] -> [prog] 7106 [re][view] -> [review] 7107 [low][ly ] -> [lowly ] 7108 [stillsuit ][manufactur] -> [stillsuit manufactur] 7109 [Doctor][ ] -> [Doctor ] 7110 [to][ be] -> [to be] 7111 [," the man][ said] -> [," the man said] 7112 [ox][y] -> [oxy] 7113 [plan][t ] -> [plant ] 7114 [bir][d ] -> [bird ] 7115 [ear][li] -> [earli] 7116 [ed the ][s] -> [ed the s] 7117 [su][gg] -> [sugg] 7118 [ st][e] -> [ ste] 7119 [con][tent] -> [content] 7120 [she ][thought] -> [she thought] 7121 [um][ul] -> [umul] 7122 [ do][esn't ] -> [ doesn't ] 7123 [for ][its ] -> [for its ] 7124 [kill][ing ] -> [killing ] 7125 [)][ and ] -> [) and ] 7126 [ed ][a hand ] -> [ed a hand ] 7127 [un][conscious ] -> [unconscious ] 7128 [lean][ed ] -> [leaned ] 7129 [cre][ature ] -> [creature ] 7130 [ beg][in] -> [ begin] 7131 [de][fin] -> [defin] 7132 [eas][ily] -> [easily] 7133 [ab][s] -> [abs] 7134 [. We ][will] -> [. We will] 7135 [with][ my ] -> [with my ] 7136 [anc][tu] -> [anctu] 7137 [em][br] -> [embr] 7138 [j][on] -> [jon] 7139 [es][carp] -> [escarp] 7140 [b][inocular] -> [binocular] 7141 [," Paul said. "][The ] -> [," Paul said. "The ] 7142 [R][el] -> [Rel] 7143 [Rel][ig] -> [Relig] 7144 [em][per] -> [emper] 7145 [ji][had] -> [jihad] 7146 [Do you][ wish] -> [Do you wish] 7147 [b][elief] -> [belief] 7148 [cre][st] -> [crest] 7149 [to ][look] -> [to look] 7150 [M]['Lord] -> [M'Lord] 7151 [that ][was ] -> [that was ] 7152 [a h][o] -> [a ho] 7153 [quarter][s, ] -> [quarters, ] 7154 [tile ][weapon] -> [tile weapon] 7155 [," ][Rabban] -> [," Rabban] 7156 [gr][am] -> [gram] 7157 [ag][e of] -> [age of] 7158 [tim][e s] -> [time s] 7159 [c][amp] -> [camp] 7160 [led the ][way ] -> [led the way ] 7161 [fis][sure] -> [fissure] 7162 [fo][am] -> [foam] 7163 [ pro][t] -> [ prot] 7164 [an][-] -> [an-] 7165 [-][r] -> [-r] 7166 [enc][es] -> [ences] 7167 [little ][mak] -> [little mak] 7168 [on][e-] -> [one-] 7169 [ mo][t] -> [ mot] 7170 [iel][ago] -> [ielago] 7171 [called ]["] -> [called "] 7172 [Bi][-l] -> [Bi-l] 7173 [ka][ifa] -> [kaifa] 7174 [p][ion] -> [pion] 7175 [er][emon] -> [eremon] 7176 [h][-h-h] -> [h-h-h] 7177 [.\u000a ][Feyd-Rautha ] -> [.\u000a Feyd-Rautha ] 7178 [?" ][Chani] -> [?" Chani] 7179 [ha][y] -> [hay] 7180 [rec][ru] -> [recru] 7181 [Guild ][navigator] -> [Guild navigator] 7182 [) ][\u000a] -> [) \u000a] 7183 [I][R] -> [IR] 7184 [U][M] -> [UM] 7185 [idi][om] -> [idiom] 7186 [idiom][atic] -> [idiomatic] 7187 [es ][are ] -> [es are ] 7188 [ever][y s] -> [every s] 7189 [Shad][dam IV] -> [Shaddam IV] 7190 [that he ][was ] -> [that he was ] 7191 [an ][old ] -> [an old ] 7192 [h][ome ] -> [home ] 7193 [y][ the s] -> [y the s] 7194 [B][y the ] -> [By the ] 7195 [uspens][or ] -> [uspensor ] 7196 [o][y ] -> [oy ] 7197 [ fe][atures] -> [ features] 7198 [j][ewel] -> [jewel] 7199 [g][one, ] -> [gone, ] 7200 [ in][st] -> [ inst] 7201 [duc][al] -> [ducal] 7202 [ h][eir] -> [ heir] 7203 [e][ight] -> [eight] 7204 [. ][Yet, ] -> [. Yet, ] 7205 [op][ular] -> [opular] 7206 [il][ent ] -> [ilent ] 7207 [lem][n] -> [lemn] 7208 [aken][ing] -> [akening] 7209 [ing ][. . . ] -> [ing . . . ] 7210 [dec][id] -> [decid] 7211 [ had ][taught ] -> [ had taught ] 7212 [at][ing a] -> [ating a] 7213 [cho][ice ] -> [choice ] 7214 [ide][a] -> [idea] 7215 [yellow][ ] -> [yellow ] 7216 [ing][.\u000a The ] -> [ing.\u000a The ] 7217 [ do][or ] -> [ door ] 7218 [eyes ][star] -> [eyes star] 7219 [form][al ] -> [formal ] 7220 [. . . " ][She ] -> [. . . " She ] 7221 [?"\u000a "][We ] -> [?"\u000a "We ] 7222 [nerv][ous ] -> [nervous ] 7223 [. \u000a ][He ] -> [. \u000a He ] 7224 [Reverend Mother Gaius ][Helen Mohiam] -> [Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam] 7225 [Spac][ing ] -> [Spacing ] 7226 [and ][its ] -> [and its ] 7227 [to ][Paul's ] -> [to Paul's ] 7228 [? Paul][ wonder] -> [? Paul wonder] 7229 [.\u000a "][T] -> [.\u000a "T] 7230 [Le][ave ] -> [Leave ] 7231 [ said][. She ] -> [ said. She ] 7232 [, h][old] -> [, hold] 7233 [one s][ide ] -> [one side ] 7234 [ed ][around ] -> [ed around ] 7235 [a p][r] -> [a pr] 7236 [in][t of] -> [int of] 7237 [S][top] -> [Stop] 7238 [w][ung] -> [wung] 7239 [ you]['ll] -> [ you'll] 7240 [tried to][ swallow] -> [tried to swallow] 7241 [ a dry ][throat] -> [ a dry throat] 7242 [? ][M] -> [? M] 7243 [ugg][est ] -> [uggest ] 7244 [ing a][way] -> [ing away] 7245 [il][ent] -> [ilent] 7246 [her][e's ] -> [here's ] 7247 [ took][ a deep breath] -> [ took a deep breath] 7248 [trembl][ing] -> [trembling] 7249 [respon][se ] -> [response ] 7250 [obl][iter] -> [obliter] 7251 [lower][ed her ] -> [lowered her ] 7252 [f][ain] -> [fain] 7253 [. He ][felt the ] -> [. He felt the ] 7254 [.\u000a "][It ] -> [.\u000a "It ] 7255 [in][ch] -> [inch] 7256 [iz][ed ] -> [ized ] 7257 [E][n] -> [En] 7258 [ed back][, ] -> [ed back, ] 7259 [with][draw] -> [withdraw] 7260 [ from][ the s] -> [ from the s] 7261 [a m][ark] -> [a mark] 7262 [ten][ti] -> [tenti] 7263 [ret][ty ] -> [retty ] 7264 [my ][mother] -> [my mother] 7265 [ing a][gain] -> [ing again] 7266 [over][ him] -> [over him] 7267 [day][, ] -> [day, ] 7268 [looked down][ at the ] -> [looked down at the ] 7269 [any ][other ] -> [any other ] 7270 [words ][were ] -> [words were ] 7271 [out][lin] -> [outlin] 7272 [in][to s] -> [into s] 7273 [al][t ] -> [alt ] 7274 [ff][air] -> [ffair] 7275 [obvi][ously ] -> [obviously ] 7276 [ent][s ] -> [ents ] 7277 [. We ][have ] -> [. We have ] 7278 [ d][rug] -> [ drug] 7279 [ad][ness] -> [adness] 7280 [fil][m] -> [film] 7281 [cent][er of the ] -> [center of the ] 7282 [with][ s] -> [with s] 7283 [fac][e.\u000a ] -> [face.\u000a ] 7284 [glo][be ] -> [globe ] 7285 [c][us ] -> [cus ] 7286 [sur][face] -> [surface] 7287 [O][b] -> [Ob] 7288 [ c][olor] -> [ color] 7289 [we][et ] -> [weet ] 7290 [ s][et] -> [ set] 7291 [ for][ a ] -> [ for a ] 7292 [e ][V] -> [e V] 7293 [ st][at] -> [ stat] 7294 [, c][ross] -> [, cross] 7295 [does ][he ] -> [does he ] 7296 [his ][voice ] -> [his voice ] 7297 [imp][ati] -> [impati] 7298 [k][an] -> [kan] 7299 [us][eful] -> [useful] 7300 [. The ][Baron] -> [. The Baron] 7301 [ bl][u] -> [ blu] 7302 [ex][change ] -> [exchange ] 7303 [al][tern] -> [altern] 7304 [s][chem] -> [schem] 7305 [ a c][ertain] -> [ a certain] 7306 [! ][But ] -> [! But ] 7307 [ sur][pris] -> [ surpris] 7308 [ ][just ] -> [ just ] 7309 [ w][aste ] -> [ waste ] 7310 [ed to][ stare ] -> [ed to stare ] 7311 [!][ he ] -> [! he ] 7312 [! he ][thought] -> [! he thought] 7313 [ the ][Emperor] -> [ the Emperor] 7314 [s of ][Sardaukar] -> [s of Sardaukar] 7315 [rom][ise ] -> [romise ] 7316 [.\u000a "][Do ] -> [.\u000a "Do ] 7317 [l][ing ] -> [ling ] 7318 [ b][ring] -> [ bring] 7319 [er ][to the ] -> [er to the ] 7320 [Even][ the ] -> [Even the ] 7321 [lab][or] -> [labor] 7322 [al][ and ] -> [al and ] 7323 [ demand][ed.\u000a "] -> [ demanded.\u000a "] 7324 [I][ should ] -> [I should ] 7325 [Shall][ I] -> [Shall I] 7326 [ever][, ] -> [ever, ] 7327 [ m][ask] -> [ mask] 7328 [. The ][Guild ] -> [. The Guild ] 7329 [ car][efull] -> [ carefull] 7330 [, ][it ] -> [, it ] 7331 [ wh][at] -> [ what] 7332 [uzz][led ] -> [uzzled ] 7333 [st][are ] -> [stare ] 7334 [d][ens] -> [dens] 7335 [ snapp][ed. "] -> [ snapped. "] 7336 [ happ][en] -> [ happen] 7337 [con][tinu] -> [continu] 7338 [g][ent ] -> [gent ] 7339 [t ][him] -> [t him] 7340 [tow][n] -> [town] 7341 [our][ m] -> [our m] 7342 [ir][ty ] -> [irty ] 7343 [a d][angerous ] -> [a dangerous ] 7344 [re][al ] -> [real ] 7345 [His ][Majest] -> [His Majest] 7346 [ with ][it] -> [ with it] 7347 [ on ][Arrakis ] -> [ on Arrakis ] 7348 [of][ all] -> [of all] 7349 [bul][g] -> [bulg] 7350 [we][igh] -> [weigh] 7351 [pro][trud] -> [protrud] 7352 [be][auty ] -> [beauty ] 7353 [Muad'Dib][, ] -> [Muad'Dib, ] 7354 [ away ][from the ] -> [ away from the ] 7355 [t][one of] -> [tone of] 7356 [." \u000a "][It ] -> [." \u000a "It ] 7357 [ c][ould've ] -> [ could've ] 7358 [. You]['ve ] -> [. You've ] 7359 [fri][ends ] -> [friends ] 7360 [f][if] -> [fif] 7361 [right ][now] -> [right now] 7362 [ as ][well] -> [ as well] 7363 [. We]['ve ] -> [. We've ] 7364 [gener][al] -> [general] 7365 [ch][ance ] -> [chance ] 7366 [l][on] -> [lon] 7367 [ bus][iness] -> [ business] 7368 [." ][Paul] -> [." Paul] 7369 [ wh][it] -> [ whit] 7370 [str][ange ] -> [strange ] 7371 [happ][en ] -> [happen ] 7372 [ex][ac] -> [exac] 7373 [exac][tly ] -> [exactly ] 7374 [ed ][about ] -> [ed about ] 7375 [say][s] -> [says] 7376 [wor][l] -> [worl] 7377 [h][ome] -> [home] 7378 [clos][ed his ] -> [closed his ] 7379 [e][ch] -> [ech] 7380 [I][ see ] -> [I see ] 7381 [es ][this ] -> [es this ] 7382 [. D][id ] -> [. Did ] 7383 [ h][aven't ] -> [ haven't ] 7384 [star][t ] -> [start ] 7385 [Jessica][ had ] -> [Jessica had ] 7386 [ that ][had ] -> [ that had ] 7387 [ s][truck] -> [ struck] 7388 [s][lipp] -> [slipp] 7389 [ed the ][door] -> [ed the door] 7390 [. He s][tood ] -> [. He stood ] 7391 [where ][it ] -> [where it ] 7392 [ a][ door] -> [ a door] 7393 [it][ting] -> [itting] 7394 [cr][yst] -> [cryst] 7395 [e][." He ] -> [e." He ] 7396 [other][ s] -> [other s] 7397 [co][st] -> [cost] 7398 [Li][ke ] -> [Like ] 7399 [gr][ab] -> [grab] 7400 [es][. And ] -> [es. And ] 7401 [bod][y's ] -> [body's ] 7402 [for ][it] -> [for it] 7403 [lips ][with his ] -> [lips with his ] 7404 [ness ][that ] -> [ness that ] 7405 [emp][ty] -> [empty] 7406 [ci][ence ] -> [cience ] 7407 [ re][g] -> [ reg] 7408 [a sh][arp] -> [a sharp] 7409 [?" ][Hawat ] -> [?" Hawat ] 7410 [et ][the ] -> [et the ] 7411 [I][ said ] -> [I said ] 7412 [coffe][e ] -> [coffee ] 7413 [at ][all] -> [at all] 7414 [F][irst ] -> [First ] 7415 [c][ess ] -> [cess ] 7416 [ati][s] -> [atis] 7417 [appro][xim] -> [approxim] 7418 [told ][me ] -> [told me ] 7419 [long][ a] -> [long a] 7420 [on][ that ] -> [on that ] 7421 [. "][I ] -> [. "I ] 7422 [sh][ut] -> [shut] 7423 [of][tly ] -> [oftly ] 7424 [ide][a ] -> [idea ] 7425 [an][y s] -> [any s] 7426 [a h][and] -> [a hand] 7427 [k][ick] -> [kick] 7428 [ov][en] -> [oven] 7429 [table][, ] -> [table, ] 7430 [ink][v] -> [inkv] 7431 [ed as ][he ] -> [ed as he ] 7432 [mo][od] -> [mood] 7433 [ sw][ung] -> [ swung] 7434 [ do ][it] -> [ do it] 7435 [Ah-h-h][, ] -> [Ah-h-h, ] 7436 [ b][ed] -> [ bed] 7437 [. "I]['m] -> [. "I'm] 7438 [f][i] -> [fi] 7439 [back][, ] -> [back, ] 7440 [ac][ter] -> [acter] 7441 [le][t the ] -> [let the ] 7442 [p][t ] -> [pt ] 7443 [no][ matter] -> [no matter] 7444 [ s][or] -> [ sor] 7445 [r][y, ] -> [ry, ] 7446 [ ac][tiv] -> [ activ] 7447 [thr][ust ] -> [thrust ] 7448 [leap][ed ] -> [leaped ] 7449 [ b][arri] -> [ barri] 7450 [direc][ted ] -> [directed ] 7451 [, I]['ll] -> [, I'll] 7452 [mor][e s] -> [more s] 7453 [ed ][my ] -> [ed my ] 7454 [ s][ha] -> [ sha] 7455 [T][ime ] -> [Time ] 7456 [el][fin] -> [elfin] 7457 [st][y] -> [sty] 7458 [ness ][of ] -> [ness of ] 7459 [tom][orrow] -> [tomorrow] 7460 [p][itch] -> [pitch] 7461 [rais][ed his ] -> [raised his ] 7462 [t][and] -> [tand] 7463 [ at ][a ] -> [ at a ] 7464 [se][ver] -> [sever] 7465 [. They ][had ] -> [. They had ] 7466 [.\u000a ][Yueh] -> [.\u000a Yueh] 7467 [Yueh][ thought] -> [Yueh thought] 7468 [. They ][have ] -> [. They have ] 7469 [k][ni] -> [kni] 7470 [viol][ent ] -> [violent ] 7471 [am][e] -> [ame] 7472 [ more ][than] -> [ more than] 7473 [un][in] -> [unin] 7474 [st][atic] -> [static] 7475 [.\u000a "][This ] -> [.\u000a "This ] 7476 [det][ected ] -> [detected ] 7477 [, ][its ] -> [, its ] 7478 [m][ag] -> [mag] 7479 [of ][it ] -> [of it ] 7480 [sh][own] -> [shown] 7481 [. "][It ] -> [. "It ] 7482 [? ][A] -> [? A] 7483 [lad][y] -> [lady] 7484 [?"\u000a ][He ] -> [?"\u000a He ] 7485 [re][d, ] -> [red, ] 7486 [rugg][ed.\u000a "] -> [rugged.\u000a "] 7487 [forc][ed himself] -> [forced himself] 7488 [ con][versation] -> [ conversation] 7489 [tong][ue] -> [tongue] 7490 [cl][oud ] -> [cloud ] 7491 [for ][us] -> [for us] 7492 [ de][al] -> [ deal] 7493 [ of][ spice ] -> [ of spice ] 7494 [e sp][ice ] -> [e spice ] 7495 [ing at ][his ] -> [ing at his ] 7496 [a b][it ] -> [a bit ] 7497 [on][ a ] -> [on a ] 7498 [there ][is ] -> [there is ] 7499 [. Wh][o ] -> [. Who ] 7500 [ doub][t] -> [ doubt] 7501 [s ][from ] -> [s from ] 7502 [ they]['re ] -> [ they're ] 7503 [How][ could ] -> [How could ] 7504 [ity][, the ] -> [ity, the ] 7505 [ sh][ar] -> [ shar] 7506 [dr][umm] -> [drumm] 7507 [to ][leave ] -> [to leave ] 7508 [to f][ear] -> [to fear] 7509 [Guild]['s ] -> [Guild's ] 7510 [. D][on't ] -> [. Don't ] 7511 [. S][ome ] -> [. Some ] 7512 [mus][cle ] -> [muscle ] 7513 [focus][ed on] -> [focused on] 7514 [w][e s] -> [we s] 7515 [at ][the s] -> [at the s] 7516 [s][ure ] -> [sure ] 7517 [e s][uch] -> [e such] 7518 [se][at ] -> [seat ] 7519 [nam][e, ] -> [name, ] 7520 [ili][z] -> [iliz] 7521 ['s ][head ] -> ['s head ] 7522 [b][ull] -> [bull] 7523 [ing][s of] -> [ings of] 7524 [in][ these ] -> [in these ] 7525 [face ][was ] -> [face was ] 7526 [u][bl] -> [ubl] 7527 [t][ment] -> [tment] 7528 [prec][ise ] -> [precise ] 7529 [ fig][ure ] -> [ figure ] 7530 [as ][we ] -> [as we ] 7531 [would ][not ] -> [would not ] 7532 [s][igh] -> [sigh] 7533 [antic][ip] -> [anticip] 7534 [of ][your] -> [of your] 7535 [ed ][from] -> [ed from] 7536 [a][fe] -> [afe] 7537 [ee][per] -> [eeper] 7538 [con][v] -> [conv] 7539 [Fremen][ have ] -> [Fremen have ] 7540 [ti][ven] -> [tiven] 7541 [ity ][of the ] -> [ity of the ] 7542 [landing f][ield ] -> [landing field ] 7543 [d][ue ] -> [due ] 7544 [, ][you know] -> [, you know] 7545 [off][ic] -> [offic] 7546 [f][ield] -> [field] 7547 [l][ate] -> [late] 7548 [th][roat ] -> [throat ] 7549 [out][, ] -> [out, ] 7550 [m][idd] -> [midd] 7551 [midd][le ] -> [middle ] 7552 [N][ob] -> [Nob] 7553 [order][s] -> [orders] 7554 [ed up][ward ] -> [ed upward ] 7555 [question][ing] -> [questioning] 7556 [e, ][then] -> [e, then] 7557 [So][o-] -> [Soo-] 7558 [w][ant] -> [want] 7559 [os][s] -> [oss] 7560 [light][ly] -> [lightly] 7561 [mean][ing] -> [meaning] 7562 [prec][ipit] -> [precipit] 7563 [ g][rief] -> [ grief] 7564 [reach][ed out ] -> [reached out ] 7565 [There ][came ] -> [There came ] 7566 [cour][se] -> [course] 7567 [hur][ri] -> [hurri] 7568 [-][of] -> [-of] 7569 [ cre][ature] -> [ creature] 7570 [susp][ic] -> [suspic] 7571 [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a][\u000a The ] -> [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a The ] 7572 [, see][ing ] -> [, seeing ] 7573 [, she ][knew] -> [, she knew] 7574 [r][aid ] -> [raid ] 7575 [ in][ my ] -> [ in my ] 7576 [, he ][had ] -> [, he had ] 7577 [.\u000a "You]['ve ] -> [.\u000a "You've ] 7578 [peop][le, ] -> [people, ] 7579 [rob][ed ] -> [robed ] 7580 [put ][a hand ] -> [put a hand ] 7581 [of ][us] -> [of us] 7582 [we ][can] -> [we can] 7583 [her][ mind ] -> [her mind ] 7584 [in the ][s] -> [in the s] 7585 [would ][have ] -> [would have ] 7586 [att][er ] -> [atter ] 7587 [ol][ution] -> [olution] 7588 [.\u000a ][H] -> [.\u000a H] 7589 [ b][ound ] -> [ bound ] 7590 [over][ her] -> [over her] 7591 [He ][is ] -> [He is ] 7592 [s ][from the ] -> [s from the ] 7593 [b][us] -> [bus] 7594 [against ][her] -> [against her] 7595 [tw][ice ] -> [twice ] 7596 [inter][pre] -> [interpre] 7597 [.\u000a He s][aw] -> [.\u000a He saw] 7598 [as ][long as ] -> [as long as ] 7599 [j][ump] -> [jump] 7600 [tem][per] -> [temper] 7601 [ a][side ] -> [ aside ] 7602 [im][pr] -> [impr] 7603 [where ][he ] -> [where he ] 7604 [ann][el] -> [annel] 7605 [ation][s] -> [ations] 7606 [ f][ield ] -> [ field ] 7607 [t][arg] -> [targ] 7608 [know][ing] -> [knowing] 7609 [gri][p] -> [grip] 7610 [h][umm] -> [humm] 7611 [out ][and ] -> [out and ] 7612 [gri][pp] -> [gripp] 7613 [ des][per] -> [ desper] 7614 [S][till] -> [Still] 7615 [escap][e] -> [escape] 7616 [. T][ell] -> [. Tell] 7617 [ am][ong ] -> [ among ] 7618 [con][versation] -> [conversation] 7619 [? she ][wonder] -> [? she wonder] 7620 [told ][herself] -> [told herself] 7621 [ind][iv] -> [indiv] 7622 [! ][Jessica thought] -> [! Jessica thought] 7623 [. She ][felt ] -> [. She felt ] 7624 [in the ][air] -> [in the air] 7625 [no][ise ] -> [noise ] 7626 [ar][c] -> [arc] 7627 [ild][ing] -> [ilding] 7628 [as][s, ] -> [ass, ] 7629 [pr][ise ] -> [prise ] 7630 [possib][ly ] -> [possibly ] 7631 [ mov][ed ] -> [ moved ] 7632 [to do][ with] -> [to do with] 7633 [th][reat ] -> [threat ] 7634 [," he said][. \u000a "] -> [," he said. \u000a "] 7635 [pointed ][to the ] -> [pointed to the ] 7636 [like ][a s] -> [like a s] 7637 [mess][age] -> [message] 7638 [to ][us ] -> [to us ] 7639 [lieuten][ant ] -> [lieutenant ] 7640 [lin][es of] -> [lines of] 7641 [dark][ness] -> [darkness] 7642 [ri][gh] -> [righ] 7643 [obvi][ous] -> [obvious] 7644 [ behind ][them] -> [ behind them] 7645 [igh][t's ] -> [ight's ] 7646 [or][ the ] -> [or the ] 7647 [Min][or] -> [Minor] 7648 [dist][inc] -> [distinc] 7649 [beneath][ his ] -> [beneath his ] 7650 ['][em] -> ['em] 7651 [understand][ing] -> [understanding] 7652 [ing][ their ] -> [ing their ] 7653 [or][ity ] -> [ority ] 7654 [cipl][in] -> [ciplin] 7655 [st][aff] -> [staff] 7656 [ sp][ill] -> [ spill] 7657 [atel][y, ] -> [ately, ] 7658 [a][ith] -> [aith] 7659 [words ][of the ] -> [words of the ] 7660 [el][ement ] -> [element ] 7661 [ash][ion] -> [ashion] 7662 [ th][reaten] -> [ threaten] 7663 [!"\u000a ][Paul] -> [!"\u000a Paul] 7664 [m][istak] -> [mistak] 7665 [the ][one ] -> [the one ] 7666 [s][ank] -> [sank] 7667 [ off][ic] -> [ offic] 7668 [among][ them] -> [among them] 7669 [realiz][ed that ] -> [realized that ] 7670 [atigu][e ] -> [atigue ] 7671 [wait][ing ] -> [waiting ] 7672 [. "][Th] -> [. "Th] 7673 [ fo][od ] -> [ food ] 7674 [ comp][let] -> [ complet] 7675 [w][id] -> [wid] 7676 [ m][ur] -> [ mur] 7677 [ mur][mured] -> [ murmured] 7678 [e. ][We ] -> [e. We ] 7679 [l][es, ] -> [les, ] 7680 [ r][is] -> [ ris] 7681 [Qu][ick] -> [Quick] 7682 [. I][daho] -> [. Idaho] 7683 [res][c] -> [resc] 7684 [s][. They ] -> [s. They ] 7685 [t ][and ] -> [t and ] 7686 [l][oud] -> [loud] 7687 [like ][this ] -> [like this ] 7688 [of][ pro] -> [of pro] 7689 [troop][s ] -> [troops ] 7690 [in][ all] -> [in all] 7691 [ sc][owl] -> [ scowl] 7692 [mak][e the ] -> [make the ] 7693 [vic][tory] -> [victory] 7694 [this ][is ] -> [this is ] 7695 [ them][selves ] -> [ themselves ] 7696 [ sh][ouldn't ] -> [ shouldn't ] 7697 [al ][of the ] -> [al of the ] 7698 [add][ress] -> [address] 7699 [ac][cept ] -> [accept ] 7700 [," Stilgar said][, "] -> [," Stilgar said, "] 7701 [ came ][up] -> [ came up] 7702 [. I][ don't ] -> [. I don't ] 7703 [ev][il] -> [evil] 7704 [ to][ do] -> [ to do] 7705 [!" ][Hawat ] -> [!" Hawat ] 7706 [read][y, ] -> [ready, ] 7707 [. A][l] -> [. Al] 7708 [ness ][in his ] -> [ness in his ] 7709 [sto][od] -> [stood] 7710 [lef][t the ] -> [left the ] 7711 [el][y s] -> [ely s] 7712 [for][tun] -> [fortun] 7713 [liv][ing] -> [living] 7714 [lo][ve] -> [love] 7715 [young][ man] -> [young man] 7716 [." \u000a The ][Duke ] -> [." \u000a The Duke ] 7717 [ill][ow] -> [illow] 7718 [ed][, the ] -> [ed, the ] 7719 [ s][tri] -> [ stri] 7720 [pur][ple ] -> [purple ] 7721 [Collected ][Say] -> [Collected Say] 7722 [to][ himself] -> [to himself] 7723 [sp][ill] -> [spill] 7724 [ant][age ] -> [antage ] 7725 [comm][on] -> [common] 7726 [black][ b] -> [black b] 7727 [f][u] -> [fu] 7728 [qu][est] -> [quest] 7729 [blue-][within] -> [blue-within] 7730 [blue-within][-blue ] -> [blue-within-blue ] 7731 [ti][tle ] -> [title ] 7732 [As you][ wish] -> [As you wish] 7733 [ accep][ted ] -> [ accepted ] 7734 [bl][ess] -> [bless] 7735 [ h][arm] -> [ harm] 7736 [by ][his ] -> [by his ] 7737 [al][ert] -> [alert] 7738 [ pro][v] -> [ prov] 7739 [con][ven] -> [conven] 7740 [never][ before ] -> [never before ] 7741 [ax][im] -> [axim] 7742 [cr][aft] -> [craft] 7743 [Dune ][man] -> [Dune man] 7744 [," Kynes said][, "] -> [," Kynes said, "] 7745 [reg][ister] -> [register] 7746 [s][ash] -> [sash] 7747 [tu][ck] -> [tuck] 7748 [ b][ent ] -> [ bent ] 7749 [ cr][ack] -> [ crack] 7750 [bir][ds ] -> [birds ] 7751 [ se][g] -> [ seg] 7752 [alf][-] -> [alf-] 7753 [, ][yes] -> [, yes] 7754 [ th][e] -> [ the] 7755 [a][head] -> [ahead] 7756 [ed s][and ] -> [ed sand ] 7757 [, s][till] -> [, still] 7758 [it][ted ] -> [itted ] 7759 [speak][er] -> [speaker] 7760 [. That ][was ] -> [. That was ] 7761 [ glanc][ed at the ] -> [ glanced at the ] 7762 [ ][order] -> [ order] 7763 [ their][ s] -> [ their s] 7764 [in][j] -> [inj] 7765 [at][s ] -> [ats ] 7766 [Tw][o ] -> [Two ] 7767 [fac][tor] -> [factor] 7768 [ still][suit] -> [ stillsuit] 7769 [ho][le] -> [hole] 7770 [remained sil][ent] -> [remained silent] 7771 [t][all ] -> [tall ] 7772 [ that ][he was ] -> [ that he was ] 7773 [to s][ave ] -> [to save ] 7774 [. E][ach] -> [. Each] 7775 [. It was ][the ] -> [. It was the ] 7776 [f][abric] -> [fabric] 7777 [Guild ][B] -> [Guild B] 7778 [Guild B][ank] -> [Guild Bank] 7779 [au][n] -> [aun] 7780 [gu][est] -> [guest] 7781 [sil][ence ] -> [silence ] 7782 [.\u000a A][s ] -> [.\u000a As ] 7783 [need][ed ] -> [needed ] 7784 [returned his attention][ to the ] -> [returned his attention to the ] 7785 [ does ][not ] -> [ does not ] 7786 [to][ ch] -> [to ch] 7787 [d][inner] -> [dinner] 7788 [pres][ence] -> [presence] 7789 [ f][abric] -> [ fabric] 7790 [found ][herself] -> [found herself] 7791 [ob][edi] -> [obedi] 7792 [u][per] -> [uper] 7793 [ar][ily ] -> [arily ] 7794 [ c][ry] -> [ cry] 7795 [Jessica][ heard the ] -> [Jessica heard the ] 7796 [bank][er ] -> [banker ] 7797 [tru][gg] -> [trugg] 7798 [frequ][ently ] -> [frequently ] 7799 [erv][ice ] -> [ervice ] 7800 [ for][give ] -> [ forgive ] 7801 [emerg][ed from the ] -> [emerged from the ] 7802 [sh][ifted ] -> [shifted ] 7803 [hand][l] -> [handl] 7804 [h][em] -> [hem] 7805 [bro][ken] -> [broken] 7806 [Bene Gesserit ][train] -> [Bene Gesserit train] 7807 [You][ will] -> [You will] 7808 [ her m][ind ] -> [ her mind ] 7809 [So][ that's ] -> [So that's ] 7810 [bl][ast ] -> [blast ] 7811 [I ][not ] -> [I not ] 7812 [among ][us] -> [among us] 7813 [pass][age, ] -> [passage, ] 7814 [y][ing ] -> [ying ] 7815 [ed][. But ] -> [ed. But ] 7816 [bar][gain] -> [bargain] 7817 [y][ch] -> [ych] 7818 [k][in ] -> [kin ] 7819 [ti][pp] -> [tipp] 7820 [gr][ound] -> [ground] 7821 [one of][ them] -> [one of them] 7822 [t][ested ] -> [tested ] 7823 [str][ap] -> [strap] 7824 [, ][a f] -> [, a f] 7825 [low][, ] -> [low, ] 7826 [ up][ the ] -> [ up the ] 7827 [ab][in] -> [abin] 7828 [b][und] -> [bund] 7829 [d][amp] -> [damp] 7830 [press][ed ] -> [pressed ] 7831 [it ][now] -> [it now] 7832 [could not ][be ] -> [could not be ] 7833 [a th][ing ] -> [a thing ] 7834 [no][ m] -> [no m] 7835 [olonel][ bashar] -> [olonel bashar] 7836 [cour][se ] -> [course ] 7837 [, you][ must ] -> [, you must ] 7838 [us][tr] -> [ustr] 7839 [accep][ted the ] -> [accepted the ] 7840 [ have ][no] -> [ have no] 7841 [ childr][en] -> [ children] 7842 [Muad'Dib]['s ] -> [Muad'Dib's ] 7843 [," Paul said][. \u000a ] -> [," Paul said. \u000a ] 7844 [ ho][od ] -> [ hood ] 7845 [rock][s, ] -> [rocks, ] 7846 [to][ their ] -> [to their ] 7847 [th][rew] -> [threw] 7848 [I][ may ] -> [I may ] 7849 [open][ing] -> [opening] 7850 [one ][of his ] -> [one of his ] 7851 [ed his ][head ] -> [ed his head ] 7852 [ above ][them] -> [ above them] 7853 [be][ard ] -> [beard ] 7854 [t][l] -> [tl] 7855 [ stared at ][him] -> [ stared at him] 7856 [c][ad] -> [cad] 7857 [ur][vi] -> [urvi] 7858 [spok][en] -> [spoken] 7859 [obs][er] -> [obser] 7860 [obser][ver] -> [observer] 7861 [ m][ilitary ] -> [ military ] 7862 [di][al] -> [dial] 7863 [ of][ what ] -> [ of what ] 7864 [rid][ge] -> [ridge] 7865 [narrow][ ] -> [narrow ] 7866 [ mak][e the ] -> [ make the ] 7867 [h][ip] -> [hip] 7868 [ha][f] -> [haf] 7869 [," Tuek][ said. "] -> [," Tuek said. "] 7870 [R][oy] -> [Roy] 7871 [Roy][al ] -> [Royal ] 7872 [y][ing the ] -> [ying the ] 7873 [fl][u] -> [flu] 7874 [ . . . lump][ . . . lump] -> [ . . . lump . . . lump] 7875 [bub][ble ] -> [bubble ] 7876 [oppon][ent] -> [opponent] 7877 [you][ wish] -> [you wish] 7878 [id][g] -> [idg] 7879 [of the ][troop] -> [of the troop] 7880 [S][hai-hulud ] -> [Shai-hulud ] 7881 [ whisper][ed. "] -> [ whispered. "] 7882 [ ho][od] -> [ hood] 7883 [Pres][ently ] -> [Presently ] 7884 [Far][ok] -> [Farok] 7885 [a friend ][of Jamis] -> [a friend of Jamis] 7886 [ing b][et] -> [ing bet] 7887 [ing bet][we] -> [ing betwe] 7888 [Chani][ ] -> [Chani ] 7889 [ji][had ] -> [jihad ] 7890 [ts ][were ] -> [ts were ] 7891 [ bir][th] -> [ birth] 7892 [Fenr][ing, ] -> [Fenring, ] 7893 [um][-m-m] -> [um-m-m] 7894 [gall][er] -> [galler] 7895 [ c][hamber] -> [ chamber] 7896 [Harah][ ] -> [Harah ] 7897 [ hang][ings ] -> [ hangings ] 7898 [E][T] -> [ET] 7899 [I][I] -> [II] 7900 [," Alia][ said. "] -> [," Alia said. "] 7901 [?" ][Gurney ] -> [?" Gurney ] 7902 [they][m] -> [theym] 7903 [?" the ][Emperor] -> [?" the Emperor] 7904 [T][R] -> [TR] 7905 [I][D] -> [ID] 7906 [planet ][of ] -> [planet of ] 7907 [O][O] -> [OO] 7908 [A][Y] -> [AY] 7909 [.\u000a][B] -> [.\u000aB] 7910 [O][F] -> [OF] 7911 [T][ER] -> [TER] 7912 [B][ook] -> [Book] 7913 [:][ b] -> [: b] 7914 [th][ ] -> [th ] 7915 [Man][ual ] -> [Manual ] 7916 [ed ][before ] -> [ed before ] 7917 [ where ][he ] -> [ where he ] 7918 [uspensor ][l] -> [uspensor l] 7919 [uspensor l][amp] -> [uspensor lamp] 7920 [could ][see ] -> [could see ] 7921 [id][er] -> [ider] 7922 [ch][uck] -> [chuck] 7923 [th][ump] -> [thump] 7924 [uk][e's ] -> [uke's ] 7925 [ str][ange ] -> [ strange ] 7926 [ many ][things ] -> [ many things ] 7927 [e s][o] -> [e so] 7928 [Des][ert ] -> [Desert ] 7929 [Harkonnen][s, ] -> [Harkonnens, ] 7930 [CHOAM Comp][any ] -> [CHOAM Company ] 7931 [ f][ief] -> [ fief] 7932 [Hawat ][had ] -> [Hawat had ] 7933 [j][eal] -> [jeal] 7934 [ of][ water] -> [ of water] 7935 [remember][ed the ] -> [remembered the ] 7936 [an][ions ] -> [anions ] 7937 [el][ter] -> [elter] 7938 [mind][-] -> [mind-] 7939 [tr][igg] -> [trigg] 7940 [ort][al] -> [ortal] 7941 [chan][ism] -> [chanism] 7942 [flo][od] -> [flood] 7943 [in ][Paul's ] -> [in Paul's ] 7944 [, ][her ] -> [, her ] 7945 [ov][al] -> [oval] 7946 [em][i] -> [emi] 7947 [air][ of ] -> [air of ] 7948 [hesit][ation] -> [hesitation] 7949 [betray][al] -> [betrayal] 7950 [ in][ her ] -> [ in her ] 7951 [without ][turn] -> [without turn] 7952 [ass][oci] -> [associ] 7953 [om][in] -> [omin] 7954 [dut][y ] -> [duty ] 7955 [n][u] -> [nu] 7956 [ in ][one ] -> [ in one ] 7957 [n][al] -> [nal] 7958 [d][ain] -> [dain] 7959 [ pe][ac] -> [ peac] 7960 [looked up][ at ] -> [looked up at ] 7961 [whi][pp] -> [whipp] 7962 [ c][entime] -> [ centime] 7963 [P][ut ] -> [Put ] 7964 [F][ear] -> [Fear] 7965 [feel][ing the ] -> [feeling the ] 7966 [s][ion] -> [sion] 7967 [his ][hand ] -> [his hand ] 7968 [!" she ][snapp] -> [!" she snapp] 7969 [e][.\u000a "I] -> [e.\u000a "I] 7970 [," she said. "][The ] -> [," she said. "The ] 7971 [. It's ][a ] -> [. It's a ] 7972 [ pois][on ] -> [ poison ] 7973 [. A][h] -> [. Ah] 7974 [tried to swallow][ in] -> [tried to swallow in] 7975 [us][k] -> [usk] 7976 [are ][you] -> [are you] 7977 [t of ][it] -> [t of it] 7978 [ with][draw] -> [ withdraw] 7979 [. This ][is the ] -> [. This is the ] 7980 [h][on] -> [hon] 7981 [el][dom] -> [eldom] 7982 [ ad][min] -> [ admin] 7983 [ a][ man] -> [ a man] 7984 [. He ][heard ] -> [. He heard ] 7985 [recall][ed the ] -> [recalled the ] 7986 [t][al ] -> [tal ] 7987 [den][i] -> [deni] 7988 [Un][der] -> [Under] 7989 [in][creas] -> [increas] 7990 [ he][at ] -> [ heat ] 7991 [from][ that ] -> [from that ] 7992 [ s][kin] -> [ skin] 7993 [right ][arm] -> [right arm] 7994 [en][ed ] -> [ened ] 7995 [fing][ers] -> [fingers] 7996 [n][erve ] -> [nerve ] 7997 [ind][uc] -> [induc] 7998 [po][tenti] -> [potenti] 7999 [cre][en] -> [creen] 8000 [ of][ her ] -> [ of her ] 8001 [s of][ her ] -> [s of her ] 8002 [em][ent, ] -> [ement, ] 8003 [it ][down] -> [it down] 8004 [t][le, ] -> [tle, ] 8005 [. E][very] -> [. Every] 8006 [M][y s] -> [My s] 8007 [in ][it ] -> [in it ] 8008 [he had ][been ] -> [he had been ] 8009 [On][ce ] -> [Once ] 8010 [,' ][" ] -> [,' " ] 8011 [ath][ol] -> [athol] 8012 [stud][i] -> [studi] 8013 [ survi][v] -> [ surviv] 8014 [ h][um] -> [ hum] 8015 [ed ][what ] -> [ed what ] 8016 [don't ][know] -> [don't know] 8017 [ex][amp] -> [examp] 8018 [in][ some ] -> [in some ] 8019 [. H][e said: "] -> [. He said: "] 8020 [a h][e] -> [a he] 8021 [, said: "][You] -> [, said: "You] 8022 [ must][n't ] -> [ mustn't ] 8023 [danger][ous] -> [dangerous] 8024 [in][ine ] -> [inine ] 8025 [at ][once] -> [at once] 8026 [all][ of them] -> [all of them] 8027 [reli][ef] -> [relief] 8028 [s][.\u000a A] -> [s.\u000a A] 8029 [ s][uspensor] -> [ suspensor] 8030 [occup][i] -> [occupi] 8031 [-][hair] -> [-hair] 8032 [B][oth] -> [Both] 8033 [we][et] -> [weet] 8034 [des][cend] -> [descend] 8035 [ planet][ary ] -> [ planetary ] 8036 [st][amp] -> [stamp] 8037 [l][aid ] -> [laid ] 8038 [de][gre] -> [degre] 8039 [qu][is] -> [quis] 8040 [uni][qu] -> [uniqu] 8041 [young][ ] -> [young ] 8042 [r][ink] -> [rink] 8043 [a d][is] -> [a dis] 8044 [, cross][ed to the ] -> [, crossed to the ] 8045 [a m][essage ] -> [a message ] 8046 [?" the Baron][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" the Baron asked.\u000a "] 8047 [.' ][" ] -> [.' " ] 8048 [about ][him] -> [about him] 8049 [be][autiful] -> [beautiful] 8050 [mouth][, ] -> [mouth, ] 8051 [you ][. . . ] -> [you . . . ] 8052 [lo][st] -> [lost] 8053 [. You][ will] -> [. You will] 8054 [argum][ent] -> [argument] 8055 [I][ told ] -> [I told ] 8056 [l][isten ] -> [listen ] 8057 [ly ][and ] -> [ly and ] 8058 [ s][neer] -> [ sneer] 8059 [on][to ] -> [onto ] 8060 [Giedi Pr][im] -> [Giedi Prim] 8061 [enjo][y ] -> [enjoy ] 8062 [to][pped ] -> [topped ] 8063 [one s][ide, ] -> [one side, ] 8064 [ th][en, ] -> [ then, ] 8065 [Feyd-Rautha ][Harkonnen] -> [Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen] 8066 [it ][of] -> [it of] 8067 [ from][ this ] -> [ from this ] 8068 [ex][chang] -> [exchang] 8069 [But][, ] -> [But, ] 8070 [Did ][you] -> [Did you] 8071 [. I][ wish] -> [. I wish] 8072 [for][ my ] -> [for my ] 8073 [your][ c] -> [your c] 8074 [ti][e ] -> [tie ] 8075 [ar][ious ] -> [arious ] 8076 [." He ][glanced at ] -> [." He glanced at ] 8077 [ting][ his ] -> [ting his ] 8078 [gene][tic] -> [genetic] 8079 [Perhap][s] -> [Perhaps] 8080 [you ][not ] -> [you not ] 8081 [this ][time ] -> [this time ] 8082 [r][ather] -> [rather] 8083 [C][arth] -> [Carth] 8084 [Carth][ag] -> [Carthag] 8085 [s ][within] -> [s within] 8086 [er ][is ] -> [er is ] 8087 [ sec][ret ] -> [ secret ] 8088 [l][ast] -> [last] 8089 [. He ][must ] -> [. He must ] 8090 [There ][are s] -> [There are s] 8091 [af][ety ] -> [afety ] 8092 [reneg][ade ] -> [renegade ] 8093 [grow][led. "] -> [growled. "] 8094 [That's ][the ] -> [That's the ] 8095 [Lady ][Fenring] -> [Lady Fenring] 8096 [mak][es ] -> [makes ] 8097 [remain][s ] -> [remains ] 8098 [eff][ec] -> [effec] 8099 [other][wis] -> [otherwis] 8100 [ab][out] -> [about] 8101 [than][ the ] -> [than the ] 8102 [ S][chool] -> [ School] 8103 [to the ][Emperor] -> [to the Emperor] 8104 [found ][the ] -> [found the ] 8105 [A][nother ] -> [Another ] 8106 [ol][di] -> [oldi] 8107 [ br][ing ] -> [ bring ] 8108 [vo][c] -> [voc] 8109 [tor][ship] -> [torship] 8110 [ecolog][ist] -> [ecologist] 8111 [ h][id] -> [ hid] 8112 [ts ][of the ] -> [ts of the ] 8113 [know][s] -> [knows] 8114 [ sub][tle ] -> [ subtle ] 8115 [ab][le s] -> [able s] 8116 [v][ir] -> [vir] 8117 [res][ourc] -> [resourc] 8118 [F][amily ] -> [Family ] 8119 [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a][\u000a "] -> [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a "] 8120 [pro][of] -> [proof] 8121 [. ][Jessica ] -> [. Jessica ] 8122 [I][ had ] -> [I had ] 8123 [to b][ear] -> [to bear] 8124 [so][ much] -> [so much] 8125 [ to][ him] -> [ to him] 8126 [," Jessica said][. She ] -> [," Jessica said. She ] 8127 [ of ][our] -> [ of our] 8128 [ity ][and ] -> [ity and ] 8129 [path][ of the ] -> [path of the ] 8130 [vi][liz] -> [viliz] 8131 [mon][op] -> [monop] 8132 [o][ly ] -> [oly ] 8133 [I am][ ] -> [I am ] 8134 [ex][ist ] -> [exist ] 8135 [to][ prevent ] -> [to prevent ] 8136 [p][ul] -> [pul] 8137 [out the ][window] -> [out the window] 8138 [ of ][us ] -> [ of us ] 8139 [."\u000a "][What ] -> [."\u000a "What ] 8140 [: ][" '] -> [: " '] 8141 [? ][W] -> [? W] 8142 [ver][y s] -> [very s] 8143 [eyes][.\u000a "] -> [eyes.\u000a "] 8144 [?"\u000a ][Paul] -> [?"\u000a Paul] 8145 [Tell][ me ] -> [Tell me ] 8146 [ b][ef] -> [ bef] 8147 [ h][ome] -> [ home] 8148 [str][ang] -> [strang] 8149 [es ][--] -> [es --] 8150 [, ][\u000a] -> [, \u000a] 8151 [to][ hear] -> [to hear] 8152 [?" Jessica][ asked. \u000a "] -> [?" Jessica asked. \u000a "] 8153 [old ][witch] -> [old witch] 8154 [as ][a f] -> [as a f] 8155 [ how][ the ] -> [ how the ] 8156 [ad][our] -> [adour] 8157 [treacher][y ] -> [treachery ] 8158 [ cour][se ] -> [ course ] 8159 [Ch][ild] -> [Child] 8160 [ s][oft] -> [ soft] 8161 [no][on] -> [noon] 8162 [ed ][over the ] -> [ed over the ] 8163 [I][ heard ] -> [I heard ] 8164 [ay][be ] -> [aybe ] 8165 [s][truck] -> [struck] 8166 [Arrakis ][is ] -> [Arrakis is ] 8167 [?"\u000a ][Hawat ] -> [?"\u000a Hawat ] 8168 [the s][torm] -> [the storm] 8169 [ s][ound ] -> [ sound ] 8170 [kilome][ter] -> [kilometer] 8171 [anything][ that ] -> [anything that ] 8172 [Why ][don't ] -> [Why don't ] 8173 [ol][k] -> [olk] 8174 [gl][ass] -> [glass] 8175 [et his ][lips with his ] -> [et his lips with his ] 8176 [tongu][e, ] -> [tongue, ] 8177 [f][uner] -> [funer] 8178 [ st][ain] -> [ stain] 8179 [ed his ][mother] -> [ed his mother] 8180 [k][n] -> [kn] 8181 [ w][eek] -> [ week] 8182 [ hesit][ated, ] -> [ hesitated, ] 8183 [in][hib] -> [inhib] 8184 [ing up][ the ] -> [ing up the ] 8185 [Mother][, ] -> [Mother, ] 8186 [ sp][it] -> [ spit] 8187 [-][sp] -> [-sp] 8188 [lowly][, he ] -> [lowly, he ] 8189 [for ][every ] -> [for every ] 8190 [ ][G] -> [ G] 8191 [ than][ the ] -> [ than the ] 8192 [ susp][ect] -> [ suspect] 8193 [lo][od] -> [lood] 8194 [pass][ion] -> [passion] 8195 [a][the ] -> [athe ] 8196 [ed.\u000a ][Hawat ] -> [ed.\u000a Hawat ] 8197 [ had ][said ] -> [ had said ] 8198 [ call][ed ] -> [ called ] 8199 [with ][one ] -> [with one ] 8200 [no][ting] -> [noting] 8201 [m][ul] -> [mul] 8202 [inkv][ine s] -> [inkvine s] 8203 [inkvine s][car] -> [inkvine scar] 8204 [h][um] -> [hum] 8205 [do][ we ] -> [do we ] 8206 [ec][ond ] -> [econd ] 8207 [res][h] -> [resh] 8208 [, s][mil] -> [, smil] 8209 [ha][v] -> [hav] 8210 [ pr][actic] -> [ practic] 8211 [go][t] -> [got] 8212 [reven][ge] -> [revenge] 8213 [in his ][hand] -> [in his hand] 8214 [def][ens] -> [defens] 8215 [acter][is] -> [acteris] 8216 [at][ed his ] -> [ated his ] 8217 [? he ][asked himself] -> [? he asked himself] 8218 [bl][es ] -> [bles ] 8219 [ str][ong] -> [ strong] 8220 [retre][at ] -> [retreat ] 8221 [, ][Gurney] -> [, Gurney] 8222 [L][ook] -> [Look] 8223 [f][ish] -> [fish] 8224 [cr][atch] -> [cratch] 8225 [ac][tiv] -> [activ] 8226 [ing][ there ] -> [ing there ] 8227 [ h][adn't ] -> [ hadn't ] 8228 [de][velop] -> [develop] 8229 [. And ][Paul] -> [. And Paul] 8230 [a s][udden] -> [a sudden] 8231 [oc][curr] -> [occurr] 8232 [fl][ic] -> [flic] 8233 [as][ide] -> [aside] 8234 [turned ][away ] -> [turned away ] 8235 [all][ that ] -> [all that ] 8236 [in his ][mind] -> [in his mind] 8237 [lin][e] -> [line] 8238 [l][ist ] -> [list ] 8239 [. The ][Harkonnens ] -> [. The Harkonnens ] 8240 [ bl][ade ] -> [ blade ] 8241 [ stret][ch] -> [ stretch] 8242 [mus][cles] -> [muscles] 8243 [sw][itch] -> [switch] 8244 [press][ed the ] -> [pressed the ] 8245 [-][bu] -> [-bu] 8246 [ing][s and ] -> [ings and ] 8247 [. . . ][or] -> [. . . or] 8248 [ing ][on his ] -> [ing on his ] 8249 [we]['d ] -> [we'd ] 8250 [Wann][a ] -> [Wanna ] 8251 [o][gr] -> [ogr] 8252 [left ][him] -> [left him] 8253 [th][es] -> [thes] 8254 [ m][on] -> [ mon] 8255 [ out ][the ] -> [ out the ] 8256 [fing][ers ] -> [fingers ] 8257 [with][drew] -> [withdrew] 8258 [ com][es ] -> [ comes ] 8259 [?" \u000a "][No] -> [?" \u000a "No] 8260 [en ][are ] -> [en are ] 8261 [hun][dred and ] -> [hundred and ] 8262 [long][ and ] -> [long and ] 8263 [es][, and ] -> [es, and ] 8264 [ex][ist] -> [exist] 8265 [ic][ally ] -> [ically ] 8266 [ forc][es ] -> [ forces ] 8267 [. . . ][and the ] -> [. . . and the ] 8268 [ad][just] -> [adjust] 8269 [ment][, ] -> [ment, ] 8270 [I][ say ] -> [I say ] 8271 [ sec][re] -> [ secre] 8272 [valu][able ] -> [valuable ] 8273 [ti][ves] -> [tives] 8274 [beg][in] -> [begin] 8275 [Th][ink] -> [Think] 8276 [d][em] -> [dem] 8277 [g][ift] -> [gift] 8278 [cho][ose ] -> [choose ] 8279 [fac][ts ] -> [facts ] 8280 [d][imm] -> [dimm] 8281 [way][s, ] -> [ways, ] 8282 [li][ve] -> [live] 8283 [aw][k] -> [awk] 8284 [able][, ] -> [able, ] 8285 [ed][. A] -> [ed. A] 8286 [to][ dis] -> [to dis] 8287 [confron][ted ] -> [confronted ] 8288 [m][y son] -> [my son] 8289 [mit][t] -> [mitt] 8290 [om][an] -> [oman] 8291 [ w][ants ] -> [ wants ] 8292 [place ][where ] -> [place where ] 8293 [ar][t ] -> [art ] 8294 [it ][must be ] -> [it must be ] 8295 [por][tion] -> [portion] 8296 [ they]['d ] -> [ they'd ] 8297 [if][ we ] -> [if we ] 8298 [s][?"\u000a "] -> [s?"\u000a "] 8299 [ance ][of the ] -> [ance of the ] 8300 [t][ask] -> [task] 8301 [M][ake ] -> [Make ] 8302 [h][olds ] -> [holds ] 8303 [Our][ ] -> [Our ] 8304 [en][v] -> [env] 8305 [on][ them] -> [on them] 8306 [ing][. It ] -> [ing. It ] 8307 [."\u000a Paul ][nodded, ] -> [."\u000a Paul nodded, ] 8308 [sid][er ] -> [sider ] 8309 [exp][lo] -> [explo] 8310 [p][opul] -> [popul] 8311 [. I][ think] -> [. I think] 8312 [," the ][Duke ] -> [," the Duke ] 8313 [. "I]['d ] -> [. "I'd ] 8314 [into][ a ] -> [into a ] 8315 [at][es] -> [ates] 8316 [?" \u000a "][That's ] -> [?" \u000a "That's ] 8317 [Guilds][man] -> [Guildsman] 8318 [all][ his ] -> [all his ] 8319 [eci][al ] -> [ecial ] 8320 [, and ][Paul] -> [, and Paul] 8321 [wis][dom] -> [wisdom] 8322 [prot][ection] -> [protection] 8323 [he][tic] -> [hetic] 8324 [n][umb] -> [numb] 8325 [ bo][x] -> [ box] 8326 [un][k] -> [unk] 8327 [car][go] -> [cargo] 8328 [to m][ak] -> [to mak] 8329 [had been][ the ] -> [had been the ] 8330 [gover][n] -> [govern] 8331 [e s][ome ] -> [e some ] 8332 [. ][Leto] -> [. Leto] 8333 [on the ][floor] -> [on the floor] 8334 [sk][y ] -> [sky ] 8335 [is][ion ] -> [ision ] 8336 [ w][ide ] -> [ wide ] 8337 [s][imp] -> [simp] 8338 [thank][ful] -> [thankful] 8339 [ s][no] -> [ sno] 8340 [in ][your ] -> [in your ] 8341 [ this ][place ] -> [ this place ] 8342 [k][eeper] -> [keeper] 8343 [?" she ask][ed. "] -> [?" she asked. "] 8344 [to s][top] -> [to stop] 8345 [tiven][ess ] -> [tiveness ] 8346 [ into][ that ] -> [ into that ] 8347 [is ][there ] -> [is there ] 8348 [planet]['s ] -> [planet's ] 8349 [ers]['] -> [ers'] 8350 [con][fer] -> [confer] 8351 [turn][ed and ] -> [turned and ] 8352 [s][man] -> [sman] 8353 [Map][es, ] -> [Mapes, ] 8354 [ pe][er] -> [ peer] 8355 [a][ water] -> [a water] 8356 [ho][t] -> [hot] 8357 [ ][J] -> [ J] 8358 [way][s of the ] -> [ways of the ] 8359 [i][k] -> [ik] 8360 [thing][s] -> [things] 8361 [ s][heath] -> [ sheath] 8362 [, ][Jessica ] -> [, Jessica ] 8363 [D][eath] -> [Death] 8364 [in][tend] -> [intend] 8365 [.\u000a S][till] -> [.\u000a Still] 8366 [ac][complish] -> [accomplish] 8367 [br][own] -> [brown] 8368 [cons][erv] -> [conserv] 8369 [e, ][said: "] -> [e, said: "] 8370 [in][trud] -> [intrud] 8371 [ph][ras] -> [phras] 8372 [w][an] -> [wan] 8373 [y s][uch] -> [y such] 8374 [transp][arent ] -> [transparent ] 8375 [impl][ic] -> [implic] 8376 [ side ][of the ] -> [ side of the ] 8377 [ d][iffer] -> [ differ] 8378 [ed ][another ] -> [ed another ] 8379 [ dead][ly ] -> [ deadly ] 8380 [n][or ] -> [nor ] 8381 [sp][ection] -> [spection] 8382 [door][way ] -> [doorway ] 8383 [er and ][faster] -> [er and faster] 8384 [ed ][until] -> [ed until] 8385 [to][ follow] -> [to follow] 8386 [Go][od ] -> [Good ] 8387 [us][ual] -> [usual] 8388 [ a][fr] -> [ afr] 8389 [." \u000a "][S] -> [." \u000a "S] 8390 [plac][e, ] -> [place, ] 8391 [f][ter ] -> [fter ] 8392 [ing b][eneath] -> [ing beneath] 8393 [way ][they ] -> [way they ] 8394 [ on][ly the ] -> [ only the ] 8395 [line ][of ] -> [line of ] 8396 [s][ome of] -> [some of] 8397 [tic][al ] -> [tical ] 8398 [me][et] -> [meet] 8399 [re][turned to the ] -> [returned to the ] 8400 [up][ in the ] -> [up in the ] 8401 [now][--] -> [now--] 8402 [d][estroy ] -> [destroy ] 8403 [ m][yster] -> [ myster] 8404 [y][. The ] -> [y. The ] 8405 [never][ again] -> [never again] 8406 [ ho][le ] -> [ hole ] 8407 [am][pl] -> [ampl] 8408 [m][ajor] -> [major] 8409 [we][ight ] -> [weight ] 8410 [e ][was ] -> [e was ] 8411 [a c][ur] -> [a cur] 8412 [un][eas] -> [uneas] 8413 [am][oun] -> [amoun] 8414 [b][att] -> [batt] 8415 [lip][s] -> [lips] 8416 [ wor][th] -> [ worth] 8417 [mind][, ] -> [mind, ] 8418 [ow][ard] -> [oward] 8419 [t][ures ] -> [tures ] 8420 [innam][on] -> [innamon] 8421 [po][litic] -> [politic] 8422 [it ][would ] -> [it would ] 8423 [ten][der] -> [tender] 8424 [, said][, "] -> [, said, "] 8425 [. "If][ you] -> [. "If you] 8426 [cus][e ] -> [cuse ] 8427 [. I][ should ] -> [. I should ] 8428 [friend][s] -> [friends] 8429 [mark][ed the ] -> [marked the ] 8430 [. ][Muad'Dib] -> [. Muad'Dib] 8431 [car][ved ] -> [carved ] 8432 [bo][ard ] -> [board ] 8433 [. He ][knew] -> [. He knew] 8434 [ical ][T] -> [ical T] 8435 [here ][on Arrakis] -> [here on Arrakis] 8436 [ing][.\u000a Paul] -> [ing.\u000a Paul] 8437 [behind ][him, ] -> [behind him, ] 8438 [ro][z] -> [roz] 8439 [ide][ways ] -> [ideways ] 8440 [it][, but ] -> [it, but ] 8441 [try ][to ] -> [try to ] 8442 [. A][ f] -> [. A f] 8443 [she ][knew] -> [she knew] 8444 [. S][o] -> [. So] 8445 [ bl][ink] -> [ blink] 8446 [ri][pp] -> [ripp] 8447 [wa][ist ] -> [waist ] 8448 [had ][no] -> [had no] 8449 [dep][ress] -> [depress] 8450 [indiv][idual] -> [individual] 8451 [all][y, ] -> [ally, ] 8452 [ed][:] -> [ed:] 8453 [ after][ the ] -> [ after the ] 8454 [r][ust] -> [rust] 8455 [ice ][of ] -> [ice of ] 8456 [ such][ a ] -> [ such a ] 8457 [ow][er and ] -> [ower and ] 8458 [an ][over] -> [an over] 8459 [enc][e. ] -> [ence. ] 8460 [ b][itter] -> [ bitter] 8461 [leav][ing ] -> [leaving ] 8462 [e, ][this ] -> [e, this ] 8463 [ that ][instant] -> [ that instant] 8464 [ed ][open] -> [ed open] 8465 [out ][his ] -> [out his ] 8466 [con][ce] -> [conce] 8467 [af][ter ] -> [after ] 8468 [," Jessica said][. \u000a "] -> [," Jessica said. \u000a "] 8469 [identi][f] -> [identif] 8470 [No ][one ] -> [No one ] 8471 [," Paul said][. \u000a "] -> [," Paul said. \u000a "] 8472 [bow][ed, ] -> [bowed, ] 8473 [until][ you] -> [until you] 8474 [to ][us] -> [to us] 8475 [ fam][ili] -> [ famili] 8476 [ a c][lear] -> [ a clear] 8477 [It is ][said ] -> [It is said ] 8478 [del][iber] -> [deliber] 8479 [n][ight's ] -> [night's ] 8480 [ing ][Paul] -> [ing Paul] 8481 [to d][ri] -> [to dri] 8482 [ adv][anc] -> [ advanc] 8483 [I'll][ ] -> [I'll ] 8484 [l][ung] -> [lung] 8485 [ro][st] -> [rost] 8486 [sc][atter] -> [scatter] 8487 [v][ib] -> [vib] 8488 [full][ of ] -> [full of ] 8489 [mus][ic] -> [music] 8490 [li][ved ] -> [lived ] 8491 [wh][ip] -> [whip] 8492 [as][ual] -> [asual] 8493 [."\u000a ][They ] -> [."\u000a They ] 8494 [men][ who] -> [men who] 8495 [tun][e ] -> [tune ] 8496 [ fac][es ] -> [ faces ] 8497 [.\u000a ][Leto] -> [.\u000a Leto] 8498 [f][lower] -> [flower] 8499 [ p][ri] -> [ pri] 8500 [it ][in the ] -> [it in the ] 8501 [projec][tor] -> [projector] 8502 [. He s][h] -> [. He sh] 8503 [s ][me] -> [s me] 8504 [m][atch] -> [match] 8505 [reflec][ted ] -> [reflected ] 8506 [e of][ a ] -> [e of a ] 8507 [," the Duke said][. He ] -> [," the Duke said. He ] 8508 [a m][istak] -> [a mistak] 8509 [cre][w] -> [crew] 8510 [fall][en] -> [fallen] 8511 [correc][t ] -> [correct ] 8512 [are][as ] -> [areas ] 8513 [tell][ig] -> [tellig] 8514 [help][ed ] -> [helped ] 8515 [er][y] -> [ery] 8516 [, ][back to ] -> [, back to ] 8517 [?"\u000a "][A] -> [?"\u000a "A] 8518 [indic][ated ] -> [indicated ] 8519 [ b][ank] -> [ bank] 8520 [s ][you] -> [s you] 8521 [," Leto][ said. "] -> [," Leto said. "] 8522 [n][a] -> [na] 8523 [--][that ] -> [--that ] 8524 [ation][ and ] -> [ation and ] 8525 [ous][and] -> [ousand] 8526 [ch][e] -> [che] 8527 [as ][a] -> [as a] 8528 [ we][ather] -> [ weather] 8529 [tab][le s] -> [table s] 8530 [j][ected ] -> [jected ] 8531 [ fig][ures ] -> [ figures ] 8532 [us][e] -> [use] 8533 [ focus][ed on the ] -> [ focused on the ] 8534 [im][age ] -> [image ] 8535 [ence s][ettled ] -> [ence settled ] 8536 [arr][y] -> [arry] 8537 [ess][enti] -> [essenti] 8538 [in][ and ] -> [in and ] 8539 [ su][it] -> [ suit] 8540 ['thop][ters ] -> ['thopters ] 8541 [emphas][is ] -> [emphasis ] 8542 [? ][Does ] -> [? Does ] 8543 [age ][and ] -> [age and ] 8544 [ cho][ose ] -> [ choose ] 8545 [cur][ve ] -> [curve ] 8546 [stain][ed ] -> [stained ] 8547 [ur][pris] -> [urpris] 8548 [. You][ can] -> [. You can] 8549 [er][en] -> [eren] 8550 [fal][se ] -> [false ] 8551 [man][ was ] -> [man was ] 8552 [ th][row] -> [ throw] 8553 [in][ed ] -> [ined ] 8554 [e][ther] -> [ether] 8555 [," Leto][ said] -> [," Leto said] 8556 [ec][t the ] -> [ect the ] 8557 [when ][I] -> [when I] 8558 [st][ay ] -> [stay ] 8559 [An][d, ] -> [And, ] 8560 [ bl][ue-] -> [ blue-] 8561 [Piter][ d] -> [Piter d] 8562 [Piter d][e V] -> [Piter de V] 8563 [b][attle ] -> [battle ] 8564 [We ][can] -> [We can] 8565 [tu][de] -> [tude] 8566 [of the ][s] -> [of the s] 8567 [ mark][ed the ] -> [ marked the ] 8568 [the s][ound ] -> [the sound ] 8569 [s ][from] -> [s from] 8570 [ut][ting ] -> [utting ] 8571 [ sp][ark] -> [ spark] 8572 [it][ation] -> [itation] 8573 [, s][ay] -> [, say] 8574 [shoulder][s ] -> [shoulders ] 8575 [lec][tion] -> [lection] 8576 [him][ with] -> [him with] 8577 [l][umin] -> [lumin] 8578 [Collected Say][ings ] -> [Collected Sayings ] 8579 [, but ][I] -> [, but I] 8580 [ con][tain] -> [ contain] 8581 [to m][e, ] -> [to me, ] 8582 [landscap][e ] -> [landscape ] 8583 [er][rill] -> [errill] 8584 [My ][father] -> [My father] 8585 [fath][er and ] -> [father and ] 8586 [In][ ] -> [In ] 8587 [tr][ay ] -> [tray ] 8588 [H][im] -> [Him] 8589 [in][ m] -> [in m] 8590 [ b][ar] -> [ bar] 8591 [ed for][ his ] -> [ed for his ] 8592 [gar][ment] -> [garment] 8593 [b][rief] -> [brief] 8594 [Ex][p] -> [Exp] 8595 [," Kynes said][.\u000a "] -> [," Kynes said.\u000a "] 8596 [ a ][Fremen] -> [ a Fremen] 8597 [O.C. B][ible] -> [O.C. Bible] 8598 [l][oud ] -> [loud ] 8599 [Kynes ][had ] -> [Kynes had ] 8600 [seem][ed ] -> [seemed ] 8601 [Kynes ][was ] -> [Kynes was ] 8602 [sens][ation] -> [sensation] 8603 [ab][sol] -> [absol] 8604 [absol][ut] -> [absolut] 8605 [till][suit] -> [tillsuit] 8606 [axim][um] -> [aximum] 8607 [This ][is the ] -> [This is the ] 8608 [fit][ted ] -> [fitted ] 8609 [." \u000a "][That ] -> [." \u000a "That ] 8610 [in the ][open] -> [in the open] 8611 [r][an ] -> [ran ] 8612 [peop][le s] -> [people s] 8613 [ cour][se] -> [ course] 8614 [Kynes][' ] -> [Kynes' ] 8615 [C][our] -> [Cour] 8616 [," ][Kynes ] -> [," Kynes ] 8617 [realiz][e ] -> [realize ] 8618 [ed for][ward] -> [ed forward] 8619 [ed ][sh] -> [ed sh] 8620 [ survi][ve ] -> [ survive ] 8621 [."][\u000a\u000a ] -> [."\u000a\u000a ] 8622 [way][s] -> [ways] 8623 [H][igh] -> [High] 8624 [i][ve] -> [ive] 8625 [To][o] -> [Too] 8626 [dr][um] -> [drum] 8627 [ing for][ the ] -> [ing for the ] 8628 [and ][that ] -> [and that ] 8629 [to][ show] -> [to show] 8630 [t][ail] -> [tail] 8631 [crawl][er ] -> [crawler ] 8632 [ax][ ] -> [ax ] 8633 [ min][ut] -> [ minut] 8634 [. Wh][y] -> [. Why] 8635 [sp][ot] -> [spot] 8636 [al][so ] -> [also ] 8637 [." \u000a "][What ] -> [." \u000a "What ] 8638 [dr][own] -> [drown] 8639 [ some][where ] -> [ somewhere ] 8640 [s][n] -> [sn] 8641 [fac][tory] -> [factory] 8642 [is][su] -> [issu] 8643 [o][op] -> [oop] 8644 [grow][ing ] -> [growing ] 8645 [to][l] -> [tol] 8646 [ed][, said: "] -> [ed, said: "] 8647 [ beside ][Paul] -> [ beside Paul] 8648 [ pass][age] -> [ passage] 8649 [ad][mitted ] -> [admitted ] 8650 [ g][low] -> [ glow] 8651 [cl][ass] -> [class] 8652 [if][i] -> [ifi] 8653 [enough][ water] -> [enough water] 8654 [ a][ to] -> [ a to] 8655 [ squ][eez] -> [ squeez] 8656 [. \u000a "][The ] -> [. \u000a "The ] 8657 [cl][oud] -> [cloud] 8658 [ch][os] -> [chos] 8659 [t][ly, ] -> [tly, ] 8660 [water-][shipper] -> [water-shipper] 8661 [per][mission] -> [permission] 8662 [, and ][there was ] -> [, and there was ] 8663 [to][ hold ] -> [to hold ] 8664 [star][ing at ] -> [staring at ] 8665 [to ][Jessica] -> [to Jessica] 8666 [ seem][ed to] -> [ seemed to] 8667 [er][s and ] -> [ers and ] 8668 [." He ][nodd] -> [." He nodd] 8669 [did ][he ] -> [did he ] 8670 [in][ton] -> [inton] 8671 [ beneath][ his ] -> [ beneath his ] 8672 [esp][ion] -> [espion] 8673 [imil][ar] -> [imilar] 8674 [s][;] -> [s;] 8675 [realiz][ation] -> [realization] 8676 [," Paul said][, and ] -> [," Paul said, and ] 8677 [we][ight] -> [weight] 8678 [man][ had ] -> [man had ] 8679 [ex][isted ] -> [existed ] 8680 [cor][d ] -> [cord ] 8681 [ w][ild ] -> [ wild ] 8682 [pres][ent ] -> [present ] 8683 [r][are ] -> [rare ] 8684 [m][al] -> [mal] 8685 [s ][up] -> [s up] 8686 [st][uff] -> [stuff] 8687 [om][en] -> [omen] 8688 [t][ted ] -> [tted ] 8689 [troop][er] -> [trooper] 8690 [ne][ed for] -> [need for] 8691 [ still][ness ] -> [ stillness ] 8692 [lur][ch] -> [lurch] 8693 [? Jessica][ ask] -> [? Jessica ask] 8694 [di][e ] -> [die ] 8695 [in][es] -> [ines] 8696 [al][ive ] -> [alive ] 8697 [that ][they ] -> [that they ] 8698 [re][assur] -> [reassur] 8699 [ing ][to s] -> [ing to s] 8700 [ b][attle] -> [ battle] 8701 [ed.\u000a ][She ] -> [ed.\u000a She ] 8702 [one sh][out] -> [one shout] 8703 [a ][gr] -> [a gr] 8704 [ shook][ her head] -> [ shook her head] 8705 [to ][your] -> [to your] 8706 [ s][ound] -> [ sound] 8707 [ing][ me] -> [ing me] 8708 [.\u000a "][Now] -> [.\u000a "Now] 8709 [m][e. ] -> [me. ] 8710 [fighting][ man] -> [fighting man] 8711 [ st][up] -> [ stup] 8712 [ of][fer] -> [ offer] 8713 [e of][ my ] -> [e of my ] 8714 [il][y, ] -> [ily, ] 8715 [fl][ar] -> [flar] 8716 [through][ his ] -> [through his ] 8717 [.\u000a ][What ] -> [.\u000a What ] 8718 [down][ the s] -> [down the s] 8719 [glo][om] -> [gloom] 8720 [head ][and ] -> [head and ] 8721 [r][out] -> [rout] 8722 [? she ][wondered] -> [? she wondered] 8723 [lit][ter-] -> [litter-] 8724 [Kin][et ] -> [Kinet ] 8725 [hand][. The ] -> [hand. The ] 8726 [ wom][an ] -> [ woman ] 8727 [, she thought][, ] -> [, she thought, ] 8728 [spec][trum] -> [spectrum] 8729 [arm][. "] -> [arm. "] 8730 [moon][light] -> [moonlight] 8731 [rock][s] -> [rocks] 8732 [ated ][in the ] -> [ated in the ] 8733 [hear][t] -> [heart] 8734 [fear][ful] -> [fearful] 8735 [fl][am] -> [flam] 8736 [ligh][ter] -> [lighter] 8737 [be][at ] -> [beat ] 8738 [e.\u000a ][He ] -> [e.\u000a He ] 8739 [uni][vers] -> [univers] 8740 [?" the Baron][ asked. \u000a "] -> [?" the Baron asked. \u000a "] 8741 [ c][av] -> [ cav] 8742 [stup][id ] -> [stupid ] 8743 [, ][f] -> [, f] 8744 [a ch][ild] -> [a child] 8745 [in][ a f] -> [in a f] 8746 [pois][on ] -> [poison ] 8747 [rel][uct] -> [reluct] 8748 [a ][of the ] -> [a of the ] 8749 [ the Baron][ thought] -> [ the Baron thought] 8750 [al][y] -> [aly] 8751 [ for][ward ] -> [ forward ] 8752 [add][ic] -> [addic] 8753 [c][olonel bashar] -> [colonel bashar] 8754 [this ][night] -> [this night] 8755 [a ch][ild ] -> [a child ] 8756 [exp][ected ] -> [expected ] 8757 [ex][plan] -> [explan] 8758 [He ][was ] -> [He was ] 8759 [ th][en ] -> [ then ] 8760 [id][st ] -> [idst ] 8761 [W][atch] -> [Watch] 8762 [enc][e. \u000a "] -> [ence. \u000a "] 8763 [liter][jon] -> [literjon] 8764 [su][it, ] -> [suit, ] 8765 [as though][ it ] -> [as though it ] 8766 [Guilds][men] -> [Guildsmen] 8767 [heav][y ] -> [heavy ] 8768 [--"\u000a "][You] -> [--"\u000a "You] 8769 [ed her][ hand] -> [ed her hand] 8770 [ m][et] -> [ met] 8771 [ s][ink] -> [ sink] 8772 [across the ][basin] -> [across the basin] 8773 [we][ap] -> [weap] 8774 [is ][my ] -> [is my ] 8775 [the s][ignal] -> [the signal] 8776 [.\u000a ][In the ] -> [.\u000a In the ] 8777 [carri][er] -> [carrier] 8778 [in ][Fremen ] -> [in Fremen ] 8779 [M]['Lord ] -> [M'Lord ] 8780 [rock][ floor] -> [rock floor] 8781 [S][ub] -> [Sub] 8782 [thron][e] -> [throne] 8783 [ this ][moment ] -> [ this moment ] 8784 [nex][us ] -> [nexus ] 8785 [ for][ward] -> [ forward] 8786 [ f][low] -> [ flow] 8787 [v][ail] -> [vail] 8788 [." \u000a The ][Baron] -> [." \u000a The Baron] 8789 [glowglo][be ] -> [glowglobe ] 8790 [antido][te ] -> [antidote ] 8791 [ speak][ of] -> [ speak of] 8792 [," the Baron said][, "] -> [," the Baron said, "] 8793 [ s][chem] -> [ schem] 8794 [Rabban]['s ] -> [Rabban's ] 8795 [in][ting ] -> [inting ] 8796 [ur][y ] -> [ury ] 8797 [grew][ l] -> [grew l] 8798 [p][en] -> [pen] 8799 [uf][fl] -> [uffl] 8800 [to][ seek] -> [to seek] 8801 [natur][al s] -> [natural s] 8802 [wind][ward ] -> [windward ] 8803 [iss][ure ] -> [issure ] 8804 [e][. It ] -> [e. It ] 8805 [sw][ept ] -> [swept ] 8806 [an ][arm] -> [an arm] 8807 [slow][ly ] -> [slowly ] 8808 [ plac][e] -> [ place] 8809 [g][rom] -> [grom] 8810 [looked at ][her] -> [looked at her] 8811 [us ][all] -> [us all] 8812 [. There ][came ] -> [. There came ] 8813 [two][ step] -> [two step] 8814 [up][ there ] -> [up there ] 8815 [a ][T] -> [a T] 8816 [pre][-spice ] -> [pre-spice ] 8817 [B][asin] -> [Basin] 8818 [irc][le ] -> [ircle ] 8819 [the str][ength] -> [the strength] 8820 [to ][turn] -> [to turn] 8821 [ietch][ ] -> [ietch ] 8822 [ti][ves ] -> [tives ] 8823 [train][ed in the ] -> [trained in the ] 8824 [coun][ten] -> [counten] 8825 [t][one of ] -> [tone of ] 8826 [it ][seem] -> [it seem] 8827 [arose ][from the ] -> [arose from the ] 8828 [projec][tile weapon] -> [projectile weapon] 8829 [aught][er of ] -> [aughter of ] 8830 [C][ave ] -> [Cave ] 8831 [lead][er ] -> [leader ] 8832 [st][at] -> [stat] 8833 [un][born] -> [unborn] 8834 [young][ men] -> [young men] 8835 [, ][Stilgar] -> [, Stilgar] 8836 [ b][ow] -> [ bow] 8837 [," ][Jamis ] -> [," Jamis ] 8838 [?" Stilgar][ ask] -> [?" Stilgar ask] 8839 [ham][pion] -> [hampion] 8840 [!" ][Jamis ] -> [!" Jamis ] 8841 [sp][ark] -> [spark] 8842 [ told ][himself] -> [ told himself] 8843 [. \u000a ][And ] -> [. \u000a And ] 8844 [od][g] -> [odg] 8845 [lifted ][from the ] -> [lifted from the ] 8846 [shall][ be ] -> [shall be ] 8847 [Bi-l][al ] -> [Bi-lal ] 8848 [Bi-lal ][kaifa] -> [Bi-lal kaifa] 8849 [it][ual] -> [itual] 8850 [Paul ][Muad'Dib] -> [Paul Muad'Dib] 8851 [Feyd-Rauth][a f] -> [Feyd-Rautha f] 8852 [ah][-h-h] -> [ah-h-h] 8853 [, ][Uncle] -> [, Uncle] 8854 [ru][-] -> [ru-] 8855 [na-][Baron] -> [na-Baron] 8856 [form][al] -> [formal] 8857 [il][t] -> [ilt] 8858 [were ][the ] -> [were the ] 8859 [R][am] -> [Ram] 8860 [i][hay] -> [ihay] 8861 [bre][ed] -> [breed] 8862 [bel][ov] -> [belov] 8863 [cr][y ] -> [cry ] 8864 [a s][and] -> [a sand] 8865 [rid][er] -> [rider] 8866 [o][yal] -> [oyal] 8867 [ig][aw] -> [igaw] 8868 [igaw][ire ] -> [igawire ] 8869 [thron][e, ] -> [throne, ] 8870 [," the Emperor][ said. "] -> [," the Emperor said. "] 8871 [," the Emperor][ said] -> [," the Emperor said] 8872 [pro][gram] -> [program] 8873 [ent][our] -> [entour] 8874 [um][en] -> [umen] 8875 [Zensunni][ W] -> [Zensunni W] 8876 [Zensunni W][ander] -> [Zensunni Wander] 8877 [Sir][idar] -> [Siridar] 8878 [AS][S] -> [ASS] 8879 [L][A] -> [LA] 8880 [U][T] -> [UT] 8881 [E][: the ] -> [E: the ] 8882 [: ][Fremen] -> [: Fremen] 8883 [.\u000a][G] -> [.\u000aG] 8884 [H][A] -> [HA] 8885 [T][A] -> [TA] 8886 [.\u000a][M] -> [.\u000aM] 8887 [.) \u000a][P] -> [.) \u000aP] 8888 [.\u000a][W] -> [.\u000aW] 8889 [ beg][inn] -> [ beginn] 8890 [tak][ing the ] -> [taking the ] 8891 [del][icate ] -> [delicate ] 8892 [bal][anc] -> [balanc] 8893 [take ][care ] -> [take care ] 8894 [fr][en] -> [fren] 8895 [fren][z] -> [frenz] 8896 [bo][y, ] -> [boy, ] 8897 [p][ile ] -> [pile ] 8898 [con][tr] -> [contr] 8899 [f][ifteen] -> [fifteen] 8900 [o][lid ] -> [olid ] 8901 [a p][lac] -> [a plac] 8902 [Assass][in] -> [Assassin] 8903 [complet][e ] -> [complete ] 8904 [ c][avern] -> [ cavern] 8905 [. E][ven] -> [. Even] 8906 [ed ][--] -> [ed --] 8907 [ad][ness ] -> [adness ] 8908 [. D][r] -> [. Dr] 8909 [te][acher] -> [teacher] 8910 [trigg][er] -> [trigger] 8911 [war][eness ] -> [wareness ] 8912 [af][ety] -> [afety] 8913 [inst][inct ] -> [instinct ] 8914 [vic][tim] -> [victim] 8915 [ord][ing to the ] -> [ording to the ] 8916 [deep][est ] -> [deepest ] 8917 [ey][el] -> [eyel] 8918 [eyel][id] -> [eyelid] 8919 [ing][ th] -> [ing th] 8920 [his ][mother ] -> [his mother ] 8921 [u][ti] -> [uti] 8922 [bre][ast ] -> [breast ] 8923 [ sat ][up] -> [ sat up] 8924 [kne][es] -> [knees] 8925 [\u000a][\u000a The ] -> [\u000a\u000a The ] 8926 [bl][am] -> [blam] 8927 [sec][re] -> [secre] 8928 [order][ed to] -> [ordered to] 8929 [gent][le ] -> [gentle ] 8930 [gre][et] -> [greet] 8931 [shoulder][, ] -> [shoulder, ] 8932 [does ][she ] -> [does she ] 8933 [m][ater] -> [mater] 8934 [and][father] -> [andfather] 8935 [.\u000a ][Now, ] -> [.\u000a Now, ] 8936 [. \u000a ][Jessica] -> [. \u000a Jessica] 8937 [, ][lad] -> [, lad] 8938 [t][een ] -> [teen ] 8939 [. ][U] -> [. U] 8940 [f][olds ] -> [folds ] 8941 [odd][ly ] -> [oddly ] 8942 [?" \u000a ][He ] -> [?" \u000a He ] 8943 [.\u000a S][lowly, ] -> [.\u000a Slowly, ] 8944 [tried to swallow in][ a dry throat] -> [tried to swallow in a dry throat] 8945 [of ][our ] -> [of our ] 8946 [." ][A] -> [." A] 8947 [ur][ge ] -> [urge ] 8948 [ c][all ] -> [ call ] 8949 [out ][there] -> [out there] 8950 [ admin][ister] -> [ administer] 8951 [ d][en] -> [ den] 8952 [it ][was] -> [it was] 8953 [. F][ear] -> [. Fear] 8954 [lit][tle] -> [little] 8955 [can't ][be ] -> [can't be ] 8956 [ting][l] -> [tingl] 8957 [. How][ could ] -> [. How could ] 8958 [anim][al ] -> [animal ] 8959 [ens][ation] -> [ensation] 8960 [ in][creas] -> [ increas] 8961 [moun][ted ] -> [mounted ] 8962 [ c][ri] -> [ cri] 8963 [. With][out ] -> [. Without ] 8964 [ed his ][hand ] -> [ed his hand ] 8965 [, star][ed at ] -> [, stared at ] 8966 [Can]['t ] -> [Can't ] 8967 [s][lipped ] -> [slipped ] 8968 [ a h][igh] -> [ a high] 8969 [Could ][he ] -> [Could he ] 8970 [: "][H] -> [: "H] 8971 [cl][ou] -> [clou] 8972 [ref][er to] -> [refer to] 8973 [man][ag] -> [manag] 8974 [in the ][room] -> [in the room] 8975 [rill][i] -> [rilli] 8976 [re][e] -> [ree] 8977 [lik][eness ] -> [likeness ] 8978 [Or][ange ] -> [Orange ] 8979 [Orange ][C] -> [Orange C] 8980 [Orange C][athol] -> [Orange Cathol] 8981 [Orange Cathol][ic ] -> [Orange Catholic ] 8982 [Rev][ol] -> [Revol] 8983 [ h][uman ] -> [ human ] 8984 [ ch][ief] -> [ chief] 8985 [. Your][ ] -> [. Your ] 8986 [ed her][ attention] -> [ed her attention] 8987 [ to ][Paul] -> [ to Paul] 8988 [my ][mother ] -> [my mother ] 8989 [tic][ism] -> [ticism] 8990 [a he][av] -> [a heav] 8991 [," the old woman][ said. "] -> [," the old woman said. "] 8992 [ bod][y's ] -> [ body's ] 8993 [rep][ell] -> [repell] 8994 [one ][day ] -> [one day ] 8995 [g][if] -> [gif] 8996 [suc][ce] -> [succe] 8997 [shook][ her head] -> [shook her head] 8998 [to][ see the ] -> [to see the ] 8999 [des][k] -> [desk] 9000 [ ch][uck] -> [ chuck] 9001 [. I][s it ] -> [. Is it ] 9002 [it was ][the ] -> [it was the ] 9003 [gover][nor] -> [governor] 9004 [ s][ix] -> [ six] 9005 [to][ think] -> [to think] 9006 [ the ][Duke ] -> [ the Duke ] 9007 [-][fac] -> [-fac] 9008 [t][app] -> [tapp] 9009 [fold][ed ] -> [folded ] 9010 [opportun][ity ] -> [opportunity ] 9011 [ sh][ut ] -> [ shut ] 9012 [end][ett] -> [endett] 9013 [no][tic] -> [notic] 9014 [ fl][ash] -> [ flash] 9015 [h][ol] -> [hol] 9016 [because ][the ] -> [because the ] 9017 [."\u000a "][But ] -> [."\u000a "But ] 9018 [ex][ec] -> [exec] 9019 [?" \u000a The ][Baron] -> [?" \u000a The Baron] 9020 [Feyd][," the Baron said. "] -> [Feyd," the Baron said. "] 9021 [ b][e the ] -> [ be the ] 9022 [know][ing that ] -> [knowing that ] 9023 [effic][i] -> [effici] 9024 [?" ][Piter] -> [?" Piter] 9025 [must ][learn] -> [must learn] 9026 [eu][ver] -> [euver] 9027 [c][ast] -> [cast] 9028 [s of ][Arrakis] -> [s of Arrakis] 9029 [c][le, ] -> [cle, ] 9030 [shadow][s ] -> [shadows ] 9031 [ pre][dic] -> [ predic] 9032 [for the ][first ] -> [for the first ] 9033 [for][ me ] -> [for me ] 9034 [ w][isdom] -> [ wisdom] 9035 [Piter][, ] -> [Piter, ] 9036 [, ][Feyd] -> [, Feyd] 9037 [still][ ] -> [still ] 9038 [underst][and the ] -> [understand the ] 9039 [R][ep] -> [Rep] 9040 [iv][e, ] -> [ive, ] 9041 [obs][erve ] -> [observe ] 9042 [ bod][y, ] -> [ body, ] 9043 [y][s ] -> [ys ] 9044 [o you][ng] -> [o young] 9045 [an ][order] -> [an order] 9046 [eas][ier ] -> [easier ] 9047 [s within][ plan] -> [s within plan] 9048 [he][ir] -> [heir] 9049 [con][trac] -> [contrac] 9050 [ a p][lac] -> [ a plac] 9051 [circum][st] -> [circumst] 9052 [anc][es ] -> [ances ] 9053 [sh][ields ] -> [shields ] 9054 [for ][us ] -> [for us ] 9055 [appear][s ] -> [appears ] 9056 [A][m] -> [Am] 9057 [Count ][Fenr] -> [Count Fenr] 9058 [inter][est ] -> [interest ] 9059 [di][v] -> [div] 9060 [found ][that ] -> [found that ] 9061 [Imperial ][Con] -> [Imperial Con] 9062 [Imperial Con][dition] -> [Imperial Condition] 9063 [ist][er ] -> [ister ] 9064 [." \u000a "][In] -> [." \u000a "In] 9065 [im][e] -> [ime] 9066 [sp][ect ] -> [spect ] 9067 [to c][arry ] -> [to carry ] 9068 [is][on ] -> [ison ] 9069 [ . . . ][" \u000a "] -> [ . . . " \u000a "] 9070 [tell][ him] -> [tell him] 9071 [legion][s of Sardaukar] -> [legions of Sardaukar] 9072 [ f][anatic] -> [ fanatic] 9073 [:][ s] -> [: s] 9074 [auti][ous] -> [autious] 9075 [des][t ] -> [dest ] 9076 [sup][por] -> [suppor] 9077 [ sh][rugged. "] -> [ shrugged. "] 9078 [ will][ have ] -> [ will have ] 9079 [am][e s] -> [ame s] 9080 [will][ know] -> [will know] 9081 ['s ][the ] -> ['s the ] 9082 [ ][two] -> [ two] 9083 [St][. A] -> [St. A] 9084 [sp][r] -> [spr] 9085 [."][\u000a-from "] -> [."\u000a-from "] 9086 [Comment][aries] -> [Commentaries] 9087 [or][deal] -> [ordeal] 9088 [ wind][ow] -> [ window] 9089 [looked down][ at ] -> [looked down at ] 9090 [st][one ] -> [stone ] 9091 [ del][iber] -> [ deliber] 9092 [lifted ][her] -> [lifted her] 9093 [compl][ic] -> [complic] 9094 [s. ][We ] -> [s. We ] 9095 [b][its ] -> [bits ] 9096 [I ][need ] -> [I need ] 9097 [I][ do] -> [I do] 9098 [damn][able ] -> [damnable ] 9099 [transp][ort] -> [transport] 9100 [tu][res] -> [tures] 9101 [ a][ fe] -> [ a fe] 9102 [cul][ture ] -> [culture ] 9103 [. You][ ] -> [. You ] 9104 [ed][." \u000a ] -> [ed." \u000a ] 9105 [to s][erv] -> [to serv] 9106 [er][up] -> [erup] 9107 [ed her ][eyes, ] -> [ed her eyes, ] 9108 [Presently][, she ] -> [Presently, she ] 9109 [he]['ll not ] -> [he'll not ] 9110 [ ][any ] -> [ any ] 9111 [ su][ffer] -> [ suffer] 9112 [ p][ath] -> [ path] 9113 [ me ][as ] -> [ me as ] 9114 [me ][to ] -> [me to ] 9115 [ ][-- ] -> [ -- ] 9116 [ing][ my ] -> [ing my ] 9117 [H][uman] -> [Human] 9118 [ a][ st] -> [ a st] 9119 [ ][every ] -> [ every ] 9120 [ clos][ed his ] -> [ closed his ] 9121 [I can][ see ] -> [I can see ] 9122 [an ][open] -> [an open] 9123 [I ][remember] -> [I remember] 9124 [up][on ] -> [upon ] 9125 [ the s][hadow] -> [ the shadow] 9126 [cre][ech] -> [creech] 9127 [ man][, ] -> [ man, ] 9128 [of][ a m] -> [of a m] 9129 [in][ts ] -> [ints ] 9130 [c][ross ] -> [cross ] 9131 [face][. "] -> [face. "] 9132 [ mean][ing] -> [ meaning] 9133 [and ][p] -> [and p] 9134 [ec][ting] -> [ecting] 9135 [ my ][father] -> [ my father] 9136 [ there ][were ] -> [ there were ] 9137 [made ][her] -> [made her] 9138 [ tak][e the ] -> [ take the ] 9139 [ how][ much] -> [ how much] 9140 [need][s ] -> [needs ] 9141 [. Th][en the ] -> [. Then the ] 9142 [, the ][old ] -> [, the old ] 9143 [H][is] -> [His] 9144 [His][tory ] -> [History ] 9145 [old ][and ] -> [old and ] 9146 [in][tent ] -> [intent ] 9147 [. \u000a ][Paul ] -> [. \u000a Paul ] 9148 [ cl][oud ] -> [ cloud ] 9149 [a c][orn] -> [a corn] 9150 [. Haw][at's ] -> [. Hawat's ] 9151 [ a d][ark] -> [ a dark] 9152 [deep][ ] -> [deep ] 9153 [Lady ][Jessica ] -> [Lady Jessica ] 9154 [on the ][table] -> [on the table] 9155 [. He ][nodd] -> [. He nodd] 9156 [pret][ty ] -> [pretty ] 9157 [an][ hour] -> [an hour] 9158 [Arrakis ][has ] -> [Arrakis has ] 9159 [clos][ed ] -> [closed ] 9160 [s][' ] -> [s' ] 9161 [ur][e s] -> [ure s] 9162 [ing ][it, ] -> [ing it, ] 9163 [all ][around ] -> [all around ] 9164 [some][thing about ] -> [something about ] 9165 [your ][own ] -> [your own ] 9166 [When ][you ] -> [When you ] 9167 [ away ][from] -> [ away from] 9168 [ of][ these ] -> [ of these ] 9169 [ ][Hawat ] -> [ Hawat ] 9170 [to ][run] -> [to run] 9171 [ spit][e of] -> [ spite of] 9172 [ con][tin] -> [ contin] 9173 [ per][su] -> [ persu] 9174 [?" Hawat ][ask] -> [?" Hawat ask] 9175 [a ][real] -> [a real] 9176 [of the ][desert] -> [of the desert] 9177 [. You][ must ] -> [. You must ] 9178 [Do ][you know] -> [Do you know] 9179 [We ][do not ] -> [We do not ] 9180 [mo][st] -> [most] 9181 [fe][et, ] -> [feet, ] 9182 [me][et ] -> [meet ] 9183 [quick][ly ] -> [quickly ] 9184 [ever][ been] -> [ever been] 9185 [ed ][another] -> [ed another] 9186 [, the s][un] -> [, the sun] 9187 [he][el] -> [heel] 9188 [alis][et ] -> [aliset ] 9189 [And ][what ] -> [And what ] 9190 [fight][ing ] -> [fighting ] 9191 [ed ][a ch] -> [ed a ch] 9192 [."\u000a "][M] -> [."\u000a "M] 9193 [!" ][Gurney ] -> [!" Gurney ] 9194 [G][al] -> [Gal] 9195 [it ][for] -> [it for] 9196 [p][ick] -> [pick] 9197 [or][ation] -> [oration] 9198 [ed the ][air] -> [ed the air] 9199 [whi][pped ] -> [whipped ] 9200 [nak][ed ] -> [naked ] 9201 [of ][an ] -> [of an ] 9202 [ar][is] -> [aris] 9203 [dropp][ed his ] -> [dropped his ] 9204 [z][one ] -> [zone ] 9205 [e. ][Paul] -> [e. Paul] 9206 [ a][side, ] -> [ aside, ] 9207 [obey][ed] -> [obeyed] 9208 [each ][other ] -> [each other ] 9209 [, ][lean] -> [, lean] 9210 [hur][t ] -> [hurt ] 9211 [wor][ry ] -> [worry ] 9212 [. You]['re ] -> [. You're ] 9213 [, ][remember] -> [, remember] 9214 [."\u000a ][Halleck] -> [."\u000a Halleck] 9215 [no][d] -> [nod] 9216 [pr][actice ] -> [practice ] 9217 [from][ a ] -> [from a ] 9218 [his ][life ] -> [his life ] 9219 [man][ip] -> [manip] 9220 [manip][ul] -> [manipul] 9221 [young][er] -> [younger] 9222 [b][other] -> [bother] 9223 [up][ his ] -> [up his ] 9224 [ on][ him] -> [ on him] 9225 [)][, ] -> [), ] 9226 [10,1][9] -> [10,19] 9227 [Suk][ School] -> [Suk School] 9228 [ogr][aph] -> [ograph] 9229 [A][pp] -> [App] 9230 [ com][for] -> [ comfor] 9231 [voic][e.\u000a ] -> [voice.\u000a ] 9232 [qu][are ] -> [quare ] 9233 [am][ond ] -> [amond ] 9234 [amond ][tat] -> [amond tat] 9235 [.\u000a "][How] -> [.\u000a "How] 9236 [ ][view] -> [ view] 9237 [off][er] -> [offer] 9238 [ p][opulation] -> [ population] 9239 [ation][s of the ] -> [ations of the ] 9240 [.' "][\u000a "] -> [.' "\u000a "] 9241 [p][ic] -> [pic] 9242 [ see ][what ] -> [ see what ] 9243 [e." \u000a "][The ] -> [e." \u000a "The ] 9244 [ier][ce ] -> [ierce ] 9245 [?" Paul ask][ed. \u000a "] -> [?" Paul asked. \u000a "] 9246 [l][atitud] -> [latitud] 9247 [. W][orm] -> [. Worm] 9248 [ pro][jection] -> [ projection] 9249 [p][aper] -> [paper] 9250 [ch][arge ] -> [charge ] 9251 [ his ][mind ] -> [ his mind ] 9252 [as well][ as ] -> [as well as ] 9253 [not][ch] -> [notch] 9254 [ed ][a m] -> [ed a m] 9255 [, s][peak] -> [, speak] 9256 [to][ ask] -> [to ask] 9257 [stud][y ] -> [study ] 9258 [or][y ] -> [ory ] 9259 [tens][ion ] -> [tension ] 9260 [arm][or] -> [armor] 9261 [w][ept ] -> [wept ] 9262 [thing]['s ] -> [thing's ] 9263 [ h][om] -> [ hom] 9264 [: ][" . . . ] -> [: " . . . ] 9265 [ a c][orn] -> [ a corn] 9266 [ who][le ] -> [ whole ] 9267 [t]['ll be ] -> [t'll be ] 9268 [Arrakis][, ] -> [Arrakis, ] 9269 [a s][ubtle ] -> [a subtle ] 9270 [f][ist] -> [fist] 9271 [es][, but ] -> [es, but ] 9272 [ pro][duc] -> [ produc] 9273 [escap][e the ] -> [escape the ] 9274 [h][or] -> [hor] 9275 [o][tic] -> [otic] 9276 [Ec][az] -> [Ecaz] 9277 [R][ich] -> [Rich] 9278 [ pro][per] -> [ proper] 9279 [ de][gre] -> [ degre] 9280 [to con][sider] -> [to consider] 9281 [en][orm] -> [enorm] 9282 [enorm][ous ] -> [enormous ] 9283 [depend][ent ] -> [dependent ] 9284 [ a s][ingle ] -> [ a single ] 9285 [kill][ing] -> [killing] 9286 [at][ing, ] -> [ating, ] 9287 [ am][oun] -> [ amoun] 9288 [. A][fter] -> [. After] 9289 [ conf][usion] -> [ confusion] 9290 [enem][ies ] -> [enemies ] 9291 [up][por] -> [uppor] 9292 [it][ary ] -> [itary ] 9293 [on the ][other] -> [on the other] 9294 [ra][ise ] -> [raise ] 9295 [env][iron] -> [environ] 9296 [m][ys] -> [mys] 9297 [ing his ][attention] -> [ing his attention] 9298 [Fremen ][are ] -> [Fremen are ] 9299 [hun][ted ] -> [hunted ] 9300 [ain][tain] -> [aintain] 9301 [Paul thought][: ] -> [Paul thought: ] 9302 [os][e the ] -> [ose the ] 9303 [differ][ence ] -> [difference ] 9304 [him][ in] -> [him in] 9305 [ey][ond] -> [eyond] 9306 [ go][ing to] -> [ going to] 9307 [ among][ them] -> [ among them] 9308 [ w][anted ] -> [ wanted ] 9309 [now][ . . . ] -> [now . . . ] 9310 [ho][ck] -> [hock] 9311 [With][ the ] -> [With the ] 9312 [t][-] -> [t-] 9313 [ p][ers] -> [ pers] 9314 [op][li] -> [opli] 9315 [opli][a p] -> [oplia p] 9316 [oplia p][rop] -> [oplia prop] 9317 [oplia prop][hetic] -> [oplia prophetic] 9318 [now][ that the ] -> [now that the ] 9319 [under][estim] -> [underestim] 9320 [ hand][l] -> [ handl] 9321 [dep][os] -> [depos] 9322 [shadow][ed ] -> [shadowed ] 9323 [deep][ly ] -> [deeply ] 9324 [ w][arm] -> [ warm] 9325 [reach][ed ] -> [reached ] 9326 [she ][felt ] -> [she felt ] 9327 [here ][to ] -> [here to ] 9328 [tre][es ] -> [trees ] 9329 [to c][ho] -> [to cho] 9330 [to cho][ose ] -> [to choose ] 9331 [att][er of] -> [atter of] 9332 [. A][ p] -> [. A p] 9333 [into][ this ] -> [into this ] 9334 [s][ince ] -> [since ] 9335 [ud][der] -> [udder] 9336 [of ][Caladan] -> [of Caladan] 9337 [wh][ir] -> [whir] 9338 [passage ][to the ] -> [passage to the ] 9339 [," she said][. She ] -> [," she said. She ] 9340 [full][ of] -> [full of] 9341 [l][es and ] -> [les and ] 9342 [some ][of the ] -> [some of the ] 9343 [apar][tment] -> [apartment] 9344 [." He s][tepp] -> [." He stepp] 9345 [crip][tion] -> [cription] 9346 [s, ][not ] -> [s, not ] 9347 [Th][ank] -> [Thank] 9348 [her][ face ] -> [her face ] 9349 [Harkonnen][ m] -> [Harkonnen m] 9350 [quarter][s] -> [quarters] 9351 [I'm][ sure ] -> [I'm sure ] 9352 [ha][ve] -> [have] 9353 [ from][ her] -> [ from her] 9354 [ fore][head] -> [ forehead] 9355 [with][ m] -> [with m] 9356 [chang][e of] -> [change of] 9357 [inst][all] -> [install] 9358 [that ][we ] -> [that we ] 9359 [any][where ] -> [anywhere ] 9360 [ sl][amm] -> [ slamm] 9361 [ed.\u000a ][Jessica ] -> [ed.\u000a Jessica ] 9362 [Nob][le ] -> [Noble ] 9363 [ whirl][ed, ] -> [ whirled, ] 9364 [ b][ond] -> [ bond] 9365 [ated ][as ] -> [ated as ] 9366 [e][ted ] -> [eted ] 9367 [res][ist] -> [resist] 9368 [. I][ could ] -> [. I could ] 9369 [ro][ad ] -> [road ] 9370 [?" Jessica][ asked. "] -> [?" Jessica asked. "] 9371 [th][ousand ] -> [thousand ] 9372 [b][and ] -> [band ] 9373 [hun][ting ] -> [hunting ] 9374 [s][ham] -> [sham] 9375 [de][vi] -> [devi] 9376 [T][r] -> [Tr] 9377 [," Jessica said][, "] -> [," Jessica said, "] 9378 [s of][ my ] -> [s of my ] 9379 [e s][eem] -> [e seem] 9380 [," ][Mapes ] -> [," Mapes ] 9381 [with][ me, ] -> [with me, ] 9382 [.\u000a ][M] -> [.\u000a M] 9383 [held ][the ] -> [held the ] 9384 [to ][use ] -> [to use ] 9385 [revel][ation] -> [revelation] 9386 [s, ][a ] -> [s, a ] 9387 [ti][pped ] -> [tipped ] 9388 [. "][Who] -> [. "Who] 9389 [water ][is ] -> [water is ] 9390 [ense ][of ] -> [ense of ] 9391 [did ][you] -> [did you] 9392 [dri][ve ] -> [drive ] 9393 [fin][ish] -> [finish] 9394 [.\u000a A][n ] -> [.\u000a An ] 9395 [retre][ating] -> [retreating] 9396 [ing][ water] -> [ing water] 9397 [ing ][another] -> [ing another] 9398 [. \u000a ][Jessica ] -> [. \u000a Jessica ] 9399 [saw][ that ] -> [saw that ] 9400 [on][ her ] -> [on her ] 9401 [For][give ] -> [Forgive ] 9402 [Yueh][ ] -> [Yueh ] 9403 [reason][s ] -> [reasons ] 9404 [worm]['s ] -> [worm's ] 9405 [epar][ated ] -> [eparated ] 9406 [s][orb] -> [sorb] 9407 [?" she ask][ed.\u000a "] -> [?" she asked.\u000a "] 9408 [look][ at the ] -> [look at the ] 9409 [ se][ason] -> [ season] 9410 [Harkonnen][ c] -> [Harkonnen c] 9411 [bl][ind] -> [blind] 9412 [face ][and ] -> [face and ] 9413 [, think][ing of the ] -> [, thinking of the ] 9414 [lo][t] -> [lot] 9415 [c][ene ] -> [cene ] 9416 [il][ver] -> [ilver] 9417 [par][t] -> [part] 9418 [. They][ say ] -> [. They say ] 9419 [e][?" \u000a "] -> [e?" \u000a "] 9420 [ cur][ious ] -> [ curious ] 9421 [recogniz][e ] -> [recognize ] 9422 [uspic][ion] -> [uspicion] 9423 [ wind][trap] -> [ windtrap] 9424 [mo][isture] -> [moisture] 9425 [rugg][ed, ] -> [rugged, ] 9426 [ stud][i] -> [ studi] 9427 [.\u000a "][But ] -> [.\u000a "But ] 9428 [There ][were ] -> [There were ] 9429 [p][opulation] -> [population] 9430 [guard][s] -> [guards] 9431 [every][where ] -> [everywhere ] 9432 [adv][ance ] -> [advance ] 9433 [ ][no ] -> [ no ] 9434 [ing f][ig] -> [ing fig] 9435 [for][get ] -> [forget ] 9436 [is ][a c] -> [is a c] 9437 [a ][Harkonnen] -> [a Harkonnen] 9438 [r][am] -> [ram] 9439 [Can ][you ] -> [Can you ] 9440 [es ][a ] -> [es a ] 9441 [lif][e, ] -> [life, ] 9442 [Of course ][not] -> [Of course not] 9443 [not ][have ] -> [not have ] 9444 [do][ing] -> [doing] 9445 [never][ been] -> [never been] 9446 [sec][ret ] -> [secret ] 9447 [. "][B] -> [. "B] 9448 [arm][s, ] -> [arms, ] 9449 [ s][ave ] -> [ save ] 9450 [sp][e] -> [spe] 9451 [alm][ ] -> [alm ] 9452 [ex][pl] -> [expl] 9453 [ st][ay ] -> [ stay ] 9454 [att][ach] -> [attach] 9455 [step][s ] -> [steps ] 9456 [bur][row] -> [burrow] 9457 [Th][rough] -> [Through] 9458 [tran][sm] -> [transm] 9459 [targ][et] -> [target] 9460 [ter][, ] -> [ter, ] 9461 [to d][estroy ] -> [to destroy ] 9462 [as][gun] -> [asgun] 9463 [p][y] -> [py] 9464 [down][, ] -> [down, ] 9465 [let ][it ] -> [let it ] 9466 [me ][and ] -> [me and ] 9467 [Tell][ them] -> [Tell them] 9468 [ wh][ite ] -> [ white ] 9469 [to c][all] -> [to call] 9470 [, but ][there was ] -> [, but there was ] 9471 [res][ent ] -> [resent ] 9472 [would ][be s] -> [would be s] 9473 [dark][ly ] -> [darkly ] 9474 [follow][ed ] -> [followed ] 9475 [. F][rom] -> [. From] 9476 [ of ][Arrakis ] -> [ of Arrakis ] 9477 [ put ][a hand ] -> [ put a hand ] 9478 [looked ][like ] -> [looked like ] 9479 [tr][ouble ] -> [trouble ] 9480 [, h][ur] -> [, hur] 9481 [prob][ably ] -> [probably ] 9482 [had ][to be ] -> [had to be ] 9483 [ we][ight ] -> [ weight ] 9484 [gre][ener] -> [greener] 9485 [!\u000a ][She ] -> [!\u000a She ] 9486 [par][ted ] -> [parted ] 9487 [appear][ed to be ] -> [appeared to be ] 9488 [p][ace ] -> [pace ] 9489 [. T][o ] -> [. To ] 9490 [bu][ilt ] -> [built ] 9491 [he's ][been] -> [he's been] 9492 [stud][ied ] -> [studied ] 9493 [p][ad] -> [pad] 9494 [ ][F] -> [ F] 9495 [cod][e ] -> [code ] 9496 [back][ of the ] -> [back of the ] 9497 [ator][y ] -> [atory ] 9498 [c][aught the ] -> [caught the ] 9499 [. W][ater] -> [. Water] 9500 [suppos][ed to] -> [supposed to] 9501 [."\u000a ][But ] -> [."\u000a But ] 9502 [ure][ly] -> [urely] 9503 [ing ][now] -> [ing now] 9504 [ sil][ence, ] -> [ silence, ] 9505 [him][ and ] -> [him and ] 9506 [ed ][three ] -> [ed three ] 9507 [to the ][south] -> [to the south] 9508 [at][es the ] -> [ates the ] 9509 [landscap][e, ] -> [landscape, ] 9510 [i][lo] -> [ilo] 9511 [ing ][around ] -> [ing around ] 9512 [ c][liff] -> [ cliff] 9513 [S][ome] -> [Some] 9514 [of ][Hawat's ] -> [of Hawat's ] 9515 [. W][ould ] -> [. Would ] 9516 [ that ][his ] -> [ that his ] 9517 [ h][orizon] -> [ horizon] 9518 [ha][z] -> [haz] 9519 [bl][ue] -> [blue] 9520 [leg][al] -> [legal] 9521 [Houses ][Minor] -> [Houses Minor] 9522 [lif][e of] -> [life of] 9523 [troop][ carri] -> [troop carri] 9524 [of his ][own] -> [of his own] 9525 [. If][ ] -> [. If ] 9526 [through][ him] -> [through him] 9527 [c][entr] -> [centr] 9528 [al][ong ] -> [along ] 9529 [vib][r] -> [vibr] 9530 [emb][ly ] -> [embly ] 9531 [p][are ] -> [pare ] 9532 [b][ag] -> [bag] 9533 [gr][av] -> [grav] 9534 [cl][utch] -> [clutch] 9535 [pre][fer] -> [prefer] 9536 [. H][all] -> [. Hall] 9537 [. Hall][eck] -> [. Halleck] 9538 [kept ][his ] -> [kept his ] 9539 [troub][le] -> [trouble] 9540 [. S][ire] -> [. Sire] 9541 [. If][ we ] -> [. If we ] 9542 [breath][ing] -> [breathing] 9543 [with ][us] -> [with us] 9544 [ug][gest] -> [uggest] 9545 [ a][u] -> [ au] 9546 [rece][i] -> [recei] 9547 [es][. ] -> [es. ] 9548 [a w][ild ] -> [a wild ] 9549 [f][aith] -> [faith] 9550 [when ][it ] -> [when it ] 9551 [and ][Paul] -> [and Paul] 9552 [f][ashion] -> [fashion] 9553 [around ][it] -> [around it] 9554 [w][ise ] -> [wise ] 9555 [ down][ to the ] -> [ down to the ] 9556 [leather][y ] -> [leathery ] 9557 [coun][t ] -> [count ] 9558 [ po][int ] -> [ point ] 9559 [C][all] -> [Call] 9560 [ar][e, ] -> [are, ] 9561 [w][i] -> [wi] 9562 [up][ and ] -> [up and ] 9563 [c][ropp] -> [cropp] 9564 [to][ ad] -> [to ad] 9565 [su][its ] -> [suits ] 9566 [sur][round] -> [surround] 9567 [car][eful] -> [careful] 9568 [a f][ighting] -> [a fighting] 9569 [Hawat][. "] -> [Hawat. "] 9570 [ be][tray] -> [ betray] 9571 [to men][tion] -> [to mention] 9572 [What's ][the ] -> [What's the ] 9573 [ornithop][ters ] -> [ornithopters ] 9574 [then][: "] -> [then: "] 9575 [c][ost ] -> [cost ] 9576 [." He ][looked at ] -> [." He looked at ] 9577 [discus][s] -> [discuss] 9578 [ far][ther] -> [ farther] 9579 [Idaho]['s ] -> [Idaho's ] 9580 [ shield][s] -> [ shields] 9581 [to][ put ] -> [to put ] 9582 [Fremen ][and ] -> [Fremen and ] 9583 [mo][stly ] -> [mostly ] 9584 [ fac][tory ] -> [ factory ] 9585 [ab][ly] -> [ably] 9586 [sharp][ly ] -> [sharply ] 9587 [at][e. ] -> [ate. ] 9588 [Un][less ] -> [Unless ] 9589 [put ][the ] -> [put the ] 9590 [transp][ort ] -> [transport ] 9591 [ach][i] -> [achi] 9592 [wh][at's ] -> [what's ] 9593 [im][in] -> [imin] 9594 [entire][ly ] -> [entirely ] 9595 [re][d-] -> [red-] 9596 [ dist][urb] -> [ disturb] 9597 [ted ][him] -> [ted him] 9598 [bent ][over the ] -> [bent over the ] 9599 [weapon][s ] -> [weapons ] 9600 [ c][ourier] -> [ courier] 9601 [ which][ you] -> [ which you] 9602 [.\u000a "][This is ] -> [.\u000a "This is ] 9603 [ear][n] -> [earn] 9604 [around the ][table ] -> [around the table ] 9605 [out ][of his ] -> [out of his ] 9606 [for ][our] -> [for our] 9607 [. There ][is ] -> [. There is ] 9608 [. You][ are ] -> [. You are ] 9609 [ar][y s] -> [ary s] 9610 [ of the ][Fremen] -> [ of the Fremen] 9611 [. They]['d ] -> [. They'd ] 9612 [soon][ as ] -> [soon as ] 9613 [we ][could ] -> [we could ] 9614 [," Paul][ said ] -> [," Paul said ] 9615 [gre][ater ] -> [greater ] 9616 [ar][ose, ] -> [arose, ] 9617 [ts ][of] -> [ts of] 9618 [ad][equ] -> [adequ] 9619 [ all][ow] -> [ allow] 9620 [ess][ment ] -> [essment ] 9621 [aren]['t ] -> [aren't ] 9622 [ the ][old ] -> [ the old ] 9623 [ac][ted ] -> [acted ] 9624 [w][ild] -> [wild] 9625 [ah][di] -> [ahdi] 9626 [cep][ti] -> [cepti] 9627 [cepti][ble ] -> [ceptible ] 9628 [su][le ] -> [sule ] 9629 [c][ould've ] -> [could've ] 9630 [con][stant ] -> [constant ] 9631 [ve][ill] -> [veill] 9632 [Leto][ thought] -> [Leto thought] 9633 [c][lip] -> [clip] 9634 [alys][is ] -> [alysis ] 9635 [them][ to ] -> [them to ] 9636 [." \u000a "][R] -> [." \u000a "R] 9637 [ di][pp] -> [ dipp] 9638 [ dark][ness] -> [ darkness] 9639 [. They ][are ] -> [. They are ] 9640 [oriz][on ] -> [orizon ] 9641 [.\u000a ][Then] -> [.\u000a Then] 9642 [ sh][ort ] -> [ short ] 9643 [myster][ious ] -> [mysterious ] 9644 [su][ff] -> [suff] 9645 [ thought][s ] -> [ thoughts ] 9646 [E][l] -> [El] 9647 [a c][ertain] -> [a certain] 9648 [natur][al ] -> [natural ] 9649 [gu][errill] -> [guerrill] 9650 [l][imp] -> [limp] 9651 [ec][r] -> [ecr] 9652 [ord][er ] -> [order ] 9653 [stra][ighten] -> [straighten] 9654 [time ][and ] -> [time and ] 9655 [.\u000a-]["] -> [.\u000a-"] 9656 [hak][en] -> [haken] 9657 [door][s ] -> [doors ] 9658 [-][p] -> [-p] 9659 [clo][ak] -> [cloak] 9660 [prophec][y] -> [prophecy] 9661 [young][ M] -> [young M] 9662 [ar][se ] -> [arse ] 9663 [Planetolog][ist] -> [Planetologist] 9664 [ f][ellow] -> [ fellow] 9665 [a p][rec] -> [a prec] 9666 [ carr][y ] -> [ carry ] 9667 [."\u000a ][Kynes ] -> [."\u000a Kynes ] 9668 [s][)] -> [s)] 9669 [ fre][edom] -> [ freedom] 9670 [especi][ally ] -> [especially ] 9671 [ed ][water] -> [ed water] 9672 [pock][ets ] -> [pockets ] 9673 [tu][be] -> [tube] 9674 [conven][i] -> [conveni] 9675 [ with][ a p] -> [ with a p] 9676 [ a s][tillsuit ] -> [ a stillsuit ] 9677 [cl][am] -> [clam] 9678 [s][ter] -> [ster] 9679 [it]['ll] -> [it'll] 9680 [," Kynes said][. "You] -> [," Kynes said. "You] 9681 [bro][ken ] -> [broken ] 9682 [as][m] -> [asm] 9683 [ b][asin] -> [ basin] 9684 [kni][ves ] -> [knives ] 9685 [ h][ard] -> [ hard] 9686 [test][ing] -> [testing] 9687 [is][, ] -> [is, ] 9688 [sub][tle] -> [subtle] 9689 [ and ][a ] -> [ and a ] 9690 [plan][ts ] -> [plants ] 9691 [around][, ] -> [around, ] 9692 [ the s][torm] -> [ the storm] 9693 [tur][bul] -> [turbul] 9694 [log][g] -> [logg] 9695 [unn][atur] -> [unnatur] 9696 [ con][ceal] -> [ conceal] 9697 [. Do ][you ] -> [. Do you ] 9698 [ of][ their] -> [ of their] 9699 [survi][v] -> [surviv] 9700 [ ][around ] -> [ around ] 9701 [High][ ] -> [High ] 9702 [ring][ seg] -> [ring seg] 9703 [to w][alk] -> [to walk] 9704 [. ][Presently, he ] -> [. Presently, he ] 9705 [ul][t ] -> [ult ] 9706 [cup][p] -> [cupp] 9707 [ the s][udden] -> [ the sudden] 9708 [sur][g] -> [surg] 9709 [ahead ][of them] -> [ahead of them] 9710 [.\u000a ][Where ] -> [.\u000a Where ] 9711 [Delta ][A] -> [Delta A] 9712 [Delta A][j] -> [Delta Aj] 9713 [Delta Aj][ax ] -> [Delta Ajax ] 9714 [Delta Ajax ][nin] -> [Delta Ajax nin] 9715 [ for][ce] -> [ force] 9716 [p][ok] -> [pok] 9717 [ed ][more ] -> [ed more ] 9718 [in][ a c] -> [in a c] 9719 [ing a][l] -> [ing al] 9720 [m][achine ] -> [machine ] 9721 [out ][of s] -> [out of s] 9722 [e of][f] -> [e off] 9723 [mm][edi] -> [mmedi] 9724 [d][ouble ] -> [double ] 9725 [em][er] -> [emer] 9726 [F][our] -> [Four] 9727 [l][ouder] -> [louder] 9728 [dis][ciplin] -> [disciplin] 9729 [. I][s that ] -> [. Is that ] 9730 [began ][to ] -> [began to ] 9731 [dec][ep] -> [decep] 9732 [ c][ircl] -> [ circl] 9733 [ st][ation] -> [ station] 9734 [ d][anger] -> [ danger] 9735 [Paul ][Atreides] -> [Paul Atreides] 9736 [re][ature ] -> [reature ] 9737 [ par][t ] -> [ part ] 9738 [ank][ind] -> [ankind] 9739 [a f][eel] -> [a feel] 9740 [ton][ight] -> [tonight] 9741 [ed.\u000a ][He s] -> [ed.\u000a He s] 9742 [ w][ater and ] -> [ water and ] 9743 [dom][in] -> [domin] 9744 [z][ed ] -> [zed ] 9745 [Paul][ was ] -> [Paul was ] 9746 [ . . . ][ah] -> [ . . . ah] 9747 [beginn][ing to ] -> [beginning to ] 9748 [," ][Bewt ] -> [," Bewt ] 9749 [ a][ thing] -> [ a thing] 9750 [org][ani] -> [organi] 9751 [sh][or] -> [shor] 9752 [ed her][ hand ] -> [ed her hand ] 9753 [voic][ed ] -> [voiced ] 9754 [people ][have ] -> [people have ] 9755 [guest][s ] -> [guests ] 9756 [d][inner ] -> [dinner ] 9757 [aff][air] -> [affair] 9758 [a f][ool] -> [a fool] 9759 [in the ][deep] -> [in the deep] 9760 [him][."\u000a "] -> [him."\u000a "] 9761 [muggl][er] -> [muggler] 9762 [lit][tle s] -> [little s] 9763 [Why ][is ] -> [Why is ] 9764 [. This ][was the ] -> [. This was the ] 9765 [water][ flagon] -> [water flagon] 9766 [f][ted ] -> [fted ] 9767 [gest][ure ] -> [gesture ] 9768 [old][en ] -> [olden ] 9769 [words ][of ] -> [words of ] 9770 [aught][er ] -> [aughter ] 9771 [uper][b] -> [uperb] 9772 [fr][action] -> [fraction] 9773 [ee][ch] -> [eech] 9774 [in][e, ] -> [ine, ] 9775 [who][ was ] -> [who was ] 9776 [ir][ds ] -> [irds ] 9777 [ ac][cur] -> [ accur] 9778 [ said. "][I] -> [ said. "I] 9779 [trugg][le ] -> [truggle ] 9780 [o][lo] -> [olo] 9781 [on][ their ] -> [on their ] 9782 [over the ][desert] -> [over the desert] 9783 [l][ap] -> [lap] 9784 [kill][ed him] -> [killed him] 9785 [in his ][voice, ] -> [in his voice, ] 9786 [fac][t] -> [fact] 9787 [ex][isten] -> [existen] 9788 [never][ be ] -> [never be ] 9789 [pi][lot ] -> [pilot ] 9790 [long ][time ] -> [long time ] 9791 [s][." \u000a ] -> [s." \u000a ] 9792 [," he ][mutter] -> [," he mutter] 9793 [in][ d] -> [in d] 9794 [wall][s ] -> [walls ] 9795 [? Jessica ask][ed herself] -> [? Jessica asked herself] 9796 [tem][por] -> [tempor] 9797 [ per][f] -> [ perf] 9798 [earli][er] -> [earlier] 9799 [ant][, ] -> [ant, ] 9800 [ pur][pos] -> [ purpos] 9801 [fle][w] -> [flew] 9802 [ful][ ] -> [ful ] 9803 [was ][not ] -> [was not ] 9804 [explos][ion] -> [explosion] 9805 [. \u000a ][Again] -> [. \u000a Again] 9806 [ between][ them] -> [ between them] 9807 [u][h] -> [uh] 9808 [? ][S] -> [? S] 9809 [Dr][ink] -> [Drink] 9810 [. And she ][thought: ] -> [. And she thought: ] 9811 [no][ way ] -> [no way ] 9812 [ ac][t ] -> [ act ] 9813 [ bec][ame ] -> [ became ] 9814 [?" she ][demand] -> [?" she demand] 9815 [dri][pp] -> [dripp] 9816 [acc][umul] -> [accumul] 9817 [ed at ][her] -> [ed at her] 9818 [plac][ed ] -> [placed ] 9819 [ back][ into the ] -> [ back into the ] 9820 [lieuten][ants ] -> [lieutenants ] 9821 [e][ge] -> [ege] 9822 [to ][it] -> [to it] 9823 [c][ause ] -> [cause ] 9824 [ness ][of] -> [ness of] 9825 [in ][Paul] -> [in Paul] 9826 [tar][ed at ] -> [tared at ] 9827 [rig][id ] -> [rigid ] 9828 [now][ that ] -> [now that ] 9829 [for][ her ] -> [for her ] 9830 [b][rough] -> [brough] 9831 [brough][t the ] -> [brought the ] 9832 [pass][ag] -> [passag] 9833 [illumin][ation] -> [illumination] 9834 [captur][ed ] -> [captured ] 9835 [ ask][ed himself] -> [ asked himself] 9836 [too ][late] -> [too late] 9837 [sid][e] -> [side] 9838 [my ][dear ] -> [my dear ] 9839 [ha][it] -> [hait] 9840 [do][ this ] -> [do this ] 9841 [t][ugg] -> [tugg] 9842 [ mus][cles] -> [ muscles] 9843 [in the ][dark] -> [in the dark] 9844 [g][ag] -> [gag] 9845 [rec][ed] -> [reced] 9846 [ed. "][We ] -> [ed. "We ] 9847 [es][, the ] -> [es, the ] 9848 [voic][e. ] -> [voice. ] 9849 [ wonder][ed ] -> [ wondered ] 9850 [the ][Baron] -> [the Baron] 9851 [he ][has ] -> [he has ] 9852 [one][. The ] -> [one. The ] 9853 [," ][Scar] -> [," Scar] 9854 [," Scar][fac] -> [," Scarfac] 9855 [," Scarfac][e said] -> [," Scarface said] 9856 [no more ][than ] -> [no more than ] 9857 [litter-][bear] -> [litter-bear] 9858 [."\u000a "][Ah-h-h] -> [."\u000a "Ah-h-h] 9859 [pow][ers ] -> [powers ] 9860 [se][at] -> [seat] 9861 ['thopter]['s ] -> ['thopter's ] 9862 [like ][this] -> [like this] 9863 [in][u] -> [inu] 9864 [ l][ay ] -> [ lay ] 9865 [ clear][ed his throat] -> [ cleared his throat] 9866 [wind][-] -> [wind-] 9867 [Harkonnen ][uniform] -> [Harkonnen uniform] 9868 [, th][ey] -> [, they] 9869 [us][ed to ] -> [used to ] 9870 [ed his ][way ] -> [ed his way ] 9871 [Frem][kit ] -> [Fremkit ] 9872 [ar][till] -> [artill] 9873 [. The ][Sardaukar] -> [. The Sardaukar] 9874 [p][romis] -> [promis] 9875 [how][ he ] -> [how he ] 9876 [old ][fool] -> [old fool] 9877 [an][ accident] -> [an accident] 9878 [. "I][ am] -> [. "I am] 9879 [ence ][of ] -> [ence of ] 9880 [age ][of ] -> [age of ] 9881 [, ][studying the ] -> [, studying the ] 9882 [ ][until] -> [ until] 9883 [ b][ab] -> [ bab] 9884 [r][ise ] -> [rise ] 9885 [cap][tive ] -> [captive ] 9886 [ s][uddenly ] -> [ suddenly ] 9887 [quick][ly] -> [quickly] 9888 [!][ the Baron thought] -> [! the Baron thought] 9889 [, ][a p] -> [, a p] 9890 [lack][ey] -> [lackey] 9891 [ f][er] -> [ fer] 9892 [his ][s] -> [his s] 9893 [ plan][ted ] -> [ planted ] 9894 [re][in] -> [rein] 9895 [ w][ind ] -> [ wind ] 9896 [a s][and ] -> [a sand ] 9897 [in the ][way ] -> [in the way ] 9898 [ sm][all ] -> [ small ] 9899 [ahad][di] -> [ahaddi] 9900 [ d][at] -> [ dat] 9901 [his ][mind ] -> [his mind ] 9902 [words ][had ] -> [words had ] 9903 [words][: "] -> [words: "] 9904 [," Paul said. "][They ] -> [," Paul said. "They ] 9905 [ex][termin] -> [extermin] 9906 [ure ][of the ] -> [ure of the ] 9907 [anctu][ary ] -> [anctuary ] 9908 [e, but ][the ] -> [e, but the ] 9909 [ found ][the ] -> [ found the ] 9910 [fac][e. ] -> [face. ] 9911 [sp][h] -> [sph] 9912 [sph][inc] -> [sphinc] 9913 [ d][o you] -> [ do you] 9914 [pill][ar] -> [pillar] 9915 [ . . . " ][\u000a ] -> [ . . . " \u000a ] 9916 [man][ual] -> [manual] 9917 [." \u000a "][Paul] -> [." \u000a "Paul] 9918 [terr][ain] -> [terrain] 9919 [.\u000a "][No] -> [.\u000a "No] 9920 [How][ can ] -> [How can ] 9921 [-][L] -> [-L] 9922 [ing a][b] -> [ing ab] 9923 [ direc][tion] -> [ direction] 9924 [ c][ul] -> [ cul] 9925 [eop][le] -> [eople] 9926 [c][atal] -> [catal] 9927 [in][ him] -> [in him] 9928 [ t][emper] -> [ temper] 9929 [O.C. B][ible ] -> [O.C. Bible ] 9930 [as ][much] -> [as much] 9931 [pre][gn] -> [pregn] 9932 [surfac][e of] -> [surface of] 9933 [ presci][ent ] -> [ prescient ] 9934 [S][hai-hulud] -> [Shai-hulud] 9935 [ m][ine] -> [ mine] 9936 [leg][ions ] -> [legions ] 9937 [race ][consciousness ] -> [race consciousness ] 9938 [comm][on ] -> [common ] 9939 [ dr][agg] -> [ dragg] 9940 [.\u000a "][It was ] -> [.\u000a "It was ] 9941 [. There ][had been] -> [. There had been] 9942 [enti][r] -> [entir] 9943 [ w][ound] -> [ wound] 9944 [ing ][place ] -> [ing place ] 9945 [no][se] -> [nose] 9946 [down][ to the ] -> [down to the ] 9947 [face ][of the ] -> [face of the ] 9948 [dun][es] -> [dunes] 9949 [ s][av] -> [ sav] 9950 [tribe]['s ] -> [tribe's ] 9951 [Th][eir] -> [Their] 9952 [ust][-] -> [ust-] 9953 [s][ett] -> [sett] 9954 [un][shield] -> [unshield] 9955 [Arrakis A][w] -> [Arrakis Aw] 9956 [Arrakis Aw][akening] -> [Arrakis Awakening] 9957 [j][et] -> [jet] 9958 [?" Paul ask][ed. "] -> [?" Paul asked. "] 9959 [st][agger] -> [stagger] 9960 [ur][round] -> [urround] 9961 [ sc][atter] -> [ scatter] 9962 [ bo][il] -> [ boil] 9963 [ s][torm] -> [ storm] 9964 [ pass][age ] -> [ passage ] 9965 [ d][evelop] -> [ develop] 9966 [, ][Rabban] -> [, Rabban] 9967 [-m][ind] -> [-mind] 9968 [br][ain] -> [brain] 9969 [, ][found ] -> [, found ] 9970 [ in][s] -> [ ins] 9971 [his ][own ] -> [his own ] 9972 [you][ cannot ] -> [you cannot ] 9973 [, ][they ] -> [, they ] 9974 [ing][le] -> [ingle] 9975 [," Paul said. "][I] -> [," Paul said. "I] 9976 [f][issure ] -> [fissure ] 9977 [ind][u] -> [indu] 9978 [lop][e, ] -> [lope, ] 9979 [," she said][, and ] -> [," she said, and ] 9980 [ a][im] -> [ aim] 9981 [ with][ her] -> [ with her] 9982 [oil][ l] -> [oil l] 9983 [we][ed] -> [weed] 9984 [no ][need ] -> [no need ] 9985 [ prot][ect ] -> [ protect ] 9986 [ev][ent] -> [event] 9987 [. "][My ] -> [. "My ] 9988 [ur][e of] -> [ure of] 9989 [is][ions ] -> [isions ] 9990 [must ][be] -> [must be] 9991 [let ][them] -> [let them] 9992 [Lump][! ] -> [Lump! ] 9993 [ mus][cles ] -> [ muscles ] 9994 [telesc][op] -> [telescop] 9995 [follow][ed the ] -> [followed the ] 9996 [ a][ step] -> [ a step] 9997 [high][est ] -> [highest ] 9998 [ph][et ] -> [phet ] 9999 [ by ][a ] -> [ by a ] 10000 [It ][is the ] -> [It is the ] 10001 [weirding][ way] -> [weirding way] 10002 [O][ut ] -> [Out ] 10003 [.\u000a ][Stilgar ] -> [.\u000a Stilgar ] 10004 [S][ietch ] -> [Sietch ] 10005 [Sietch ][Tabr] -> [Sietch Tabr] 10006 [ h][id ] -> [ hid ] 10007 [prop][er ] -> [proper ] 10008 [stat][ement ] -> [statement ] 10009 [this ][day] -> [this day] 10010 [c][halleng] -> [challeng] 10011 [ing m][emor] -> [ing memor] 10012 [ th][y ] -> [ thy ] 10013 [dis][trac] -> [distrac] 10014 [ de][w] -> [ dew] 10015 [.\u000a ][Jamis ] -> [.\u000a Jamis ] 10016 [girl][-] -> [girl-] 10017 [in the c][avern] -> [in the cavern] 10018 [el][ected ] -> [elected ] 10019 [ness ][of the ] -> [ness of the ] 10020 [ceremon][y ] -> [ceremony ] 10021 [is][ol] -> [isol] 10022 [ ch][ant] -> [ chant] 10023 [r][ings ] -> [rings ] 10024 [! ][Feyd-Rautha thought] -> [! Feyd-Rautha thought] 10025 [aren][a, ] -> [arena, ] 10026 [fool][ish] -> [foolish] 10027 [ pr][ison] -> [ prison] 10028 [hook][s ] -> [hooks ] 10029 [au][di] -> [audi] 10030 [slav][emaster] -> [slavemaster] 10031 [Let ][them] -> [Let them] 10032 [Chani][ was ] -> [Chani was ] 10033 [Reverend Mother ][Ram] -> [Reverend Mother Ram] 10034 [Reverend Mother Ram][all] -> [Reverend Mother Ramall] 10035 [Reverend Mother Ramall][o] -> [Reverend Mother Ramallo] 10036 [lead][ers ] -> [leaders ] 10037 [," Chani said][. She ] -> [," Chani said. She ] 10038 [ps][ych] -> [psych] 10039 [within][ her] -> [within her] 10040 [mut][ual] -> [mutual] 10041 [that ][is ] -> [that is ] 10042 [ihay][a] -> [ihaya] 10043 [not ][yet ] -> [not yet ] 10044 [ reli][gion] -> [ religion] 10045 [," Feyd-Rautha][ said. "] -> [," Feyd-Rautha said. "] 10046 [e of th][y ] -> [e of thy ] 10047 [rid][e the ] -> [ride the ] 10048 [mak][er ] -> [maker ] 10049 [Ali][a s] -> [Alia s] 10050 [Alia][. "] -> [Alia. "] 10051 [a][! Y] -> [a! Y] 10052 [ev][it] -> [evit] 10053 [Water of Lif][e] -> [Water of Life] 10054 [! Muad'Dib][! Muad'Dib] -> [! Muad'Dib! Muad'Dib] 10055 [!"][ some] -> [!" some] 10056 [. ][Gurney ] -> [. Gurney ] 10057 [K][orb] -> [Korb] 10058 [Feday][kin ] -> [Fedaykin ] 10059 [?" Paul][ demand] -> [?" Paul demand] 10060 [telesc][ope ] -> [telescope ] 10061 [."\u000a The ][Emperor] -> [."\u000a The Emperor] 10062 [R][oyal] -> [Royal] 10063 [�][�] -> [�] 10064 [�][�] -> [�] 10065 [Butlerian Ji][had] -> [Butlerian Jihad] 10066 [A][C] -> [AC] 10067 [eg][ates ] -> [egates ] 10068 [. \u000a][B] -> [. \u000aB] 10069 [2][0] -> [20] 10070 [Siridar][-] -> [Siridar-] 10071 [A][B] -> [AB] 10072 [ planet ][of ] -> [ planet of ] 10073 [: ][idiomatic] -> [: idiomatic] 10074 [H][O] -> [HO] 10075 [U][R] -> [UR] 10076 [H][I] -> [HI] 10077 [AT][H] -> [ATH] 10078 [E][C] -> [EC] 10079 [-][S] -> [-S] 10080 [." ][\u000a] -> [." \u000a] 10081 [. \u000a][G] -> [. \u000aG] 10082 [U][D] -> [UD] 10083 [AN][: ] -> [AN: ] 10084 [. \u000a][M] -> [. \u000aM] 10085 [.\u000a][P] -> [.\u000aP] 10086 [AT][ER] -> [ATER] 10087 [we][ek] -> [week] 10088 [C][as] -> [Cas] 10089 [Cas][tle ] -> [Castle ] 10090 [-s][ix] -> [-six] 10091 [co][ol] -> [cool] 10092 [we][at ] -> [weat ] 10093 [of his ][mother] -> [of his mother] 10094 [a w][itch] -> [a witch] 10095 [hood][ed ] -> [hooded ] 10096 [ star][t ] -> [ start ] 10097 [Your ][Rever] -> [Your Rever] 10098 [a d][uke's ] -> [a duke's ] 10099 [concub][ine ] -> [concubine ] 10100 [.\u000a ][There ] -> [.\u000a There ] 10101 [Plan][et] -> [Planet] 10102 [ort][al ] -> [ortal ] 10103 [ing to][ be ] -> [ing to be ] 10104 [ as][leep] -> [ asleep] 10105 [all ][around him] -> [all around him] 10106 [light ][of ] -> [light of ] 10107 [ while ][he ] -> [ while he ] 10108 [to][ feel] -> [to feel] 10109 [world ][of ] -> [world of ] 10110 [, ][without ] -> [, without ] 10111 [. Dr][. Yueh] -> [. Dr. Yueh] 10112 [au][f] -> [auf] 10113 [auf][rel] -> [aufrel] 10114 [aufrel][uch] -> [aufreluch] 10115 [no][ c] -> [no c] 10116 [ed ][me] -> [ed me] 10117 [ex][t] -> [ext] 10118 [ d][estroy] -> [ destroy] 10119 [pro][duce ] -> [produce ] 10120 [require][s ] -> [requires ] 10121 [your][ g] -> [your g] 10122 [im][per] -> [imper] 10123 [man][ent ] -> [manent ] 10124 [with][in ] -> [within ] 10125 [ov][er and ] -> [over and ] 10126 [ak][e] -> [ake] 10127 [in][t of ] -> [int of ] 10128 [uti][a] -> [utia] 10129 [ c][rest ] -> [ crest ] 10130 [s][he] -> [she] 10131 [tell][ her] -> [tell her] 10132 [." ][Jessica] -> [." Jessica] 10133 [beside ][his ] -> [beside his ] 10134 [ed. "][Don't ] -> [ed. "Don't ] 10135 [ cross][ed to the ] -> [ crossed to the ] 10136 ['ll ][learn] -> ['ll learn] 10137 [hur][ry] -> [hurry] 10138 [u][lan] -> [ulan] 10139 [here ][was ] -> [here was ] 10140 [requir][ed ] -> [required ] 10141 [responsib][ility ] -> [responsibility ] 10142 [ on][ly] -> [ only] 10143 [us ][a ] -> [us a ] 10144 [pac][es ] -> [paces ] 10145 [ hear][t] -> [ heart] 10146 [ p][ul] -> [ pul] 10147 [black][-] -> [black-] 10148 [ cannot ][be ] -> [ cannot be ] 10149 [dis][dain] -> [disdain] 10150 [a man][ who] -> [a man who] 10151 [ app][reci] -> [ appreci] 10152 [ br][av] -> [ brav] 10153 [. W][e shall] -> [. We shall] 10154 [behind ][her] -> [behind her] 10155 [himself][ ] -> [himself ] 10156 [ about ][it] -> [ about it] 10157 [. He s][topp] -> [. He stopp] 10158 [ing b][eside ] -> [ing beside ] 10159 [From][ the ] -> [From the ] 10160 [it ][them] -> [it them] 10161 [ against ][his ] -> [ against his ] 10162 [close ][to the ] -> [close to the ] 10163 [star][ted to ] -> [started to ] 10164 [eyes][, the ] -> [eyes, the ] 10165 [met][al ] -> [metal ] 10166 [tim][es, ] -> [times, ] 10167 [a ][new ] -> [a new ] 10168 [?" he demand][ed.\u000a "] -> [?" he demanded.\u000a "] 10169 [inv][ol] -> [invol] 10170 [. ][Keep] -> [. Keep] 10171 [With][draw] -> [Withdraw] 10172 [ to][ still] -> [ to still] 10173 [, he ][knew] -> [, he knew] 10174 [. Fear][ is the ] -> [. Fear is the ] 10175 [to p][ass ] -> [to pass ] 10176 [I will][ ] -> [I will ] 10177 [hand ][and ] -> [hand and ] 10178 [ with][ my ] -> [ with my ] 10179 [es ][you] -> [es you] 10180 [P][ain] -> [Pain] 10181 [tight][ly ] -> [tightly ] 10182 [to][gether] -> [together] 10183 [be ][a ] -> [be a ] 10184 ['ve ][heard ] -> ['ve heard ] 10185 [anim][als ] -> [animals ] 10186 [into][ a f] -> [into a f] 10187 [other][ hand] -> [other hand] 10188 [ g][asp] -> [ gasp] 10189 [emp][ti] -> [empti] 10190 [ed ][of ] -> [ed of ] 10191 [t][y s] -> [ty s] 10192 [!\u000a ][He ] -> [!\u000a He ] 10193 [down][ ] -> [down ] 10194 [it][ed ] -> [ited ] 10195 [?"\u000a "][I ] -> [?"\u000a "I ] 10196 [el][y the ] -> [ely the ] 10197 [!" \u000a ][She ] -> [!" \u000a She ] 10198 [stared at ][him] -> [stared at him] 10199 [ex][ting] -> [exting] 10200 [exting][uish] -> [extinguish] 10201 [out][: "] -> [out: "] 10202 [there ][star] -> [there star] 10203 [ed into the ][room] -> [ed into the room] 10204 [sm][ile] -> [smile] 10205 [," Jessica said. "][The ] -> [," Jessica said. "The ] 10206 [ fac][t] -> [ fact] 10207 [, but ][her ] -> [, but her ] 10208 [lose ][that ] -> [lose that ] 10209 [with][ her] -> [with her] 10210 [.\u000a Paul ][looked at ] -> [.\u000a Paul looked at ] 10211 [terrible purpos][e ] -> [terrible purpose ] 10212 [dro][ve ] -> [drove ] 10213 [experi][ence] -> [experience] 10214 [ out ][of his ] -> [ out of his ] 10215 [?" he ask][ed. \u000a "] -> [?" he asked. \u000a "] 10216 [ing ][over ] -> [ing over ] 10217 [es ][to ] -> [es to ] 10218 [Th][ou] -> [Thou] 10219 [Orange Catholic ][B] -> [Orange Catholic B] 10220 [a h][uman] -> [a human] 10221 [!" the ][old woman] -> [!" the old woman] 10222 [," Jessica said][.\u000a The ] -> [," Jessica said.\u000a The ] 10223 [ sto][ck] -> [ stock] 10224 [ bre][ed] -> [ breed] 10225 [ances][try] -> [ancestry] 10226 [in ][our ] -> [in our ] 10227 [on]['t] -> [on't] 10228 [m][ight] -> [might] 10229 [rel][ative ] -> [relative ] 10230 [a heav][y ] -> [a heavy ] 10231 [I'm][ the ] -> [I'm the ] 10232 [it ][to ] -> [it to ] 10233 [fal][se] -> [false] 10234 [ se][en ] -> [ seen ] 10235 [He s][hook his head] -> [He shook his head] 10236 [," she said, "][but ] -> [," she said, "but ] 10237 [ so][ many ] -> [ so many ] 10238 [took][ on] -> [took on] 10239 [many ][places ] -> [many places ] 10240 [. M][any ] -> [. Many ] 10241 [of][ a f] -> [of a f] 10242 [film][book] -> [filmbook] 10243 [re][el] -> [reel] 10244 [el][acc] -> [elacc] 10245 [. The ][other] -> [. The other] 10246 [?" \u000a "][A] -> [?" \u000a "A] 10247 [ed on][to the ] -> [ed onto the ] 10248 [made ][for] -> [made for] 10249 [E][m] -> [Em] 10250 [pl][at] -> [plat] 10251 [pol][ar] -> [polar] 10252 [s of][ f] -> [s of f] 10253 [ in][v] -> [ inv] 10254 [b][ass] -> [bass] 10255 [Ob][serve ] -> [Observe ] 10256 [ex][quis] -> [exquis] 10257 [remind ][you] -> [remind you] 10258 [chair][, s] -> [chair, s] 10259 [ing s][ound] -> [ing sound] 10260 [l][ind] -> [lind] 10261 [answer][ed ] -> [answered ] 10262 [?" \u000a "][He's ] -> [?" \u000a "He's ] 10263 [."\u000a "][It's ] -> [."\u000a "It's ] 10264 [betray][ed his ] -> [betrayed his ] 10265 [kan][ly] -> [kanly] 10266 [B][e s] -> [Be s] 10267 [he][h] -> [heh] 10268 [pe][ace ] -> [peace ] 10269 [ too][ much] -> [ too much] 10270 [with][ that ] -> [with that ] 10271 [ed across the ][room] -> [ed across the room] 10272 [ ass][ass] -> [ assass] 10273 [without ][any ] -> [without any ] 10274 [order][s ] -> [orders ] 10275 [voic][e, the ] -> [voice, the ] 10276 [You][ have ] -> [You have ] 10277 [regre][t] -> [regret] 10278 [ed][ay ] -> [eday ] 10279 [," Piter][ said] -> [," Piter said] 10280 [exec][ution] -> [execution] 10281 [soon][er] -> [sooner] 10282 [I][ in] -> [I in] 10283 [I][ c] -> [I c] 10284 [ sw][ear] -> [ swear] 10285 [ri][b] -> [rib] 10286 [ of][ p] -> [ of p] 10287 [have ][to ] -> [have to ] 10288 [you, ][Baron] -> [you, Baron] 10289 [B][ashar] -> [Bashar] 10290 [into the ][room] -> [into the room] 10291 [," the Baron said][. He ] -> [," the Baron said. He ] 10292 [ed with][in the ] -> [ed within the ] 10293 [ mutter][ed.\u000a "] -> [ muttered.\u000a "] 10294 [That's ][not ] -> [That's not ] 10295 [you][ said ] -> [you said ] 10296 [L][isten ] -> [Listen ] 10297 [r][ed b] -> [red b] 10298 [. Have ][you ] -> [. Have you ] 10299 [ed s][omething] -> [ed something] 10300 [effic][ient ] -> [efficient ] 10301 [c][and] -> [cand] 10302 [ po][ol] -> [ pool] 10303 [bur][st] -> [burst] 10304 [E][ff] -> [Eff] 10305 [ call][ me ] -> [ call me ] 10306 [p][air] -> [pair] 10307 [replac][ement] -> [replacement] 10308 [ven][om] -> [venom] 10309 [un][st] -> [unst] 10310 [unst][able ] -> [unstable ] 10311 [Do ][you ] -> [Do you ] 10312 [v][arious ] -> [various ] 10313 [er][ious ] -> [erious ] 10314 [ snar][l] -> [ snarl] 10315 [ c][amp] -> [ camp] 10316 [. He s][traighten] -> [. He straighten] 10317 [ass][um] -> [assum] 10318 [. "I][n] -> [. "In] 10319 [ d][ays ] -> [ days ] 10320 [ate ][that ] -> [ate that ] 10321 [, how][ever, ] -> [, however, ] 10322 [. O][ther] -> [. Other] 10323 [."\u000a "][No] -> [."\u000a "No] 10324 [b][ab] -> [bab] 10325 [." \u000a "][At ] -> [." \u000a "At ] 10326 [," Piter][ said, "] -> [," Piter said, "] 10327 [the ][Duke ] -> [the Duke ] 10328 [R][esid] -> [Resid] 10329 [ sm][uggl] -> [ smuggl] 10330 [ies ][and ] -> [ies and ] 10331 [temp][t ] -> [tempt ] 10332 [such][ a s] -> [such a s] 10333 [Of cour][se, ] -> [Of course, ] 10334 [cur][sed ] -> [cursed ] 10335 [, ][who ] -> [, who ] 10336 [ated ][and ] -> [ated and ] 10337 [s][tor] -> [stor] 10338 [sub][ject] -> [subject] 10339 [au][d] -> [aud] 10340 [ fill][ed with] -> [ filled with] 10341 [ f][rown] -> [ frown] 10342 [. Th][en, ] -> [. Then, ] 10343 [ ][another ] -> [ another ] 10344 [House ][Harkonnen ] -> [House Harkonnen ] 10345 [to be s][ure] -> [to be sure] 10346 [di][pp] -> [dipp] 10347 [evidence ][of] -> [evidence of] 10348 [ p][ow] -> [ pow] 10349 [to s][end ] -> [to send ] 10350 [ecur][ity] -> [ecurity] 10351 [blo][ck] -> [block] 10352 [His Majest][y's ] -> [His Majesty's ] 10353 [. His ][own] -> [. His own] 10354 [ person][al] -> [ personal] 10355 [. . ][.] -> [. . .] 10356 [muggl][ers ] -> [mugglers ] 10357 [. He ][knows ] -> [. He knows ] 10358 [. As ][he ] -> [. As he ] 10359 [f][at] -> [fat] 10360 [gr][y] -> [gry] 10361 [ing][ed ] -> [inged ] 10362 [St. A][li] -> [St. Ali] 10363 [K][nif] -> [Knif] 10364 [w][il] -> [wil] 10365 [ing][ these ] -> [ing these ] 10366 [ so ][long] -> [ so long] 10367 [ c][unn] -> [ cunn] 10368 [what ][have ] -> [what have ] 10369 [?"][ ask] -> [?" ask] 10370 [ad][join] -> [adjoin] 10371 [Reverend Mother]['s ] -> [Reverend Mother's ] 10372 [carri][ed a ] -> [carried a ] 10373 [regre][t ] -> [regret ] 10374 [W][e shall] -> [We shall] 10375 [ a p][r] -> [ a pr] 10376 [with ][your] -> [with your] 10377 [ su][perior] -> [ superior] 10378 [ag][n] -> [agn] 10379 [they ][are ] -> [they are ] 10380 [ th][ose s] -> [ those s] 10381 [ as well][ as ] -> [ as well as ] 10382 [re][e-] -> [ree-] 10383 [viliz][ation] -> [vilization] 10384 [ without ][the ] -> [ without the ] 10385 [ch][ip] -> [chip] 10386 [this ][is the ] -> [this is the ] 10387 [now][ is ] -> [now is ] 10388 [lin][es] -> [lines] 10389 [own][ m] -> [own m] 10390 [, but ][not ] -> [, but not ] 10391 [you][ did ] -> [you did ] 10392 [both][ know] -> [both know] 10393 [rec][it] -> [recit] 10394 [I've ][been] -> [I've been] 10395 [tr][anger] -> [tranger] 10396 [no][d ] -> [nod ] 10397 [. I][ can ] -> [. I can ] 10398 [ to][ her ] -> [ to her ] 10399 [did ][it ] -> [did it ] 10400 [sh][ot ] -> [shot ] 10401 [s][he's ] -> [she's ] 10402 [opened his ][eyes] -> [opened his eyes] 10403 [thought ][of] -> [thought of] 10404 [ some ][of the ] -> [ some of the ] 10405 [be][ach] -> [beach] 10406 [ be][ach] -> [ beach] 10407 [our][ f] -> [our f] 10408 [se][es ] -> [sees ] 10409 [ what ][the ] -> [ what the ] 10410 [ed ][w] -> [ed w] 10411 [m][its ] -> [mits ] 10412 [talk][ing about ] -> [talking about ] 10413 [will][ow] -> [willow] 10414 [."\u000a Paul][ stared at ] -> [."\u000a Paul stared at ] 10415 [to][ help] -> [to help] 10416 [res][ent] -> [resent] 10417 [looked at ][Jessica] -> [looked at Jessica] 10418 [ ][yet ] -> [ yet ] 10419 [already ][were ] -> [already were ] 10420 [glimp][se ] -> [glimpse ] 10421 [dang][ers ] -> [dangers ] 10422 [war][ri] -> [warri] 10423 [s][ong] -> [song] 10424 [t][on ] -> [ton ] 10425 [qu][ali] -> [quali] 10426 [ sl][ash] -> [ slash] 10427 [of the ][Old ] -> [of the Old ] 10428 [gener][ation] -> [generation] 10429 [clear][ed his throat] -> [cleared his throat] 10430 [ed a s][m] -> [ed a sm] 10431 [ al][ert] -> [ alert] 10432 [ing down][ the ] -> [ing down the ] 10433 [train][ing, ] -> [training, ] 10434 [ wh][ip] -> [ whip] 10435 [poin][ted] -> [pointed] 10436 [Thufir][, ] -> [Thufir, ] 10437 [. "I][ was ] -> [. "I was ] 10438 [ we]['ll] -> [ we'll] 10439 [ons][ense] -> [onsense] 10440 [up][ to ] -> [up to ] 10441 [ he]['d ] -> [ he'd ] 10442 [ se][ven] -> [ seven] 10443 [ol][is ] -> [olis ] 10444 [et][ch] -> [etch] 10445 [. You][ know] -> [. You know] 10446 [I have ][seen] -> [I have seen] 10447 [of this ][planet ] -> [of this planet ] 10448 [s.\u000a ][Paul ] -> [s.\u000a Paul ] 10449 [light][, ] -> [light, ] 10450 [funer][al] -> [funeral] 10451 [the s][and] -> [the sand] 10452 [ gl][ar] -> [ glar] 10453 [w][aver] -> [waver] 10454 [to s][il] -> [to sil] 10455 [G][r] -> [Gr] 10456 [jus][tice ] -> [justice ] 10457 [ f][ing] -> [ fing] 10458 [rul][er] -> [ruler] 10459 [that ][day ] -> [that day ] 10460 [ang][ of] -> [ang of] 10461 [Ment][at's ] -> [Mentat's ] 10462 [.\u000a "][Where ] -> [.\u000a "Where ] 10463 [ inter][est] -> [ interest] 10464 [found ][that he ] -> [found that he ] 10465 [ances][tor] -> [ancestor] 10466 [rul][es ] -> [rules ] 10467 [. ]['] -> [. '] 10468 [cl][ench] -> [clench] 10469 [kind ][of] -> [kind of] 10470 [said ][that ] -> [said that ] 10471 [language ][of the ] -> [language of the ] 10472 [grow][ing] -> [growing] 10473 [you][ don't ] -> [you don't ] 10474 [that's ][what ] -> [that's what ] 10475 [a p][rob] -> [a prob] 10476 [stand][ing] -> [standing] 10477 [, but ][that ] -> [, but that ] 10478 [." ][Hawat ] -> [." Hawat ] 10479 [ beside ][his ] -> [ beside his ] 10480 [. It's ][not ] -> [. It's not ] 10481 [mor][row] -> [morrow] 10482 [open][ door] -> [open door] 10483 [ug][ly ] -> [ugly ] 10484 [ a m][an ] -> [ a man ] 10485 [prec][ed] -> [preced] 10486 [r][ather ] -> [rather ] 10487 [," he said][. He ] -> [," he said. He ] 10488 [nin][e-] -> [nine-] 10489 [mul][tip] -> [multip] 10490 [.\u000a ][Halleck] -> [.\u000a Halleck] 10491 [exerc][ise ] -> [exercise ] 10492 [ his ][jaw] -> [ his jaw] 10493 [y]['] -> [y'] 10494 [ sto][od, ] -> [ stood, ] 10495 [ mus][ic] -> [ music] 10496 [W][here's ] -> [Where's ] 10497 [f][resh] -> [fresh] 10498 [ be][ing s] -> [ being s] 10499 [or][ f] -> [or f] 10500 [like ][that ] -> [like that ] 10501 [he]['d have ] -> [he'd have ] 10502 [got][ten] -> [gotten] 10503 [around ][his ] -> [around his ] 10504 [ed][! ] -> [ed! ] 10505 [for][ward] -> [forward] 10506 [ in][ton] -> [ inton] 10507 [but][ton] -> [button] 10508 [defens][ive ] -> [defensive ] 10509 [acteris][tic] -> [acteristic] 10510 [ed ][fl] -> [ed fl] 10511 [ a s][low] -> [ a slow] 10512 [un][ted ] -> [unted ] 10513 [elec][tr] -> [electr] 10514 [con][tact ] -> [contact ] 10515 [ blad][e, ] -> [ blade, ] 10516 [con][t] -> [cont] 10517 [, but ][now] -> [, but now] 10518 [came ][in] -> [came in] 10519 [gr][inn] -> [grinn] 10520 [ly][, the ] -> [ly, the ] 10521 [way ][you] -> [way you] 10522 [to c][atch] -> [to catch] 10523 [. But ][it ] -> [. But it ] 10524 [me][. I] -> [me. I] 10525 [ or ][two] -> [ or two] 10526 [p][unish] -> [punish] 10527 [," Halleck][ said] -> [," Halleck said] 10528 [ed. He ][felt ] -> [ed. He felt ] 10529 [ how][ it ] -> [ how it ] 10530 [Be][ast ] -> [Beast ] 10531 [ sl][ave ] -> [ slave ] 10532 [me ][that ] -> [me that ] 10533 [occurr][ed to ] -> [occurred to ] 10534 [as ][that ] -> [as that ] 10535 [ch][ill] -> [chill] 10536 [are s][o] -> [are so] 10537 [ b][urn] -> [ burn] 10538 [enter][ the ] -> [enter the ] 10539 [ver][tical] -> [vertical] 10540 [gestur][ed to the ] -> [gestured to the ] 10541 [a f][ull ] -> [a full ] 10542 [ with][ the s] -> [ with the s] 10543 [ch][est ] -> [chest ] 10544 [well][-] -> [well-] 10545 [af][ted ] -> [afted ] 10546 [lo][ved ] -> [loved ] 10547 [ in][f] -> [ inf] 10548 [B][.G] -> [B.G] 10549 [App][en] -> [Appen] 10550 [Appen][di] -> [Appendi] 10551 [Appendi][x] -> [Appendix] 10552 [ pac][es ] -> [ paces ] 10553 [away][, ] -> [away, ] 10554 [ clo][thing] -> [ clothing] 10555 [di][amond tat] -> [diamond tat] 10556 [il][m] -> [ilm] 10557 [excit][ement ] -> [excitement ] 10558 [ s][ince ] -> [ since ] 10559 [ of ][Arrakis] -> [ of Arrakis] 10560 [Harkonnen][ be] -> [Harkonnen be] 10561 [wom][en ] -> [women ] 10562 [to ][live ] -> [to live ] 10563 [ ac][coun] -> [ accoun] 10564 [with][ them] -> [with them] 10565 [ther][n ] -> [thern ] 10566 [reason ][to believe ] -> [reason to believe ] 10567 [unin][habit] -> [uninhabit] 10568 [. B][e] -> [. Be] 10569 [on the ][table ] -> [on the table ] 10570 [th][umb] -> [thumb] 10571 [noted ][how] -> [noted how] 10572 [er][s. ] -> [ers. ] 10573 [ac][tually ] -> [actually ] 10574 [sp][ring] -> [spring] 10575 [ th][us] -> [ thus] 10576 [act][ual] -> [actual] 10577 [. Th][us ] -> [. Thus ] 10578 [we ][not ] -> [we not ] 10579 [ bro][ke off] -> [ broke off] 10580 [c][aus] -> [caus] 10581 [Wann][a] -> [Wanna] 10582 [ had ][happen] -> [ had happen] 10583 [ed ][while ] -> [ed while ] 10584 [it ][at ] -> [it at ] 10585 [ed at ][him] -> [ed at him] 10586 [I ][. . . ] -> [I . . . ] 10587 [Why do ][I] -> [Why do I] 10588 [g][ird] -> [gird] 10589 [, ][Son] -> [, Son] 10590 [his ][gaze ] -> [his gaze ] 10591 [. There]['ll be ] -> [. There'll be ] 10592 [. . . " ][He sh] -> [. . . " He sh] 10593 [over][come ] -> [overcome ] 10594 [ g][est] -> [ gest] 10595 [. I][ see ] -> [. I see ] 10596 [ed to ][give ] -> [ed to give ] 10597 [a w][oman] -> [a woman] 10598 [end][anger] -> [endanger] 10599 [ed, ][though] -> [ed, though] 10600 [ he ][is ] -> [ he is ] 10601 [.\u000a "][F] -> [.\u000a "F] 10602 [ex][otic] -> [exotic] 10603 [sto][ck] -> [stock] 10604 [ more ][than ] -> [ more than ] 10605 [ the ][Atreides ] -> [ the Atreides ] 10606 [to b][ec] -> [to bec] 10607 [. Th][ink] -> [. Think] 10608 [responsib][le ] -> [responsible ] 10609 [ in][ their] -> [ in their] 10610 [K][now] -> [Know] 10611 [ingle ][comb] -> [ingle comb] 10612 [ov][ed ] -> [oved ] 10613 [dr][y] -> [dry] 10614 [C][ouldn't ] -> [Couldn't ] 10615 ['d ][only ] -> ['d only ] 10616 [over][com] -> [overcom] 10617 [n][one] -> [none] 10618 [do][ they ] -> [do they ] 10619 [come ][from] -> [come from] 10620 [le][vi] -> [levi] 10621 [ c][i] -> [ ci] 10622 [mil][itary ] -> [military ] 10623 [Sardaukar][ and ] -> [Sardaukar and ] 10624 [ sup][por] -> [ suppor] 10625 [men][, ] -> [men, ] 10626 [su][ffer] -> [suffer] 10627 [When ][you] -> [When you] 10628 [Paul's ][eyes ] -> [Paul's eyes ] 10629 [. It]['ll] -> [. It'll] 10630 [." \u000a "][Don't ] -> [." \u000a "Don't ] 10631 [ s][ymbol] -> [ symbol] 10632 [ we]['re ] -> [ we're ] 10633 [," the Duke said][.\u000a "] -> [," the Duke said.\u000a "] 10634 [ed][ge] -> [edge] 10635 [ed him][, ] -> [ed him, ] 10636 [never][ had ] -> [never had ] 10637 [ . . . ][but ] -> [ . . . but ] 10638 [you][ do ] -> [you do ] 10639 [star][e, ] -> [stare, ] 10640 [ a th][ing ] -> [ a thing ] 10641 [looked at ][him] -> [looked at him] 10642 [igh][lin] -> [ighlin] 10643 [transp][or] -> [transpor] 10644 [corn][er ] -> [corner ] 10645 [ship]['s ] -> [ship's ] 10646 [Do you][ think] -> [Do you think] 10647 [to b][e the ] -> [to be the ] 10648 [to][ speak] -> [to speak] 10649 [anc][y ] -> [ancy ] 10650 [because ][it ] -> [because it ] 10651 [e][ther ] -> [ether ] 10652 [. On][ly the ] -> [. Only the ] 10653 [form][id] -> [formid] 10654 [ dec][ide ] -> [ decide ] 10655 [lab][el] -> [label] 10656 [most ][of the ] -> [most of the ] 10657 [ag][ed ] -> [aged ] 10658 [entr][y] -> [entry] 10659 [ his][tory ] -> [ history ] 10660 [ar][ched ] -> [arched ] 10661 [str][ous ] -> [strous ] 10662 [ be][am] -> [ beam] 10663 [ w][o] -> [ wo] 10664 [two][ hundred ] -> [two hundred ] 10665 [this ][place ] -> [this place ] 10666 [fill][ed with ] -> [filled with ] 10667 [cam][e the ] -> [came the ] 10668 [pain][ting ] -> [painting ] 10669 [window][s ] -> [windows ] 10670 [d][us] -> [dus] 10671 [pre][da] -> [preda] 10672 [.\u000a A][ s] -> [.\u000a A s] 10673 [?" \u000a "][S] -> [?" \u000a "S] 10674 [e s][erv] -> [e serv] 10675 [, my ][dear] -> [, my dear] 10676 [, I][ think] -> [, I think] 10677 [eng][ag] -> [engag] 10678 [house][keeper] -> [housekeeper] 10679 [d][ip] -> [dip] 10680 [may ][not ] -> [may not ] 10681 [erv][ant ] -> [ervant ] 10682 [bas][is ] -> [basis ] 10683 [conv][inc] -> [convinc] 10684 [ spec][ific] -> [ specific] 10685 [ly][ing ] -> [lying ] 10686 [m][e the ] -> [me the ] 10687 [ to ][learn] -> [ to learn] 10688 [of][ these ] -> [of these ] 10689 [ m][e s] -> [ me s] 10690 [sec][ur] -> [secur] 10691 [return][ to the ] -> [return to the ] 10692 [out ][on the ] -> [out on the ] 10693 [My ][Lord ] -> [My Lord ] 10694 [ate][g] -> [ateg] 10695 [entr][y ] -> [entry ] 10696 [she ][could ] -> [she could ] 10697 [outer][ door] -> [outer door] 10698 [left ][arm] -> [left arm] 10699 [are ][your ] -> [are your ] 10700 ['s ][voice, ] -> ['s voice, ] 10701 [-hair][ed ] -> [-haired ] 10702 [res][s of] -> [ress of] 10703 [morn][ing] -> [morning] 10704 [un][e ] -> [une ] 10705 [dr][y and ] -> [dry and ] 10706 [tiv][e, ] -> [tive, ] 10707 [i][ous] -> [ious] 10708 [ the ][Duke's ] -> [ the Duke's ] 10709 [S][ook] -> [Sook] 10710 [-s][ell] -> [-sell] 10711 [ne][ed to ] -> [need to ] 10712 [fif][ty ] -> [fifty ] 10713 [at][a ] -> [ata ] 10714 [gu][ide ] -> [guide ] 10715 [I know][ the ] -> [I know the ] 10716 [B][hot] -> [Bhot] 10717 [Bhot][ani] -> [Bhotani] 10718 [Mapes]['] -> [Mapes'] 10719 [ m][is] -> [ mis] 10720 [." \u000a ][In] -> [." \u000a In] 10721 [ me][ant ] -> [ meant ] 10722 [prepar][ed for ] -> [prepared for ] 10723 [ pro][ve ] -> [ prove ] 10724 [ed s][o ] -> [ed so ] 10725 [il][k] -> [ilk] 10726 [a c][rysknif] -> [a crysknif] 10727 [a m][ak] -> [a mak] 10728 [ h][ard ] -> [ hard ] 10729 [ say][ the ] -> [ say the ] 10730 [d ][the ] -> [d the ] 10731 [M][aker] -> [Maker] 10732 [moment ][of ] -> [moment of ] 10733 [prophec][y ] -> [prophecy ] 10734 [ro][pped ] -> [ropped ] 10735 [purpos][e ] -> [purpose ] 10736 [pro][tec] -> [protec] 10737 [fix][ed ] -> [fixed ] 10738 [ as ][long as ] -> [ as long as ] 10739 [el][ic] -> [elic] 10740 [?\u000a ][She ] -> [?\u000a She ] 10741 [w][ift] -> [wift] 10742 [al][iv] -> [aliv] 10743 [with][ a c] -> [with a c] 10744 [pl][enty ] -> [plenty ] 10745 [! ][They ] -> [! They ] 10746 [to m][atch] -> [to match] 10747 [said: "][The ] -> [said: "The ] 10748 [ed with][ a ] -> [ed with a ] 10749 [. ][Get ] -> [. Get ] 10750 [ hav][e] -> [ have] 10751 ['][n] -> ['n] 10752 [enough][ ] -> [enough ] 10753 [and ][manner] -> [and manner] 10754 [ti][es, ] -> [ties, ] 10755 [." \u000a "][As you] -> [." \u000a "As you] 10756 [d][uk] -> [duk] 10757 [ her][e. ] -> [ here. ] 10758 [there was ][a ] -> [there was a ] 10759 [ fore][bod] -> [ forebod] 10760 [. I][ can] -> [. I can] 10761 [ s][on ] -> [ son ] 10762 [not ][enough] -> [not enough] 10763 [ be][hind] -> [ behind] 10764 [ of][ a p] -> [ of a p] 10765 [glanced ][around the room] -> [glanced around the room] 10766 [ bed][room] -> [ bedroom] 10767 [after][noon] -> [afternoon] 10768 [s][tiffen] -> [stiffen] 10769 [long][ past ] -> [long past ] 10770 [ afr][aid ] -> [ afraid ] 10771 [ed. ][L] -> [ed. L] 10772 [us][ed the ] -> [used the ] 10773 [pl][ung] -> [plung] 10774 [ a][fter ] -> [ after ] 10775 [fron][t of the ] -> [front of the ] 10776 [attention][ was ] -> [attention was ] 10777 [palm][ ] -> [palm ] 10778 [beneath][ them] -> [beneath them] 10779 [e sh][ield] -> [e shield] 10780 [wonder][ing wh] -> [wondering wh] 10781 [ ab][sorb] -> [ absorb] 10782 [ate ][palm] -> [ate palm] 10783 [! ][\u000a ] -> [! \u000a ] 10784 [if ][I ] -> [if I ] 10785 [-][year] -> [-year] 10786 [ smil][ed, ] -> [ smiled, ] 10787 [retre][at] -> [retreat] 10788 [i][al ] -> [ial ] 10789 [bo][y's ] -> [boy's ] 10790 [. The ][thought ] -> [. The thought ] 10791 [it][ed by ] -> [ited by ] 10792 [a d][ifferent ] -> [a different ] 10793 [ab][andon] -> [abandon] 10794 [He s][poke ] -> [He spoke ] 10795 [If][ only ] -> [If only ] 10796 [differ][ences ] -> [differences ] 10797 [mil][ky ] -> [milky ] 10798 [ti][d] -> [tid] 10799 [, th][at's ] -> [, that's ] 10800 [ul][t] -> [ult] 10801 [s][. H] -> [s. H] 10802 [. . . ][or ] -> [. . . or ] 10803 [lo][pe] -> [lope] 10804 [seal][ed off] -> [sealed off] 10805 [He ][broke off] -> [He broke off] 10806 [know][ you] -> [know you] 10807 [person][al ] -> [personal ] 10808 [ I][ must ] -> [ I must ] 10809 [. And ][it's ] -> [. And it's ] 10810 [ of][ h] -> [ of h] 10811 [, ][were ] -> [, were ] 10812 [ into][ this ] -> [ into this ] 10813 [," she said][.\u000a "I] -> [," she said.\u000a "I] 10814 [a ][Harkonnen ] -> [a Harkonnen ] 10815 [know][ that] -> [know that] 10816 [i][an] -> [ian] 10817 [learned ][how] -> [learned how] 10818 [al][ign] -> [align] 10819 [of][ me] -> [of me] 10820 [What do you][ mean] -> [What do you mean] 10821 [follow][ed her] -> [followed her] 10822 [re][present] -> [represent] 10823 [ing that ][the ] -> [ing that the ] 10824 [. That ][is ] -> [. That is ] 10825 [?" \u000a "][Not ] -> [?" \u000a "Not ] 10826 [t][asted ] -> [tasted ] 10827 [--][it ] -> [--it ] 10828 [ing a][ th] -> [ing a th] 10829 [--][s] -> [--s] 10830 [. An][d, ] -> [. And, ] 10831 [ word][s, ] -> [ words, ] 10832 [vir][tually ] -> [virtually ] 10833 [sh][rugged. "] -> [shrugged. "] 10834 [ at][titude ] -> [ attitude ] 10835 [two][ men] -> [two men] 10836 [c][ruel] -> [cruel] 10837 [, I][ want ] -> [, I want ] 10838 [Of cour][se] -> [Of course] 10839 [.\u000a-from "][The ] -> [.\u000a-from "The ] 10840 [ion ][to ] -> [ion to ] 10841 [expl][or] -> [explor] 10842 [vers][ation ] -> [versation ] 10843 [room]['s ] -> [room's ] 10844 [ th][ick] -> [ thick] 10845 [controll][ed ] -> [controlled ] 10846 [Qu][iet] -> [Quiet] 10847 [ t][all] -> [ tall] 10848 [est][ing ] -> [esting ] 10849 [." ][It was ] -> [." It was ] 10850 [ver][b] -> [verb] 10851 [os][ote ] -> [osote ] 10852 [osote ][bush] -> [osote bush] 10853 [o][ m] -> [o m] 10854 [ down the ][hall] -> [ down the hall] 10855 [ s][lipp] -> [ slipp] 10856 [hun][ter-seek] -> [hunter-seek] 10857 [near][-] -> [near-] 10858 [ch][annel] -> [channel] 10859 [near][est ] -> [nearest ] 10860 [ ][nothing] -> [ nothing] 10861 [explos][ive ] -> [explosive ] 10862 [tech][nic] -> [technic] 10863 [ w][it] -> [ wit] 10864 [th][reat] -> [threat] 10865 [for][th] -> [forth] 10866 [bo][t] -> [bot] 10867 [ed][. It ] -> [ed. It ] 10868 [ desper][ation] -> [ desperation] 10869 [mov][ing] -> [moving] 10870 [ ][our ] -> [ our ] 10871 [a h][un] -> [a hun] 10872 [ off][ the ] -> [ off the ] 10873 [ among ][us] -> [ among us] 10874 [ de][b] -> [ deb] 10875 [par][ts ] -> [parts ] 10876 [down the ][hall] -> [down the hall] 10877 [ to the ][left] -> [ to the left] 10878 [shap][e ] -> [shape ] 10879 [whit][e s] -> [white s] 10880 [ear][th] -> [earth] 10881 [r][ail] -> [rail] 10882 [on the ][surface ] -> [on the surface ] 10883 [end of the ][hall] -> [end of the hall] 10884 [w][ak] -> [wak] 10885 [requ][ire ] -> [require ] 10886 [Jessica][ could ] -> [Jessica could ] 10887 [e.\u000a ][She ] -> [e.\u000a She ] 10888 [ creature][s ] -> [ creatures ] 10889 [wh][eel] -> [wheel] 10890 [up][reme ] -> [upreme ] 10891 [los][som] -> [lossom] 10892 [l][app] -> [lapp] 10893 [ me][thod] -> [ method] 10894 [ for][ this ] -> [ for this ] 10895 [om][n] -> [omn] 10896 [omn][ip] -> [omnip] 10897 [omnip][resent ] -> [omnipresent ] 10898 [L][AD] -> [LAD] 10899 [xim][ity ] -> [ximity ] 10900 [li][es ] -> [lies ] 10901 [over][ this ] -> [over this ] 10902 [one ][that ] -> [one that ] 10903 [p][ay ] -> [pay ] 10904 [, sl][amm] -> [, slamm] 10905 [, p][ush] -> [, push] 10906 [no][s] -> [nos] 10907 [obey][ed.\u000a ] -> [obeyed.\u000a ] 10908 [, s][hook] -> [, shook] 10909 [star][ing at the ] -> [staring at the ] 10910 [. His ][eyes ] -> [. His eyes ] 10911 [s ][have ] -> [s have ] 10912 [Why ][do you] -> [Why do you] 10913 [and ][a ] -> [and a ] 10914 [e, s][ir] -> [e, sir] 10915 [ed. \u000a ][Jessica ] -> [ed. \u000a Jessica ] 10916 [ m][ount ] -> [ mount ] 10917 [once ][more] -> [once more] 10918 [l][ater ] -> [later ] 10919 [," she said][. "I] -> [," she said. "I] 10920 [ dis][trust ] -> [ distrust ] 10921 [tak][e s] -> [take s] 10922 [ins][ect ] -> [insect ] 10923 [. He]['ll] -> [. He'll] 10924 [des][erves ] -> [deserves ] 10925 [!][' ] -> [!' ] 10926 [ al][one] -> [ alone] 10927 [ f][ather ] -> [ father ] 10928 [s][ink] -> [sink] 10929 [not ][a ] -> [not a ] 10930 [," she said. "][And ] -> [," she said. "And ] 10931 [ure ][you] -> [ure you] 10932 [a h][igh] -> [a high] 10933 [ spic][e s] -> [ spice s] 10934 [s of][ s] -> [s of s] 10935 [ conc][entr] -> [ concentr] 10936 [s][: ] -> [s: ] 10937 [ to][ their ] -> [ to their ] 10938 [fill][ed her] -> [filled her] 10939 [ac][ri] -> [acri] 10940 [a b][et] -> [a bet] 10941 [first ][moon] -> [first moon] 10942 [pos][sess] -> [possess] 10943 [ dis][put] -> [ disput] 10944 [tried to ][take the ] -> [tried to take the ] 10945 [tried to take the ][life of] -> [tried to take the life of] 10946 [tried to take the life of][ my son] -> [tried to take the life of my son] 10947 [troop carri][er] -> [troop carrier] 10948 [ed ][around the ] -> [ed around the ] 10949 [veil][ed ] -> [veiled ] 10950 [men ][and ] -> [men and ] 10951 [rost][ed ] -> [rosted ] 10952 [ut][ure ] -> [uture ] 10953 [!\u000a ][A] -> [!\u000a A] 10954 [ed in fron][t of] -> [ed in front of] 10955 [ pre][pare ] -> [ prepare ] 10956 [bo][il] -> [boil] 10957 [reach][ed the ] -> [reached the ] 10958 [yellow][-] -> [yellow-] 10959 [ing][ from ] -> [ing from ] 10960 [ru][b] -> [rub] 10961 [crow][d, ] -> [crowd, ] 10962 [? ][\u000a "] -> [? \u000a "] 10963 [St][ep] -> [Step] 10964 [c][ove ] -> [cove ] 10965 [let ][him] -> [let him] 10966 [To][ the ] -> [To the ] 10967 [e s][ome of] -> [e some of] 10968 [en][list ] -> [enlist ] 10969 [s ][in this ] -> [s in this ] 10970 [ au][th] -> [ auth] 10971 [ auth][ority ] -> [ authority ] 10972 [ sc][al] -> [ scal] 10973 [ with][ their ] -> [ with their ] 10974 [cre][tion] -> [cretion] 10975 [ s][cann] -> [ scann] 10976 [ g][ather] -> [ gather] 10977 [Are ][you ] -> [Are you ] 10978 [." \u000a ][" '] -> [." \u000a " '] 10979 [ed. \u000a ][The ] -> [ed. \u000a The ] 10980 [in the ][desert, ] -> [in the desert, ] 10981 [ to][ my ] -> [ to my ] 10982 [ex][it ] -> [exit ] 10983 [landing f][ield] -> [landing field] 10984 [, but ][they ] -> [, but they ] 10985 [cal][cul] -> [calcul] 10986 [ g][ets ] -> [ gets ] 10987 [sh][ould] -> [should] 10988 [confer][ence ] -> [conference ] 10989 [ol][d-] -> [old-] 10990 [thre][e-] -> [three-] 10991 [at ][first] -> [at first] 10992 [you][ and ] -> [you and ] 10993 [, p][ut ] -> [, put ] 10994 [ s][imple ] -> [ simple ] 10995 [."\u000a ][Hawat ] -> [."\u000a Hawat ] 10996 [swallow][ed. "] -> [swallowed. "] 10997 [ se][at] -> [ seat] 10998 [s][ounded ] -> [sounded ] 10999 [glanc][ed up] -> [glanced up] 11000 [. . ][." He ] -> [. . ." He ] 11001 [tellig][ence ] -> [telligence ] 11002 [ire][d] -> [ired] 11003 [ in][formation] -> [ information] 11004 [two][ thousand ] -> [two thousand ] 11005 [ all][egi] -> [ allegi] 11006 [j][ourn] -> [journ] 11007 [journ][ey] -> [journey] 11008 [ex][tr] -> [extr] 11009 [ s][ystem] -> [ system] 11010 [!" \u000a ][A] -> [!" \u000a A] 11011 [, ][a] -> [, a] 11012 [ be][autiful] -> [ beautiful] 11013 [tra][ight] -> [traight] 11014 [mur][mur] -> [murmur] 11015 [Judge of the Ch][ang] -> [Judge of the Chang] 11016 [open][ed the ] -> [opened the ] 11017 [in front of][ him] -> [in front of him] 11018 [expect][ed] -> [expected] 11019 [his ][f] -> [his f] 11020 [out ][in] -> [out in] 11021 [ing][, and ] -> [ing, and ] 11022 [ s][atellit] -> [ satellit] 11023 [jus][tic] -> [justic] 11024 [fre][edom] -> [freedom] 11025 [use ][them] -> [use them] 11026 [gr][own] -> [grown] 11027 [ ris][k] -> [ risk] 11028 [ing ][equipment] -> [ing equipment] 11029 [lean][ed forward, ] -> [leaned forward, ] 11030 [e.\u000a ][S] -> [e.\u000a S] 11031 [for][ty ] -> [forty ] 11032 [bel][ong] -> [belong] 11033 [under][ his ] -> [under his ] 11034 [ thought][: ] -> [ thought: ] 11035 [g][ul] -> [gul] 11036 [A][c] -> [Ac] 11037 [ into][ a ] -> [ into a ] 11038 [ing am][ong] -> [ing among] 11039 [ a][ble ] -> [ able ] 11040 [ev][ice ] -> [evice ] 11041 [ion ][is ] -> [ion is ] 11042 [arry][all] -> [arryall] 11043 ['thopter][, ] -> ['thopter, ] 11044 [resc][u] -> [rescu] 11045 [con][vention] -> [convention] 11046 [work][ing ] -> [working ] 11047 [ fac][tor] -> [ factor] 11048 [ per][ cent ] -> [ per cent ] 11049 [ desert ][power] -> [ desert power] 11050 [lack][ of ] -> [lack of ] 11051 [Each][ ] -> [Each ] 11052 [don't ][have ] -> [don't have ] 11053 [as ][you] -> [as you] 11054 [over][ the s] -> [over the s] 11055 [all][egi] -> [allegi] 11056 [recogniz][ing the ] -> [recognizing the ] 11057 [erc][en] -> [ercen] 11058 [. The ][Fremen] -> [. The Fremen] 11059 [ed ][us ] -> [ed us ] 11060 [. I][ would ] -> [. I would ] 11061 [ing s][il] -> [ing sil] 11062 [, sens][ing the ] -> [, sensing the ] 11063 [radi][ated ] -> [radiated ] 11064 [ fac][es] -> [ faces] 11065 [ said: "][The ] -> [ said: "The ] 11066 [ness ][of his ] -> [ness of his ] 11067 [must ][not ] -> [must not ] 11068 [man][ who ] -> [man who ] 11069 [ed her][e, ] -> [ed here, ] 11070 [."\u000a The ][Fremen] -> [."\u000a The Fremen] 11071 [ bear][d] -> [ beard] 11072 [to][ their] -> [to their] 11073 [bo][om] -> [boom] 11074 [ed s][till] -> [ed still] 11075 [resp][ect] -> [respect] 11076 [ b][est ] -> [ best ] 11077 [ mak][es ] -> [ makes ] 11078 [ure][, ] -> [ure, ] 11079 [Fremen][ m] -> [Fremen m] 11080 [. The ][m] -> [. The m] 11081 [re][ward ] -> [reward ] 11082 [langu][age] -> [language] 11083 [look][ of ] -> [look of ] 11084 [ have ][the ] -> [ have the ] 11085 [among the ][Fremen] -> [among the Fremen] 11086 [ed][ly ] -> [edly ] 11087 [ ab][andon] -> [ abandon] 11088 [?" Halleck][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Halleck asked.\u000a "] 11089 [answ][er to] -> [answer to] 11090 [Imperi][al s] -> [Imperial s] 11091 [Kynes ][and ] -> [Kynes and ] 11092 [fac][es of the ] -> [faces of the ] 11093 [ed by ][his ] -> [ed by his ] 11094 [must][n't ] -> [mustn't ] 11095 [," the Duke said][. "I] -> [," the Duke said. "I] 11096 [ati][ves ] -> [atives ] 11097 [b][all] -> [ball] 11098 [Paul ][recall] -> [Paul recall] 11099 [to his ][feet] -> [to his feet] 11100 [ed his ][hands ] -> [ed his hands ] 11101 [fam][ily] -> [family] 11102 [M][ahdi] -> [Mahdi] 11103 [O][ut] -> [Out] 11104 [-][wall] -> [-wall] 11105 [, ][in] -> [, in] 11106 [perf][ect ] -> [perfect ] 11107 [us][ceptible ] -> [usceptible ] 11108 [ted to][ speak] -> [ted to speak] 11109 [shook][ his head] -> [shook his head] 11110 [pres][ently] -> [presently] 11111 [. "You][ know] -> [. "You know] 11112 [I ][like ] -> [I like ] 11113 [could ][have ] -> [could have ] 11114 [inter][pret] -> [interpret] 11115 [ac][id ] -> [acid ] 11116 [e should ][be ] -> [e should be ] 11117 [My Lord][, ] -> [My Lord, ] 11118 [ when][ we ] -> [ when we ] 11119 [v][endett] -> [vendett] 11120 [sh][out] -> [shout] 11121 [They ][think] -> [They think] 11122 [A][ng] -> [Ang] 11123 [m][y] -> [my] 11124 [he ][thought ] -> [he thought ] 11125 [e][ast] -> [east] 11126 [lumin][ous ] -> [luminous ] 11127 [-][to] -> [-to] 11128 [e of][ such] -> [e of such] 11129 [.\u000a He ][had ] -> [.\u000a He had ] 11130 [h][orizon ] -> [horizon ] 11131 [ m][orn] -> [ morn] 11132 [li][ghten] -> [lighten] 11133 [Fremen ][religious ] -> [Fremen religious ] 11134 [ex][per] -> [exper] 11135 [memor][ies ] -> [memories ] 11136 [." \u000a "][They] -> [." \u000a "They] 11137 [mall][est ] -> [mallest ] 11138 [ happ][en ] -> [ happen ] 11139 [ang][le ] -> [angle ] 11140 [neck][, ] -> [neck, ] 11141 [with][ me ] -> [with me ] 11142 [on][ym] -> [onym] 11143 [one ][is ] -> [one is ] 11144 [self][-] -> [self-] 11145 [green and ][black b] -> [green and black b] 11146 [green and black b][ann] -> [green and black bann] 11147 [come ][to] -> [come to] 11148 [ing for][ you] -> [ing for you] 11149 [doub][t] -> [doubt] 11150 [emb][lance ] -> [emblance ] 11151 [inc][ess] -> [incess] 11152 [ci][enti] -> [cienti] 11153 [M][other ] -> [Mother ] 11154 [ad][min] -> [admin] 11155 [is][tr] -> [istr] 11156 [planetolog][ist ] -> [planetologist ] 11157 [, ][tell] -> [, tell] 11158 [ how][ to] -> [ how to] 11159 [young M][aster] -> [young Master] 11160 [Duke ][is ] -> [Duke is ] 11161 [. O][r] -> [. Or] 11162 [only ][a few] -> [only a few] 11163 [ b][inocular] -> [ binocular] 11164 [as though][ he ] -> [as though he ] 11165 [over][head ] -> [overhead ] 11166 [-f][at ] -> [-fat ] 11167 [. He s][poke ] -> [. He spoke ] 11168 [ch][opp] -> [chopp] 11169 [sel][v] -> [selv] 11170 [selv][es, ] -> [selves, ] 11171 [ti][ous ] -> [tious ] 11172 [But ][he ] -> [But he ] 11173 [ bl][ess] -> [ bless] 11174 [ass][essment ] -> [assessment ] 11175 [ac][custom] -> [accustom] 11176 [tong][ue ] -> [tongue ] 11177 [ s][it ] -> [ sit ] 11178 [ed, ][thinking: ] -> [ed, thinking: ] 11179 [val][ue ] -> [value ] 11180 [app][reci] -> [appreci] 11181 [he][at ] -> [heat ] 11182 [ic][ient ] -> [icient ] 11183 [im][b] -> [imb] 11184 [su][it's ] -> [suit's ] 11185 [ir][rit] -> [irrit] 11186 [inst][inc] -> [instinc] 11187 [ what ][he ] -> [ what he ] 11188 [straighten][ed, ] -> [straightened, ] 11189 [saf][ety ] -> [safety ] 11190 [wing][s, ] -> [wings, ] 11191 [ter][s, ] -> [ters, ] 11192 [ cr][aft ] -> [ craft ] 11193 [ed s][outh] -> [ed south] 11194 [aul][t ] -> [ault ] 11195 [hall][ow] -> [hallow] 11196 [;][ you] -> [; you] 11197 [us][cle ] -> [uscle ] 11198 [Inde][ed] -> [Indeed] 11199 [turn][ed, and ] -> [turned, and ] 11200 [." He ][glanced at the ] -> [." He glanced at the ] 11201 [spic][e, ] -> [spice, ] 11202 [?" \u000a ][Kynes ] -> [?" \u000a Kynes ] 11203 [? Does ][he ] -> [? Does he ] 11204 [.\u000a "][Gurney] -> [.\u000a "Gurney] 11205 [tim][e. ] -> [time. ] 11206 [ dun][es ] -> [ dunes ] 11207 [a d][ull] -> [a dull] 11208 [t][ch] -> [tch] 11209 [ st][eal] -> [ steal] 11210 [ers][--] -> [ers--] 11211 [w][est] -> [west] 11212 [b][illow] -> [billow] 11213 [dust][-] -> [dust-] 11214 [hy][per] -> [hyper] 11215 [unnatur][al] -> [unnatural] 11216 [tr][umm] -> [trumm] 11217 [us ][. . . ] -> [us . . . ] 11218 [th][irst] -> [thirst] 11219 [With][out ] -> [Without ] 11220 [!][\u000a] -> [!\u000a] 11221 [ ][A] -> [ A] 11222 [ into the ][desert] -> [ into the desert] 11223 [spic][e s] -> [spice s] 11224 [chang][es ] -> [changes ] 11225 [?" the Duke ][asked.\u000a "] -> [?" the Duke asked.\u000a "] 11226 [ip][e ] -> [ipe ] 11227 [ed. \u000a "][You] -> [ed. \u000a "You] 11228 [a s][torm] -> [a storm] 11229 [ pro][tec] -> [ protec] 11230 [open][ sand] -> [open sand] 11231 [in the ][desert ] -> [in the desert ] 11232 [are s][o ] -> [are so ] 11233 [curr][ent] -> [current] 11234 [ a][head] -> [ ahead] 11235 [ sp][ot] -> [ spot] 11236 [sur][face, ] -> [surface, ] 11237 [j][et ] -> [jet ] 11238 [el][ong] -> [elong] 11239 [poin][ting] -> [pointing] 11240 [off][ to the ] -> [off to the ] 11241 [factory ][crawler] -> [factory crawler] 11242 [. \u000a "][I] -> [. \u000a "I] 11243 [e s][tre] -> [e stre] 11244 [dist][ance, ] -> [distance, ] 11245 [in][-] -> [in-] 11246 [Delta Ajax nin][er] -> [Delta Ajax niner] 11247 [Con][trol] -> [Control] 11248 [g][ets ] -> [gets ] 11249 [ di][v] -> [ div] 11250 [over the ][crawler] -> [over the crawler] 11251 [ s][n] -> [ sn] 11252 [gl][ide ] -> [glide ] 11253 [. A][ g] -> [. A g] 11254 [approach][ing] -> [approaching] 11255 [off][ ] -> [off ] 11256 [pl][y] -> [ply] 11257 [took][ off] -> [took off] 11258 [," Halleck][ said.\u000a "] -> [," Halleck said.\u000a "] 11259 [.\u000a ][I] -> [.\u000a I] 11260 [ air][craft ] -> [ aircraft ] 11261 [ to][ a ] -> [ to a ] 11262 [e sh][out] -> [e shout] 11263 [R][un] -> [Run] 11264 [as][ive ] -> [asive ] 11265 [a s][udden ] -> [a sudden ] 11266 [ bir][ds ] -> [ birds ] 11267 [, s][mell] -> [, smell] 11268 [, saw][ that ] -> [, saw that ] 11269 [two ][of the ] -> [two of the ] 11270 [e. ][M] -> [e. M] 11271 [. S][and ] -> [. Sand ] 11272 [ed ][around him] -> [ed around him] 11273 [out ][of its ] -> [out of its ] 11274 [irc][le] -> [ircle] 11275 [could be s][een] -> [could be seen] 11276 [It was ][the ] -> [It was the ] 11277 [there]['ll be ] -> [there'll be ] 11278 [ a][ way ] -> [ a way ] 11279 [e][: ] -> [e: ] 11280 [judg][ment] -> [judgment] 11281 [m][yth] -> [myth] 11282 [experienc][es ] -> [experiences ] 11283 [Collected Sayings ][of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] -> [Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] 11284 [, ][which] -> [, which] 11285 [s ][along the ] -> [s along the ] 11286 [. W][ill] -> [. Will] 11287 [ fam][ily ] -> [ family ] 11288 [ gu][est] -> [ guest] 11289 [a f][ull] -> [a full] 11290 [of s][and] -> [of sand] 11291 [f][ire] -> [fire] 11292 [az][e ] -> [aze ] 11293 [rem][ot] -> [remot] 11294 [-][faced ] -> [-faced ] 11295 [ous][ness] -> [ousness] 11296 [ho][st] -> [host] 11297 [chos][en] -> [chosen] 11298 [ b][and ] -> [ band ] 11299 [ thes][e s] -> [ these s] 11300 [an ][out] -> [an out] 11301 [ sur][round] -> [ surround] 11302 [ing all][ ] -> [ing all ] 11303 [ ch][ill] -> [ chill] 11304 [es][ter] -> [ester] 11305 [our][ce] -> [ource] 11306 [ f][ir] -> [ fir] 11307 [emer][ge ] -> [emerge ] 11308 [ con][cern] -> [ concern] 11309 [I ][leave ] -> [I leave ] 11310 [ betwe][en ] -> [ between ] 11311 [ heard ][the s] -> [ heard the s] 11312 [oun][d-] -> [ound-] 11313 [. D][o you] -> [. Do you] 11314 [a s][ign] -> [a sign] 11315 [ have ][been] -> [ have been] 11316 [he ][thought: ] -> [he thought: ] 11317 [organi][z] -> [organiz] 11318 [Bew][t] -> [Bewt] 11319 [ings ][in the ] -> [ings in the ] 11320 [f][ann] -> [fann] 11321 [right ][and ] -> [right and ] 11322 [s ][a ] -> [s a ] 11323 [Y][et] -> [Yet] 11324 [. "I][ have ] -> [. "I have ] 11325 [l][ist] -> [list] 11326 [no][tice ] -> [notice ] 11327 [prepar][ed to] -> [prepared to] 11328 [What ][has ] -> [What has ] 11329 [ing ][you] -> [ing you] 11330 [dri][fted ] -> [drifted ] 11331 [bre][eze ] -> [breeze ] 11332 [ed. "][My ] -> [ed. "My ] 11333 [ mel][ange ] -> [ melange ] 11334 [d][ish] -> [dish] 11335 [e][ated ] -> [eated ] 11336 [Rev][i] -> [Revi] 11337 [Revi][ew] -> [Review] 11338 [s]['] -> [s'] 11339 [obedi][ence ] -> [obedience ] 11340 [completely ][un] -> [completely un] 11341 [Let ][the ] -> [Let the ] 11342 [!"][ he said] -> [!" he said] 11343 [," the ][banker] -> [," the banker] 11344 [ carefull][y] -> [ carefully] 11345 [ of][ all] -> [ of all] 11346 [epar][ate ] -> [eparate ] 11347 [ed to][ her ] -> [ed to her ] 11348 [ann][ounc] -> [announc] 11349 [House ][Atreides] -> [House Atreides] 11350 [Soo-][So] -> [Soo-So] 11351 [ accur][acy ] -> [ accuracy ] 11352 [follow][ing the ] -> [following the ] 11353 [wor][st ] -> [worst ] 11354 [deliber][ately ] -> [deliberately ] 11355 [the smuggl][er, ] -> [the smuggler, ] 11356 [, spoke ][in a ] -> [, spoke in a ] 11357 [when ][you ] -> [when you ] 11358 [cl][ar] -> [clar] 11359 [."\u000a "You]['ve ] -> [."\u000a "You've ] 11360 [ c][halleng] -> [ challeng] 11361 [ it][self] -> [ itself] 11362 [ sens][ed ] -> [ sensed ] 11363 [oxy][gen] -> [oxygen] 11364 [pre][ad ] -> [pread ] 11365 [an][ am] -> [an am] 11366 [ I]['m] -> [ I'm] 11367 [the s][tillsuit ] -> [the stillsuit ] 11368 [go ][on] -> [go on] 11369 [Com][e, ] -> [Come, ] 11370 [ d][rown] -> [ drown] 11371 [ man][ who] -> [ man who] 11372 [Paul][ could ] -> [Paul could ] 11373 [M][y son] -> [My son] 11374 [ cl][aim] -> [ claim] 11375 [ so][ci] -> [ soci] 11376 [ec][ure ] -> [ecure ] 11377 [wor][n ] -> [worn ] 11378 [so][ many ] -> [so many ] 11379 [far][ther ] -> [farther ] 11380 [: "][It's ] -> [: "It's ] 11381 [. If][ they ] -> [. If they ] 11382 [igh][ted ] -> [ighted ] 11383 [I've ][had ] -> [I've had ] 11384 [prov][id] -> [provid] 11385 [beginn][ing to] -> [beginning to] 11386 [had ][not ] -> [had not ] 11387 [to s][ub] -> [to sub] 11388 [in the ][middle ] -> [in the middle ] 11389 [call][ed out ] -> [called out ] 11390 [ok][e the ] -> [oke the ] 11391 [?"\u000a ][A] -> [?"\u000a A] 11392 [ shout][ed. "] -> [ shouted. "] 11393 [?"\u000a ][Jessica] -> [?"\u000a Jessica] 11394 [on the ][floor, ] -> [on the floor, ] 11395 [t][as] -> [tas] 11396 [I][ say] -> [I say] 11397 [st][umbl] -> [stumbl] 11398 [no][ reason] -> [no reason] 11399 [ed himself][ up] -> [ed himself up] 11400 [brup][tly, ] -> [bruptly, ] 11401 [remov][ed the ] -> [removed the ] 11402 [l][ing s] -> [ling s] 11403 [lo][od ] -> [lood ] 11404 [s][ave ] -> [save ] 11405 [s][ituation] -> [situation] 11406 [, ][to] -> [, to] 11407 [what ][happen] -> [what happen] 11408 [," Hawat said][. \u000a "] -> [," Hawat said. \u000a "] 11409 [ym][p] -> [ymp] 11410 [cer][n ] -> [cern ] 11411 [face ][darken] -> [face darken] 11412 [be][at] -> [beat] 11413 [who][ could ] -> [who could ] 11414 [ w][asn't ] -> [ wasn't ] 11415 [." \u000a "][Then ] -> [." \u000a "Then ] 11416 [roll][ed ] -> [rolled ] 11417 [to][ h] -> [to h] 11418 [to b][r] -> [to br] 11419 [ge][ther ] -> [gether ] 11420 [no][ shield] -> [no shield] 11421 [forc][ed herself] -> [forced herself] 11422 [br][ow] -> [brow] 11423 [in][tim] -> [intim] 11424 [.\u000a "I][f] -> [.\u000a "If] 11425 [I know][ you, ] -> [I know you, ] 11426 [.\u000a "You][ are ] -> [.\u000a "You are ] 11427 [cre][ep] -> [creep] 11428 [what][ever] -> [whatever] 11429 [star][ed at the ] -> [stared at the ] 11430 [? ][\u000a] -> [? \u000a] 11431 [ of ][your] -> [ of your] 11432 [P][l] -> [Pl] 11433 [arri][ved ] -> [arrived ] 11434 [ill][ar] -> [illar] 11435 [.\u000a ][On] -> [.\u000a On] 11436 [with][ her ] -> [with her ] 11437 [. I][ was ] -> [. I was ] 11438 [ed b][ecause ] -> [ed because ] 11439 [the s][ource ] -> [the source ] 11440 [-s][hadow] -> [-shadow] 11441 [emp][tin] -> [emptin] 11442 [d][ull] -> [dull] 11443 [I wish][ to ] -> [I wish to ] 11444 [hait][an] -> [haitan] 11445 [ he ][has ] -> [ he has ] 11446 [. S][ome] -> [. Some] 11447 [need][le] -> [needle] 11448 [ on][ her] -> [ on her] 11449 [," the Baron said][.\u000a ] -> [," the Baron said.\u000a ] 11450 [gave ][him] -> [gave him] 11451 [j][our] -> [jour] 11452 [jour][ney ] -> [journey ] 11453 [ed ][of] -> [ed of] 11454 [.\u000a S][car] -> [.\u000a Scar] 11455 [ dis][patch] -> [ dispatch] 11456 [s, ][Jessica thought] -> [s, Jessica thought] 11457 [kill][ ] -> [kill ] 11458 [for][ward ] -> [forward ] 11459 [ on][ce ] -> [ once ] 11460 [Vo][ic] -> [Voic] 11461 [-bu][oy] -> [-buoy] 11462 [b][ound] -> [bound] 11463 [!][ she ] -> [! she ] 11464 [the ][traitor] -> [the traitor] 11465 [litter-bear][er] -> [litter-bearer] 11466 [realiz][ed the ] -> [realized the ] 11467 [look][s ] -> [looks ] 11468 [Sil][ence ] -> [Silence ] 11469 [Jessica][ felt the ] -> [Jessica felt the ] 11470 [k][not ] -> [knot ] 11471 [Lit][tle ] -> [Little ] 11472 [returned his attention][ to ] -> [returned his attention to ] 11473 [aw][led ] -> [awled ] 11474 [B][om] -> [Bom] 11475 [i][a] -> [ia] 11476 [r][ing, ] -> [ring, ] 11477 [," the ][Sardaukar] -> [," the Sardaukar] 11478 [How ][long] -> [How long] 11479 [This ][was ] -> [This was ] 11480 [ ][even] -> [ even] 11481 [releas][ed his ] -> [released his ] 11482 [writ][ten] -> [written] 11483 [fighting][ men] -> [fighting men] 11484 [j][owl] -> [jowl] 11485 [was][, ] -> [was, ] 11486 [mo][ck] -> [mock] 11487 [there was ][no] -> [there was no] 11488 [gl][az] -> [glaz] 11489 [knife ][in his ] -> [knife in his ] 11490 [ clo][th] -> [ cloth] 11491 [es][.\u000a "] -> [es.\u000a "] 11492 [ri][pped ] -> [ripped ] 11493 [g][as ] -> [gas ] 11494 [ shap][e ] -> [ shape ] 11495 [ in fron][t of] -> [ in front of] 11496 [ ][escap] -> [ escap] 11497 [ r][umbl] -> [ rumbl] 11498 [f][old ] -> [fold ] 11499 [ concub][ine ] -> [ concubine ] 11500 [nam][e of] -> [name of] 11501 [ p][ick] -> [ pick] 11502 [mor][sel] -> [morsel] 11503 [in his ][suspensor] -> [in his suspensor] 11504 [felt ][it ] -> [felt it ] 11505 [ed on][ his ] -> [ed on his ] 11506 [oc][ity ] -> [ocity ] 11507 [ gre][en ] -> [ green ] 11508 [.\u000a The ][man] -> [.\u000a The man] 11509 [ing a][ir] -> [ing air] 11510 [Sardaukar]['s ] -> [Sardaukar's ] 11511 [rig][ad] -> [rigad] 11512 [n][ants ] -> [nants ] 11513 [," the Baron said][, and he ] -> [," the Baron said, and he ] 11514 [, the ][Sardaukar] -> [, the Sardaukar] 11515 [s][end ] -> [send ] 11516 [.\u000a Paul][ star] -> [.\u000a Paul star] 11517 [s][cream] -> [scream] 11518 [had ][happen] -> [had happen] 11519 [ing out ][the ] -> [ing out the ] 11520 [ prec][isely ] -> [ precisely ] 11521 [."\u000a ][It ] -> [."\u000a It ] 11522 [e s][trength] -> [e strength] 11523 [ b][and] -> [ band] 11524 [escarp][ment ] -> [escarpment ] 11525 [had][e ] -> [hade ] 11526 [t][ured] -> [tured] 11527 [. How][ ] -> [. How ] 11528 [t][ent, ] -> [tent, ] 11529 [pas][s, ] -> [pass, ] 11530 [p][ay] -> [pay] 11531 [be][ing c] -> [being c] 11532 [ her son]['s ] -> [ her son's ] 11533 [A][z] -> [Az] 11534 [Az][har] -> [Azhar] 11535 [Azhar][ B] -> [Azhar B] 11536 [Azhar B][ook] -> [Azhar Book] 11537 [: "][Muad'Dib] -> [: "Muad'Dib] 11538 [glow][tab] -> [glowtab] 11539 [:][ the s] -> [: the s] 11540 [us][eless ] -> [useless ] 11541 [g][au] -> [gau] 11542 [experienc][ed ] -> [experienced ] 11543 [. He saw][ ] -> [. He saw ] 11544 [g][rop] -> [grop] 11545 [esh][ip] -> [eship] 11546 [ed his ][own] -> [ed his own] 11547 [terrif][ying] -> [terrifying] 11548 [p][ound] -> [pound] 11549 [ro][ots ] -> [roots ] 11550 [her][ hands ] -> [her hands ] 11551 [truc][ture ] -> [tructure ] 11552 [reco][il] -> [recoil] 11553 [thing][s that ] -> [things that ] 11554 [re][ver] -> [rever] 11555 [mo][t] -> [mot] 11556 [in ][to ] -> [in to ] 11557 [to d][raw] -> [to draw] 11558 [it][? ] -> [it? ] 11559 [Gurney Halleck][ and ] -> [Gurney Halleck and ] 11560 [sk][ull] -> [skull] 11561 [wor][ri] -> [worri] 11562 [Duke Leto]['s ] -> [Duke Leto's ] 11563 [t][ub] -> [tub] 11564 [ d][ig] -> [ dig] 11565 [he had ][seen ] -> [he had seen ] 11566 [ accept ][her] -> [ accept her] 11567 [ f][r] -> [ fr] 11568 [gave ][me ] -> [gave me ] 11569 [, and his ][voice was ] -> [, and his voice was ] 11570 [blur][red ] -> [blurred ] 11571 [circ][le ] -> [circle ] 11572 [ dark][ness ] -> [ darkness ] 11573 [ coll][ap] -> [ collap] 11574 [ed ][myself] -> [ed myself] 11575 [before ][dawn] -> [before dawn] 11576 [Harkonnen][ patrol] -> [Harkonnen patrol] 11577 [and ][this ] -> [and this ] 11578 [. A][t ] -> [. At ] 11579 [R][ock] -> [Rock] 11580 [det][ail] -> [detail] 11581 [th][reaten] -> [threaten] 11582 [ing ][of his ] -> [ing of his ] 11583 [like ][a p] -> [like a p] 11584 [ys][ical] -> [ysical] 11585 [nodd][ed to] -> [nodded to] 11586 [ord][in] -> [ordin] 11587 [di][et] -> [diet] 11588 [!" Hawat ][snapp] -> [!" Hawat snapp] 11589 [ sil][ent, ] -> [ silent, ] 11590 [unic][ation] -> [unication] 11591 [.\u000a "I am][ ] -> [.\u000a "I am ] 11592 [," Hawat said][.\u000a "] -> [," Hawat said.\u000a "] 11593 [killed ][Harkonnens] -> [killed Harkonnens] 11594 [in][ that] -> [in that] 11595 [vo][id] -> [void] 11596 [. "][Tell] -> [. "Tell] 11597 [es ][it] -> [es it] 11598 [los][t the ] -> [lost the ] 11599 [s][qu] -> [squ] 11600 [b][ond ] -> [bond ] 11601 [cliff][ wall] -> [cliff wall] 11602 [ed in][ this ] -> [ed in this ] 11603 [ wish][ to] -> [ wish to] 11604 [ bel][ong] -> [ belong] 11605 [ belong][s to the ] -> [ belongs to the ] 11606 [." \u000a The ][man] -> [." \u000a The man] 11607 [b][at ] -> [bat ] 11608 [fri][end ] -> [friend ] 11609 [ed to][ have ] -> [ed to have ] 11610 [n][est] -> [nest] 11611 [v][all] -> [vall] 11612 [vall][ey] -> [valley] 11613 [t][ation] -> [tation] 11614 [comp][anions ] -> [companions ] 11615 [. T][wo] -> [. Two] 11616 [beard][ed ] -> [bearded ] 11617 [t of ][Paul] -> [t of Paul] 11618 [distant ][cliff] -> [distant cliff] 11619 [ said][. \u000a ] -> [ said. \u000a ] 11620 [? ][Why ] -> [? Why ] 11621 [ham][b] -> [hamb] 11622 [Paul][ said: "] -> [Paul said: "] 11623 [," Paul said. "][You] -> [," Paul said. "You] 11624 [" ][\u000a The ] -> [" \u000a The ] 11625 [ at ][least ] -> [ at least ] 11626 [-h][and ] -> [-hand ] 11627 [o][llow] -> [ollow] 11628 [storm]['s ] -> [storm's ] 11629 [eck][on] -> [eckon] 11630 [prescient ][vision] -> [prescient vision] 11631 [we][aken] -> [weaken] 11632 [i][om] -> [iom] 11633 [cad][e of] -> [cade of] 11634 [sw][ish] -> [swish] 11635 [ang][ular] -> [angular] 11636 [dim][inish] -> [diminish] 11637 [et][s, ] -> [ets, ] 11638 [S][and] -> [Sand] 11639 [ing][ deep] -> [ing deep] 11640 [ag][ue ] -> [ague ] 11641 [W][ind] -> [Wind] 11642 [pre][vail] -> [prevail] 11643 [are ][you ] -> [are you ] 11644 [C][ap] -> [Cap] 11645 [to ][take the ] -> [to take the ] 11646 [tell][ me ] -> [tell me ] 11647 [Do you][ think I] -> [Do you think I] 11648 [." \u000a "][So] -> [." \u000a "So] 11649 [app][arent ] -> [apparent ] 11650 [i][es, ] -> [ies, ] 11651 [Sardaukar][ command] -> [Sardaukar command] 11652 [di][et ] -> [diet ] 11653 [exh][al] -> [exhal] 11654 [. I ][need ] -> [. I need ] 11655 [fo][od ] -> [food ] 11656 [train][ed to ] -> [trained to ] 11657 [s][ummon] -> [summon] 11658 [-][brain] -> [-brain] 11659 [," the Baron said. "][But ] -> [," the Baron said. "But ] 11660 [. "][H] -> [. "H] 11661 [Guild ][agent] -> [Guild agent] 11662 [already ][had ] -> [already had ] 11663 [w][eren] -> [weren] 11664 [weren]['t ] -> [weren't ] 11665 [acc][ident ] -> [accident ] 11666 [erc][y ] -> [ercy ] 11667 [such][ a ] -> [such a ] 11668 [v][ort] -> [vort] 11669 [vort][ex] -> [vortex] 11670 [cur][tain] -> [curtain] 11671 [, but ][still] -> [, but still] 11672 [ the sec][ond ] -> [ the second ] 11673 [war][eness] -> [wareness] 11674 [," Jessica said][.\u000a Paul] -> [," Jessica said.\u000a Paul] 11675 [rock][ sh] -> [rock sh] 11676 [all][el] -> [allel] 11677 [ with][ a c] -> [ with a c] 11678 [ stepp][ed out ] -> [ stepped out ] 11679 [ a p][ar] -> [ a par] 11680 [ fac][e] -> [ face] 11681 [st][e] -> [ste] 11682 [anc][y] -> [ancy] 11683 [sense ][the ] -> [sense the ] 11684 [a th][umper] -> [a thumper] 11685 [h][our] -> [hour] 11686 [in the ][open desert] -> [in the open desert] 11687 [ w][id] -> [ wid] 11688 [ m][oment] -> [ moment] 11689 [ sh][ift ] -> [ shift ] 11690 [ing the ][sand ] -> [ing the sand ] 11691 [I ][knew] -> [I knew] 11692 [paracom][pass] -> [paracompass] 11693 [of the ][sand] -> [of the sand] 11694 [step][ . . . ] -> [step . . . ] 11695 [id][en] -> [iden] 11696 [happen][ed] -> [happened] 11697 [anch][or] -> [anchor] 11698 [ens][es ] -> [enses ] 11699 [de][termin] -> [determin] 11700 [ my ][father's ] -> [ my father's ] 11701 [L][ank] -> [Lank] 11702 [i][veil] -> [iveil] 11703 [an][ting] -> [anting] 11704 [gr][ass, ] -> [grass, ] 11705 [and ][there ] -> [and there ] 11706 [ repe][at] -> [ repeat] 11707 [their ][own] -> [their own] 11708 [us][e of] -> [use of] 11709 [ sl][av] -> [ slav] 11710 [uc][cess] -> [uccess] 11711 [oppress][ive ] -> [oppressive ] 11712 [inno][cent ] -> [innocent ] 11713 [lo][th] -> [loth] 11714 [cre][vas] -> [crevas] 11715 [er ][. . . ] -> [er . . . ] 11716 [behind ][them] -> [behind them] 11717 [f][atigu] -> [fatigu] 11718 [ was ][a ] -> [ was a ] 11719 [ ][around them] -> [ around them] 11720 [pol][es ] -> [poles ] 11721 [e.\u000a ][Paul] -> [e.\u000a Paul] 11722 [the s][hadow] -> [the shadow] 11723 [.\u000a "][They ] -> [.\u000a "They ] 11724 [whisper][ed: "] -> [whispered: "] 11725 [how][ it ] -> [how it ] 11726 [-h][op] -> [-hop] 11727 [show][ed ] -> [showed ] 11728 [re][-spice ] -> [re-spice ] 11729 [pock][et ] -> [pocket ] 11730 [ because ][he ] -> [ because he ] 11731 [? ][Kynes ] -> [? Kynes ] 11732 [ation][s. ] -> [ations. ] 11733 [even ][in the ] -> [even in the ] 11734 [ted ][for ] -> [ted for ] 11735 [trans][form] -> [transform] 11736 [cl][ue ] -> [clue ] 11737 [ mak][er] -> [ maker] 11738 [re][gar] -> [regar] 11739 [c][rop] -> [crop] 11740 [E][very ] -> [Every ] 11741 [ing][uish] -> [inguish] 11742 [c][ielago] -> [cielago] 11743 [. He ][is ] -> [. He is ] 11744 [Jamis][, ] -> [Jamis, ] 11745 [opponent]['s ] -> [opponent's ] 11746 [an ][instant ] -> [an instant ] 11747 [rob][es] -> [robes] 11748 [weap][on ] -> [weapon ] 11749 [, and ][that ] -> [, and that ] 11750 [sil][ence, ] -> [silence, ] 11751 [voic][es] -> [voices] 11752 [Jamis ][is ] -> [Jamis is ] 11753 [. ][Stilgar] -> [. Stilgar] 11754 [, d][aughter of ] -> [, daughter of ] 11755 [, ][when ] -> [, when ] 11756 [, c][an ] -> [, can ] 11757 [, ][Chani] -> [, Chani] 11758 [ar][vel] -> [arvel] 11759 [, ][un] -> [, un] 11760 [Stilgar][ was ] -> [Stilgar was ] 11761 [among ][us ] -> [among us ] 11762 [ b][ested ] -> [ bested ] 11763 [childr][en ] -> [children ] 11764 [fore s][he could ] -> [fore she could ] 11765 [ we][igh] -> [ weigh] 11766 [friend][ship] -> [friendship] 11767 [Sayyadin][a ] -> [Sayyadina ] 11768 [within][ him] -> [within him] 11769 [B][ur] -> [Bur] 11770 [glo][bes ] -> [globes ] 11771 [le ][and ] -> [le and ] 11772 [t][ahaddi] -> [tahaddi] 11773 [ of][ him] -> [ of him] 11774 [glowglo][bes ] -> [glowglobes ] 11775 [. ][Presently ] -> [. Presently ] 11776 [figh][ter] -> [fighter] 11777 [, Paul][ told himself] -> [, Paul told himself] 11778 [st][ink] -> [stink] 11779 [through the ][troop] -> [through the troop] 11780 [ur][mur] -> [urmur] 11781 [I will][ tell] -> [I will tell] 11782 [ever][ seen] -> [ever seen] 11783 [ c][eremon] -> [ ceremon] 11784 [r][ite ] -> [rite ] 11785 [as][t the ] -> [ast the ] 11786 [his ][water] -> [his water] 11787 [to the ][dead] -> [to the dead] 11788 [econ][ds ] -> [econds ] 11789 [dr][ach] -> [drach] 11790 [drach][m] -> [drachm] 11791 [." \u000a "][Bi-lal kaifa] -> [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa] 11792 [good ][of the ] -> [good of the ] 11793 [ r][itual] -> [ ritual] 11794 [reg][ion] -> [region] 11795 [fac][e of] -> [face of] 11796 [ chang][e the ] -> [ change the ] 11797 [of ][time, ] -> [of time, ] 11798 [golden][ box] -> [golden box] 11799 [ob][b] -> [obb] 11800 [U][m-m-m-m] -> [Um-m-m-m] 11801 [ a][h-h-h] -> [ ah-h-h] 11802 [uncle]['s ] -> [uncle's ] 11803 [the ][Emperor] -> [the Emperor] 11804 [nor][thern] -> [northern] 11805 [ sever][al ] -> [ several ] 11806 [clos][est ] -> [closest ] 11807 [li][g] -> [lig] 11808 [galler][ies] -> [galleries] 11809 [glo][ved ] -> [gloved ] 11810 [. The ][slave ] -> [. The slave ] 11811 [ed s][haf] -> [ed shaf] 11812 [trem][ble] -> [tremble] 11813 [o][s ] -> [os ] 11814 [ the s][lave ] -> [ the slave ] 11815 [! ][H] -> [! H] 11816 [ d][ifficul] -> [ difficul] 11817 [Stilgar][ and ] -> [Stilgar and ] 11818 [S][he's ] -> [She's ] 11819 [, ][Usul] -> [, Usul] 11820 [serv][ant] -> [servant] 11821 [ mov][ed up] -> [ moved up] 11822 [ coll][ector] -> [ collector] 11823 [dri][ven] -> [driven] 11824 [ cor][ridor] -> [ corridor] 11825 [liqu][id ] -> [liquid ] 11826 [ok][ines] -> [okines] 11827 [okines][the] -> [okinesthe] 11828 [ex][tens] -> [extens] 11829 [ this ][was ] -> [ this was ] 11830 [ mo][te ] -> [ mote ] 11831 [ep][ath] -> [epath] 11832 [ spe][ed] -> [ speed] 11833 [raid][ers ] -> [raiders ] 11834 [B][el] -> [Bel] 11835 [Bel][a T] -> [Bela T] 11836 [Bela T][ege] -> [Bela Tege] 11837 [ straighten][ed, ] -> [ straightened, ] 11838 [tur][mo] -> [turmo] 11839 [turmo][il] -> [turmoil] 11840 [los][s] -> [loss] 11841 [There ][will be ] -> [There will be ] 11842 [ut][al ] -> [utal ] 11843 [emb][er of] -> [ember of] 11844 [House ][Corrin] -> [House Corrin] 11845 [Chani][ had ] -> [Chani had ] 11846 [olog][y] -> [ology] 11847 [death][ command] -> [death command] 11848 [ b][eyond the ] -> [ beyond the ] 11849 [mak][er, ] -> [maker, ] 11850 [a sand][rider] -> [a sandrider] 11851 [qu][anti] -> [quanti] 11852 [el][e] -> [ele] 11853 [sm][en ] -> [smen ] 11854 [," Harah][ said, "] -> [," Harah said, "] 11855 [aw][m] -> [awm] 11856 [!" ][\u000a The ] -> [!" \u000a The ] 11857 [abb][any] -> [abbany] 11858 [Cave ][of ] -> [Cave of ] 11859 [Cave of ][B] -> [Cave of B] 11860 [They]['re s] -> [They're s] 11861 [rul][ing ] -> [ruling ] 11862 [ sh][igawire ] -> [ shigawire ] 11863 [O][theym] -> [Otheym] 11864 [W][ar] -> [War] 11865 [Le][g] -> [Leg] 11866 [a f][ace ] -> [a face ] 11867 [."\u000a ][Chani] -> [."\u000a Chani] 11868 [ac][red ] -> [acred ] 11869 [force ][that ] -> [force that ] 11870 [," Gurney][ said.\u000a "] -> [," Gurney said.\u000a "] 11871 [t][z] -> [tz] 11872 [, ][Majesty] -> [, Majesty] 11873 [old ][Truthsayer] -> [old Truthsayer] 11874 [Sardaukar][ offic] -> [Sardaukar offic] 11875 [ sand][worm] -> [ sandworm] 11876 [Princess ][Royal] -> [Princess Royal] 11877 [op][or] -> [opor] 11878 [opor][ific] -> [oporific] 11879 [M][a] -> [Ma] 11880 [del][egates ] -> [delegates ] 11881 [,][00] -> [,00] 11882 [,00][0] -> [,000] 11883 [\u000a ][Muad'Dib] -> [\u000a Muad'Dib] 11884 [\u000a Muad'Dib][: "] -> [\u000a Muad'Dib: "] 11885 [ (][10,1] -> [ (10,1] 11886 [ B][.G] -> [ B.G] 11887 [ ][AL] -> [ AL] 11888 [I][M] -> [IM] 11889 [L][O] -> [LO] 11890 [ird ][planet of ] -> [ird planet of ] 11891 [OO][K] -> [OOK] 11892 [:][ poison] -> [: poison] 11893 [A][G] -> [AG] 11894 [E][D] -> [ED] 11895 [E][G] -> [EG] 11896 [th][ planet of ] -> [th planet of ] 11897 [ig][r] -> [igr] 11898 [I][ON] -> [ION] 11899 [ER][I] -> [ERI] 11900 [P][O] -> [PO] 11901 [.\u000a][CH] -> [.\u000aCH] 11902 [T][OR] -> [TOR] 11903 [M][AN] -> [MAN] 11904 [D][E] -> [DE] 11905 [AL][:] -> [AL:] 11906 [F][RE] -> [FRE] 11907 [EN][T] -> [ENT] 11908 [.\u000a][K] -> [.\u000aK] 11909 [A][: the ] -> [A: the ] 11910 [Dun][e] -> [Dune] 11911 [, then][, ] -> [, then, ] 11912 [Padishah Emperor][, ] -> [Padishah Emperor, ] 11913 [dec][e] -> [dece] 11914 [.\u000a-from "][Manual ] -> [.\u000a-from "Manual ] 11915 [arm][ ] -> [arm ] 11916 [b][ore ] -> [bore ] 11917 [ac][quir] -> [acquir] 11918 [old woman][ was ] -> [old woman was ] 11919 [allow][ed ] -> [allowed ] 11920 [ pe][er ] -> [ peer ] 11921 [hang][ing ] -> [hanging ] 11922 [fem][al] -> [femal] 11923 [we][b] -> [web] 11924 [ for][ his ] -> [ for his ] 11925 [get][ting] -> [getting] 11926 [Your Rever][ence] -> [Your Reverence] 11927 [ed the ][old woman] -> [ed the old woman] 11928 [." \u000a "][Yes, ] -> [." \u000a "Yes, ] 11929 [ seem][ed to ] -> [ seemed to ] 11930 [. "][T] -> [. "T] 11931 [to me][et ] -> [to meet ] 11932 [ing the ][door] -> [ing the door] 11933 [up][set ] -> [upset ] 11934 [the str][ang] -> [the strang] 11935 [ comm][on] -> [ common] 11936 [ before ][we ] -> [ before we ] 11937 [from ][Caladan] -> [from Caladan] 11938 [eight][y ] -> [eighty ] 11939 [year][s, ] -> [years, ] 11940 [g][eri] -> [geri] 11941 [geri][at] -> [geriat] 11942 [ spic][e, ] -> [ spice, ] 11943 [mel][ang] -> [melang] 11944 [Now][ the ] -> [Now the ] 11945 [Great Hous][es of the ] -> [Great Houses of the ] 11946 [jeal][ous] -> [jealous] 11947 [had ][said] -> [had said] 11948 [ of ][an ] -> [ of an ] 11949 [so][lemn] -> [solemn] 11950 [like ][a c] -> [like a c] 11951 [ a f][aint ] -> [ a faint ] 11952 [, Paul ][knew] -> [, Paul knew] 11953 [predic][tion] -> [prediction] 11954 [ f][ad] -> [ fad] 11955 [f][aufreluch] -> [faufreluch] 11956 [ed ][on Arrakis] -> [ed on Arrakis] 11957 [sh][elter] -> [shelter] 11958 [avo][id ] -> [avoid ] 11959 [in][te] -> [inte] 11960 [inte][gr] -> [integr] 11961 [ thing][s] -> [ things] 11962 [for][ f] -> [for f] 11963 [ d][awn] -> [ dawn] 11964 [ clos][ed ] -> [ closed ] 11965 [, ][hear] -> [, hear] 11966 [ door ][open] -> [ door open] 11967 [ black][ ] -> [ black ] 11968 [ri][bb] -> [ribb] 11969 [tud][ied the ] -> [tudied the ] 11970 [ shoulder][s ] -> [ shoulders ] 11971 [ might ][have ] -> [ might have ] 11972 [j][ack] -> [jack] 11973 [carri][ed the ] -> [carried the ] 11974 [Who ][is ] -> [Who is ] 11975 [, s][he's ] -> [, she's ] 11976 [hesit][at] -> [hesitat] 11977 [the ][reason] -> [the reason] 11978 [ wait][ing] -> [ waiting] 11979 [ he ][felt ] -> [ he felt ] 11980 [, ][fl] -> [, fl] 11981 [on ][enough] -> [on enough] 11982 [wondered at ][it] -> [wondered at it] 11983 [t][ap] -> [tap] 11984 [ind][ow] -> [indow] 11985 [over][look] -> [overlook] 11986 [ a ][little ] -> [ a little ] 11987 [ space ][travel] -> [ space travel] 11988 [ation][ with] -> [ation with] 11989 [personal][ attention] -> [personal attention] 11990 [Bene Gesserit][-] -> [Bene Gesserit-] 11991 [ev][ade ] -> [evade ] 11992 [born][e ] -> [borne ] 11993 [chair][, ] -> [chair, ] 11994 [y, ][a ] -> [y, a ] 11995 [ther][e. ] -> [there. ] 11996 [t][aught] -> [taught] 11997 [ stud][ied ] -> [ studied ] 11998 [ b][row] -> [ brow] 11999 [ gr][andfather] -> [ grandfather] 12000 [old ][eyes ] -> [old eyes ] 12001 [ed][it] -> [edit] 12002 [Y][es . . . ] -> [Yes . . . ] 12003 [looked back][ at the ] -> [looked back at the ] 12004 [an ][angry ] -> [an angry ] 12005 [ens][ed ] -> [ensed ] 12006 [rece][ive ] -> [receive ] 12007 [to me][." \u000a "] -> [to me." \u000a "] 12008 [r][y s] -> [ry s] 12009 [ ch][eck] -> [ check] 12010 [ she ][were ] -> [ she were ] 12011 [wr][ink] -> [wrink] 12012 [ed at ][her ] -> [ed at her ] 12013 [g][own] -> [gown] 12014 [ centime][ters ] -> [ centimeters ] 12015 [his ][hand] -> [his hand] 12016 [fe][atures] -> [features] 12017 [high][-] -> [high-] 12018 [se][amed ] -> [seamed ] 12019 [," she said][. "It's ] -> [," she said. "It's ] 12020 [ warn][ you] -> [ warn you] 12021 [How][ did ] -> [How did ] 12022 [ d][ry ] -> [ dry ] 12023 [as][s the ] -> [ass the ] 12024 [from the ][box] -> [from the box] 12025 [liv][e. ] -> [live. ] 12026 [di][e] -> [die] 12027 [erv][ants ] -> [ervants ] 12028 [ds ][and ] -> [ds and ] 12029 [ep][end ] -> [epend ] 12030 [out ][there ] -> [out there ] 12031 [ed by ][that ] -> [ed by that ] 12032 [ must ][not ] -> [ must not ] 12033 [to][tal ] -> [total ] 12034 [and ][through] -> [and through] 12035 [. Where ][the ] -> [. Where the ] 12036 [ has ][gone ] -> [ has gone ] 12037 [Get ][on] -> [Get on] 12038 [s][ir] -> [sir] 12039 [ch][ew] -> [chew] 12040 [fe][ign] -> [feign] 12041 [a th][reat ] -> [a threat ] 12042 [fain][test ] -> [faintest ] 12043 [finger][n] -> [fingern] 12044 [fingern][ail] -> [fingernail] 12045 [rob][b] -> [robb] 12046 [on his ][forehead] -> [on his forehead] 12047 [turn][ing his ] -> [turning his ] 12048 [c][ould] -> [could] 12049 [seem][ed to ] -> [seemed to ] 12050 [ of ][its ] -> [ of its ] 12051 [emor][y ] -> [emory ] 12052 [ in][hib] -> [ inhib] 12053 [fle][x] -> [flex] 12054 [potenti][al] -> [potential] 12055 [ human][s] -> [ humans] 12056 [fing][ers, ] -> [fingers, ] 12057 [s ][where ] -> [s where ] 12058 [dropp][ed the ] -> [dropped the ] 12059 [t][ang] -> [tang] 12060 [right ][hand, ] -> [right hand, ] 12061 [memor][y of the ] -> [memory of the ] 12062 [. O][ur] -> [. Our] 12063 [voice, ][said: "] -> [voice, said: "] 12064 [be ][the ] -> [be the ] 12065 [ing her][self] -> [ing herself] 12066 [clou][ds ] -> [clouds ] 12067 [voic][e. She ] -> [voice. She ] 12068 [."\u000a "][Your] -> [."\u000a "Your] 12069 [ ][open ] -> [ open ] 12070 [-][ey] -> [-ey] 12071 [never][ for] -> [never for] 12072 [bas][ic] -> [basic] 12073 [gent][le] -> [gentle] 12074 [. "You][ may ] -> [. "You may ] 12075 [. M][y s] -> [. My s] 12076 [ against ][her] -> [ against her] 12077 [ing again][st ] -> [ing against ] 12078 [told ][the ] -> [told the ] 12079 [dis][miss] -> [dismiss] 12080 [s][. They were ] -> [s. They were ] 12081 [tak][es ] -> [takes ] 12082 [up][ to the ] -> [up to the ] 12083 [voice ][had ] -> [voice had ] 12084 [turned ][their] -> [turned their] 12085 [not ][make ] -> [not make ] 12086 [a m][achine ] -> [a machine ] 12087 [R][ight ] -> [Right ] 12088 [O.C. B][ib] -> [O.C. Bib] 12089 [a c][r] -> [a cr] 12090 [," she said. "][It ] -> [," she said. "It ] 12091 [ mind][s ] -> [ minds ] 12092 [to d][evelop] -> [to develop] 12093 [tal][ent] -> [talent] 12094 [s of][ those ] -> [s of those ] 12095 [p][ure ] -> [pure ] 12096 [return][ed her attention] -> [returned her attention] 12097 [rem][ark] -> [remark] 12098 [could be ][no] -> [could be no] 12099 [s][epar] -> [separ] 12100 [to][ck] -> [tock] 12101 [abrup][tly ] -> [abruptly ] 12102 [for ][Paul] -> [for Paul] 12103 [an ][off] -> [an off] 12104 [Bene Gesserit ][of the ] -> [Bene Gesserit of the ] 12105 [." \u000a "Then][ why ] -> [." \u000a "Then why ] 12106 [tr][ait] -> [trait] 12107 [on ][your] -> [on your] 12108 [I][ hear] -> [I hear] 12109 [ felt ][himself] -> [ felt himself] 12110 [ com][ing] -> [ coming] 12111 [ing][ stare ] -> [ing stare ] 12112 [that][, ] -> [that, ] 12113 [im][pro] -> [impro] 12114 ['s ][g] -> ['s g] 12115 [look][ down] -> [look down] 12116 [fem][inine ] -> [feminine ] 12117 [H][er ] -> [Her ] 12118 [s][." \u000a "You] -> [s." \u000a "You] 12119 [, the ][one who] -> [, the one who] 12120 [men][ have ] -> [men have ] 12121 [n][one ] -> [none ] 12122 [succe][ed] -> [succeed] 12123 [di][ed] -> [died] 12124 [ att][emp] -> [ attemp] 12125 [al][se] -> [alse] 12126 [alse][hood] -> [alsehood] 12127 [D][ark] -> [Dark] 12128 [ wor][l] -> [ worl] 12129 [on][ a f] -> [on a f] 12130 [at ][one ] -> [at one ] 12131 [ of][ a w] -> [ of a w] 12132 [ of][ m] -> [ of m] 12133 [center of the ][room] -> [center of the room] 12134 [of][ face ] -> [of face ] 12135 [em][in] -> [emin] 12136 [id][den ] -> [idden ] 12137 [ his][tory] -> [ history] 12138 [glo][be, ] -> [globe, ] 12139 [fo][cus ] -> [focus ] 12140 [Em][p] -> [Emp] 12141 [polar][ cap] -> [polar cap] 12142 [ di][am] -> [ diam] 12143 [mov][ed, ] -> [moved, ] 12144 [e][. A] -> [e. A] 12145 [ set][ting] -> [ setting] 12146 [ smile ][touched ] -> [ smile touched ] 12147 [ believ][es ] -> [ believes ] 12148 [."\u000a "][That's ] -> [."\u000a "That's ] 12149 [n][on] -> [non] 12150 [my ][nephew] -> [my nephew] 12151 [le ][in the ] -> [le in the ] 12152 [cy][lin] -> [cylin] 12153 [cylin][der] -> [cylinder] 12154 [roll][ed the ] -> [rolled the ] 12155 [cy][lind] -> [cylind] 12156 [s][cann] -> [scann] 12157 [?" the Baron][ demand] -> [?" the Baron demand] 12158 [grow][l] -> [growl] 12159 [.' ][" \u000a "] -> [.' " \u000a "] 12160 [ began ][to ] -> [ began to ] 12161 [! ][This is ] -> [! This is ] 12162 [il][ent, ] -> [ilent, ] 12163 [l][aughter] -> [laughter] 12164 [K][an] -> [Kan] 12165 [ to][ be s] -> [ to be s] 12166 [o][on] -> [oon] 12167 [its ][of] -> [its of] 12168 [without any ][white ] -> [without any white ] 12169 [ at ][all] -> [ at all] 12170 [! ][N] -> [! N] 12171 [reven][ge ] -> [revenge ] 12172 [touch][ed by ] -> [touched by ] 12173 [del][ic] -> [delic] 12174 [?"\u000a "][S] -> [?"\u000a "S] 12175 [om][eday ] -> [omeday ] 12176 [or][ s] -> [or s] 12177 [you][ see, ] -> [you see, ] 12178 [ continu][ed to stare ] -> [ continued to stare ] 12179 [Feyd-Rauth][a s] -> [Feyd-Rautha s] 12180 [to][ do ] -> [to do ] 12181 [. A][re ] -> [. Are ] 12182 [you ][learn] -> [you learn] 12183 [s][er] -> [ser] 12184 [ out ][of ] -> [ out of ] 12185 [ p][ity ] -> [ pity ] 12186 [direc][ted the ] -> [directed the ] 12187 [--"\u000a "][The ] -> [--"\u000a "The ] 12188 [comp][ass ] -> [compass ] 12189 [room][ to] -> [room to] 12190 [ man][euver] -> [ maneuver] 12191 [it][."\u000a "] -> [it."\u000a "] 12192 [gi][on ] -> [gion ] 12193 [an ][end ] -> [an end ] 12194 [enjo][y] -> [enjoy] 12195 [ti][es and ] -> [ties and ] 12196 [Do][es the ] -> [Does the ] 12197 [i][ously ] -> [iously ] 12198 [. There was ][a ] -> [. There was a ] 12199 [ wor][ried ] -> [ worried ] 12200 [.\u000a "Do ][not ] -> [.\u000a "Do not ] 12201 [to][y ] -> [toy ] 12202 [Feyd-Rauth][a m] -> [Feyd-Rautha m] 12203 [Un][cle, ] -> [Uncle, ] 12204 [grow][s ] -> [grows ] 12205 [turn][ed his attention] -> [turned his attention] 12206 ['d ][be s] -> ['d be s] 12207 [," the Baron said. "][He ] -> [," the Baron said. "He ] 12208 [ summon][ed you] -> [ summoned you] 12209 [teach][ you] -> [teach you] 12210 [ed ][our] -> [ed our] 12211 [, but ][he's ] -> [, but he's ] 12212 [tone][: "] -> [tone: "] 12213 [ mer][ely ] -> [ merely ] 12214 [ per][form] -> [ perform] 12215 [s ][for the ] -> [s for the ] 12216 [. "][This is ] -> [. "This is ] 12217 [ a h][uman] -> [ a human] 12218 [must ][not be ] -> [must not be ] 12219 [, th][at] -> [, that] 12220 [ing m][achin] -> [ing machin] 12221 [ed to][ me] -> [ed to me] 12222 [, ][could ] -> [, could ] 12223 [took a deep breath][, ] -> [took a deep breath, ] 12224 [ with][ this ] -> [ with this ] 12225 [I][ give ] -> [I give ] 12226 [form][ ] -> [form ] 12227 [ be ][it] -> [ be it] 12228 [at][titud] -> [attitud] 12229 [ d][ign] -> [ dign] 12230 [St][and] -> [Stand] 12231 [house][hold ] -> [household ] 12232 [er][ for ] -> [er for ] 12233 [nodded, ][thinking: ] -> [nodded, thinking: ] 12234 [ignor][e the ] -> [ignore the ] 12235 [to ][remove ] -> [to remove ] 12236 [!" the ][Baron ] -> [!" the Baron ] 12237 [go][ing ] -> [going ] 12238 [enc][y, ] -> [ency, ] 12239 [bass][ad] -> [bassad] 12240 [muggl][ers] -> [mugglers] 12241 [oper][ations ] -> [operations ] 12242 [di][vers] -> [divers] 12243 [There]['ll be ] -> [There'll be ] 12244 [acc][ident] -> [accident] 12245 [, p][lease ] -> [, please ] 12246 [an a][gent ] -> [an agent ] 12247 [susp][ect ] -> [suspect ] 12248 [ sup][pos] -> [ suppos] 12249 [Imperial Condition][ing] -> [Imperial Conditioning] 12250 [given][ the ] -> [given the ] 12251 [le][ver ] -> [lever ] 12252 [mov][ed the ] -> [moved the ] 12253 [as][c] -> [asc] 12254 [ver][t ] -> [vert ] 12255 [ac][ity ] -> [acity ] 12256 [I don't ][think] -> [I don't think] 12257 [." \u000a "You][ don't ] -> [." \u000a "You don't ] 12258 [ f][ur] -> [ fur] 12259 [ sec][ur] -> [ secur] 12260 [ dis][guis] -> [ disguis] 12261 [!" ][Feyd-Rautha] -> [!" Feyd-Rautha] 12262 [oldi][er] -> [oldier] 12263 [Great Hous][e, ] -> [Great House, ] 12264 [ po][int] -> [ point] 12265 [ing][s. ] -> [ings. ] 12266 [we]['ll have ] -> [we'll have ] 12267 [it ][could ] -> [it could ] 12268 [. Th][ose ] -> [. Those ] 12269 [CHOAM][ direc] -> [CHOAM direc] 12270 [CHOAM direc][torship] -> [CHOAM directorship] 12271 [Imperium][, ] -> [Imperium, ] 12272 [sh][if] -> [shif] 12273 [le][e ] -> [lee ] 12274 [desert]['s ] -> [desert's ] 12275 [into][ that ] -> [into that ] 12276 [. You][ may ] -> [. You may ] 12277 [Fey][d ] -> [Feyd ] 12278 [a s][ub] -> [a sub] 12279 [within][ a ] -> [within a ] 12280 [ens][ation of] -> [ensation of] 12281 [," Feyd-Rautha][ said] -> [," Feyd-Rautha said] 12282 [, and his ][voice ] -> [, and his voice ] 12283 [. "][He ] -> [. "He ] 12284 [p][ity] -> [pity] 12285 [ed out ][and ] -> [ed out and ] 12286 [ed ][from the s] -> [ed from the s] 12287 [s, ][his ] -> [s, his ] 12288 [sel][y ] -> [sely ] 12289 [uspensor][s ] -> [uspensors ] 12290 [har][ness] -> [harness] 12291 [ ac][t] -> [ act] 12292 [no more ][than] -> [no more than] 12293 [rubb][ed his ] -> [rubbed his ] 12294 [ti][re] -> [tire] 12295 [e the ][s] -> [e the s] 12296 [ a c][our] -> [ a cour] 12297 [in][ g] -> [in g] 12298 [youth][ and ] -> [youth and ] 12299 [Family ][Commentaries] -> [Family Commentaries] 12300 [Calad][an ] -> [Caladan ] 12301 [in ][Jessica's ] -> [in Jessica's ] 12302 [her][ body ] -> [her body ] 12303 [tor][tur] -> [tortur] 12304 [Pro][ctor] -> [Proctor] 12305 [remember][ing the ] -> [remembering the ] 12306 [tor][e ] -> [tore ] 12307 [her][ attention] -> [her attention] 12308 [, ][who] -> [, who] 12309 [ c][ruel] -> [ cruel] 12310 [ed][. And she ] -> [ed. And she ] 12311 [go][ad] -> [goad] 12312 [ p][lead] -> [ plead] 12313 [ pr][ide ] -> [ pride ] 12314 [the ][Kwisatz Haderach] -> [the Kwisatz Haderach] 12315 [ ch][in] -> [ chin] 12316 [complic][ated ] -> [complicated ] 12317 [," the ][Reverend Mother] -> [," the Reverend Mother] 12318 [u][gi] -> [ugi] 12319 [ al][tern] -> [ altern] 12320 [ ab][ilities] -> [ abilities] 12321 [fear][s ] -> [fears ] 12322 [ they]['ll] -> [ they'll] 12323 [ but ][the ] -> [ but the ] 12324 [per cent ][of the ] -> [per cent of the ] 12325 [. C][ertain] -> [. Certain] 12326 [ prof][it] -> [ profit] 12327 [prof][its ] -> [profits ] 12328 [pattern][ of] -> [pattern of] 12329 [ his][tor] -> [ histor] 12330 [monop][oly ] -> [monopoly ] 12331 [trip][od ] -> [tripod ] 12332 [s][ci] -> [sci] 12333 [--"\u000a "][Oh] -> [--"\u000a "Oh] 12334 [exist ][only ] -> [exist only ] 12335 [exist only ][to serv] -> [exist only to serv] 12336 [out][er ] -> [outer ] 12337 [agg][ed ] -> [agged ] 12338 [est][in] -> [estin] 12339 [. "I][s it ] -> [. "Is it ] 12340 [ b][ad] -> [ bad] 12341 [in][ here] -> [in here] 12342 [and ][take ] -> [and take ] 12343 [inter][f] -> [interf] 12344 [interf][ere ] -> [interfere ] 12345 [I ][understand ] -> [I understand ] 12346 [al][ity] -> [ality] 12347 [corner][s of her ] -> [corners of her ] 12348 [forc][ed the ] -> [forced the ] 12349 [."\u000a "][It ] -> [."\u000a "It ] 12350 [s ][about ] -> [s about ] 12351 [to the ][door] -> [to the door] 12352 [open][ed it] -> [opened it] 12353 [ sl][own] -> [ slown] 12354 [equ][al] -> [equal] 12355 [le][t's ] -> [let's ] 12356 [ to][ this ] -> [ to this ] 12357 [I ][just ] -> [I just ] 12358 [back to ][Paul] -> [back to Paul] 12359 [. Her ][eyes ] -> [. Her eyes ] 12360 [ing m][e, ] -> [ing me, ] 12361 [a][ st] -> [a st] 12362 [." \u000a "][Oh] -> [." \u000a "Oh] 12363 [I will][ know] -> [I will know] 12364 [about ][her] -> [about her] 12365 [."\u000a ][Again] -> [."\u000a Again] 12366 [ me][et ] -> [ meet ] 12367 [frighten][ed ] -> [frightened ] 12368 [it ][from] -> [it from] 12369 [p][t] -> [pt] 12370 [po][em] -> [poem] 12371 [p][in] -> [pin] 12372 [\u000a][B] -> [\u000aB] 12373 [ur][f] -> [urf] 12374 [in ][you] -> [in you] 12375 [no][ more] -> [no more] 12376 [. And he ][said: "] -> [. And he said: "] 12377 [such][ ] -> [such ] 12378 [el][ement] -> [element] 12379 [ros][per] -> [rosper] 12380 [. She ][said ] -> [. She said ] 12381 [oub][t] -> [oubt] 12382 [."\u000a Paul][ saw] -> [."\u000a Paul saw] 12383 [ s][ure] -> [ sure] 12384 [R][ul] -> [Rul] 12385 [stepp][ed ] -> [stepped ] 12386 [close ][to ] -> [close to ] 12387 [. I][ hope ] -> [. I hope ] 12388 [ this ][day] -> [ this day] 12389 [read ][that ] -> [read that ] 12390 [s][. There was ] -> [s. There was ] 12391 [troub][adour] -> [troubadour] 12392 [-][warri] -> [-warri] 12393 [ing s][ome ] -> [ing some ] 12394 [ ][even ] -> [ even ] 12395 [W][ay] -> [Way] 12396 [Duke Leto][, ] -> [Duke Leto, ] 12397 [A ][Child] -> [A Child] 12398 [A Child]['s ] -> [A Child's ] 12399 [A Child's ][History ] -> [A Child's History ] 12400 [Duk][e.\u000a ] -> [Duke.\u000a ] 12401 [ing][ through the ] -> [ing through the ] 12402 [ p][aper] -> [ paper] 12403 [char][ts ] -> [charts ] 12404 [across the ][room] -> [across the room] 12405 [ness ][in] -> [ness in] 12406 [ the ][door] -> [ the door] 12407 [I][ make ] -> [I make ] 12408 [certain][ly] -> [certainly] 12409 [ here ][--] -> [ here --] 12410 [ d][ear] -> [ dear] 12411 [, s][at down] -> [, sat down] 12412 [qu][ies] -> [quies] 12413 [tar][get ] -> [target ] 12414 [is ][only ] -> [is only ] 12415 [s][. I] -> [s. I] 12416 [ c][autious ] -> [ cautious ] 12417 [i][olis ] -> [iolis ] 12418 [high][er] -> [higher] 12419 [main][ten] -> [mainten] 12420 [atell][ite ] -> [atellite ] 12421 [your father]['s ] -> [your father's ] 12422 [," he said. "][There's ] -> [," he said. "There's ] 12423 [f][olk] -> [folk] 12424 [in ][any ] -> [in any ] 12425 [--][ that ] -> [-- that ] 12426 [aware ][of the ] -> [aware of the ] 12427 [to ][rec] -> [to rec] 12428 [beg][un] -> [begun] 12429 [. He saw][ the ] -> [. He saw the ] 12430 [A][s the ] -> [As the ] 12431 [s][on ] -> [son ] 12432 [ w][et his lips with his ] -> [ wet his lips with his ] 12433 [. S][h] -> [. Sh] 12434 [wast][el] -> [wastel] 12435 [excep][t the ] -> [except the ] 12436 [red][u] -> [redu] 12437 [redu][ce ] -> [reduce ] 12438 [the s][un] -> [the sun] 12439 [h][al] -> [hal] 12440 [your f][riend] -> [your friend] 12441 [ask][ed: "] -> [asked: "] 12442 [ed ][Jessica ] -> [ed Jessica ] 12443 [fingers][. "] -> [fingers. "] 12444 [right][e] -> [righte] 12445 [val][or] -> [valor] 12446 [ fing][ers ] -> [ fingers ] 12447 [ reg][ister] -> [ register] 12448 [uzzled ][frown] -> [uzzled frown] 12449 [you][ w] -> [you w] 12450 [quick][en] -> [quicken] 12451 [ m][et ] -> [ met ] 12452 [closed his ][eyes, ] -> [closed his eyes, ] 12453 [Atreid][es, ] -> [Atreides, ] 12454 [my ][father ] -> [my father ] 12455 [an entire ][planet] -> [an entire planet] 12456 [el][s] -> [els] 12457 [ou][ted ] -> [outed ] 12458 [from][ this ] -> [from this ] 12459 [f][ountain] -> [fountain] 12460 [Paul][ to] -> [Paul to] 12461 [ persu][ade ] -> [ persuade ] 12462 [he ][must ] -> [he must ] 12463 [fin][est ] -> [finest ] 12464 [trac][ted ] -> [tracted ] 12465 [Then][ she ] -> [Then she ] 12466 [ ][on Arrakis] -> [ on Arrakis] 12467 [with ][your ] -> [with your ] 12468 [a prob][lem] -> [a problem] 12469 [L][aw] -> [Law] 12470 [ fri][ghten] -> [ frighten] 12471 [examp][le] -> [example] 12472 [alys][is] -> [alysis] 12473 [P][eople ] -> [People ] 12474 [of][ this] -> [of this] 12475 [?"\u000a "][It's ] -> [?"\u000a "It's ] 12476 [ for ][an ] -> [ for an ] 12477 [; ][it's ] -> [; it's ] 12478 [ g][ot ] -> [ got ] 12479 [. "You]['re ] -> [. "You're ] 12480 [knife ][arm] -> [knife arm] 12481 [at ][full] -> [at full] 12482 [releas][ed the ] -> [released the ] 12483 [wondered][: ] -> [wondered: ] 12484 [through][ it ] -> [through it ] 12485 [ weapon][s ] -> [ weapons ] 12486 [saf][e ] -> [safe ] 12487 [for][ a d] -> [for a d] 12488 [e s][ign] -> [e sign] 12489 [load ][of] -> [load of] 12490 [nine-][str] -> [nine-str] 12491 [bod][kin] -> [bodkin] 12492 [ell][et ] -> [ellet ] 12493 [st][unn] -> [stunn] 12494 [bel][t] -> [belt] 12495 [ along][ his jaw] -> [ along his jaw] 12496 [ ][imp] -> [ imp] 12497 [in the ][hall] -> [in the hall] 12498 [father's ][men] -> [father's men] 12499 [ b][est] -> [ best] 12500 [off][ his ] -> [off his ] 12501 [suppos][ed to be ] -> [supposed to be ] 12502 [Duncan]['s ] -> [Duncan's ] 12503 [to ][lead ] -> [to lead ] 12504 [ ][another] -> [ another] 12505 [ed to ][it] -> [ed to it] 12506 [ coun][cil] -> [ council] 12507 [s ][\u000a] -> [s \u000a] 12508 [ear][l] -> [earl] 12509 [ des][ire ] -> [ desire ] 12510 [ fl][am] -> [ flam] 12511 [ing a][ b] -> [ing a b] 12512 [d][y ] -> [dy ] 12513 [ear][. "] -> [ear. "] 12514 [for][gotten] -> [forgotten] 12515 [b][uck] -> [buck] 12516 [wa][ist] -> [waist] 12517 [Then][, ] -> [Then, ] 12518 [young][ m] -> [young m] 12519 [rap][i] -> [rapi] 12520 [for ][revenge] -> [for revenge] 12521 [tood ][in the ] -> [tood in the ] 12522 [mann][er ] -> [manner ] 12523 [ol][t ] -> [olt ] 12524 [sk][in ] -> [skin ] 12525 [ ch][ar] -> [ char] 12526 [o][le ] -> [ole ] 12527 [ting][ him] -> [ting him] 12528 [ed up][ the ] -> [ed up the ] 12529 [fe][inted ] -> [feinted ] 12530 [exc][ell] -> [excell] 12531 [lip][-] -> [lip-] 12532 [gr][in] -> [grin] 12533 [do ][you ] -> [do you ] 12534 [mo][od ] -> [mood ] 12535 [ou][tr] -> [outr] 12536 [I'm][ sor] -> [I'm sor] 12537 [edg][es ] -> [edges ] 12538 [ed ][each other] -> [ed each other] 12539 [left ][hand, ] -> [left hand, ] 12540 [urely ][not ] -> [urely not ] 12541 [. The ][air] -> [. The air] 12542 [ barri][er ] -> [ barrier ] 12543 [turned][, saw ] -> [turned, saw ] 12544 [what ][you] -> [what you] 12545 [ing ][Paul's ] -> [ing Paul's ] 12546 [g][ro] -> [gro] 12547 [join][ed ] -> [joined ] 12548 [ f][ought ] -> [ fought ] 12549 [a s][car] -> [a scar] 12550 ['ll not ][have ] -> ['ll not have ] 12551 [favor][ite ] -> [favorite ] 12552 [your f][ather ] -> [your father ] 12553 ['d have ][been] -> ['d have been] 12554 [. \u000a "][It's ] -> [. \u000a "It's ] 12555 [-color][ed ] -> [-colored ] 12556 [man's ][jaw] -> [man's jaw] 12557 [on ][Giedi Prim] -> [on Giedi Prim] 12558 [perhap][s, ] -> [perhaps, ] 12559 [Th][ings ] -> [Things ] 12560 [."\u000a ][Halleck ] -> [."\u000a Halleck ] 12561 [to][ hide ] -> [to hide ] 12562 [ br][ut] -> [ brut] 12563 [P][lease ] -> [Please ] 12564 [a w][ar] -> [a war] 12565 [a war][n] -> [a warn] 12566 [realiz][ation that ] -> [realization that ] 12567 [had ][become ] -> [had become ] 12568 [al][ert ] -> [alert ] 12569 [e, ][he thought] -> [e, he thought] 12570 [--][ all] -> [-- all] 12571 [ent][re] -> [entre] 12572 [ on ][Paul's ] -> [ on Paul's ] 12573 [ion ][and ] -> [ion and ] 12574 [-][10,19] -> [-10,19] 12575 [pac][e, ] -> [pace, ] 12576 [down][ on the ] -> [down on the ] 12577 [ sever][al] -> [ several] 12578 [dro][op] -> [droop] 12579 [diamond tat][too ] -> [diamond tattoo ] 12580 [ pres][ently] -> [ presently] 12581 [a f][ilm] -> [a film] 12582 [sever][al ] -> [several ] 12583 [ mon][th] -> [ month] 12584 [remind][ed himself] -> [reminded himself] 12585 [to be ][certain] -> [to be certain] 12586 [arri][ve ] -> [arrive ] 12587 [am][ I] -> [am I] 12588 [ dr][umm] -> [ drumm] 12589 [grab][en] -> [graben] 12590 [ink][ ] -> [ink ] 12591 [vill][ages ] -> [villages ] 12592 [a s][ay] -> [a say] 12593 [Do you][ have ] -> [Do you have ] 12594 [t][ally ] -> [tally ] 12595 [bl][u] -> [blu] 12596 [f][ierce ] -> [fierce ] 12597 ['ll not ][be ] -> ['ll not be ] 12598 [Yueh][, ] -> [Yueh, ] 12599 [ gl][imp] -> [ glimp] 12600 [worm][s] -> [worms] 12601 [ stud][y ] -> [ study ] 12602 [ten][ meters ] -> [ten meters ] 12603 [larg][er ] -> [larger ] 12604 [. Be][fore ] -> [. Before ] 12605 [, ][no ] -> [, no ] 12606 [er than][ the ] -> [er than the ] 12607 [str][at] -> [strat] 12608 [p][ages] -> [pages] 12609 [book][, ] -> [book, ] 12610 [His ][mother] -> [His mother] 12611 [mo][tives] -> [motives] 12612 [d][ul] -> [dul] 12613 [." And he ][thought: ] -> [." And he thought: ] 12614 [id][ity] -> [idity] 12615 [se][ven ] -> [seven ] 12616 [K][al] -> [Kal] 12617 [a s][light ] -> [a slight ] 12618 [c][over ] -> [cover ] 12619 [sens][es ] -> [senses ] 12620 [us][? ] -> [us? ] 12621 [us ][that ] -> [us that ] 12622 [something][ wrong] -> [something wrong] 12623 [. . . ][my ] -> [. . . my ] 12624 [ies ][that ] -> [ies that ] 12625 [ine ][and ] -> [ine and ] 12626 [le][is] -> [leis] 12627 [shown][ him] -> [shown him] 12628 [ sec][ret] -> [ secret] 12629 [ f][avor] -> [ favor] 12630 [.\u000a And he ][thought: ] -> [.\u000a And he thought: ] 12631 [! ][Damn] -> [! Damn] 12632 [om][ination] -> [omination] 12633 [?][\u000a\u000a] -> [?\u000a\u000a] 12634 [lon][ely ] -> [lonely ] 12635 [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ][Paul] -> [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a Paul] 12636 [ st][ations ] -> [ stations ] 12637 [ pres][ence ] -> [ presence ] 12638 [harsh][ ] -> [harsh ] 12639 [ gr][ay ] -> [ gray ] 12640 [. He ][wore ] -> [. He wore ] 12641 [ h][awk] -> [ hawk] 12642 [ sil][ver] -> [ silver] 12643 [p][at] -> [pat] 12644 [a ][of] -> [a of] 12645 [leav][e] -> [leave] 12646 [?"\u000a The ][Duke ] -> [?"\u000a The Duke ] 12647 [M][er] -> [Mer] 12648 [slip][per] -> [slipper] 12649 [ per][spiration] -> [ perspiration] 12650 [ that ][question] -> [ that question] 12651 [as a s][ign] -> [as a sign] 12652 [ with][ them] -> [ with them] 12653 [ hand][ful] -> [ handful] 12654 [ bu][y ] -> [ buy ] 12655 [T][up] -> [Tup] 12656 [e. But ][the ] -> [e. But the ] 12657 [produc][tion] -> [production] 12658 [mel][ange ] -> [melange ] 12659 [permitted ][himself] -> [permitted himself] 12660 [ p][enetr] -> [ penetr] 12661 [to bec][ome ] -> [to become ] 12662 [offici][al] -> [official] 12663 [. After][ all] -> [. After all] 12664 [iz][e ] -> [ize ] 12665 [ h][arsh] -> [ harsh] 12666 [ the ][other] -> [ the other] 12667 [ed with][ a] -> [ed with a] 12668 [ting ][and ] -> [ting and ] 12669 [ev][ad] -> [evad] 12670 [ a fe][int ] -> [ a feint ] 12671 [un][r] -> [unr] 12672 [import][ant] -> [important] 12673 [e sh][ifted ] -> [e shifted ] 12674 [a ][great ] -> [a great ] 12675 [den][y ] -> [deny ] 12676 [. Who][ could ] -> [. Who could ] 12677 [ha][os] -> [haos] 12678 [." \u000a "][D] -> [." \u000a "D] 12679 [prison][ planet] -> [prison planet] 12680 [? ][No] -> [? No] 12681 [?" \u000a "][They ] -> [?" \u000a "They ] 12682 [That's ][what ] -> [That's what ] 12683 [l][ed to] -> [led to] 12684 [the s][ame] -> [the same] 12685 [report ][on ] -> [report on ] 12686 [say][s ] -> [says ] 12687 [go][ing to ] -> [going to ] 12688 [ment][al] -> [mental] 12689 [ti][qu] -> [tiqu] 12690 [ d][one ] -> [ done ] 12691 [in][ many ] -> [in many ] 12692 [gar][ris] -> [garris] 12693 [garris][on ] -> [garrison ] 12694 [vill][ag] -> [villag] 12695 [ re][qu] -> [ requ] 12696 [or][t, ] -> [ort, ] 12697 [ coun][t ] -> [ count ] 12698 [ed as ][the ] -> [ed as the ] 12699 [," Paul said][.\u000a "I] -> [," Paul said.\u000a "I] 12700 [ru][th] -> [ruth] 12701 [ ad][m] -> [ adm] 12702 [ur][ed ] -> [ured ] 12703 [pr][a] -> [pra] 12704 [drumm][ing] -> [drumming] 12705 [w][et ] -> [wet ] 12706 [b][eyond] -> [beyond] 12707 [ed.\u000a The ][Duke ] -> [ed.\u000a The Duke ] 12708 [your f][irst ] -> [your first ] 12709 [He][ighlin] -> [Heighlin] 12710 [ f][rig] -> [ frig] 12711 [us ][and ] -> [us and ] 12712 [vi][leg] -> [vileg] 12713 [ agent][s ] -> [ agents ] 12714 [do ][anything ] -> [do anything ] 12715 [?"\u000a "][Your] -> [?"\u000a "Your] 12716 [cap][ab] -> [capab] 12717 [his father][, ] -> [his father, ] 12718 [I][ thought ] -> [I thought ] 12719 [ear][ly ] -> [early ] 12720 [. . . " He ][broke off] -> [. . . " He broke off] 12721 [ fo][cus ] -> [ focus ] 12722 [be][ing d] -> [being d] 12723 [n][emon] -> [nemon] 12724 [nemon][ic] -> [nemonic] 12725 [langu][ag] -> [languag] 12726 [formid][able ] -> [formidable ] 12727 [ hesit][ation] -> [ hesitation] 12728 [. "I]['ll] -> [. "I'll] 12729 [inde][ed] -> [indeed] 12730 [pr][oud ] -> [proud ] 12731 [face][. The ] -> [face. The ] 12732 [ a p][ro] -> [ a pro] 12733 [onn][el] -> [onnel] 12734 [never][ have ] -> [never have ] 12735 [ide][al] -> [ideal] 12736 [ex][tent ] -> [extent ] 12737 [oplia prophetic][us] -> [oplia propheticus] 12738 [riv][ate ] -> [rivate ] 12739 [ul][ation] -> [ulation] 12740 [great ][hall] -> [great hall] 12741 [shut][tle ] -> [shuttle ] 12742 [ed in][ a s] -> [ed in a s] 12743 [room][ ] -> [room ] 12744 [. H][ere, ] -> [. Here, ] 12745 [Harkonnen][s and ] -> [Harkonnens and ] 12746 [def][end] -> [defend] 12747 [a c][ar] -> [a car] 12748 [r][app] -> [rapp] 12749 [like ][a f] -> [like a f] 12750 [ black][ b] -> [ black b] 12751 [o][ard] -> [oard] 12752 [add][ed ] -> [added ] 12753 [a][qu] -> [aqu] 12754 [ick][ness ] -> [ickness ] 12755 [ away][, ] -> [ away, ] 12756 [s.\u000a ][She ] -> [s.\u000a She ] 12757 [dus][ty ] -> [dusty ] 12758 [," he ][agre] -> [," he agre] 12759 [ed. "][But ] -> [ed. "But ] 12760 [." He stepp][ed ] -> [." He stepped ] 12761 [reg][al] -> [regal] 12762 [ be][auty ] -> [ beauty ] 12763 [ap][ of] -> [ap of] 12764 [is][ters ] -> [isters ] 12765 [ep][lace ] -> [eplace ] 12766 [in the ][south] -> [in the south] 12767 [to ][reach] -> [to reach] 12768 [fin][al] -> [final] 12769 [er ][over the ] -> [er over the ] 12770 [," she said][.\u000a He ] -> [," she said.\u000a He ] 12771 [. "][Where ] -> [. "Where ] 12772 [argum][ent ] -> [argument ] 12773 [efull][y ] -> [efully ] 12774 [P][leas] -> [Pleas] 12775 [," he said. "][They ] -> [," he said. "They ] 12776 [. I][ shall] -> [. I shall] 12777 [ pro][p] -> [ prop] 12778 [I ][never] -> [I never] 12779 [me][al] -> [meal] 12780 [ al][so ] -> [ also ] 12781 [erv][ant] -> [ervant] 12782 [lo][cal] -> [local] 12783 [. They]['ll] -> [. They'll] 12784 [tr][ul] -> [trul] 12785 [An][y] -> [Any] 12786 [,]['] -> [,'] 12787 [ton][es ] -> [tones ] 12788 [to s][erve ] -> [to serve ] 12789 [suc][cess] -> [success] 12790 [?"\u000a "][There's ] -> [?"\u000a "There's ] 12791 [peri][od] -> [period] 12792 [r][av] -> [rav] 12793 [ec][ret] -> [ecret] 12794 [ the ][in] -> [ the in] 12795 [Shadout ][Mapes] -> [Shadout Mapes] 12796 [he][alth] -> [health] 12797 [L][et's ] -> [Let's ] 12798 [comm][it] -> [commit] 12799 [t][ed, ] -> [ted, ] 12800 [alm][ness ] -> [almness ] 12801 [ sp][ecial ] -> [ special ] 12802 [res][erve ] -> [reserve ] 12803 [how][ you] -> [how you] 12804 [," she said][.\u000a He s] -> [," she said.\u000a He s] 12805 [ment ][of ] -> [ment of ] 12806 [leep][ing ] -> [leeping ] 12807 [now][. The ] -> [now. The ] 12808 [esid][es, ] -> [esides, ] 12809 [hun][ters ] -> [hunters ] 12810 [ing][. They ] -> [ing. They ] 12811 [b][ought] -> [bought] 12812 [eight ][hundred ] -> [eight hundred ] 12813 [will][ you] -> [will you] 12814 [some][where ] -> [somewhere ] 12815 [. I][ want ] -> [. I want ] 12816 [ed his ][throat ] -> [ed his throat ] 12817 [as though][ to] -> [as though to] 12818 [head][ed for the ] -> [headed for the ] 12819 [ co][st] -> [ cost] 12820 [ist][s ] -> [ists ] 12821 [order][s, ] -> [orders, ] 12822 [Noble ][B] -> [Noble B] 12823 [Noble B][orn] -> [Noble Born] 12824 [ b][rown] -> [ brown] 12825 [wr][inkl] -> [wrinkl] 12826 [our][ish] -> [ourish] 12827 [ash][ of] -> [ash of] 12828 [e][.\u000a The ] -> [e.\u000a The ] 12829 [spok][e, ] -> [spoke, ] 12830 [What ][was ] -> [What was ] 12831 [ound][ed from the ] -> [ounded from the ] 12832 [: "][I] -> [: "I] 12833 [ such][ as ] -> [ such as ] 12834 [!"\u000a ][Jessica] -> [!"\u000a Jessica] 12835 [s][ettl] -> [settl] 12836 [water][ was ] -> [water was ] 12837 [?" ][Mapes ] -> [?" Mapes ] 12838 [?" Mapes ][ask] -> [?" Mapes ask] 12839 [intens][ity] -> [intensity] 12840 [." \u000a ][Mapes ] -> [." \u000a Mapes ] 12841 [ed][: ] -> [ed: ] 12842 [devi][ous ] -> [devious ] 12843 [read ][the ] -> [read the ] 12844 [pe][ti] -> [peti] 12845 [c][ak] -> [cak] 12846 [" ][\u000a ] -> [" \u000a ] 12847 [ed to][ f] -> [ed to f] 12848 [ fear][ and ] -> [ fear and ] 12849 [legend ][and ] -> [legend and ] 12850 [answ][ers ] -> [answers ] 12851 [ru][in] -> [ruin] 12852 [to f][all] -> [to fall] 12853 [. \u000a ][Now] -> [. \u000a Now] 12854 [blad][e, ] -> [blade, ] 12855 [c][entime] -> [centime] 12856 [could only ][be ] -> [could only be ] 12857 [never][ be] -> [never be] 12858 [And ][Jessica thought: ] -> [And Jessica thought: ] 12859 [ing of][ a ] -> [ing of a ] 12860 [. S][he's ] -> [. She's ] 12861 [e-][e-] -> [e-e-] 12862 [word ][was ] -> [word was ] 12863 [Did ][you think] -> [Did you think] 12864 [ that ][I] -> [ that I] 12865 [ies ][of the ] -> [ies of the ] 12866 [ pro][phec] -> [ prophec] 12867 [y ][for] -> [y for] 12868 [a sh][ock] -> [a shock] 12869 [ cent][ur] -> [ centur] 12870 [ed][: the ] -> [ed: the ] 12871 [With][ a ] -> [With a ] 12872 [sheath][ed ] -> [sheathed ] 12873 [ gre][ater] -> [ greater] 12874 [o][ison] -> [oison] 12875 [of ][un] -> [of un] 12876 [, said: "][The ] -> [, said: "The ] 12877 [ hesit][at] -> [ hesitat] 12878 [Missionaria Protectiva]['s ] -> [Missionaria Protectiva's ] 12879 [-of][-] -> [-of-] 12880 [ f][irst] -> [ first] 12881 [oppos][ite the ] -> [opposite the ] 12882 [!" she ][said] -> [!" she said] 12883 [heav][y] -> [heavy] 12884 [ the ][blood ] -> [ the blood ] 12885 [de][eper] -> [deeper] 12886 [g][ush] -> [gush] 12887 [ w][ast] -> [ wast] 12888 [of][ water ] -> [of water ] 12889 [pr][actic] -> [practic] 12890 [U][se ] -> [Use ] 12891 [in ][of ] -> [in of ] 12892 [fill][ed ] -> [filled ] 12893 [ forebod][ing] -> [ foreboding] 12894 [Missionaria Protectiv][a ] -> [Missionaria Protectiva ] 12895 [may ][have ] -> [may have ] 12896 [Jessica][. She ] -> [Jessica. She ] 12897 [Yueh][! ] -> [Yueh! ] 12898 [of Muad'Dib][" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a The ] -> [of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a The ] 12899 [, and ][Jessica] -> [, and Jessica] 12900 [ f][ix] -> [ fix] 12901 [pois][ed for] -> [poised for] 12902 [ing][y ] -> [ingy ] 12903 [y ][hair] -> [y hair] 12904 [ali][ve] -> [alive] 12905 [ ][ti] -> [ ti] 12906 [room][ to ] -> [room to ] 12907 [brup][tly] -> [bruptly] 12908 [Forgive ][me, ] -> [Forgive me, ] 12909 [he ][might ] -> [he might ] 12910 [ d][ropped ] -> [ dropped ] 12911 [between ][us] -> [between us] 12912 [I][ believe ] -> [I believe ] 12913 [believ][es ] -> [believes ] 12914 [.\u000a "I]['m] -> [.\u000a "I'm] 12915 [gather][ing] -> [gathering] 12916 [all][y s] -> [ally s] 12917 [full][ ] -> [full ] 12918 [as ][his ] -> [as his ] 12919 [across ][her] -> [across her] 12920 [to the ][left ] -> [to the left ] 12921 [r][ong] -> [rong] 12922 [wondering wh][y ] -> [wondering why ] 12923 [atter][n ] -> [attern ] 12924 [you know][ what ] -> [you know what ] 12925 [ a d][ay] -> [ a day] 12926 [lit][ers] -> [liters] 12927 [. The ][spice ] -> [. The spice ] 12928 [res][train] -> [restrain] 12929 [his ][face ] -> [his face ] 12930 [these ][people ] -> [these people ] 12931 [ was ][like ] -> [ was like ] 12932 [rig][or] -> [rigor] 12933 [ wor][ry ] -> [ worry ] 12934 [tri][ke ] -> [trike ] 12935 [Ex][cept ] -> [Except ] 12936 [ follow][ed, ] -> [ followed, ] 12937 [ a s][hadow] -> [ a shadow] 12938 [, the ][other] -> [, the other] 12939 [blank][et] -> [blanket] 12940 [stepp][ed back] -> [stepped back] 12941 [ ph][ysical ] -> [ physical ] 12942 [." \u000a "][Yes] -> [." \u000a "Yes] 12943 [." \u000a "][Where ] -> [." \u000a "Where ] 12944 [, c][atch] -> [, catch] 12945 [think][ing of the ] -> [thinking of the ] 12946 [once ][had ] -> [once had ] 12947 [ed for][ him] -> [ed for him] 12948 [inde][ed, ] -> [indeed, ] 12949 [gray][-] -> [gray-] 12950 [ br][anch] -> [ branch] 12951 [the s][cene ] -> [the scene ] 12952 [!" she snapp][ed. "] -> [!" she snapped. "] 12953 [where ][you ] -> [where you ] 12954 [desert][--] -> [desert--] 12955 [ man][y s] -> [ many s] 12956 [to s][up] -> [to sup] 12957 [it][tle ] -> [ittle ] 12958 [ the ][truth] -> [ the truth] 12959 [. . . " ][The ] -> [. . . " The ] 12960 [y ][in his ] -> [y in his ] 12961 [ g][ently] -> [ gently] 12962 [," Jessica said. "][I] -> [," Jessica said. "I] 12963 [unable ][to ] -> [unable to ] 12964 [." He ][opened his ] -> [." He opened his ] 12965 [le][ast] -> [least] 12966 [ang][led ] -> [angled ] 12967 [must][ache ] -> [mustache ] 12968 [, she ][saw] -> [, she saw] 12969 [, too, ][was ] -> [, too, was ] 12970 [rilli][ant ] -> [rilliant ] 12971 [t][actic] -> [tactic] 12972 [ro][ot] -> [root] 12973 [plan][t] -> [plant] 12974 [sp][eci] -> [speci] 12975 [ h][os] -> [ hos] 12976 [Are ][we ] -> [Are we ] 12977 [h][os] -> [hos] 12978 [ti][le] -> [tile] 12979 [ri][ots ] -> [riots ] 12980 [when ][it was ] -> [when it was ] 12981 [ many ][people ] -> [ many people ] 12982 [every][where] -> [everywhere] 12983 [r][ing of] -> [ring of] 12984 [ed out ][the ] -> [ed out the ] 12985 [batt][al] -> [battal] 12986 [ers ][are ] -> [ers are ] 12987 [larg][e s] -> [large s] 12988 [only one ][thing] -> [only one thing] 12989 [only ][hop] -> [only hop] 12990 [bus][iness ] -> [business ] 12991 [. There was ][no] -> [. There was no] 12992 [about ][his ] -> [about his ] 12993 [concub][in] -> [concubin] 12994 [while ][the ] -> [while the ] 12995 [ c][oward] -> [ coward] 12996 [poison][ous ] -> [poisonous ] 12997 [pro][long] -> [prolong] 12998 [ hun][dred and ] -> [ hundred and ] 12999 [," he said. "I][t's ] -> [," he said. "It's ] 13000 [bod][y, ] -> [body, ] 13001 [ts ][the ] -> [ts the ] 13002 [never ][to be ] -> [never to be ] 13003 [our][selves ] -> [ourselves ] 13004 [listen][ing to] -> [listening to] 13005 [ do][ this] -> [ do this] 13006 [But][--" \u000a "] -> [But--" \u000a "] 13007 [politic][al ] -> [political ] 13008 [for][ all] -> [for all] 13009 [gr][ad] -> [grad] 13010 [, s][wallow] -> [, swallow] 13011 [!"\u000a ][In] -> [!"\u000a In] 13012 [between][ them, ] -> [between them, ] 13013 [ with][ her ] -> [ with her ] 13014 [ex][cuse ] -> [excuse ] 13015 [ through][ this ] -> [ through this ] 13016 [to do][ this ] -> [to do this ] 13017 [. Again][, she ] -> [. Again, she ] 13018 [Muad'Dib][ ] -> [Muad'Dib ] 13019 [carri][es ] -> [carries ] 13020 [Dr][. ] -> [Dr. ] 13021 [s][afe] -> [safe] 13022 [other ][room] -> [other room] 13023 [con][versation ] -> [conversation ] 13024 [head][board ] -> [headboard ] 13025 [ chang][ed the ] -> [ changed the ] 13026 [temper][ature] -> [temperature] 13027 [ b][ook] -> [ book] 13028 [ide][. The ] -> [ide. The ] 13029 [ical T][esting ] -> [ical Testing ] 13030 [ical Testing ][St] -> [ical Testing St] 13031 [f][lit] -> [flit] 13032 [agu][aro] -> [aguaro] 13033 [m][oke ] -> [moke ] 13034 [cre][osote bush] -> [creosote bush] 13035 [k][ang] -> [kang] 13036 [kang][aro] -> [kangaro] 13037 [kangaro][o m] -> [kangaroo m] 13038 [.\u000a ][So] -> [.\u000a So] 13039 [hunter-seek][er ] -> [hunter-seeker ] 13040 [ gu][id] -> [ guid] 13041 [ mov][ing] -> [ moving] 13042 [lif][t] -> [lift] 13043 [: ][I] -> [: I] 13044 [dis][tor] -> [distor] 13045 [oper][ator] -> [operator] 13046 [back][ and ] -> [back and ] 13047 [room][.\u000a ] -> [room.\u000a ] 13048 [bot][tom] -> [bottom] 13049 [ ][around the ] -> [ around the ] 13050 [at][ing that ] -> [ating that ] 13051 [door ][open] -> [door open] 13052 [there][. The ] -> [there. The ] 13053 [his ][muscles ] -> [his muscles ] 13054 [sl][amm] -> [slamm] 13055 [ash][ed ] -> [ashed ] 13056 [it][--] -> [it--] 13057 [not ][so] -> [not so] 13058 [ me ][that ] -> [ me that ] 13059 [I'm not ][sure ] -> [I'm not sure ] 13060 [ sil][ence] -> [ silence] 13061 [ wh][ir] -> [ whir] 13062 [led ][away ] -> [led away ] 13063 [ his ][b] -> [ his b] 13064 [ a m][in] -> [ a min] 13065 [ed with][ his ] -> [ed with his ] 13066 [his mother][ was ] -> [his mother was ] 13067 [to s][ustain] -> [to sustain] 13068 [lead][s ] -> [leads ] 13069 [her][e. ] -> [here. ] 13070 [moun][tain] -> [mountain] 13071 [to ][test ] -> [to test ] 13072 [s.\u000a ][Jessica] -> [s.\u000a Jessica] 13073 [alm ][lock] -> [alm lock] 13074 [, she ][told herself] -> [, she told herself] 13075 [as ][she had ] -> [as she had ] 13076 [no][b] -> [nob] 13077 [depress][ion] -> [depression] 13078 [tw][ist ] -> [twist ] 13079 [ur][fac] -> [urfac] 13080 [ foot][step] -> [ footstep] 13081 [i][erc] -> [ierc] 13082 [what ][it ] -> [what it ] 13083 [S][p] -> [Sp] 13084 [mak][e s] -> [make s] 13085 [est ][of ] -> [est of ] 13086 [-][planet ] -> [-planet ] 13087 [ir][rig] -> [irrig] 13088 [with][ the s] -> [with the s] 13089 [hand][le] -> [handle] 13090 [perf][ection] -> [perfection] 13091 [fe][ather] -> [feather] 13092 [fr][ag] -> [frag] 13093 [inv][ad] -> [invad] 13094 [ sens][es] -> [ senses] 13095 [ a][dd] -> [ add] 13096 [ bu][ilding] -> [ building] 13097 [comp][le] -> [comple] 13098 [ l][im] -> [ lim] 13099 [ lim][its ] -> [ limits ] 13100 [ fil][ter ] -> [ filter ] 13101 [c][lock] -> [clock] 13102 [-s][et ] -> [-set ] 13103 [.\u000a ][F] -> [.\u000a F] 13104 [pleas][ure ] -> [pleasure ] 13105 [on Arrakis][--] -> [on Arrakis--] 13106 [ sur][face ] -> [ surface ] 13107 [ ][TH] -> [ TH] 13108 [LAD][Y] -> [LADY] 13109 [ES][S] -> [ESS] 13110 [pro][ximity ] -> [proximity ] 13111 [ul][g] -> [ulg] 13112 [path][ ] -> [path ] 13113 [ m][essage ] -> [ message ] 13114 [not][e, ] -> [note, ] 13115 [ c][od] -> [ cod] 13116 [s. ][Noth] -> [s. Noth] 13117 [ sense ][of ] -> [ sense of ] 13118 [ed.\u000a ][But ] -> [ed.\u000a But ] 13119 [ed a f][inger] -> [ed a finger] 13120 [edg][e, ] -> [edge, ] 13121 [ at][tract ] -> [ attract ] 13122 [n][ature ] -> [nature ] 13123 [to ][your ] -> [to your ] 13124 [conserv][atory ] -> [conservatory ] 13125 [, th][rust ] -> [, thrust ] 13126 [.\u000a "][Paul] -> [.\u000a "Paul] 13127 [ed his ][shoulder] -> [ed his shoulder] 13128 [hand][. "] -> [hand. "] 13129 [u][ally] -> [ually] 13130 [e, ][too] -> [e, too] 13131 [ed him][ ] -> [ed him ] 13132 [in][sid] -> [insid] 13133 [ate ][it] -> [ate it] 13134 [, s][urely] -> [, surely] 13135 [tens][e, ] -> [tense, ] 13136 [.\u000a Paul][ spoke ] -> [.\u000a Paul spoke ] 13137 [n][ative] -> [native] 13138 [in][spec] -> [inspec] 13139 [it][." \u000a "] -> [it." \u000a "] 13140 [down][ there] -> [down there] 13141 [ pres][ume ] -> [ presume ] 13142 [, his ][eyes ] -> [, his eyes ] 13143 [ep][t the ] -> [ept the ] 13144 [?"\u000a "][I've ] -> [?"\u000a "I've ] 13145 [m]['] -> [m'] 13146 [H][ad ] -> [Had ] 13147 [our][selves] -> [ourselves] 13148 [gave ][it ] -> [gave it ] 13149 [ed][. We ] -> [ed. We ] 13150 [ me][as] -> [ meas] 13151 [t]['ll] -> [t'll] 13152 [ w][e should ] -> [ we should ] 13153 [ on][e] -> [ one] 13154 [asp][ect ] -> [aspect ] 13155 [w][est ] -> [west ] 13156 [his attention][ to the ] -> [his attention to the ] 13157 [m][possible] -> [mpossible] 13158 [ per][il] -> [ peril] 13159 [looked out ][at the ] -> [looked out at the ] 13160 [. B][eyond the ] -> [. Beyond the ] 13161 [age ][y] -> [age y] 13162 [.\u000a S][lowly] -> [.\u000a Slowly] 13163 [, p][rec] -> [, prec] 13164 [-][blink] -> [-blink] 13165 [realiz][ing that ] -> [realizing that ] 13166 [fal][s] -> [fals] 13167 [. \u000a ][S] -> [. \u000a S] 13168 [. L][ight ] -> [. Light ] 13169 [less][ly ] -> [lessly ] 13170 [acri][fic] -> [acrific] 13171 [a bet][ter ] -> [a better ] 13172 [w][ink] -> [wink] 13173 [.\u000a-from "][Muad'Dib] -> [.\u000a-from "Muad'Dib] 13174 [Duke Leto ][Atreides ] -> [Duke Leto Atreides ] 13175 [ con][troll] -> [ controll] 13176 [ th][ough] -> [ though] 13177 [p][rom] -> [prom] 13178 [They have ][tried to take the life of my son] -> [They have tried to take the life of my son] 13179 [hook][ his head ] -> [hook his head ] 13180 [to dri][ve ] -> [to drive ] 13181 [glanced back][ at the ] -> [glanced back at the ] 13182 [et][ter] -> [etter] 13183 [was a ][good ] -> [was a good ] 13184 [an][s ] -> [ans ] 13185 [to ][end ] -> [to end ] 13186 [distinc][tion] -> [distinction] 13187 [ing][ star] -> [ing star] 13188 [one of][ those ] -> [one of those ] 13189 [sp][ire ] -> [spire ] 13190 [ w][ave ] -> [ wave ] 13191 [and][s ] -> [ands ] 13192 [-f][rosted ] -> [-frosted ] 13193 [barr][en ] -> [barren ] 13194 [s. ][B] -> [s. B] 13195 [.\u000a ][Sh] -> [.\u000a Sh] 13196 [ down][ and ] -> [ down and ] 13197 [s ][over] -> [s over] 13198 [F][eel] -> [Feel] 13199 [!" ]["] -> [!" "] 13200 [fill][ed the ] -> [filled the ] 13201 [poin][t of the ] -> [point of the ] 13202 [ del][icate ] -> [ delicate ] 13203 [watch][ed ] -> [watched ] 13204 [le][am] -> [leam] 13205 [ep][t] -> [ept] 13206 [ ][trail] -> [ trail] 13207 [, and ][the s] -> [, and the s] 13208 [, sh][oulder] -> [, shoulder] 13209 [we ][may ] -> [we may ] 13210 [er][ that ] -> [er that ] 13211 [are s][ome ] -> [are some ] 13212 [P][ossib] -> [Possib] 13213 [ s][uggest ] -> [ suggest ] 13214 [you][ go] -> [you go] 13215 [recei][ved ] -> [received ] 13216 [par][ticular] -> [particular] 13217 [open][ sand ] -> [open sand ] 13218 [a sh][ort ] -> [a short ] 13219 [took][ up] -> [took up] 13220 [ac][t of ] -> [act of ] 13221 [troub][le, ] -> [trouble, ] 13222 [turned, ][strode ] -> [turned, strode ] 13223 [took][ a ] -> [took a ] 13224 [ag][and] -> [agand] 13225 [a c][or] -> [a cor] 13226 [. The ][others ] -> [. The others ] 13227 [ to ][know] -> [ to know] 13228 [ wh][en the ] -> [ when the ] 13229 [!][\u000a\u000a= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] -> [!\u000a\u000a= = = = = =\u000a\u000a] 13230 [ in][strum] -> [ instrum] 13231 [on Arrakis][, ] -> [on Arrakis, ] 13232 [ence][. The ] -> [ence. The ] 13233 [ war][f] -> [ warf] 13234 [ warf][are ] -> [ warfare ] 13235 [al][cul] -> [alcul] 13236 [down the ][length of the ] -> [down the length of the ] 13237 [conference ][room] -> [conference room] 13238 [cle][ver] -> [clever] 13239 [given][ me ] -> [given me ] 13240 [Hawat][." \u000a "] -> [Hawat." \u000a "] 13241 [. He sh][ould ] -> [. He should ] 13242 [!" \u000a ][Hawat ] -> [!" \u000a Hawat ] 13243 [eag][er] -> [eager] 13244 [.\u000a "][Well, ] -> [.\u000a "Well, ] 13245 [, and ][Paul ] -> [, and Paul ] 13246 [precisely ][correct ] -> [precisely correct ] 13247 [ f][atigue ] -> [ fatigue ] 13248 [report ][on the ] -> [report on the ] 13249 [?" \u000a ][Hawat ] -> [?" \u000a Hawat ] 13250 [gener][al ] -> [general ] 13251 [if][ they ] -> [if they ] 13252 [ man][ufac] -> [ manufac] 13253 [pro][ved ] -> [proved ] 13254 [in ][our] -> [in our] 13255 [Judge of the Ch][ange] -> [Judge of the Change] 13256 [, sp][ice ] -> [, spice ] 13257 [liqu][or] -> [liquor] 13258 [m][edic] -> [medic] 13259 [comp][lex] -> [complex] 13260 [ten][ thousand ] -> [ten thousand ] 13261 [. Their][ ] -> [. Their ] 13262 [ comm][uni] -> [ communi] 13263 [peri][od ] -> [period ] 13264 [e sh][ouldn't ] -> [e shouldn't ] 13265 [ complet][ely ] -> [ completely ] 13266 [el][eg] -> [eleg] 13267 [."\u000a ][Leto s] -> [."\u000a Leto s] 13268 [open][ly ] -> [openly ] 13269 [name ][of ] -> [name of ] 13270 [ing a][ few] -> [ing a few] 13271 [ gr][in ] -> [ grin ] 13272 [ten][ b] -> [ten b] 13273 [ill][ion ] -> [illion ] 13274 [wid][e-] -> [wide-] 13275 [h][id ] -> [hid ] 13276 [Harkonnens ][have ] -> [Harkonnens have ] 13277 [th][ing the ] -> [thing the ] 13278 [to][ break] -> [to break] 13279 [estim][ate ] -> [estimate ] 13280 [v][ey] -> [vey] 13281 [W][ouldn't ] -> [Wouldn't ] 13282 [Guild ][for] -> [Guild for] 13283 [ with ][us] -> [ with us] 13284 [s ][for ] -> [s for ] 13285 [." He s][h] -> [." He sh] 13286 [ may][ speak] -> [ may speak] 13287 [ stir][red] -> [ stirred] 13288 [tern][al] -> [ternal] 13289 [a few][ ] -> [a few ] 13290 [am][iliar] -> [amiliar] 13291 [gestur][ed to ] -> [gestured to ] 13292 [, the ][thing] -> [, the thing] 13293 [c][all ] -> [call ] 13294 [.' "][\u000a ] -> [.' "\u000a ] 13295 [Ch][uck] -> [Chuck] 13296 [ fac][e the ] -> [ face the ] 13297 [take ][this ] -> [take this ] 13298 [," Hawat said][, "] -> [," Hawat said, "] 13299 [." \u000a "][N] -> [." \u000a "N] 13300 [to con][ceal] -> [to conceal] 13301 [exp][end] -> [expend] 13302 [a way ][of ] -> [a way of ] 13303 [possib][le, ] -> [possible, ] 13304 [-s][ized ] -> [-sized ] 13305 [ ch][arge ] -> [ charge ] 13306 [smuggl][ers ] -> [smugglers ] 13307 [ a d][evice ] -> [ a device ] 13308 [avail][able] -> [available] 13309 [."\u000a "I][ don't ] -> [."\u000a "I don't ] 13310 [Ah][-h] -> [Ah-h] 13311 [, I][daho] -> [, Idaho] 13312 [ he s][aid ] -> [ he said ] 13313 [s][. He s] -> [s. He s] 13314 [us][ed by ] -> [used by ] 13315 [war][f] -> [warf] 13316 [wh][ose s] -> [whose s] 13317 [eli][ver] -> [eliver] 13318 [f][air] -> [fair] 13319 [sand ][and ] -> [sand and ] 13320 [shield ][generator] -> [shield generator] 13321 [able ][to ] -> [able to ] 13322 [es ][against ] -> [es against ] 13323 [s][, said: "] -> [s, said: "] 13324 [m][arg] -> [marg] 13325 [ac][coun] -> [accoun] 13326 [ we ][can ] -> [ we can ] 13327 [tw][el] -> [twel] 13328 [bas][e] -> [base] 13329 [happ][y] -> [happy] 13330 [ a][ud] -> [ aud] 13331 [ cap][tive ] -> [ captive ] 13332 [in fron][t of the ] -> [in front of the ] 13333 [conscious ][of the ] -> [conscious of the ] 13334 [s, ][in the ] -> [s, in the ] 13335 [ dep][ends ] -> [ depends ] 13336 [on ][one ] -> [on one ] 13337 [, Paul thought][.\u000a "] -> [, Paul thought.\u000a "] 13338 [achi][ev] -> [achiev] 13339 [ed][?" \u000a "] -> [ed?" \u000a "] 13340 [anc][e. ] -> [ance. ] 13341 [ b][y s] -> [ by s] 13342 [ren][der] -> [render] 13343 [that ][could ] -> [that could ] 13344 [them][ and ] -> [them and ] 13345 [s][ed his ] -> [sed his ] 13346 [--"][\u000a ] -> [--"\u000a ] 13347 [f][el] -> [fel] 13348 [ref][lex] -> [reflex] 13349 [Paul][, the ] -> [Paul, the ] 13350 [dis][guis] -> [disguis] 13351 [glanced down][ at ] -> [glanced down at ] 13352 [ed in][to his ] -> [ed into his ] 13353 [, ][brought ] -> [, brought ] 13354 [voice ][that ] -> [voice that ] 13355 [hood ][and ] -> [hood and ] 13356 [hesitated, ][then ] -> [hesitated, then ] 13357 [lead][er of] -> [leader of] 13358 [wh][y] -> [why] 13359 [I am][ the ] -> [I am the ] 13360 [Would ][you] -> [Would you] 13361 [ut][ter ] -> [utter ] 13362 [of p][ower] -> [of power] 13363 [righ][ts ] -> [rights ] 13364 [ de][termin] -> [ determin] 13365 [pleas][e] -> [please] 13366 [m][ild] -> [mild] 13367 [held ][them] -> [held them] 13368 [dign][ity] -> [dignity] 13369 [if][ there ] -> [if there ] 13370 [man][ who] -> [man who] 13371 [, ][reveal] -> [, reveal] 13372 [full][-] -> [full-] 13373 [ey][e, ] -> [eye, ] 13374 [ rel][ax] -> [ relax] 13375 [ing c][ame ] -> [ing came ] 13376 [you have ][me ] -> [you have me ] 13377 [to ][return] -> [to return] 13378 [. R][em] -> [. Rem] 13379 [ s][ettl] -> [ settl] 13380 [," the Fremen][ said] -> [," the Fremen said] 13381 [f][ the ] -> [f the ] 13382 [ s][erve ] -> [ serve ] 13383 [to the ][Fremen] -> [to the Fremen] 13384 [. We]['re ] -> [. We're ] 13385 [b][unch] -> [bunch] 13386 [e][."\u000a ] -> [e."\u000a ] 13387 [ov][ement ] -> [ovement ] 13388 [Piter de V][ri] -> [Piter de Vri] 13389 [hur][ried ] -> [hurried ] 13390 [bas][es] -> [bases] 13391 [hall][ I] -> [hall I] 13392 [you][ should ] -> [you should ] 13393 [."\u000a "][Sire] -> [."\u000a "Sire] 13394 [ti][tude] -> [titude] 13395 [give ][us ] -> [give us ] 13396 [ without ][a ] -> [ without a ] 13397 [Paul][ heard the ] -> [Paul heard the ] 13398 [ to][ think] -> [ to think] 13399 [--][not ] -> [--not ] 13400 [My ][father ] -> [My father ] 13401 [Rem][ain] -> [Remain] 13402 [!" ][But ] -> [!" But ] 13403 [Voice ][from the ] -> [Voice from the ] 13404 [Voice from the ][Out] -> [Voice from the Out] 13405 [Voice from the Out][er ] -> [Voice from the Outer ] 13406 [Voice from the Outer ][Wor] -> [Voice from the Outer Wor] 13407 [Voice from the Outer Wor][ld] -> [Voice from the Outer World] 13408 [it was ][obvious ] -> [it was obvious ] 13409 [of][ men] -> [of men] 13410 [im][perfect ] -> [imperfect ] 13411 [qu][it] -> [quit] 13412 [Where ][is ] -> [Where is ] 13413 [." \u000a "M]['Lord] -> [." \u000a "M'Lord] 13414 [ad][mit ] -> [admit ] 13415 [to s][uch] -> [to such] 13416 [el][y, ] -> [ely, ] 13417 [fil][tr] -> [filtr] 13418 [repe][ated the ] -> [repeated the ] 13419 [sto][ries ] -> [stories ] 13420 [. What ][is ] -> [. What is ] 13421 [ho][-] -> [ho-] 13422 [ to][ b] -> [ to b] 13423 [ you][ can] -> [ you can] 13424 [with][ me] -> [with me] 13425 [ des][erves ] -> [ deserves ] 13426 [erv][ic] -> [ervic] 13427 [Par][de] -> [Parde] 13428 [ con][sequ] -> [ consequ] 13429 [en][tic] -> [entic] 13430 [out ][of this ] -> [out of this ] 13431 [c][ourier] -> [courier] 13432 [!" the ][Duke ] -> [!" the Duke ] 13433 [bark][ed. "] -> [barked. "] 13434 [We ][cannot ] -> [We cannot ] 13435 [ in][vestig] -> [ investig] 13436 [long][ before ] -> [long before ] 13437 [. There's ][a ] -> [. There's a ] 13438 [ hear][t ] -> [ heart ] 13439 [ s][uggest] -> [ suggest] 13440 [sur][veill] -> [surveill] 13441 [ cho][ice ] -> [ choice ] 13442 [ might ][be ] -> [ might be ] 13443 [turn][ed his ] -> [turned his ] 13444 [Paul ][is ] -> [Paul is ] 13445 [Certain][ly] -> [Certainly] 13446 [bal][con] -> [balcon] 13447 [ s][al] -> [ sal] 13448 [found ][it ] -> [found it ] 13449 [ re][f] -> [ ref] 13450 [ h][ush] -> [ hush] 13451 [over][head] -> [overhead] 13452 [s][outhern] -> [southern] 13453 [.\u000a A][s the ] -> [.\u000a As the ] 13454 [vill][age ] -> [village ] 13455 [ bir][d] -> [ bird] 13456 [long][, ] -> [long, ] 13457 [ stri][k] -> [ strik] 13458 [a b][ro] -> [a bro] 13459 [a s][c] -> [a sc] 13460 [se][ed] -> [seed] 13461 [udd][l] -> [uddl] 13462 [ul][ate ] -> [ulate ] 13463 [ he s][aw the ] -> [ he saw the ] 13464 [de][vic] -> [devic] 13465 [i][ous, ] -> [ious, ] 13466 [at][eful] -> [ateful] 13467 [ sno][oper] -> [ snooper] 13468 [imp][ly ] -> [imply ] 13469 [ing of][ dust ] -> [ing of dust ] 13470 [ that ][is ] -> [ that is ] 13471 [ fam][iliar] -> [ familiar] 13472 [ they]['ve ] -> [ they've ] 13473 [I'll][ give ] -> [I'll give ] 13474 [ch][ess] -> [chess] 13475 [ur][a] -> [ura] 13476 [tiv][ate ] -> [tivate ] 13477 [ pro][test] -> [ protest] 13478 [. M][en] -> [. Men] 13479 [s ][is ] -> [s is ] 13480 [. "][There's ] -> [. "There's ] 13481 [ bet][ter ] -> [ better ] 13482 [how][ could ] -> [how could ] 13483 [s][cr] -> [scr] 13484 [her][it] -> [herit] 13485 [green and black bann][er] -> [green and black banner] 13486 [bann][er] -> [banner] 13487 [its ][work] -> [its work] 13488 [and ][I] -> [and I] 13489 [P][or] -> [Por] 13490 [dom][inat] -> [dominat] 13491 [I][ would ] -> [I would ] 13492 ['d ][been ] -> ['d been ] 13493 [ed the ][Duke ] -> [ed the Duke ] 13494 [necessities ][that ] -> [necessities that ] 13495 [.\u000a-"][In ] -> [.\u000a-"In ] 13496 [.\u000a-"In ][My ] -> [.\u000a-"In My ] 13497 [.\u000a-"In My ][Father] -> [.\u000a-"In My Father] 13498 [.\u000a-"In My Father]['s ] -> [.\u000a-"In My Father's ] 13499 [.\u000a-"In My Father's ][House] -> [.\u000a-"In My Father's House] 13500 [to][ whom] -> [to whom] 13501 [Yet ][the ] -> [Yet the ] 13502 [sc][en] -> [scen] 13503 [, ][there was ] -> [, there was ] 13504 [ur][prise ] -> [urprise ] 13505 [bu][ilding] -> [building] 13506 [robe ][and ] -> [robe and ] 13507 [Behind ][them] -> [Behind them] 13508 [ub][b] -> [ubb] 13509 [un][familiar] -> [unfamiliar] 13510 [cl][ung] -> [clung] 13511 [ he s][aw] -> [ he saw] 13512 [were ][not ] -> [were not ] 13513 [aware ][of] -> [aware of] 13514 [m][aster ] -> [master ] 13515 [im][por] -> [impor] 13516 [bo][ots ] -> [boots ] 13517 [."\u000a ][As ] -> [."\u000a As ] 13518 [thrown][ back, ] -> [thrown back, ] 13519 [up][per] -> [upper] 13520 [with the ][Fremen ] -> [with the Fremen ] 13521 [," Kynes said. "][They're ] -> [," Kynes said. "They're ] 13522 [in][tend ] -> [intend ] 13523 [leap][ed up] -> [leaped up] 13524 [ squ][att] -> [ squatt] 13525 [ hand][, ] -> [ hand, ] 13526 [accustom][ed to] -> [accustomed to] 13527 [Sh][ouldn't ] -> [Shouldn't ] 13528 [. And ][this ] -> [. And this ] 13529 [me][as] -> [meas] 13530 [examin][ed the ] -> [examined the ] 13531 [w][ich] -> [wich] 13532 [adjus][ted the ] -> [adjusted the ] 13533 [s and ][s] -> [s and s] 13534 [p][ump] -> [pump] 13535 [down][ to ] -> [down to ] 13536 [," he said][, and ] -> [," he said, and ] 13537 [tell][ me] -> [tell me] 13538 [gh][ter] -> [ghter] 13539 [, the Duke ][thought] -> [, the Duke thought] 13540 [ing ac][tion] -> [ing action] 13541 [ breath][ing] -> [ breathing] 13542 [s.\u000a ][Kynes ] -> [s.\u000a Kynes ] 13543 [ b][orn] -> [ born] 13544 [s as ][they ] -> [s as they ] 13545 [op][his] -> [ophis] 13546 [ophis][tic] -> [ophistic] 13547 [ show][ you] -> [ show you] 13548 [, ][all] -> [, all] 13549 [ su][it ] -> [ suit ] 13550 [us][ing ] -> [using ] 13551 [into the ][basin] -> [into the basin] 13552 [star][ing out ] -> [staring out ] 13553 [du][ties ] -> [duties ] 13554 [exh][au] -> [exhau] 13555 [possib][ilities ] -> [possibilities ] 13556 [Cour][t ] -> [Court ] 13557 [ sat ][back] -> [ sat back] 13558 [plain][ enough] -> [plain enough] 13559 [a hard ][stare ] -> [a hard stare ] 13560 [dist][ance ] -> [distance ] 13561 [Are ][there ] -> [Are there ] 13562 [ degre][es ] -> [ degrees ] 13563 [it's ][not ] -> [it's not ] 13564 [vis][ib] -> [visib] 13565 [ w][ore ] -> [ wore ] 13566 [cl][asp] -> [clasp] 13567 [thrown][ back] -> [thrown back] 13568 [ed back][ into the ] -> [ed back into the ] 13569 [?" Halleck][ asked. \u000a "] -> [?" Halleck asked. \u000a "] 13570 [o][h] -> [oh] 13571 [guard][s, ] -> [guards, ] 13572 [reach][ed down] -> [reached down] 13573 [instrument ][panel] -> [instrument panel] 13574 [bir][d] -> [bird] 13575 [this ][far] -> [this far] 13576 [me][ters] -> [meters] 13577 [relationship][ between] -> [relationship between] 13578 [ed.\u000a ][Kynes ] -> [ed.\u000a Kynes ] 13579 [trac][es of] -> [traces of] 13580 [worm][ ] -> [worm ] 13581 [to][ attack] -> [to attack] 13582 [ring seg][ment ] -> [ring segment ] 13583 [et][ting ] -> [etting ] 13584 [s ][out ] -> [s out ] 13585 [man][y s] -> [many s] 13586 [What ][would ] -> [What would ] 13587 [far][ enough] -> [far enough] 13588 [W][ait ] -> [Wait ] 13589 [s][lightest ] -> [slightest ] 13590 [cent][ur] -> [centur] 13591 [D][ust ] -> [Dust ] 13592 [remov][ed] -> [removed] 13593 [. "][How] -> [. "How] 13594 [siz][e of the ] -> [size of the ] 13595 [factory ][crawler ] -> [factory crawler ] 13596 [a b][ig] -> [a big] 13597 [ed the ][microph] -> [ed the microph] 13598 [microph][one] -> [microphone] 13599 [awl][er] -> [awler] 13600 [? ][Over] -> [? Over] 13601 [f][light] -> [flight] 13602 [S][pot] -> [Spot] 13603 [ con][firm] -> [ confirm] 13604 [t][and ] -> [tand ] 13605 [ con][tact ] -> [ contact ] 13606 [au][se, ] -> [ause, ] 13607 [ing f][requ] -> [ing frequ] 13608 [listen][ing] -> [listening] 13609 [flat ][and ] -> [flat and ] 13610 [a b][ur] -> [a bur] 13611 [re][ck] -> [reck] 13612 [ons][ter] -> [onster] 13613 [le ][with] -> [le with] 13614 [ver][ted ] -> [verted ] 13615 [left and ][right ] -> [left and right ] 13616 [I][ saw] -> [I saw] 13617 [ c][row] -> [ crow] 13618 [e][off] -> [eoff] 13619 [ of c][innamon] -> [ of cinnamon] 13620 [fl][app] -> [flapp] 13621 [ still][ have ] -> [ still have ] 13622 [ direc][tly ] -> [ directly ] 13623 [carri][on] -> [carrion] 13624 [ I]['d ] -> [ I'd ] 13625 [cr][ush] -> [crush] 13626 [ig][antic] -> [igantic] 13627 [fast][er and faster] -> [faster and faster] 13628 [ g][listen] -> [ glisten] 13629 [M][ak] -> [Mak] 13630 [.\u000a Paul][ glanced at the ] -> [.\u000a Paul glanced at the ] 13631 [ s][ank] -> [ sank] 13632 [ c][ough] -> [ cough] 13633 [tir][red ] -> [tirred ] 13634 [appear][ed to ] -> [appeared to ] 13635 [any][thing about ] -> [anything about ] 13636 [A][y] -> [Ay] 13637 [e, ][Gurney] -> [e, Gurney] 13638 [ed ][across the s] -> [ed across the s] 13639 [on ][Paul] -> [on Paul] 13640 [?" the ][man] -> [?" the man] 13641 [look][ing at ] -> [looking at ] 13642 [!"\u000a ][But ] -> [!"\u000a But ] 13643 [ed by ][a f] -> [ed by a f] 13644 [own ][life ] -> [own life ] 13645 [r][age] -> [rage] 13646 [f][anatic] -> [fanatic] 13647 [must ][have ] -> [must have ] 13648 [ b][elief] -> [ belief] 13649 [within][ himself] -> [within himself] 13650 [no][op] -> [noop] 13651 [so][ci] -> [soci] 13652 [au][mur] -> [aumur] 13653 [ing b][asin] -> [ing basin] 13654 [s of][ water ] -> [s of water ] 13655 [ t][y] -> [ ty] 13656 [tom][ach] -> [tomach] 13657 [h][over] -> [hover] 13658 [k][itch] -> [kitch] 13659 [kitch][en] -> [kitchen] 13660 [el][s ] -> [els ] 13661 [gr][ass ] -> [grass ] 13662 [m][ail] -> [mail] 13663 [ativ][e, ] -> [ative, ] 13664 [ing][l] -> [ingl] 13665 [rec][ent ] -> [recent ] 13666 [f][lank] -> [flank] 13667 [He]['ll] -> [He'll] 13668 [ed with][ a s] -> [ed with a s] 13669 [cl][us] -> [clus] 13670 [ch][atter] -> [chatter] 13671 [ c][ross ] -> [ cross ] 13672 [We ][haven't ] -> [We haven't ] 13673 [ c][ustom] -> [ custom] 13674 [in the ][man's ] -> [in the man's ] 13675 [sn't ][it ] -> [sn't it ] 13676 [ ][lip] -> [ lip] 13677 [remember][ the ] -> [remember the ] 13678 [," Bewt ][said] -> [," Bewt said] 13679 [to c][hallenge ] -> [to challenge ] 13680 [ plan][ts ] -> [ plants ] 13681 [our][ water] -> [our water] 13682 [ad][vis] -> [advis] 13683 [shor][ten] -> [shorten] 13684 [ said. "You]['ve ] -> [ said. "You've ] 13685 [flic][t ] -> [flict ] 13686 [transl][ated as ] -> [translated as ] 13687 [translated as ]["] -> [translated as "] 13688 [low-][voiced ] -> [low-voiced ] 13689 [Guild Bank][ re] -> [Guild Bank re] 13690 [Guild Bank re][present] -> [Guild Bank represent] 13691 [s][ought ] -> [sought ] 13692 [ h][ost ] -> [ host ] 13693 [Shall][ we ] -> [Shall we ] 13694 [ among][ you] -> [ among you] 13695 [Duke ][had ] -> [Duke had ] 13696 [if][tly ] -> [iftly ] 13697 [a p][ower] -> [a power] 13698 [en][forc] -> [enforc] 13699 [s ][us ] -> [s us ] 13700 [ h][all] -> [ hall] 13701 [b][or] -> [bor] 13702 [ to][r] -> [ tor] 13703 [ent][s] -> [ents] 13704 [to][ all] -> [to all] 13705 [ing ][us ] -> [ing us ] 13706 [lowered her ][gaz] -> [lowered her gaz] 13707 [)][, the ] -> [), the ] 13708 [, ][friend] -> [, friend] 13709 [ed his ][voice ] -> [ed his voice ] 13710 [. He s][mil] -> [. He smil] 13711 [im][ent] -> [iment] 13712 [across ][at ] -> [across at ] 13713 [, ][Doctor ] -> [, Doctor ] 13714 [?" the ][banker] -> [?" the banker] 13715 [ c][hallenge ] -> [ challenge ] 13716 [ig][no] -> [igno] 13717 [.\u000a A][ th] -> [.\u000a A th] 13718 [ sec][ond] -> [ second] 13719 [ro][ot ] -> [root ] 13720 [sp][eech] -> [speech] 13721 [ swallow][ed, ] -> [ swallowed, ] 13722 [-e][ater] -> [-eater] 13723 [er's ][daughter] -> [er's daughter] 13724 [Oh][, ] -> [Oh, ] 13725 [of the ][water] -> [of the water] 13726 [. It ][came ] -> [. It came ] 13727 [ultim][ate s] -> [ultimate s] 13728 [b][owl] -> [bowl] 13729 [the smuggler, ][Tuek] -> [the smuggler, Tuek] 13730 [no ][long] -> [no long] 13731 [no long][er ] -> [no longer ] 13732 [sul][t ] -> [sult ] 13733 [terrif][ied ] -> [terrified ] 13734 [out of s][ight ] -> [out of sight ] 13735 [. T][w] -> [. Tw] 13736 [ ad][mir] -> [ admir] 13737 [old][er ] -> [older ] 13738 [, she thought][. And she ] -> [, she thought. And she ] 13739 [ally][, the ] -> [ally, the ] 13740 [favor][able ] -> [favorable ] 13741 [favorable ][condition] -> [favorable condition] 13742 [m][ember] -> [member] 13743 [ plan][etolog] -> [ planetolog] 13744 [tre][ated ] -> [treated ] 13745 [id][den] -> [idden] 13746 [ me][an ] -> [ mean ] 13747 [noted ][that the ] -> [noted that the ] 13748 [ bl][ind ] -> [ blind ] 13749 [ s][elf] -> [ self] 13750 [-s][ustain] -> [-sustain] 13751 [point ][where ] -> [point where ] 13752 [ing s][ystem] -> [ing system] 13753 [felt ][himself] -> [felt himself] 13754 [en][omen] -> [enomen] 13755 [un][it ] -> [unit ] 13756 [uncertain][ty] -> [uncertainty] 13757 [under][ly] -> [underly] 13758 [s ][with the ] -> [s with the ] 13759 [trib][uted ] -> [tributed ] 13760 [w][e should ] -> [we should ] 13761 [ hur][ri] -> [ hurri] 13762 [perf][ect] -> [perfect] 13763 [his mother][ had ] -> [his mother had ] 13764 [.\u000a Paul][ said: "] -> [.\u000a Paul said: "] 13765 [another ][time] -> [another time] 13766 [one of ][us ] -> [one of us ] 13767 [ p][ass ] -> [ pass ] 13768 [on his ][shoulder] -> [on his shoulder] 13769 [ hesit][ated ] -> [ hesitated ] 13770 [long ][enough] -> [long enough] 13771 [s][lid ] -> [slid ] 13772 [y][es ] -> [yes ] 13773 [al ][to ] -> [al to ] 13774 [smuggl][er ] -> [smuggler ] 13775 [ec][ret ] -> [ecret ] 13776 [ fl][ag] -> [ flag] 13777 [head][s of the ] -> [heads of the ] 13778 [do][es] -> [does] 13779 [.\u000a Jessica][ saw the ] -> [.\u000a Jessica saw the ] 13780 [ perf][ection] -> [ perfection] 13781 [head][ed ] -> [headed ] 13782 [log][y ] -> [logy ] 13783 [ton][e, ] -> [tone, ] 13784 [lean][ed toward ] -> [leaned toward ] 13785 [ car][eful] -> [ careful] 13786 [. Tell][ me, ] -> [. Tell me, ] 13787 [ re][gion] -> [ region] 13788 [e ][that ] -> [e that ] 13789 [the ][Fremen ] -> [the Fremen ] 13790 [?" Jessica][ asked.\u000a ] -> [?" Jessica asked.\u000a ] 13791 [hall][ we ] -> [hall we ] 13792 [er][ said. "] -> [er said. "] 13793 [whit][e-] -> [white-] 13794 [sub][stance ] -> [substance ] 13795 [ from][ a] -> [ from a] 13796 [ l][asgun] -> [ lasgun] 13797 [. On][ce ] -> [. Once ] 13798 [ol][ve ] -> [olve ] 13799 [lasgun][s ] -> [lasguns ] 13800 [that ][it was ] -> [that it was ] 13801 [ c][ell] -> [ cell] 13802 [around ][her, ] -> [around her, ] 13803 [stepp][ed into the ] -> [stepped into the ] 13804 [hur][t] -> [hurt] 13805 [fore][ver ] -> [forever ] 13806 [ing][ feet] -> [ing feet] 13807 [p][ent] -> [pent] 13808 [dr][unk] -> [drunk] 13809 [par][ty ] -> [party ] 13810 [Wh][ich] -> [Which] 13811 [af][fe] -> [affe] 13812 [sl][app] -> [slapp] 13813 [ stood ][out ] -> [ stood out ] 13814 [remained sil][ent, ] -> [remained silent, ] 13815 [drugg][ed] -> [drugged] 13816 [on ][. . . ] -> [on . . . ] 13817 [. \u000a "][What is ] -> [. \u000a "What is ] 13818 [i][vers] -> [ivers] 13819 [ for][ you] -> [ for you] 13820 [ words ][and ] -> [ words and ] 13821 [transl][at] -> [translat] 13822 [d][ash] -> [dash] 13823 [ed b][itter] -> [ed bitter] 13824 [ar][y, ] -> [ary, ] 13825 [necess][ary] -> [necessary] 13826 [quarter][s and ] -> [quarters and ] 13827 [sh][ield-] -> [shield-] 13828 [ with ][an ] -> [ with an ] 13829 [ on][ her ] -> [ on her ] 13830 [tes][ted the ] -> [tested the ] 13831 [oun][ted ] -> [ounted ] 13832 [ing her][ strength] -> [ing her strength] 13833 [ appear][ed ] -> [ appeared ] 13834 [fain][tly ] -> [faintly ] 13835 [gi][ve] -> [give] 13836 [ for][ certain] -> [ for certain] 13837 [ymp][tom] -> [ymptom] 13838 [you ][understand ] -> [you understand ] 13839 [af][for] -> [affor] 13840 [ead][y] -> [eady] 13841 [ing off][ the ] -> [ing off the ] 13842 [ with the ][lasgun] -> [ with the lasgun] 13843 [him][ in the ] -> [him in the ] 13844 [you]['ll have ] -> [you'll have ] 13845 [s. ][D] -> [s. D] 13846 [plac][e. ] -> [place. ] 13847 [ust ][I] -> [ust I] 13848 [clear][ly] -> [clearly] 13849 [to you][ that ] -> [to you that ] 13850 [life ][is ] -> [life is ] 13851 [ s][olution] -> [ solution] 13852 [con][cep] -> [concep] 13853 [yourself][, ] -> [yourself, ] 13854 [ th][us ] -> [ thus ] 13855 [simp][le] -> [simple] 13856 [Don't ][try ] -> [Don't try ] 13857 [men ][of the ] -> [men of the ] 13858 [ for ][your] -> [ for your] 13859 [training][ they ] -> [training they ] 13860 [in ][Council] -> [in Council] 13861 [pray][er] -> [prayer] 13862 [wh][ile] -> [while] 13863 [return][ed to] -> [returned to] 13864 [to the ][Harkonnens] -> [to the Harkonnens] 13865 [o ][and ] -> [o and ] 13866 [be][tray ] -> [betray ] 13867 [. Noth][ing] -> [. Nothing] 13868 [respon][se] -> [response] 13869 [intim][ate ] -> [intimate ] 13870 [ we][ap] -> [ weap] 13871 [ st][agger] -> [ stagger] 13872 [f][ist ] -> [fist ] 13873 [not ][seen] -> [not seen] 13874 [You][ think] -> [You think] 13875 [?\u000a "][The ] -> [?\u000a "The ] 13876 [turn][ed her] -> [turned her] 13877 [immob][iliz] -> [immobiliz] 13878 [eng][er] -> [enger] 13879 [? ][\u000a ] -> [? \u000a ] 13880 [into][ my ] -> [into my ] 13881 [do ][it ] -> [do it ] 13882 [small][est ] -> [smallest ] 13883 [ently][, he ] -> [ently, he ] 13884 [gre][y ] -> [grey ] 13885 [ stret][ched ] -> [ stretched ] 13886 [, the ][Fremen] -> [, the Fremen] 13887 [touch][ed her] -> [touched her] 13888 [-shadow][ed ] -> [-shadowed ] 13889 [ing again][st the ] -> [ing against the ] 13890 [Be ][quiet] -> [Be quiet] 13891 [t][um] -> [tum] 13892 [end][er ] -> [ender ] 13893 [it][ely ] -> [itely ] 13894 [g][as] -> [gas] 13895 [I must ][be ] -> [I must be ] 13896 [clos][er] -> [closer] 13897 [ed][." He ] -> [ed." He ] 13898 [across ][his ] -> [across his ] 13899 [!\u000a ][It was ] -> [!\u000a It was ] 13900 [grew][ aware ] -> [grew aware ] 13901 [com][e, ] -> [come, ] 13902 [ b][ind] -> [ bind] 13903 [us][ing the ] -> [using the ] 13904 [a d][im] -> [a dim] 13905 [open][ed her ] -> [opened her ] 13906 [sugg][ested ] -> [suggested ] 13907 [ti][es of] -> [ties of] 13908 [ s][ugg] -> [ sugg] 13909 [ sugg][ested ] -> [ suggested ] 13910 [ac][y] -> [acy] 13911 [one ][with the ] -> [one with the ] 13912 [woman ][and ] -> [woman and ] 13913 [in][ her mind] -> [in her mind] 13914 [kept ][his attention] -> [kept his attention] 13915 [?"\u000a The ][Baron ] -> [?"\u000a The Baron ] 13916 [danc][ing ] -> [dancing ] 13917 [ this ][moment] -> [ this moment] 13918 [." \u000a "][I will] -> [." \u000a "I will] 13919 [, ][study] -> [, study] 13920 [.\u000a Scar][face ] -> [.\u000a Scarface ] 13921 [deaf][ one ] -> [deaf one ] 13922 [pl][an ] -> [plan ] 13923 [ bod][ies ] -> [ bodies ] 13924 [read][s ] -> [reads ] 13925 [to ][Jessica's ] -> [to Jessica's ] 13926 [. T][ake ] -> [. Take ] 13927 [e said][. "] -> [e said. "] 13928 [-buoy][ed ] -> [-buoyed ] 13929 [ s][lit] -> [ slit] 13930 [fac][e. She ] -> [face. She ] 13931 [on][, ] -> [on, ] 13932 [ed. "][S] -> [ed. "S] 13933 [. You][ can ] -> [. You can ] 13934 [.\u000a Jessica][ felt ] -> [.\u000a Jessica felt ] 13935 [listen][ed to the ] -> [listened to the ] 13936 [her ][eyes ] -> [her eyes ] 13937 [ness ][in the ] -> [ness in the ] 13938 [glar][ed at ] -> [glared at ] 13939 [ sil][ence.\u000a ] -> [ silence.\u000a ] 13940 [to][op] -> [toop] 13941 [surfac][e.\u000a ] -> [surface.\u000a ] 13942 [rhythm][ic] -> [rhythmic] 13943 [exerc][is] -> [exercis] 13944 [! she ][thought] -> [! she thought] 13945 [ers ][for the ] -> [ers for the ] 13946 [ of ][rock] -> [ of rock] 13947 [sid][es] -> [sides] 13948 [pi][lo] -> [pilo] 13949 [pilo][t's ] -> [pilot's ] 13950 [ed her ][voice ] -> [ed her voice ] 13951 [over][ me] -> [over me] 13952 [en][ef] -> [enef] 13953 [agre][ement ] -> [agreement ] 13954 [. . . " ][\u000a ] -> [. . . " \u000a ] 13955 [against ][his ] -> [against his ] 13956 [reveal][ing the ] -> [revealing the ] 13957 [ ch][ance ] -> [ chance ] 13958 [s. ][Paul] -> [s. Paul] 13959 [ himself][, ] -> [ himself, ] 13960 [cred][it ] -> [credit ] 13961 [le ][of the ] -> [le of the ] 13962 [," he said.\u000a She ][heard the ] -> [," he said.\u000a She heard the ] 13963 [c][abin] -> [cabin] 13964 [bund][le ] -> [bundle ] 13965 [ sw][oop] -> [ swoop] 13966 ['thop][ter and ] -> ['thopter and ] 13967 [a ][lasgun] -> [a lasgun] 13968 [ed, s][wallow] -> [ed, swallow] 13969 [lowered his ][gaz] -> [lowered his gaz] 13970 [den][ied ] -> [denied ] 13971 [remov][ed his ] -> [removed his ] 13972 [rock][ and ] -> [rock and ] 13973 [Duke's ][men] -> [Duke's men] 13974 [ bur][row] -> [ burrow] 13975 [artill][ery ] -> [artillery ] 13976 [thought ][was ] -> [thought was ] 13977 [es][. And the ] -> [es. And the ] 13978 [ut][ual] -> [utual] 13979 [ed his ][mouth] -> [ed his mouth] 13980 [open ][to the ] -> [open to the ] 13981 [s ][s] -> [s s] 13982 [ mus][cl] -> [ muscl] 13983 [there ][and ] -> [there and ] 13984 [open][ space ] -> [open space ] 13985 [ now][, ] -> [ now, ] 13986 [I][ d] -> [I d] 13987 [s ][his ] -> [s his ] 13988 [b][ought ] -> [bought ] 13989 [. It was ][like a ] -> [. It was like a ] 13990 [ing][. \u000a "] -> [ing. \u000a "] 13991 [ in][ him] -> [ in him] 13992 [emptin][ess ] -> [emptiness ] 13993 [t][atter] -> [tatter] 13994 [cha][in] -> [chain] 13995 [in his ][mouth] -> [in his mouth] 13996 [woman ][and the ] -> [woman and the ] 13997 [a][ worm] -> [a worm] 13998 [It was ][a c] -> [It was a c] 13999 [," the Baron][ mutter] -> [," the Baron mutter] 14000 [ed to][o] -> [ed too] 14001 [ prec][ipit] -> [ precipit] 14002 [mind][: ] -> [mind: ] 14003 [ a b][ar] -> [ a bar] 14004 [exp][and] -> [expand] 14005 [f][ad] -> [fad] 14006 [ing b][od] -> [ing bod] 14007 [y ][in the ] -> [y in the ] 14008 [ beneath][ him] -> [ beneath him] 14009 [ from][ you] -> [ from you] 14010 [ed on][ her] -> [ed on her] 14011 [in][ such] -> [in such] 14012 [in his ][mind ] -> [in his mind ] 14013 [.\u000a ][D] -> [.\u000a D] 14014 [ h][ung] -> [ hung] 14015 [your][ men] -> [your men] 14016 [ch][er] -> [cher] 14017 [c][um] -> [cum] 14018 [ stood ][at ] -> [ stood at ] 14019 [an ][emergency ] -> [an emergency ] 14020 [," the Baron ][growled. "] -> [," the Baron growled. "] 14021 [ s][ounds ] -> [ sounds ] 14022 [ha][ke ] -> [hake ] 14023 [how][ much] -> [how much] 14024 [--][only ] -> [--only ] 14025 [reluct][ance ] -> [reluctance ] 14026 [how][ they ] -> [how they ] 14027 [hesit][ated] -> [hesitated] 14028 [eyes][--] -> [eyes--] 14029 [ with][ a b] -> [ with a b] 14030 [ to s][low] -> [ to slow] 14031 [barri][er] -> [barrier] 14032 [. . . ][that ] -> [. . . that ] 14033 [, ][studied the ] -> [, studied the ] 14034 [ d][ang] -> [ dang] 14035 [in ][Nefud] -> [in Nefud] 14036 [r][at] -> [rat] 14037 [what ][that ] -> [what that ] 14038 [frig][ate ] -> [frigate ] 14039 [as][id] -> [asid] 14040 [on][ h] -> [on h] 14041 [abs][ence ] -> [absence ] 14042 [capable ][of ] -> [capable of ] 14043 [Emperor][ has ] -> [Emperor has ] 14044 [own ][eyes] -> [own eyes] 14045 [rem][nants ] -> [remnants ] 14046 [This ][way] -> [This way] 14047 [ how][ I] -> [ how I] 14048 [ weak][ness] -> [ weakness] 14049 [Sardaukar][ were ] -> [Sardaukar were ] 14050 [s][--the ] -> [s--the ] 14051 [ing c][hamber] -> [ing chamber] 14052 [on][t] -> [ont] 14053 [el][ of ] -> [el of ] 14054 [e s][and ] -> [e sand ] 14055 [a s][till] -> [a still] 14056 [still][tent ] -> [stilltent ] 14057 [comp][utation] -> [computation] 14058 [ of b][urn] -> [ of burn] 14059 [explan][ation] -> [explanation] 14060 [ac][compani] -> [accompani] 14061 [bur][h] -> [burh] 14062 [m][ourn] -> [mourn] 14063 [comp][ut] -> [comput] 14064 [, see][k] -> [, seek] 14065 [s][anctuary ] -> [sanctuary ] 14066 [of][ death] -> [of death] 14067 [. With][ the ] -> [. With the ] 14068 [on the ][desert ] -> [on the desert ] 14069 [. She ][felt the ] -> [. She felt the ] 14070 [ed out ][a ] -> [ed out a ] 14071 [m][ic] -> [mic] 14072 [is][tol] -> [istol] 14073 [tent ][floor] -> [tent floor] 14074 [f][ib] -> [fib] 14075 [.\u000a Jessica][ had ] -> [.\u000a Jessica had ] 14076 [paracom][pass ] -> [paracompass ] 14077 [depth][s ] -> [depths ] 14078 [ wor][ri] -> [ worri] 14079 [ po][inted ] -> [ pointed ] 14080 [at][a] -> [ata] 14081 [himself][ and ] -> [himself and ] 14082 [cour][s] -> [cours] 14083 [to the ][most ] -> [to the most ] 14084 [future][--] -> [future--] 14085 [a w][ay] -> [a way] 14086 [al][u] -> [alu] 14087 [en][com] -> [encom] 14088 [encom][pass] -> [encompass] 14089 [us][cul] -> [uscul] 14090 [in][ motion] -> [in motion] 14091 [s. ][(] -> [s. (] 14092 [ed.\u000a ][In] -> [ed.\u000a In] 14093 [differ][ent] -> [different] 14094 [a po][ison] -> [a poison] 14095 [ see ][it] -> [ see it] 14096 [word][s. ] -> [words. ] 14097 [from ][Arrakis] -> [from Arrakis] 14098 [her ][own ] -> [her own ] 14099 [," Jessica][ whisper] -> [," Jessica whisper] 14100 [over][power] -> [overpower] 14101 [ for][ her] -> [ for her] 14102 [" ][(] -> [" (] 14103 [br][anch] -> [branch] 14104 [e sp][read] -> [e spread] 14105 [Paul's ][voice ] -> [Paul's voice ] 14106 [way ][he ] -> [way he ] 14107 [now][ and ] -> [now and ] 14108 [sh][rin] -> [shrin] 14109 [father's ][skull] -> [father's skull] 14110 [ will][ give ] -> [ will give ] 14111 [old ][Baron] -> [old Baron] 14112 [night][fall] -> [nightfall] 14113 [so][oth] -> [sooth] 14114 [ d][rop] -> [ drop] 14115 [catch][pocket] -> [catchpocket] 14116 [ be][ing] -> [ being] 14117 [immob][ili] -> [immobili] 14118 [immobili][ze ] -> [immobilize ] 14119 [ to][ol] -> [ tool] 14120 [prog][ress ] -> [progress ] 14121 [ her][ hand] -> [ her hand] 14122 [lo][d] -> [lod] 14123 [nostril][s ] -> [nostrils ] 14124 [basin][, ] -> [basin, ] 14125 [tom][atic] -> [tomatic] 14126 [noting][ how] -> [noting how] 14127 [ the s][and] -> [ the sand] 14128 [escarp][ment] -> [escarpment] 14129 [ed b][y] -> [ed by] 14130 [ ][an] -> [ an] 14131 [app][ar] -> [appar] 14132 [appar][ently ] -> [apparently ] 14133 [over][hang] -> [overhang] 14134 [ the s][and, ] -> [ the sand, ] 14135 [bar][ely ] -> [barely ] 14136 [arri][v] -> [arriv] 14137 [Imperial ][Sardaukar] -> [Imperial Sardaukar] 14138 [wh][er] -> [wher] 14139 [cr][us] -> [crus] 14140 [M][ore ] -> [More ] 14141 [vent][ure] -> [venture] 14142 [part ][of his ] -> [part of his ] 14143 [.\u000a The ][Fremen] -> [.\u000a The Fremen] 14144 [hair][ was ] -> [hair was ] 14145 [High ][Council] -> [High Council] 14146 [go ][to the ] -> [go to the ] 14147 [P][e] -> [Pe] 14148 [. He could ][see ] -> [. He could see ] 14149 [last ][night] -> [last night] 14150 [clear][ly ] -> [clearly ] 14151 [ for][ them] -> [ for them] 14152 [into][ a c] -> [into a c] 14153 [ed to][ see ] -> [ed to see ] 14154 [two][ men ] -> [two men ] 14155 [ they ][are ] -> [ they are ] 14156 [l][am] -> [lam] 14157 [pl][edg] -> [pledg] 14158 [ fig][ure] -> [ figure] 14159 [y][es, ] -> [yes, ] 14160 [Ar][ki] -> [Arki] 14161 [to his ][ear] -> [to his ear] 14162 [bond ][of water] -> [bond of water] 14163 [in ][Arrakeen] -> [in Arrakeen] 14164 [back][ ] -> [back ] 14165 [Par][adise ] -> [Paradise ] 14166 [tre][at ] -> [treat ] 14167 [rit][es] -> [rites] 14168 [.\u000a "][And ] -> [.\u000a "And ] 14169 [a c][reature ] -> [a creature ] 14170 [came ][over the ] -> [came over the ] 14171 [ for][ a d] -> [ for a d] 14172 [i][i] -> [ii] 14173 [ beside ][Hawat ] -> [ beside Hawat ] 14174 [ of ][Fremen ] -> [ of Fremen ] 14175 [dr][yn] -> [dryn] 14176 [, he ][said: "] -> [, he said: "] 14177 [cl][ad ] -> [clad ] 14178 [cre][pt ] -> [crept ] 14179 [ to ][get ] -> [ to get ] 14180 [.\u000a A][ r] -> [.\u000a A r] 14181 [of ][one ] -> [of one ] 14182 [of ][time ] -> [of time ] 14183 [ough][t the ] -> [ought the ] 14184 [a c][lear] -> [a clear] 14185 [y][-] -> [y-] 14186 [tempor][ary ] -> [temporary ] 14187 [, hur][l] -> [, hurl] 14188 [enough][ for] -> [enough for] 14189 [ou][fl] -> [oufl] 14190 [oufl][age ] -> [ouflage ] 14191 [ fool][ish] -> [ foolish] 14192 [star][ted ] -> [started ] 14193 [why ][I] -> [why I] 14194 [there ][came ] -> [there came ] 14195 [ro][y] -> [roy] 14196 [refer][ence ] -> [reference ] 14197 [place][--] -> [place--] 14198 [. But ][he ] -> [. But he ] 14199 [adis][e] -> [adise] 14200 [ st][eel] -> [ steel] 14201 [Arrakis ][as ] -> [Arrakis as ] 14202 [ prov][ide ] -> [ provide ] 14203 [do][ the ] -> [do the ] 14204 [happen][ing] -> [happening] 14205 [un][ion] -> [union] 14206 [ing a][pp] -> [ing app] 14207 [ accep][t] -> [ accept] 14208 [inc][er] -> [incer] 14209 [I][ mean] -> [I mean] 14210 [through][ a] -> [through a] 14211 [tough][er] -> [tougher] 14212 [ heard ][him] -> [ heard him] 14213 [. They ][came ] -> [. They came ] 14214 [fin][ally ] -> [finally ] 14215 [ing for][ce ] -> [ing force ] 14216 [sense ][of] -> [sense of] 14217 [ sens][es ] -> [ senses ] 14218 [ax][iom] -> [axiom] 14219 [ to][ fall] -> [ to fall] 14220 [jet][p] -> [jetp] 14221 [jetp][od] -> [jetpod] 14222 [cade of][ sand ] -> [cade of sand ] 14223 [star][s ] -> [stars ] 14224 [ sur][g] -> [ surg] 14225 [l][aun] -> [laun] 14226 [lit][any] -> [litany] 14227 [dr][ain] -> [drain] 14228 [ to][gether] -> [ together] 14229 [g][ross ] -> [gross ] 14230 [folds ][of his ] -> [folds of his ] 14231 [Cap][tain] -> [Captain] 14232 [sharp][ and ] -> [sharp and ] 14233 [Nefud][, ] -> [Nefud, ] 14234 [?" \u000a "][Yes, m'Lord] -> [?" \u000a "Yes, m'Lord] 14235 [ gr][oup] -> [ group] 14236 [ will][ tell] -> [ will tell] 14237 [antido][t] -> [antidot] 14238 [ in][ this] -> [ in this] 14239 [we ][will] -> [we will] 14240 [?" \u000a ][Nefud ] -> [?" \u000a Nefud ] 14241 [down][ on] -> [down on] 14242 [ears ][al] -> [ears al] 14243 [at ][last ] -> [at last ] 14244 [ bro][ther] -> [ brother] 14245 [bed][chamber] -> [bedchamber] 14246 [," the Baron said. "][The ] -> [," the Baron said. "The ] 14247 [N][ep] -> [Nep] 14248 [Nep][hew] -> [Nephew] 14249 [ed b][y the s] -> [ed by the s] 14250 [, ][you ] -> [, you ] 14251 [accep][t] -> [accept] 14252 [this ][time, ] -> [this time, ] 14253 [long a][go] -> [long ago] 14254 [tim][e, the ] -> [time, the ] 14255 [ in][no] -> [ inno] 14256 [how][ to] -> [how to] 14257 [m][illion] -> [million] 14258 [ con][t] -> [ cont] 14259 [repor][ted ] -> [reported ] 14260 [pleas][ant ] -> [pleasant ] 14261 [b][attle] -> [battle] 14262 [left and ][right] -> [left and right] 14263 [Feyd-Rautha][, ] -> [Feyd-Rautha, ] 14264 [w][oven] -> [woven] 14265 [y][ing s] -> [ying s] 14266 [rid][den] -> [ridden] 14267 [ed s][ome ] -> [ed some ] 14268 [spic][e-] -> [spice-] 14269 [ their ][own] -> [ their own] 14270 [ shall][ not ] -> [ shall not ] 14271 [eff][ect] -> [effect] 14272 [ through][ his ] -> [ through his ] 14273 [to the ][right] -> [to the right] 14274 [ moon][light ] -> [ moonlight ] 14275 [they ][can] -> [they can] 14276 [permitted ][herself] -> [permitted herself] 14277 [cur][ved ] -> [curved ] 14278 [F][ollow] -> [Follow] 14279 [:][ a m] -> [: a m] 14280 [grew l][ouder] -> [grew louder] 14281 [a dist][ance ] -> [a distance ] 14282 [ the s][ound ] -> [ the sound ] 14283 [qu][oted ] -> [quoted ] 14284 [K][it] -> [Kit] 14285 [Kit][ab] -> [Kitab] 14286 [Kitab][ al-] -> [Kitab al-] 14287 [Kitab al-][I] -> [Kitab al-I] 14288 [Kitab al-I][bar] -> [Kitab al-Ibar] 14289 [ex][er] -> [exer] 14290 [moon]['s ] -> [moon's ] 14291 [for][ a moment] -> [for a moment] 14292 [.\u000a And ][the ] -> [.\u000a And the ] 14293 [a][top] -> [atop] 14294 [rest ][and ] -> [rest and ] 14295 [them][selves ] -> [themselves ] 14296 [mon][th] -> [month] 14297 [. "][F] -> [. "F] 14298 [at][trac] -> [attrac] 14299 [ass][es ] -> [asses ] 14300 [ gr][ay] -> [ gray] 14301 [an al][most ] -> [an almost ] 14302 [up][ the s] -> [up the s] 14303 [oxy][g] -> [oxyg] 14304 [B][indu] -> [Bindu] 14305 [, he ][told himself] -> [, he told himself] 14306 [dr][ap] -> [drap] 14307 [bal][ance] -> [balance] 14308 [entir][e s] -> [entire s] 14309 [ in ][Paul's ] -> [ in Paul's ] 14310 [ess][ence] -> [essence] 14311 [open][ water] -> [open water] 14312 [Quick][ly] -> [Quickly] 14313 [a][ step] -> [a step] 14314 [?\u000a ][He ] -> [?\u000a He ] 14315 [ut][ting] -> [utting] 14316 [las][tic] -> [lastic] 14317 [way ][and ] -> [way and ] 14318 [enough][ for ] -> [enough for ] 14319 [over][ there] -> [over there] 14320 [feel][ing] -> [feeling] 14321 [b][eckon] -> [beckon] 14322 [bind][u] -> [bindu] 14323 [an][a] -> [ana] 14324 [with][ f] -> [with f] 14325 [ par][adise ] -> [ paradise ] 14326 [p][aid ] -> [paid ] 14327 [degre][e ] -> [degree ] 14328 [ow][e ] -> [owe ] 14329 [wel][come ] -> [welcome ] 14330 [doub][t ] -> [doubt ] 14331 [ m][istak] -> [ mistak] 14332 [, he ][was ] -> [, he was ] 14333 [Lank][iveil] -> [Lankiveil] 14334 [us][cles ] -> [uscles ] 14335 [ ][Rabban] -> [ Rabban] 14336 [ c][ome] -> [ come] 14337 [ is ][a ] -> [ is a ] 14338 [tradition][al] -> [traditional] 14339 [sm][all ] -> [small ] 14340 [require][d] -> [required] 14341 [tes][y] -> [tesy] 14342 [ which][ he ] -> [ which he ] 14343 [s][mooth] -> [smooth] 14344 [native ][rock] -> [native rock] 14345 [. . ][.\u000a] -> [. . .\u000a] 14346 [She ][is ] -> [She is ] 14347 [test][ing the ] -> [testing the ] 14348 [ than][ that] -> [ than that] 14349 [ studi][ed his ] -> [ studied his ] 14350 [drag][ . . . ] -> [drag . . . ] 14351 [T][im] -> [Tim] 14352 [Lump! ][Lump! ] -> [Lump! Lump! ] 14353 [ing s][ound ] -> [ing sound ] 14354 [ s][cream] -> [ scream] 14355 [ st][umbl] -> [ stumbl] 14356 [ cry][st] -> [ cryst] 14357 [barri][er ] -> [barrier ] 14358 [ . . . ][the ] -> [ . . . the ] 14359 [r][r] -> [rr] 14360 [ drew][ back] -> [ drew back] 14361 [ledge ][and ] -> [ledge and ] 14362 [ing c][re] -> [ing cre] 14363 [ her ][robe, ] -> [ her robe, ] 14364 [. \u000a ][A] -> [. \u000a A] 14365 [ac][rid ] -> [acrid ] 14366 [ h][umm] -> [ humm] 14367 [ r][un] -> [ run] 14368 [a m][oment] -> [a moment] 14369 [ed b][od] -> [ed bod] 14370 [s of the ][Un] -> [s of the Un] 14371 [fl][utter] -> [flutter] 14372 [a][ sp] -> [a sp] 14373 [tr][ace ] -> [trace ] 14374 [Liet-][Kynes] -> [Liet-Kynes] 14375 [ne][ath] -> [neath] 14376 [," his father][ said. "You] -> [," his father said. "You] 14377 [consequ][enc] -> [consequenc] 14378 [Why ][does he ] -> [Why does he ] 14379 [organ][ism] -> [organism] 14380 [ blur][red ] -> [ blurred ] 14381 [ass][es] -> [asses] 14382 [ecolog][ical] -> [ecological] 14383 [cre][ated ] -> [created ] 14384 [;][ the s] -> [; the s] 14385 [t][ex] -> [tex] 14386 [ter][ra] -> [terra] 14387 [ hook][s] -> [ hooks] 14388 [ fr][ustr] -> [ frustr] 14389 [ depress][ion] -> [ depression] 14390 [C][O] -> [CO] 14391 [ b][al] -> [ bal] 14392 [out][stretched ] -> [outstretched ] 14393 [inc][or] -> [incor] 14394 [incor][por] -> [incorpor] 14395 [ prof][ound ] -> [ profound ] 14396 [dist][inguish] -> [distinguish] 14397 [ him][, the ] -> [ him, the ] 14398 [voice ][above them] -> [voice above them] 14399 [ was ][say] -> [ was say] 14400 [came ][from the ] -> [came from the ] 14401 [fig][ures ] -> [figures ] 14402 [flow][ed through] -> [flowed through] 14403 [ed in fron][t of ] -> [ed in front of ] 14404 [Why][ should ] -> [Why should ] 14405 [ bark][ed. "] -> [ barked. "] 14406 [ing][ he ] -> [ing he ] 14407 [ch][il] -> [chil] 14408 [chil][d-] -> [child-] 14409 [N][or] -> [Nor] 14410 [I will][ not ] -> [I will not ] 14411 [ a w][ord] -> [ a word] 14412 [the ][right ] -> [the right ] 14413 [my ][counten] -> [my counten] 14414 [?" \u000a ][Paul] -> [?" \u000a Paul] 14415 [ sp][ite ] -> [ spite ] 14416 [v][antage ] -> [vantage ] 14417 [ring][-] -> [ring-] 14418 [Stilgar's ][voice ] -> [Stilgar's voice ] 14419 [of ][reason] -> [of reason] 14420 [man][ at the ] -> [man at the ] 14421 [woman][, ] -> [woman, ] 14422 [ t][each] -> [ teach] 14423 [," Stilgar said. "][But ] -> [," Stilgar said. "But ] 14424 [auti][fully ] -> [autifully ] 14425 [ l][est ] -> [ lest ] 14426 [to ][Stilgar] -> [to Stilgar] 14427 [ymbol][ism] -> [ymbolism] 14428 [time ][of the ] -> [time of the ] 14429 [with ][Chani] -> [with Chani] 14430 [R][idg] -> [Ridg] 14431 [sup][reme ] -> [supreme ] 14432 [ spread ][out ] -> [ spread out ] 14433 [cav][e, ] -> [cave, ] 14434 [us][. We ] -> [us. We ] 14435 [ childr][en ] -> [ children ] 14436 [ of][ that] -> [ of that] 14437 [what ][she had ] -> [what she had ] 14438 [young][ men ] -> [young men ] 14439 [tr][ust] -> [trust] 14440 [.\u000a ][Now] -> [.\u000a Now] 14441 [demand][ing memor] -> [demanding memor] 14442 [of it][self] -> [of itself] 14443 [th][ou] -> [thou] 14444 [ess][es ] -> [esses ] 14445 [ess][ence ] -> [essence ] 14446 [enc][e, and ] -> [ence, and ] 14447 [one-][eyed ] -> [one-eyed ] 14448 [within][ this ] -> [within this ] 14449 [ of s][and] -> [ of sand] 14450 [o][ many ] -> [o many ] 14451 [Bur][seg] -> [Burseg] 14452 [reveal][ the ] -> [reveal the ] 14453 [ c][hampion] -> [ champion] 14454 [c][hallenge ] -> [challenge ] 14455 [ fac][ed ] -> [ faced ] 14456 [."\u000a ][Stilgar] -> [."\u000a Stilgar] 14457 [." \u000a ][Stilgar ] -> [." \u000a Stilgar ] 14458 [I'll][ not ] -> [I'll not ] 14459 [bro][od] -> [brood] 14460 [mark][ed by ] -> [marked by ] 14461 [wait][ing, ] -> [waiting, ] 14462 [girl-][child ] -> [girl-child ] 14463 [conf][ident] -> [confident] 14464 [b][are ] -> [bare ] 14465 [: "][When ] -> [: "When ] 14466 [un][ting ] -> [unting ] 14467 [th][y ] -> [thy ] 14468 [train][ed, ] -> [trained, ] 14469 [dark ][eyes ] -> [dark eyes ] 14470 [y][ield] -> [yield] 14471 [uncertain][ty ] -> [uncertainty ] 14472 [, ][it was ] -> [, it was ] 14473 [ r][ag] -> [ rag] 14474 [per][mit] -> [permit] 14475 [ into][ her ] -> [ into her ] 14476 [bas][e of the ] -> [base of the ] 14477 [?" Stilgar][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Stilgar asked.\u000a "] 14478 [in the ][sietch] -> [in the sietch] 14479 [ ch][anting] -> [ chanting] 14480 [e s][ubtle ] -> [e subtle ] 14481 [ag][e. ] -> [age. ] 14482 [min][e] -> [mine] 14483 [would ][do] -> [would do] 14484 [ m][arvel] -> [ marvel] 14485 [ s][uddenly] -> [ suddenly] 14486 [. "I was ][a friend of Jamis] -> [. "I was a friend of Jamis] 14487 [ c][offe] -> [ coffe] 14488 [place ][in the c] -> [place in the c] 14489 [ing betwe][en ] -> [ing between ] 14490 [i][ves ] -> [ives ] 14491 [moisture ][to the dead] -> [moisture to the dead] 14492 [ty-][three ] -> [ty-three ] 14493 [thir][ty] -> [thirty] 14494 [thirty][-s] -> [thirty-s] 14495 [thirty-s][econds ] -> [thirty-seconds ] 14496 [thirty-seconds ][drachm] -> [thirty-seconds drachm] 14497 [an-][j] -> [an-j] 14498 [good of the ][tribe] -> [good of the tribe] 14499 [mann][er of] -> [manner of] 14500 [mas][ters ] -> [masters ] 14501 [me][ter] -> [meter] 14502 [th][ousand] -> [thousand] 14503 [ing][ behind ] -> [ing behind ] 14504 [c][aver] -> [caver] 14505 [caver][n ] -> [cavern ] 14506 [ver][bal] -> [verbal] 14507 [i][res] -> [ires] 14508 [lad][y ] -> [lady ] 14509 [Um-m-m-m][-ah] -> [Um-m-m-m-ah] 14510 [dear ][Baron] -> [dear Baron] 14511 [, ][Feyd-Rautha thought] -> [, Feyd-Rautha thought] 14512 [one ][of s] -> [one of s] 14513 [one of s][ilence ] -> [one of silence ] 14514 [," the Count ][said. "] -> [," the Count said. "] 14515 [ discus][s ] -> [ discuss ] 14516 [ ad][mitt] -> [ admitt] 14517 [emp][loy] -> [employ] 14518 [ob][lig] -> [oblig] 14519 [thr][one ] -> [throne ] 14520 [Coun][t's ] -> [Count's ] 14521 [ par][ad] -> [ parad] 14522 [ promis][ed me ] -> [ promised me ] 14523 [Feyd-Rauth][a p] -> [Feyd-Rautha p] 14524 [look][ing up] -> [looking up] 14525 [ro][ther] -> [rother] 14526 [ this ][day ] -> [ this day ] 14527 [ici][an] -> [ician] 14528 [abrup][t ] -> [abrupt ] 14529 [. In][stead] -> [. Instead] 14530 [turn][ed in] -> [turned in] 14531 [slav][e's ] -> [slave's ] 14532 [ dr][awn] -> [ drawn] 14533 [! ][A] -> [! A] 14534 [ the s][lav] -> [ the slav] 14535 [Feyd-Rautha][ had ] -> [Feyd-Rautha had ] 14536 [gladiator]['s ] -> [gladiator's ] 14537 [on][ a] -> [on a] 14538 [!"][ h] -> [!" h] 14539 [great][est ] -> [greatest ] 14540 [che][er] -> [cheer] 14541 [cross][ed the ] -> [crossed the ] 14542 [as ][soon as ] -> [as soon as ] 14543 [pro][test] -> [protest] 14544 [the s][ietch] -> [the sietch] 14545 [-th][ump] -> [-thump] 14546 [ap][around ] -> [aparound ] 14547 [," Paul said][.\u000a Stilgar] -> [," Paul said.\u000a Stilgar] 14548 [Un][til] -> [Until] 14549 [Harah]['s ] -> [Harah's ] 14550 [ed ][yellow] -> [ed yellow] 14551 [dew][ collector] -> [dew collector] 14552 [first][born] -> [firstborn] 14553 [light][n] -> [lightn] 14554 [?" ][Harah] -> [?" Harah] 14555 [al][read] -> [alread] 14556 [alread][y s] -> [already s] 14557 [ summon][ed ] -> [ summoned ] 14558 [ac][ous] -> [acous] 14559 [acous][tical] -> [acoustical] 14560 [acoustical][ h] -> [acoustical h] 14561 [acoustical h][orn] -> [acoustical horn] 14562 [er of the ][two] -> [er of the two] 14563 [sh][ri] -> [shri] 14564 [Stilgar][.\u000a "] -> [Stilgar.\u000a "] 14565 [: "][She ] -> [: "She ] 14566 [br][idg] -> [bridg] 14567 [.\u000a Chani][ ] -> [.\u000a Chani ] 14568 [sp][out ] -> [spout ] 14569 [roz][en ] -> [rozen ] 14570 [psych][okinesthe] -> [psychokinesthe] 14571 [tel][epath] -> [telepath] 14572 [mutual][ awareness] -> [mutual awareness] 14573 [.\u000a Paul][ saw the ] -> [.\u000a Paul saw the ] 14574 [ay][ the ] -> [ay the ] 14575 [S][ihaya] -> [Sihaya] 14576 [po][grom] -> [pogrom] 14577 [Arrakis A][ffair] -> [Arrakis Affair] 14578 [Did ][I not ] -> [Did I not ] 14579 [quar][ters ] -> [quarters ] 14580 [s][agg] -> [sagg] 14581 [ob][st] -> [obst] 14582 [position][, ] -> [position, ] 14583 [S][lowly, ] -> [Slowly, ] 14584 [dis][pos] -> [dispos] 14585 [ s][he] -> [ she] 14586 [. Wh][en the ] -> [. When the ] 14587 [ reli][gi] -> [ religi] 14588 [which][ the ] -> [which the ] 14589 [an][qu] -> [anqu] 14590 [ra][zz] -> [razz] 14591 [hun][ting] -> [hunting] 14592 [existen][ce ] -> [existence ] 14593 [people ][are ] -> [people are ] 14594 [of the ][Fremen] -> [of the Fremen] 14595 [if][ies ] -> [ifies ] 14596 [Tell][ m] -> [Tell m] 14597 [\u000aAnd ][I will tell] -> [\u000aAnd I will tell] 14598 [\u000aAnd I will tell][ the] -> [\u000aAnd I will tell the] 14599 [\u000aAnd I will tell the][e of thy ] -> [\u000aAnd I will tell thee of thy ] 14600 [thought ][of ] -> [thought of ] 14601 [death command][os ] -> [death commandos ] 14602 [eas][tern] -> [eastern] 14603 [Paul ][knew] -> [Paul knew] 14604 [Alia]['s ] -> [Alia's ] 14605 [is][hak] -> [ishak] 14606 [ishak][li] -> [ishakli] 14607 [sc][al] -> [scal] 14608 [.\u000a ][When] -> [.\u000a When] 14609 [maker]['s ] -> [maker's ] 14610 [rabb][le ] -> [rabble ] 14611 [ele][br] -> [elebr] 14612 [i][ay] -> [iay] 14613 [t][au] -> [tau] 14614 [ comm][un] -> [ commun] 14615 [ a c][ushion] -> [ a cushion] 14616 [Mu][ ] -> [Mu ] 14617 [Mu ][ze] -> [Mu ze] 14618 [uc][c] -> [ucc] 14619 [seg][ment] -> [segment] 14620 [th][us ] -> [thus ] 14621 [H][abbany] -> [Habbany] 14622 [Tabr][ sietch] -> [Tabr sietch] 14623 [ridg][e.\u000a ] -> [ridge.\u000a ] 14624 [.\u000a ][Gurney] -> [.\u000a Gurney] 14625 [ fo][ot ] -> [ foot ] 14626 [," Paul said][.\u000a Gurney ] -> [," Paul said.\u000a Gurney ] 14627 [smuggler][ crew] -> [smuggler crew] 14628 [Rabban][ has ] -> [Rabban has ] 14629 [in][iti] -> [initi] 14630 [Gurney][. "] -> [Gurney. "] 14631 [?" Gurney ][asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Gurney asked.\u000a "] 14632 [leaped ][lightly ] -> [leaped lightly ] 14633 [."\u000a ][Gurney ] -> [."\u000a Gurney ] 14634 [. \u000a ][Gurney ] -> [. \u000a Gurney ] 14635 [Fremen][ had ] -> [Fremen had ] 14636 [to his ][mother] -> [to his mother] 14637 [!" some][one shout] -> [!" someone shout] 14638 [cl][aim] -> [claim] 14639 [i][um] -> [ium] 14640 [Ch][us] -> [Chus] 14641 [Chus][uk] -> [Chusuk] 14642 [ s][hai-hulud ] -> [ shai-hulud ] 14643 [ f][ind] -> [ find] 14644 [Fedaykin][ guard] -> [Fedaykin guard] 14645 [. ][Comm] -> [. Comm] 14646 [communications ][equipment] -> [communications equipment] 14647 [hut][ment ] -> [hutment ] 14648 [tomic][s against ] -> [tomics against ] 14649 [ex][clam] -> [exclam] 14650 [of the ][storm] -> [of the storm] 14651 [turned to ][obey] -> [turned to obey] 14652 [ sec][ond ] -> [ second ] 14653 [ap][tive ] -> [aptive ] 14654 [ence ][chamber] -> [ence chamber] 14655 [am][lik] -> [amlik] 14656 [da][is ] -> [dais ] 14657 [!" the ][Emperor] -> [!" the Emperor] 14658 [.\u000a The ][Emperor] -> [.\u000a The Emperor] 14659 [," the ][child ] -> [," the child ] 14660 [T][-] -> [T-] 14661 [two ][Guildsmen] -> [two Guildsmen] 14662 [ee][ee] -> [eeee] 14663 [form][ul] -> [formul] 14664 [formul][a] -> [formula] 14665 [ill][ions ] -> [illions ] 14666 [entour][age ] -> [entourage ] 14667 [upon][ which] -> [upon which] 14668 [Majest][y, ] -> [Majesty, ] 14669 [gener][ations ] -> [generations ] 14670 [tric][t ] -> [trict ] 14671 [ace ][and ] -> [ace and ] 14672 [Par][do] -> [Pardo] 14673 [Pardo][t ] -> [Pardot ] 14674 [Fremen ][youth] -> [Fremen youth] 14675 [ph][et] -> [phet] 14676 [2][5] -> [25] 14677 [absolut][e] -> [absolute] 14678 [Comment][aries ] -> [Commentaries ] 14679 [on][is] -> [onis] 14680 [ ][R] -> [ R] 14681 [g][ions ] -> [gions ] 14682 [ec][umen] -> [ecumen] 14683 [C][rank] -> [Crank] 14684 [su][perstition] -> [superstition] 14685 [Bom][ok] -> [Bomok] 14686 [Guild ][and ] -> [Guild and ] 14687 [ing ][program] -> [ing program] 14688 [ ho][ly ] -> [ holy ] 14689 [ high][er ] -> [ higher ] 14690 [chief][ly ] -> [chiefly ] 14691 [Revol][t] -> [Revolt] 14692 [A][CH] -> [ACH] 14693 [ers][man's ] -> [ersman's ] 14694 [ersman's ][call] -> [ersman's call] 14695 [ AL][-] -> [ AL-] 14696 [legend][ary ] -> [legendary ] 14697 [Comm][only] -> [Commonly] 14698 [comm][only ] -> [commonly ] 14699 [.)][\u000a\u000a] -> [.)\u000a\u000a] 14700 [H][AR] -> [HAR] 14701 [T][L] -> [TL] 14702 [AN][G] -> [ANG] 14703 [IN][D] -> [IND] 14704 [EN][S] -> [ENS] 14705 [: th][ird planet of ] -> [: third planet of ] 14706 [ON][D] -> [OND] 14707 [AL][L] -> [ALL] 14708 [of Arrakis][, ] -> [of Arrakis, ] 14709 [O][P] -> [OP] 14710 [E][M] -> [EM] 14711 [K][:] -> [K:] 14712 [C][I] -> [CI] 14713 [E ][OF] -> [E OF] 14714 [EN][C] -> [ENC] 14715 [A][Z] -> [AZ] 14716 [. \u000a][F] -> [. \u000aF] 14717 [.\u000a][F] -> [.\u000aF] 14718 [ ][OF] -> [ OF] 14719 [ M][O] -> [ MO] 14720 [RI][M] -> [RIM] 14721 [A][W] -> [AW] 14722 [ER][:] -> [ER:] 14723 [)][.\u000a] -> [).\u000a] 14724 [(][see ] -> [(see ] 14725 [U][B] -> [UB] 14726 [. \u000a][P] -> [. \u000aP] 14727 [L][I] -> [LI] 14728 [P][IC] -> [PIC] 14729 [V][ER] -> [VER] 14730 [.) \u000a][S] -> [.) \u000aS] 14731 [W][ATER] -> [WATER] 14732 [Book][ ] -> [Book ] 14733 [= = = = ][= = ] -> [= = = = = = ] 14734 [time ][for ] -> [time for ] 14735 [correc][t] -> [correct] 14736 [that ][you ] -> [that you ] 14737 [Calad][an and ] -> [Caladan and ] 14738 [f][ift] -> [fift] 14739 [known][ as ] -> [known as ] 14740 [cur][ry] -> [curry] 14741 [un][bear] -> [unbear] 14742 [Castle ][Caladan] -> [Castle Caladan] 14743 [ st][one ] -> [ stone ] 14744 [twenty][-six] -> [twenty-six] 14745 [ g][ener] -> [ gener] 14746 [to][ peer ] -> [to peer ] 14747 [light ][of a s] -> [light of a s] 14748 [e s][hap] -> [e shap] 14749 [stand][ing ] -> [standing ] 14750 [?" the ][old woman] -> [?" the old woman] 14751 [ ask][ed] -> [ asked] 14752 [wh][eez] -> [wheez] 14753 [alis][et] -> [aliset] 14754 [Atreides ][are ] -> [Atreides are ] 14755 [known][ to] -> [known to] 14756 [."\u000a "][He's ] -> [."\u000a "He's ] 14757 [," said the ][old woman] -> [," said the old woman] 14758 [chuck][led. "] -> [chuckled. "] 14759 [royal][ty ] -> [royalty ] 14760 [if][ he's ] -> [if he's ] 14761 [ . . . ][well] -> [ . . . well] 14762 [d-][bright ] -> [d-bright ] 14763 [om][orrow] -> [omorrow] 14764 ['ll ][need ] -> ['ll need ] 14765 [a ][gom jabbar] -> [a gom jabbar] 14766 [ he had ][seen] -> [ he had seen] 14767 [ed his ][mother ] -> [ed his mother ] 14768 [ing w][ench] -> [ing wench] 14769 [ducal][ heir] -> [ducal heir] 14770 [: ][G] -> [: G] 14771 [ d][ifferent ] -> [ different ] 14772 [Paul's ][mind ] -> [Paul's mind ] 14773 [-- ][Dune ] -> [-- Dune ] 14774 [-- Dune ][-- ] -> [-- Dune -- ] 14775 [-- Dune -- ][Desert ] -> [-- Dune -- Desert ] 14776 [-- Dune -- Desert ][Planet] -> [-- Dune -- Desert Planet] 14777 [M][ast] -> [Mast] 14778 [Mast][er of ] -> [Master of ] 14779 [:][ their] -> [: their] 14780 [hold][ing the ] -> [holding the ] 14781 [geriat][ric] -> [geriatric] 14782 [House ][of ] -> [House of ] 14783 [li][est ] -> [liest ] 14784 [p][opular] -> [popular] 14785 [Great Houses of the ][Landsraad] -> [Great Houses of the Landsraad] 14786 [ p][opular] -> [ popular] 14787 [ar][ous] -> [arous] 14788 [power][ful] -> [powerful] 14789 [dim][ ] -> [dim ] 14790 [ there ][and ] -> [ there and ] 14791 [r][al] -> [ral] 14792 [dri][p] -> [drip] 14793 [s that ][were ] -> [s that were ] 14794 [h][inted ] -> [hinted ] 14795 [faufreluch][es ] -> [faufreluches ] 14796 [cl][ass ] -> [class ] 14797 [ was ][not ] -> [ was not ] 14798 [rig][id] -> [rigid] 14799 [people ][who ] -> [people who ] 14800 [o]['] -> [o'] 14801 [us ][of the ] -> [us of the ] 14802 [ pr][actice ] -> [ practice ] 14803 [lesson][s ] -> [lessons ] 14804 [ had taught ][him] -> [ had taught him] 14805 [. Th][ree ] -> [. Three ] 14806 [respon][s] -> [respons] 14807 [es][:] -> [es:] 14808 [flo][ating a] -> [floating a] 14809 [avoid][ing the ] -> [avoiding the ] 14810 [ consci][ousness ] -> [ consciousness ] 14811 [sw][ift] -> [swift] 14812 [-f][re] -> [-fre] 14813 [tu][al ] -> [tual ] 14814 [nerv][e-] -> [nerve-] 14815 [ acc][ording to the ] -> [ according to the ] 14816 [v][er and ] -> [ver and ] 14817 [less][on ] -> [lesson ] 14818 [ touch][ed Paul's ] -> [ touched Paul's ] 14819 [rene][w] -> [renew] 14820 [in the c][ast] -> [in the cast] 14821 [in the cast][le] -> [in the castle] 14822 [ c][e] -> [ ce] 14823 [ ce][il] -> [ ceil] 14824 [ed b][ron] -> [ed bron] 14825 [cr][own] -> [crown] 14826 [clo][thing] -> [clothing] 14827 [, but ][she had ] -> [, but she had ] 14828 [ in the ][Bene Gesserit ] -> [ in the Bene Gesserit ] 14829 [W][ay ] -> [Way ] 14830 [ing a][ s] -> [ing a s] 14831 [Reverend Mother ][is ] -> [Reverend Mother is ] 14832 [ed. "You][ must ] -> [ed. "You must ] 14833 [ed ][dust ] -> [ed dust ] 14834 [from][ a p] -> [from a p] 14835 [tr][ous] -> [trous] 14836 [. "][What's ] -> [. "What's ] 14837 [expos][ed her] -> [exposed her] 14838 [ri][ver ] -> [river ] 14839 [s to][ward ] -> [s toward ] 14840 [tri][ed ] -> [tried ] 14841 [ a][ge ] -> [ age ] 14842 [p][et] -> [pet] 14843 [Spacing ][Guild ] -> [Spacing Guild ] 14844 [Damn][ that ] -> [Damn that ] 14845 [greet][ing] -> [greeting] 14846 [. She ][said: "] -> [. She said: "] 14847 [a c][autious ] -> [a cautious ] 14848 [ a][ heart] -> [ a heart] 14849 [ control][. "] -> [ control. "] 14850 [disdain][ful] -> [disdainful] 14851 [-- ][even ] -> [-- even ] 14852 [bas][ic ] -> [basic ] 14853 [a hard ][glance at ] -> [a hard glance at ] 14854 [ peac][e] -> [ peace] 14855 [from ][Paul's ] -> [from Paul's ] 14856 [. "][. . . ] -> [. ". . . ] 14857 [looked up][ at her] -> [looked up at her] 14858 [Remember][ that ] -> [Remember that ] 14859 [ed and ][strode ] -> [ed and strode ] 14860 [. The ][door] -> [. The door] 14861 [corn][ers of the ] -> [corners of the ] 14862 [wrink][led ] -> [wrinkled ] 14863 [Lady Jessica][ was ] -> [Lady Jessica was ] 14864 [, ][for] -> [, for] 14865 [one, ][too] -> [one, too] 14866 [ before ][he could ] -> [ before he could ] 14867 [s][ing the ] -> [sing the ] 14868 [on][ a s] -> [on a s] 14869 [penetr][ated ] -> [penetrated ] 14870 [ black][ness] -> [ blackness] 14871 [in the ][box] -> [in the box] 14872 [ in][to b] -> [ into b] 14873 [black][ness ] -> [blackness ] 14874 [ing as ][though] -> [ing as though] 14875 [as][leep] -> [asleep] 14876 [ fill][ed the ] -> [ filled the ] 14877 [lifted ][her ] -> [lifted her ] 14878 [gl][int of] -> [glint of] 14879 [your ][neck] -> [your neck] 14880 [hand][ed ] -> [handed ] 14881 [seamed ][old ] -> [seamed old ] 14882 [glisten][ing ] -> [glistening ] 14883 [p][ale ] -> [pale ] 14884 [ must ][know] -> [ must know] 14885 [the s][low] -> [the slow] 14886 [ on][es ] -> [ ones ] 14887 [. H][ere's ] -> [. Here's ] 14888 [over][came ] -> [overcame ] 14889 [an ][animal] -> [an animal] 14890 [te][ad] -> [tead] 14891 [. I am][ ] -> [. I am ] 14892 [my ][hand ] -> [my hand ] 14893 [?" he ][whisper] -> [?" he whisper] 14894 [B][less ] -> [Bless ] 14895 [to ][leap] -> [to leap] 14896 [," she said][. "You] -> [," she said. "You] 14897 [ your][ hand ] -> [ your hand ] 14898 [ it ][and ] -> [ it and ] 14899 ['ll][ be s] -> ['ll be s] 14900 [. D][epend ] -> [. Depend ] 14901 [. Depend ][on it] -> [. Depend on it] 14902 [. Your][ mother] -> [. Your mother] 14903 [this ][test] -> [this test] 14904 [."\u000a ][C] -> [."\u000a C] 14905 [ur][i] -> [uri] 14906 [os][ity ] -> [osity ] 14907 [age][able ] -> [ageable ] 14908 [if][ this ] -> [if this ] 14909 [what][ever ] -> [whatever ] 14910 [any ][against ] -> [any against ] 14911 [mind-][killer] -> [mind-killer] 14912 [death][ that ] -> [death that ] 14913 [obliter][ation] -> [obliteration] 14914 [. And ][when ] -> [. And when ] 14915 [turn][ the ] -> [turn the ] 14916 [there ][will be ] -> [there will be ] 14917 [Get on][ with ] -> [Get on with ] 14918 [Get on with ][it, ] -> [Get on with it, ] 14919 [cour][ag] -> [courag] 14920 [. ][Under] -> [. Under] 14921 [ed his ][lips ] -> [ed his lips ] 14922 [ to ][escape ] -> [ to escape ] 14923 [? ][There's ] -> [? There's ] 14924 [ur][e the ] -> [ure the ] 14925 [ing][ this] -> [ing this] 14926 [ de][term] -> [ determ] 14927 [ determ][ine ] -> [ determine ] 14928 [if you]['re ] -> [if you're ] 14929 [burn][ing] -> [burning] 14930 [ed up][ his ] -> [ed up his ] 14931 [to see ][that ] -> [to see that ] 14932 [imm][ers] -> [immers] 14933 [ a][gon] -> [ agon] 14934 [ agon][y] -> [ agony] 14935 [inch][es ] -> [inches ] 14936 [ star][ing at him] -> [ staring at him] 14937 [lip][s were ] -> [lips were ] 14938 [ed.\u000a ][It ] -> [ed.\u000a It ] 14939 [En][ough] -> [Enough] 14940 [K][ull] -> [Kull] 14941 [Kull][ w] -> [Kull w] 14942 [Kull w][ahad] -> [Kull wahad] 14943 [. "][Take ] -> [. "Take ] 14944 [your][ hand ] -> [your hand ] 14945 [ing][ sh] -> [ing sh] 14946 [, star][ed at the ] -> [, stared at the ] 14947 [ from][ that ] -> [ from that ] 14948 [Do ][it] -> [Do it] 14949 [gon][y ] -> [gony ] 14950 [flex][ed the ] -> [flexed the ] 14951 [. There]['re ] -> [. There're ] 14952 [a p][retty ] -> [a pretty ] 14953 [it ][into the ] -> [it into the ] 14954 [his ][left hand ] -> [his left hand ] 14955 [en][ched ] -> [enched ] 14956 [through][ a s] -> [through a s] 14957 [it ][--] -> [it --] 14958 [ed you][ in] -> [ed you in] 14959 [is ][of the ] -> [is of the ] 14960 [our][ way] -> [our way] 14961 [ing][. I] -> [ing. I] 14962 [con][firm] -> [confirm] 14963 [excit][ement, ] -> [excitement, ] 14964 [harm][onic] -> [harmonic] 14965 [brother][, ] -> [brother, ] 14966 [at ][my ] -> [at my ] 14967 [ p][refer to] -> [ prefer to] 14968 [called ][out: "] -> [called out: "] 14969 [le][w] -> [lew] 14970 [saw][ Paul] -> [saw Paul] 14971 [you ][ever] -> [you ever] 14972 [--][ that's ] -> [-- that's ] 14973 [is ][. . . ] -> [is . . . ] 14974 [alone ][and ] -> [alone and ] 14975 [ he ][could not ] -> [ he could not ] 14976 [. They][ spoke ] -> [. They spoke ] 14977 [under][gone ] -> [undergone ] 14978 [es][. They ] -> [es. They ] 14979 [their ][own ] -> [their own ] 14980 [terrible purpos][e. He ] -> [terrible purpose. He ] 14981 [, m][ay ] -> [, may ] 14982 [like ][that] -> [like that] 14983 [a][ measure of] -> [a measure of] 14984 [Reverend Mother][. The ] -> [Reverend Mother. The ] 14985 [contain][ed ] -> [contained ] 14986 [ he ][might ] -> [ he might ] 14987 [-][world ] -> [-world ] 14988 [that ][only ] -> [that only ] 14989 [ with][ m] -> [ with m] 14990 [Thou][ sh] -> [Thou sh] 14991 [Thou sh][alt ] -> [Thou shalt ] 14992 [Thou shalt ][not make ] -> [Thou shalt not make ] 14993 [Thou shalt not make ][a machine ] -> [Thou shalt not make a machine ] 14994 [Butlerian Ji][had ] -> [Butlerian Jihad ] 14995 [Orange Catholic B][ible] -> [Orange Catholic Bible] 14996 [," she said. "][But ] -> [," she said. "But ] 14997 [e sh][ould've ] -> [e should've ] 14998 [ice][?" \u000a "] -> [ice?" \u000a "] 14999 [s][: the ] -> [s: the ] 15000 [Spacing ][Guild] -> [Spacing Guild] 15001 [ f][unction] -> [ function] 15002 [u][es] -> [ues] 15003 [ de][eper] -> [ deeper] 15004 [tells ][me ] -> [tells me ] 15005 [gene][tic ] -> [genetic ] 15006 [ m][other ] -> [ mother ] 15007 [ s][he's ] -> [ she's ] 15008 [in ][itself] -> [in itself] 15009 [, ][for ] -> [, for ] 15010 [to s][et ] -> [to set ] 15011 [ stared at ][him, ] -> [ stared at him, ] 15012 [ in his ][voice] -> [ in his voice] 15013 [We ][carry ] -> [We carry ] 15014 [bur][den] -> [burden] 15015 [," she said][.\u000a Paul] -> [," she said.\u000a Paul] 15016 [ more ][and ] -> [ more and ] 15017 [ more and ][more ] -> [ more and more ] 15018 [. Wh][at's ] -> [. What's ] 15019 [a h][uman ] -> [a human ] 15020 [take ][that ] -> [take that ] 15021 [to d][et] -> [to det] 15022 [truth][tr] -> [truthtr] 15023 [ance][?" \u000a ] -> [ance?" \u000a ] 15024 [." ][Her ] -> [." Her ] 15025 [a place ][where ] -> [a place where ] 15026 [ se][e. ] -> [ see. ] 15027 [ will][ come ] -> [ will come ] 15028 [inward ][ey] -> [inward ey] 15029 [ f][em] -> [ fem] 15030 [ fem][inine ] -> [ feminine ] 15031 [many places ][at once] -> [many places at once] 15032 [ man][y] -> [ many] 15033 [tri][ed and ] -> [tried and ] 15034 [. "][They ] -> [. "They ] 15035 [ attemp][t ] -> [ attempt ] 15036 [know][ing ] -> [knowing ] 15037 [. It ][is the ] -> [. It is the ] 15038 [ g][lo] -> [ glo] 15039 [hand ][that ] -> [hand that ] 15040 [ wall][s ] -> [ walls ] 15041 [ul][tic] -> [ultic] 15042 [ultic][olor] -> [ulticolor] 15043 [s. ][L] -> [s. L] 15044 [ f][ield] -> [ field] 15045 [ to][p] -> [ top] 15046 [tr][if] -> [trif] 15047 [elacc][a w] -> [elacca w] 15048 [elacca w][o] -> [elacca wo] 15049 [. ][V] -> [. V] 15050 [two ][of them] -> [two of them] 15051 [ed you][th] -> [ed youth] 15052 [l][en] -> [len] 15053 [man][ with ] -> [man with ] 15054 [eff][emin] -> [effemin] 15055 [ shadow][s ] -> [ shadows ] 15056 [ chuck][le s] -> [ chuckle s] 15057 [ed b][eside the ] -> [ed beside the ] 15058 [glo][be] -> [globe] 15059 [. A][ b] -> [. A b] 15060 [voice ][rumbl] -> [voice rumbl] 15061 [There ][it is] -> [There it is] 15062 [ag][nif] -> [agnif] 15063 [, the ][Baron Vladimir Harkonnen] -> [, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen] 15064 [s][su] -> [ssu] 15065 [voice came ][out ] -> [voice came out ] 15066 [ten][or] -> [tenor] 15067 [qual][ity] -> [quality] 15068 [surface ][and ] -> [surface and ] 15069 [see ][that ] -> [see that ] 15070 [coll][ector] -> [collector] 15071 [Emp][ire] -> [Empire] 15072 [about ][it] -> [about it] 15073 [et][ail] -> [etail] 15074 [degre][es ] -> [degrees ] 15075 [exquis][ite ] -> [exquisite ] 15076 [ does ][it ] -> [ does it ] 15077 [ak][es ] -> [akes ] 15078 [m][istake ] -> [mistake ] 15079 [this ][place] -> [this place] 15080 [. ][Baron] -> [. Baron] 15081 [young ][Feyd-Rautha] -> [young Feyd-Rautha] 15082 [le][ot] -> [leot] 15083 [leot][ard] -> [leotard] 15084 [. He s][at ] -> [. He sat ] 15085 [ed at the ][door] -> [ed at the door] 15086 [clos][ed the ] -> [closed the ] 15087 [.\u000a "][Well] -> [.\u000a "Well] 15088 [fool][ ] -> [fool ] 15089 [S][ire ] -> [Sire ] 15090 [ti][tle, ] -> [title, ] 15091 [ay][s] -> [ays] 15092 [ers ][in the ] -> [ers in the ] 15093 [s ][it] -> [s it] 15094 [ ][Arrakis] -> [ Arrakis] 15095 [Be s][ilent, ] -> [Be silent, ] 15096 [Piter][," the Baron said] -> [Piter," the Baron said] 15097 [ mad][e the ] -> [ made the ] 15098 [," Piter said. "][The ] -> [," Piter said. "The ] 15099 [For][ a ] -> [For a ] 15100 [ed s][l] -> [ed sl] 15101 [ gr][in] -> [ grin] 15102 [ gr][im] -> [ grim] 15103 [altern][ative ] -> [alternative ] 15104 [ a c][old ] -> [ a cold ] 15105 [ have ][you] -> [ have you] 15106 [l][ed, ] -> [led, ] 15107 [ c][hew] -> [ chew] 15108 [Piter][?" \u000a "] -> [Piter?" \u000a "] 15109 [es the ][Baron] -> [es the Baron] 15110 [ into][ a c] -> [ into a c] 15111 [ing m][ask] -> [ing mask] 15112 [.\u000a ][Feyd-Rautha s] -> [.\u000a Feyd-Rautha s] 15113 [os][itive ] -> [ositive ] 15114 [, I][ can] -> [, I can] 15115 [against ][him] -> [against him] 15116 [sure][ly ] -> [surely ] 15117 [ will][ know] -> [ will know] 15118 [au][se] -> [ause] 15119 [ a b][it ] -> [ a bit ] 15120 [ sneer][ed. "] -> [ sneered. "] 15121 [ see][ing the ] -> [ seeing the ] 15122 [Cor][p] -> [Corp] 15123 [ p][ill] -> [ pill] 15124 [," the Baron said. "][You] -> [," the Baron said. "You] 15125 [p][romise ] -> [promise ] 15126 [sp][oil] -> [spoil] 15127 [, s][topped ] -> [, stopped ] 15128 [the s][il] -> [the sil] 15129 [to][ stay] -> [to stay] 15130 [. "][P] -> [. "P] 15131 [ bring][ him] -> [ bring him] 15132 [Duk][e. You] -> [Duke. You] 15133 [, ][Mentat] -> [, Mentat] 15134 [he ][cannot ] -> [he cannot ] 15135 [a s][hadow] -> [a shadow] 15136 [. L][ook] -> [. Look] 15137 [ici][ent, ] -> [icient, ] 15138 [imp][air] -> [impair] 15139 [effici][ency] -> [efficiency] 15140 [I][ find ] -> [I find ] 15141 [unn][ing and ] -> [unning and ] 15142 [."\u000a "][Perhaps ] -> [."\u000a "Perhaps ] 15143 [at ][that] -> [at that] 15144 [l][ately] -> [lately] 15145 [exp][ens] -> [expens] 15146 [about ][you] -> [about you] 15147 [."\u000a "][Then ] -> [."\u000a "Then ] 15148 [ dis][play] -> [ display] 15149 [P][rec] -> [Prec] 15150 [is][ely] -> [isely] 15151 [ing ][look] -> [ing look] 15152 [ d][u] -> [ du] 15153 [think][ the ] -> [think the ] 15154 [i][ent] -> [ient] 15155 [es][."\u000a "] -> [es."\u000a "] 15156 [out][line ] -> [outline ] 15157 [a][ign] -> [aign] 15158 [for ][us, ] -> [for us, ] 15159 [ on][ a ] -> [ on a ] 15160 [c][ity of ] -> [city of ] 15161 [rather][ than] -> [rather than] 15162 [. The ][Duke's ] -> [. The Duke's ] 15163 [Thufir Hawat][, ] -> [Thufir Hawat, ] 15164 [con][clud] -> [conclud] 15165 [right][ly ] -> [rightly ] 15166 [to d][ef] -> [to def] 15167 [L][isten] -> [Listen] 15168 [s within plan][s within plan] -> [s within plans within plan] 15169 [There are s][ever] -> [There are sever] 15170 [circumst][ances ] -> [circumstances ] 15171 [renegade ][Hous] -> [renegade Hous] 15172 [.\u000a "][It is ] -> [.\u000a "It is ] 15173 [the s][am] -> [the sam] 15174 [indic][ate ] -> [indicate ] 15175 [reneg][ad] -> [renegad] 15176 [ing ][n] -> [ing n] 15177 [occup][y the ] -> [occupy the ] 15178 [Count ][and ] -> [Count and ] 15179 [Am][bassad] -> [Ambassad] 15180 [to the ][S] -> [to the S] 15181 [or][ to] -> [or to] 15182 [?" Feyd-Rautha][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Feyd-Rautha asked.\u000a "] 15183 [a ][j] -> [a j] 15184 [Count Fenr][ing ] -> [Count Fenring ] 15185 [turned ][a p] -> [turned a p] 15186 [. "][Why] -> [. "Why] 15187 [Don't ][be ] -> [Don't be ] 15188 [tiv][ely ] -> [tively ] 15189 [ass][ass] -> [assass] 15190 [assass][in] -> [assassin] 15191 [." \u000a "][We've ] -> [." \u000a "We've ] 15192 [arrang][ed ] -> [arranged ] 15193 [Resid][ency] -> [Residency] 15194 [an a][t] -> [an at] 15195 [life ][of the ] -> [life of the ] 15196 [Hawat ][has ] -> [Hawat has ] 15197 [a S][uk] -> [a Suk] 15198 [. ][Great ] -> [. Great ] 15199 [condition][ing] -> [conditioning] 15200 [le][ver] -> [lever] 15201 [ ask][ed. He ] -> [ asked. He ] 15202 [asc][inat] -> [ascinat] 15203 [ub][ject] -> [ubject] 15204 [usp][ect ] -> [uspect ] 15205 [ed, then][: "] -> [ed, then: "] 15206 [ he]['ll be ] -> [ he'll be ] 15207 [Wh][ile ] -> [While ] 15208 [, ][we'll] -> [, we'll] 15209 [lik][e] -> [like] 15210 [ed by ][two ] -> [ed by two ] 15211 [s of the ][Padishah Emperor] -> [s of the Padishah Emperor] 15212 [.\u000a "You][ see ] -> [.\u000a "You see ] 15213 [I ][trust ] -> [I trust ] 15214 [there]['d be ] -> [there'd be ] 15215 [us][ed to] -> [used to] 15216 [work][, ] -> [work, ] 15217 [will][ bring ] -> [will bring ] 15218 [ than][ that ] -> [ than that ] 15219 [in the ][Imperium] -> [in the Imperium] 15220 [ide][a h] -> [idea h] 15221 [idea h][ow] -> [idea how] 15222 [direc][torship] -> [directorship] 15223 [nodd][ed] -> [nodded] 15224 [comp][any] -> [company] 15225 [ts ][of ] -> [ts of ] 15226 [Fremen][ sc] -> [Fremen sc] 15227 [Fremen sc][um] -> [Fremen scum] 15228 [. But ][that ] -> [. But that ] 15229 [s ][-- the ] -> [s -- the ] 15230 [s ][him] -> [s him] 15231 [," Piter][ said. \u000a "] -> [," Piter said. \u000a "] 15232 [Stand][ard ] -> [Standard ] 15233 [dis][p] -> [disp] 15234 [ a][gent ] -> [ agent ] 15235 [.\u000a "I][n] -> [.\u000a "In] 15236 [ts of the ][desert ] -> [ts of the desert ] 15237 [destroy][ed the ] -> [destroyed the ] 15238 [." \u000a "][They ] -> [." \u000a "They ] 15239 [. He ][can] -> [. He can] 15240 [bulg][es ] -> [bulges ] 15241 [ f][olds ] -> [ folds ] 15242 [to ][reveal] -> [to reveal] 15243 [all][ this ] -> [all this ] 15244 [was ][s] -> [was s] 15245 [ustain][ed ] -> [ustained ] 15246 [port][able s] -> [portable s] 15247 [ki][lo] -> [kilo] 15248 [his ][feet ] -> [his feet ] 15249 [ f][if] -> [ fif] 15250 [ hun][gry] -> [ hungry] 15251 [, star][ed down] -> [, stared down] 15252 [before ][we ] -> [before we ] 15253 [comb][in] -> [combin] 15254 [trib][ut] -> [tribut] 15255 [end][ure] -> [endure] 15256 [tension][, ] -> [tension, ] 15257 [resourc][eful] -> [resourceful] 15258 [fac][ing the ] -> [facing the ] 15259 [even][ing] -> [evening] 15260 [bank][ed ] -> [banked ] 15261 [. She ][heard ] -> [. She heard ] 15262 [years ][ago] -> [years ago] 15263 [k][inn] -> [kinn] 15264 [enter][ed the ] -> [entered the ] 15265 [ I][X] -> [ IX] 15266 [? ][Oh] -> [? Oh] 15267 [past][, ] -> [past, ] 15268 [ betwe][en the ] -> [ between the ] 15269 [I want ][you to] -> [I want you to] 15270 [.\u000a "S][o ] -> [.\u000a "So ] 15271 [a s][on] -> [a son] 15272 [knew][ she was ] -> [knew she was ] 15273 [.\u000a "You][ were ] -> [.\u000a "You were ] 15274 [d][augh] -> [daugh] 15275 [daugh][ters ] -> [daughters ] 15276 [ in ][your] -> [ in your] 15277 [for][ a s] -> [for a s] 15278 [des][ire] -> [desire] 15279 [been][ w] -> [been w] 15280 [ed the ][b] -> [ed the b] 15281 [eyes][.\u000a ] -> [eyes.\u000a ] 15282 [my ][decision] -> [my decision] 15283 [and ][every ] -> [and every ] 15284 [turned ][against ] -> [turned against ] 15285 [A ][Bene Gesserit ] -> [A Bene Gesserit ] 15286 [seen ][in the ] -> [seen in the ] 15287 [ a][ffair] -> [ affair] 15288 [s ][without ] -> [s without ] 15289 [ed ][how] -> [ed how] 15290 [we][ather ] -> [weather ] 15291 [monopoly ][on] -> [monopoly on] 15292 [st][ell] -> [stell] 15293 [is the ][most ] -> [is the most ] 15294 [ s][truc] -> [ struc] 15295 [which][ ] -> [which ] 15296 [." \u000a Jessica][ spoke ] -> [." \u000a Jessica spoke ] 15297 [, and ][this ] -> [, and this ] 15298 [his ][son] -> [his son] 15299 [with][ full] -> [with full] 15300 [: ][I ] -> [: I ] 15301 [ said. "][And ] -> [ said. "And ] 15302 [ we ][can] -> [ we can] 15303 [ hope ][for ] -> [ hope for ] 15304 [al][v] -> [alv] 15305 [feel][ing ] -> [feeling ] 15306 [l][id] -> [lid] 15307 [we][at] -> [weat] 15308 [." \u000a "][I'll] -> [." \u000a "I'll] 15309 [weak][ness ] -> [weakness ] 15310 [. I must ][be ] -> [. I must be ] 15311 [ I][ could ] -> [ I could ] 15312 [feel][ ] -> [feel ] 15313 [ a ][low ] -> [ a low ] 15314 [ a low ][voice, ] -> [ a low voice, ] 15315 [lon][ely] -> [lonely] 15316 [. "][Paul, ] -> [. "Paul, ] 15317 [, p][leas] -> [, pleas] 15318 [ slown][ess] -> [ slowness] 15319 [. He star][ed at ] -> [. He stared at ] 15320 [a s][tranger] -> [a stranger] 15321 [ed his ][eyes ] -> [ed his eyes ] 15322 [." \u000a "][What do you] -> [." \u000a "What do you] 15323 [ w][ant] -> [ want] 15324 [?"\u000a "][Not ] -> [?"\u000a "Not ] 15325 [worth][ remember] -> [worth remember] 15326 [know][ it] -> [know it] 15327 [ l][ast ] -> [ last ] 15328 [ ][eyes] -> [ eyes] 15329 [see][ing the ] -> [seeing the ] 15330 [you ][tell] -> [you tell] 15331 [about ][this] -> [about this] 15332 [Yes][. I] -> [Yes. I] 15333 [on][ me] -> [on me] 15334 [again][ she ] -> [again she ] 15335 [that ][happen] -> [that happen] 15336 [. And ][I've ] -> [. And I've ] 15337 [ bef][ore] -> [ before] 15338 [where ][it's ] -> [where it's ] 15339 [patch][es ] -> [patches ] 15340 [says][: '] -> [says: '] 15341 [water][s of ] -> [waters of ] 15342 [worl][d, ] -> [world, ] 15343 [Paul ][opened his eyes] -> [Paul opened his eyes] 15344 [." \u000a "][Is there ] -> [." \u000a "Is there ] 15345 [." ][Again] -> [." Again] 15346 [ and ][sur] -> [ and sur] 15347 [from][ a] -> [from a] 15348 [ f][ire ] -> [ fire ] 15349 [le][an ] -> [lean ] 15350 [per][ch] -> [perch] 15351 [Wh][ite ] -> [White ] 15352 [a w][ind ] -> [a wind ] 15353 [ s][way] -> [ sway] 15354 [s][; ] -> [s; ] 15355 [ w][ings, ] -> [ wings, ] 15356 [, ][\u000aAnd ] -> [, \u000aAnd ] 15357 [H][as ] -> [Has ] 15358 [s][cor] -> [scor] 15359 [\u000a][\u000a "] -> [\u000a\u000a "] 15360 [m][ale ] -> [male ] 15361 [fell][ silent ] -> [fell silent ] 15362 [ that ][she ] -> [ that she ] 15363 [. He ][wait] -> [. He wait] 15364 [;][ that ] -> [; that ] 15365 [She ][said ] -> [She said ] 15366 [ed for ][it ] -> [ed for it ] 15367 [ help][ you] -> [ help you] 15368 [ wr][ink] -> [ wrink] 15369 [ wrink][les ] -> [ wrinkles ] 15370 [Very ][well] -> [Very well] 15371 [That ][which] -> [That which] 15372 [rul][es] -> [rules] 15373 [bu][ff] -> [buff] 15374 [ed a s][udden ] -> [ed a sudden ] 15375 [ full][ of] -> [ full of] 15376 [ my ][mother] -> [ my mother] 15377 [a th][ing to be ] -> [a thing to be ] 15378 [we]['d have ] -> [we'd have ] 15379 [, ][nothing] -> [, nothing] 15380 [ed to][ accept ] -> [ed to accept ] 15381 [ a th][ing about ] -> [ a thing about ] 15382 [? ][His ] -> [? His ] 15383 [ign][s of ] -> [igns of ] 15384 [it][. I] -> [it. I] 15385 [ s][afety ] -> [ safety ] 15386 [Vo][ice] -> [Voice] 15387 [already ][has ] -> [already has ] 15388 [. But ][if you] -> [. But if you] 15389 [understand][ing ] -> [understanding ] 15390 [passed ][between them] -> [passed between them] 15391 [ back][ward ] -> [ backward ] 15392 [its ][occup] -> [its occup] 15393 [sh][ut ] -> [shut ] 15394 [ had ][no] -> [ had no] 15395 [wonder][ful] -> [wonderful] 15396 [-warri][or] -> [-warrior] 15397 [s, ][as ] -> [s, as ] 15398 [Duncan Idaho][, the ] -> [Duncan Idaho, the ] 15399 [G][in] -> [Gin] 15400 [Gin][az] -> [Ginaz] 15401 [know][ledge] -> [knowledge] 15402 [training ][room] -> [training room] 15403 [, clos][ed the door] -> [, closed the door] 15404 [ soft][ly] -> [ softly] 15405 [. He stood ][there ] -> [. He stood there ] 15406 [serv][ice ] -> [service ] 15407 [Th][ree ] -> [Three ] 15408 [s of][ them] -> [s of them] 15409 [big][ room] -> [big room] 15410 [ated ][with] -> [ated with] 15411 [ell][ t] -> [ell t] 15412 [et][tle ] -> [ettle ] 15413 [back to][ a door] -> [back to a door] 15414 [. Again][, ] -> [. Again, ] 15415 [, spoke ][without turn] -> [, spoke without turn] 15416 [sup][press] -> [suppress] 15417 [deep][ly] -> [deeply] 15418 [face][.\u000a "I] -> [face.\u000a "I] 15419 [mother ][of his ] -> [mother of his ] 15420 [ing him][ the ] -> [ing him the ] 15421 [ sent ][the ] -> [ sent the ] 15422 [ across ][from Paul] -> [ across from Paul] 15423 [lean][ed back] -> [leaned back] 15424 [struck][ him] -> [struck him] 15425 [ to ][Arrakis] -> [ to Arrakis] 15426 [d][um] -> [dum] 15427 [dum][my ] -> [dummy ] 15428 [like an ][ancient ] -> [like an ancient ] 15429 [sol][di] -> [soldi] 15430 [soldi][er] -> [soldier] 15431 [? ][N] -> [? N] 15432 [is ][a s] -> [is a s] 15433 [e." \u000a "][Did ] -> [e." \u000a "Did ] 15434 [boy ][had ] -> [boy had ] 15435 [ed. "You]['re ] -> [ed. "You're ] 15436 [he ][is] -> [he is] 15437 [. He]['ll be ] -> [. He'll be ] 15438 [ stud][y] -> [ study] 15439 [give ][them] -> [give them] 15440 [oun][ce ] -> [ounce ] 15441 [. They ][can] -> [. They can] 15442 [ s][and, ] -> [ sand, ] 15443 [ the ][b] -> [ the b] 15444 [." \u000a "][Why don't ] -> [." \u000a "Why don't ] 15445 [mainten][ance ] -> [maintenance ] 15446 [control][ and ] -> [control and ] 15447 [ that][." \u000a "] -> [ that." \u000a "] 15448 [lad]['s ] -> [lad's ] 15449 [grab][en ] -> [graben ] 15450 [ed, s][uddenly ] -> [ed, suddenly ] 15451 [ for][ water] -> [ for water] 15452 [y][cle ] -> [ycle ] 15453 [ist][ure s] -> [isture s] 15454 [ol][ation] -> [olation] 15455 [. "][Water] -> [. "Water] 15456 [g][ett] -> [gett] 15457 [ in ][our] -> [ in our] 15458 [looked up at the ][sky] -> [looked up at the sky] 15459 [," he said][.\u000a "You] -> [," he said.\u000a "You] 15460 [ a ][great ] -> [ a great ] 15461 [you]['ll ] -> [you'll ] 15462 [ wet his lips with his ][tongue, ] -> [ wet his lips with his tongue, ] 15463 [e, ][too, ] -> [e, too, ] 15464 [v][ation] -> [vation] 15465 [funeral][ plain] -> [funeral plain] 15466 [wil][der] -> [wilder] 15467 [wastel][and ] -> [wasteland ] 15468 [the sand][worm] -> [the sandworm] 15469 [ey][ep] -> [eyep] 15470 [. You]['ll] -> [. You'll] 15471 [ m][oun] -> [ moun] 15472 [Paul][ had been] -> [Paul had been] 15473 [ come ][up] -> [ come up] 15474 [Do you][ see ] -> [Do you see ] 15475 [for the ][father] -> [for the father] 15476 [." And ][the ] -> [." And the ] 15477 [kn][uck] -> [knuck] 15478 [know][s the ] -> [knows the ] 15479 [that ][the s] -> [that the s] 15480 [pass][ed s] -> [passed s] 15481 [?"\u000a "][That ] -> [?"\u000a "That ] 15482 [. . . " ][Paul] -> [. . . " Paul] 15483 [inhib][ition] -> [inhibition] 15484 [ deep][ breath] -> [ deep breath] 15485 [descend][ant ] -> [descendant ] 15486 [ancestor][s ] -> [ancestors ] 15487 [learn][ed] -> [learned] 15488 [.' ][And ] -> [.' And ] 15489 [people][." \u000a "] -> [people." \u000a "] 15490 [Tru][e ] -> [True ] 15491 [go][ing] -> [going] 15492 [Emperor ][order] -> [Emperor order] 15493 [ what ][that ] -> [ what that ] 15494 [?"\u000a ][Paul ] -> [?"\u000a Paul ] 15495 [. S][lowly, he ] -> [. Slowly, he ] 15496 [that ][one ] -> [that one ] 15497 [comm][ands] -> [commands] 15498 [mean][t the ] -> [meant the ] 15499 [rock][s and ] -> [rocks and ] 15500 [yster][y ] -> [ystery ] 15501 [ s][atis] -> [ satis] 15502 [. Why ][did ] -> [. Why did ] 15503 [do ][it] -> [do it] 15504 [ed a sm][ile] -> [ed a smile] 15505 [. B][y ] -> [. By ] 15506 [approxim][ation ] -> [approximation ] 15507 [an][alysis] -> [analysis] 15508 [lood][y ] -> [loody ] 15509 [a][ word ] -> [a word ] 15510 [ tell][ you] -> [ tell you] 15511 [really ][know] -> [really know] 15512 [what ][it was ] -> [what it was ] 15513 [ you]['re ] -> [ you're ] 15514 [stood ][up] -> [stood up] 15515 [for ][Arrakis] -> [for Arrakis] 15516 [e][an] -> [ean] 15517 [whi][le, ] -> [while, ] 15518 [so][il] -> [soil] 15519 [s][," Paul said] -> [s," Paul said] 15520 [ti][des] -> [tides] 15521 [now][?\u000a The ] -> [now?\u000a The ] 15522 [a hand][ful] -> [a handful] 15523 ['d ][rather ] -> ['d rather ] 15524 [to][ play ] -> [to play ] 15525 [ound ][the ] -> [ound the ] 15526 [Hawat's ][men] -> [Hawat's men] 15527 [mak][ing it ] -> [making it ] 15528 [nine-str][ing b] -> [nine-string b] 15529 [nine-string b][aliset ] -> [nine-string baliset ] 15530 [multip][ick] -> [multipick] 15531 [head ][of the ] -> [head of the ] 15532 [rap][ier] -> [rapier] 15533 [ellet ][stunn] -> [ellet stunn] 15534 [shield ][belt] -> [shield belt] 15535 [inkvine scar][ along his jaw] -> [inkvine scar along his jaw] 15536 [even][ have ] -> [even have ] 15537 [ing to][ his ] -> [ing to his ] 15538 [enem][y's ] -> [enemy's ] 15539 [tr][y, ] -> [try, ] 15540 [hum][or] -> [humor] 15541 [s to][day] -> [s today] 15542 [who]['s ] -> [who's ] 15543 [, ][listen] -> [, listen] 15544 [igh][ter] -> [ighter] 15545 [ we]['d ] -> [ we'd ] 15546 [to][ do it] -> [to do it] 15547 [Gal][ac] -> [Galac] 15548 [i][an ] -> [ian ] 15549 [for][ such] -> [for such] 15550 [," Paul said, "][but ] -> [," Paul said, "but ] 15551 [." \u000a ][Gurney ] -> [." \u000a Gurney ] 15552 [Po][or] -> [Poor] 15553 [ing][ been] -> [ing been] 15554 [ l][isten] -> [ listen] 15555 [pull][ed ] -> [pulled ] 15556 [ mo][ck] -> [ mock] 15557 [ick][ed ] -> [icked ] 15558 [Gu][ard ] -> [Guard ] 15559 [young m][aster ] -> [young master ] 15560 [rapi][er, ] -> [rapier, ] 15561 [Paul ][lifted the ] -> [Paul lifted the ] 15562 [one ][foot ] -> [one foot ] 15563 [ in][ a] -> [ in a] 15564 [me ][for] -> [me for] 15565 [down][ his ] -> [down his ] 15566 [ sh][ield-] -> [ shield-] 15567 [ def][ens] -> [ defens] 15568 [," Paul said. "][A] -> [," Paul said. "A] 15569 [oppon][ent ] -> [opponent ] 15570 [it ][back] -> [it back] 15571 [ car][eless] -> [ careless] 15572 [held it ][up] -> [held it up] 15573 [lif][e's ] -> [life's ] 15574 [p][up] -> [pup] 15575 [pup][il] -> [pupil] 15576 [a m][an in] -> [a man in] 15577 [with][ death] -> [with death] 15578 [ gu][ess ] -> [ guess ] 15579 [Mo][od] -> [Mood] 15580 [to do][ with it] -> [to do with it] 15581 [s][or] -> [sor] 15582 [ shield][, ] -> [ shield, ] 15583 [ed ][high] -> [ed high] 15584 [. "][Now] -> [. "Now] 15585 [along][ his ] -> [along his ] 15586 [. He's ][not ] -> [. He's not ] 15587 [Paul][ mov] -> [Paul mov] 15588 [ist ][sheath] -> [ist sheath] 15589 [need ][for ] -> [need for ] 15590 [fe][int ] -> [feint ] 15591 [fe][int] -> [feint] 15592 [re][pl] -> [repl] 15593 [cont][act] -> [contact] 15594 [, the ][smell] -> [, the smell] 15595 [ direc][ted ] -> [ directed ] 15596 [j][ug] -> [jug] 15597 [ whisper][ed. \u000a "] -> [ whispered. \u000a "] 15598 [p][ant] -> [pant] 15599 [We]['d have ] -> [We'd have ] 15600 [ ad][mit ] -> [ admit ] 15601 [ol][fish] -> [olfish] 15602 [ ][rippl] -> [ rippl] 15603 [ing a][long] -> [ing along] 15604 [ with][drew] -> [ withdrew] 15605 [tr][amp] -> [tramp] 15606 [activ][ated his ] -> [activated his ] 15607 [ p][unish] -> [ punish] 15608 [luck][y ] -> [lucky ] 15609 [lipp][ed his ] -> [lipped his ] 15610 [ into ][its ] -> [ into its ] 15611 [ wonder][ at the ] -> [ wonder at the ] 15612 [char][acteristic] -> [characteristic] 15613 [ing in][tens] -> [ing intens] 15614 [be][et] -> [beet] 15615 [there ][by ] -> [there by ] 15616 [ slave ][p] -> [ slave p] 15617 [s][car] -> [scar] 15618 [this ][thought ] -> [this thought ] 15619 [I][ did ] -> [I did ] 15620 [for][ some ] -> [for some ] 15621 [turned away ][to hide ] -> [turned away to hide ] 15622 [ister][, ] -> [ister, ] 15623 [of s][ome ] -> [of some ] 15624 [yes][ter] -> [yester] 15625 [pr][un] -> [prun] 15626 [.\u000a ][How] -> [.\u000a How] 15627 [ass][ume ] -> [assume ] 15628 [I'd ][like ] -> [I'd like ] 15629 [ in it][. But ] -> [ in it. But ] 15630 [. Arrakis ][is ] -> [. Arrakis is ] 15631 [ack][now] -> [acknow] 15632 [d][umm] -> [dumm] 15633 [tim][ing] -> [timing] 15634 [ing ][new] -> [ing new] 15635 [app][ed the ] -> [apped the ] 15636 [ on ][its ] -> [ on its ] 15637 [s. His ][mind ] -> [s. His mind ] 15638 [seem][ed to be ] -> [seemed to be ] 15639 [need][s of the ] -> [needs of the ] 15640 [-][trained ] -> [-trained ] 15641 [ s][ister] -> [ sister] 15642 [elfin][ fac] -> [elfin fac] 15643 [ in his ][mind] -> [ in his mind] 15644 [da][is] -> [dais] 15645 [couldn't ][remember] -> [couldn't remember] 15646 [.\u000a ][That ] -> [.\u000a That ] 15647 [ thought][, ] -> [ thought, ] 15648 [taught ][him] -> [taught him] 15649 [St][dr] -> [Stdr] 15650 [Stdr][d ] -> [Stdrd ] 15651 [)][;] -> [);] 15652 [not][ing the s] -> [noting the s] 15653 [stretch][ed out ] -> [stretched out ] 15654 [del][ici] -> [delici] 15655 [ed ][after the ] -> [ed after the ] 15656 [s][tick] -> [stick] 15657 [took][ in] -> [took in] 15658 [lip][s and ] -> [lips and ] 15659 [droop][ing m] -> [drooping m] 15660 [drooping m][ust] -> [drooping must] 15661 [ black][ hair] -> [ black hair] 15662 [sil][ver ] -> [silver ] 15663 [happ][y ] -> [happy ] 15664 [ father][ will be ] -> [ father will be ] 15665 [a film][book] -> [a filmbook] 15666 [sp][ent ] -> [spent ] 15667 [so ][little ] -> [so little ] 15668 [past ][few] -> [past few] 15669 [I][ do ] -> [I do ] 15670 [Harkonnen be][ast] -> [Harkonnen beast] 15671 [Ah-h-h][-h] -> [Ah-h-h-h] 15672 [terr][an] -> [terran] 15673 [life ][form] -> [life form] 15674 [ecolog][ist ] -> [ecologist ] 15675 [investig][ation] -> [investigation] 15676 [: ][What ] -> [: What ] 15677 [.\u000a "][Will] -> [.\u000a "Will] 15678 [, ][withdrew] -> [, withdrew] 15679 [gener][al s] -> [general s] 15680 [i][ves] -> [ives] 15681 [ol][ish] -> [olish] 15682 [?"\u000a "][I'll] -> [?"\u000a "I'll] 15683 [ fe][ature] -> [ feature] 15684 [, ][of course, ] -> [, of course, ] 15685 [their ][eyes ] -> [their eyes ] 15686 [--][ to] -> [-- to] 15687 [ed to][ s] -> [ed to s] 15688 [ mel][ang] -> [ melang] 15689 [By ][all] -> [By all] 15690 [. E][ven ] -> [. Even ] 15691 [a p][eople ] -> [a people ] 15692 [ spec][im] -> [ specim] 15693 [twenty][-] -> [twenty-] 15694 [ame][ter] -> [ameter] 15695 [latitud][es] -> [latitudes] 15696 [reli][able ] -> [reliable ] 15697 [ p][olar] -> [ polar] 15698 [uninhabit][able] -> [uninhabitable] 15699 [s." \u000a "][But ] -> [s." \u000a "But ] 15700 [econ][om] -> [econom] 15701 [co][stly ] -> [costly ] 15702 [ac][he] -> [ache] 15703 [.\u000a "It's ][a ] -> [.\u000a "It's a ] 15704 [and the ][book] -> [and the book] 15705 [at a ][time ] -> [at a time ] 15706 [. N][ever ] -> [. Never ] 15707 [ p][ages ] -> [ pages ] 15708 [ing][ers] -> [ingers] 15709 [must]['ve been] -> [must've been] 15710 [eh][? ] -> [eh? ] 15711 [ at ][my ] -> [ at my ] 15712 [wh][im] -> [whim] 15713 [to me ][when ] -> [to me when ] 15714 [. "][O] -> [. "O] 15715 [Kal][im] -> [Kalim] 15716 [Kalim][a ] -> [Kalima ] 15717 [all ][life ] -> [all life ] 15718 [to m][ark] -> [to mark] 15719 [cover][, ] -> [cover, ] 15720 [mag][nif] -> [magnif] 15721 [," Yueh][ said] -> [," Yueh said] 15722 [ de][af] -> [ deaf] 15723 [ pos][sess] -> [ possess] 15724 [ that ][we cannot ] -> [ that we cannot ] 15725 [--" \u000a "][Stop] -> [--" \u000a "Stop] 15726 [ed. \u000a ][Paul] -> [ed. \u000a Paul] 15727 [ closed his ][eyes, ] -> [ closed his eyes, ] 15728 [ com][pos] -> [ compos] 15729 [, saw][ Paul] -> [, saw Paul] 15730 [pain][ful] -> [painful] 15731 [. W][ann] -> [. Wann] 15732 [.\u000a "You][ may ] -> [.\u000a "You may ] 15733 [ interest][ing] -> [ interesting] 15734 [ in][ it ] -> [ in it ] 15735 [e][th] -> [eth] 15736 [it ][contain] -> [it contain] 15737 [from ][it] -> [from it] 15738 [terrible purpos][e] -> [terrible purpose] 15739 [Yueh][ had ] -> [Yueh had ] 15740 [gif][t of] -> [gift of] 15741 [ing m][yself] -> [ing myself] 15742 [ with][ which] -> [ with which] 15743 [. You][ see ] -> [. You see ] 15744 [ed ][behind the ] -> [ed behind the ] 15745 [al][ways, ] -> [always, ] 15746 [tall][, ] -> [tall, ] 15747 [ang][les ] -> [angles ] 15748 [ work][ing ] -> [ working ] 15749 [uniform][ with ] -> [uniform with ] 15750 [shield ][belt ] -> [shield belt ] 15751 [.\u000a The ][Duke said] -> [.\u000a The Duke said] 15752 [, s][wept ] -> [, swept ] 15753 [ati][g] -> [atig] 15754 [atig][ue] -> [atigue] 15755 [use ][every ] -> [use every ] 15756 [.\u000a "][Not ] -> [.\u000a "Not ] 15757 [Yes][. Well] -> [Yes. Well] 15758 [s][ettled ] -> [settled ] 15759 [cas][ual] -> [casual] 15760 [ a corn][er of the ] -> [ a corner of the ] 15761 [ in his ][mind ] -> [ in his mind ] 15762 [v][ap] -> [vap] 15763 [a b][attle] -> [a battle] 15764 [ f][ro] -> [ fro] 15765 [it ][could be ] -> [it could be ] 15766 [by][ the s] -> [by the s] 15767 [," Paul said][. And he ] -> [," Paul said. And he ] 15768 [?\u000a The ][Duke ] -> [?\u000a The Duke ] 15769 [also][ the ] -> [also the ] 15770 [H][on] -> [Hon] 15771 [A][d] -> [Ad] 15772 [v][anc] -> [vanc] 15773 [til][es ] -> [tiles ] 15774 [is ][our] -> [is our] 15775 [ a][ven] -> [ aven] 15776 [palm][s ] -> [palms ] 15777 [about ][Arrakis] -> [about Arrakis] 15778 [your m][ind] -> [your mind] 15779 [know][ about the ] -> [know about the ] 15780 [." \u000a "][What] -> [." \u000a "What] 15781 [wor][se ] -> [worse ] 15782 [ d][angerous ] -> [ dangerous ] 15783 [fac][ts] -> [facts] 15784 [d][on] -> [don] 15785 [l][umber] -> [lumber] 15786 [ po][or] -> [ poor] 15787 [ r][ice ] -> [ rice ] 15788 [. But ][all] -> [. But all] 15789 [. It ][cannot be ] -> [. It cannot be ] 15790 [control][ it] -> [control it] 15791 [thing ][is ] -> [thing is ] 15792 [ of][ those ] -> [ of those ] 15793 [would ][happen ] -> [would happen ] 15794 [stock][pil] -> [stockpil] 15795 [could ][make ] -> [could make ] 15796 [fac][tion] -> [faction] 15797 [ to][ me ] -> [ to me ] 15798 [ amoun][t of ] -> [ amount of ] 15799 [es][man] -> [esman] 15800 [. After all][, ] -> [. After all, ] 15801 [perhaps ][even] -> [perhaps even] 15802 [are ][we ] -> [are we ] 15803 [ing ][into] -> [ing into] 15804 [son][. "] -> [son. "] 15805 [larg][er] -> [larger] 15806 [ a feint ][within] -> [ a feint within] 15807 [end][. The ] -> [end. The ] 15808 [unr][avel] -> [unravel] 15809 [. ][Know] -> [. Know] 15810 [Who ][else ] -> [Who else ] 15811 [ing][? ] -> [ing? ] 15812 [ bel][oved ] -> [ beloved ] 15813 [Paul ][--] -> [Paul --] 15814 [e][e the ] -> [ee the ] 15815 [nex][t] -> [next] 15816 [? ][If] -> [? If] 15817 [none][th] -> [noneth] 15818 [noneth][eless] -> [nonetheless] 15819 [against ][Sardaukar] -> [against Sardaukar] 15820 [ to ][you] -> [ to you] 15821 [ison][ planet] -> [ison planet] 15822 [a ][question] -> [a question] 15823 [ed ][about the ] -> [ed about the ] 15824 [: ][Where ] -> [: Where ] 15825 [ting ][levi] -> [ting levi] 15826 [young][ and ] -> [young and ] 15827 [. You][ hear] -> [. You hear] 15828 [occasion][al] -> [occasional] 15829 [train][ing c] -> [training c] 15830 [id][e, the ] -> [ide, the ] 15831 [es, ][Paul] -> [es, Paul] 15832 [s ][would ] -> [s would ] 15833 [Con][sider ] -> [Consider ] 15834 [every ][bit ] -> [every bit ] 15835 [ of][ a c] -> [ of a c] 15836 [strong][ and ] -> [strong and ] 15837 [p][ati] -> [pati] 15838 [to ][explo] -> [to explo] 15839 [ secre][tly ] -> [ secretly ] 15840 [know][ing the ] -> [knowing the ] 15841 [ is ][there] -> [ is there] 15842 [?" \u000a "The ][Harkonnens ] -> [?" \u000a "The Harkonnens ] 15843 [them][ for] -> [them for] 15844 [Harkonnen][ p] -> [Harkonnen p] 15845 [all][ic] -> [allic] 15846 [ adm][ire ] -> [ admire ] 15847 [," Paul said, "][and ] -> [," Paul said, "and ] 15848 [.\u000a And ][Paul thought: ] -> [.\u000a And Paul thought: ] 15849 [ me][ant] -> [ meant] 15850 [ter ][of] -> [ter of] 15851 [pra][is] -> [prais] 15852 [ in his ][own] -> [ in his own] 15853 [arti][str] -> [artistr] 15854 [grow][led] -> [growled] 15855 [talk][ of ] -> [talk of ] 15856 [you][ can ] -> [you can ] 15857 [direction][ of his ] -> [direction of his ] 15858 [sk][ies ] -> [skies ] 15859 [ accoun][ts ] -> [ accounts ] 15860 [. We]['ll be ] -> [. We'll be ] 15861 [ par][t of the ] -> [ part of the ] 15862 [won't ][be ] -> [won't be ] 15863 [nothing ][to fear] -> [nothing to fear] 15864 [ri][vileg] -> [rivileg] 15865 [. Not ][even] -> [. Not even] 15866 [jeal][ous ] -> [jealous ] 15867 [monop][ol] -> [monopol] 15868 [Who ][knows] -> [Who knows] 15869 [e. ][We've ] -> [e. We've ] 15870 [. You][ see, ] -> [. You see, ] 15871 [unable ][to speak] -> [unable to speak] 15872 [training][ had ] -> [training had ] 15873 [ comp][utation] -> [ computation] 15874 [ d][ay ] -> [ day ] 15875 [ wh][at's ] -> [ what's ] 15876 [ wh][ether ] -> [ whether ] 15877 [tin][ue ] -> [tinue ] 15878 [. All][ the ] -> [. All the ] 15879 [m][nemonic] -> [mnemonic] 15880 [sharp][en] -> [sharpen] 15881 [ens][iti] -> [ensiti] 15882 [cl][ick] -> [click] 15883 [ed into][ a ] -> [ed into a ] 15884 [.\u000a "You]['ll] -> [.\u000a "You'll] 15885 [Can ][you] -> [Can you] 15886 [There was ][no] -> [There was no] 15887 [ within][ him] -> [ within him] 15888 [new][ awareness ] -> [new awareness ] 15889 [, the ][Bene Gesserit ] -> [, the Bene Gesserit ] 15890 [ f][ru] -> [ fru] 15891 [B.G][. ] -> [B.G. ] 15892 [pers][onnel] -> [personnel] 15893 [ated, ][but ] -> [ated, but ] 15894 [ m][at] -> [ mat] 15895 [Sh][ari] -> [Shari] 15896 [an][oplia propheticus] -> [anoplia propheticus] 15897 [gener][ally ] -> [generally ] 15898 [lat][ent ] -> [latent ] 15899 [f][ile ] -> [file ] 15900 [could ][hear] -> [could hear] 15901 [cargo][ handl] -> [cargo handl] 15902 [ers ][from the ] -> [ers from the ] 15903 [depos][it] -> [deposit] 15904 [car][v] -> [carv] 15905 [window][s] -> [windows] 15906 [remind][ed her ] -> [reminded her ] 15907 [ warm][th] -> [ warmth] 15908 [ress][ed ] -> [ressed ] 15909 [ing s][tood ] -> [ing stood ] 15910 [i][pped ] -> [ipped ] 15911 [mon][strous ] -> [monstrous ] 15912 [ g][rew] -> [ grew] 15913 [s ][-- ] -> [s -- ] 15914 [. C][o] -> [. Co] 15915 [s ][had been ] -> [s had been ] 15916 [. It ][had been] -> [. It had been] 15917 [ment][. The ] -> [ment. The ] 15918 [of the ][Duke's ] -> [of the Duke's ] 15919 [tw][ine ] -> [twine ] 15920 [ from][ it ] -> [ from it ] 15921 [r][ay] -> [ray] 15922 [i][ec] -> [iec] 15923 [was ][still] -> [was still] 15924 [ cl][utch] -> [ clutch] 15925 [is][land ] -> [island ] 15926 [bull]['s ] -> [bull's ] 15927 [sh][in] -> [shin] 15928 [m][uzz] -> [muzz] 15929 [be][ast ] -> [beast ] 15930 [pain][ting] -> [painting] 15931 [. She ][knew] -> [. She knew] 15932 [bu][y] -> [buy] 15933 [ers ][had ] -> [ers had ] 15934 [chool][ had ] -> [chool had ] 15935 [sur][e of] -> [sure of] 15936 [sh][udder] -> [shudder] 15937 [glanced at ][the s] -> [glanced at the s] 15938 [. \u000a ][So] -> [. \u000a So] 15939 [, saw][ him] -> [, saw him] 15940 [ide][ous ] -> [ideous ] 15941 [wo][od] -> [wood] 15942 [ang][les and ] -> [angles and ] 15943 [ bre][ast] -> [ breast] 15944 [ ch][ange ] -> [ change ] 15945 [. "][These ] -> [. "These ] 15946 [ st][ate ] -> [ state ] 15947 [. I've ][just ] -> [. I've just ] 15948 [.\u000a And ][again] -> [.\u000a And again] 15949 [ances][try ] -> [ancestry ] 15950 [ingle ][and ] -> [ingle and ] 15951 [brought ][her] -> [brought her] 15952 [des][cription] -> [description] 15953 [back][ into the ] -> [back into the ] 15954 [om][eplace ] -> [omeplace ] 15955 [voic][e, but ] -> [voice, but ] 15956 [, h][esit] -> [, hesit] 15957 [of his ][father] -> [of his father] 15958 [trick][ery ] -> [trickery ] 15959 [to ][remind ] -> [to remind ] 15960 [.\u000a "My ][Lord] -> [.\u000a "My Lord] 15961 [come ][from the ] -> [come from the ] 15962 [tr][al] -> [tral] 15963 [Yes, ][my Lord] -> [Yes, my Lord] 15964 [ m][arri] -> [ marri] 15965 [it]['d be ] -> [it'd be ] 15966 [ut][y ] -> [uty ] 15967 [held ][her face ] -> [held her face ] 15968 [ sno][op] -> [ snoop] 15969 [anticip][ated ] -> [anticipated ] 15970 [agre][ement] -> [agreement] 15971 [s][. They're ] -> [s. They're ] 15972 [ties][." \u000a "] -> [ties." \u000a "] 15973 [?"\u000a "][I'm] -> [?"\u000a "I'm] 15974 [you][ as ] -> [you as ] 15975 [high][ly ] -> [highly ] 15976 [convinc][ed ] -> [convinced ] 15977 [?"\u000a "The ][Fremen have ] -> [?"\u000a "The Fremen have ] 15978 [learn][ed that ] -> [learned that ] 15979 [a, ][Jessica thought] -> [a, Jessica thought] 15980 [.\u000a "][Does ] -> [.\u000a "Does ] 15981 [it][e] -> [ite] 15982 [ r][aid] -> [ raid] 15983 [a m][ore ] -> [a more ] 15984 [ than ][it ] -> [ than it ] 15985 [ th][orn] -> [ thorn] 15986 [ in the ][Harkonnen] -> [ in the Harkonnen] 15987 [ s][ide, ] -> [ side, ] 15988 [ h][ouse] -> [ house] 15989 [. "][We are ] -> [. "We are ] 15990 [went ][through the ] -> [went through the ] 15991 [When ][I] -> [When I] 15992 [ as][sign] -> [ assign] 15993 [ac][tical] -> [actical] 15994 [ass][ign] -> [assign] 15995 [tle]['s ] -> [tle's ] 15996 [minut][e ] -> [minute ] 15997 [y][ st] -> [y st] 15998 [in][tr] -> [intr] 15999 [per][su] -> [persu] 16000 [persu][ad] -> [persuad] 16001 [is][t the ] -> [ist the ] 16002 [Judge of the Ch][ange ] -> [Judge of the Change ] 16003 [to ][go ] -> [to go ] 16004 [trying to][ make ] -> [trying to make ] 16005 [trick][s on] -> [tricks on] 16006 [el][se, ] -> [else, ] 16007 [ at][tend ] -> [ attend ] 16008 [ur][ry] -> [urry] 16009 [ over][ his ] -> [ over his ] 16010 [hawk][ features] -> [hawk features] 16011 [whisper][ed. \u000a "] -> [whispered. \u000a "] 16012 [ and ][str] -> [ and str] 16013 [emb][er of the ] -> [ember of the ] 16014 [eted ][them] -> [eted them] 16015 [on this ][planet] -> [on this planet] 16016 [. And ][there were ] -> [. And there were ] 16017 [, ][dark] -> [, dark] 16018 [are your ][orders] -> [are your orders] 16019 [." \u000a ][Again] -> [." \u000a Again] 16020 [a w][if] -> [a wif] 16021 [ed in][ward] -> [ed inward] 16022 [ed inward][ly ] -> [ed inwardly ] 16023 [pr][ide ] -> [pride ] 16024 [body ][and ] -> [body and ] 16025 [eir][d ] -> [eird ] 16026 [cr][y s] -> [cry s] 16027 [Soo-][so] -> [Soo-so] 16028 [Soo-so][o-] -> [Soo-soo-] 16029 [Soo-soo-][Sook] -> [Soo-soo-Sook] 16030 [k][hut] -> [khut] 16031 [khut][-e] -> [khut-e] 16032 [khut-e][igh] -> [khut-eigh] 16033 [And ][again] -> [And again] 16034 [st][re] -> [stre] 16035 [liter][s and ] -> [liters and ] 16036 [to w][ear] -> [to wear] 16037 [e. S][till] -> [e. Still] 16038 [out ][this ] -> [out this ] 16039 [anc][e, the ] -> [ance, the ] 16040 [that ][you have ] -> [that you have ] 16041 [said: "][I] -> [said: "I] 16042 [no][ off] -> [no off] 16043 [My ][Lady, ] -> [My Lady, ] 16044 [O][ne] -> [One] 16045 [otherwis][e] -> [otherwise] 16046 [ comb][at] -> [ combat] 16047 [ we s][ee ] -> [ we see ] 16048 [res][s, ] -> [ress, ] 16049 [ridg][es ] -> [ridges ] 16050 [-][white ] -> [-white ] 16051 [of its ][own] -> [of its own] 16052 [-][edg] -> [-edg] 16053 [centime][ters ] -> [centimeters ] 16054 [, and ][was ] -> [, and was ] 16055 [," Mapes ][said. "] -> [," Mapes said. "] 16056 [ serv][ice ] -> [ service ] 16057 [ that ][one ] -> [ that one ] 16058 [s ][an ] -> [s an ] 16059 [call][ed the ] -> [called the ] 16060 [el][ay ] -> [elay ] 16061 [a mak][er ] -> [a maker ] 16062 [a s][ound ] -> [a sound ] 16063 [o][ot] -> [oot] 16064 [ wait][ed, ] -> [ waited, ] 16065 [tw][itch] -> [twitch] 16066 [, ][Mapes ] -> [, Mapes ] 16067 [held the ][knife ] -> [held the knife ] 16068 [lower][ed the ] -> [lowered the ] 16069 [long][ dead] -> [long dead] 16070 [re][turned ] -> [returned ] 16071 [ flesh][ and ] -> [ flesh and ] 16072 [pan][ic] -> [panic] 16073 [. P][oison] -> [. Poison] 16074 [? Jessica][ wonder] -> [? Jessica wonder] 16075 [obey][ed, ] -> [obeyed, ] 16076 [. "You][ are ] -> [. "You are ] 16077 [," she ][mutter] -> [," she mutter] 16078 [wift][ly, ] -> [wiftly, ] 16079 [s][nar] -> [snar] 16080 [ have ][seen] -> [ have seen] 16081 [ a c][rysknif] -> [ a crysknif] 16082 [leave ][Arrakis ] -> [leave Arrakis ] 16083 [rysknif][e] -> [rysknife] 16084 [ must ][take ] -> [ must take ] 16085 [hurri][ed] -> [hurried] 16086 [." She ][glanced at the ] -> [." She glanced at the ] 16087 [phras][e ] -> [phrase ] 16088 [! ][This ] -> [! This ] 16089 [to match][ that ] -> [to match that ] 16090 [ hour][s ] -> [ hours ] 16091 [I've ][seen] -> [I've seen] 16092 [ap][l] -> [apl] 16093 [ with ][your] -> [ with your] 16094 [deep][er ] -> [deeper ] 16095 ['][the ] -> ['the ] 16096 [body's ][water] -> [body's water] 16097 [oppress][ion] -> [oppression] 16098 [no][ re] -> [no re] 16099 [ differ][ence] -> [ difference] 16100 [head][. "] -> [head. "] 16101 [Kill][ed ] -> [Killed ] 16102 [c][ro] -> [cro] 16103 [about ][this ] -> [about this ] 16104 [ c][ha] -> [ cha] 16105 [a][ deadly ] -> [a deadly ] 16106 [in][spection] -> [inspection] 16107 [ the ][feel] -> [ the feel] 16108 [you've ][finish] -> [you've finish] 16109 [." \u000a "As you][ will] -> [." \u000a "As you will] 16110 [res][id] -> [resid] 16111 [urg][ent ] -> [urgent ] 16112 [her][ son ] -> [her son ] 16113 [ast][er and faster] -> [aster and faster] 16114 [ings ][from the ] -> [ings from the ] 16115 [retreating][ back] -> [retreating back] 16116 [all ][right] -> [all right] 16117 [ref][rain] -> [refrain] 16118 [book][cas] -> [bookcas] 16119 [ des][k] -> [ desk] 16120 [lean][ed against ] -> [leaned against ] 16121 [. He ][look] -> [. He look] 16122 [ic][ature ] -> [icature ] 16123 [ blo][ck] -> [ block] 16124 [turn][ing s] -> [turning s] 16125 [nodd][ed ] -> [nodded ] 16126 [pur][pl] -> [purpl] 16127 [. . . I][ . . . ] -> [. . . I . . . ] 16128 [af][raid ] -> [afraid ] 16129 [ould've ][been] -> [ould've been] 16130 [ p][riv] -> [ priv] 16131 [ think][ ] -> [ think ] 16132 [un][usual] -> [unusual] 16133 [when][ she ] -> [when she ] 16134 [When][ever ] -> [Whenever ] 16135 [. . . ][well] -> [. . . well] 16136 [What][ever] -> [Whatever] 16137 [ a][go] -> [ ago] 16138 [g][ifted ] -> [gifted ] 16139 [ed a][head] -> [ed ahead] 16140 [ed her ][arms ] -> [ed her arms ] 16141 [ground ][from] -> [ground from] 16142 [tooth][, ] -> [tooth, ] 16143 [looked ][past ] -> [looked past ] 16144 [turned back][ to the ] -> [turned back to the ] 16145 [ ther][e, the ] -> [ there, the ] 16146 [them][ from the ] -> [them from the ] 16147 [on ][to] -> [on to] 16148 [ stud][y the ] -> [ study the ] 16149 [ed and ][she ] -> [ed and she ] 16150 [pass][ing ] -> [passing ] 16151 [, s][ome ] -> [, some ] 16152 [. . . ][even] -> [. . . even] 16153 [to ][read ] -> [to read ] 16154 [mind][s] -> [minds] 16155 [one ][hundred ] -> [one hundred ] 16156 [Those ][are ] -> [Those are ] 16157 [s][," he said. "] -> [s," he said. "] 16158 [."\u000a "][We ] -> [."\u000a "We ] 16159 [," she said. "][There's ] -> [," she said. "There's ] 16160 [tre][asur] -> [treasur] 16161 [Who][ am] -> [Who am] 16162 [ con][v] -> [ conv] 16163 [t][s, ] -> [ts, ] 16164 [carri][ed its ] -> [carried its ] 16165 [for][ her] -> [for her] 16166 [de][ed ] -> [deed ] 16167 [to s][trike ] -> [to strike ] 16168 [?" she ask][ed. \u000a "] -> [?" she asked. \u000a "] 16169 [-year][-] -> [-year-] 16170 [under][ these ] -> [under these ] 16171 [circumst][ances] -> [circumstances] 16172 [. "][He's ] -> [. "He's ] 16173 [ beneath][ a ] -> [ beneath a ] 16174 [ stared at ][her son] -> [ stared at her son] 16175 [e s][o ] -> [e so ] 16176 [ing her][ fear] -> [ing her fear] 16177 [trac][es ] -> [traces ] 16178 [ son]['s ] -> [ son's ] 16179 [m][atur] -> [matur] 16180 [and][om] -> [andom] 16181 [end][less ] -> [endless ] 16182 [nex][us] -> [nexus] 16183 [, ][unable ] -> [, unable ] 16184 [give ][me ] -> [give me ] 16185 [ins][truc] -> [instruc] 16186 [For the ][first ] -> [For the first ] 16187 [For the first ][time, ] -> [For the first time, ] 16188 [ed beside ][him] -> [ed beside him] 16189 [ad][ul] -> [adul] 16190 [los][e s] -> [lose s] 16191 [glanc][ed out ] -> [glanced out ] 16192 [to the ][right ] -> [to the right ] 16193 [like ][a b] -> [like a b] 16194 [a][ do] -> [a do] 16195 [dri][ll] -> [drill] 16196 [a ][trick] -> [a trick] 16197 [near][by ] -> [nearby ] 16198 [produc][es ] -> [produces ] 16199 [res][ult] -> [result] 16200 [Who][ could ] -> [Who could ] 16201 [my s][uspicion] -> [my suspicion] 16202 [, but ][there's ] -> [, but there's ] 16203 [ s][ource ] -> [ source ] 16204 [ windtrap][s and ] -> [ windtraps and ] 16205 [precipit][ator] -> [precipitator] 16206 [. There are ][things ] -> [. There are things ] 16207 [in][tense ] -> [intense ] 16208 [ when][ he ] -> [ when he ] 16209 [. I][ didn't ] -> [. I didn't ] 16210 [far][ as ] -> [far as ] 16211 [know][ that ] -> [know that ] 16212 [wif][e, ] -> [wife, ] 16213 [ con][str] -> [ constr] 16214 [ constr][iction] -> [ constriction] 16215 [s are ][all ] -> [s are all ] 16216 [," he said. "I]['m] -> [," he said. "I'm] 16217 [ up][ to the ] -> [ up to the ] 16218 [inter][nal] -> [internal] 16219 [at ][least] -> [at least] 16220 [ se][qu] -> [ sequ] 16221 [b][utter] -> [butter] 16222 [fr][ame ] -> [frame ] 16223 [es ][of his ] -> [es of his ] 16224 [ing][ly] -> [ingly] 16225 [. And ][that] -> [. And that] 16226 [I should ][be ] -> [I should be ] 16227 [ed][," he said. "] -> [ed," he said. "] 16228 [That's ][why ] -> [That's why ] 16229 [uneas][y] -> [uneasy] 16230 [to kill][ the ] -> [to kill the ] 16231 [ro][oted ] -> [rooted ] 16232 [ hos][til] -> [ hostil] 16233 [."\u000a "][There is ] -> [."\u000a "There is ] 16234 [life ][here] -> [life here] 16235 [know ][if] -> [know if] 16236 [to d][rink] -> [to drink] 16237 [. It ][doesn't ] -> [. It doesn't ] 16238 [toward ][him] -> [toward him] 16239 [Gu][ard] -> [Guard] 16240 [." \u000a "][Give ] -> [." \u000a "Give ] 16241 [battal][ion] -> [battalion] 16242 [his ][men] -> [his men] 16243 [es][." She ] -> [es." She ] 16244 [our ][only hop] -> [our only hop] 16245 [me][thod] -> [method] 16246 [? ][I am] -> [? I am] 16247 [sec][ret] -> [secret] 16248 [--][so] -> [--so] 16249 [yn][ical ] -> [ynical ] 16250 [ton][e, the ] -> [tone, the ] 16251 [you think][, ] -> [you think, ] 16252 [af][er] -> [afer] 16253 [ worth][y ] -> [ worthy ] 16254 [had ][only ] -> [had only ] 16255 [eyes][.\u000a She ] -> [eyes.\u000a She ] 16256 [us][iness ] -> [usiness ] 16257 [forget ][that ] -> [forget that ] 16258 [ous][in ] -> [ousin ] 16259 [dist][ance] -> [distance] 16260 [ po][ck] -> [ pock] 16261 [ pock][et] -> [ pocket] 16262 [knowledge ][that ] -> [knowledge that ] 16263 [an][ish] -> [anish] 16264 [, the ][B] -> [, the B] 16265 [of ][Corrin] -> [of Corrin] 16266 [old ][fe] -> [old fe] 16267 [an][ ac] -> [an ac] 16268 [had ][trapp] -> [had trapp] 16269 [, ][kill] -> [, kill] 16270 [was ][that ] -> [was that ] 16271 [in the ][universe ] -> [in the universe ] 16272 [S][olar] -> [Solar] 16273 [ mark][et ] -> [ market ] 16274 [many ][thing] -> [many thing] 16275 [her][. "] -> [her. "] 16276 [tast][e of] -> [taste of] 16277 [for ][it, ] -> [for it, ] 16278 [yn][thes] -> [ynthes] 16279 [ think][ it ] -> [ think it ] 16280 [," she said][.\u000a He saw] -> [," she said.\u000a He saw] 16281 [focused on][ her] -> [focused on her] 16282 [ sub][ject] -> [ subject] 16283 [of][ me ] -> [of me ] 16284 [m][arry ] -> [marry ] 16285 [whirl][ed, ] -> [whirled, ] 16286 [mo][tiv] -> [motiv] 16287 [gives ][you] -> [gives you] 16288 [ attitude ][toward ] -> [ attitude toward ] 16289 [it ][touch] -> [it touch] 16290 [ made ][him] -> [ made him] 16291 [ul][s] -> [uls] 16292 [i][vel] -> [ivel] 16293 [ro][le] -> [role] 16294 [. On][e of] -> [. One of] 16295 [I ][love ] -> [I love ] 16296 [th][ing a] -> [thing a] 16297 [the ][man] -> [the man] 16298 [Her][ face ] -> [Her face ] 16299 [old man][ had ] -> [old man had ] 16300 [ed ][when] -> [ed when] 16301 [if][ only ] -> [if only ] 16302 [ing s][omething] -> [ing something] 16303 [ from][ him] -> [ from him] 16304 [learn][ed the ] -> [learned the ] 16305 [how][ many ] -> [how many ] 16306 [ ][knew] -> [ knew] 16307 [b][ed ] -> [bed ] 16308 [. It ][had been ] -> [. It had been ] 16309 [ up][ and ] -> [ up and ] 16310 [per][miss] -> [permiss] 16311 [ings ][were ] -> [ings were ] 16312 [heard ][his ] -> [heard his ] 16313 [ro][se ] -> [rose ] 16314 [a f][alse ] -> [a false ] 16315 [ ][if he ] -> [ if he ] 16316 [.\u000a He ][thought of the ] -> [.\u000a He thought of the ] 16317 [His ][Imperial ] -> [His Imperial ] 16318 [ot][an] -> [otan] 16319 [ical Testing St][ation] -> [ical Testing Station] 16320 [discover][y of the ] -> [discovery of the ] 16321 [N][am] -> [Nam] 16322 [impr][inted ] -> [imprinted ] 16323 [ pul][se] -> [ pulse] 16324 [ b][ush] -> [ bush] 16325 [even][ing ] -> [evening ] 16326 [fo][x] -> [fox] 16327 [kangaroo m][ouse ] -> [kangaroo mouse ] 16328 [ p][ast] -> [ past] 16329 [to be ][found ] -> [to be found ] 16330 [ ab][out] -> [ about] 16331 [would ][find ] -> [would find ] 16332 [door][ that ] -> [door that ] 16333 [had been][ s] -> [had been s] 16334 [recogniz][ed it ] -> [recognized it ] 16335 [ assass][ination] -> [ assassination] 16336 [li][ver ] -> [liver ] 16337 [. It ][could ] -> [. It could ] 16338 [ s][ideways ] -> [ sideways ] 16339 [.\u000a ][Through] -> [.\u000a Through] 16340 [transm][it] -> [transmit] 16341 [reflec][t ] -> [reflect ] 16342 [and ][their] -> [and their] 16343 [ held ][himself] -> [ held himself] 16344 [ilit][y, ] -> [ility, ] 16345 [ me][ter] -> [ meter] 16346 [light ][from the ] -> [light from the ] 16347 [ bl][ind] -> [ blind] 16348 [ ][tight] -> [ tight] 16349 [.\u000a The ][thing] -> [.\u000a The thing] 16350 [. A f][aint ] -> [. A faint ] 16351 [from ][it.\u000a ] -> [from it.\u000a ] 16352 [inst][an] -> [instan] 16353 [instan][t the ] -> [instant the ] 16354 [turn][ and ] -> [turn and ] 16355 [thr][ust] -> [thrust] 16356 [ey][e s] -> [eye s] 16357 [seek][er] -> [seeker] 16358 [.\u000a Paul's ][eyes ] -> [.\u000a Paul's eyes ] 16359 [, m][et the ] -> [, met the ] 16360 [-][like ] -> [-like ] 16361 [ed b][oth] -> [ed both] 16362 [to find ][me] -> [to find me] 16363 [to her ][right] -> [to her right] 16364 [ father]['s ] -> [ father's ] 16365 [are s][till] -> [are still] 16366 [ how][ to ] -> [ how to ] 16367 [? ][But ] -> [? But ] 16368 [de][b] -> [deb] 16369 [id][st] -> [idst] 16370 [c][utter] -> [cutter] 16371 [ran][ back] -> [ran back] 16372 [ about ][her] -> [ about her] 16373 [ she ][would ] -> [ she would ] 16374 [ a min][ut] -> [ a minut] 16375 [left ][where ] -> [left where ] 16376 [feature][s ] -> [features ] 16377 [, s][wung] -> [, swung] 16378 [ out ][and ] -> [ out and ] 16379 [ here][--] -> [ here--] 16380 [. From][ the ] -> [. From the ] 16381 [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ][A] -> [" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a A] 16382 [ed. ][What ] -> [ed. What ] 16383 [, ][began ] -> [, began ] 16384 [. She ][stopp] -> [. She stopp] 16385 [ to][ make ] -> [ to make ] 16386 [u][nob] -> [unob] 16387 [serv][ed, ] -> [served, ] 16388 [ed her ][palm] -> [ed her palm] 16389 [ dis][tor] -> [ distor] 16390 [ beneath][ her] -> [ beneath her] 16391 [foot ][of the ] -> [foot of the ] 16392 [lo][ath] -> [loath] 16393 [cer][ti] -> [certi] 16394 [on][to a s] -> [onto a s] 16395 [a][ wh] -> [a wh] 16396 [.\u000a A][n] -> [.\u000a An] 16397 [to the ][floor of the ] -> [to the floor of the ] 16398 [ carri][ed ] -> [ carried ] 16399 [. S][omeone ] -> [. Someone ] 16400 [where ][even the ] -> [where even the ] 16401 [ins][cription] -> [inscription] 16402 [Gal][ach] -> [Galach] 16403 [God]['s ] -> [God's ] 16404 [C][re] -> [Cre] 16405 [, s][tirr] -> [, stirr] 16406 [looked ][through] -> [looked through] 16407 [ass][ed ] -> [assed ] 16408 [greener][y ] -> [greenery ] 16409 [. Then][: ] -> [. Then: ] 16410 [ed over][ the s] -> [ed over the s] 16411 [-][b] -> [-b] 16412 [ bre][athe ] -> [ breathe ] 16413 [. A ][low] -> [. A low] 16414 [-][a-] -> [-a-] 16415 [ b][owl] -> [ bowl] 16416 [ime][ter] -> [imeter] 16417 [gu][ess] -> [guess] 16418 [w][ing ] -> [wing ] 16419 [origin][al] -> [original] 16420 [ed at ][the s] -> [ed at the s] 16421 [ in fron][t of the ] -> [ in front of the ] 16422 [gl][ass, ] -> [glass, ] 16423 [clim][ate ] -> [climate ] 16424 [ with][ p] -> [ with p] 16425 [pr][ay ] -> [pray ] 16426 [and ][she ] -> [and she ] 16427 [most ][precious ] -> [most precious ] 16428 [j][u] -> [ju] 16429 [ness][.\u000a She ] -> [ness.\u000a She ] 16430 [ed s][un] -> [ed sun] 16431 [hung][ ] -> [hung ] 16432 [form][ed ] -> [formed ] 16433 [ in][to s] -> [ into s] 16434 [ mor][e s] -> [ more s] 16435 [that ][many ] -> [that many ] 16436 [air][lock] -> [airlock] 16437 [airlock][ door] -> [airlock door] 16438 [el][iber] -> [eliber] 16439 [estim][ated ] -> [estimated ] 16440 [ed ][water ] -> [ed water ] 16441 [ sup][port ] -> [ support ] 16442 [a th][ousand ] -> [a thousand ] 16443 [he][ight ] -> [height ] 16444 [sty][l] -> [styl] 16445 [writ][ten ] -> [written ] 16446 [one ][to ] -> [one to ] 16447 [over][ind] -> [overind] 16448 [overind][ulg] -> [overindulg] 16449 [On][ that ] -> [On that ] 16450 [wish][es] -> [wishes] 16451 [Jessica ][nodded, ] -> [Jessica nodded, ] 16452 [ I][n] -> [ In] 16453 [st][em] -> [stem] 16454 [det][ec] -> [detec] 16455 [H][ ] -> [H ] 16456 [ex][act ] -> [exact ] 16457 [is ][saf] -> [is saf] 16458 [ slamm][ed open] -> [ slammed open] 16459 [in his ][right hand] -> [in his right hand] 16460 [leav][es ] -> [leaves ] 16461 [, star][ing at the ] -> [, staring at the ] 16462 [cas][ually] -> [casually] 16463 [ter-seek][er] -> [ter-seeker] 16464 [it ][in my ] -> [it in my ] 16465 [it ][out] -> [it out] 16466 [ed. \u000a ][He ] -> [ed. \u000a He ] 16467 [Leave ][the ] -> [Leave the ] 16468 [thing ][in the ] -> [thing in the ] 16469 [ water][ from ] -> [ water from ] 16470 [quies][cent ] -> [quiescent ] 16471 [ a plan][t ] -> [ a plant ] 16472 [. \u000a ][It was ] -> [. \u000a It was ] 16473 [looked at ][Paul] -> [looked at Paul] 16474 [ed][--the ] -> [ed--the ] 16475 [conce][al ] -> [conceal ] 16476 [. O][h] -> [. Oh] 16477 [ed s][lightly] -> [ed slightly] 16478 [cor][p] -> [corp] 16479 [in ][Atreides ] -> [in Atreides ] 16480 [i][a ] -> [ia ] 16481 [ said ][you] -> [ said you] 16482 [here][." He ] -> [here." He ] 16483 [identif][y ] -> [identify ] 16484 [," the man][ said. "] -> [," the man said. "] 16485 [ a m][on] -> [ a mon] 16486 [rep][utation] -> [reputation] 16487 [del][ay] -> [delay] 16488 [irc][um] -> [ircum] 16489 [say][ing: "] -> [saying: "] 16490 [if][ off] -> [if off] 16491 [. \u000a "][Do you] -> [. \u000a "Do you] 16492 [. . . ][he's ] -> [. . . he's ] 16493 [generation][s of ] -> [generations of ] 16494 [ my ][father ] -> [ my father ] 16495 [argu][e ] -> [argue ] 16496 [you][, Paul] -> [you, Paul] 16497 [Jessica][ thought ] -> [Jessica thought ] 16498 [.\u000a "My ][father] -> [.\u000a "My father] 16499 [ can][ see ] -> [ can see ] 16500 [e, but ][it ] -> [e, but it ] 16501 [face ][remained ] -> [face remained ] 16502 [. "][To] -> [. "To] 16503 [ s][ow] -> [ sow] 16504 [said][. \u000a "] -> [said. \u000a "] 16505 [turn][ed with] -> [turned with] 16506 [ ass][ure you] -> [ assure you] 16507 [bitter][ly ] -> [bitterly ] 16508 [ famili][es ] -> [ families ] 16509 [ing her ][own] -> [ing her own] 16510 [ f][atigu] -> [ fatigu] 16511 [So][ much] -> [So much] 16512 [tor][age y] -> [torage y] 16513 [torage y][ard] -> [torage yard] 16514 [leg][g] -> [legg] 16515 [ star][t] -> [ start] 16516 [low][ on the ] -> [low on the ] 16517 [-blink][-blink] -> [-blink-blink] 16518 [e s][he had ] -> [e she had ] 16519 [had ][come ] -> [had come ] 16520 [!\u000a ][And ] -> [!\u000a And ] 16521 [et ][was ] -> [et was ] 16522 [could only ][mean] -> [could only mean] 16523 [mess][ages ] -> [messages ] 16524 [. T][ime ] -> [. Time ] 16525 [ed himself][ to the ] -> [ed himself to the ] 16526 [ed so ][long] -> [ed so long] 16527 [ing][ control] -> [ing control] 16528 [the s][outhern] -> [the southern] 16529 [Our][ S] -> [Our S] 16530 [Our S][ubl] -> [Our Subl] 16531 [Our Subl][ime ] -> [Our Sublime ] 16532 [Our Sublime ][Padishah Emperor] -> [Our Sublime Padishah Emperor] 16533 [charg][ed me ] -> [charged me ] 16534 [ disput][e] -> [ dispute] 16535 [l][onel] -> [lonel] 16536 [del][ay ] -> [delay ] 16537 [even][ though] -> [even though] 16538 [!\u000a ][He s] -> [!\u000a He s] 16539 [. A][ man] -> [. A man] 16540 [ ][. . . "\u000a ] -> [ . . . "\u000a ] 16541 [ cl][ass ] -> [ class ] 16542 [.\u000a ][I must ] -> [.\u000a I must ] 16543 [ may ][think] -> [ may think] 16544 [must ][be s] -> [must be s] 16545 [of s][elf-] -> [of self-] 16546 [found himself][ ] -> [found himself ] 16547 [ of][ten ] -> [ often ] 16548 [plenty ][of] -> [plenty of] 16549 [centr][al] -> [central] 16550 [moon][-frosted ] -> [moon-frosted ] 16551 [, ][an un] -> [, an un] 16552 [bu][y ] -> [buy ] 16553 [et][al ] -> [etal ] 16554 [, shook][ the ] -> [, shook the ] 16555 [com][ing in] -> [coming in] 16556 [to][ work] -> [to work] 16557 [ed down][ to the ] -> [ed down to the ] 16558 [ ass][embly ] -> [ assembly ] 16559 [dom][ed ] -> [domed ] 16560 [ spac][e] -> [ space] 16561 [s, s][h] -> [s, sh] 16562 [v][ac] -> [vac] 16563 [." ]["] -> [." "] 16564 [N][in] -> [Nin] 16565 [took][ it ] -> [took it ] 16566 [aven't ][you] -> [aven't you] 16567 [stup][id] -> [stupid] 16568 [ her][e. You] -> [ here. You] 16569 [long][-] -> [long-] 16570 [ th][umb] -> [ thumb] 16571 [Halleck][, ] -> [Halleck, ] 16572 [Gurney][, the ] -> [Gurney, the ] 16573 [into][ a p] -> [into a p] 16574 [water][ m] -> [water m] 16575 [s, but ][his ] -> [s, but his ] 16576 [are][--] -> [are--] 16577 [us ][is ] -> [us is ] 16578 [ar][go] -> [argo] 16579 [load of][ spice] -> [load of spice] 16580 [. These ][are ] -> [. These are ] 16581 [men ][to ] -> [men to ] 16582 [as][ion] -> [asion] 16583 [we ][need] -> [we need] 16584 [ s][le] -> [ sle] 16585 [s, ][then ] -> [s, then ] 16586 [off][er ] -> [offer ] 16587 [to][ those ] -> [to those ] 16588 [twenty ][per cent ] -> [twenty per cent ] 16589 [."\u000a ][Leto] -> [."\u000a Leto] 16590 [ par][ticular] -> [ particular] 16591 [ your][ crew] -> [ your crew] 16592 [ water][ dis] -> [ water dis] 16593 [act of ][turn] -> [act of turn] 16594 [ th][ou] -> [ thou] 16595 [land][,' " ] -> [land,' " ] 16596 [H][urry ] -> [Hurry ] 16597 [."\u000a "][Very ] -> [."\u000a "Very ] 16598 [ shook][ his head ] -> [ shook his head ] 16599 [ was ][a] -> [ was a] 16600 [full][ of s] -> [full of s] 16601 [.\u000a ][Presently, ] -> [.\u000a Presently, ] 16602 [ a m][essage ] -> [ a message ] 16603 [ ch][annel] -> [ channel] 16604 [their][ women] -> [their women] 16605 [want ][to know] -> [want to know] 16606 [appear][ed to] -> [appeared to] 16607 [prop][agand] -> [propagand] 16608 [. He saw][ it ] -> [. He saw it ] 16609 [ command ][post ] -> [ command post ] 16610 [in his ][father's ] -> [in his father's ] 16611 [ con][fer] -> [ confer] 16612 [im][port ] -> [import ] 16613 [of][ a b] -> [of a b] 16614 [u][ffer] -> [uffer] 16615 [," the Duke said, "][but ] -> [," the Duke said, "but ] 16616 [ fam][ily] -> [ family] 16617 [m][erg] -> [merg] 16618 [long][ t] -> [long t] 16619 [alone ][in the ] -> [alone in the ] 16620 [urn][ish] -> [urnish] 16621 [ap][ bo] -> [ap bo] 16622 [told me ][that ] -> [told me that ] 16623 [ed. \u000a "][Yes] -> [ed. \u000a "Yes] 16624 [mistak][es ] -> [mistakes ] 16625 [."\u000a Paul][ glanc] -> [."\u000a Paul glanc] 16626 [. Th][ufir] -> [. Thufir] 16627 [ed down the ][length of the ] -> [ed down the length of the ] 16628 [, stopp][ed at ] -> [, stopped at ] 16629 [larg][ely ] -> [largely ] 16630 [ there][!" He ] -> [ there!" He ] 16631 [ them][ in] -> [ them in] 16632 [--"\u000a "][I know] -> [--"\u000a "I know] 16633 [tim][ulan] -> [timulan] 16634 [ deep][ly ] -> [ deeply ] 16635 [a s][imple ] -> [a simple ] 16636 [er of the ][Imperium] -> [er of the Imperium] 16637 [sounded ][around the table] -> [sounded around the table] 16638 [lif][t the ] -> [lift the ] 16639 [. "I]['ve ] -> [. "I've ] 16640 [open][ly] -> [openly] 16641 [ing s][trong] -> [ing strong] 16642 [poin][ts ] -> [points ] 16643 [ in][telligence ] -> [ intelligence ] 16644 [and ][have ] -> [and have ] 16645 [medic][in] -> [medicin] 16646 [al][s. ] -> [als. ] 16647 [men ][are ] -> [men are ] 16648 [ad][m] -> [adm] 16649 [ how][ many ] -> [ how many ] 16650 [s. ][We've ] -> [s. We've ] 16651 [ sietch][ communi] -> [ sietch communi] 16652 [ allegi][ance ] -> [ allegiance ] 16653 [, ][asked: "] -> [, asked: "] 16654 [this ][sietch] -> [this sietch] 16655 [Idaho][ was ] -> [Idaho was ] 16656 [carry][ing a] -> [carrying a] 16657 [l][ic] -> [lic] 16658 [frig][ates ] -> [frigates ] 16659 [--][that's ] -> [--that's ] 16660 [." \u000a "You][ have ] -> [." \u000a "You have ] 16661 [Halleck][. "] -> [Halleck. "] 16662 [ign][ore ] -> [ignore ] 16663 [ f][our ] -> [ four ] 16664 [amoun][t] -> [amount] 16665 [s, ][m'Lord] -> [s, m'Lord] 16666 [ the ][entire ] -> [ the entire ] 16667 [leg][ally ] -> [legally ] 16668 [loc][als ] -> [locals ] 16669 [ f][at ] -> [ fat ] 16670 [ det][ail] -> [ detail] 16671 [a f][irst ] -> [a first ] 16672 [approxim][ation] -> [approximation] 16673 [up][ s] -> [up s] 16674 [se][as ] -> [seas ] 16675 [tre][as] -> [treas] 16676 [ed up][ and ] -> [ed up and ] 16677 [ all][ this ] -> [ all this ] 16678 [s][word] -> [sword] 16679 [har][ves] -> [harves] 16680 [Judge of the Chang][e, ] -> [Judge of the Change, ] 16681 [an a][ide ] -> [an aide ] 16682 [lec][t ] -> [lect ] 16683 [less ][than] -> [less than] 16684 [to][ries ] -> [tories ] 16685 [two][ hundred and ] -> [two hundred and ] 16686 [ sur][vey] -> [ survey] 16687 [ weather][ satellit] -> [ weather satellit] 16688 [, Thufir][?" \u000a "] -> [, Thufir?" \u000a "] 16689 [to ][another] -> [to another] 16690 [?" The ][Duke ] -> [?" The Duke ] 16691 [ di][e, ] -> [ die, ] 16692 [. You][ couldn't ] -> [. You couldn't ] 16693 [give ][the ] -> [give the ] 16694 [let ][us ] -> [let us ] 16695 [ bitter][ness] -> [ bitterness] 16696 [Sire][, ] -> [Sire, ] 16697 [."\u000a "][They ] -> [."\u000a "They ] 16698 [Most ][of the ] -> [Most of the ] 16699 [ing f][ew] -> [ing few] 16700 [One ][cannot ] -> [One cannot ] 16701 [; ][one ] -> [; one ] 16702 [pro][jected ] -> [projected ] 16703 [one ][hundred and ] -> [one hundred and ] 16704 [twenty ][meters ] -> [twenty meters ] 16705 [pro][jection] -> [projection] 16706 [ I][ don't ] -> [ I don't ] 16707 [ . . . ][or] -> [ . . . or] 16708 [Old ][M] -> [Old M] 16709 [or][ you] -> [or you] 16710 [Chuck][les ] -> [Chuckles ] 16711 [ a][part ] -> [ apart ] 16712 [fill][ed his ] -> [filled his ] 16713 [ enough][ to] -> [ enough to] 16714 [gul][p] -> [gulp] 16715 [e sh][ield ] -> [e shield ] 16716 [Ac][c] -> [Acc] 16717 [ord][ing to ] -> [ording to ] 16718 [desert][. A] -> [desert. A] 16719 [ds ][of] -> [ds of] 16720 [t ][it] -> [t it] 16721 [acc][ess ] -> [access ] 16722 [.\u000a "The ][Harkonnens ] -> [.\u000a "The Harkonnens ] 16723 [expend][it] -> [expendit] 16724 [expendit][ure ] -> [expenditure ] 16725 [n][ull] -> [null] 16726 [lik][ely] -> [likely] 16727 [they]['d have ] -> [they'd have ] 16728 [aid][e ] -> [aide ] 16729 [a c][arryall] -> [a carryall] 16730 [ spic][e-] -> [ spice-] 16731 [ a sand][worm] -> [ a sandworm] 16732 [ornithop][ter ] -> [ornithopter ] 16733 [.\u000a "][These ] -> [.\u000a "These ] 16734 [dis][c] -> [disc] 16735 [ gre][ater ] -> [ greater ] 16736 [emphasis ][on] -> [emphasis on] 16737 [ed][. And he thought: ] -> [ed. And he thought: ] 16738 [it ][mean] -> [it mean] 16739 [even][ be ] -> [even be ] 16740 [ prof][it ] -> [ profit ] 16741 [not][e] -> [note] 16742 [ess][ing the ] -> [essing the ] 16743 [s][. It's ] -> [s. It's ] 16744 [on][ a d] -> [on a d] 16745 [ment ][and ] -> [ment and ] 16746 [ted ][for] -> [ted for] 16747 [includ][ing the ] -> [including the ] 16748 [ed to][ a ] -> [ed to a ] 16749 [-][out ] -> [-out ] 16750 [ should ][be ] -> [ should be ] 16751 [to b][o] -> [to bo] 16752 [my ][Lord ] -> [my Lord ] 16753 [ing for][ a s] -> [ing for a s] 16754 [age ][of the ] -> [age of the ] 16755 [especi][ally the ] -> [especially the ] 16756 [air][ power] -> [air power] 16757 [includ][e ] -> [include ] 16758 [." He s][hook his head] -> [." He shook his head] 16759 [. "The ][Harkonnens ] -> [. "The Harkonnens ] 16760 [. We ][don't ] -> [. We don't ] 16761 [quot][a ] -> [quota ] 16762 [. They]['ll be ] -> [. They'll be ] 16763 [opportun][ity] -> [opportunity] 16764 [ what ][they ] -> [ what they ] 16765 [. Let ][us ] -> [. Let us ] 16766 [matter][s ] -> [matters ] 16767 [ent][--] -> [ent--] 16768 [, s][uddenly ] -> [, suddenly ] 16769 [r][he] -> [rhe] 16770 [rhe][um] -> [rheum] 16771 [cheek][s ] -> [cheeks ] 16772 [r][ounded ] -> [rounded ] 16773 [pres][ently ] -> [presently ] 16774 [el][imin] -> [elimin] 16775 [--][perhaps ] -> [--perhaps ] 16776 [a hun][dred ] -> [a hundred ] 16777 [were ][well] -> [were well] 16778 [--][in the ] -> [--in the ] 16779 [entre][pr] -> [entrepr] 16780 [entrepr][ene] -> [entreprene] 16781 [entreprene][ur] -> [entrepreneur] 16782 [c][op] -> [cop] 16783 [ed ][under] -> [ed under] 16784 [ f][alse ] -> [ false ] 16785 [m][ine ] -> [mine ] 16786 [I][ didn't ] -> [I didn't ] 16787 [to ][gain] -> [to gain] 16788 [s][-] -> [s-] 16789 [ as ][it ] -> [ as it ] 16790 [been][ a s] -> [been a s] 16791 [con][sider ] -> [consider ] 16792 [." \u000a "][No] -> [." \u000a "No] 16793 [ disturb][ance ] -> [ disturbance ] 16794 [at the ][door] -> [at the door] 16795 [Duke's ][ear] -> [Duke's ear] 16796 [ed him][ back] -> [ed him back] 16797 [ that ][made ] -> [ that made ] 16798 [. Idaho]['s ] -> [. Idaho's ] 16799 [cav][e-] -> [cave-] 16800 [recogn][ition] -> [recognition] 16801 [excit][ement] -> [excitement] 16802 [taken][ a] -> [taken a] 16803 [Harkonnen m][ercen] -> [Harkonnen mercen] 16804 [tre][at] -> [treat] 16805 [I c][ould] -> [I could] 16806 [Leto][. "] -> [Leto. "] 16807 [," Idaho][ said. "] -> [," Idaho said. "] 16808 [ing with][ a ] -> [ing with a ] 16809 [in its ][sheath] -> [in its sheath] 16810 [end of the ][room] -> [end of the room] 16811 [ bl][ue] -> [ blue] 16812 [ of the ][sietch] -> [ of the sietch] 16813 [observ][ed the ] -> [observed the ] 16814 [s of][ c] -> [s of c] 16815 [and ][honor] -> [and honor] 16816 [." ][His ] -> [." His ] 16817 [other][s. ] -> [others. ] 16818 [an][ honor] -> [an honor] 16819 [ the ][right ] -> [ the right ] 16820 [and, ][as ] -> [and, as ] 16821 [Who]['s ] -> [Who's ] 16822 [ g][lance ] -> [ glance ] 16823 [express][ions ] -> [expressions ] 16824 [out of][ hand] -> [out of hand] 16825 [resp][ect the ] -> [respect the ] 16826 [resp][ects ] -> [respects ] 16827 [ it ][is ] -> [ it is ] 16828 [pol][ish] -> [polish] 16829 [your][ body's ] -> [your body's ] 16830 [ back][ into his ] -> [ back into his ] 16831 [.\u000a The ][Fremen ] -> [.\u000a The Fremen ] 16832 [ wish][ me ] -> [ wish me ] 16833 [Fremen][. "] -> [Fremen. "] 16834 [th][us] -> [thus] 16835 [. He ][must be ] -> [. He must be ] 16836 [rit][es ] -> [rites ] 16837 [for][ this] -> [for this] 16838 [ fri][end ] -> [ friend ] 16839 [igh][ed, ] -> [ighed, ] 16840 [. Rem][ember] -> [. Remember] 16841 [releas][e ] -> [release ] 16842 [spir][it] -> [spirit] 16843 [require][s that ] -> [requires that ] 16844 [I][ be ] -> [I be ] 16845 [in][ a dry ] -> [in a dry ] 16846 [us][."\u000a "] -> [us."\u000a "] 16847 [from ][our] -> [from our] 16848 [I understand][, m'Lord] -> [I understand, m'Lord] 16849 [ re][port ] -> [ report ] 16850 [another ][time, ] -> [another time, ] 16851 [Will][ it ] -> [Will it ] 16852 [be][ing a] -> [being a] 16853 [are ][they ] -> [are they ] 16854 [nam][e. ] -> [name. ] 16855 [Imperial s][ervant] -> [Imperial servant] 16856 [ m][ater] -> [ mater] 16857 [ those ][bases ] -> [ those bases ] 16858 [ific][ance ] -> [ificance ] 16859 [piec][e of ] -> [piece of ] 16860 [. We ][mustn't ] -> [. We mustn't ] 16861 [g][ently] -> [gently] 16862 [All ][right] -> [All right] 16863 [war][ds ] -> [wards ] 16864 [un][to the ] -> [unto the ] 16865 [be][ll] -> [bell] 16866 [d][well] -> [dwell] 16867 [. Al][ways ] -> [. Always ] 16868 [ it ][off] -> [ it off] 16869 [ allow][ed himself] -> [ allowed himself] 16870 [ possib][ility ] -> [ possibility ] 16871 [ def][eat] -> [ defeat] 16872 [it ][because ] -> [it because ] 16873 [res][t of the ] -> [rest of the ] 16874 [t'll be ][dawn] -> [t'll be dawn] 16875 [got ][to his feet] -> [got to his feet] 16876 [, spoke ][to the ] -> [, spoke to the ] 16877 [s ][have been ] -> [s have been ] 16878 [command ][post] -> [command post] 16879 [s][.\u000a Paul] -> [s.\u000a Paul] 16880 [his father][ had ] -> [his father had ] 16881 [ th][an a] -> [ than a] 16882 [mother][, ] -> [mother, ] 16883 [was a ][Bene Gesserit ] -> [was a Bene Gesserit ] 16884 [ set][ting ] -> [ setting ] 16885 [as ][Hawat ] -> [as Hawat ] 16886 [utter][ed ] -> [uttered ] 16887 [uspensor][ chair] -> [uspensor chair] 16888 ['ll][ get ] -> ['ll get ] 16889 [my ][attention] -> [my attention] 16890 [to][ sp] -> [to sp] 16891 [ r][aid ] -> [ raid ] 16892 [ di][vers] -> [ divers] 16893 [ con][stant ] -> [ constant ] 16894 [a w][atch] -> [a watch] 16895 [ re][port] -> [ report] 16896 [st][ead ] -> [stead ] 16897 [old ][man ] -> [old man ] 16898 [old ][friend] -> [old friend] 16899 [. I][ should've ] -> [. I should've ] 16900 [susp][ected ] -> [suspected ] 16901 [continu][ed to stare ] -> [continued to stare ] 16902 [continued to stare ][at him] -> [continued to stare at him] 16903 [ a Harkonnen][ courier] -> [ a Harkonnen courier] 16904 [a th][ing that ] -> [a thing that ] 16905 [s][usceptible ] -> [susceptible ] 16906 [frag][ment] -> [fragment] 16907 [s][ource ] -> [source ] 16908 [ cut ][off] -> [ cut off] 16909 [ cut off][ my ] -> [ cut off my ] 16910 [piec][e of] -> [piece of] 16911 [day]['s ] -> [day's ] 16912 [ed by ][an ] -> [ed by an ] 16913 [ f][ine ] -> [ fine ] 16914 [a][ work] -> [a work] 16915 [e. ][Perhaps ] -> [e. Perhaps ] 16916 [all ][times] -> [all times] 16917 [leave ][it ] -> [leave it ] 16918 [ that][, ] -> [ that, ] 16919 [y, ][that ] -> [y, that ] 16920 [i][ah] -> [iah] 16921 [ock][et] -> [ocket] 16922 [ing][ breath] -> [ing breath] 16923 [, ][strode ] -> [, strode ] 16924 [, ][began] -> [, began] 16925 [ed s][oftly ] -> [ed softly ] 16926 [corn][er of the ] -> [corner of the ] 16927 [ ref][lection] -> [ reflection] 16928 [, s][napp] -> [, snapp] 16929 [come ][over the ] -> [come over the ] 16930 [second ][moon] -> [second moon] 16931 [ing][ moon] -> [ing moon] 16932 [intens][ity ] -> [intensity ] 16933 [in][der] -> [inder] 16934 [ he][ap] -> [ heap] 16935 [with a ][touch] -> [with a touch] 16936 [brush][ed the ] -> [brushed the ] 16937 [attention][. \u000a ] -> [attention. \u000a ] 16938 [, he ][saw] -> [, he saw] 16939 [en][lighten] -> [enlighten] 16940 [ that ][had been] -> [ that had been] 16941 [ for][ their] -> [ for their] 16942 [new][ly ] -> [newly ] 16943 [.\u000a Paul][ had ] -> [.\u000a Paul had ] 16944 [!"\u000a ][He ] -> [!"\u000a He ] 16945 [. And he ][remembered ] -> [. And he remembered ] 16946 [ation][s of] -> [ations of] 16947 [that he ][could not ] -> [that he could not ] 16948 [." \u000a "I][ don't ] -> [." \u000a "I don't ] 16949 [, ][Leto ] -> [, Leto ] 16950 [a b][oil] -> [a boil] 16951 [y][on] -> [yon] 16952 [to con][tain] -> [to contain] 16953 [ed to ][Paul] -> [ed to Paul] 16954 [." \u000a "][But] -> [." \u000a "But] 16955 [too much][ ] -> [too much ] 16956 [if ][anything] -> [if anything] 16957 [quick][ly: "] -> [quickly: "] 16958 [f][atigue ] -> [fatigue ] 16959 [an][cho] -> [ancho] 16960 [quick][ ] -> [quick ] 16961 [un][w] -> [unw] 16962 [ed][d] -> [edd] 16963 [ed ][st] -> [ed st] 16964 [an air][ of] -> [an air of] 16965 [ther][ef] -> [theref] 16966 [theref][ore] -> [therefore] 16967 [ g][over] -> [ gover] 16968 [. Again][, he ] -> [. Again, he ] 16969 [ we ][could ] -> [ we could ] 16970 [an][onym] -> [anonym] 16971 [ing][ spice ] -> [ing spice ] 16972 [ how][ well] -> [ how well] 16973 [ should ][get ] -> [ should get ] 16974 [ adv][antage ] -> [ advantage ] 16975 [. S][p] -> [. Sp] 16976 [in ][everything] -> [in everything] 16977 [a certain][ ] -> [a certain ] 16978 [Assass][ins] -> [Assassins] 16979 [put][s ] -> [puts ] 16980 [cul][ture] -> [culture] 16981 [." \u000a Paul][ star] -> [." \u000a Paul star] 16982 [ers ][were ] -> [ers were ] 16983 [ear][ly] -> [early] 16984 [H][ere, ] -> [Here, ] 16985 [guerrill][a ] -> [guerrilla ] 16986 [." He ][pointed ] -> [." He pointed ] 16987 [. "][That ] -> [. "That ] 16988 [ower and ][fear] -> [ower and fear] 16989 [tool][s of] -> [tools of] 16990 [tools of][ stat] -> [tools of stat] 16991 [tools of stat][ecr] -> [tools of statecr] 16992 [str][ong ] -> [strong ] 16993 [res][emblance ] -> [resemblance ] 16994 [this ][man ] -> [this man ] 16995 [instant ][that ] -> [instant that ] 16996 [pr][id] -> [prid] 16997 [ing c][l] -> [ing cl] 16998 [fit][ted the ] -> [fitted the ] 16999 [ wh][ether] -> [ whether] 17000 [ predic][tion] -> [ prediction] 17001 [admin][istr] -> [administr] 17002 [administr][ation] -> [administration] 17003 [ squ][atted ] -> [ squatted ] 17004 [ins][ect] -> [insect] 17005 [, s][ignal] -> [, signal] 17006 [Fremen ][guard ] -> [Fremen guard ] 17007 [ed, ][that ] -> [ed, that ] 17008 [it ][in a] -> [it in a] 17009 [ way ][that ] -> [ way that ] 17010 [dark][ hair] -> [dark hair] 17011 [ him][ to] -> [ him to] 17012 [that ][made ] -> [that made ] 17013 [ing himself][: ] -> [ing himself: ] 17014 [ the ][two] -> [ the two] 17015 [ may ][be ] -> [ may be ] 17016 [bro][ok] -> [brook] 17017 [ed ][half] -> [ed half] 17018 [impor][t of ] -> [import of ] 17019 [ I][daho] -> [ Idaho] 17020 [sand][. \u000a ] -> [sand. \u000a ] 17021 [vill][age, ] -> [village, ] 17022 [Imperial ][Planetologist] -> [Imperial Planetologist] 17023 [im][press] -> [impress] 17024 [escor][t] -> [escort] 17025 [--the ][one ] -> [--the one ] 17026 [ binocular][s, ] -> [ binoculars, ] 17027 [ac][t of] -> [act of] 17028 [ens][ions ] -> [ensions ] 17029 [Dr. ][Kynes] -> [Dr. Kynes] 17030 [. The ][Fremen ] -> [. The Fremen ] 17031 [ bu][ild] -> [ build] 17032 [ from][ their] -> [ from their] 17033 [ to][ them] -> [ to them] 17034 [They ][will] -> [They will] 17035 [of ][Kynes] -> [of Kynes] 17036 [ent][er ] -> [enter ] 17037 [ar][eas] -> [areas] 17038 [Shouldn't ][we ] -> [Shouldn't we ] 17039 [Shouldn't we ][be ] -> [Shouldn't we be ] 17040 [ for][ my ] -> [ for my ] 17041 [. He s][tepp] -> [. He stepp] 17042 [icro][-s] -> [icro-s] 17043 [icro-s][and] -> [icro-sand] 17044 [icro-sand][wich] -> [icro-sandwich] 17045 [nor][m] -> [norm] 17046 [ev][ap] -> [evap] 17047 [tighten][ed the ] -> [tightened the ] 17048 [R][ec] -> [Rec] 17049 [ in][ and ] -> [ in and ] 17050 [th][igh] -> [thigh] 17051 [out ][through the ] -> [out through the ] 17052 [imb][lef] -> [imblef] 17053 [imblef][ul] -> [imbleful] 17054 [caught ][in the ] -> [caught in the ] 17055 [proper][ly] -> [properly] 17056 [absolut][e ] -> [absolute ] 17057 [e. ][When] -> [e. When] 17058 [ m][aximum] -> [ maximum] 17059 [ p][ump] -> [ pump] 17060 [air][craft] -> [aircraft] 17061 [hol][ster] -> [holster] 17062 [g][leam] -> [gleam] 17063 [ fil][ter] -> [ filter] 17064 [All][ sec] -> [All sec] 17065 [power ][to the ] -> [power to the ] 17066 [them][ c] -> [them c] 17067 [j][ets ] -> [jets ] 17068 [thr][us] -> [thrus] 17069 [ting][ them] -> [ting them] 17070 [."\u000a The Duke ][bank] -> [."\u000a The Duke bank] 17071 [ophistic][ation] -> [ophistication] 17072 [ a s][ietch] -> [ a sietch] 17073 [ fore][head ] -> [ forehead ] 17074 [per][spiration] -> [perspiration] 17075 [a d][ry ] -> [a dry ] 17076 [the ][water] -> [the water] 17077 [beneath][ the s] -> [beneath the s] 17078 [ ][Kynes ] -> [ Kynes ] 17079 [like the ][Harkonnens] -> [like the Harkonnens] 17080 [ their][ course] -> [ their course] 17081 [. "][As ] -> [. "As ] 17082 [olog][ical] -> [ological] 17083 [s ][differ] -> [s differ] 17084 [I][ share ] -> [I share ] 17085 [answer][ing] -> [answering] 17086 [without ][fear] -> [without fear] 17087 [," Kynes ][mutter] -> [," Kynes mutter] 17088 [t][ame ] -> [tame ] 17089 [. He s][napp] -> [. He snapp] 17090 [," Kynes said, "][but ] -> [," Kynes said, "but ] 17091 [ob][jec] -> [objec] 17092 [Will][ you ] -> [Will you ] 17093 [?" the Duke ask][ed. \u000a ] -> [?" the Duke asked. \u000a ] 17094 [They're ][not ] -> [They're not ] 17095 [Duke][. "] -> [Duke. "] 17096 [!" \u000a ][He ] -> [!" \u000a He ] 17097 [mon][ey] -> [money] 17098 [I][ hold ] -> [I hold ] 17099 [began ][to d] -> [began to d] 17100 [tumbl][ed ] -> [tumbled ] 17101 [arr][en ] -> [arren ] 17102 [m][arch] -> [march] 17103 [. R][ock] -> [. Rock] 17104 [," Kynes said. "][This ] -> [," Kynes said. "This ] 17105 [ati][tude] -> [atitude] 17106 [lif][e-] -> [life-] 17107 [ moisture][, ] -> [ moisture, ] 17108 [b][bl] -> [bbl] 17109 [demand][s ] -> [demands ] 17110 [a][ special] -> [a special] 17111 [clim][ate] -> [climate] 17112 [ed. He ][had ] -> [ed. He had ] 17113 [the str][ong] -> [the strong] 17114 [titud][e, ] -> [titude, ] 17115 [ spice ][min] -> [ spice min] 17116 [," Kynes said][.\u000a Paul] -> [," Kynes said.\u000a Paul] 17117 [ f][old] -> [ fold] 17118 [sle][eve ] -> [sleeve ] 17119 [of a ][knife ] -> [of a knife ] 17120 [you ][like ] -> [you like ] 17121 [wind][s ] -> [winds ] 17122 [ri][ble ] -> [rible ] 17123 [thirst][y ] -> [thirsty ] 17124 [Le][ad] -> [Lead] 17125 [m][a] -> [ma] 17126 [p][lif] -> [plif] 17127 [z][one s] -> [zone s] 17128 [cross][ing the ] -> [crossing the ] 17129 [sel][dom] -> [seldom] 17130 [Paul's ][attention] -> [Paul's attention] 17131 [Al][ways] -> [Always] 17132 [as the ][man] -> [as the man] 17133 [terri][tory] -> [territory] 17134 [lead ][us ] -> [lead us ] 17135 [chem][ical] -> [chemical] 17136 [ch][l] -> [chl] 17137 [a sh][ield] -> [a shield] 17138 [s][!" ] -> [s!" ] 17139 [ se][al ] -> [ seal ] 17140 [ app][li] -> [ appli] 17141 [is the ][only ] -> [is the only ] 17142 [ way ][of ] -> [ way of ] 17143 [has ][a ] -> [has a ] 17144 [."\u000a "][Why ] -> [."\u000a "Why ] 17145 [them ][out] -> [them out] 17146 [e s][had] -> [e shad] 17147 [estroy the ][spice] -> [estroy the spice] 17148 [ ad][vis] -> [ advis] 17149 [at][ed by ] -> [ated by ] 17150 [," Kynes said][. \u000a "] -> [," Kynes said. \u000a "] 17151 [ protec][t the ] -> [ protect the ] 17152 [or][ in ] -> [or in ] 17153 [, I]['d ] -> [, I'd ] 17154 [ as ][fast ] -> [ as fast ] 17155 [Dr][um] -> [Drum] 17156 [. Worm][s ] -> [. Worms ] 17157 [ depress][ions ] -> [ depressions ] 17158 [v][ast ] -> [vast ] 17159 [be][as] -> [beas] 17160 [W][ait] -> [Wait] 17161 [inno][cent] -> [innocent] 17162 [g][od] -> [god] 17163 [to][ peer] -> [to peer] 17164 [exp][ell] -> [expell] 17165 [no ][other] -> [no other] 17166 [ worm][sign] -> [ wormsign] 17167 [Sh][ould ] -> [Should ] 17168 [ing ][around] -> [ing around] 17169 [see ][it] -> [see it] 17170 [vari][ation] -> [variation] 17171 [ as the ][Duke ] -> [ as the Duke ] 17172 [ b][uck] -> [ buck] 17173 [ w][ings ] -> [ wings ] 17174 [. The ][craft ] -> [. The craft ] 17175 [worm][sign] -> [wormsign] 17176 [. The ][factory crawler ] -> [. The factory crawler ] 17177 [remind][ed ] -> [reminded ] 17178 [ed the ][water] -> [ed the water] 17179 [ur][face] -> [urface] 17180 [ed the microph][one ] -> [ed the microphone ] 17181 [into the ][microphone] -> [into the microphone] 17182 [ warn][ing] -> [ warning] 17183 [knowledg][e, ] -> [knowledge, ] 17184 [em][itted ] -> [emitted ] 17185 [ call][s ] -> [ calls ] 17186 [ p][retty ] -> [ pretty ] 17187 [north][ and ] -> [north and ] 17188 [minut][es] -> [minutes] 17189 [ minut][es ] -> [ minutes ] 17190 [bon][us ] -> [bonus ] 17191 [s][ight ] -> [sight ] 17192 [. O][ver] -> [. Over] 17193 [st ][of] -> [st of] 17194 [thank][ you] -> [thank you] 17195 [is ][also ] -> [is also ] 17196 [ubl][ic] -> [ublic] 17197 [fr][own ] -> [frown ] 17198 [frown ][on ] -> [frown on ] 17199 [concern][ed for] -> [concerned for] 17200 [will][ get ] -> [will get ] 17201 [ing s][omewhere ] -> [ing somewhere ] 17202 [clo][se] -> [close] 17203 [.\u000a Paul ][looked down] -> [.\u000a Paul looked down] 17204 [ beneath][ them] -> [ beneath them] 17205 [f][unnel] -> [funnel] 17206 [ contin][ue ] -> [ continue ] 17207 [ a d][ifferent ] -> [ a different ] 17208 [ carry][all] -> [ carryall] 17209 [There ][should be ] -> [There should be ] 17210 [crack][led ] -> [crackled ] 17211 [." \u000a "S][pot] -> [." \u000a "Spot] 17212 [: ][neg] -> [: neg] 17213 [: neg][ativ] -> [: negativ] 17214 [: negativ][e. ] -> [: negative. ] 17215 [: negative. ][Over] -> [: negative. Over] 17216 [.\u000a "You][ don't ] -> [.\u000a "You don't ] 17217 [prot][ect ] -> [protect ] 17218 [ attention][ on the ] -> [ attention on the ] 17219 [look][ing for] -> [looking for] 17220 [Duk][e. ] -> [Duke. ] 17221 [tak][e off] -> [take off] 17222 [sid][e. ] -> [side. ] 17223 [bl][asted ] -> [blasted ] 17224 [ th][ree-] -> [ three-] 17225 [. The ][wings ] -> [. The wings ] 17226 [as the ][Duke ] -> [as the Duke ] 17227 [.\u000a I][mmedi] -> [.\u000a Immedi] 17228 [on the other][ side of the ] -> [on the other side of the ] 17229 [sw][oop] -> [swoop] 17230 [ing out ][at the ] -> [ing out at the ] 17231 [no sign][ of the ] -> [no sign of the ] 17232 [an][x] -> [anx] 17233 [ shield ][generator] -> [ shield generator] 17234 [mon][ster] -> [monster] 17235 [bark][ed: "] -> [barked: "] 17236 [On][ the ] -> [On the ] 17237 [ snapp][ed ] -> [ snapped ] 17238 [ing ][out] -> [ing out] 17239 [lo][ll] -> [loll] 17240 [ p][air] -> [ pair] 17241 [w][rest] -> [wrest] 17242 [tall][ man] -> [tall man] 17243 [ the ][worm] -> [ the worm] 17244 [I can]['t ] -> [I can't ] 17245 [sl][ither] -> [slither] 17246 [lo][pp] -> [lopp] 17247 [lopp][y ] -> [loppy ] 17248 [way ][to ] -> [way to ] 17249 [ing away ][from the ] -> [ing away from the ] 17250 [side ][of the ] -> [side of the ] 17251 [!"][ he s] -> [!" he s] 17252 [s on][ their] -> [s on their] 17253 [! ][It's ] -> [! It's ] 17254 [se][at, ] -> [seat, ] 17255 [W][e still] -> [We still] 17256 [We still][ have ] -> [We still have ] 17257 [minut][es ] -> [minutes ] 17258 [act][ly] -> [actly] 17259 [glanc][ed once ] -> [glanced once ] 17260 [instrument][s, ] -> [instruments, ] 17261 [ into][ their] -> [ into their] 17262 [heav][y, ] -> [heavy, ] 17263 [tol][er] -> [toler] 17264 [ence ][in the ] -> [ence in the ] 17265 [sand ][around the ] -> [sand around the ] 17266 [whirl][pool] -> [whirlpool] 17267 [and ][dust ] -> [and dust ] 17268 [ they][ saw] -> [ they saw] 17269 [ing wh][it] -> [ing whit] 17270 [e sp][ok] -> [e spok] 17271 [at][ed. He ] -> [ated. He ] 17272 [ of][ dust ] -> [ of dust ] 17273 [s, ][what ] -> [s, what ] 17274 [G][ot ] -> [Got ] 17275 [in]['] -> [in'] 17276 [is ][going to] -> [is going to] 17277 [ p][romise ] -> [ promise ] 17278 [fl][at] -> [flat] 17279 [. M][ay ] -> [. May ] 17280 [ crow][d] -> [ crowd] 17281 [. On][e of them] -> [. One of them] 17282 [ed ][men] -> [ed men] 17283 [ur][se ] -> [urse ] 17284 [ ho][le] -> [ hole] 17285 [ who had ][come ] -> [ who had come ] 17286 [, ][man] -> [, man] 17287 [f][ly ] -> [fly ] 17288 [worm][ had ] -> [worm had ] 17289 [from the s][and ] -> [from the sand ] 17290 [ their][ passage] -> [ their passage] 17291 [So][or] -> [Soor] 17292 [about ][them] -> [about them] 17293 [," the ][Dune man] -> [," the Dune man] 17294 [ coun][try] -> [ country] 17295 [ bas][e ] -> [ base ] 17296 [fu][el] -> [fuel] 17297 [vent][ured] -> [ventured] 17298 [ position][s ] -> [ positions ] 17299 [above ][and ] -> [above and ] 17300 [. He sens][ed ] -> [. He sensed ] 17301 [ out ][of its ] -> [ out of its ] 17302 [out of ][your] -> [out of your] 17303 [a m][atter of] -> [a matter of] 17304 [in ][no] -> [in no] 17305 [know how][ to ] -> [know how to ] 17306 [?" Paul ask][ed. \u000a ] -> [?" Paul asked. \u000a ] 17307 [on ][our ] -> [on our ] 17308 [of ][one of the ] -> [of one of the ] 17309 [W][e should ] -> [We should ] 17310 [kind][ly ] -> [kindly ] 17311 [for them][ to] -> [for them to] 17312 [to][ die ] -> [to die ] 17313 [creature]['s ] -> [creature's ] 17314 [loyal][ty] -> [loyalty] 17315 [ou][pl] -> [oupl] 17316 [will][ destroy ] -> [will destroy ] 17317 [.\u000a-from "][Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] -> [.\u000a-from "Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] 17318 [yellow][ glow] -> [yellow glow] 17319 [blood][y ] -> [bloody ] 17320 [ gl][ass] -> [ glass] 17321 [ s][quar] -> [ squar] 17322 [me][chanism] -> [mechanism] 17323 [poison][ in the ] -> [poison in the ] 17324 [bro][ad ] -> [broad ] 17325 [lav][ing basin] -> [laving basin] 17326 [ ty][p] -> [ typ] 17327 [blue-within-blue ][eyes] -> [blue-within-blue eyes] 17328 [her][ head ] -> [her head ] 17329 [ g][ap] -> [ gap] 17330 [ c][up] -> [ cup] 17331 [ the ][water] -> [ the water] 17332 [let][ter] -> [letter] 17333 [ix][ed ] -> [ixed ] 17334 [open][ bl] -> [open bl] 17335 [near][ his ] -> [near his ] 17336 [pe][--] -> [pe--] 17337 [m][ingl] -> [mingl] 17338 [bl][e s] -> [ble s] 17339 [domin][ated the ] -> [dominated the ] 17340 [. She ][wore ] -> [. She wore ] 17341 [s][had] -> [shad] 17342 [realized ][she had ] -> [realized she had ] 17343 [done ][this ] -> [done this ] 17344 [rust][l] -> [rustl] 17345 [ ][ne] -> [ ne] 17346 [d][er ] -> [der ] 17347 [ing ][group] -> [ing group] 17348 [. What ][a c] -> [. What a c] 17349 [equ][ally ] -> [equally ] 17350 [clus][ter] -> [cluster] 17351 [ab][bl] -> [abbl] 17352 [wondered ][what ] -> [wondered what ] 17353 [.\u000a He ][knew] -> [.\u000a He knew] 17354 [ fir][m] -> [ firm] 17355 [os][ition] -> [osition] 17356 [ th][ing ] -> [ thing ] 17357 [ ][ends ] -> [ ends ] 17358 [now][." \u000a "] -> [now." \u000a "] 17359 [.\u000a ][One of the ] -> [.\u000a One of the ] 17360 [gener][ous ] -> [generous ] 17361 [ing][ water ] -> [ing water ] 17362 [iv][il] -> [ivil] 17363 [g][old ] -> [gold ] 17364 [nodd][ed to ] -> [nodded to ] 17365 [ increas][e ] -> [ increase ] 17366 [o][ily ] -> [oily ] 17367 [watch][ful] -> [watchful] 17368 [L][ing] -> [Ling] 17369 [Ling][ar ] -> [Lingar ] 17370 [Bew][t, ] -> [Bewt, ] 17371 [nam][e. The ] -> [name. The ] 17372 [ full][y ] -> [ fully ] 17373 [m][ile ] -> [mile ] 17374 [Bew][t's ] -> [Bewt's ] 17375 [ fac][ilities ] -> [ facilities ] 17376 [Duk][e, and ] -> [Duke, and ] 17377 [chang][ed ] -> [changed ] 17378 [advis][e ] -> [advise ] 17379 [." \u000a And ][he thought: ] -> [." \u000a And he thought: ] 17380 [in][filtr] -> [infiltr] 17381 [organiz][ation] -> [organization] 17382 [at ][onc] -> [at onc] 17383 [at onc][e. ] -> [at once. ] 17384 [: "][And ] -> [: "And ] 17385 [ br][ing the ] -> [ bring the ] 17386 [shorten][ing of the ] -> [shortening of the ] 17387 [shortening of the ][way] -> [shortening of the way] 17388 [read][able ] -> [readable ] 17389 [betray][ed ] -> [betrayed ] 17390 [uneas][iness] -> [uneasiness] 17391 [ to][ calm] -> [ to calm] 17392 [Guild Bank represent][ative ] -> [Guild Bank representative ] 17393 [lifted ][above the ] -> [lifted above the ] 17394 [ clear][ed his throat ] -> [ cleared his throat ] 17395 [ing ][glance ] -> [ing glance ] 17396 [ host ][and ] -> [ host and ] 17397 [ host and ][host] -> [ host and host] 17398 [frequ][ently] -> [frequently] 17399 [ac][ts ] -> [acts ] 17400 [like ][a man] -> [like a man] 17401 [ s][truggl] -> [ struggl] 17402 [ to][ m] -> [ to m] 17403 [young][ woman] -> [young woman] 17404 [car][red ] -> [carred ] 17405 [ahead ][of ] -> [ahead of ] 17406 [smuggl][er's ] -> [smuggler's ] 17407 [Why is ][he ] -> [Why is he ] 17408 [uspic][ion ] -> [uspicion ] 17409 [ed to][ a p] -> [ed to a p] 17410 [led ][her ] -> [led her ] 17411 [from ][Arrakis ] -> [from Arrakis ] 17412 [her][e.\u000a ] -> [here.\u000a ] 17413 [emerg][ed into the ] -> [emerged into the ] 17414 [dis][engag] -> [disengag] 17415 [s, ][a s] -> [s, a s] 17416 [. He ][gave ] -> [. He gave ] 17417 [house ][troopers ] -> [house troopers ] 17418 [stand][ing at ] -> [standing at ] 17419 [ence settled ][over the ] -> [ence settled over the ] 17420 [ush][ of ] -> [ush of ] 17421 [glanc][es ] -> [glances ] 17422 [ord ][from the ] -> [ord from the ] 17423 [au][ce ] -> [auce ] 17424 [k][a ] -> [ka ] 17425 [innam][on ] -> [innamon ] 17426 [ w][in] -> [ win] 17427 [h][ost ] -> [host ] 17428 [n ][un] -> [n un] 17429 [there was ][the ] -> [there was the ] 17430 [er and ][his ] -> [er and his ] 17431 [Review][, friend] -> [Review, friend] 17432 [Review, friend][s--] -> [Review, friends--] 17433 [Review, friends--][troops ] -> [Review, friends--troops ] 17434 [Review, friends--troops ][long past ] -> [Review, friends--troops long past ] 17435 [Review, friends--troops long past ][review] -> [Review, friends--troops long past review] 17436 [ar][s] -> [ars] 17437 [ spir][its ] -> [ spirits ] 17438 [ for][tun] -> [ fortun] 17439 [sm][ile, ] -> [smile, ] 17440 [lin][e, ] -> [line, ] 17441 [must ][do] -> [must do] 17442 [dis][car] -> [discar] 17443 [ into][ a] -> [ into a] 17444 [, Jessica thought][. The ] -> [, Jessica thought. The ] 17445 [at first][, then] -> [at first, then] 17446 [w][ine] -> [wine] 17447 [a h][int of] -> [a hint of] 17448 [of the ][spice ] -> [of the spice ] 17449 [looked ][across at ] -> [looked across at ] 17450 [ has ][been ] -> [ has been ] 17451 [attention][ to ] -> [attention to ] 17452 [ dis][appear] -> [ disappear] 17453 [discus][s it ] -> [discuss it ] 17454 [at ][table] -> [at table] 17455 [ I][ was ] -> [ I was ] 17456 [.\u000a The ][banker] -> [.\u000a The banker] 17457 [from][ her ] -> [from her ] 17458 [ll][y ] -> [lly ] 17459 [as][ting] -> [asting] 17460 [espion][age ] -> [espionage ] 17461 [. An][y ] -> [. Any ] 17462 [enclos][ed ] -> [enclosed ] 17463 [up][on its ] -> [upon its ] 17464 [ des][p] -> [ desp] 17465 [chool][s ] -> [chools ] 17466 [ find ][it ] -> [ find it ] 17467 [ly s][imple ] -> [ly simple ] 17468 [ through][ ] -> [ through ] 17469 [Guild ][itself] -> [Guild itself] 17470 [ed her][, and she ] -> [ed her, and she ] 17471 [ing for][ a ] -> [ing for a ] 17472 [ sh][if] -> [ shif] 17473 [, but ][with ] -> [, but with ] 17474 [of b][irds ] -> [of birds ] 17475 [, ][direc] -> [, direc] 17476 [carrion][-eater] -> [carrion-eater] 17477 [ at the ][other ] -> [ at the other ] 17478 [Soo-So][o] -> [Soo-Soo] 17479 [dis][g] -> [disg] 17480 [ smil][ed. "] -> [ smiled. "] 17481 [call][ me ] -> [call me ] 17482 [." ][And, ] -> [." And, ] 17483 [And ][he ] -> [And he ] 17484 [bo][ast] -> [boast] 17485 [produc][ed the ] -> [produced the ] 17486 [qual][ity ] -> [quality ] 17487 [people ][know] -> [people know] 17488 [ for ][any ] -> [ for any ] 17489 [ or][g] -> [ org] 17490 [companion]['s ] -> [companion's ] 17491 [ a][ child] -> [ a child] 17492 [to ][understand ] -> [to understand ] 17493 [. The ][s] -> [. The s] 17494 [No][t the ] -> [Not the ] 17495 [man][, s] -> [man, s] 17496 [ sub][ject ] -> [ subject ] 17497 [ing to][ld ] -> [ing told ] 17498 [pal][e, ] -> [pale, ] 17499 [."\u000a Jessica][ heard the ] -> [."\u000a Jessica heard the ] 17500 [capable ][of] -> [capable of] 17501 [here ][. . . ] -> [here . . . ] 17502 [other][s were ] -> [others were ] 17503 [. P][eople ] -> [. People ] 17504 [. Tw][o ] -> [. Two ] 17505 [watch][ing ] -> [watching ] 17506 [for][ a c] -> [for a c] 17507 [ admir][ation] -> [ admiration] 17508 [ap][olo] -> [apolo] 17509 [apolo][gi] -> [apologi] 17510 [accep][ted] -> [accepted] 17511 [resum][ed ] -> [resumed ] 17512 [ativ][ely ] -> [atively ] 17513 [ food ][and ] -> [ food and ] 17514 [ food and ][drink] -> [ food and drink] 17515 [lowly][, the ] -> [lowly, the ] 17516 [at][titude ] -> [attitude ] 17517 [ mann][er] -> [ manner] 17518 [stillsuit manufactur][er ] -> [stillsuit manufacturer ] 17519 [rec][ip] -> [recip] 17520 [have ][that ] -> [have that ] 17521 [Great ][House ] -> [Great House ] 17522 [evidence ][is ] -> [evidence is ] 17523 [ten][ds ] -> [tends ] 17524 [ self][-sustain] -> [ self-sustain] 17525 [ hold][ing the ] -> [ holding the ] 17526 [, Doctor ][Kynes] -> [, Doctor Kynes] 17527 [three ][per cent of the ] -> [three per cent of the ] 17528 [ar][bon] -> [arbon] 17529 [ without ][its ] -> [ without its ] 17530 [bon][ di] -> [bon di] 17531 [bon di][ox] -> [bon diox] 17532 [bon diox][ide ] -> [bon dioxide ] 17533 [ ph][enomen] -> [ phenomen] 17534 [a ][long time ] -> [a long time ] 17535 [ bu][ild ] -> [ build ] 17536 [sle][y ] -> [sley ] 17537 [from][ which] -> [from which] 17538 [work][ing] -> [working] 17539 [.\u000a "][There ] -> [.\u000a "There ] 17540 [s ][himself] -> [s himself] 17541 [ planetolog][ist ] -> [ planetologist ] 17542 [ing d][ream] -> [ing dream] 17543 [Fremen][--] -> [Fremen--] 17544 [s][ound] -> [sound] 17545 [the smuggl][er] -> [the smuggler] 17546 [. I]['ll have ] -> [. I'll have ] 17547 [ the s][ervice ] -> [ the service ] 17548 [e. The ][man] -> [e. The man] 17549 [.\u000a Jessica ][recognized the ] -> [.\u000a Jessica recognized the ] 17550 [dark][-haired ] -> [dark-haired ] 17551 [the stillsuit ][manufactur] -> [the stillsuit manufactur] 17552 [to][ forgive ] -> [to forgive ] 17553 [al][cove ] -> [alcove ] 17554 [. W][ait ] -> [. Wait ] 17555 [ing out ][of] -> [ing out of] 17556 [.\u000a "There's ][no ] -> [.\u000a "There's no ] 17557 [ h][ouse ] -> [ house ] 17558 [?" ][Kynes ] -> [?" Kynes ] 17559 [e s][ense ] -> [e sense ] 17560 [ a][ hand] -> [ a hand] 17561 [this ][man] -> [this man] 17562 [w][ounds ] -> [wounds ] 17563 [by ][another] -> [by another] 17564 [ f][is] -> [ fis] 17565 [bo][ot] -> [boot] 17566 [. He s][aid ] -> [. He said ] 17567 [except ][when ] -> [except when ] 17568 [ complet][e ] -> [ complete ] 17569 [answ][er, ] -> [answer, ] 17570 [and ][you] -> [and you] 17571 [on ][Jessica] -> [on Jessica] 17572 [. E][yes ] -> [. Eyes ] 17573 [she ][saw] -> [she saw] 17574 [fre][e] -> [free] 17575 [. "][\u000a ] -> [. "\u000a ] 17576 [sign][al to ] -> [signal to ] 17577 [, and ][Jessica saw] -> [, and Jessica saw] 17578 [terr][or ] -> [terror ] 17579 [told ][us ] -> [told us ] 17580 [because ][he's ] -> [because he's ] 17581 [ serv][ant] -> [ servant] 17582 [il][t, ] -> [ilt, ] 17583 [emp][ty-] -> [empty-] 17584 [inter][fer] -> [interfer] 17585 [over the ][heads of the ] -> [over the heads of the ] 17586 [?"\u000a "][Oh] -> [?"\u000a "Oh] 17587 [me][ant] -> [meant] 17588 [fem][ale ] -> [female ] 17589 [e. She ][saw] -> [e. She saw] 17590 [ th][en the ] -> [ then the ] 17591 [l][ure ] -> [lure ] 17592 [ a][po] -> [ apo] 17593 [Jessica][, said: "] -> [Jessica, said: "] 17594 [. I][ do] -> [. I do] 17595 [ this ][way] -> [ this way] 17596 [Li][k] -> [Lik] 17597 [ing the ][Duke's ] -> [ing the Duke's ] 17598 [no ][Harkonnen] -> [no Harkonnen] 17599 [pull][ed his ] -> [pulled his ] 17600 [ reach][es] -> [ reaches] 17601 [ol][ely ] -> [olely ] 17602 [ip][-] -> [ip-] 17603 [ip-][well] -> [ip-well] 17604 [ou][thern ] -> [outhern ] 17605 [rumor][s, ] -> [rumors, ] 17606 [ form][ of] -> [ form of] 17607 [a p][erson] -> [a person] 17608 [," Jessica said][. And she ] -> [," Jessica said. And she ] 17609 [ dep][end] -> [ depend] 17610 [ su][perstition] -> [ superstition] 17611 [Before ][Jessica could ] -> [Before Jessica could ] 17612 [del][ighted ] -> [delighted ] 17613 [ f][ound] -> [ found] 17614 [to ][our] -> [to our] 17615 [come ][to ] -> [come to ] 17616 [:][ p] -> [: p] 17617 [tion][ to ] -> [tion to ] 17618 [f][abr] -> [fabr] 17619 [fabr][ic ] -> [fabric ] 17620 [-][shield ] -> [-shield ] 17621 [s, ][could ] -> [s, could ] 17622 [shield][ed ] -> [shielded ] 17623 [s ][here ] -> [s here ] 17624 [a f][ac] -> [a fac] 17625 [ gr][ound ] -> [ ground ] 17626 [disturb][ance ] -> [disturbance ] 17627 [beside ][her] -> [beside her] 17628 [ proper][ly ] -> [ properly ] 17629 [and ][she had ] -> [and she had ] 17630 [con][ver] -> [conver] 17631 [penetr][at] -> [penetrat] 17632 [ed her][ feet ] -> [ed her feet ] 17633 [find][ing the ] -> [finding the ] 17634 [ac][cus] -> [accus] 17635 [old][ly ] -> [oldly ] 17636 [ed ][desert ] -> [ed desert ] 17637 [be][llow] -> [bellow] 17638 [G][rum] -> [Grum] 17639 [Grum][man] -> [Grumman] 17640 [Great Mother][! ] -> [Great Mother! ] 17641 [ed with][ d] -> [ed with d] 17642 [exp][an] -> [expan] 17643 [expan][se ] -> [expanse ] 17644 [lad][ies] -> [ladies] 17645 [floor][.\u000a ] -> [floor.\u000a ] 17646 [stead][y ] -> [steady ] 17647 [unn][er] -> [unner] 17648 [," he mutter][ed. "] -> [," he muttered. "] 17649 [ th]['] -> [ th'] 17650 [exhau][st] -> [exhaust] 17651 [Why ][would ] -> [Why would ] 17652 [. She ][looked at ] -> [. She looked at ] 17653 [any ][more ] -> [any more ] 17654 [e s][tep] -> [e step] 17655 [time ][now] -> [time now] 17656 [, s][cowl] -> [, scowl] 17657 [e s][lowly, ] -> [e slowly, ] 17658 [ stiffen][ed, ] -> [ stiffened, ] 17659 [Jessica][.\u000a ] -> [Jessica.\u000a ] 17660 [had ][gone ] -> [had gone ] 17661 [flick][er] -> [flicker] 17662 [.\u000a They ][were ] -> [.\u000a They were ] 17663 [lowered his ][eyes] -> [lowered his eyes] 17664 [ bur][dens] -> [ burdens] 17665 [has ][to be ] -> [has to be ] 17666 [!" Jessica][ snapped. "] -> [!" Jessica snapped. "] 17667 [If][ ] -> [If ] 17668 [not ][want ] -> [not want ] 17669 [met ][the ] -> [met the ] 17670 [ to][morrow] -> [ tomorrow] 17671 [leave ][me ] -> [leave me ] 17672 [pass][ages ] -> [passages ] 17673 [glanced ][around the ] -> [glanced around the ] 17674 [in][ her mind ] -> [in her mind ] 17675 [.\u000a ][P] -> [.\u000a P] 17676 [w][e shall] -> [we shall] 17677 [leather][y s] -> [leathery s] 17678 [e.\u000a ][Jessica ] -> [e.\u000a Jessica ] 17679 [B][ring] -> [Bring] 17680 [un][ken] -> [unken] 17681 [wonder][ing] -> [wondering] 17682 [time ][to c] -> [time to c] 17683 [lear][ the ] -> [lear the ] 17684 [?" ][He s] -> [?" He s] 17685 [, his ][face ] -> [, his face ] 17686 [read][ing the ] -> [reading the ] 17687 [sign][s of] -> [signs of] 17688 [ so][ well] -> [ so well] 17689 [allow][ed herself] -> [allowed herself] 17690 [remain][ ] -> [remain ] 17691 [Is there ][something ] -> [Is there something ] 17692 [ for][give] -> [ forgive] 17693 [d][aughter ] -> [daughter ] 17694 [ed with][in] -> [ed within] 17695 [would ][only ] -> [would only ] 17696 [.\u000a "][A ] -> [.\u000a "A ] 17697 [qual][ifi] -> [qualifi] 17698 [our][ people ] -> [our people ] 17699 [you, ][Thufir] -> [you, Thufir] 17700 [?" \u000a "You][ know] -> [?" \u000a "You know] 17701 [wif][e ] -> [wife ] 17702 [sl][ain] -> [slain] 17703 [im][possible ] -> [impossible ] 17704 [ prepar][ed to] -> [ prepared to] 17705 [discus][s ] -> [discuss ] 17706 [on][ight] -> [onight] 17707 [ re][por] -> [ repor] 17708 [ts ][that ] -> [ts that ] 17709 [an un][known] -> [an unknown] 17710 [. They have ][no] -> [. They have no] 17711 [cause ][for] -> [cause for] 17712 [correc][tly] -> [correctly] 17713 [here ][in this ] -> [here in this ] 17714 [res][ign] -> [resign] 17715 [resign][ation] -> [resignation] 17716 [Duke][." \u000a "] -> [Duke." \u000a "] 17717 [inno][c] -> [innoc] 17718 [now, ][Thufir] -> [now, Thufir] 17719 [ plac][e, ] -> [ place, ] 17720 [ know][s ] -> [ knows ] 17721 [? M][ust I] -> [? Must I] 17722 [, ][di] -> [, di] 17723 [ab][ol] -> [abol] 17724 [exam][ine ] -> [examine ] 17725 [i][ed and ] -> [ied and ] 17726 [ing ][everything] -> [ing everything] 17727 [en][al] -> [enal] 17728 [ should ][not ] -> [ should not ] 17729 [rum][ors ] -> [rumors ] 17730 [;][ they ] -> [; they ] 17731 [Duke's ][men ] -> [Duke's men ] 17732 [becom][ing ] -> [becoming ] 17733 [their][ g] -> [their g] 17734 [bl][az] -> [blaz] 17735 [," he said. "I]['ve ] -> [," he said. "I've ] 17736 [What][ever ] -> [Whatever ] 17737 [about ][our] -> [about our] 17738 [I ][let ] -> [I let ] 17739 [. I][s this ] -> [. Is this ] 17740 [toward ][his ] -> [toward his ] 17741 [of ][us ] -> [of us ] 17742 [?" \u000a "][We ] -> [?" \u000a "We ] 17743 [ st][al] -> [ stal] 17744 [get ][off] -> [get off] 17745 [on][ in] -> [on in] 17746 [old ][Mentat ] -> [old Mentat ] 17747 [pre][vent] -> [prevent] 17748 [knowledge ][of the ] -> [knowledge of the ] 17749 [.\u000a "I][ have ] -> [.\u000a "I have ] 17750 [e][es ] -> [ees ] 17751 [." \u000a ][He s] -> [." \u000a He s] 17752 [w][et his lips with his ] -> [wet his lips with his ] 17753 [ might ][not ] -> [ might not ] 17754 [ cr][awl] -> [ crawl] 17755 [memory ][of] -> [memory of] 17756 [?\u000a "][You] -> [?\u000a "You] 17757 [glimps][ed the ] -> [glimpsed the ] 17758 [this][, ] -> [this, ] 17759 [wish][ to] -> [wish to] 17760 [has ][happen] -> [has happen] 17761 [If][ it ] -> [If it ] 17762 [pl][ess ] -> [pless ] 17763 [ be][ast ] -> [ beast ] 17764 [ant][ly ] -> [antly ] 17765 [he knew][ that ] -> [he knew that ] 17766 [ly][, he ] -> [ly, he ] 17767 [kind ][of s] -> [kind of s] 17768 [s of ][Muad'Dib] -> [s of Muad'Dib] 17769 [er ][of his ] -> [er of his ] 17770 [hous][e, ] -> [house, ] 17771 [ing][le s] -> [ingle s] 17772 [just ][now] -> [just now] 17773 [ c][ol] -> [ col] 17774 [um][n] -> [umn] 17775 [ sm][oke ] -> [ smoke ] 17776 [there]['d been] -> [there'd been] 17777 [dis][quiet] -> [disquiet] 17778 [conf][id] -> [confid] 17779 [.\u000a A][t the ] -> [.\u000a At the ] 17780 [me][w] -> [mew] 17781 [adequ][ate ] -> [adequate ] 17782 [ d][ull] -> [ dull] 17783 [his ][movement] -> [his movement] 17784 [blo][b] -> [blob] 17785 [, ][knife ] -> [, knife ] 17786 [centr][al ] -> [central ] 17787 [and ][peer] -> [and peer] 17788 [.\u000a A][nother ] -> [.\u000a Another ] 17789 [, ][gasp] -> [, gasp] 17790 [, ][her] -> [, her] 17791 [gasp][ed. "] -> [gasped. "] 17792 [for][ward, ] -> [forward, ] 17793 [tem][pl] -> [templ] 17794 [warn][ed him] -> [warned him] 17795 [ a][side] -> [ aside] 17796 [par][alysis ] -> [paralysis ] 17797 [passag][e.\u000a ] -> [passage.\u000a ] 17798 [ door][ of the ] -> [ door of the ] 17799 [he could ][still] -> [he could still] 17800 [over][, ] -> [over, ] 17801 [, but ][it was ] -> [, but it was ] 17802 [ can][ speak] -> [ can speak] 17803 [dar][t, ] -> [dart, ] 17804 [ss][ed it ] -> [ssed it ] 17805 [cl][atter] -> [clatter] 17806 [?" Leto][ whisper] -> [?" Leto whisper] 17807 [my ][poor ] -> [my poor ] 17808 [and ][re] -> [and re] 17809 [ cr][ush] -> [ crush] 17810 [t][up] -> [tup] 17811 [. And ][you] -> [. And you] 17812 [drugg][ed--] -> [drugged--] 17813 [remember the ][tooth] -> [remember the tooth] 17814 [pr][ic] -> [pric] 17815 [certain][ty ] -> [certainty ] 17816 [. I][ cannot ] -> [. I cannot ] 17817 [ing in][ a ] -> [ing in a ] 17818 [grim][ac] -> [grimac] 17819 [. I]['ll be ] -> [. I'll be ] 17820 [. . . ah][, ] -> [. . . ah, ] 17821 [hy][p] -> [hyp] 17822 [ed by ][a m] -> [ed by a m] 17823 [on the ][left ] -> [on the left ] 17824 [R][ef] -> [Ref] 17825 [e. ][B] -> [e. B] 17826 [ a place ][where ] -> [ a place where ] 17827 [dead][, ] -> [dead, ] 17828 [at][, s] -> [at, s] 17829 [ducal signet ][ring] -> [ducal signet ring] 17830 [ed in ][it] -> [ed in it] 17831 [Jessica][ aw] -> [Jessica aw] 17832 [-][lump] -> [-lump] 17833 [k][rim] -> [krim] 17834 [krim][sk] -> [krimsk] 17835 [krimsk][ell] -> [krimskell] 17836 [ f][ib] -> [ fib] 17837 [ind][r] -> [indr] 17838 [indr][awn] -> [indrawn] 17839 [sens][ing the ] -> [sensing the ] 17840 [s.\u000a ][This is ] -> [s.\u000a This is ] 17841 [tim][e. She ] -> [time. She ] 17842 [, ][heard ] -> [, heard ] 17843 [F][e] -> [Fe] 17844 [one s][tand] -> [one stand] 17845 [ing over][ her] -> [ing over her] 17846 [Do ][not ] -> [Do not ] 17847 [Baron Vladimir Harkonnen][ stood ] -> [Baron Vladimir Harkonnen stood ] 17848 [ where ][Paul had ] -> [ where Paul had ] 17849 [ide][--] -> [ide--] 17850 [a ][yellow] -> [a yellow] 17851 [," the Baron said. "][We ] -> [," the Baron said. "We ] 17852 [never be][fore s] -> [never before s] 17853 [never before s][een] -> [never before seen] 17854 [--][and the ] -> [--and the ] 17855 [eyes ][that ] -> [eyes that ] 17856 [ash][ of c] -> [ash of c] 17857 [never][ heard ] -> [never heard ] 17858 [voice s][cream] -> [voice scream] 17859 [come ][here ] -> [come here ] 17860 [to c][oll] -> [to coll] 17861 [that the ][Baron] -> [that the Baron] 17862 [correc][ted ] -> [corrected ] 17863 [. He ][did not ] -> [. He did not ] 17864 [a fool][ish] -> [a foolish] 17865 [lost ][some ] -> [lost some ] 17866 [lost some ][of its ] -> [lost some of its ] 17867 [?"\u000a The ][Baron] -> [?"\u000a The Baron] 17868 [ bec][aus] -> [ becaus] 17869 [Piter][! ] -> [Piter! ] 17870 [more than][ a s] -> [more than a s] 17871 [real][ity] -> [reality] 17872 [j][oke ] -> [joke ] 17873 [ g][iv] -> [ giv] 17874 [." \u000a "][Ah, ] -> [." \u000a "Ah, ] 17875 [ w][ag] -> [ wag] 17876 [ah][! ] -> [ah! ] 17877 [, m][uch] -> [, much] 17878 [ed to ][you] -> [ed to you] 17879 [ sh][rug] -> [ shrug] 17880 [." He s][tared at ] -> [." He stared at ] 17881 [ ][nothing ] -> [ nothing ] 17882 [Truthsay][er, ] -> [Truthsayer, ] 17883 [for s][ure] -> [for sure] 17884 [, the ][Baron ] -> [, the Baron ] 17885 [follow][ed him] -> [followed him] 17886 [Harkonnen ][troopers ] -> [Harkonnen troopers ] 17887 [, ][follow] -> [, follow] 17888 [the ][boy ] -> [the boy ] 17889 [Scar][face ] -> [Scarface ] 17890 [door][way] -> [doorway] 17891 [in]['t ] -> [in't ] 17892 [," ][one of the ] -> [," one of the ] 17893 [and][--" \u000a "] -> [and--" \u000a "] 17894 [y][," the ] -> [y," the ] 17895 [Y][e] -> [Ye] 17896 [uspensor][-buoyed ] -> [uspensor-buoyed ] 17897 [fit][ting] -> [fitting] 17898 [ed, ][his ] -> [ed, his ] 17899 [awareness][-] -> [awareness-] 17900 [desp][air] -> [despair] 17901 [. There was ][no ] -> [. There was no ] 17902 [ a ][traitor] -> [ a traitor] 17903 [at][ed by the ] -> [ated by the ] 17904 [up][pos] -> [uppos] 17905 [Kin][et] -> [Kinet] 17906 [, ][Czigo] -> [, Czigo] 17907 [herself][ ] -> [herself ] 17908 [s. She ][was ] -> [s. She was ] 17909 [ beside ][her] -> [ beside her] 17910 [they ][called ] -> [they called ] 17911 [ ][over the ] -> [ over the ] 17912 [Czigo]['s ] -> [Czigo's ] 17913 [ at ][this ] -> [ at this ] 17914 [do][ seem] -> [do seem] 17915 [. "You][ ] -> [. "You ] 17916 [can][ see ] -> [can see ] 17917 [it][e, ] -> [ite, ] 17918 [ing his ][voice ] -> [ing his voice ] 17919 [too][ high] -> [too high] 17920 [review][ing the ] -> [reviewing the ] 17921 [rim][ of the ] -> [rim of the ] 17922 [tiff][ly ] -> [tiffly ] 17923 [master][ed the ] -> [mastered the ] 17924 [ing ][us] -> [ing us] 17925 [, slipp][ed the ] -> [, slipped the ] 17926 [," ][Czigo] -> [," Czigo] 17927 [her ][neck] -> [her neck] 17928 [need to][ fight ] -> [need to fight ] 17929 [at ][each other] -> [at each other] 17930 [ f][ight] -> [ fight] 17931 [uc][ce] -> [ucce] 17932 [--][everything] -> [--everything] 17933 [in the ][same ] -> [in the same ] 17934 [ed back][ward ] -> [ed backward ] 17935 [door][.\u000a "] -> [door.\u000a "] 17936 [c][ub] -> [cub] 17937 [returned his attention to ][Jessica] -> [returned his attention to Jessica] 17938 [kind][ness] -> [kindness] 17939 [l][atch] -> [latch] 17940 [leave ][here ] -> [leave here ] 17941 [for][ those ] -> [for those ] 17942 [ ask][ed. \u000a ] -> [ asked. \u000a ] 17943 [ing][s of his ] -> [ings of his ] 17944 [ hur][l] -> [ hurl] 17945 [ch][as] -> [chas] 17946 [u][li] -> [uli] 17947 [wind-][carved ] -> [wind-carved ] 17948 ['thopter][ swoop] -> ['thopter swoop] 17949 [idd][ed to] -> [idded to] 17950 [idded to][ a s] -> [idded to a s] 17951 [idded to a s][top] -> [idded to a stop] 17952 [ stand][ing] -> [ standing] 17953 [ brut][al] -> [ brutal] 17954 [look of][ him] -> [look of him] 17955 [there's ][no] -> [there's no] 17956 [e sh][ields ] -> [e shields ] 17957 [un][conscious] -> [unconscious] 17958 [R][ed ] -> [Red ] 17959 [Red ][Duke] -> [Red Duke] 17960 [?" \u000a "][He ] -> [?" \u000a "He ] 17961 ['ll][ find ] -> ['ll find ] 17962 [ent ][the ] -> [ent the ] 17963 [night][. The ] -> [night. The ] 17964 [ab][les ] -> [ables ] 17965 [flam][es] -> [flames] 17966 [,"][ some] -> [," some] 17967 [car][n] -> [carn] 17968 [even][ the s] -> [even the s] 17969 [ from][ my ] -> [ from my ] 17970 [St][ay ] -> [Stay ] 17971 [push][ed ] -> [pushed ] 17972 [as][ide, ] -> [aside, ] 17973 [!"][ a ] -> [!" a ] 17974 [offic][er] -> [officer] 17975 [walk][ed with] -> [walked with] 17976 [Paul and ][his mother] -> [Paul and his mother] 17977 [ conf][ident ] -> [ confident ] 17978 [w][ere] -> [were] 17979 [work][ed his way ] -> [worked his way ] 17980 [ducal signe][t] -> [ducal signet] 17981 [--][he ] -> [--he ] 17982 [ st][reak] -> [ streak] 17983 [tro][duc] -> [troduc] 17984 [retre][ated ] -> [retreated ] 17985 [om][p] -> [omp] 17986 [room][p] -> [roomp] 17987 [O][M] -> [OM] 17988 [re][vi] -> [revi] 17989 [day ][of] -> [day of] 17990 [predic][table ] -> [predictable ] 17991 ['][s, ] -> ['s, ] 17992 [bro][ad] -> [broad] 17993 [ them][ and ] -> [ them and ] 17994 [night][-] -> [night-] 17995 [Piter de V][ries ] -> [Piter de Vries ] 17996 [advanc][ed into the ] -> [advanced into the ] 17997 [U][m] -> [Um] 17998 [Um][man ] -> [Umman ] 17999 [Umman ][K] -> [Umman K] 18000 [Umman K][ud] -> [Umman Kud] 18001 [Umman Kud][u] -> [Umman Kudu] 18002 [, ][their ] -> [, their ] 18003 [ted ][his ] -> [ted his ] 18004 [er to][ my ] -> [er to my ] 18005 [. F][irst] -> [. First] 18006 [el][come ] -> [elcome ] 18007 [ shifted ][his attention to the ] -> [ shifted his attention to the ] 18008 [lip][s. ] -> [lips. ] 18009 [On][ly the ] -> [Only the ] 18010 [paces ][into the ] -> [paces into the ] 18011 [." \u000a The ][Baron ] -> [." \u000a The Baron ] 18012 [ed.\u000a The ][Baron ] -> [ed.\u000a The Baron ] 18013 [still][ be ] -> [still be ] 18014 [how][ we ] -> [how we ] 18015 [join][ her] -> [join her] 18016 [wav][ed a hand ] -> [waved a hand ] 18017 [ sto][od] -> [ stood] 18018 [mov][ed with] -> [moved with] 18019 [ . . ][. I] -> [ . . . I] 18020 [end][ing ] -> [ending ] 18021 [fill][ed him] -> [filled him] 18022 [ w][ip] -> [ wip] 18023 [, ][watched the ] -> [, watched the ] 18024 [s ][by ] -> [s by ] 18025 [give ][us the ] -> [give us the ] 18026 [ed to ][obey] -> [ed to obey] 18027 [ c][reat] -> [ creat] 18028 [sh][r] -> [shr] 18029 [on the ][black] -> [on the black] 18030 [e.\u000a ][But ] -> [e.\u000a But ] 18031 [to him][ in the ] -> [to him in the ] 18032 [tor][n] -> [torn] 18033 [someone ][had ] -> [someone had ] 18034 [had been ][remov] -> [had been remov] 18035 [ins][an] -> [insan] 18036 [-l][-l] -> [-l-l] 18037 [tern][ity] -> [ternity] 18038 [ing c][he] -> [ing che] 18039 [ot][ton] -> [otton] 18040 [ shap][es ] -> [ shapes ] 18041 [guard captain][, ] -> [guard captain, ] 18042 [to do][ the ] -> [to do the ] 18043 [ing ]['thopter] -> [ing 'thopter] 18044 [. ][Kill] -> [. Kill] 18045 [top][ ] -> [top ] 18046 [escap][ed] -> [escaped] 18047 [ed ][me, ] -> [ed me, ] 18048 [Paul and ][Jessica] -> [Paul and Jessica] 18049 [ a bar][gain] -> [ a bargain] 18050 [ had ][told him] -> [ had told him] 18051 [remain][s of] -> [remains of] 18052 [there ][had been] -> [there had been] 18053 [:][ they ] -> [: they ] 18054 [cap][sule ] -> [capsule ] 18055 [ consci][ous ] -> [ conscious ] 18056 [ c][ousin] -> [ cousin] 18057 [? ][Did ] -> [? Did ] 18058 [to][ this] -> [to this] 18059 [I do not ][want ] -> [I do not want ] 18060 [direc][t ] -> [direct ] 18061 [or ][on the ] -> [or on the ] 18062 [effec][tive ] -> [effective ] 18063 [sk][in, ] -> [skin, ] 18064 [is ][it ] -> [is it ] 18065 [to c][ome ] -> [to come ] 18066 [se][a ] -> [sea ] 18067 [."\u000a The ][Baron ] -> [."\u000a The Baron ] 18068 [." \u000a ][He's ] -> [." \u000a He's ] 18069 [ed s][lowly] -> [ed slowly] 18070 [And the ][Baron] -> [And the Baron] 18071 [. S][ee ] -> [. See ] 18072 [r][attle ] -> [rattle ] 18073 [s][oft ] -> [soft ] 18074 [ing a][way the ] -> [ing away the ] 18075 [expos][ing the ] -> [exposing the ] 18076 [it][s, ] -> [its, ] 18077 [. He ][found himself] -> [. He found himself] 18078 [dang][l] -> [dangl] 18079 [s][hell] -> [shell] 18080 [blu][e s] -> [blue s] 18081 [push][ed himself] -> [pushed himself] 18082 [, see][ing a] -> [, seeing a] 18083 [lan][ted ] -> [lanted ] 18084 [t of ][an ] -> [t of an ] 18085 [ro][k] -> [rok] 18086 [. Wh][at] -> [. What] 18087 [shock][ed ] -> [shocked ] 18088 [sav][ed him] -> [saved him] 18089 [He]['d ] -> [He'd ] 18090 [every][one ] -> [everyone ] 18091 [Duke ][. . . ] -> [Duke . . . ] 18092 [until][ it was ] -> [until it was ] 18093 [ of][ death] -> [ of death] 18094 [ push][ed himself] -> [ pushed himself] 18095 [ away ][from his ] -> [ away from his ] 18096 [lackey][s ] -> [lackeys ] 18097 [ fer][ocity ] -> [ ferocity ] 18098 [stretched ][away ] -> [stretched away ] 18099 [ cam][e s] -> [ came s] 18100 [ by ][its ] -> [ by its ] 18101 [like s][ome ] -> [like some ] 18102 [ cre][ature ] -> [ creature ] 18103 [ak][in Nefud] -> [akin Nefud] 18104 [cor][por] -> [corpor] 18105 [us][ic] -> [usic] 18106 [alut][ed. "] -> [aluted. "] 18107 [ from][ these ] -> [ from these ] 18108 [let ][me ] -> [let me ] 18109 [c][ong] -> [cong] 18110 [.\u000a ][Nefud ] -> [.\u000a Nefud ] 18111 [myself][ ] -> [myself ] 18112 [in][ in] -> [in in] 18113 [s][!" the ] -> [s!" the ] 18114 [tr][id] -> [trid] 18115 [ed ][behind him] -> [ed behind him] 18116 [un][ease ] -> [unease ] 18117 [y][--] -> [y--] 18118 [ten b][rigad] -> [ten brigad] 18119 [rein][forc] -> [reinforc] 18120 [Tell][ your] -> [Tell your] 18121 [ gr][owl] -> [ growl] 18122 [ brought ][you] -> [ brought you] 18123 [my ][men] -> [my men] 18124 [.\u000a "][So] -> [.\u000a "So] 18125 [ while ][his ] -> [ while his ] 18126 [ pre][vent] -> [ prevent] 18127 [ed by ][a ] -> [ed by a ] 18128 [. There was ][the ] -> [. There was the ] 18129 [evidence ][of the ] -> [evidence of the ] 18130 [across ][from ] -> [across from ] 18131 [," ][Nefud ] -> [," Nefud ] 18132 [," Nefud ][said] -> [," Nefud said] 18133 [guards][men] -> [guardsmen] 18134 [ s][lipped ] -> [ slipped ] 18135 [ali][ke ] -> [alike ] 18136 [ther][e. \u000a ] -> [there. \u000a ] 18137 [m]['Lord ] -> [m'Lord ] 18138 [." \u000a "][Yes, m'Lord] -> [." \u000a "Yes, m'Lord] 18139 [kne][es ] -> [knees ] 18140 [ h][ut] -> [ hut] 18141 [ ][left ] -> [ left ] 18142 [Idaho][ had ] -> [Idaho had ] 18143 [cold ][prec] -> [cold prec] 18144 [like a ][giant ] -> [like a giant ] 18145 [--][his ] -> [--his ] 18146 [ min][utia] -> [ minutia] 18147 [cl][ues ] -> [clues ] 18148 [. "I][ do not ] -> [. "I do not ] 18149 [assur][ance ] -> [assurance ] 18150 [re][-] -> [re-] 18151 [word][s, but ] -> [words, but ] 18152 [them][ as ] -> [them as ] 18153 [knew][ this ] -> [knew this ] 18154 [H][ere's ] -> [Here's ] 18155 [ed that ][his ] -> [ed that his ] 18156 [what ][it is ] -> [what it is ] 18157 [so][ slow] -> [so slow] 18158 [ugg][estion] -> [uggestion] 18159 [ s][earch] -> [ search] 18160 [."\u000a And ][she thought: ] -> [."\u000a And she thought: ] 18161 [prov][ok] -> [provok] 18162 [embr][y] -> [embry] 18163 [ a d][aughter] -> [ a daughter] 18164 [ w][ouldn't ] -> [ wouldn't ] 18165 [r][y the ] -> [ry the ] 18166 [rece][iver] -> [receiver] 18167 [ how][ we ] -> [ how we ] 18168 [came ][into the ] -> [came into the ] 18169 [Sardaukar][ in ] -> [Sardaukar in ] 18170 [ing f][ill] -> [ing fill] 18171 [call][ing out ] -> [calling out ] 18172 [vic][tori] -> [victori] 18173 [ shook][ the ] -> [ shook the ] 18174 [ beside ][him, ] -> [ beside him, ] 18175 [night ][and ] -> [night and ] 18176 [any ][man ] -> [any man ] 18177 [, ][we must ] -> [, we must ] 18178 [al ][on the ] -> [al on the ] 18179 [ at him][ from the ] -> [ at him from the ] 18180 [paracom][pass, ] -> [paracompass, ] 18181 [maker][ hook] -> [maker hook] 18182 [. \u000a "][Where ] -> [. \u000a "Where ] 18183 [ and ][its ] -> [ and its ] 18184 [," he said. "][S] -> [," he said. "S] 18185 [a ][Mentat] -> [a Mentat] 18186 [a f][reak] -> [a freak] 18187 [How can ][you] -> [How can you] 18188 [ing out ][into the ] -> [ing out into the ] 18189 [she ][sensed ] -> [she sensed ] 18190 [glow][ing ] -> [glowing ] 18191 [Des][ert] -> [Desert] 18192 [ani][pul] -> [anipul] 18193 [pack][, ] -> [pack, ] 18194 [ill][ustr] -> [illustr] 18195 [," ][and ] -> [," and ] 18196 [dim][ly ] -> [dimly ] 18197 [dis][cern] -> [discern] 18198 [in][conveni] -> [inconveni] 18199 [you ][to know] -> [you to know] 18200 [ her][ cheek] -> [ her cheek] 18201 [ on][ this ] -> [ on this ] 18202 [, see][ing it ] -> [, seeing it ] 18203 [fut][ures] -> [futures] 18204 [to s][ome ] -> [to some ] 18205 [wind][s of the ] -> [winds of the ] 18206 [found ][a ] -> [found a ] 18207 [ing ab][out] -> [ing about] 18208 [. It was as though][ he ] -> [. It was as though he ] 18209 [and ][now] -> [and now] 18210 [ spec][trum] -> [ spectrum] 18211 [. \u000a ][P] -> [. \u000a P] 18212 [.\u000a ][Even the ] -> [.\u000a Even the ] 18213 [, m][y s] -> [, my s] 18214 [trang][eness ] -> [trangeness ] 18215 [ spic][e.\u000a ] -> [ spice.\u000a ] 18216 [ed out ][of his ] -> [ed out of his ] 18217 [sw][iftly ] -> [swiftly ] 18218 [tak][en the ] -> [taken the ] 18219 [rock][-] -> [rock-] 18220 [ev][alu] -> [evalu] 18221 [went ][on] -> [went on] 18222 [r][action] -> [raction] 18223 [raction][al] -> [ractional] 18224 [s of ][an ] -> [s of an ] 18225 [ still][tent ] -> [ stilltent ] 18226 [expos][ure ] -> [exposure ] 18227 [a c][ri] -> [a cri] 18228 [a cri][tical] -> [a critical] 18229 [.) ][\u000a "] -> [.) \u000a "] 18230 [beside ][him, ] -> [beside him, ] 18231 [ity][, she ] -> [ity, she ] 18232 [to c][alm] -> [to calm] 18233 [e. ][(] -> [e. (] 18234 [par][ent ] -> [parent ] 18235 [. Do ][you know] -> [. Do you know] 18236 [--" \u000a "][The ] -> [--" \u000a "The ] 18237 [presence ][of his ] -> [presence of his ] 18238 [evad][e the ] -> [evade the ] 18239 [t of][ my ] -> [t of my ] 18240 [ing f][abric] -> [ing fabric] 18241 [ ][yet] -> [ yet] 18242 [s of][ her] -> [s of her] 18243 [cl][ing] -> [cling] 18244 [ com][passion] -> [ compassion] 18245 [ c][rep] -> [ crep] 18246 [ crep][t ] -> [ crept ] 18247 [beg][in to ] -> [begin to ] 18248 [entr][al ] -> [entral ] 18249 [" ][. . . and ] -> [" . . . and ] 18250 [ity ][with] -> [ity with] 18251 [inward ][star] -> [inward star] 18252 [ a s][traight ] -> [ a straight ] 18253 [of s][omeone ] -> [of someone ] 18254 [ could ][see ] -> [ could see ] 18255 [a][head, ] -> [ahead, ] 18256 [Don't ][be s] -> [Don't be s] 18257 [we ][are ] -> [we are ] 18258 [ at ][that ] -> [ at that ] 18259 [.\u000a "][When ] -> [.\u000a "When ] 18260 [or][, ] -> [or, ] 18261 [ a plac][e, ] -> [ a place, ] 18262 [Harkonnen c][ousin] -> [Harkonnen cousin] 18263 [realiz][ing] -> [realizing] 18264 [ then][ that ] -> [ then that ] 18265 [Old ][F] -> [Old F] 18266 [Old F][ather ] -> [Old Father ] 18267 [fil][ter ] -> [filter ] 18268 [ fer][tile ] -> [ fertile ] 18269 [with][ this ] -> [with this ] 18270 [o][, ] -> [o, ] 18271 [s][ick] -> [sick] 18272 [obs][cur] -> [obscur] 18273 [use ][their] -> [use their] 18274 [that ][way] -> [that way] 18275 [ed her][ throat] -> [ed her throat] 18276 [anctu][ary] -> [anctuary] 18277 [ of s][elf-] -> [ of self-] 18278 [even the ][most ] -> [even the most ] 18279 [ then][ that he had ] -> [ then that he had ] 18280 [con][cern ] -> [concern ] 18281 [ on ][it, ] -> [ on it, ] 18282 [presci][ence ] -> [prescience ] 18283 [ ][Harkonnen] -> [ Harkonnen] 18284 [ where ][she ] -> [ where she ] 18285 [det][ector] -> [detector] 18286 [di][als ] -> [dials ] 18287 [l][ain] -> [lain] 18288 [ub][stance ] -> [ubstance ] 18289 [ blo][tted ] -> [ blotted ] 18290 [," he said][.\u000a He ] -> [," he said.\u000a He ] 18291 [refus][ed to] -> [refused to] 18292 [to dri][f] -> [to drif] 18293 [restor][e ] -> [restore ] 18294 [ fill][ed ] -> [ filled ] 18295 [How][ can] -> [How can] 18296 [think][ of] -> [think of] 18297 [, the s][ound ] -> [, the sound ] 18298 [res][olv] -> [resolv] 18299 [. . . ][because ] -> [. . . because ] 18300 [nose plug][s ] -> [nose plugs ] 18301 [action][ tool] -> [action tool] 18302 [ sur][fac] -> [ surfac] 18303 [P][ass ] -> [Pass ] 18304 [, ][heard the ] -> [, heard the ] 18305 [H][ere] -> [Here] 18306 [ho][le, ] -> [hole, ] 18307 [beside ][him] -> [beside him] 18308 [prim][itive ] -> [primitive ] 18309 [Paul][ stood ] -> [Paul stood ] 18310 [cap][tured] -> [captured] 18311 [, he ][could ] -> [, he could ] 18312 [shall][ow] -> [shallow] 18313 [au][tomatic] -> [automatic] 18314 [liv][ed in] -> [lived in] 18315 [ dist][ant ] -> [ distant ] 18316 [far][away ] -> [faraway ] 18317 [ab][l] -> [abl] 18318 [a ][line of] -> [a line of] 18319 [down][ward ] -> [downward ] 18320 [P][illar] -> [Pillar] 18321 [. L][in] -> [. Lin] 18322 [. Lin][es of] -> [. Lines of] 18323 [first ][mo] -> [first mo] 18324 [first mo][on ] -> [first moon ] 18325 [horizon ][to their ] -> [horizon to their ] 18326 [ribb][on ] -> [ribbon ] 18327 [n][est of ] -> [nest of ] 18328 [if you][ ] -> [if you ] 18329 [aly][z] -> [alyz] 18330 [as][es ] -> [ases ] 18331 [ing up][ward] -> [ing upward] 18332 [sil][ently ] -> [silently ] 18333 [penetr][ating] -> [penetrating] 18334 [ing][ behind him] -> [ing behind him] 18335 [across the s][ink] -> [across the sink] 18336 [bl][end] -> [blend] 18337 [ he ][did not ] -> [ he did not ] 18338 [s][im] -> [sim] 18339 [.\u000a ][Two] -> [.\u000a Two] 18340 [until][ it ] -> [until it ] 18341 [nodded to][ himself] -> [nodded to himself] 18342 [ pro][b] -> [ prob] 18343 [-to][-] -> [-to-] 18344 [frig][at] -> [frigat] 18345 [Baron][ was ] -> [Baron was ] 18346 [m][att] -> [matt] 18347 [ friend][s] -> [ friends] 18348 [of his ][men] -> [of his men] 18349 [ way ][down] -> [ way down] 18350 [hid][ing place ] -> [hiding place ] 18351 [. ][" . . . ] -> [. " . . . ] 18352 [. It was ][a m] -> [. It was a m] 18353 [wear][iness ] -> [weariness ] 18354 [-f][anatic] -> [-fanatic] 18355 [ev][er to] -> [ever to] 18356 [.\u000a "][Do you wish] -> [.\u000a "Do you wish] 18357 [Fremen][ don't ] -> [Fremen don't ] 18358 [your][ people ] -> [your people ] 18359 [Pe][ac] -> [Peac] 18360 [ed. "][What ] -> [ed. "What ] 18361 [your w][ound] -> [your wound] 18362 [trib][es] -> [tribes] 18363 [."\u000a The ][Fremen ] -> [."\u000a The Fremen ] 18364 [out ][of p] -> [out of p] 18365 [ here ][in the ] -> [ here in the ] 18366 [ed][? ] -> [ed? ] 18367 [water]['s ] -> [water's ] 18368 [ed beneath][ his ] -> [ed beneath his ] 18369 [conc][ert] -> [concert] 18370 [c][autious] -> [cautious] 18371 [. "You][ think] -> [. "You think] 18372 [. You][ don't ] -> [. You don't ] 18373 [e sh][ar] -> [e shar] 18374 [ dec][ision ] -> [ decision ] 18375 [Liet]['s ] -> [Liet's ] 18376 [across the s][and] -> [across the sand] 18377 [I've ][heard ] -> [I've heard ] 18378 [ more ][than a] -> [ more than a] 18379 [ing ][only ] -> [ing only ] 18380 [figh][ters] -> [fighters] 18381 [ said][, and ] -> [ said, and ] 18382 [. Wh][ich] -> [. Which] 18383 [ ][legion] -> [ legion] 18384 [?"\u000a "The ][Emperor] -> [?"\u000a "The Emperor] 18385 [thre][e of them] -> [three of them] 18386 [ these ][Fremen] -> [ these Fremen] 18387 [because ][of] -> [because of] 18388 [ wish][ to ] -> [ wish to ] 18389 [, ][to the ] -> [, to the ] 18390 [at ][first ] -> [at first ] 18391 [heard ][a ] -> [heard a ] 18392 [trib][es ] -> [tribes ] 18393 [ s][lid ] -> [ slid ] 18394 [rocks ][above them] -> [rocks above them] 18395 [ to the ][right] -> [ to the right] 18396 [.\u000a ][One ] -> [.\u000a One ] 18397 [!" the ][man] -> [!" the man] 18398 [?" the Fremen][ asked.\u000a ] -> [?" the Fremen asked.\u000a ] 18399 [resp][ected ] -> [respected ] 18400 [r][ad] -> [rad] 18401 [ advanc][ed another] -> [ advanced another] 18402 [bu][ying] -> [buying] 18403 [kill ][Harkonnens] -> [kill Harkonnens] 18404 [ with the ][other] -> [ with the other] 18405 [rob][es, ] -> [robes, ] 18406 [, so][oth] -> [, sooth] 18407 [stretched ][its ] -> [stretched its ] 18408 [s ][who] -> [s who] 18409 [ stir][red, ] -> [ stirred, ] 18410 [opposite ][cliff] -> [opposite cliff] 18411 [flit][ting] -> [flitting] 18412 [et][er ] -> [eter ] 18413 [but ][the ] -> [but the ] 18414 [ent ][s] -> [ent s] 18415 [circ][le] -> [circle] 18416 [two ][group] -> [two group] 18417 [Those ][were ] -> [Those were ] 18418 [wing][-] -> [wing-] 18419 [tuck][ed ] -> [tucked ] 18420 [s, ][too, ] -> [s, too, ] 18421 [dun][e, ] -> [dune, ] 18422 [. He ][drew] -> [. He drew] 18423 [c][oward] -> [coward] 18424 [patch][ of] -> [patch of] 18425 [ activ][ity ] -> [ activity ] 18426 [or][ang] -> [orang] 18427 [." He s][tar] -> [." He star] 18428 [ut][ure] -> [uture] 18429 [. You][ have ] -> [. You have ] 18430 [chang][e the ] -> [change the ] 18431 [ to][ choose ] -> [ to choose ] 18432 [ing ]["] -> [ing "] 18433 [er][ed ] -> [ered ] 18434 [--" \u000a "][What ] -> [--" \u000a "What ] 18435 [l][ar] -> [lar] 18436 [ing wh][ite ] -> [ing white ] 18437 [ f][usion] -> [ fusion] 18438 [under][ cover] -> [under cover] 18439 [ed b][rief] -> [ed brief] 18440 [. ][Fremen] -> [. Fremen] 18441 [open][ing a] -> [opening a] 18442 [," Paul said][.\u000a "You] -> [," Paul said.\u000a "You] 18443 [remov][ed a ] -> [removed a ] 18444 [ement ][complex] -> [ement complex] 18445 [ouflage ][cover] -> [ouflage cover] 18446 [led ][them] -> [led them] 18447 [into][ darkness] -> [into darkness] 18448 [ c][ave ] -> [ cave ] 18449 [, ][Kynes ] -> [, Kynes ] 18450 [wondered at ][himself] -> [wondered at himself] 18451 [man][tle ] -> [mantle ] 18452 [E][co] -> [Eco] 18453 [Eco][log] -> [Ecolog] 18454 [fu][gi] -> [fugi] 18455 [to b][u] -> [to bu] 18456 [ per][me] -> [ perme] 18457 [c][ough] -> [cough] 18458 [ies ][of] -> [ies of] 18459 [For][ what ] -> [For what ] 18460 [ed away ][to sil] -> [ed away to sil] 18461 [c][ages] -> [cages] 18462 [cut ][off] -> [cut off] 18463 [ sh][rugged.\u000a "] -> [ shrugged.\u000a "] 18464 [roy][al ] -> [royal ] 18465 [. L][iet ] -> [. Liet ] 18466 [ face ][of the ] -> [ face of the ] 18467 [.\u000a "][We're ] -> [.\u000a "We're ] 18468 [wall][ of the ] -> [wall of the ] 18469 [. She saw][ Paul] -> [. She saw Paul] 18470 [off][ice ] -> [office ] 18471 [g][olden ] -> [golden ] 18472 [ed, ][was ] -> [ed, was ] 18473 [pl][ast] -> [plast] 18474 [plast][eel] -> [plasteel] 18475 [ cur][r] -> [ curr] 18476 [sat ][down] -> [sat down] 18477 [h][atch] -> [hatch] 18478 [to][ stare ] -> [to stare ] 18479 [ with the ][Emperor's ] -> [ with the Emperor's ] 18480 [Sardaukar][ are ] -> [Sardaukar are ] 18481 [turn][ing back] -> [turning back] 18482 [. ][Paul's ] -> [. Paul's ] 18483 [stared at ][Paul] -> [stared at Paul] 18484 [ an ][embarrass] -> [ an embarrass] 18485 [ an embarrass][ment ] -> [ an embarrassment ] 18486 [u][perstition] -> [uperstition] 18487 [and ][str] -> [and str] 18488 [Beast ][Rabban] -> [Beast Rabban] 18489 [. Let ][him] -> [. Let him] 18490 [ sh][atter] -> [ shatter] 18491 [of the ][Great Convention] -> [of the Great Convention] 18492 [r][ally] -> [rally] 18493 [kill][ed] -> [killed] 18494 [as ][any ] -> [as any ] 18495 [ed. "][Thus ] -> [ed. "Thus ] 18496 [a par][adise ] -> [a paradise ] 18497 [of a][ hand] -> [of a hand] 18498 [ at ][him, ] -> [ at him, ] 18499 [of][ those ] -> [of those ] 18500 [he ][said: "] -> [he said: "] 18501 [ ad][mitted ] -> [ admitted ] 18502 [to][tall] -> [totall] 18503 [a power][ful] -> [a powerful] 18504 [n][onsense] -> [nonsense] 18505 [give ][my ] -> [give my ] 18506 [--][" \u000a The ] -> [--" \u000a The ] 18507 [.\u000a ][Then ] -> [.\u000a Then ] 18508 [fail][ed to ] -> [failed to ] 18509 [They]['ll not ] -> [They'll not ] 18510 [to ][expos] -> [to expos] 18511 [to expos][e the ] -> [to expose the ] 18512 [arrow][s ] -> [arrows ] 18513 [a ]['thopter] -> [a 'thopter] 18514 [with ][it] -> [with it] 18515 [ survi][ve] -> [ survive] 18516 [ cap][tur] -> [ captur] 18517 [ay][ment ] -> [ayment ] 18518 [ hur][ry ] -> [ hurry ] 18519 [to][ step] -> [to step] 18520 [ press][ed the ] -> [ pressed the ] 18521 [ed b][eyond the ] -> [ed beyond the ] 18522 ['s ][left ] -> ['s left ] 18523 [. "The ][storm] -> [. "The storm] 18524 [ec][ision] -> [ecision] 18525 [and][-] -> [and-] 18526 [gr][ound, ] -> [ground, ] 18527 [.\u000a Paul][ f] -> [.\u000a Paul f] 18528 [rest][, ] -> [rest, ] 18529 [R][eady] -> [Ready] 18530 [ cas][cade of sand ] -> [ cascade of sand ] 18531 [fr][am] -> [fram] 18532 [ w][all ] -> [ wall ] 18533 [they ][came ] -> [they came ] 18534 [ri][ghten] -> [righten] 18535 [ed s][hadows ] -> [ed shadows ] 18536 [moon][lit ] -> [moonlit ] 18537 [ing ][one ] -> [ing one ] 18538 [?" \u000a ][Again] -> [?" \u000a Again] 18539 [ sh][udder] -> [ shudder] 18540 [enough][ to ] -> [enough to ] 18541 [laun][ch] -> [launch] 18542 [, ][felt ] -> [, felt ] 18543 [that ][grew] -> [that grew] 18544 [et][ched ] -> [etched ] 18545 [away][ the ] -> [away the ] 18546 [ d][ust-] -> [ dust-] 18547 [neg][ative ] -> [negative ] 18548 [." \u000a ][But ] -> [." \u000a But ] 18549 [kept ][his eyes ] -> [kept his eyes ] 18550 [. I must ][not ] -> [. I must not ] 18551 [ob][ject] -> [object] 18552 [ shifted ][his ] -> [ shifted his ] 18553 [ingle ][glowglobe ] -> [ingle glowglobe ] 18554 [c][hamb] -> [chamb] 18555 [Captain][ ] -> [Captain ] 18556 [emut][a dull] -> [emuta dull] 18557 [ bod][ies] -> [ bodies] 18558 [?" the ][Baron ] -> [?" the Baron ] 18559 [roar][ed. "] -> [roared. "] 18560 [ stup][id] -> [ stupid] 18561 [led ][us ] -> [led us ] 18562 [ d][ouble ] -> [ double ] 18563 [M'Lord][, ] -> [M'Lord, ] 18564 [If][ they ] -> [If they ] 18565 [." \u000a ][Nefud ] -> [." \u000a Nefud ] 18566 [T][is ] -> [Tis ] 18567 [defe][at] -> [defeat] 18568 [betray][er] -> [betrayer] 18569 [Doctor ][Yueh] -> [Doctor Yueh] 18570 [aid ][that ] -> [aid that ] 18571 [ a][ way] -> [ a way] 18572 [to][ control] -> [to control] 18573 [de][ed, ] -> [deed, ] 18574 [ with][ you] -> [ with you] 18575 [then][, ] -> [then, ] 18576 [T][re] -> [Tre] 18577 [res][idual] -> [residual] 18578 [But][--"\u000a "You] -> [But--"\u000a "You] 18579 [al ][to the ] -> [al to the ] 18580 [el][ev] -> [elev] 18581 [s, ][too] -> [s, too] 18582 [ a po][ison] -> [ a poison] 18583 [det][ect ] -> [detect ] 18584 [no ][trac] -> [no trac] 18585 [ed. "You][ ] -> [ed. "You ] 18586 [ show][ them] -> [ show them] 18587 [ra][per] -> [raper] 18588 [ed in the ][path] -> [ed in the path] 18589 [dead][. The ] -> [dead. The ] 18590 [ sp][awn] -> [ spawn] 18591 [n][al ] -> [nal ] 18592 [-mind][ed ] -> [-minded ] 18593 [ank][-brain] -> [ank-brain] 18594 [de][vis] -> [devis] 18595 [ at ][hand] -> [ at hand] 18596 [body][ shield ] -> [body shield ] 18597 [in][ally ] -> [inally ] 18598 [tired ][of] -> [tired of] 18599 [ would ][go] -> [ would go] 18600 [voc][ation] -> [vocation] 18601 [ his ][body ] -> [ his body ] 18602 [." ][S] -> [." S] 18603 [S][chool] -> [School] 18604 [know][ it ] -> [know it ] 18605 [," Rabban][ said. "] -> [," Rabban said. "] 18606 [for][ military ] -> [for military ] 18607 [Exp][ens] -> [Expens] 18608 [!"\u000a The ][Baron] -> [!"\u000a The Baron] 18609 [ should ][know] -> [ should know] 18610 [, that ][we ] -> [, that we ] 18611 [a d][ay ] -> [a day ] 18612 [ed][. They were ] -> [ed. They were ] 18613 [ex][or] -> [exor] 18614 [. They ][cannot ] -> [. They cannot ] 18615 [li][b] -> [lib] 18616 [. It's the ][only ] -> [. It's the only ] 18617 [nin][ety ] -> [ninety ] 18618 [with ][an un] -> [with an un] 18619 [Emperor][ wish] -> [Emperor wish] 18620 [turn][ing of the ] -> [turning of the ] 18621 [imp][le] -> [imple] 18622 [su][ic] -> [suic] 18623 [em][ble ] -> [emble ] 18624 [ say ][to them] -> [ say to them] 18625 [. They ][will be ] -> [. They will be ] 18626 [. The ][boy ] -> [. The boy ] 18627 [ed sil][ence] -> [ed silence] 18628 [his ][inner] -> [his inner] 18629 [-][gray ] -> [-gray ] 18630 [small][er] -> [smaller] 18631 [ro][d] -> [rod] 18632 [given][ them] -> [given them] 18633 [ pass][ed through] -> [ passed through] 18634 [f][light ] -> [flight ] 18635 [ed, and ][Paul] -> [ed, and Paul] 18636 [mag][ne] -> [magne] 18637 [: "][What ] -> [: "What ] 18638 [B][etter] -> [Better] 18639 [w][ater and ] -> [water and ] 18640 [leav][es] -> [leaves] 18641 [his mother][, ] -> [his mother, ] 18642 [wr][ench] -> [wrench] 18643 [stepp][ed up] -> [stepped up] 18644 [ed off][ the ] -> [ed off the ] 18645 [curved ][away ] -> [curved away ] 18646 [," Paul][ order] -> [," Paul order] 18647 [when][ they ] -> [when they ] 18648 [ and ][shatter] -> [ and shatter] 18649 [ s][crambl] -> [ scrambl] 18650 [e][b] -> [eb] 18651 [re][ath] -> [reath] 18652 [ stopp][ed, ] -> [ stopped, ] 18653 [ r][an] -> [ ran] 18654 [at ][a distance ] -> [at a distance ] 18655 [ cur][v] -> [ curv] 18656 [ m][ound ] -> [ mound ] 18657 [in the deep][ desert] -> [in the deep desert] 18658 [ took a deep breath][, ] -> [ took a deep breath, ] 18659 [D][eep] -> [Deep] 18660 [ci][ent ] -> [cient ] 18661 [, he ][remember] -> [, he remember] 18662 [now][ I] -> [now I] 18663 [ettl][ed his ] -> [ettled his ] 18664 [ moon][lit ] -> [ moonlit ] 18665 [a m][att] -> [a matt] 18666 [exer][tion] -> [exertion] 18667 [ar][eful] -> [areful] 18668 [ cur][ve ] -> [ curve ] 18669 [, ][or ] -> [, or ] 18670 [a gr][avel] -> [a gravel] 18671 [ed into][ him] -> [ed into him] 18672 [that ][they] -> [that they] 18673 [ a c][liff] -> [ a cliff] 18674 [o][ce] -> [oce] 18675 [lay ][there ] -> [lay there ] 18676 [m][uffl] -> [muffl] 18677 [muffl][ed by the ] -> [muffled by the ] 18678 [our ][kilometers ] -> [our kilometers ] 18679 [ wear][iness] -> [ weariness] 18680 [ suppor][ted ] -> [ supported ] 18681 [s][ell] -> [sell] 18682 [;][ and ] -> [; and ] 18683 [How][ do ] -> [How do ] 18684 [question][ was ] -> [question was ] 18685 [: ][I'm] -> [: I'm] 18686 [;][ I] -> [; I] 18687 [strang][eness] -> [strangeness] 18688 [charg][ed with] -> [charged with] 18689 [near][by] -> [nearby] 18690 [no][os] -> [noos] 18691 [saf][ely ] -> [safely ] 18692 [ th][umper] -> [ thumper] 18693 [bro][ke ] -> [broke ] 18694 [to her][ feet] -> [to her feet] 18695 [moon][light ] -> [moonlight ] 18696 [w][ound ] -> [wound ] 18697 [of ][rock] -> [of rock] 18698 [ me][ters] -> [ meters] 18699 [ed s][and] -> [ed sand] 18700 [cas][cad] -> [cascad] 18701 [, th][row] -> [, throw] 18702 [carefull][y] -> [carefully] 18703 [ s][uspens] -> [ suspens] 18704 [oxyg][en ] -> [oxygen ] 18705 [s ][could ] -> [s could ] 18706 [them][selves] -> [themselves] 18707 [until][ he ] -> [until he ] 18708 [, ][mov] -> [, mov] 18709 [d][ug] -> [dug] 18710 [un][es ] -> [unes ] 18711 [ring][ her ] -> [ring her ] 18712 [Every][thing] -> [Everything] 18713 [In][ that instant] -> [In that instant] 18714 [ hid][den] -> [ hidden] 18715 [among the ][rock] -> [among the rock] 18716 [Don't ][you ] -> [Don't you ] 18717 [of][t, ] -> [oft, ] 18718 [a s][mall ] -> [a small ] 18719 [do ][it, but ] -> [do it, but ] 18720 [. . ." He ][broke off] -> [. . ." He broke off] 18721 [o][am] -> [oam] 18722 [ing with][ his ] -> [ing with his ] 18723 [ c][enter] -> [ center] 18724 [power ][pack] -> [power pack] 18725 [ac][id] -> [acid] 18726 [ s][traight ] -> [ straight ] 18727 [walk][ed, ] -> [walked, ] 18728 [e.\u000a ][Paul ] -> [e.\u000a Paul ] 18729 [, s][qu] -> [, squ] 18730 [looked up][ to see ] -> [looked up to see ] 18731 [liqu][id] -> [liquid] 18732 [ of the ][spice ] -> [ of the spice ] 18733 [a ][low] -> [a low] 18734 [.\u000a Jessica][ mov] -> [.\u000a Jessica mov] 18735 [three ][meters ] -> [three meters ] 18736 [floor of the ][basin] -> [floor of the basin] 18737 [? Paul][ asked himself] -> [? Paul asked himself] 18738 [inf][us] -> [infus] 18739 [ed.\u000a ][Jessica] -> [ed.\u000a Jessica] 18740 [a][ whisper] -> [a whisper] 18741 [the s][trap] -> [the strap] 18742 [ th][rew] -> [ threw] 18743 [ab][iliz] -> [abiliz] 18744 [ h][ol] -> [ hol] 18745 [. This ][was a ] -> [. This was a ] 18746 [, see][ing that ] -> [, seeing that ] 18747 [oil l][enses ] -> [oil lenses ] 18748 [ b][aff] -> [ baff] 18749 [moun][ting] -> [mounting] 18750 [across ][from] -> [across from] 18751 [igno][red] -> [ignored] 18752 [tend][on] -> [tendon] 18753 [ch][i] -> [chi] 18754 [ing c][ur] -> [ing cur] 18755 [on ][of ] -> [on of ] 18756 [ cheek][s and ] -> [ cheeks and ] 18757 [ said][.\u000a A] -> [ said.\u000a A] 18758 [, though][, ] -> [, though, ] 18759 [against the ][Harkonnens] -> [against the Harkonnens] 18760 [wr][ath] -> [wrath] 18761 [sugg][estion] -> [suggestion] 18762 [our][ men] -> [our men] 18763 [ge ][of ] -> [ge of ] 18764 [-l][idd] -> [-lidd] 18765 [. . . "\u000a "][You] -> [. . . "\u000a "You] 18766 [ th][ing and ] -> [ thing and ] 18767 [of][ des] -> [of des] 18768 [will][ come] -> [will come] 18769 [S][haitan] -> [Shaitan] 18770 [in][tent] -> [intent] 18771 [with my ][own] -> [with my own] 18772 [in his ][own] -> [in his own] 18773 [study][ing ] -> [studying ] 18774 [ think of][ me as ] -> [ think of me as ] 18775 [is that ][it] -> [is that it] 18776 [live ][the ] -> [live the ] 18777 [Tuek]['s ] -> [Tuek's ] 18778 [Wh][ose ] -> [Whose ] 18779 [dec][isions ] -> [decisions ] 18780 [."\u000a "][Now] -> [."\u000a "Now] 18781 [for you][ to] -> [for you to] 18782 [. "][For ] -> [. "For ] 18783 [cour][tesy] -> [courtesy] 18784 [faint ][s] -> [faint s] 18785 [us][sur] -> [ussur] 18786 [es][. It was ] -> [es. It was ] 18787 [ceil][ing] -> [ceiling] 18788 [to][ permit ] -> [to permit ] 18789 [ent][s. ] -> [ents. ] 18790 [em][bl] -> [embl] 18791 [carry][ing ] -> [carrying ] 18792 [att][ai] -> [attai] 18793 [requ][est ] -> [request ] 18794 [What is ][it] -> [What is it] 18795 [balis][et, ] -> [baliset, ] 18796 [a s][muggler] -> [a smuggler] 18797 [G][ain] -> [Gain] 18798 [un][uch] -> [unuch] 18799 [figh][ters ] -> [fighters ] 18800 [Coun][t, ] -> [Count, ] 18801 [ slav][e-] -> [ slave-] 18802 [slav][e-] -> [slave-] 18803 [es ][permitted ] -> [es permitted ] 18804 [gr][ac] -> [grac] 18805 [crevas][se ] -> [crevasse ] 18806 [ing ][if] -> [ing if] 18807 [ sh][elter] -> [ shelter] 18808 [air][ and ] -> [air and ] 18809 [ blo][om] -> [ bloom] 18810 [ a][ bre] -> [ a bre] 18811 [. She ][sensed the ] -> [. She sensed the ] 18812 [Presently][ she ] -> [Presently she ] 18813 [ with][ water] -> [ with water] 18814 [ the ][mind ] -> [ the mind ] 18815 [ for ][its ] -> [ for its ] 18816 [Bene Gesserit ][axiom] -> [Bene Gesserit axiom] 18817 [neg][ative] -> [negative] 18818 [on ][or] -> [on or] 18819 [hun][ter] -> [hunter] 18820 [ stri][ke ] -> [ strike ] 18821 [:][ water] -> [: water] 18822 [bring][ing the ] -> [bringing the ] 18823 [ plan][ted the ] -> [ planted the ] 18824 [star][ts ] -> [starts ] 18825 [away ][from her] -> [away from her] 18826 [back][ up] -> [back up] 18827 [," Paul said ][and ] -> [," Paul said and ] 18828 [ memor][y] -> [ memory] 18829 [wait ][. . . ] -> [wait . . . ] 18830 [er][. The ] -> [er. The ] 18831 [!" \u000a ][It was ] -> [!" \u000a It was ] 18832 [difficul][ty ] -> [difficulty ] 18833 [Lump][ . . . lump . . . lump] -> [Lump . . . lump . . . lump] 18834 [ their][ feet] -> [ their feet] 18835 [m][ound ] -> [mound ] 18836 [e.\u000a ][And ] -> [e.\u000a And ] 18837 [, but ][the s] -> [, but the s] 18838 [ muscles ][that ] -> [ muscles that ] 18839 [ed s][ideways ] -> [ed sideways ] 18840 [ in the s][and ] -> [ in the sand ] 18841 [ po][le ] -> [ pole ] 18842 [al ][teeth] -> [al teeth] 18843 [ her ][Bene Gesserit train] -> [ her Bene Gesserit train] 18844 [tr][ough] -> [trough] 18845 [of][ound ] -> [ofound ] 18846 [a h][y] -> [a hy] 18847 [ diam][et] -> [ diamet] 18848 [er ][of s] -> [er of s] 18849 [ h][iding ] -> [ hiding ] 18850 [Liet-][Kynes ] -> [Liet-Kynes ] 18851 [bove ][the ] -> [bove the ] 18852 [." \u000a "][Why] -> [." \u000a "Why] 18853 [We]['d ] -> [We'd ] 18854 [ing cre][ature] -> [ing creature] 18855 [ed b][eyond ] -> [ed beyond ] 18856 [a d][oubt] -> [a doubt] 18857 [flo][or ] -> [floor ] 18858 [cl][ump] -> [clump] 18859 [to s][urvi] -> [to survi] 18860 [basin][ floor] -> [basin floor] 18861 [into][ a w] -> [into a w] 18862 [in][habit] -> [inhabit] 18863 [op][-hop] -> [op-hop] 18864 [gh][o] -> [gho] 18865 [preda][tory ] -> [predatory ] 18866 [s][," the ] -> [s," the ] 18867 [aximum][ ] -> [aximum ] 18868 [read][iness ] -> [readiness ] 18869 [ only][ the s] -> [ only the s] 18870 [, ][Stil] -> [, Stil] 18871 [ar][rest] -> [arrest] 18872 [s of the Un][iver] -> [s of the Univer] 18873 [s of the Univer][se] -> [s of the Universe] 18874 [ed the ][horizon] -> [ed the horizon] 18875 [ cr][awled ] -> [ crawled ] 18876 [B][lood ] -> [Blood ] 18877 [arm][s and ] -> [arms and ] 18878 [ the ][pre-spice ] -> [ the pre-spice ] 18879 [mas][s, ] -> [mass, ] 18880 [.\u000a And he ][thought ] -> [.\u000a And he thought ] 18881 [it ][difficult ] -> [it difficult ] 18882 [ of ][ecolog] -> [ of ecolog] 18883 [ consequ][ences] -> [ consequences] 18884 [n][ich] -> [nich] 18885 [Why does he ][keep] -> [Why does he keep] 18886 [Lif][e ] -> [Life ] 18887 [environ][ment ] -> [environment ] 18888 [nu][tri] -> [nutri] 18889 [as ][were ] -> [as were ] 18890 [.\u000a "][We are ] -> [.\u000a "We are ] 18891 [pre][vent ] -> [prevent ] 18892 [q][an] -> [qan] 18893 [over][ty ] -> [overty ] 18894 [. When][ we ] -> [. When we ] 18895 [ap][ture ] -> [apture ] 18896 [tru][e s] -> [true s] 18897 [th][in ] -> [thin ] 18898 [terra][form ] -> [terraform ] 18899 [ frustr][ation] -> [ frustration] 18900 [;][ a worm] -> [; a worm] 18901 [n][it] -> [nit] 18902 [ bal][ance ] -> [ balance ] 18903 [outstretched ][hand] -> [outstretched hand] 18904 [enc][ap] -> [encap] 18905 [encap][sul] -> [encapsul] 18906 [incorpor][ate ] -> [incorporate ] 18907 [regar][d ] -> [regard ] 18908 [ph][ysical ] -> [physical ] 18909 [into ][its ] -> [into its ] 18910 [rec][ord ] -> [record ] 18911 [ clos][er to ] -> [ closer to ] 18912 [. They ][will] -> [. They will] 18913 [es of ][Arrakis ] -> [es of Arrakis ] 18914 [to do][ this] -> [to do this] 18915 [ some ][other ] -> [ some other ] 18916 [v][ast] -> [vast] 18917 [per][ cent] -> [per cent] 18918 [ed][. They ] -> [ed. They ] 18919 [ing d][ist] -> [ing dist] 18920 [m][ass ] -> [mass ] 18921 [organ][ic] -> [organic] 18922 [little mak][ers, ] -> [little makers, ] 18923 [cienti][st] -> [cientist] 18924 [, ][that the ] -> [, that the ] 18925 [presci][ence] -> [prescience] 18926 [Con][sider] -> [Consider] 18927 [a d][i] -> [a di] 18928 [their][ water] -> [their water] 18929 [," the ][voice above them] -> [," the voice above them] 18930 [they][ s] -> [they s] 18931 [weak][ness] -> [weakness] 18932 [ed ][much] -> [ed much] 18933 [in his ][voice] -> [in his voice] 18934 [ed ][your ] -> [ed your ] 18935 [ prepar][ed for] -> [ prepared for] 18936 [time ][for the ] -> [time for the ] 18937 [of the ][cielago] -> [of the cielago] 18938 [l][m] -> [lm] 18939 [F][i] -> [Fi] 18940 [Fi][q] -> [Fiq] 18941 [Fiq][h] -> [Fiqh] 18942 [." \u000a "][We ] -> [." \u000a "We ] 18943 [," Stilgar said][. \u000a "] -> [," Stilgar said. \u000a "] 18944 [, ][in the ] -> [, in the ] 18945 [ a h][alf-] -> [ a half-] 18946 [ a half-][step] -> [ a half-step] 18947 [ a half-step][ forward] -> [ a half-step forward] 18948 [ beard][ed ] -> [ bearded ] 18949 [crouch][ed, ] -> [crouched, ] 18950 [ cl][ue ] -> [ clue ] 18951 [ sp][ring-] -> [ spring-] 18952 [A ][voice ] -> [A voice ] 18953 [you][ say ] -> [you say ] 18954 [ wom][an and ] -> [ woman and ] 18955 [on][ which] -> [on which] 18956 [ into the ][basin] -> [ into the basin] 18957 [test ][of reason] -> [test of reason] 18958 [," he said, "][but ] -> [," he said, "but ] 18959 [ f][olk] -> [ folk] 18960 [of b][attle] -> [of battle] 18961 [weirding][ way ] -> [weirding way ] 18962 [ sec][rec] -> [ secrec] 18963 [ secrec][y] -> [ secrecy] 18964 [ts ][of his ] -> [ts of his ] 18965 [Presently, he ][said: "] -> [Presently, he said: "] 18966 [wor][d-] -> [word-] 18967 [ view][ of the ] -> [ view of the ] 18968 [Paul][: "] -> [Paul: "] 18969 [e, ][Chani] -> [e, Chani] 18970 [ac][le ] -> [acle ] 18971 [ that ][they ] -> [ that they ] 18972 [ dis][arm] -> [ disarm] 18973 [companion][s, ] -> [companions, ] 18974 [you ][order] -> [you order] 18975 [glanc][e, ] -> [glance, ] 18976 [to f][ace ] -> [to face ] 18977 [ a f][old ] -> [ a fold ] 18978 [Chani][, daughter of ] -> [Chani, daughter of ] 18979 [Chani, daughter of ][Liet] -> [Chani, daughter of Liet] 18980 [vis][ions ] -> [visions ] 18981 [presci][ence, ] -> [prescience, ] 18982 [ press][ed ] -> [ pressed ] 18983 [ in the s][ame ] -> [ in the same ] 18984 [b][ak] -> [bak] 18985 [young][ g] -> [young g] 18986 [young g][irl] -> [young girl] 18987 [name ][is ] -> [name is ] 18988 [my counten][ance] -> [my countenance] 18989 [ f][it ] -> [ fit ] 18990 [motion][ed ] -> [motioned ] 18991 [. "][L] -> [. "L] 18992 [ with ][us ] -> [ with us ] 18993 [who]['ve ] -> [who've ] 18994 [not ][been ] -> [not been ] 18995 [of the ][Ridg] -> [of the Ridg] 18996 [of the Ridg][es ] -> [of the Ridges ] 18997 [.\u000a Paul][ took] -> [.\u000a Paul took] 18998 [. Her][ mind ] -> [. Her mind ] 18999 [Fremen][ cul] -> [Fremen cul] 19000 [W][isdom] -> [Wisdom] 19001 [ of ][Muad'Dib] -> [ of Muad'Dib] 19002 [ell][ on] -> [ell on] 19003 [Ang][el of ] -> [Angel of ] 19004 [Angel of ][Death] -> [Angel of Death] 19005 [open][ing, ] -> [opening, ] 19006 [ can][ stand ] -> [ can stand ] 19007 [fail][ed to] -> [failed to] 19008 [iden][tical] -> [identical] 19009 [. "][Get ] -> [. "Get ] 19010 [: "][L] -> [: "L] 19011 [.\u000a ][It's ] -> [.\u000a It's ] 19012 [That ][is ] -> [That is ] 19013 [ peop][le s] -> [ people s] 19014 [cipl][ine] -> [cipline] 19015 [one who ][is ] -> [one who is ] 19016 [return][ed his ] -> [returned his ] 19017 [Have ][I] -> [Have I] 19018 [in][ spice ] -> [in spice ] 19019 [ sk][ies ] -> [ skies ] 19020 [ gre][en] -> [ green] 19021 [-s][and ] -> [-sand ] 19022 [giant ][worm] -> [giant worm] 19023 [T][u] -> [Tu] 19024 [Tu][on] -> [Tuon] 19025 [Tuon][o ] -> [Tuono ] 19026 [Tuono ][Basin] -> [Tuono Basin] 19027 [ ][isn't ] -> [ isn't ] 19028 [ off][ this ] -> [ off this ] 19029 [proper][ly ] -> [properly ] 19030 [who ][are ] -> [who are ] 19031 [ such a ][one ] -> [ such a one ] 19032 [ati][ves] -> [atives] 19033 [flesh][ and ] -> [flesh and ] 19034 [listen][ed, ] -> [listened, ] 19035 [Sayyadin][a, ] -> [Sayyadina, ] 19036 [ed s][uddenly ] -> [ed suddenly ] 19037 [realized ][what ] -> [realized what ] 19038 [would ][give ] -> [would give ] 19039 [. . . ][\u000a "] -> [. . . \u000a "] 19040 [, the ][demanding memor] -> [, the demanding memor] 19041 [ up][ to ] -> [ up to ] 19042 [a][ib] -> [aib] 19043 [\u000a][That ] -> [\u000aThat ] 19044 [pass][ed through] -> [passed through] 19045 [ such][ a] -> [ such a] 19046 [. He ][knew what ] -> [. He knew what ] 19047 [aw][e ] -> [awe ] 19048 [ceremon][y, ] -> [ceremony, ] 19049 [," Chani][ whispered. "] -> [," Chani whispered. "] 19050 [her ][voice ] -> [her voice ] 19051 [ f][ire] -> [ fire] 19052 [. Th][rough] -> [. Through] 19053 [ it ][all] -> [ it all] 19054 [ic][ism] -> [icism] 19055 [T][er] -> [Ter] 19056 [one-eyed ][vision ] -> [one-eyed vision ] 19057 [one-eyed vision ][of the ] -> [one-eyed vision of the ] 19058 [bec][ome] -> [become] 19059 [new ][understand] -> [new understand] 19060 [ac][y and ] -> [acy and ] 19061 [inter][ven] -> [interven] 19062 [, ][a m] -> [, a m] 19063 [ig][an] -> [igan] 19064 [consequ][ences] -> [consequences] 19065 [ing ][knife ] -> [ing knife ] 19066 [other][ than] -> [other than] 19067 [ hel][met ] -> [ helmet ] 19068 [legal][ son] -> [legal son] 19069 [most ][terrible ] -> [most terrible ] 19070 [answer][ed] -> [answered] 19071 [, she thought][. There ] -> [, she thought. There ] 19072 [ bir][d ] -> [ bird ] 19073 [two][ str] -> [two str] 19074 [low][globes ] -> [lowglobes ] 19075 [thrown][ back to ] -> [thrown back to ] 19076 [thrown back to ][reveal the ] -> [thrown back to reveal the ] 19077 [aqu][il] -> [aquil] 19078 [aquil][ine ] -> [aquiline ] 19079 [before ][they ] -> [before they ] 19080 [im][pregn] -> [impregn] 19081 [impregn][ated ] -> [impregnated ] 19082 [!" ][Stilgar] -> [!" Stilgar] 19083 [ con][fron] -> [ confron] 19084 [," Jamis ][said] -> [," Jamis said] 19085 [comb][at] -> [combat] 19086 [ed ][Stilgar's ] -> [ed Stilgar's ] 19087 [am][tal ] -> [amtal ] 19088 [amtal ][rule] -> [amtal rule] 19089 [your][ part ] -> [your part ] 19090 [design][ed to] -> [designed to] 19091 [f][ring] -> [fring] 19092 [a b][oy] -> [a boy] 19093 [sk][y and ] -> [sky and ] 19094 [this ][way] -> [this way] 19095 [over the ][land] -> [over the land] 19096 [ this ][night] -> [ this night] 19097 [ inv][oke the ] -> [ invoke the ] 19098 [do this ][thing] -> [do this thing] 19099 [ fell][ silent, ] -> [ fell silent, ] 19100 [star][ing at him] -> [staring at him] 19101 [light of the ][glowglobes] -> [light of the glowglobes] 19102 [d][emon] -> [demon] 19103 [Stilgar][ said: "] -> [Stilgar said: "] 19104 [ed ][enough] -> [ed enough] 19105 [--"\u000a "][She ] -> [--"\u000a "She ] 19106 [, ][help] -> [, help] 19107 [det][ach] -> [detach] 19108 [carefull][y ] -> [carefully ] 19109 [a crysknif][e ] -> [a crysknife ] 19110 [and ][Gurney Halleck] -> [and Gurney Halleck] 19111 [.\u000a "You][ cannot ] -> [.\u000a "You cannot ] 19112 [either][ hand] -> [either hand] 19113 [on the ][practice ] -> [on the practice ] 19114 [ear][ing-] -> [earing-] 19115 [ul][tan] -> [ultan] 19116 [ultan][e] -> [ultane] 19117 [ous][ly] -> [ously] 19118 [r][ing ] -> [ring ] 19119 [.\u000a Paul][ crouch] -> [.\u000a Paul crouch] 19120 [own][ess ] -> [owness ] 19121 [e][: "] -> [e: "] 19122 [future ][and ] -> [future and ] 19123 [fin][ite ] -> [finite ] 19124 [trac][tion] -> [traction] 19125 [p][ounc] -> [pounc] 19126 [ed. \u000a ][Jessica] -> [ed. \u000a Jessica] 19127 [? she asked herself][. He ] -> [? she asked herself. He ] 19128 [be][fore she could ] -> [before she could ] 19129 [on the ][rock floor] -> [on the rock floor] 19130 [.\u000a Again][, ] -> [.\u000a Again, ] 19131 [ d][odg] -> [ dodg] 19132 [ blad][e] -> [ blade] 19133 [?" \u000a "][H] -> [?" \u000a "H] 19134 [ c][rysknif] -> [ crysknif] 19135 [future][, ] -> [future, ] 19136 [be][ad] -> [bead] 19137 [could ][see the ] -> [could see the ] 19138 [high][, ] -> [high, ] 19139 [to his ][left hand] -> [to his left hand] 19140 [ed s][ide] -> [ed side] 19141 [ed side][way] -> [ed sideway] 19142 [depth][s of the ] -> [depths of the ] 19143 [ind ][and ] -> [ind and ] 19144 [ed ][heav] -> [ed heav] 19145 [ed.\u000a ][Chani] -> [ed.\u000a Chani] 19146 [focus][ed on ] -> [focused on ] 19147 [a ][killer] -> [a killer] 19148 [on the ][cavern] -> [on the cavern] 19149 [ed him][ to ] -> [ed him to ] 19150 [ad ][the ] -> [ad the ] 19151 [its ][and ] -> [its and ] 19152 [differ][ences] -> [differences] 19153 [ab][ys] -> [abys] 19154 [embr][ac] -> [embrac] 19155 [of the ][I] -> [of the I] 19156 [ch][w] -> [chw] 19157 [chw][an ] -> [chwan ] 19158 [chwan ][B] -> [chwan B] 19159 [chwan B][ed] -> [chwan Bed] 19160 [sp][ar] -> [spar] 19161 [ty ][of the ] -> [ty of the ] 19162 [T][en] -> [Ten] 19163 [. . . ][except ] -> [. . . except ] 19164 [s.\u000a ][It ] -> [s.\u000a It ] 19165 [he ][told himself] -> [he told himself] 19166 [to ][train] -> [to train] 19167 [was ][open] -> [was open] 19168 [!"][\u000a\u000a ] -> [!"\u000a\u000a ] 19169 [s . . . ][and the ] -> [s . . . and the ] 19170 [ would ][not ] -> [ would not ] 19171 [need][s of ] -> [needs of ] 19172 [ concub][in] -> [ concubin] 19173 [t the ][water] -> [t the water] 19174 [ marvel][ed at the ] -> [ marveled at the ] 19175 [," Jessica said][.\u000a She ] -> [," Jessica said.\u000a She ] 19176 [Gi][ud] -> [Giud] 19177 [Giud][ich] -> [Giudich] 19178 [Giudich][ar] -> [Giudichar] 19179 [d][ail] -> [dail] 19180 [dail][y ] -> [daily ] 19181 [close ][to Paul's ] -> [close to Paul's ] 19182 [.\u000a The ][troop] -> [.\u000a The troop] 19183 [p][its ] -> [pits ] 19184 [spir][it ] -> [spirit ] 19185 [ed.\u000a ][Stilgar ] -> [ed.\u000a Stilgar ] 19186 [ c][ircle ] -> [ circle ] 19187 ['s ][right] -> ['s right] 19188 [ed the ][robe ] -> [ed the robe ] 19189 [an a][ss] -> [an ass] 19190 [l][ed him] -> [led him] 19191 [. Do][es ] -> [. Does ] 19192 [return][ed to his ] -> [returned to his ] 19193 [place in the c][ircle] -> [place in the circle] 19194 [-of][-the-] -> [-of-the-] 19195 [voice ][hiss] -> [voice hiss] 19196 [aw][ed ] -> [awed ] 19197 [dri][ed ] -> [dried ] 19198 [n][ativ] -> [nativ] 19199 [th][ee] -> [thee] 19200 [of s][olid ] -> [of solid ] 19201 [ing s][ack] -> [ing sack] 19202 [thir][ty-three ] -> [thirty-three ] 19203 [and ][three-] -> [and three-] 19204 [and three-][thirty-seconds drachm] -> [and three-thirty-seconds drachm] 19205 [, ][never] -> [, never] 19206 [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa][," ] -> [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," ] 19207 [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," ][inton] -> [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," inton] 19208 [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," inton][ed the ] -> [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," intoned the ] 19209 [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," intoned the ][troop] -> [." \u000a "Bi-lal kaifa," intoned the troop] 19210 [an][ter] -> [anter] 19211 [s][," Stilgar said] -> [s," Stilgar said] 19212 [ed out][, ] -> [ed out, ] 19213 [jo][st] -> [jost] 19214 [ed at ][a ] -> [ed at a ] 19215 [away ][from] -> [away from] 19216 [ir][regular] -> [irregular] 19217 [on][ey] -> [oney] 19218 [atis][fi] -> [atisfi] 19219 [ the sec][ret ] -> [ the secret ] 19220 [wind][trap] -> [windtrap] 19221 [ahead ][of him] -> [ahead of him] 19222 [pl][ash] -> [plash] 19223 [ cas][ual] -> [ casual] 19224 [ch][ant] -> [chant] 19225 [ down][ through the ] -> [ down through the ] 19226 [, th][ese ] -> [, these ] 19227 [pe][as] -> [peas] 19228 [a d][ream] -> [a dream] 19229 [go][al] -> [goal] 19230 [. S][uch] -> [. Such] 19231 [or][ and ] -> [or and ] 19232 [w][ield] -> [wield] 19233 [felt ][that ] -> [felt that ] 19234 [and ][was ] -> [and was ] 19235 [.\u000a\u000a]["] -> [.\u000a\u000a"] 19236 [. She ][could ] -> [. She could ] 19237 [ pro][g] -> [ prog] 19238 [Feyd-Rautha ][Harkonnen ] -> [Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen ] 19239 [tri][angular] -> [triangular] 19240 [triangular][ ] -> [triangular ] 19241 [na-][Baron's ] -> [na-Baron's ] 19242 [Count ][and his ] -> [Count and his ] 19243 [watch][ed and ] -> [watched and ] 19244 [rec][ep] -> [recep] 19245 [recep][tion] -> [reception] 19246 [s ][along] -> [s along] 19247 [ the s][id] -> [ the sid] 19248 [ we][ight] -> [ weight] 19249 [b][obb] -> [bobb] 19250 [." \u000a ][Feyd-Rautha] -> [." \u000a Feyd-Rautha] 19251 [clo][th] -> [cloth] 19252 [," said the ][Count] -> [," said the Count] 19253 [h][m-m-m-m] -> [hm-m-m-m] 19254 [we][as] -> [weas] 19255 [weas][el] -> [weasel] 19256 [m-m-m][ ] -> [m-m-m ] 19257 [ him ][out] -> [ him out] 19258 [ bow][ed, ] -> [ bowed, ] 19259 [err][and ] -> [errand ] 19260 [chang][e] -> [change] 19261 [more than a][ handful] -> [more than a handful] 19262 [ desert ][is ] -> [ desert is ] 19263 [took ][two] -> [took two] 19264 [oc][cur] -> [occur] 19265 [ation][ against ] -> [ation against ] 19266 [killing][ has ] -> [killing has ] 19267 [."\u000a The ][Count ] -> [."\u000a The Count ] 19268 [con][n] -> [conn] 19269 [," the Baron said][.\u000a "You] -> [," the Baron said.\u000a "You] 19270 [es][ome ] -> [esome ] 19271 [ ][Sardaukar] -> [ Sardaukar] 19272 [emphas][is] -> [emphasis] 19273 [he ][can] -> [he can] 19274 [in][ to] -> [in to] 19275 [ per][mitted ] -> [ permitted ] 19276 [."\u000a "][D] -> [."\u000a "D] 19277 [d][are ] -> [dare ] 19278 [cap][acity ] -> [capacity ] 19279 [in][spir] -> [inspir] 19280 [ground ][car] -> [ground car] 19281 [at ][that ] -> [at that ] 19282 [sub][st] -> [subst] 19283 [in the ][ancient ] -> [in the ancient ] 19284 [knife ][in] -> [knife in] 19285 [that ][now] -> [that now] 19286 [ d][ed] -> [ ded] 19287 [ ded][icate ] -> [ dedicate ] 19288 [lad][i] -> [ladi] 19289 [ladi][ator] -> [ladiator] 19290 [. ][Feyd-Rautha ] -> [. Feyd-Rautha ] 19291 [a d][rug] -> [a drug] 19292 [he][f] -> [hef] 19293 [hef][ted the ] -> [hefted the ] 19294 [p][ru-] -> [pru-] 19295 [.\u000a ][Feyd-Rautha] -> [.\u000a Feyd-Rautha] 19296 [to his ][arm] -> [to his arm] 19297 [," Feyd-Rautha][ said. He ] -> [," Feyd-Rautha said. He ] 19298 [. Al][ready, ] -> [. Already, ] 19299 [Feyd-Rautha f][elt ] -> [Feyd-Rautha felt ] 19300 [!"][ the slave ] -> [!" the slave ] 19301 [gripp][ed the ] -> [gripped the ] 19302 [galler][ies ] -> [galleries ] 19303 [w][in] -> [win] 19304 [eff][ects ] -> [effects ] 19305 [bar][est ] -> [barest ] 19306 [ d][anc] -> [ danc] 19307 [ed shaf][t ] -> [ed shaft ] 19308 [arm][, the ] -> [arm, the ] 19309 [.\u000a The ][slave ] -> [.\u000a The slave ] 19310 [!" h][e shout] -> [!" he shout] 19311 [the s][lav] -> [the slav] 19312 [."\u000a ][S] -> [."\u000a S] 19313 [short ][blade] -> [short blade] 19314 [l][er ] -> [ler ] 19315 [i][e ] -> [ie ] 19316 [a moment ][of] -> [a moment of] 19317 [poison][ed ] -> [poisoned ] 19318 [ograph][ic] -> [ographic] 19319 [ for ][every ] -> [ for every ] 19320 [ on][to his ] -> [ onto his ] 19321 [ cam][e the ] -> [ came the ] 19322 [ead][! H] -> [ead! H] 19323 [Feyd-Rauth][a c] -> [Feyd-Rautha c] 19324 [ f][et] -> [ fet] 19325 [f][et] -> [fet] 19326 [e][. I've ] -> [e. I've ] 19327 [an ][error] -> [an error] 19328 [wom][b] -> [womb] 19329 [a mistak][e] -> [a mistake] 19330 [pres][erve ] -> [preserve ] 19331 [end][ar] -> [endar] 19332 [I told ][you] -> [I told you] 19333 [ed][. You] -> [ed. You] 19334 [ch][ir] -> [chir] 19335 [chir][rup] -> [chirrup] 19336 [ pass][ed through the ] -> [ passed through the ] 19337 [left ][his ] -> [left his ] 19338 [ what ][you] -> [ what you] 19339 [h][ush] -> [hush] 19340 [ of a ][Fremen ] -> [ of a Fremen ] 19341 [ cr][ash] -> [ crash] 19342 [, ][carry] -> [, carry] 19343 [bes][ted ] -> [bested ] 19344 [have ][you] -> [have you] 19345 [ saw][ the s] -> [ saw the s] 19346 [, ][it's ] -> [, it's ] 19347 [yal][i] -> [yali] 19348 [G][eoff] -> [Geoff] 19349 [.\u000a ][Harah] -> [.\u000a Harah] 19350 [dar][ed ] -> [dared ] 19351 [oblig][ation] -> [obligation] 19352 [s][.\u000a "You] -> [s.\u000a "You] 19353 [turn][ing ] -> [turning ] 19354 [ over][head ] -> [ overhead ] 19355 [hang][ings] -> [hangings] 19356 [vis][ual] -> [visual] 19357 [rom][op] -> [romop] 19358 [romop][lastic] -> [romoplastic] 19359 [wall][s, ] -> [walls, ] 19360 [new][ sietch] -> [new sietch] 19361 [Paul had ][seen] -> [Paul had seen] 19362 [far][ wall] -> [far wall] 19363 [om][an ] -> [oman ] 19364 [par][allel] -> [parallel] 19365 [hang][ings and ] -> [hangings and ] 19366 [surround][ed by ] -> [surrounded by ] 19367 [ide][as ] -> [ideas ] 19368 [at ][any ] -> [at any ] 19369 [ledge][. He ] -> [ledge. He ] 19370 [larger ][room] -> [larger room] 19371 [about ][six] -> [about six] 19372 [r][us] -> [rus] 19373 [ed][y ] -> [edy ] 19374 [h][ilt] -> [hilt] 19375 [upp][er ] -> [upper ] 19376 [reach][es of the ] -> [reaches of the ] 19377 [G][ather] -> [Gather] 19378 [leav][ing the ] -> [leaving the ] 19379 [lin][es of ] -> [lines of ] 19380 [ stand][ing ] -> [ standing ] 19381 [to prevent ][the ] -> [to prevent the ] 19382 [ this ][is ] -> [ this is ] 19383 [us][ky ] -> [usky ] 19384 [ h][usk] -> [ husk] 19385 [survi][ve ] -> [survive ] 19386 [ h][aj] -> [ haj] 19387 [of the ][W] -> [of the W] 19388 [of the W][eird] -> [of the Weird] 19389 [ stand ][beside ] -> [ stand beside ] 19390 [cons][ecr] -> [consecr] 19391 [Chani][ has ] -> [Chani has ] 19392 [ con][sec] -> [ consec] 19393 [ consec][r] -> [ consecr] 19394 [iolis ][storm] -> [iolis storm] 19395 [lo][sh] -> [losh] 19396 [?" Chani][ ask] -> [?" Chani ask] 19397 [bridg][e of his ] -> [bridge of his ] 19398 [no][se, ] -> [nose, ] 19399 [tas][ted the ] -> [tasted the ] 19400 [that ][made the ] -> [that made the ] 19401 [."\u000a Jessica][ felt ] -> [."\u000a Jessica felt ] 19402 [un][like ] -> [unlike ] 19403 [? she asked herself][. She ] -> [? she asked herself. She ] 19404 [Reverend Mother][s ] -> [Reverend Mothers ] 19405 [ mot][e-] -> [ mote-] 19406 [mo][lec] -> [molec] 19407 [catal][y] -> [cataly] 19408 [: ][not ] -> [: not ] 19409 [.\u000a "You][ know] -> [.\u000a "You know] 19410 [imag][e-] -> [image-] 19411 [. . . "][\u000a The ] -> [. . . "\u000a The ] 19412 [lo][ver] -> [lover] 19413 [.\u000a ][I am] -> [.\u000a I am] 19414 [iness ][of the ] -> [iness of the ] 19415 [e, but ][she ] -> [e, but she ] 19416 [little ][enough] -> [little enough] 19417 [est ][and ] -> [est and ] 19418 [par][ting] -> [parting] 19419 [R][oss] -> [Ross] 19420 [Ross][ak] -> [Rossak] 19421 [ref][in] -> [refin] 19422 [Water of Lif][e, ] -> [Water of Life, ] 19423 [hidden][ mean] -> [hidden mean] 19424 [ re][veal] -> [ reveal] 19425 [spice ][drug] -> [spice drug] 19426 [.\u000a ][From] -> [.\u000a From] 19427 [," ][they] -> [," they] 19428 [As ][she ] -> [As she ] 19429 [ st][ead] -> [ stead] 19430 [pres][ent, ] -> [present, ] 19431 [that ][they had ] -> [that they had ] 19432 [dim][ension] -> [dimension] 19433 [elec][tive ] -> [elective ] 19434 [comm][un] -> [commun] 19435 [k][iss] -> [kiss] 19436 [P][RO] -> [PRO] 19437 [Baron Vladimir ][Harkonnen ] -> [Baron Vladimir Harkonnen ] 19438 [ant][ec] -> [antec] 19439 [antec][hamber] -> [antechamber] 19440 [emut][a m] -> [emuta m] 19441 [Did I not ][say ] -> [Did I not say ] 19442 [to][ that ] -> [to that ] 19443 [od][y ] -> [ody ] 19444 [ the slav][emaster] -> [ the slavemaster] 19445 [ cho][ice] -> [ choice] 19446 [ed to][ my ] -> [ed to my ] 19447 [ing betwe][en] -> [ing between] 19448 [es, ][too] -> [es, too] 19449 [cap][able] -> [capable] 19450 [talk][ about ] -> [talk about ] 19451 [s of][ a s] -> [s of a s] 19452 [ent][al] -> [ental] 19453 [ snar][led. "] -> [ snarled. "] 19454 [?" \u000a "][It's ] -> [?" \u000a "It's ] 19455 [as ][he had ] -> [as he had ] 19456 [near][ ] -> [near ] 19457 [mater][ial] -> [material] 19458 [. I][ do not ] -> [. I do not ] 19459 [it, ][eh] -> [it, eh] 19460 [betray][ed the ] -> [betrayed the ] 19461 [ wom][en, ] -> [ women, ] 19462 [you ][now] -> [you now] 19463 [an un][conscious ] -> [an unconscious ] 19464 [im][pass] -> [impass] 19465 [ or][ the ] -> [ or the ] 19466 [ prison][ers ] -> [ prisoners ] 19467 [gave ][his ] -> [gave his ] 19468 [recru][its ] -> [recruits ] 19469 [kill][ed s] -> [killed s] 19470 [twenty ][th] -> [twenty th] 19471 [ a plan][et] -> [ a planet] 19472 [er ][-- ] -> [er -- ] 19473 [on ][Salusa Secundus] -> [on Salusa Secundus] 19474 [to][ produce ] -> [to produce ] 19475 [ be][ings ] -> [ beings ] 19476 [ed because ][it ] -> [ed because it ] 19477 [of ][any ] -> [of any ] 19478 [knows ][this] -> [knows this] 19479 [over ][Arrakis ] -> [over Arrakis ] 19480 [prison][ers] -> [prisoners] 19481 [ religi][ous ] -> [ religious ] 19482 [Muad'Dib][.\u000a ] -> [Muad'Dib.\u000a ] 19483 [u][tile ] -> [utile ] 19484 [se][ason] -> [season] 19485 [ridg][e, ] -> [ridge, ] 19486 [ --][ a ] -> [ -- a ] 19487 [twenty][-thump] -> [twenty-thump] 19488 [twenty-thump][er ] -> [twenty-thumper ] 19489 [ into the ][south] -> [ into the south] 19490 [ p][y] -> [ py] 19491 [ ][P] -> [ P] 19492 [ was ][that ] -> [ was that ] 19493 [inner][ chamber] -> [inner chamber] 19494 [to][ chang] -> [to chang] 19495 [in][ a b] -> [in a b] 19496 [al][am] -> [alam] 19497 [ith][al] -> [ithal] 19498 [: "][I am] -> [: "I am] 19499 [ who][ was ] -> [ who was ] 19500 [obst][ac] -> [obstac] 19501 [Fremen m][yth] -> [Fremen myth] 19502 [cloud][ed ] -> [clouded ] 19503 [Relig][ion ] -> [Religion ] 19504 [ ceremon][y ] -> [ ceremony ] 19505 [" ][--] -> [" --] 19506 [ with ][Chani] -> [ with Chani] 19507 [Alia ][is ] -> [Alia is ] 19508 [wasn't ][the ] -> [wasn't the ] 19509 [palm][aries ] -> [palmaries ] 19510 [of ][Gurney Halleck] -> [of Gurney Halleck] 19511 [on ][of the ] -> [on of the ] 19512 [lead][er of the ] -> [leader of the ] 19513 [," Stilgar][ had ] -> [," Stilgar had ] 19514 [and s][et ] -> [and set ] 19515 [this ][day ] -> [this day ] 19516 [men][ who ] -> [men who ] 19517 [. S][ometimes ] -> [. Sometimes ] 19518 [--][ is ] -> [-- is ] 19519 [law][ and ] -> [law and ] 19520 [ began][ the ] -> [ began the ] 19521 [Stilgar ][-- ] -> [Stilgar -- ] 19522 [death][ ] -> [death ] 19523 [ap][per] -> [apper] 19524 [Sh][ishakli] -> [Shishakli] 19525 [," Stilgar said][, and ] -> [," Stilgar said, and ] 19526 [qu][ad ] -> [quad ] 19527 [. A][t the ] -> [. At the ] 19528 [per][me] -> [perme] 19529 [ir][th] -> [irth] 19530 [ c][elebr] -> [ celebr] 19531 [Sub][iay] -> [Subiay] 19532 [ar][om] -> [arom] 19533 [ers][on ] -> [erson ] 19534 [on][eness ] -> [oneness ] 19535 [ec][t, ] -> [ect, ] 19536 [-l][isp] -> [-lisp] 19537 [.\u000a The ][child ] -> [.\u000a The child ] 19538 [cross][ed to] -> [crossed to] 19539 [a m][ember of] -> [a member of] 19540 [house][hold] -> [household] 19541 [" ][and ] -> [" and ] 19542 [ c][ry ] -> [ cry ] 19543 [," Harah][ said] -> [," Harah said] 19544 [in ][Harah's ] -> [in Harah's ] 19545 [ in the s][ietch] -> [ in the sietch] 19546 [might ][have ] -> [might have ] 19547 [razz][ia] -> [razzia] 19548 [train][ing and ] -> [training and ] 19549 [. And ][it was ] -> [. And it was ] 19550 [ happ][iness ] -> [ happiness ] 19551 [D][idn't ] -> [Didn't ] 19552 [a! Y][a! Y] -> [a! Ya! Y] 19553 [a! Ya! Y][awm] -> [a! Ya! Yawm] 19554 [Mu ze][in, ] -> [Mu zein, ] 19555 [ p][or] -> [ por] 19556 [ g][ard] -> [ gard] 19557 [ her ][eyes ] -> [ her eyes ] 19558 [," ][Tharthar] -> [," Tharthar] 19559 [. They say ][they ] -> [. They say they ] 19560 [child]['s ] -> [child's ] 19561 [or][thod] -> [orthod] 19562 [orthod][ox] -> [orthodox] 19563 [. B][ecause ] -> [. Because ] 19564 [in][evit] -> [inevit] 19565 [ off][ his ] -> [ off his ] 19566 [Le][av] -> [Leav] 19567 [hook][s, ] -> [hooks, ] 19568 [work][ together] -> [work together] 19569 [," Paul][ agre] -> [," Paul agre] 19570 [go][od, ] -> [good, ] 19571 [Habbany][a ] -> [Habbanya ] 19572 [There is ][no] -> [There is no] 19573 [ my ][mind] -> [ my mind] 19574 [in ][Chani's ] -> [in Chani's ] 19575 [ these ][people] -> [ these people] 19576 [against ][me] -> [against me] 19577 [know how][ it ] -> [know how it ] 19578 [Cave of B][irds ] -> [Cave of Birds ] 19579 [ a cour][se ] -> [ a course ] 19580 [far][ beyond the ] -> [far beyond the ] 19581 [.\u000a "][Stilgar] -> [.\u000a "Stilgar] 19582 [know][ I] -> [know I] 19583 [filter][ed ] -> [filtered ] 19584 [. \u000a ][Stilgar] -> [. \u000a Stilgar] 19585 [one][," Paul said. "] -> [one," Paul said. "] 19586 [duty ][are ] -> [duty are ] 19587 [dry ][beach] -> [dry beach] 19588 [had ][seen] -> [had seen] 19589 [. An][y] -> [. Any] 19590 [worri][ed him] -> [worried him] 19591 [factory ][command] -> [factory command] 19592 [," Gurney][ said, "] -> [," Gurney said, "] 19593 [s][!\u000a ] -> [s!\u000a ] 19594 [you were ][dead] -> [you were dead] 19595 [turned back][ to ] -> [turned back to ] 19596 [. ][Gurney] -> [. Gurney] 19597 [olog][y ] -> [ology ] 19598 [," Paul said][, and he ] -> [," Paul said, and he ] 19599 [ with ][Stilgar] -> [ with Stilgar] 19600 [Gurney ][thought] -> [Gurney thought] 19601 [nodd][ed toward the ] -> [nodded toward the ] 19602 [touch][ of the ] -> [touch of the ] 19603 [ c][over ] -> [ cover ] 19604 [." \u000a ][Gurney] -> [." \u000a Gurney] 19605 [Gurney][ stared at him] -> [Gurney stared at him] 19606 [fasten][ed the ] -> [fastened the ] 19607 [ decide ][what ] -> [ decide what ] 19608 [is][el] -> [isel] 19609 [!" Paul][ shout] -> [!" Paul shout] 19610 [Fedaykin ][lieutenant] -> [Fedaykin lieutenant] 19611 [dead ][and ] -> [dead and ] 19612 [ warr][en] -> [ warren] 19613 [W][ays ] -> [Ways ] 19614 [do you][ think I] -> [do you think I] 19615 [ is ][not ] -> [ is not ] 19616 [," Paul said][, ] -> [," Paul said, ] 19617 [den][ial] -> [denial] 19618 [, think][ing of] -> [, thinking of] 19619 [taken][ from] -> [taken from] 19620 [pow][ers of ] -> [powers of ] 19621 [.\u000a "You][ will] -> [.\u000a "You will] 19622 [ batt][les] -> [ battles] 19623 [over][ all] -> [over all] 19624 [ r][ul] -> [ rul] 19625 [ou][had] -> [ouhad] 19626 [Council][ G] -> [Council G] 19627 [Council G][ather] -> [Council Gather] 19628 [j][asm] -> [jasm] 19629 [jasm][ium] -> [jasmium] 19630 [grand][son] -> [grandson] 19631 [command ][post ] -> [command post ] 19632 [," Gurney][ said. \u000a "] -> [," Gurney said. \u000a "] 19633 [ a ][Harkonnen ] -> [ a Harkonnen ] 19634 [," Gurney][ said. He ] -> [," Gurney said. He ] 19635 [V][ar] -> [Var] 19636 [Var][ot] -> [Varot] 19637 [ed ][-- ] -> [ed -- ] 19638 [do][ that] -> [do that] 19639 [st][unted ] -> [stunted ] 19640 [v][ector] -> [vector] 19641 [. O][theym] -> [. Otheym] 19642 [almost ][overwhelm] -> [almost overwhelm] 19643 [od][if] -> [odif] 19644 [ed ][under the ] -> [ed under the ] 19645 [?" Chani][ asked.\u000a "] -> [?" Chani asked.\u000a "] 19646 [ho][ly ] -> [holy ] 19647 [adap][ted ] -> [adapted ] 19648 [iv][al] -> [ival] 19649 [ against the ][wall] -> [ against the wall] 19650 [re][vers] -> [revers] 19651 [se][ven] -> [seven] 19652 [, s][hock] -> [, shock] 19653 [Guild navigator][s, ] -> [Guild navigators, ] 19654 [ship][, the ] -> [ship, the ] 19655 [Padishah Emperor][ S] -> [Padishah Emperor S] 19656 [Padishah Emperor S][had] -> [Padishah Emperor Shad] 19657 [Padishah Emperor Shad][dam IV] -> [Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV] 19658 [in ][Fremen] -> [in Fremen] 19659 [temper][ature ] -> [temperature ] 19660 [ fe][ature ] -> [ feature ] 19661 [Sardaukar][ have ] -> [Sardaukar have ] 19662 [grand][mother ] -> [grandmother ] 19663 [grandmother ][of a s] -> [grandmother of a s] 19664 [grandmother of a s][torm] -> [grandmother of a storm] 19665 [on the ][plain] -> [on the plain] 19666 [inj][unction] -> [injunction] 19667 [, my ][Duke] -> [, my Duke] 19668 [exclam][ation] -> [exclamation] 19669 [ at the ][telescop] -> [ at the telescop] 19670 [," the ][watch] -> [," the watch] 19671 [great][-] -> [great-] 19672 [tunnel][ mouth] -> [tunnel mouth] 19673 [signal][man] -> [signalman] 19674 [M][uch] -> [Much] 19675 [Much][ static] -> [Much static] 19676 [(][blank] -> [(blank] 19677 [(blank][)] -> [(blank)] 19678 [ for][ a s] -> [ for a s] 19679 [Emperor][ stood ] -> [Emperor stood ] 19680 [quar][tz] -> [quartz] 19681 [ black][ ab] -> [ black ab] 19682 [suit][e, ] -> [suite, ] 19683 [Guild agent][s, ] -> [Guild agents, ] 19684 [advanc][ed to the ] -> [advanced to the ] 19685 [s, ][Majesty] -> [s, Majesty] 19686 [ ho][st] -> [ host] 19687 [m][ad ] -> [mad ] 19688 [sel][amlik] -> [selamlik] 19689 [U][mm] -> [Umm] 19690 [ventur][er] -> [venturer] 19691 [Your ][Majesty] -> [Your Majesty] 19692 [," the Emperor][ said, "] -> [," the Emperor said, "] 19693 [thron][e. "] -> [throne. "] 19694 [leaned ][close ] -> [leaned close ] 19695 [T-][P] -> [T-P] 19696 [or][ted ] -> [orted ] 19697 [he ][did ] -> [he did ] 19698 [ d][am] -> [ dam] 19699 [extens][ive ] -> [extensive ] 19700 [examin][ing the ] -> [examining the ] 19701 [ cleared his throat][, said: "] -> [ cleared his throat, said: "] 19702 [spectrum][ ] -> [spectrum ] 19703 [spectrum ][narcotic] -> [spectrum narcotic] 19704 [."\u000a The ][Emperor's ] -> [."\u000a The Emperor's ] 19705 [kin][sman] -> [kinsman] 19706 [barrier ][lanc] -> [barrier lanc] 19707 [negoti][ate ] -> [negotiate ] 19708 [or][man] -> [orman] 19709 [right ][hip] -> [right hip] 19710 [s with][in ] -> [s within ] 19711 [pr][incess ] -> [princess ] 19712 [:][ that ] -> [: that ] 19713 [Appendix][ I] -> [Appendix I] 19714 [brother][hood ] -> [brotherhood ] 19715 [-][degree ] -> [-degree ] 19716 [4][-] -> [4-] 19717 [: the ]["] -> [: the "] 19718 [plan][k] -> [plank] 19719 [(][the ] -> [(the ] 19720 [)][ is ] -> [) is ] 19721 [produc][ed by the ] -> [produced by the ] 19722 [down][wind ] -> [downwind ] 19723 [00][ meters ] -> [00 meters ] 19724 [:][ desert ] -> [: desert ] 19725 [:][\u000a ] -> [:\u000a ] 19726 [ m][edi] -> [ medi] 19727 [Ma][ome] -> [Maome] 19728 [Maome][th] -> [Maometh] 19729 [Com][miss] -> [Commiss] 19730 [Commiss][ion of ] -> [Commission of ] 19731 [Commission of ][Ec] -> [Commission of Ec] 19732 [Commission of Ec][umen] -> [Commission of Ecumen] 19733 [Commission of Ecumen][ical T] -> [Commission of Ecumenical T] 19734 [Commission of Ecumenical T][ran] -> [Commission of Ecumenical Tran] 19735 [Commission of Ecumenical Tran][sl] -> [Commission of Ecumenical Transl] 19736 [Commission of Ecumenical Transl][ator] -> [Commission of Ecumenical Translator] 19737 [2][. The ] -> [2. The ] 19738 [Delta ][P] -> [Delta P] 19739 [Delta P][av] -> [Delta Pav] 19740 [Delta Pav][onis] -> [Delta Pavonis] 19741 [TR][A] -> [TRA] 19742 [ comm][on ] -> [ common ] 19743 [oub][adour] -> [oubadour] 19744 [C.E.T. ][delegates ] -> [C.E.T. delegates ] 19745 [ecumen][ism] -> [ecumenism] 19746 [G][od, ] -> [God, ] 19747 [cl][usion] -> [clusion] 19748 [Bomok][o] -> [Bomoko] 19749 [limit][ations ] -> [limitations ] 19750 [breed][ing program] -> [breeding program] 19751 [can][ b] -> [can b] 19752 [.) ][\u000a Muad'Dib: "] -> [.) \u000a Muad'Dib: "] 19753 [. (][The ] -> [. (The ] 19754 [Azhar Book][ ] -> [Azhar Book ] 19755 [Azhar Book ][trac] -> [Azhar Book trac] 19756 [Azhar Book trac][es this ] -> [Azhar Book traces this ] 19757 [not ][God ] -> [not God ] 19758 [amp][lif] -> [amplif] 19759 [that the ][Bene Gesserit ] -> [that the Bene Gesserit ] 19760 [order][ dim] -> [order dim] 19761 [order dim][ension] -> [order dimension] 19762 [voice from the ][outer] -> [voice from the outer] 19763 [voice from the outer][ world] -> [voice from the outer world] 19764 [HAD][D] -> [HADD] 19765 [ (10,1][3] -> [ (10,13] 19766 [House Corrin][o] -> [House Corrino] 19767 [re][ign] -> [reign] 19768 [noted ][chiefly ] -> [noted chiefly ] 19769 [referr][ed to] -> [referred to] 19770 ["][S] -> ["S] 19771 [. ][\u000a ] -> [. \u000a ] 19772 [, s][ee ] -> [, see ] 19773 [bul][ur] -> [bulur] 19774 [CO][UN] -> [COUN] 19775 [native ][to ] -> [native to ] 19776 [S][: the ] -> [S: the ] 19777 [.\u000a][A] -> [.\u000aA] 19778 [AR][R] -> [ARR] 19779 [War][ of ] -> [War of ] 19780 [War of ][Assassin] -> [War of Assassin] 19781 [Zensunni Wander][ers'] -> [Zensunni Wanderers'] 19782 [ administer][ed in] -> [ administered in] 19783 [: poison][ in] -> [: poison in] 19784 [dial][ect] -> [dialect] 19785 [IS][T] -> [IST] 19786 [oft][en ] -> [often ] 19787 [.) \u000a][B] -> [.) \u000aB] 19788 [IN][E:] -> [INE:] 19789 [igr][ation] -> [igration] 19790 [-][called "] -> [-called "] 19791 [Pr][ana] -> [Prana] 19792 [I][HAD] -> [IHAD] 19793 [o-][called "] -> [o-called "] 19794 [(][usually ] -> [(usually ] 19795 [ four][th planet of ] -> [ fourth planet of ] 19796 [, ][B] -> [, B] 19797 [ER][S:] -> [ERS:] 19798 [S][K] -> [SK] 19799 [Fremen ][on Arrakis] -> [Fremen on Arrakis] 19800 [ec][tious ] -> [ectious ] 19801 [ectious ][superstition] -> [ectious superstition] 19802 [ ste][ersman's call] -> [ steersman's call] 19803 [ATH][ER] -> [ATHER] 19804 [impr][int ] -> [imprint ] 19805 [E ][M] -> [E M] 19806 [D][US] -> [DUS] 19807 [G][: ] -> [G: ] 19808 [extreme ][tens] -> [extreme tens] 19809 [extreme tens][il] -> [extreme tensil] 19810 [extreme tensil][e strength] -> [extreme tensile strength] 19811 [IL][M] -> [ILM] 19812 [half-][legendary ] -> [half-legendary ] 19813 [I][RE] -> [IRE] 19814 [IL][L] -> [ILL] 19815 [K][IT] -> [KIT] 19816 [e][.\u000a\u000a] -> [e.\u000a\u000a] 19817 [noted ][for its ] -> [noted for its ] 19818 [ING][:] -> [ING:] 19819 [.) \u000a][G] -> [.) \u000aG] 19820 [HO][US] -> [HOUS] 19821 [RE][AT] -> [REAT] 19822 [ C][ON] -> [ CON] 19823 [I][-] -> [I-] 19824 [H][!] -> [H!] 19825 [.\u000aH][AR] -> [.\u000aHAR] 19826 [AL][ ] -> [AL ] 19827 [OR][:] -> [OR:] 19828 [K][ER] -> [KER] 19829 [P][ERI] -> [PERI] 19830 [:][ see ] -> [: see ] 19831 [E: the ]["] -> [E: the "] 19832 [H][ol] -> [Hol] 19833 [I][: ] -> [I: ] 19834 [.) \u000a][M] -> [.) \u000aM] 19835 [." \u000a][M] -> [." \u000aM] 19836 [tradition][al ] -> [traditional ] 19837 [.\u000a][N] -> [.\u000aN] 19838 [HI][EL] -> [HIEL] 19839 [HIEL][D] -> [HIELD] 19840 [ER][: ] -> [ER: ] 19841 [ which][ is ] -> [ which is ] 19842 [.\u000aS][AND] -> [.\u000aSAND] 19843 [awareness ][spectrum] -> [awareness spectrum] 19844 [awareness spectrum][" ] -> [awareness spectrum" ] 19845 [awareness spectrum" ][narcotic] -> [awareness spectrum" narcotic] 19846 [\u000a][F] -> [\u000aF] 19847 [\u000a][D] -> [\u000aD] 19848 [= = = = = = ][\u000a\u000a] -> [= = = = = = \u000a\u000a] 19849 [s. ][To] -> [s. To] 19850 [year][ of the ] -> [year of the ] 19851 [ c][are ] -> [ care ] 19852 [: the ][planet ] -> [: the planet ] 19853 [liv][ed his ] -> [lived his ] 19854 [fift][een ] -> [fifteen ] 19855 [fifteen ][years ] -> [fifteen years ] 19856 [, the ][planet ] -> [, the planet ] 19857 [Dun][e, ] -> [Dune, ] 19858 [.\u000a-from "Manual ][of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] -> [.\u000a-from "Manual of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan\u000a\u000a ] 19859 [ before ][their] -> [ before their] 19860 [ d][epar] -> [ depar] 19861 [near][ly ] -> [nearly ] 19862 [unbear][able ] -> [unbearable ] 19863 [cr][one ] -> [crone ] 19864 [came ][to ] -> [came to ] 19865 [mother ][of the ] -> [mother of the ] 19866 [Atreides ][family ] -> [Atreides family ] 19867 [a ch][ange ] -> [a change ] 19868 [e shap][e ] -> [e shape ] 19869 [one s][tep] -> [one step] 19870 [, ][eyes ] -> [, eyes ] 19871 [glitter][ing ] -> [glittering ] 19872 [glittering ][jewel] -> [glittering jewel] 19873 [tw][ang] -> [twang] 19874 [, ][Your Reverence] -> [, Your Reverence] 19875 [." \u000a "][So ] -> [." \u000a "So ] 19876 [I've ][heard] -> [I've heard] 19877 [, s][o ] -> [, so ] 19878 [aw][ake ] -> [awake ] 19879 [listen][ing to ] -> [listening to ] 19880 [ly ][little ] -> [ly little ] 19881 [ly little ][ras] -> [ly little ras] 19882 [ly little ras][cal] -> [ly little rascal] 19883 [ . . ][." \u000a ] -> [ . . ." \u000a ] 19884 [With][in the ] -> [Within the ] 19885 [b][ed, ] -> [bed, ] 19886 [open ][to m] -> [open to m] 19887 [s][lit] -> [slit] 19888 [exp][and ] -> [expand ] 19889 [and ][glow] -> [and glow] 19890 [they][ star] -> [they star] 19891 [leep][ well] -> [leep well] 19892 [your][ fac] -> [your fac] 19893 [.\u000a Paul ][lay ] -> [.\u000a Paul lay ] 19894 [dur][ing this ] -> [during this ] 19895 [est ][thing] -> [est thing] 19896 [ inst][ead ] -> [ instead ] 19897 [.\u000a ][Is ] -> [.\u000a Is ] 19898 [? he wonder][ed.\u000a He ] -> [? he wondered.\u000a He ] 19899 [ed with the ][new] -> [ed with the new] 19900 [Master of ][Assassin] -> [Master of Assassin] 19901 [Master of Assassin][s, ] -> [Master of Assassins, ] 19902 [had ][explain] -> [had explain] 19903 [ortal ][enemies] -> [ortal enemies] 19904 [ortal enemies][, the ] -> [ortal enemies, the ] 19905 [ortal enemies, the ][Harkonnens, ] -> [ortal enemies, the Harkonnens, ] 19906 [-f][ief] -> [-fief] 19907 [Harkonnens ][were ] -> [Harkonnens were ] 19908 [an a][pp] -> [an app] 19909 [for the ][Duke Leto] -> [for the Duke Leto] 19910 [appear][ance ] -> [appearance ] 19911 [contain][ed the ] -> [contained the ] 19912 [dead][liest ] -> [deadliest ] 19913 [Arrakis ][-- Dune -- Desert Planet] -> [Arrakis -- Dune -- Desert Planet] 19914 [Arrakis -- Dune -- Desert Planet][.\u000a Paul] -> [Arrakis -- Dune -- Desert Planet.\u000a Paul] 19915 [, s][ilent ] -> [, silent ] 19916 [ath][ed] -> [athed] 19917 [athed][ral] -> [athedral] 19918 [listen][ed to] -> [listened to] 19919 [drip][-] -> [drip-] 19920 [ he ][would ] -> [ he would ] 19921 [ aw][akening] -> [ awakening] 19922 [s][. \u000a The ] -> [s. \u000a The ] 19923 [ comp][anions ] -> [ companions ] 19924 [ a][g] -> [ ag] 19925 [des][erve ] -> [deserve ] 19926 [ew][ell] -> [ewell] 19927 [, his ][teacher] -> [, his teacher] 19928 [. The ][planet ] -> [. The planet ] 19929 [ will][-] -> [ will-] 19930 [o'][-the-] -> [o'-the-] 19931 [, m][ark] -> [, mark] 19932 [ed his ][own ] -> [ed his own ] 19933 [decid][ed to] -> [decided to] 19934 [his mother][ had taught him] -> [his mother had taught him] 19935 [fell][ into the ] -> [fell into the ] 19936 [floating a][wareness ] -> [floating awareness ] 19937 [. . . ][focus] -> [. . . focus] 19938 [. . . ][a] -> [. . . a] 19939 [il][ation] -> [ilation] 19940 [un][focus] -> [unfocus] 19941 [reg][ions ] -> [regions ] 19942 [. . . ][one ] -> [. . . one ] 19943 [ob][tain] -> [obtain] 19944 [. . . ][animal] -> [. . . animal] 19945 [avoid ][the ] -> [avoid the ] 19946 [ back][ground ] -> [ background ] 19947 [gri][d ] -> [grid ] 19948 [cho][ice, ] -> [choice, ] 19949 [integr][ity ] -> [integrity ] 19950 [follow][s ] -> [follows ] 19951 [ ][need] -> [ need] 19952 [ings ][are ] -> [ings are ] 19953 [imper][manent ] -> [impermanent ] 19954 [man][ence ] -> [manence ] 19955 [ed.\u000a ][When] -> [ed.\u000a When] 19956 [ill][ with ] -> [ill with ] 19957 [light][, he ] -> [light, he ] 19958 [sens][ed it ] -> [sensed it ] 19959 [open][ed them] -> [opened them] 19960 [ing th][en the ] -> [ing then the ] 19961 [tle ][and ] -> [tle and ] 19962 [hur][ry ] -> [hurry ] 19963 [ pattern][ed ] -> [ patterned ] 19964 [bed][room] -> [bedroom] 19965 [peer][ed in] -> [peered in] 19966 [oval][ face ] -> [oval face ] 19967 [green ][eyes star] -> [green eyes star] 19968 [. \u000a "You]['re ] -> [. \u000a "You're ] 19969 [aw][ake] -> [awake] 19970 [tall][ness ] -> [tallness ] 19971 [ch][ose ] -> [chose ] 19972 [miss][ed the ] -> [missed the ] 19973 [Way ][--] -> [Way --] 19974 [min][utia] -> [minutia] 19975 [minutia][e of ] -> [minutiae of ] 19976 [minutiae of ][observation] -> [minutiae of observation] 19977 [emi][formal ] -> [emiformal ] 19978 [jack][et ] -> [jacket ] 19979 [ed ][of her ] -> [ed of her ] 19980 [She ][was ] -> [She was ] 19981 [my ][teacher] -> [my teacher] 19982 [ at the ][Bene Gesserit school] -> [ at the Bene Gesserit school] 19983 [tell her][ about ] -> [tell her about ] 19984 [. I][s ] -> [. Is ] 19985 [. Is ][she ] -> [. Is she ] 19986 [ them][ with the ] -> [ them with the ] 19987 [ ][Reverend Mother] -> [ Reverend Mother] 19988 [." \u000a Paul][ sat up] -> [." \u000a Paul sat up] 19989 [, h][ugg] -> [, hugg] 19990 [dr][a] -> [dra] 19991 [dra][peri] -> [draperi] 19992 [star][ed across the ] -> [stared across the ] 19993 [ch][ard] -> [chard] 19994 [ub][i] -> [ubi] 19995 [. . . the ][gom jabbar] -> [. . . the gom jabbar] 19996 [ so][on enough] -> [ soon enough] 19997 [voice ][and ] -> [voice and ] 19998 [ spoke ][without turn] -> [ spoke without turn] 19999 [morn][ing room] -> [morning room] 20000 [. P][lease ] -> [. Please ] 20001 [."][\u000a\u000a The ] -> [."\u000a\u000a The ] 20002 [tap][es] -> [tapes] 20003 [other ][and ] -> [other and ] 20004 [green][ f] -> [green f] 20005 [ignor][ed the ] -> [ignored the ] 20006 [ space travel][ and ] -> [ space travel and ] 20007 [ab][omin] -> [abomin] 20008 [abomin][able ] -> [abominable ] 20009 [a m][ission] -> [a mission] 20010 [-the-][S] -> [-the-S] 20011 [. Even][ the ] -> [. Even the ] 20012 [Padishah ][Emperor's ] -> [Padishah Emperor's ] 20013 [ cam][e.\u000a ] -> [ came.\u000a ] 20014 [!][ the ] -> [! the ] 20015 [Reverend Mother][ thought] -> [Reverend Mother thought] 20016 [line of][ her] -> [line of her] 20017 [when ][in] -> [when in] 20018 [ doub][t of ] -> [ doubt of ] 20019 [another]['s ] -> [another's ] 20020 [st][ation] -> [station] 20021 [nu][anc] -> [nuanc] 20022 [nuanc][es of ] -> [nuances of ] 20023 [ were ][not ] -> [ were not ] 20024 [be][at, ] -> [beat, ] 20025 [s][ed through] -> [sed through] 20026 [ her ][palm] -> [ her palm] 20027 [ she had ][herself] -> [ she had herself] 20028 [ she had herself][ under] -> [ she had herself under] 20029 [ she had herself under][ control. "] -> [ she had herself under control. "] 20030 [he ][has been ] -> [he has been ] 20031 [." \u000a ][What ] -> [." \u000a What ] 20032 [? Paul wonder][ed.\u000a The ] -> [? Paul wondered.\u000a The ] 20033 [gest][al] -> [gestal] 20034 [ flick][er] -> [ flicker] 20035 [ov][al ] -> [oval ] 20036 [ b][ones ] -> [ bones ] 20037 [mater][nal] -> [maternal] 20038 [that ][th] -> [that th] 20039 [pow][er of] -> [power of] 20040 [a ][-- even ] -> [a -- even ] 20041 [in][ death] -> [in death] 20042 [," she said, "][the ] -> [," she said, "the ] 20043 [ing][re] -> [ingre] 20044 [ingre][di] -> [ingredi] 20045 [ent ][is ] -> [ent is ] 20046 [. We shall][ see] -> [. We shall see] 20047 [the ][m] -> [the m] 20048 [took][ her] -> [took her] 20049 [. "Your][ ] -> [. "Your ] 20050 [I ][--" \u000a "] -> [I --" \u000a "] 20051 [ straighten][ed. "] -> [ straightened. "] 20052 [re][h] -> [reh] 20053 [reh][ension] -> [rehension] 20054 [ he s][ensed ] -> [ he sensed ] 20055 [radi][ating] -> [radiating] 20056 [ from][ his mother] -> [ from his mother] 20057 [about ][to ] -> [about to ] 20058 [. . . ][it's ] -> [. . . it's ] 20059 [, "][Jessica] -> [, "Jessica] 20060 [whirl][ed and strode ] -> [whirled and strode ] 20061 [from the ][room] -> [from the room] 20062 [.\u000a Paul][ fac] -> [.\u000a Paul fac] 20063 [anger ][in] -> [anger in] 20064 [anger in][ check] -> [anger in check] 20065 [mis][s the ] -> [miss the ] 20066 [ as though][ she were ] -> [ as though she were ] 20067 [erv][ing wench] -> [erving wench] 20068 [flick][ed the ] -> [flicked the ] 20069 [." She ][nodded. "] -> [." She nodded. "] 20070 [you][ come ] -> [you come ] 20071 [at him][. Paul] -> [at him. Paul] 20072 [ found ][himself ] -> [ found himself ] 20073 [ before he could ][think] -> [ before he could think] 20074 [ before he could think][ about it] -> [ before he could think about it] 20075 [sing the ][Voice ] -> [sing the Voice ] 20076 [on][ me, ] -> [on me, ] 20077 [on me, ][he thought] -> [on me, he thought] 20078 [stand][ing beside ] -> [standing beside ] 20079 [.\u000a "S][ee ] -> [.\u000a "See ] 20080 [folds ][of her ] -> [folds of her ] 20081 [folds of her ][gown] -> [folds of her gown] 20082 [lifted ][a ] -> [lifted a ] 20083 [green][ metal] -> [green metal] 20084 [id][e. She ] -> [ide. She ] 20085 [one side ][was ] -> [one side was ] 20086 [ black][ and ] -> [ black and ] 20087 [that ][open] -> [that open] 20088 [Put ][your ] -> [Put your ] 20089 [.\u000a ][Fear] -> [.\u000a Fear] 20090 [ shot ][through] -> [ shot through] 20091 [how][ you ] -> [how you ] 20092 [comp][ul] -> [compul] 20093 [compul][sion] -> [compulsion] 20094 [a s][ense ] -> [a sense ] 20095 [finger][s and ] -> [fingers and ] 20096 [ his ][hand ] -> [ his hand ] 20097 [.\u000a A][ pre] -> [.\u000a A pre] 20098 [. He saw][ a ] -> [. He saw a ] 20099 [turn][ to] -> [turn to] 20100 [ed.\u000a ][U] -> [ed.\u000a U] 20101 [ to her][ fac] -> [ to her fac] 20102 [high-][handed ] -> [high-handed ] 20103 [high-handed ][enemy] -> [high-handed enemy] 20104 [with][ a d] -> [with a d] 20105 [ of][ poison ] -> [ of poison ] 20106 [. He ][could not ] -> [. He could not ] 20107 [ed as ][she ] -> [ed as she ] 20108 [ must know][ about ] -> [ must know about ] 20109 [to be ][poison] -> [to be poison] 20110 [to be poison][ed in ] -> [to be poisoned in ] 20111 [to be poisoned in ][your] -> [to be poisoned in your] 20112 [as][, ] -> [as, ] 20113 [: the ][gom jabbar] -> [: the gom jabbar] 20114 [. "You][ d] -> [. "You d] 20115 [s][on is ] -> [son is ] 20116 [," she said. "][S] -> [," she said. "S] 20117 [ d][ri] -> [ dri] 20118 [me][." \u000a "] -> [me." \u000a "] 20119 [Who ][are you] -> [Who are you] 20120 [trick][ my ] -> [trick my ] 20121 [no][! ] -> [no! ] 20122 [be s][ilent] -> [be silent] 20123 [fing][er ] -> [finger ] 20124 [neck][ and ] -> [neck and ] 20125 [invol][unt] -> [involunt] 20126 [involunt][ary ] -> [involuntary ] 20127 [ away][.\u000a "] -> [ away.\u000a "] 20128 [ p][ass the ] -> [ pass the ] 20129 [of the ][res] -> [of the res] 20130 [ to still][ his ] -> [ to still his ] 20131 [ sec][on] -> [ secon] 20132 [ stand][s ] -> [ stands ] 20133 [guard ][outside ] -> [guard outside ] 20134 [ survi][ved ] -> [ survived ] 20135 [o][red] -> [ored] 20136 [. W][e s] -> [. We s] 20137 [test ][. . . ] -> [test . . . ] 20138 [in ][it, ] -> [in it, ] 20139 [at his ][neck] -> [at his neck] 20140 [Lit][any against ] -> [Litany against ] 20141 [Litany against ][Fear] -> [Litany against Fear] 20142 [fear][. Fear is the ] -> [fear. Fear is the ] 20143 [mind-killer][. Fear is the ] -> [mind-killer. Fear is the ] 20144 [death that ][brings ] -> [death that brings ] 20145 [death that brings ][total ] -> [death that brings total ] 20146 [death that brings total ][obliteration] -> [death that brings total obliteration] 20147 [death that brings total obliteration][. I will] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will] 20148 [death that brings total obliteration. I will][ face ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face ] 20149 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face ][my ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my ] 20150 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my ][fear] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear] 20151 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear][. I will] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will] 20152 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will][ permit ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit ] 20153 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit ][it ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it ] 20154 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it ][to pass ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass ] 20155 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass ][over] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over] 20156 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over][ me ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me ] 20157 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me ][and through] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through] 20158 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through][ me] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me] 20159 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me][. And when ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when ] 20160 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when ][it has ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has ] 20161 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has ][gone ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone ] 20162 [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone ][past ] -> [death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past ] 20163 [inner ][eye ] -> [inner eye ] 20164 [its ][path] -> [its path] 20165 [. Where the ][fear] -> [. Where the fear] 20166 [. Where the fear][ has gone ] -> [. Where the fear has gone ] 20167 [. Where the fear has gone ][there will be ] -> [. Where the fear has gone there will be ] 20168 [. Where the fear has gone there will be ][nothing] -> [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing] 20169 [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing][. Only ] -> [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only ] 20170 [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only ][I will ] -> [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will ] 20171 [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will ][remain] -> [. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain] 20172 [."\u000a He ][felt ] -> [."\u000a He felt ] 20173 [ed. "You]['ve ] -> [ed. "You've ] 20174 [deni][ed] -> [denied] 20175 [, w][e shall] -> [, we shall] 20176 [almost ][to a] -> [almost to a] 20177 [. "You][ will] -> [. "You will] 20178 [. P][ain] -> [. Pain] 20179 [. B][ut] -> [. But] 20180 [Withdraw][ the ] -> [Withdraw the ] 20181 [ -- the ][death] -> [ -- the death] 20182 [ sw][ift ] -> [ swift ] 20183 [ of the ][head] -> [ of the head] 20184 [increas][ed ] -> [increased ] 20185 [ed his lips ][tightly ] -> [ed his lips tightly ] 20186 [. How could ][this ] -> [. How could this ] 20187 [ing b][ec] -> [ing bec] 20188 [.\u000a The ][old woman] -> [.\u000a The old woman] 20189 [ said][; "] -> [ said; "] 20190 [ a ][leg] -> [ a leg] 20191 [remain][ in the ] -> [remain in the ] 20192 [pain][, ] -> [pain, ] 20193 [ing][ death] -> [ing death] 20194 [ that he ][might ] -> [ that he might ] 20195 [are ][you do] -> [are you do] 20196 [. B][e s] -> [. Be s] 20197 [ cl][ench] -> [ clench] 20198 [into a f][ist ] -> [into a fist ] 20199 [burn][ing s] -> [burning s] 20200 [ed in the ][other hand] -> [ed in the other hand] 20201 [ heat ][upon] -> [ heat upon] 20202 [palm][. He ] -> [palm. He ] 20203 [," he whisper][ed. \u000a "] -> [," he whispered. \u000a "] 20204 [ th][robb] -> [ throbb] 20205 [stood ][out ] -> [stood out ] 20206 [f][iber] -> [fiber] 20207 [ed out ][to] -> [ed out to] 20208 [ the ][hand ] -> [ the hand ] 20209 [ed beside ][his ] -> [ed beside his ] 20210 [ his ][breath] -> [ his breath] 20211 [could][n't] -> [couldn't] 20212 [everything ][except ] -> [everything except ] 20213 [. \u000a ][His ] -> [. \u000a His ] 20214 [difficul][ty s] -> [difficulty s] 20215 [ on][ that ] -> [ on that ] 20216 [ed][!\u000a ] -> [ed!\u000a ] 20217 [," the old woman][ mutter] -> [," the old woman mutter] 20218 [No][ woman] -> [No woman] 20219 [ child ][ever] -> [ child ever] 20220 [that ][much] -> [that much] 20221 [ must]['ve ] -> [ must've ] 20222 [lean][ed back, ] -> [leaned back, ] 20223 [young][ human] -> [young human] 20224 [look at ][it] -> [look at it] 20225 [of p][ain] -> [of pain] 20226 [. \u000a "][Do it] -> [. \u000a "Do it] 20227 [ast][on] -> [aston] 20228 [aston][ish] -> [astonish] 20229 [flesh][. He ] -> [flesh. He ] 20230 [hand, ][turned ] -> [hand, turned ] 20231 [.\u000a "][Pain] -> [.\u000a "Pain] 20232 [those ][who] -> [those who] 20233 ['d ][give ] -> ['d give ] 20234 [nif][f] -> [niff] 20235 [ed. "][A] -> [ed. "A] 20236 [over][ride ] -> [override ] 20237 [override ][any ] -> [override any ] 20238 [cl][enched ] -> [clenched ] 20239 [to his ][side, ] -> [to his side, ] 20240 [. "You][ did ] -> [. "You did ] 20241 [. "You did ][that ] -> [. "You did that ] 20242 [E][ver] -> [Ever] 20243 [tang][enti] -> [tangenti] 20244 [lash][ of her ] -> [lash of her ] 20245 [ed his ][mind ] -> [ed his mind ] 20246 [ed his mind ][into] -> [ed his mind into] 20247 [ a high][er] -> [ a higher] 20248 [nodd][ed. \u000a "] -> [nodded. \u000a "] 20249 [that's ][all] -> [that's all] 20250 [ there ][is ] -> [ there is ] 20251 [mer][ely the ] -> [merely the ] 20252 [told ][you] -> [told you] 20253 [ see the ][sign] -> [ see the sign] 20254 [ing in ][you] -> [ing in you] 20255