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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from utils import *
st.title("Stock Portfolio and Tax Analysis")
# Initialize empty dataframes for stock sales and portfolio stocks
if 'stock_sales' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.stock_sales = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Sale Price', 'Purchase Price', 'Quantity', 'Holding Period (Months)'])
if 'portfolio_stocks' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.portfolio_stocks = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Purchase Price', 'Current Price', 'Quantity'])
# Define function to add stock sale
def add_stock_sale():
with st.form(key="stock_sale_form"):
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5)
with col1:
name = st.text_input("Stock Name", key="stock_sale_name")
with col2:
sale_price = st.number_input("Sale Price", min_value=1.0, key="stock_sale_price")
with col3:
purchase_price = st.number_input("Purchase Price", min_value=1.0, key="stock_sale_purchase_price")
with col4:
sell_quantity = st.number_input("Quantity", min_value=10, key="stock_sale_qty")
with col5:
holding_period_months = st.number_input("Holding Period (Months)", min_value=1, key="stock_sale_holding_period")
submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Add Sold Stock")
if submit_button:
new_stock = pd.DataFrame([{'Name': name, 'Sale Price': sale_price, 'Purchase Price': purchase_price, 'Quantity': sell_quantity, 'Holding Period (Months)': holding_period_months}])
st.session_state.stock_sales = pd.concat([st.session_state.stock_sales, new_stock], ignore_index=True)
st.success("Sold Stock Added!")
# Define function to add portfolio stock
def add_portfolio_stock():
with st.form(key="portfolio_stock_form"):
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4)
with col1:
name = st.text_input("Stock Name", key="portfolio_stock_name")
with col2:
purchase_price = st.number_input("Purchase Price", min_value=0.0, key="portfolio_stock_purchase_price")
with col3:
current_price = st.number_input("Current Price", min_value=0.0, key="portfolio_stock_current_price")
with col4:
quantity = st.number_input("Quantity", min_value=0, key="portfolio_stock_quantity")
submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Add Portfolio Stock")
if submit_button:
new_stock = pd.DataFrame([{'Name': name, 'Purchase Price': purchase_price, 'Current Price': current_price, 'Quantity': quantity}])
st.session_state.portfolio_stocks = pd.concat([st.session_state.portfolio_stocks, new_stock], ignore_index=True)
st.success("Stock Added to Portfolio!")
# Define functions to edit and delete stocks
def delete_stock_sale(index):
st.session_state.stock_sales = st.session_state.stock_sales.drop(index).reset_index(drop=True)
st.success("Sold Stock Deleted!")
def delete_portfolio_stock(index):
st.session_state.portfolio_stocks = st.session_state.portfolio_stocks.drop(index).reset_index(drop=True)
st.success("Stock Deleted from Portfolio!")
def edit_stock_sale(index, name, sale_price, purchase_price, holding_period_months):[index, 'Name'] = name[index, 'Sale Price'] = sale_price[index, 'Purchase Price'] = purchase_price[index, 'Quantity'] = sell_quantity[index, 'Holding Period (Months)'] = holding_period_months
st.success("Sold Stock Updated!")
def edit_portfolio_stock(index, name, purchase_price, current_price, quantity):[index, 'Name'] = name[index, 'Purchase Price'] = purchase_price[index, 'Current Price'] = current_price[index, 'Quantity'] = quantity
st.success("Portfolio Stock Updated!")
# UI Tabs
tabs = st.tabs(["Add Stocks", "Manage Stocks", "Tax Analysis"])
with tabs[0]:
st.header("Add New Stock Sale and Portfolio Stock")
st.subheader("Sold Stock")
st.subheader("Portfolio Stock")
with tabs[1]:
st.header("Manage Stocks")
st.subheader("Sold Stock")
if st.session_state.stock_sales.shape[0] > 0:
selected_sale_index = st.selectbox("Select Sale to Edit", range(st.session_state.stock_sales.shape[0]), key="select_sale_to_edit")
selected_sale = st.session_state.stock_sales.iloc[selected_sale_index]
with st.form(key="edit_stock_sale_form"):
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5)
with col1:
name = st.text_input("Edit Stock Sale Name", selected_sale['Name'], key="edit_stock_sale_name")
with col2:
sale_price = st.number_input("Edit Sale Price", min_value=0.0, value=selected_sale['Sale Price'], key="edit_stock_sale_price")
with col3:
purchase_price = st.number_input("Edit Purchase Price", min_value=0.0, value=selected_sale['Purchase Price'], key="edit_stock_sale_purchase_price")
with col4:
sell_quantity = st.number_input("Quantity", min_value=0, value=selected_sale['Quantity'], key="edit_stock_sale_qty")
with col5:
holding_period_months = st.number_input("Edit Holding Period (Months)", min_value=0, value=selected_sale['Holding Period (Months)'], key="edit_stock_sale_holding_period")
update_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Stock Sale")
if update_button:
edit_stock_sale(selected_sale_index, name, sale_price, purchase_price, holding_period_months)
delete_button = st.button("Delete Stock Sale", key="delete_stock_sale_button")
if delete_button:
st.subheader("Portfolio Stocks")
if st.session_state.portfolio_stocks.shape[0] > 0:
selected_stock_index = st.selectbox("Select Portfolio Stock to Edit", range(st.session_state.portfolio_stocks.shape[0]), key="select_stock_to_edit_portfolio")
selected_stock = st.session_state.portfolio_stocks.iloc[selected_stock_index]
with st.form(key="edit_portfolio_stock_form"):
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4)
with col1:
name = st.text_input("Edit Portfolio Stock Name", selected_stock['Name'], key="edit_portfolio_stock_name")
with col2:
purchase_price = st.number_input("Edit Purchase Price", min_value=0.0, value=selected_stock['Purchase Price'], key="edit_portfolio_stock_purchase_price")
with col3:
current_price = st.number_input("Edit Current Price", min_value=0.0, value=selected_stock['Current Price'], key="edit_portfolio_stock_current_price")
with col4:
quantity = st.number_input("Edit Quantity", min_value=0, value=selected_stock['Quantity'], key="edit_portfolio_stock_quantity")
update_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Portfolio Stock")
if update_button:
edit_portfolio_stock(selected_stock_index, name, purchase_price, current_price, quantity)
delete_button = st.button("Delete Portfolio Stock", key="delete_portfolio_stock_button")
if delete_button:
with tabs[2]:
st.header("Tax Analysis")
if st.session_state.stock_sales.shape[0] > 0:
portfolio = Portfolio()
for _, row in st.session_state.stock_sales.iterrows():
portfolio.add_stock(StockSale(row['Name'], row['Sale Price'], row['Purchase Price'], row['Quantity'], row['Holding Period (Months)']))
total_stcg, total_ltcg = portfolio.analyze_portfolio()
stcg_tax, ltcg_tax, total_tax = portfolio.apply_tax(total_stcg, total_ltcg)
stocks = []
for _, row in st.session_state.portfolio_stocks.iterrows():
stocks.append(Stock(row['Name'], row['Purchase Price'], row['Current Price'], row['Quantity']))
suggested_stocks = optimize_taxes_selling_stocks(stocks)
total_loss = calculate_total_loss(suggested_stocks)
recalculated_tax = max(0, total_tax - total_loss)
st.subheader("Analysis Results")
if total_tax > total_loss:
st.write(f"Total Short-Term Capital Gains: ₹{total_stcg:.2f}")
st.write(f"Total Long-Term Capital Gains: ₹{total_ltcg:.2f}")
st.write(f"Short-Term Capital Gains Tax: ₹{stcg_tax:.2f}")
st.write(f"Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: ₹{ltcg_tax:.2f}")
st.write(f"Total Tax Liability: ₹{total_tax:.2f}")
st.write(f"Total Loss of loss making stockes: ₹{total_loss:.2f}")
# Add a vertical spacing for better separation
st.subheader("Suggested Stocks to Sell to Offset Gains:")
# Use Streamlit's dataframe for a tabular vies
suggested_stocks_data = {
'Name': [ for stock in suggested_stocks],
'Current Price': [stock.current_price for stock in suggested_stocks],
'Purchase Price': [stock.purchase_price for stock in suggested_stocks]
st.write(f"Total Tax Liability before selling loss making stocks: ₹{total_tax:.2f}")
st.write(f"Adjusted Tax Liability after Selling Loss-Making Stocks and buy again: ₹{recalculated_tax:.2f}")
elif total_loss >= 0:
st.write(f"Total Short-Term Capital Gains: ₹{total_stcg:.2f}")
st.write(f"Total Long-Term Capital Gains: ₹{total_ltcg:.2f}")
st.write(f"Short-Term Capital Gains Tax: ₹{stcg_tax:.2f}")
st.write(f"Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: ₹{ltcg_tax:.2f}")
st.write(f"Total Tax Liability: ₹{total_tax:.2f}")
st.write("No suggested stocks for selling to offset gains.")
# Ensure you have the 'calculate_total_loss' function implemented in
def calculate_total_loss(suggested_stocks):
total_loss = 0.0
for stock in suggested_stocks:
total_loss += (stock.purchase_price - stock.current_price) * stock.quantity
return total_loss