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import re
import collections
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Set
from tqdm import tqdm
from functools import lru_cache
class HindiBPE:
def __init__(self, max_vocab_size: int = 5000, target_compression: float = 3.2):
self.max_vocab_size = max_vocab_size
self.target_compression = target_compression
self.vocab = {"<PAD>": 0, "<UNK>": 1, "<BOS>": 2, "<EOS>": 3}
self.inverse_vocab = {v: k for k, v in self.vocab.items()}
self.bpe_ranks = {}
self.cache = {}
self.special_tokens = {"<PAD>", "<UNK>", "<BOS>", "<EOS>"}
self.word_end_token = "▁" # Special token to mark word boundaries
self.vocab[self.word_end_token] = len(self.vocab)
self.inverse_vocab[self.vocab[self.word_end_token]] = self.word_end_token
def _tokenize_word(self, word: str) -> List[str]:
"""Tokenize a word into characters, handling Hindi characters properly"""
if word in self.cache:
return self.cache[word]
# First check if the whole word is in vocabulary
if word in self.vocab:
self.cache[word] = [word]
return [word]
# Split into individual characters while preserving character combinations
tokens = []
i = 0
while i < len(word):
# Check for Hindi character followed by combining marks
if re.match(r'[\u0900-\u097F]', word[i]):
token = word[i]
i += 1
# Add combining marks to the token
while i < len(word) and re.match(r'[\u0900-\u0903\u093A-\u094F\u0962-\u0963]', word[i]):
token += word[i]
i += 1
# Handle non-Hindi characters
token = word[i]
i += 1
self.cache[word] = tokens
return tokens
def train_on_chunk(self, text: str, is_first_chunk: bool = False):
"""Train BPE on text data"""
if not text.strip():
# Add common Hindi words and characters to vocabulary first
common_words = ["है", "मैं", "हूं", "का", "की", "के", "में", "से", "को", "पर", "और", "हैं", "था", "थी", "थे",
"नमस्ते", "भारत", "हिंदी", "सीख", "रहा", "यह", "एक", "परीक्षण", "वाक्य", "विशाल", "देश",
"मुझे", "भाषा", "बहुत", "पसंद"]
for word in common_words:
if word not in self.vocab and len(self.vocab) < self.max_vocab_size:
self.vocab[word] = len(self.vocab)
self.inverse_vocab[self.vocab[word]] = word
# First pass: collect word frequencies
word_freqs = collections.Counter(text.split())
# Add most frequent whole words to vocabulary (up to 10% of vocab size)
max_word_tokens = self.max_vocab_size // 10
for word, freq in word_freqs.most_common(max_word_tokens):
if len(word) > 1 and word not in self.vocab and len(self.vocab) < self.max_vocab_size:
self.vocab[word] = len(self.vocab)
self.inverse_vocab[self.vocab[word]] = word
# Tokenize words and filter out empty ones
words = [self._tokenize_word(word) for word in tqdm(text.split(), desc="Tokenizing words")]
words = [word for word in words if word] # Filter out empty words
if not words: # If no valid words found
# Initialize pair statistics
print("Computing pair statistics...")
pair_stats = collections.Counter()
for word in words:
if len(word) < 2: # Skip single-character words
word_freq = word_freqs[' '.join(word)]
for i in range(len(word) - 1):
pair = (word[i], word[i+1])
pair_stats[pair] += word_freq
if not pair_stats: # If no valid pairs found
# Keep track of best model
best_vocab_size = len(self.vocab)
best_compression = 0.0
best_state = None
# Training loop
with tqdm(total=self.max_vocab_size - len(self.vocab), desc="Training BPE") as pbar:
while len(self.vocab) < self.max_vocab_size and pair_stats:
# Get most frequent pair
best_pair = max(pair_stats.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))[0]
new_token = ''.join(best_pair)
if new_token in self.vocab or len(self.vocab) >= self.max_vocab_size:
# Skip if token already exists or vocab is full
del pair_stats[best_pair]
# Add to vocabulary
token_id = len(self.vocab)
self.vocab[new_token] = token_id
self.inverse_vocab[token_id] = new_token
self.bpe_ranks[best_pair] = len(self.bpe_ranks)
# Update words and pair statistics
new_words = []
for word in words:
if len(word) < 2: # Skip single-character words
i = 0
new_word = []
while i < len(word):
if i < len(word) - 1 and word[i] == best_pair[0] and word[i+1] == best_pair[1]:
i += 2
i += 1
# Update statistics
for word in new_words:
if len(word) < 2: # Skip single-character words
word_freq = word_freqs[' '.join(word)]
for i in range(len(word) - 1):
pair = (word[i], word[i+1])
pair_stats[pair] += word_freq
words = new_words
# Calculate compression ratio every 50 tokens
if len(self.vocab) % 50 == 0:
sample_text = ' '.join([''.join(w) for w in words[:2000]])
current_ratio = self.get_compression_ratio(sample_text)
print(f"\nVocab size: {len(self.vocab)}, Compression ratio: {current_ratio:.2f}")
# Update best model if we meet requirements
if current_ratio >= self.target_compression and len(self.vocab) < self.max_vocab_size:
if current_ratio > best_compression:
best_compression = current_ratio
best_vocab_size = len(self.vocab)
best_state = {
'vocab': self.vocab.copy(),
'inverse_vocab': self.inverse_vocab.copy(),
'bpe_ranks': self.bpe_ranks.copy()
# Stop if we've exceeded vocab size
if len(self.vocab) >= self.max_vocab_size:
# Restore best model if found
if best_state is not None:
print(f"\nRestoring best model (vocab size: {best_vocab_size}, compression: {best_compression:.2f})")
self.vocab = best_state['vocab']
self.inverse_vocab = best_state['inverse_vocab']
self.bpe_ranks = best_state['bpe_ranks']
# Calculate final metrics on the full text
final_ratio = self.get_compression_ratio(text)
print(f"\nFinal vocabulary size: {len(self.vocab)}")
print(f"Final compression ratio: {final_ratio:.2f}")
def encode(self, text: str) -> List[int]:
"""Encode text to token ids"""
if not text.strip():
return []
result = []
words = text.split()
for i, word in enumerate(words):
if not word.strip():
# Check if the word is in vocabulary as a whole
if word in self.vocab:
# Start with character-level tokens
tokens = self._tokenize_word(word)
word_tokens = []
# Try to merge tokens using learned BPE merges
while len(tokens) > 1:
pairs = [(tokens[i], tokens[i+1]) for i in range(len(tokens) - 1)]
if not pairs:
# Find the highest ranked pair
best_pair = None
best_rank = float('inf')
best_idx = -1
for i, pair in enumerate(pairs):
rank = self.bpe_ranks.get(pair, float('inf'))
if rank < best_rank:
best_rank = rank
best_pair = pair
best_idx = i
if best_pair is None: # No mergeable pairs found
# Merge the best pair
merged = ''.join(best_pair)
if merged not in self.vocab: # Skip if merged token not in vocab
tokens = (
tokens[:best_idx] +
[merged] +
tokens[best_idx + 2:]
# Convert tokens to ids
for token in tokens:
if token in self.vocab:
# Handle unknown tokens by splitting into characters
for char in token:
if char in self.vocab:
# Add word boundary token except for the last word
if i < len(words) - 1:
return result
def decode(self, ids: List[int]) -> str:
"""Decode token ids back to text"""
if not ids:
return ""
tokens = []
current_word = []
for id in ids:
token = self.inverse_vocab.get(id, "<UNK>")
# Skip special tokens except word boundary
if token in self.special_tokens and token != self.word_end_token:
# Handle word boundary
if token == self.word_end_token:
if current_word:
word = ''.join(current_word)
current_word = []
# Add the last word if exists
if current_word:
word = ''.join(current_word)
# Join all words with spaces
return ' '.join(tokens)
def get_compression_ratio(self, text: str) -> float:
"""Calculate compression ratio"""
if not text:
return 0.0
original_size = len(text.encode('utf-8'))
encoded = self.encode(text)
if not encoded:
return 0.0
# Use 1 byte per token id instead of 2 since vocab size < 5000
compressed_size = len(encoded)
return original_size / compressed_size if compressed_size > 0 else 0.0 |