"use client" |
import { useEffect, useRef, useState, useTransition } from "react" |
import { useSpring, animated } from "@react-spring/web" |
import { usePathname, useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation" |
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" |
import { headingFont } from "@/app/interface/fonts" |
import { useCharacterLimit } from "@/lib/useCharacterLimit" |
import { generateAnimation } from "@/app/server/actions/animation" |
import { getLatestPosts, getPost, postToCommunity } from "@/app/server/actions/community" |
import { useCountdown } from "@/lib/useCountdown" |
import { Countdown } from "../countdown" |
import { getSDXLModels } from "@/app/server/actions/models" |
import { Post, SDXLModel } from "@/types" |
import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipTrigger } from "@/components/ui/tooltip" |
import { TooltipProvider } from "@radix-ui/react-tooltip" |
export function Generate() { |
const router = useRouter() |
const pathname = usePathname() |
const searchParams = useSearchParams() |
const [_isPending, startTransition] = useTransition() |
const scrollRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) |
const [isLocked, setLocked] = useState(false) |
const [promptDraft, setPromptDraft] = useState("") |
const [assetUrl, setAssetUrl] = useState("") |
const [isOverSubmitButton, setOverSubmitButton] = useState(false) |
const [models, setModels] = useState<SDXLModel[]>([]) |
const [selectedModel, setSelectedModel] = useState<SDXLModel>() |
const [runs, setRuns] = useState(0) |
const runsRef = useRef(0) |
const [showModels, setShowModels] = useState(true) |
const [communityRoll, setCommunityRoll] = useState<Post[]>([]) |
const { progressPercent, remainingTimeInSec } = useCountdown({ |
isActive: isLocked, |
timerId: runs, |
durationInSec: 50, |
onEnd: () => {} |
}) |
const { shouldWarn, colorClass, nbCharsUsed, nbCharsLimits } = useCharacterLimit({ |
value: promptDraft, |
nbCharsLimits: 70, |
warnBelow: 10, |
}) |
const submitButtonBouncer = useSpring({ |
transform: isOverSubmitButton |
? 'scale(1.05)' |
: 'scale(1.0)', |
boxShadow: isOverSubmitButton |
? `0px 5px 15px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)` |
: `0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)`, |
loop: true, |
config: { |
tension: 300, |
friction: 10, |
}, |
}) |
const handleSubmit = () => { |
console.log("handleSubmit:", { isLocked, promptDraft }) |
if (isLocked) { return } |
if (!promptDraft) { return } |
setShowModels(false) |
setRuns(runs + 1) |
setLocked(true) |
scrollRef.current?.scroll({ |
top: 0, |
behavior: 'smooth' |
}) |
startTransition(async () => { |
const huggingFaceLora = selectedModel ? selectedModel.repo.trim() : "KappaNeuro/studio-ghibli-style" |
const triggerWord = selectedModel ? selectedModel.trigger_word : "Studio Ghibli Style" |
const current = new URLSearchParams(Array.from(searchParams.entries())) |
current.set("prompt", promptDraft) |
current.set("model", huggingFaceLora) |
const search = current.toString() |
router.push(`${pathname}${search ? `?${search}` : ""}`) |
let newAssetUrl = "" |
try { |
newAssetUrl = await generateAnimation({ |
positivePrompt: promptDraft, |
negativePrompt: "", |
huggingFaceLora, |
triggerWord, |
size: "608x416", |
nbFrames: 8, |
duration: 1000, |
steps: 25, |
}) |
setAssetUrl(newAssetUrl) |
} catch (err) { |
console.log("generation failed! probably just a Gradio failure, so let's just run the round robin again!") |
try { |
newAssetUrl = await generateAnimation({ |
positivePrompt: promptDraft, |
negativePrompt: "", |
huggingFaceLora, |
triggerWord, |
size: "608x416", |
nbFrames: 8, |
duration: 1000, |
steps: 25, |
}) |
setAssetUrl(newAssetUrl) |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(`generation failed again! ${err}`) |
} |
} finally { |
setLocked(false) |
if (newAssetUrl) { |
try { |
const post = await postToCommunity({ |
prompt: promptDraft, |
model: huggingFaceLora, |
assetUrl: newAssetUrl, |
}) |
console.log("successfully submitted to the community!", post) |
const current = new URLSearchParams(Array.from(searchParams.entries())) |
current.set("postId", post.postId.trim()) |
current.set("prompt", post.prompt.trim()) |
current.set("model", post.model.trim()) |
const search = current.toString() |
router.push(`${pathname}${search ? `?${search}` : ""}`) |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(`not a blocker, but we failed to post to the community (reason: ${err})`) |
} |
} |
} |
}) |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
startTransition(async () => { |
const models = await getSDXLModels() |
setModels(models) |
const defaultModel = models.find(model => model.repo.toLowerCase().includes("ghibli")) || models[0] |
if (defaultModel) { |
setSelectedModel(defaultModel) |
} |
const current = new URLSearchParams(Array.from(searchParams.entries())) |
const existingPostId = current.get("postId") || "" |
const existingPrompt = current.get("prompt")?.trim() || "" |
const existingModelName = current.get("model")?.toLowerCase().trim() || "" |
if (existingPrompt) { |
setPromptDraft(existingPrompt) |
} |
if (existingModelName) { |
let existingModel = models.find(model => { |
return ( |
model.repo.toLowerCase().trim().includes(existingModelName) |
|| model.title.toLowerCase().trim().includes(existingModelName) |
) |
}) |
if (existingModel) { |
setSelectedModel(existingModel) |
} |
} |
if (existingPostId) { |
try { |
const post = await getPost(existingPostId) |
if (post.assetUrl) { |
setAssetUrl(post.assetUrl) |
} |
if (post.prompt) { |
setPromptDraft(post.prompt) |
} |
if (post.model) { |
const nameToFind = post.model.toLowerCase().trim() |
const existingModel = models.find(model => { |
return ( |
model.repo.toLowerCase().trim().includes(nameToFind) |
|| model.title.toLowerCase().trim().includes(nameToFind) |
) |
}) |
if (existingModel) { |
setSelectedModel(existingModel) |
} |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(`failed to load the community post (${err})`) |
} |
} |
}) |
}, []) |
useEffect(() => { |
startTransition(async () => { |
const posts = await getLatestPosts({ |
maxNbPosts: 32, |
shuffle: true, |
}) |
if (posts?.length) { |
setCommunityRoll(posts) |
} |
}) |
}, []) |
const handleSelectCommunityPost = (post: Post) => { |
if (isLocked) { return } |
scrollRef.current?.scroll({ |
top: 0, |
behavior: 'smooth' |
}) |
const current = new URLSearchParams(Array.from(searchParams.entries())) |
current.set("postId", post.postId.trim()) |
current.set("prompt", post.prompt.trim()) |
current.set("model", post.model.trim()) |
const search = current.toString() |
router.push(`${pathname}${search ? `?${search}` : ""}`) |
if (post.assetUrl) { |
setAssetUrl(post.assetUrl) |
} |
if (post.prompt) { |
setPromptDraft(post.prompt) |
} |
if (post.model) { |
const nameToFind = post.model.toLowerCase().trim() |
const existingModel = models.find(model => { |
return ( |
model.repo.toLowerCase().trim().includes(nameToFind) |
|| model.title.toLowerCase().trim().includes(nameToFind) |
) |
}) |
if (existingModel) { |
setSelectedModel(existingModel) |
} |
} |
} |
return ( |
<div |
ref={scrollRef} |
className={cn( |
`fixed inset-0 w-screen h-screen`, |
`flex flex-col items-center justify-center`, |
// `transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
`overflow-y-scroll`, |
)}> |
<TooltipProvider> |
{isLocked ? <Countdown |
progressPercent={progressPercent} |
remainingTimeInSec={remainingTimeInSec} |
/> : null} |
<div |
className={cn( |
`flex flex-col`, |
`w-full md:max-w-4xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-6xl max-h-[80vh]`, |
`space-y-8`, |
// `transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
)}> |
<div |
className={cn( |
`flex flex-col`, |
`flex-grow rounded-2xl md:rounded-3xl`, |
`backdrop-blur-lg bg-white/40`, |
`border-2 border-white/10`, |
`items-center`, |
`space-y-6 md:space-y-8 lg:space-y-12 xl:space-y-16`, |
`px-3 py-6 md:px-6 md:py-12 xl:px-8 xl:py-16`, |
)}> |
{assetUrl ? <div |
className={cn( |
`flex flex-col`, |
`space-y-3 md:space-y-6`, |
`items-center`, |
)}> |
{assetUrl.startsWith("data:video/mp4") |
? <video |
muted |
autoPlay |
loop |
src={assetUrl} |
className="rounded-md overflow-hidden" |
/> : |
<img |
src={assetUrl} |
className={cn( |
`w-[512px] object-cover`, |
`rounded-2xl` |
)} |
/>} |
</div> : null} |
<div className={cn( |
`flex flex-col md:flex-row`, |
`space-y-3 md:space-y-0 md:space-x-3`, |
` w-full md:max-w-[1024px]`, |
`items-center justify-between` |
)}> |
<div className={cn( |
`flex flex-row flex-grow w-full` |
)}> |
<input |
type="text" |
placeholder={`Imagine a funny gif`} |
className={cn( |
headingFont.className, |
`w-full`, |
`input input-bordered rounded-full`, |
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
`disabled:bg-sky-100 disabled:text-sky-500 disabled:border-transparent`, |
isLocked |
? `bg-sky-100 text-sky-500 border-transparent` |
: `bg-sky-200 text-sky-600 selection:bg-sky-200`, |
`text-left`, |
`text-xl leading-10 px-6 h-16 pt-1`, |
`selection:bg-sky-800 selection:text-sky-200` |
)} |
value={promptDraft} |
onChange={e => setPromptDraft(e.target.value)} |
onKeyDown={({ key }) => { |
if (key === 'Enter') { |
if (!isLocked) { |
handleSubmit() |
} |
} |
}} |
disabled={isLocked} |
/> |
<div className={cn( |
`flex flew-row ml-[-64px] items-center`, |
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
`text-base`, |
`bg-sky-200`, |
`rounded-full`, |
`text-right`, |
`p-1`, |
headingFont.className, |
colorClass, |
shouldWarn && !isLocked ? "opacity-100" : "opacity-0" |
)}> |
<span>{nbCharsUsed}</span> |
<span>/</span> |
<span>{nbCharsLimits}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="flex flex-row w-52"> |
<animated.button |
style={{ |
textShadow: "0px 0px 1px #000000ab", |
...submitButtonBouncer |
}} |
onMouseEnter={() => setOverSubmitButton(true)} |
onMouseLeave={() => setOverSubmitButton(false)} |
className={cn( |
`px-6 py-3`, |
`rounded-full`, |
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`, |
isLocked |
? `bg-orange-500/20 border-orange-800/10` |
: `bg-sky-500/80 hover:bg-sky-400/100 border-sky-800/20`, |
`text-center`, |
`w-full`, |
`text-2xl text-sky-50`, |
`border`, |
headingFont.className, |
// `transition-all duration-300`, |
// `hover:animate-bounce` |
)} |
disabled={isLocked} |
onClick={handleSubmit} |
> |
{isLocked ? `Loading..` : "Generate"} |
</animated.button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div |
className={cn( |
`flex flex-col`, |
`flex-grow rounded-2xl md:rounded-3xl`, |
`backdrop-blur-lg bg-white/40`, |
`border-2 border-white/10`, |
`items-center`, |
`space-y-2 md:space-y-3 lg:space-y-4 xl:space-y-6`, |
`px-3 py-6 md:px-6 md:py-12 xl:px-8 xl:py-16`, |
)}> |
<div className="flex flex-col text-center"> |
<h3 className={cn( |
headingFont.className, |
"text-3xl text-sky-600 mb-4" |
)}>{models.length ? `You selected:` : ""}</h3> |
<h3 className={cn( |
headingFont.className, |
"text-5xl text-sky-700 mb-4" |
)}>{models.length ? `${(selectedModel?.title || "").replaceAll("-", " ")}` : "Loading styles.."}</h3> |
</div> |
<div className="grid grid-cols-4 sm:grid-cols-6 md:grid-cols-8 lg:grid-cols-10 xl:grid-cols-12 gap-2"> |
{models.map(model => |
<div key={model.repo}> |
<Tooltip> |
<TooltipTrigger asChild> |
<div |
className={isLocked ? 'cursor-not-allowed' : `cursor-pointer`} |
onClick={() => { |
if (!isLocked) { setSelectedModel(model) } |
}}> |
<img |
src={ |
model.image.startsWith("http") |
? model.image |
: `https://multimodalart-loratheexplorer.hf.space/file=${model.image}` |
} |
className={cn( |
`transition-all duration-150 ease-in-out`, |
`w-20 h-20 object-cover rounded-lg overflow-hidden`, |
`border-4 border-transparent`, |
isLocked ? '' : `hover:border-yellow-50 hover:scale-110`, |
selectedModel?.repo === model.repo |
? `scale-110 border-4 border-yellow-300 hover:border-yellow-300` |
: `` |
)} |
></img> |
</div> |
</TooltipTrigger> |
{!isLocked && <TooltipContent> |
<p className="w-full max-w-xl">{model.title}</p> |
</TooltipContent>} |
</Tooltip> |
</div> |
)} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div |
className={cn( |
`flex flex-col`, |
`flex-grow rounded-2xl md:rounded-3xl`, |
`backdrop-blur-lg bg-white/40`, |
`border-2 border-white/10`, |
`items-center`, |
`space-y-2 md:space-y-3 lg:space-y-4 xl:space-y-6`, |
`px-3 py-6 md:px-6 md:py-12 xl:px-8 xl:py-16`, |
)}> |
<div className="flex flex-row"> |
<h3 className={cn( |
headingFont.className, |
"text-4xl text-sky-600 mb-4" |
)}>{communityRoll.length ? "Random community clips:" : "Loading community roll.."}</h3> |
</div> |
<div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-4 lg:grid-cols-6 xl:grid-cols-8 gap-2"> |
{communityRoll.map(post => |
<div key={post.postId}> |
<Tooltip> |
<TooltipTrigger asChild> |
<div |
className={isLocked ? 'cursor-not-allowed' : `cursor-pointer`} |
onClick={() => { handleSelectCommunityPost(post) }}> |
<video |
muted |
autoPlay |
loop |
src={post.assetUrl} |
className={cn( |
`rounded-md overflow-hidden`, |
`transition-all duration-150 ease-in-out`, |
`w-40 h-30 object-cover rounded-lg overflow-hidden`, |
`border-4 border-transparent`, |
isLocked ? '' : `hover:border-yellow-50 hover:scale-110`, |
)} |
/> |
</div> |
</TooltipTrigger> |
{!isLocked && <TooltipContent> |
<p className="w-full max-w-xl">{post.prompt}</p> |
</TooltipContent>} |
</Tooltip> |
</div> |
)} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</TooltipProvider> |
</div> |
) |
} |