CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid" | |
import YAML from "yaml" | |
import { ClapHeader, ClapMeta, ClapModel, ClapProject, ClapScene, ClapSegment } from "./types.mts" | |
import { getValidNumber } from "../parsers/getValidNumber.mts" | |
import { dataUriToBlob } from "../base64/dataUriToBlob.mts" | |
type StringOrBlob = string | Blob | |
/** | |
* Import a clap file from various data sources into an ClapProject | |
* | |
* Inputs can be: | |
* - a Clap project (which is an object) | |
* - an URL to a remote .clap file | |
* - a string containing a YAML array | |
* - a data uri containing a gzipped YAML array | |
* - a Blob containing a gzipped YAML array | |
* | |
* note: it is not really async, because for some reason YAML.parse is a blocking call like for JSON, | |
* there is no async version although we are now in the 20s not 90s | |
*/ | |
export async function parseClap(src?: ClapProject | string | Blob, debug = false): Promise<ClapProject> { | |
try { | |
if ( | |
typeof src === "object" && | |
Array.isArray( (src as any)?.scenes) && | |
Array.isArray((src as any)?.models) | |
) { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: input is already a Clap file, nothing to do:", src) | |
} | |
// we can skip verification | |
return src as ClapProject | |
} | |
} catch (err) { | |
// well, this is not a clap project | |
} | |
let stringOrBlob = (src || "") as StringOrBlob | |
// both should work | |
const dataUriHeader1 = "data:application/x-gzip;base64," | |
const dataUriHeader2 = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," | |
const inputIsString = typeof stringOrBlob === "string" | |
const inputIsDataUri = typeof stringOrBlob === "string" ? stringOrBlob.startsWith(dataUriHeader1) || stringOrBlob.startsWith(dataUriHeader2) : false | |
const inputIsRemoteFile = typeof stringOrBlob === "string" ? (stringOrBlob.startsWith("http://") || stringOrBlob.startsWith("https://")) : false | |
let inputIsBlob = typeof stringOrBlob !== "string" | |
let inputYamlArrayString = "" | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log(`parseClap: pre-analysis: ${JSON.stringify({ | |
inputIsString, | |
inputIsBlob, | |
inputIsDataUri, | |
inputIsRemoteFile | |
}, null, 2)}`) | |
} | |
if (typeof stringOrBlob === "string") { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: input is a string ", stringOrBlob.slice(0, 120)) | |
} | |
if (inputIsDataUri) { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log(`parseClap: input is a data uri archive`) | |
} | |
stringOrBlob = dataUriToBlob(stringOrBlob, "application/x-gzip") | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log(`parseClap: inputBlob = `, stringOrBlob) | |
} | |
inputIsBlob = true | |
} else if (inputIsRemoteFile) { | |
try { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log(`parseClap: input is a remote .clap file`) | |
} | |
const res = await fetch(stringOrBlob) | |
stringOrBlob = await res.blob() | |
if (!stringOrBlob) { throw new Error("blob is empty") } | |
inputIsBlob = true | |
} catch (err) { | |
// url seems invalid | |
throw new Error(`failed to download the .clap file (${err})`) | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: input is a text string containing a YAML array") | |
} | |
inputYamlArrayString = stringOrBlob | |
inputIsBlob = false | |
} | |
} | |
if (typeof stringOrBlob !== "string" && stringOrBlob) { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: decompressing the blob..") | |
} | |
// Decompress the input blob using gzip | |
const decompressedStream = DecompressionStream('gzip')) | |
try { | |
// Convert the stream to text using a Response object | |
const decompressedOutput = new Response(decompressedStream) | |
// decompressedOutput.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/x-gzip") | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: decompressedOutput: ", decompressedOutput) | |
} | |
// const blobAgain = await decompressedOutput.blob() | |
inputYamlArrayString = await decompressedOutput.text() | |
if (debug && inputYamlArrayString) { | |
console.log("parseClap: successfully decompressed the blob!") | |
} | |
} catch (err) { | |
const message = `parseClap: failed to decompress (${err})` | |
console.error(message) | |
throw new Error(message) | |
} | |
} | |
// we don't need this anymore I think | |
// new Blob([inputStringOrBlob], { type: "application/x-yaml" }) | |
let maybeArray: any = {} | |
try { | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: parsing the YAML array..") | |
} | |
// Parse YAML string to raw data | |
maybeArray = YAML.parse(inputYamlArrayString) | |
} catch (err) { | |
throw new Error("invalid clap file (input string is not YAML)") | |
} | |
if (!Array.isArray(maybeArray) || maybeArray.length < 2) { | |
throw new Error("invalid clap file (need a clap format header block and project metadata block)") | |
} | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log("parseClap: the YAML seems okay, continuing decoding..") | |
} | |
const maybeClapHeader = maybeArray[0] as ClapHeader | |
if (maybeClapHeader.format !== "clap-0") { | |
throw new Error("invalid clap file (sorry, but you can't make up version numbers like that)") | |
} | |
const maybeClapMeta = maybeArray[1] as ClapMeta | |
const clapMeta: ClapMeta = { | |
id: typeof maybeClapMeta.title === "string" ? : uuidv4(), | |
title: typeof maybeClapMeta.title === "string" ? maybeClapMeta.title : "", | |
description: typeof maybeClapMeta.description === "string" ? maybeClapMeta.description : "", | |
synopsis: typeof maybeClapMeta.synopsis === "string" ? maybeClapMeta.synopsis : "", | |
licence: typeof maybeClapMeta.licence === "string" ? maybeClapMeta.licence : "", | |
orientation: maybeClapMeta.orientation === "portrait" ? "portrait" : maybeClapMeta.orientation === "square" ? "square" : "landscape", | |
durationInMs: getValidNumber(maybeClapMeta.durationInMs, 1000, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 4000), | |
width: getValidNumber(maybeClapMeta.width, 128, 8192, 1024), | |
height: getValidNumber(maybeClapMeta.height, 128, 8192, 576), | |
defaultVideoModel: typeof maybeClapMeta.defaultVideoModel === "string" ? maybeClapMeta.defaultVideoModel : "SVD", | |
extraPositivePrompt: Array.isArray(maybeClapMeta.extraPositivePrompt) ? maybeClapMeta.extraPositivePrompt : [], | |
screenplay: typeof maybeClapMeta.screenplay === "string" ? maybeClapMeta.screenplay : "", | |
isLoop: typeof maybeClapMeta.isLoop === "boolean" ? maybeClapMeta.isLoop : false, | |
isInteractive: typeof maybeClapMeta.isInteractive === "boolean" ? maybeClapMeta.isInteractive : false, | |
} | |
/* | |
in case we want to support streaming (mix of models and segments etc), we could do it this way: | |
const maybeModelsOrSegments = rawData.slice(2) | |
maybeModelsOrSegments.forEach((unknownElement: any) => { | |
if (isValidNumber(unknownElement?.track)) { | |
maybeSegments.push(unknownElement as ClapSegment) | |
} else { | |
maybeModels.push(unknownElement as ClapModel) | |
} | |
}) | |
*/ | |
const expectedNumberOfModels = maybeClapHeader.numberOfModels || 0 | |
const expectedNumberOfScenes = maybeClapHeader.numberOfScenes || 0 | |
const expectedNumberOfSegments = maybeClapHeader.numberOfSegments || 0 | |
// note: we assume the order is strictly enforced! | |
// if you implement streaming (mix of models and segments) you will have to rewrite this! | |
const afterTheHeaders = 2 | |
const afterTheModels = afterTheHeaders + expectedNumberOfModels | |
const afterTheScenes = afterTheModels + expectedNumberOfScenes | |
// note: if there are no expected models, maybeModels will be empty | |
const maybeModels = maybeArray.slice(afterTheHeaders, afterTheModels) as ClapModel[] | |
// note: if there are no expected scenes, maybeScenes will be empty | |
const maybeScenes = maybeArray.slice(afterTheModels, afterTheScenes) as ClapScene[] | |
const maybeSegments = maybeArray.slice(afterTheScenes) as ClapSegment[] | |
const clapModels: ClapModel[] ={ | |
id, | |
category, | |
triggerName, | |
label, | |
description, | |
author, | |
thumbnailUrl, | |
seed, | |
assetSourceType, | |
assetUrl, | |
age, | |
gender, | |
region, | |
appearance, | |
voiceVendor, | |
voiceId, | |
}) => ({ | |
// TODO: we should verify each of those, probably | |
id, | |
category, | |
triggerName, | |
label, | |
description, | |
author, | |
thumbnailUrl, | |
seed, | |
assetSourceType, | |
assetUrl, | |
age, | |
gender, | |
region, | |
appearance, | |
voiceVendor, | |
voiceId, | |
})) | |
const clapScenes: ClapScene[] ={ | |
id, | |
scene, | |
line, | |
rawLine, | |
sequenceFullText, | |
sequenceStartAtLine, | |
sequenceEndAtLine, | |
startAtLine, | |
endAtLine, | |
events, | |
}) => ({ | |
id, | |
scene, | |
line, | |
rawLine, | |
sequenceFullText, | |
sequenceStartAtLine, | |
sequenceEndAtLine, | |
startAtLine, | |
endAtLine, | |
events: => e) | |
})) | |
const clapSegments: ClapSegment[] ={ | |
id, | |
track, | |
startTimeInMs, | |
endTimeInMs, | |
category, | |
modelId, | |
sceneId, | |
prompt, | |
label, | |
outputType, | |
renderId, | |
status, | |
assetUrl, | |
assetDurationInMs, | |
createdBy, | |
editedBy, | |
outputGain, | |
seed, | |
}) => ({ | |
// TODO: we should verify each of those, probably | |
id, | |
track, | |
startTimeInMs, | |
endTimeInMs, | |
category, | |
modelId, | |
sceneId, | |
prompt, | |
label, | |
outputType, | |
renderId, | |
status, | |
assetUrl, | |
assetDurationInMs, | |
createdBy, | |
editedBy, | |
outputGain, | |
seed, | |
})) | |
if (debug) { | |
console.log(`parseClap: successfully parsed ${clapModels.length} models, ${clapScenes.length} scenes and ${clapSegments.length} segments`) | |
} | |
return { | |
meta: clapMeta, | |
models: clapModels, | |
scenes: clapScenes, | |
segments: clapSegments | |
} | |
} | |