CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
import { existsSync } from "node:fs" | |
import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises" | |
import path from "node:path" | |
import { UUID } from "@aitube/clap" | |
import ffmpeg, { FfmpegCommand } from "fluent-ffmpeg" | |
import { addBase64Header, extractBase64 } from "@aitube/encoders" | |
import { getRandomDirectory, removeTemporaryFiles, writeBase64ToFile } from "@aitube/io" | |
import { getMediaInfo } from "../analyze/getMediaInfo" | |
import { concatenateVideos } from "./concatenateVideos" | |
export type SupportedExportFormat = "mp4" | "webm" | |
export const defaultExportFormat = "mp4" | |
export type ConcatenateVideoWithAudioOptions = { | |
output?: string; | |
format?: SupportedExportFormat; | |
audioTrack?: string; // base64 | |
audioFilePath?: string; // path | |
videoTracks?: string[]; // base64 | |
videoFilePaths?: string[]; // path | |
videoTracksVolume?: number; // Represents the volume level of the original video track | |
audioTrackVolume?: number; // Represents the volume level of the additional audio track | |
asBase64?: boolean; | |
}; | |
export const concatenateVideosWithAudio = async ({ | |
output, | |
format = defaultExportFormat, | |
audioTrack = "", | |
audioFilePath = "", | |
videoTracks = [], | |
videoFilePaths = [], | |
videoTracksVolume = 0.5, // (1.0 = 100% volume) | |
audioTrackVolume = 0.5, | |
asBase64 = false, | |
}: ConcatenateVideoWithAudioOptions): Promise<string> => { | |
console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio()`) | |
try { | |
// Prepare temporary directories | |
const tempDir = await getRandomDirectory() | |
if (audioTrack && audioTrack.length > 0) { | |
const analysis = extractBase64(audioTrack) | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: writing down an audio file (${analysis.extension}) from the supplied base64 track`) | |
audioFilePath = path.join(tempDir, `audio.${analysis.extension}`) | |
await writeBase64ToFile(addBase64Header(audioTrack, analysis.extension), audioFilePath) | |
} | |
// Decode and concatenate base64 video tracks to temporary file | |
let i = 0 | |
for (const track of videoTracks) { | |
if (!track) { continue } | |
// note: here we assume the input video is in mp4 | |
const analysis = extractBase64(audioTrack) | |
const videoFilePath = path.join(tempDir, `video${++i}.${analysis.extension}`) | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: writing down a video file (${analysis.extension}) from the supplied base64 track`) | |
await writeBase64ToFile(addBase64Header(track, analysis.extension), videoFilePath) | |
videoFilePaths.push(videoFilePath) | |
} | |
videoFilePaths = videoFilePaths.filter((video) => existsSync(video)) | |
// console.log("concatenateVideosWithAudio: concatenating videos (without audio)..") | |
const tempFilePath = await concatenateVideos({ | |
videoFilePaths, | |
}) | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: tempFilePath = ${JSON.stringify(tempFilePath, null, 2)}`) | |
// Check if the concatenated video has audio or not | |
const tempMediaInfo = await getMediaInfo(tempFilePath.filepath); | |
const hasOriginalAudio = tempMediaInfo.hasAudio; | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: hasOriginalAudio = ${hasOriginalAudio}`) | |
const finalOutputFilePath = output || path.join(tempDir, `${UUID()}.${format}`); | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: finalOutputFilePath = ${finalOutputFilePath}`) | |
// Begin ffmpeg command configuration | |
let ffmpegCommand = ffmpeg(); | |
ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.addInput(tempFilePath.filepath); | |
ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.outputOptions('-loglevel', 'debug'); | |
// If additional audio is provided, add audio to ffmpeg command | |
if (typeof audioFilePath === "string" && audioFilePath.length > 0) { | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: adding an audio file path: ${audioFilePath}`) | |
ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.addInput(audioFilePath); | |
// If the input video already has audio, we will mix it with additional audio | |
if (hasOriginalAudio) { | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: case 1: additional audio was provided, and we already have audio: we mix`) | |
const filterComplex = ` | |
[0:a]volume=${videoTracksVolume}[a0]; | |
[1:a]volume=${audioTrackVolume}[a1]; | |
[a0][a1]amix=inputs=2:duration=shortest[a] | |
`.trim(); | |
ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.outputOptions([ | |
'-filter_complex', filterComplex, | |
'-map', '0:v', | |
'-map', '[a]', | |
'-c:v', 'copy', | |
'-c:a', 'aac', | |
'-shortest' | |
]); | |
} else { | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: case 2: additional audio was provided, but we don't already have audio: we overwrite`) | |
// If the input video has no audio, just use the additional audio as is | |
ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.outputOptions([ | |
'-map', '0:v', | |
'-map', '1:a', | |
'-c:v', 'copy', | |
'-c:a', 'aac', | |
'-shortest' | |
]); | |
} | |
} else { | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: case 3: no additional audio provided, we leave the audio as-is`) | |
// If no additional audio is provided, simply copy the video stream | |
ffmpegCommand = ffmpegCommand.outputOptions([ | |
'-c:v', 'copy', | |
hasOriginalAudio ? '-c:a copy' : '-an', // If original audio exists, copy it; otherwise, indicate no audio | |
]); | |
} | |
/* | |
console.log("concatenateVideosWithAudio: DEBUG:", { | |
videoTracksVolume, | |
audioTrackVolume, | |
videoFilePaths, | |
tempFilePath, | |
hasOriginalAudio, | |
// originalAudioVolume, | |
audioFilePath, | |
// additionalAudioVolume, | |
finalOutputFilePath | |
}) | |
*/ | |
// Set up event handlers for ffmpeg processing | |
const promise = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { | |
ffmpegCommand.on('start', function(commandLine) { | |
console.log('concatenateVideosWithAudio: Spawned Ffmpeg with command: ' + commandLine); | |
}).on('error', (err) => { | |
console.error("concatenateVideosWithAudio: error during ffmpeg processing"); | |
console.error(err) | |
reject(err); | |
}).on('end', async () => { | |
// When ffmpeg finishes processing, resolve the promise with file info | |
try { | |
if (asBase64) { | |
try { | |
const outputBuffer = await readFile(finalOutputFilePath); | |
const outputBase64 = addBase64Header(outputBuffer.toString("base64"), format) | |
resolve(outputBase64); | |
} catch (error) { | |
reject(new Error(`Error reading output video file: ${(error as Error).message}`)); | |
} | |
} else { | |
resolve(finalOutputFilePath) | |
} | |
} catch (err) { | |
reject(err); | |
} | |
}).save(finalOutputFilePath); // Provide the path where to save the file | |
}); | |
// Wait for ffmpeg to complete the process | |
const result = await promise; | |
return result; | |
} catch (error) { | |
throw new Error(`Failed to assemble video: ${(error as Error).message}`); | |
} finally { | |
// console.log(`concatenateVideosWithAudio: deleting ${JSON.stringify([...videoFilePaths].concat(audioFilePath), null, 2)}`) | |
await removeTemporaryFiles([...videoFilePaths].concat(audioFilePath)) | |
} | |
}; |