import { existsSync, promises as fs } from "node:fs" import os from "node:os" import path from "node:path" import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import ffmpeg, { FfmpegCommand } from "fluent-ffmpeg"; import { concatenateVideos } from "./concatenateVideos.mts"; import { writeBase64ToFile } from "../files/writeBase64ToFile.mts"; import { getMediaInfo } from "./getMediaInfo.mts"; import { removeTemporaryFiles } from "../files/removeTmpFiles.mts"; import { addBase64Header } from "../base64/addBase64.mts"; type ConcatenateVideoAndMergeAudioOptions = { output?: string; audioTracks?: string[]; // base64 audioFilePaths?: string[]; // path videoTracks?: string[]; // base64 videoFilePaths?: string[]; // path }; export type ConcatenateVideoAndMergeAudioOutput = { filepath: string; durationInSec: number; } // note: the audio tracks will be fused together, as in "mixed" // this return a path to the file export const concatenateVideosAndMergeAudio = async ({ output, audioTracks = [], audioFilePaths = [], videoTracks = [], videoFilePaths = [] }: ConcatenateVideoAndMergeAudioOptions): Promise => { try { // Prepare temporary directories const tempDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), uuidv4()); await fs.mkdir(tempDir); let i = 0 for (const track of audioTracks) { if (!track) { continue } const audioFilePath = path.join(tempDir, `audio${++i}.wav`); await writeBase64ToFile(addBase64Header(track, "wav"), audioFilePath); audioFilePaths.push(audioFilePath); } audioFilePaths = audioFilePaths.filter((audio) => existsSync(audio)) // Decode and concatenate base64 video tracks to temporary file i = 0 for (const track of videoTracks) { if (!track) { continue } const videoFilePath = path.join(tempDir, `video${++i}.mp4`); await writeBase64ToFile(addBase64Header(track, "mp4"), videoFilePath); videoFilePaths.push(videoFilePath); } videoFilePaths = videoFilePaths.filter((video) => existsSync(video)) // The final output file path const finalOutputFilePath = output ? output : path.join(tempDir, `${uuidv4()}.mp4`); /* console.log("DEBUG:", { tempDir, audioFilePath, audioTrack: audioTrack.slice(0, 40), videoTracks: => vid.slice(0, 40)), videoFilePaths, finalOutputFilePath }) */ // console.log("concatenating videos (without audio)..") const tempFilePath = await concatenateVideos({ videoFilePaths, }) // console.log("concatenated silent shots to: ", tempFilePath) // console.log("concatenating video + audio..") // Add audio to the concatenated video file const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let cmd = ffmpeg().addInput(tempFilePath.filepath).outputOptions("-c:v copy"); for (const audioFilePath of audioFilePaths) { cmd = cmd.addInput(audioFilePath); } if (audioFilePaths.length) { // Mix all audio tracks (if there are any) into a single stereo stream const mixFilter =, index) => `[${index + 1}:a]`).join('') + `amix=inputs=${audioFilePaths.length}:duration=first[outa]`; cmd = cmd .complexFilter(mixFilter) .outputOptions([ "-map", "0:v:0", // Maps the video stream from the first input (index 0) as the output video stream "-map", "[outa]", // Maps the labeled audio output from the complex filter (mixed audio) as the output audio stream "-c:a aac", // Specifies the audio codec to be AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) "-shortest" // Ensures the output file's duration equals the shortest input stream's duration ]); } else { // If there are no audio tracks, just map the video cmd = cmd.outputOptions(["-map", "0:v:0"]); } cmd = cmd .on("error", reject) .on('end', async () => { try { const { durationInSec } = await getMediaInfo(finalOutputFilePath); resolve({ filepath: finalOutputFilePath, durationInSec }); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }) .saveToFile(finalOutputFilePath); }); const result = await promise; return result } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to assemble video: ${(error as Error).message}`); } finally { await removeTemporaryFiles([...videoFilePaths, ...audioFilePaths]) } };