@echo off REM No CLI arguments supported anymore set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= cd /D "%~dp0" echo "%CD%"| findstr /C:" " >nul && echo This script relies on Miniconda which can not be silently installed under a path with spaces. && goto end set PATH=%PATH%;%SystemRoot%\system32 @rem config set INSTALL_DIR=%cd%\installer_files set CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX=%cd%\installer_files\conda set INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%cd%\installer_files\env set MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe set FFMPEG_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://github.com/GyanD/codexffmpeg/releases/download/2023-06-21-git-1bcb8a7338/ffmpeg-2023-06-21-git-1bcb8a7338-essentials_build.zip set INSTALL_FFMPEG_DIR=%cd%\installer_files\ffmpeg set INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_URL=https://github.com/C0untFloyd/roop-unleashed/releases/download/3.6.6/insightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl set INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_PATH=%INSTALL_DIR%\insightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl set conda_exists=F set ffmpeg_exists=F @rem figure out whether git and conda needs to be installed call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" --version >nul 2>&1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" set conda_exists=T @rem Check if FFmpeg is already in PATH where ffmpeg >nul 2>&1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" ( echo FFmpeg is already installed. set ffmpeg_exists=T ) @rem (if necessary) install git and conda into a contained environment @rem download conda if "%conda_exists%" == "F" ( echo Downloading Miniconda from %MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL% to %INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe mkdir "%INSTALL_DIR%" call curl -Lk "%MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL%" > "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" || ( echo. && echo Miniconda failed to download. && goto end ) echo Installing Miniconda to %CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% start /wait "" "%INSTALL_DIR%\miniconda_installer.exe" /InstallationType=JustMe /NoShortcuts=1 /AddToPath=0 /RegisterPython=0 /NoRegistry=1 /S /D=%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% @rem test the conda binary echo Miniconda version: call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" --version || ( echo. && echo Miniconda not found. && goto end ) ) @rem create the installer env if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" ( echo Creating Conda Environment call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" create --no-shortcuts -y -k --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" python=3.10 || ( echo. && echo ERROR: Conda environment creation failed. && goto end ) @rem check if conda environment was actually created if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\python.exe" ( echo. && echo ERROR: Conda environment is empty. && goto end ) @rem activate installer env call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" || ( echo. && echo ERROR: Miniconda hook not found. && goto end ) @rem Download insightface package echo Downloading insightface package from %INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_URL% to %INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_PATH% call curl -Lk "%INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_URL%" > "%INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_PATH%" || ( echo. && echo ERROR: Insightface package failed to download. && goto end ) @rem install insightface package using pip echo Installing insightface package call pip install "%INSIGHTFACE_PACKAGE_PATH%" || ( echo. && echo ERROR: Insightface package installation failed. && goto end ) ) @rem Download and install FFmpeg if not already installed if "%ffmpeg_exists%" == "F" ( if not exist "%INSTALL_FFMPEG_DIR%" ( echo Downloading ffmpeg from %FFMPEG_DOWNLOAD_URL% to %INSTALL_DIR% call curl -Lk "%FFMPEG_DOWNLOAD_URL%" > "%INSTALL_DIR%\ffmpeg.zip" || ( echo. && echo ffmpeg failed to download. && goto end ) call powershell -command "Expand-Archive -Force '%INSTALL_DIR%\ffmpeg.zip' '%INSTALL_DIR%\'" cd "%INSTALL_DIR%" move ffmpeg-* ffmpeg setx PATH "%INSTALL_FFMPEG_DIR%\bin\;%PATH%" echo To use videos, you need to restart roop after this installation. cd .. ) ) else ( echo Skipping FFmpeg installation as it is already available. ) @rem setup installer env @rem check if conda environment was actually created if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\python.exe" ( echo. && echo ERROR: Conda environment is empty. && goto end ) @rem activate installer env call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" || ( echo. && echo ERROR: Miniconda hook not found. && goto end ) echo Launching roop unleashed call python installer.py %COMMANDLINE_ARGS% echo. echo Done! :end pause