import streamlit as st import glob, os, sys; sys.path.append('/src') #import helper import preprocessing as pre import cleaning as clean def app(): # Sidebar st.sidebar.title('Analyse Policy Document') # Container with st.container(): st.markdown("

SDSN X GIZ Policy Tracing

", unsafe_allow_html=True) file = st.file_uploader('Upload PDF File', type=['pdf', 'docx', 'txt']) if file is not None: st.write("Filename: ", # text = [] # with as pdf: # for page in pdf.pages: # text.append(page.extract_text()) # text_str = ' '.join([page for page in text]) # st.write('Number of pages:',len(pdf.pages)) # load document docs = pre.load_document(file) # preprocess document docs_processed, df, all_text = clean.preprocessing(docs) st.write('... ') else: st.write(' ') st.write(' ') st.markdown("

no PDF uploaded ...

", unsafe_allow_html=True)