File size: 11,013 Bytes
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const monitor = [];
function eachMonitor(p, f) {
monitor.forEach((m) => {
if (m[0] === p[0] && m[1] === p[1]) {
function isMonitored(p) {
let result = false;
eachMonitor(p, (m) => {
result = true;
return result;
// 2D projection
function worldToLocal(pointA, pointB, pointC) {
const vectorAB = [pointB[0] - pointA[0], pointB[1] - pointA[1]];
const vectorAC = [pointC[0] - pointA[0], pointC[1] - pointA[1]];
const dot1 = dot2D(vectorAB, vectorAC);
const dot2 = dot2D(vectorAB, vectorAB);
const localX = dot1 / dot2;
const pointD = [pointA[0] + localX * vectorAB[0], pointA[1] + localX * vectorAB[1]];
// localY = distance from pointC to pointD
const vectorCD = [pointD[0] - pointC[0], pointD[1] - pointC[1]];
let localY = Math.sqrt(dot2D(vectorCD, vectorCD));
// if pointC is on the right side of vectorAB, localY is negative
const cross = cross2D(vectorAB, vectorAC);
if (0 < cross) {
localY = -localY;
return [localX, localY];
function distPointFromSeg(pointA, pointB, pointC, lx, ly) {
if (lx < 0) {
const vectorAC = [pointC[0] - pointA[0], pointC[1] - pointA[1]];
return Math.sqrt(dot2D(vectorAC, vectorAC));
if (1.0 < lx) {
const vectorBC = [pointC[0] - pointB[0], pointC[1] - pointB[1]];
return Math.sqrt(dot2D(vectorBC, vectorBC));
return Math.abs(ly);
function localToWorld([pointA, pointB], pointC) { // C is local coordinate
const vectorAB = [pointB[0] - pointA[0], pointB[1] - pointA[1]];
// pointD = pointA + C.x * vectorAB(垂線との交点)
const pointD = [pointA[0] + pointC[0] * vectorAB[0], pointA[1] + pointC[0] * vectorAB[1]];
const v = perpendicular2D(vectorAB);
const vLength = Math.sqrt(dot2D(v, v));
if (vLength < 0.0001) { return pointD; }
const newLength = pointC[1];
const factor = newLength / vLength;
return [pointD[0] + factor * v[0], pointD[1] + factor * v[1]];
function makeEdgeSegments(pose) {
return => {
const p0 = pose[segment[0]];
const p1 = pose[segment[1]];
return [p0, p1];
function makeNormalizeEdgeSegments(edges) {
return => normalize2D([edge[1][0] - edge[0][0], edge[1][1] - edge[0][1]]));
const fieldDepth = 5;
const FO0i = 0;
const FO0t = 1;
const FO0u = 2;
const FO0d = 3;
// c current
// p prev
// n next
// 0 primary
// 1 secondary
// e edge
// s segment
// i in
// o out
// t time
// l local
// q point
// m main
// d distance
// w weight
function calcJointRange(
edgeSegments, normalizedEdgeSegments,
ep, ec, m) {
// parent, child
const np = normalizedEdgeSegments[ep];
const nc = normalizedEdgeSegments[ec];
let pnp = perpendicular2D(np);
let pnc = perpendicular2D(nc);
let side = getSide(edgeSegmentsForSideDecision[ep][0], edgeSegmentsForSideDecision[ep][1], edgeSegmentsForSideDecision[ec][1], m);
if (side < 0) {
pnp = reverse2D(pnp);
pnc = reverse2D(pnc);
return [pnp, pnc];
function calcJointRangeWithOrder(oldEdgeSegments, oldNormalizedEdgeSegments, newEdgeSegments, e0, m, order) {
if (order < 0) {
const e1 = findPrevEdgeIndex(e0);
if (e1 < 0) { return null; }
const [pn1, pn0] = calcJointRange(oldEdgeSegments, oldNormalizedEdgeSegments, newEdgeSegments,e1, e0, m);
const oldPivot = oldEdgeSegments[e0][0];
const newPivot = newEdgeSegments[e0][0];
return [pn0, pn1, oldPivot, newPivot, e1];
} else if (0 < order) {
const e1 = findNextEdgeIndex(e0);
if (e1 < 0) { return null; }
const [pn0, pn1] = calcJointRange(oldEdgeSegments, oldNormalizedEdgeSegments, newEdgeSegments, e0, e1, m);
const oldPivot = oldEdgeSegments[e0][1];
const newPivot = newEdgeSegments[e0][1];
return [pn0, pn1, oldPivot, newPivot, e1];
} else {
return null;
function buildWeightMap(size, pose) {
const threshold = 512;
const [w, h] = size;
// この状態で、canvasに対して、
// 同じ大きさの3次元配列[x,y,z]を作成する
// x,yは画像の2次元座標
// 各Pixelに対して、
// そのPixelに最も近いエッジのindexを[0]に、
// そのときのエッジ座標系におけるtを[1]に記録する
// どの骨格とも近くないものは[0]=255とする
const field = new Float32Array(w * h * fieldDepth)
function fieldIndex(x, y) {
return (y * w + x) * fieldDepth;
const edgeSegments = makeEdgeSegments(pose);
const normalizedEdgeSegments = makeNormalizeEdgeSegments(edgeSegments);
// 各Pixelに対して、一番近いエッジを探す
// またそのエッジ座標系におけるtを保存する
for (let y = 0 ; y < h ; y++) {
for (let x = 0 ; x < w ; x++) {
const m = [x, y];
let minDist = threshold;
const fidx = fieldIndex(x, y);
field[fidx+FO0i] = -1;
for (let i = 0 ; i < limbSeq.length ; i++) {
// 線分から点への距離を計算
const s = edgeSegments[i];
const lq = worldToLocal(s[0], s[1], m);
const dist = distPointFromSeg(s[0], s[1], m, lq[0], lq[1]);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
field[fidx+FO0i] = i;
field[fidx+FO0t] = lq[0];
field[fidx+FO0u] = lq[1];
field[fidx+FO0d] = dist;
return field;
function renderField(canvas2, size, field) {
function blend(c0, w0, c1, w1) {
const r = (c0[0] * w0 + c1[0] * w1);
const g = (c0[1] * w0 + c1[1] * w1);
const b = (c0[2] * w0 + c1[2] * w1);
const a = (c0[3] * w0 + c1[3] * w1);
return [r, g, b, a];
const [w, h] = size;
function fieldIndex(x, y) {
return (y * w + x) * fieldDepth;
canvas2.width = w;
canvas2.height = h;
const ctx2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');
bindings = ctx2.createImageData(w, h);
const data =;
for (let y = 0 ; y < h ; y++) {
for (let x = 0 ; x < w ; x++) {
const fidx = fieldIndex(x, y);
const oi = (y * w + x) * 4;
let c = [0, 0, 0, 64];
const e0 = field[fidx+FO0i];
if (0 <= e0) {
c = colors[e0];
c[3] = 255;
// c[3] = 255 - field[fidx+FO0d] * 4;
data[oi + 0] = c[0];
data[oi + 1] = c[1];
data[oi + 2] = c[2];
data[oi + 3] = c[3];
ctx2.putImageData(bindings, 0, 0);
return field;
function makeImageDataFromPicture(canvas3, size, picture) {
const [w, h] = size;
canvas3.width = w;
canvas3.height = h;
const ctx3 = canvas3.getContext("2d");
// ctx3.drawImage(picture, sampleOffset[0], sampleOffset[1]);
ctx3.drawImage(picture, 0, 0);
return new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(ctx3.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data), w, h);
function animatePicture(canvas4, size, oldPose, newPose, srcImageData, initialPoseField) {
const srcData =;
const [w, h] = size;
const ctx4 = canvas4.getContext("2d");
canvas4.width = w;
canvas4.height = h;
const dstCtx = ctx4;
const dstImageData = dstCtx.createImageData(w, h);
const dstData =;
const field = buildWeightMap(size, newPose);
const canvas2 = document.getElementById("canvas2");
// renderField(canvas2, size, field);
drawBodyPoseTo(canvas2.getContext("2d"), [newPose]);
function fieldIndex(x, y) {
return (y * w + x) * fieldDepth;
const oldEdgeSegments = makeEdgeSegments(oldPose);
const oldNormalizedEdgeSegments = makeNormalizeEdgeSegments(oldEdgeSegments);
const newEdgeSegments = makeEdgeSegments(newPose);
function oldEdgePoint(edgeIndex, p) {
const v = oldEdgeSegments[edgeIndex];
return localToWorld(v, p);
function newEdgePoint(edgeIndex, p) {
const v = newEdgeSegments[edgeIndex];
return localToWorld(v, p);
debugLines = [];
for (let y = 0 ; y < h ; y++) {
for (let x = 0 ; x < w ; x++) {
// 各点に対して、fieldから近隣エッジ座標系でのローカル座標を取得する
const oi = (y * w + x) * 4;
const fidx = fieldIndex(x, y);
const e0 = field[fidx+FO0i];
if (e0 < 0) {
dstData[oi + 0] = 0;
dstData[oi + 1] = 0;
dstData[oi + 2] = 0;
dstData[oi + 3] = 255;
const lq = [field[fidx+FO0t], field[fidx+FO0u]];
let e1 = -1;
let order = 0; // 1 == forward, -1 == backward
if (lq[0] < 0.5) {
e1 = findPrevEdgeIndex(e0);
} else if (0.5 <= lq[0]) {
e1 = findNextEdgeIndex(e0);
if (0 <= e1) {
if (lq[0] < 0) {
order = -1;
} else if (1 < lq[0]) {
order = 1;
let iq = oldEdgePoint(e0, lq);
if (0 != order) {
// サイド判定は新ポーズで行う
const mNew = [x,y];
const jointRange = calcJointRangeWithOrder(
oldEdgeSegments, oldNormalizedEdgeSegments,
e0, mNew, order);
const [pn0, pn1, oldPivot, newPivot, _] = jointRange;
const pivotMNew = [x - newPivot[0], y - newPivot[1]];
const [w0, w1]= [angleBetween(pn0, pivotMNew), angleBetween(pivotMNew, pn1)];
let d0 = field[fidx+FO0d];
let mt = slerp2D(pn0, pn1, w0 / (w0 + w1));
iq = [oldPivot[0] + mt[0] * d0, oldPivot[1] + mt[1] * d0];
eachMonitor([x,y], () => {
console.log('animate', x, y, ix, iy, e1, w0, w1, pn0, pn1);
debugLines.push([oldPivot, pn0]);
debugLines.push([oldPivot, pn1]);
iq = [Math.round(iq[0]), Math.round(iq[1])];
var initialOwner = initialPoseField[fieldIndex(iq[0], iq[1]) + FO0i];
if (0 <= initialOwner && initialOwner != e0 && initialOwner != e1) {
// ほかの領土
dstData[oi + 0] = 0;
dstData[oi + 1] = 0;
dstData[oi + 2] = 0;
dstData[oi + 3] = 0;
} else {
// canvas3の[ix,iy]の色を取得して、canvas4の[x,y]に描画する
const si = (iq[1] * w + iq[0]) * 4;
dstData[oi + 0] = srcData[si + 0];
dstData[oi + 1] = srcData[si + 1];
dstData[oi + 2] = srcData[si + 2];
dstData[oi + 3] = srcData[si + 3];
dstCtx.putImageData(dstImageData, 0, 0);
function handleMicroscopeMouseMove(e) {
const [x,y] = mouseCursor;
const imageData = ctx.getImageData(x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5);
const data =;
const microscope = document.getElementById('microscope');
const ctx2 = microscope.getContext('2d');
ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, microscope.width, microscope.height);
for (let i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
for (let j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++) {
const idx = (i * 5 + j) * 4;
ctx2.fillStyle = `rgba(${data[idx]}, ${data[idx+1]}, ${data[idx+2]}, ${data[idx+3]})`;
ctx2.fillRect(j * 10, i * 10, 10, 10);
function initMicroscope() {
// canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMicroscopeMouseMove);
// poseData[0][6] = [329, 148];
// poseData[0][7] = [329, 194];