Preface | |
This journey has been long and arduous, but I have finally reached an end. At | |
this end, I have a thesis that I am proud of, and I have learned a lot. As I look | |
back, I have been very fortunate to have had the support of many people, and I | |
would like to take this opportunity to thank them. | |
First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors, Sien and Matthew, | |
for their guidance and support throughout this journey. Sien has taught me | |
the importance of being thorough and meticulous, striving for diligence and | |
perfection from the get-go. I still remember how patiently she helped me with | |
my first paper, holding a Sunday afternoon call from her attic/home-office, | |
helping me hone the presentation and writing. Involving Matthew as the cosupervisor has been the best decision for my personal development, as he offered | |
a different perspective on my work, always challenging me to look at problems | |
from the lens of statistical theory and machine learning fundamentals. My | |
knee-jerk reaction to start implementing things as soon as possible was often | |
met with a “slow down, think about it first” from Matthew, which has been | |
invaluable in my development as a researcher. I am grateful to both of them | |
for their patience and understanding, and for giving me the freedom to explore | |
my own ideas and interests. | |
Next, a sincere thanks to my jury members, for taking the time to read my | |
thesis and for their valuable feedback. Furthermore, I would like to thank | |
het Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen (VLAIO) for awarding the | |
Baekeland grant without which this PhD would not have been possible. | |
Pol & Bertrand, thanks for having me contribute to your dream to rid the | |
world of boring administrative processes and paperwork. Technically my bosses, | |
but in reality you are the embodiment of leadership by example, and I am | |
grateful for the many lessons I have learned from you. I am grateful for the | |
many opportunities you have given me to grow as a researcher and as a person. | |
Many thanks to my past and present colleagues at, for always | |
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