List of Abbreviations | |
MCMC Markov Chain Monte-Carlo | |
MDLT Multi-Domain Long-Tailed Recognition | |
MECE Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive | |
MI Mutual Information | |
ML Machine Learning | |
MSE Mean Squared Error | |
MSP Maximum Softmax Probability | |
MU Model Uncertainty | |
NLG Natural Language Generation | |
NLL Negative Log Likelihood | |
NLP Natural Language Processing | |
NN Neural Network | |
OCR Optical Character Recognition | |
OOD Out-of-Distribution | |
PCC Pearson Correlation Coefficient | |
PUQ Predictive Uncertainty Quantification | |
RERM Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization | |
ResNet Residual Network | |
RPA Robotic Process Automation | |
SaaS Software-as-a-service | |
SNGP Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Process | |
SOTA State-of-the-art | |
STP Straight-Through-Processing | |
TSR Table Structure Recognition | |
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