from PIL import Image import qrcode for image, data in zip(["DUDER"], [""]): # ["dataset", "competition"], # ["", ""] # ["dataset1", "dataset2", "code"], # [ # "", # "", # "", # ], # ): # Create a QR code object qr = qrcode.QRCode(box_size=10, border=4, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H) # version=1, # Define the data to be encoded in the QR code # Add the data to the QR code object qr.add_data(data) # Make the QR code qr.make(fit=True) # Create an image from the QR code img = qr.make_image(back_color=(255, 254, 255), fill_color=(0, 0, 1)) # Open the logo or image file # remove transparency logo ="{image}.png").convert("RGBA") new_image ="RGBA", logo.size, "WHITE") # Create a white rgba background new_image.paste(logo, (0, 0), logo) # Paste the image on the background. Go to the links given below for details. new_image.convert("RGB").save(f"{image}.jpg", "JPEG") logo ="{image}.jpg").convert("RGB") # Resize the logo or image if needed logo = logo.resize((150, 150)) # Position the logo or image in the center of the QR code img_w, img_h = img.size logo_w, logo_h = logo.size pos = ((img_w - logo_w) // 2, (img_h - logo_h) // 2) # Paste the logo or image onto the QR code img.paste(logo, pos) # Save the QR code image with logo or image"qr_code_{image}.png")