open-webui / src /lib /i18n /locales /da-DK /translation.json
GitHub deploy: 98f3b3200a726a9eee1f707bdd2850c746a18889
history blame
60.6 kB
"-1 for no limit, or a positive integer for a specific limit": "",
"'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' or '-1' for no expiration.": "'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' eller '-1' for ingen udløb",
"(e.g. `sh --api --api-auth username_password`)": "(f.eks. `sh --api --api-auth username_password`)",
"(e.g. `sh --api`)": "(f.eks. `sh --api`)",
"(latest)": "(seneste)",
"{{ models }}": "{{ modeller }}",
"{{COUNT}} Replies": "",
"{{user}}'s Chats": "{{user}}s chats",
"{{webUIName}} Backend Required": "{{webUIName}} Backend kræves",
"*Prompt node ID(s) are required for image generation": "*Prompt node ID(s) er påkrævet for at kunne generere billeder",
"A new version (v{{LATEST_VERSION}}) is now available.": "En ny version (v{{LATEST_VERSION}}) er nu tilgængelig.",
"A task model is used when performing tasks such as generating titles for chats and web search queries": "En 'task model' bliver brugt til at opgaver såsom at generere overskrifter til chats eller internetsøgninger",
"a user": "en bruger",
"About": "Information",
"Accept autocomplete generation / Jump to prompt variable": "",
"Access": "",
"Access Control": "",
"Accessible to all users": "",
"Account": "Profil",
"Account Activation Pending": "Aktivering af profil afventer",
"Accurate information": "Profilinformation",
"Actions": "Handlinger",
"Activate": "",
"Activate this command by typing \"/{{COMMAND}}\" to chat input.": "",
"Active Users": "Aktive brugere",
"Add": "Tilføj",
"Add a model ID": "",
"Add a short description about what this model does": "En kort beskrivelse af hvad denne model gør",
"Add a tag": "Tilføj et tag",
"Add Arena Model": "",
"Add Connection": "",
"Add Content": "Tilføj indhold",
"Add content here": "Tilføj indhold her",
"Add custom prompt": "Tilføj en special-prompt",
"Add Files": "Tilføj filer",
"Add Group": "",
"Add Memory": "Tilføj hukommelse",
"Add Model": "Tilføj model",
"Add Reaction": "",
"Add Tag": "Tilføj tag",
"Add Tags": "Tilføj tags",
"Add text content": "Tilføj tekst",
"Add User": "Tilføj bruger",
"Add User Group": "",
"Adjusting these settings will apply changes universally to all users.": "Ændringer af disse indstillinger har konsekvenser for alle brugere.",
"admin": "administrator",
"Admin": "Administrator",
"Admin Panel": "Administrationspanel",
"Admin Settings": "Administrationsindstillinger",
"Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "Administratorer har adgang til alle værktøjer altid; brugere skal tilføjes værktøjer pr. model i hvert workspace.",
"Advanced Parameters": "Advancerede indstillinger",
"Advanced Params": "Advancerede indstillinger",
"All Documents": "Alle dokumenter",
"All models deleted successfully": "",
"Allow Chat Controls": "",
"Allow Chat Delete": "",
"Allow Chat Deletion": "Tillad sletning af chats",
"Allow Chat Edit": "",
"Allow File Upload": "",
"Allow non-local voices": "Tillad ikke-lokale stemmer",
"Allow Temporary Chat": "Tillad midlertidig chat",
"Allow User Location": "Tillad bruger-lokation",
"Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "Tillad afbrydelser i stemme i opkald",
"Allowed Endpoints": "",
"Already have an account?": "Har du allerede en profil?",
"Alternative to the top_p, and aims to ensure a balance of quality and variety. The parameter p represents the minimum probability for a token to be considered, relative to the probability of the most likely token. For example, with p=0.05 and the most likely token having a probability of 0.9, logits with a value less than 0.045 are filtered out.": "",
"Always": "",
"Amazing": "",
"an assistant": "en assistent",
"Analyzed": "",
"Analyzing...": "",
"and": "og",
"and {{COUNT}} more": "",
"and create a new shared link.": "og lav et nyt link til deling",
"API Base URL": "API Base URL",
"API Key": "API nøgle",
"API Key created.": "API nøgle lavet",
"API Key Endpoint Restrictions": "",
"API keys": "API nøgler",
"Application DN": "",
"Application DN Password": "",
"applies to all users with the \"user\" role": "",
"April": "april",
"Archive": "Arkiv",
"Archive All Chats": "Arkiver alle chats",
"Archived Chats": "Arkiverede chats",
"archived-chat-export": "",
"Are you sure you want to clear all memories? This action cannot be undone.": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete this channel?": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete this message?": "",
"Are you sure you want to unarchive all archived chats?": "",
"Are you sure?": "Er du sikker?",
"Arena Models": "",
"Artifacts": "Artifakter",
"Ask": "",
"Ask a question": "Stil et spørgsmål",
"Assistant": "",
"Attach file from knowledge": "",
"Attention to detail": "Detajleorientering",
"Attribute for Mail": "",
"Attribute for Username": "",
"Audio": "Lyd",
"August": "august",
"Authenticate": "",
"Authentication": "",
"Auto-Copy Response to Clipboard": "Automatisk kopiering af svar til udklipsholder",
"Auto-playback response": "Automatisk afspil svar",
"Autocomplete Generation": "",
"Autocomplete Generation Input Max Length": "",
"Automatic1111": "Automatic1111",
"AUTOMATIC1111 Api Auth String": "AUTOMATIC1111 Api Auth String",
"AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL is required.": "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL er påkrævet.",
"Available list": "Tilgængelige lister",
"available!": "tilgængelig!",
"Awful": "",
"Azure AI Speech": "Azure AI Speech",
"Azure Region": "Azure Region",
"Back": "Tilbage",
"Bad Response": "Problem i response",
"Banners": "Bannere",
"Base Model (From)": "Base Model (Fra)",
"Batch Size (num_batch)": "Batch størrelse (num_batch)",
"before": "før",
"Being lazy": "At være doven",
"Beta": "",
"Bing Search V7 Endpoint": "",
"Bing Search V7 Subscription Key": "",
"Bocha Search API Key": "",
"Boosting or penalizing specific tokens for constrained responses. Bias values will be clamped between -100 and 100 (inclusive). (Default: none)": "",
"Brave Search API Key": "Brave Search API nøgle",
"By {{name}}": "",
"Bypass Embedding and Retrieval": "",
"Bypass SSL verification for Websites": "Forbigå SSL verifikation på websider",
"Calendar": "",
"Call": "Opkald",
"Call feature is not supported when using Web STT engine": "Opkaldsfunktion er ikke understøttet for Web STT engine",
"Camera": "Kamera",
"Cancel": "Afbryd",
"Capabilities": "Funktioner",
"Capture": "",
"Certificate Path": "",
"Change Password": "Skift password",
"Channel Name": "",
"Channels": "",
"Character": "",
"Character limit for autocomplete generation input": "",
"Chart new frontiers": "",
"Chat": "Chat",
"Chat Background Image": "Chat baggrundsbillede",
"Chat Bubble UI": "Chat Bubble UI",
"Chat Controls": "Chat indstillinger",
"Chat direction": "Chat retning",
"Chat Overview": "Chat overblik",
"Chat Permissions": "",
"Chat Tags Auto-Generation": "",
"Chats": "Chats",
"Check Again": "Tjek igen",
"Check for updates": "Søg efter opdateringer",
"Checking for updates...": "Søger efter opdateringer",
"Choose a model before saving...": "Vælg en model før du gemmer",
"Chunk Overlap": "Chunk overlap",
"Chunk Size": "Chunk størrelse",
"Ciphers": "",
"Citation": "Citat",
"Clear memory": "Slet hukommelse",
"Clear Memory": "",
"click here": "",
"Click here for filter guides.": "",
"Click here for help.": "Klik her for hjælp",
"Click here to": "Klik her for at",
"Click here to download user import template file.": "Klik her for at downloade bruger import template fil.",
"Click here to learn more about faster-whisper and see the available models.": "",
"Click here to see available models.": "",
"Click here to select": "Klik her for at vælge",
"Click here to select a csv file.": "Klik her for at vælge en csv fil",
"Click here to select a py file.": "Klik her for at vælge en py fil",
"Click here to upload a workflow.json file.": "Klik her for at uploade en workflow.json fil",
"click here.": "klik her.",
"Click on the user role button to change a user's role.": "Klik på bruger ikonet for at ændre brugerens rolle.",
"Clipboard write permission denied. Please check your browser settings to grant the necessary access.": "Skriveadgang til udklipsholderen ikke tilladt. Tjek venligst indstillingerne i din browser for at give adgang.",
"Clone": "Klon",
"Clone Chat": "",
"Clone of {{TITLE}}": "",
"Close": "Luk",
"Code execution": "",
"Code Execution": "",
"Code Execution Engine": "",
"Code Execution Timeout": "",
"Code formatted successfully": "Kode formateret korrekt",
"Code Interpreter": "",
"Code Interpreter Engine": "",
"Code Interpreter Prompt Template": "",
"Collection": "Samling",
"Color": "",
"ComfyUI": "ComfyUI",
"ComfyUI API Key": "",
"ComfyUI Base URL": "ComfyUI Base URL",
"ComfyUI Base URL is required.": "ComfyUI Base URL er påkrævet.",
"ComfyUI Workflow": "ComfyUI Workflow",
"ComfyUI Workflow Nodes": "ComfyUI Workflow Nodes",
"Command": "Kommando",
"Completions": "",
"Concurrent Requests": "Concurrent requests",
"Configure": "",
"Confirm": "Bekræft",
"Confirm Password": "Bekræft password",
"Confirm your action": "Bekræft din handling",
"Confirm your new password": "",
"Connect to your own OpenAI compatible API endpoints.": "",
"Connections": "Forbindelser",
"Constrains effort on reasoning for reasoning models. Only applicable to reasoning models from specific providers that support reasoning effort.": "",
"Contact Admin for WebUI Access": "Kontakt din administrator for adgang til WebUI",
"Content": "Indhold",
"Content Extraction Engine": "",
"Context Length": "Kontekst længde",
"Continue Response": "Fortsæt svar",
"Continue with {{provider}}": "Fortsæt med {{provider}}",
"Continue with Email": "",
"Continue with LDAP": "",
"Control how message text is split for TTS requests. 'Punctuation' splits into sentences, 'paragraphs' splits into paragraphs, and 'none' keeps the message as a single string.": "Kontroller hvordan beskedens tekst bliver splittet til TTS requests. 'Punctuation' (tegnsætning) splitter i sætninger, 'paragraphs' splitter i paragraffer, og 'none' beholder beskeden som en samlet streng.",
"Control the repetition of token sequences in the generated text. A higher value (e.g., 1.5) will penalize repetitions more strongly, while a lower value (e.g., 1.1) will be more lenient. At 1, it is disabled.": "",
"Controls": "Indstillinger",
"Controls the balance between coherence and diversity of the output. A lower value will result in more focused and coherent text.": "",
"Copied": "Kopieret",
"Copied shared chat URL to clipboard!": "Link til deling kopieret til udklipsholder",
"Copied to clipboard": "Kopieret til udklipsholder",
"Copy": "Kopier",
"Copy last code block": "Kopier seneste kode",
"Copy last response": "Kopier senester svar",
"Copy Link": "Kopier link",
"Copy to clipboard": "",
"Copying to clipboard was successful!": "Kopieret til udklipsholder!",
"CORS must be properly configured by the provider to allow requests from Open WebUI.": "",
"Create": "",
"Create a knowledge base": "",
"Create a model": "Lav en model",
"Create Account": "Opret profil",
"Create Admin Account": "",
"Create Channel": "",
"Create Group": "",
"Create Knowledge": "Opret Viden",
"Create new key": "Opret en ny nøgle",
"Create new secret key": "Opret en ny hemmelig nøgle",
"Created at": "Oprettet",
"Created At": "Oprettet",
"Created by": "Oprettet af",
"CSV Import": "Importer CSV",
"Current Model": "Nuværende model",
"Current Password": "Nuværende password",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Danger Zone": "",
"Dark": "Mørk",
"Database": "Database",
"December": "december",
"Default": "Standard",
"Default (Open AI)": "Standard (Open AI)",
"Default (SentenceTransformers)": "Standard (SentenceTransformers)",
"Default mode works with a wider range of models by calling tools once before execution. Native mode leverages the model’s built-in tool-calling capabilities, but requires the model to inherently support this feature.": "",
"Default Model": "Standard model",
"Default model updated": "Standard model opdateret",
"Default Models": "",
"Default permissions": "",
"Default permissions updated successfully": "",
"Default Prompt Suggestions": "Standardforslag til prompt",
"Default to 389 or 636 if TLS is enabled": "",
"Default to ALL": "",
"Default User Role": "Brugers rolle som standard",
"Delete": "Slet",
"Delete a model": "Slet en model",
"Delete All Chats": "Slet alle chats",
"Delete All Models": "",
"Delete chat": "Slet chat",
"Delete Chat": "Slet chat",
"Delete chat?": "Slet chat?",
"Delete folder?": "",
"Delete function?": "Slet funktion?",
"Delete Message": "",
"Delete message?": "",
"Delete prompt?": "Slet prompt?",
"delete this link": "slet dette link",
"Delete tool?": "Slet værktøj?",
"Delete User": "Slet bruger",
"Deleted {{deleteModelTag}}": "Slettede {{deleteModelTag}}",
"Deleted {{name}}": "Slettede {{name}}",
"Deleted User": "",
"Describe your knowledge base and objectives": "",
"Description": "Beskrivelse",
"Didn't fully follow instructions": "Fulgte ikke instruktioner",
"Direct Connections": "",
"Direct Connections allow users to connect to their own OpenAI compatible API endpoints.": "",
"Direct Connections settings updated": "",
"Disabled": "Inaktiv",
"Discover a function": "Find en funktion",
"Discover a model": "Find en model",
"Discover a prompt": "Find en prompt",
"Discover a tool": "Find et værktøj",
"Discover how to use Open WebUI and seek support from the community.": "",
"Discover wonders": "",
"Discover, download, and explore custom functions": "Find, download og udforsk unikke funktioner",
"Discover, download, and explore custom prompts": "Find, download og udforsk unikke prompts",
"Discover, download, and explore custom tools": "Find, download og udforsk unikke værktøjer",
"Discover, download, and explore model presets": "Find, download og udforsk modelindstillinger",
"Dismissible": "Kan afvises",
"Display": "",
"Display Emoji in Call": "Vis emoji i chat",
"Display the username instead of You in the Chat": "Vis brugernavn i stedet for Dig i chatten",
"Displays citations in the response": "",
"Dive into knowledge": "",
"Do not install functions from sources you do not fully trust.": "Lad være med at installere funktioner fra kilder, som du ikke stoler på.",
"Do not install tools from sources you do not fully trust.": "Lad være med at installere værktøjer fra kilder, som du ikke stoler på.",
"Document": "Dokument",
"Document Intelligence": "",
"Document Intelligence endpoint and key required.": "",
"Documentation": "Dokumentation",
"Documents": "Dokumenter",
"does not make any external connections, and your data stays securely on your locally hosted server.": "laver ikke eksterne kald, og din data bliver sikkert på din egen lokalt hostede server.",
"Domain Filter List": "",
"Don't have an account?": "Har du ikke en profil?",
"don't install random functions from sources you don't trust.": "lad være med at installere tilfældige funktioner fra kilder, som du ikke stoler på.",
"don't install random tools from sources you don't trust.": "lad være med at installere tilfældige værktøjer fra kilder, som du ikke stoler på.",
"Don't like the style": "Kan du ikke lide stilen",
"Done": "Færdig",
"Download": "Download",
"Download as SVG": "",
"Download canceled": "Download afbrudt",
"Download Database": "Download database",
"Drag and drop a file to upload or select a file to view": "",
"Draw": "",
"Drop any files here to add to the conversation": "Upload filer her for at tilføje til samtalen",
"e.g. '30s','10m'. Valid time units are 's', 'm', 'h'.": "f.eks. '30s', '10m'. Tilladte værdier er 's', 'm', 'h'.",
"e.g. 60": "",
"e.g. A filter to remove profanity from text": "",
"e.g. My Filter": "",
"e.g. My Tools": "",
"e.g. my_filter": "",
"e.g. my_tools": "",
"e.g. Tools for performing various operations": "",
"Edit": "Rediger",
"Edit Arena Model": "",
"Edit Channel": "",
"Edit Connection": "",
"Edit Default Permissions": "",
"Edit Memory": "Rediger hukommelse",
"Edit User": "Rediger bruger",
"Edit User Group": "",
"ElevenLabs": "ElevenLabs",
"Email": "Email",
"Embark on adventures": "",
"Embedding": "",
"Embedding Batch Size": "Embedding Batch størrelse",
"Embedding Model": "Embedding Model",
"Embedding Model Engine": "Embedding Model engine",
"Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "Embedding model sat til \"{{embedding_model}}\"",
"Enable API Key": "",
"Enable autocomplete generation for chat messages": "",
"Enable Code Interpreter": "",
"Enable Community Sharing": "Aktiver deling til Community",
"Enable Memory Locking (mlock) to prevent model data from being swapped out of RAM. This option locks the model's working set of pages into RAM, ensuring that they will not be swapped out to disk. This can help maintain performance by avoiding page faults and ensuring fast data access.": "",
"Enable Memory Mapping (mmap) to load model data. This option allows the system to use disk storage as an extension of RAM by treating disk files as if they were in RAM. This can improve model performance by allowing for faster data access. However, it may not work correctly with all systems and can consume a significant amount of disk space.": "",
"Enable Message Rating": "Aktiver rating af besked",
"Enable Mirostat sampling for controlling perplexity.": "",
"Enable New Sign Ups": "Aktiver nye signups",
"Enabled": "Aktiveret",
"Ensure your CSV file includes 4 columns in this order: Name, Email, Password, Role.": "Sørg for at din CSV-fil indeholder 4 kolonner in denne rækkefølge: Name, Email, Password, Role.",
"Enter {{role}} message here": "Indtast {{role}} besked her",
"Enter a detail about yourself for your LLMs to recall": "Indtast en detalje om dig selv, som dine LLMs kan huske",
"Enter api auth string (e.g. username:password)": "Indtast api-godkendelsesstreng (f.eks. brugernavn:adgangskode)",
"Enter Application DN": "",
"Enter Application DN Password": "",
"Enter Bing Search V7 Endpoint": "",
"Enter Bing Search V7 Subscription Key": "",
"Enter Bocha Search API Key": "",
"Enter Brave Search API Key": "Indtast Brave Search API-nøgle",
"Enter certificate path": "",
"Enter CFG Scale (e.g. 7.0)": "Indtast CFG-skala (f.eks. 7.0)",
"Enter Chunk Overlap": "Indtast overlapning af tekststykker",
"Enter Chunk Size": "Indtast størrelse af tekststykker",
"Enter comma-seperated \"token:bias_value\" pairs (example: 5432:100, 413:-100)": "",
"Enter description": "",
"Enter Document Intelligence Endpoint": "",
"Enter Document Intelligence Key": "",
"Enter domains separated by commas (e.g.,,": "",
"Enter Exa API Key": "",
"Enter Github Raw URL": "Indtast Github Raw URL",
"Enter Google PSE API Key": "Indtast Google PSE API-nøgle",
"Enter Google PSE Engine Id": "Indtast Google PSE Engine ID",
"Enter Image Size (e.g. 512x512)": "Indtast billedstørrelse (f.eks. 512x512)",
"Enter Jina API Key": "",
"Enter Jupyter Password": "",
"Enter Jupyter Token": "",
"Enter Jupyter URL": "",
"Enter Kagi Search API Key": "",
"Enter language codes": "Indtast sprogkoder",
"Enter Model ID": "Indtast model-ID",
"Enter model tag (e.g. {{modelTag}})": "Indtast modelmærke (f.eks. {{modelTag}})",
"Enter Mojeek Search API Key": "",
"Enter Number of Steps (e.g. 50)": "Indtast antal trin (f.eks. 50)",
"Enter Perplexity API Key": "",
"Enter proxy URL (e.g. https://user:password@host:port)": "",
"Enter reasoning effort": "",
"Enter Sampler (e.g. Euler a)": "Indtast sampler (f.eks. Euler a)",
"Enter Scheduler (e.g. Karras)": "Indtast scheduler (f.eks. Karras)",
"Enter Score": "Indtast score",
"Enter SearchApi API Key": "Indtast SearchApi API-nøgle",
"Enter SearchApi Engine": "Indtast SearchApi-engine",
"Enter Searxng Query URL": "Indtast Searxng-forespørgsels-URL",
"Enter Seed": "",
"Enter SerpApi API Key": "",
"Enter SerpApi Engine": "",
"Enter Serper API Key": "Indtast Serper API-nøgle",
"Enter Serply API Key": "Indtast Serply API-nøgle",
"Enter Serpstack API Key": "Indtast Serpstack API-nøgle",
"Enter server host": "",
"Enter server label": "",
"Enter server port": "",
"Enter stop sequence": "Indtast stopsekvens",
"Enter system prompt": "Indtast systemprompt",
"Enter Tavily API Key": "Indtast Tavily API-nøgle",
"Enter the public URL of your WebUI. This URL will be used to generate links in the notifications.": "",
"Enter Tika Server URL": "Indtast Tika Server URL",
"Enter timeout in seconds": "",
"Enter Top K": "Indtast Top K",
"Enter URL (e.g.": "Indtast URL (f.eks.",
"Enter URL (e.g. http://localhost:11434)": "Indtast URL (f.eks. http://localhost:11434)",
"Enter your current password": "",
"Enter Your Email": "Indtast din e-mail",
"Enter Your Full Name": "Indtast dit fulde navn",
"Enter your message": "Indtast din besked",
"Enter your new password": "",
"Enter Your Password": "Indtast din adgangskode",
"Enter Your Role": "Indtast din rolle",
"Enter Your Username": "",
"Enter your webhook URL": "",
"Error": "Fejl",
"ERROR": "",
"Error accessing Google Drive: {{error}}": "",
"Error uploading file: {{error}}": "",
"Evaluations": "",
"Exa API Key": "",
"Example: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))": "",
"Example: ALL": "",
"Example: mail": "",
"Example: ou=users,dc=foo,dc=example": "",
"Example: sAMAccountName or uid or userPrincipalName": "",
"Exclude": "",
"Execute code for analysis": "",
"Experimental": "Eksperimentel",
"Explain": "",
"Explain this section to me in more detail": "",
"Explore the cosmos": "",
"Export": "Eksportér",
"Export All Archived Chats": "",
"Export All Chats (All Users)": "Eksportér alle chats (alle brugere)",
"Export chat (.json)": "Eksportér chat (.json)",
"Export Chats": "Eksportér chats",
"Export Config to JSON File": "Eksportér konfiguration til JSON-fil",
"Export Functions": "Eksportér funktioner",
"Export Models": "Eksportér modeller",
"Export Presets": "",
"Export Prompts": "Eksportér prompts",
"Export to CSV": "",
"Export Tools": "Eksportér værktøjer",
"External Models": "Eksterne modeller",
"Failed to add file.": "",
"Failed to create API Key.": "Kunne ikke oprette API-nøgle.",
"Failed to fetch models": "",
"Failed to read clipboard contents": "Kunne ikke læse indholdet af udklipsholderen",
"Failed to save models configuration": "",
"Failed to update settings": "Kunne ikke opdatere indstillinger",
"Failed to upload file.": "Kunne ikke uploade fil.",
"Features": "",
"Features Permissions": "",
"February": "Februar",
"Feedback History": "",
"Feedbacks": "",
"Feel free to add specific details": "Du er velkommen til at tilføje specifikke detaljer",
"File": "Fil",
"File added successfully.": "Fil tilføjet.",
"File content updated successfully.": "Filens indhold er opdateret.",
"File Mode": "Filtilstand",
"File not found.": "Filen blev ikke fundet.",
"File removed successfully.": "Fil fjernet.",
"File size should not exceed {{maxSize}} MB.": "Filstørrelsen må ikke overstige {{maxSize}} MB.",
"File uploaded successfully": "",
"Files": "Filer",
"Filter is now globally disabled": "Filter er nu globalt deaktiveret",
"Filter is now globally enabled": "Filter er nu globalt aktiveret",
"Filters": "Filtre",
"Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingeraftryksspoofing registreret: Kan ikke bruge initialer som avatar. Bruger standard profilbillede.",
"Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Stream store eksterne svar chunks flydende",
"Focus chat input": "Fokuser på chatinput",
"Folder deleted successfully": "",
"Folder name cannot be empty": "",
"Folder name cannot be empty.": "",
"Folder name updated successfully": "",
"Followed instructions perfectly": "Fulgte instruktionerne perfekt",
"Forge new paths": "",
"Form": "Formular",
"Format your variables using brackets like this:": "",
"Frequency Penalty": "Hyppighedsstraf",
"Full Context Mode": "",
"Function": "",
"Function Calling": "",
"Function created successfully": "Funktion oprettet.",
"Function deleted successfully": "Funktion slettet.",
"Function Description": "",
"Function ID": "",
"Function is now globally disabled": "Funktionen er nu globalt deaktiveret",
"Function is now globally enabled": "Funktionen er nu globalt aktiveret",
"Function Name": "",
"Function updated successfully": "Funktion opdateret.",
"Functions": "Funktioner",
"Functions allow arbitrary code execution": "Funktioner tillader kørsel af vilkårlig kode",
"Functions allow arbitrary code execution.": "Funktioner tillader kørsel af vilkårlig kode.",
"Functions imported successfully": "Funktioner importeret.",
"Gemini": "",
"Gemini API Config": "",
"Gemini API Key is required.": "",
"General": "Generelt",
"Generate an image": "",
"Generate Image": "Generer billede",
"Generate prompt pair": "",
"Generating search query": "Genererer søgeforespørgsel",
"Get started": "",
"Get started with {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "",
"Global": "Global",
"Good Response": "Godt svar",
"Google Drive": "",
"Google PSE API Key": "Google PSE API-nøgle",
"Google PSE Engine Id": "Google PSE Engine-ID",
"Group created successfully": "",
"Group deleted successfully": "",
"Group Description": "",
"Group Name": "",
"Group updated successfully": "",
"Groups": "",
"Haptic Feedback": "Haptisk feedback",
"has no conversations.": "har ingen samtaler.",
"Hello, {{name}}": "Hej {{name}}",
"Help": "Hjælp",
"Help us create the best community leaderboard by sharing your feedback history!": "",
"Hex Color": "",
"Hex Color - Leave empty for default color": "",
"Hide": "Skjul",
"Home": "",
"Host": "",
"How can I help you today?": "Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe dig i dag?",
"How would you rate this response?": "",
"Hybrid Search": "Hybrid søgning",
"I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "Jeg anerkender, at jeg har læst og forstået konsekvenserne af min handling. Jeg er opmærksom på de risici, der er forbundet med at udføre vilkårlig kode, og jeg har verificeret kildens troværdighed.",
"ID": "",
"Ignite curiosity": "",
"Image": "",
"Image Compression": "",
"Image Generation": "",
"Image Generation (Experimental)": "Billedgenerering (eksperimentel)",
"Image Generation Engine": "Billedgenereringsengine",
"Image Max Compression Size": "",
"Image Prompt Generation": "",
"Image Prompt Generation Prompt": "",
"Image Settings": "Billedindstillinger",
"Images": "Billeder",
"Import Chats": "Importer chats",
"Import Config from JSON File": "Importer konfiguration fra JSON-fil",
"Import Functions": "Importer funktioner",
"Import Models": "Importer modeller",
"Import Presets": "",
"Import Prompts": "Importer prompts",
"Import Tools": "Importer værktøjer",
"Include": "",
"Include `--api-auth` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui": "Inkluder `--api-auth` flag, når du kører stable-diffusion-webui",
"Include `--api` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui": "Inkluder `--api` flag, når du kører stable-diffusion-webui",
"Influences how quickly the algorithm responds to feedback from the generated text. A lower learning rate will result in slower adjustments, while a higher learning rate will make the algorithm more responsive.": "",
"Info": "Info",
"Input commands": "Inputkommandoer",
"Install from Github URL": "Installer fra Github URL",
"Instant Auto-Send After Voice Transcription": "Øjeblikkelig automatisk afsendelse efter stemmetransskription",
"Integration": "",
"Interface": "Grænseflade",
"Invalid file format.": "",
"Invalid Tag": "Ugyldigt tag",
"is typing...": "",
"January": "Januar",
"Jina API Key": "",
"join our Discord for help.": "tilslut dig vores Discord for at få hjælp.",
"JSON Preview": "JSON-forhåndsvisning",
"July": "Juli",
"June": "Juni",
"Jupyter Auth": "",
"Jupyter URL": "",
"JWT Expiration": "JWT-udløb",
"JWT Token": "JWT-token",
"Kagi Search API Key": "",
"Keep Alive": "Hold i live",
"Key": "",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Tastaturgenveje",
"Knowledge": "Viden",
"Knowledge Access": "",
"Knowledge created successfully.": "Viden oprettet.",
"Knowledge deleted successfully.": "Viden slettet.",
"Knowledge reset successfully.": "Viden nulstillet.",
"Knowledge updated successfully": "Viden opdateret.",
"Kokoro.js (Browser)": "",
"Kokoro.js Dtype": "",
"Label": "",
"Landing Page Mode": "Landing Page-tilstand",
"Language": "Sprog",
"Last Active": "Sidst aktiv",
"Last Modified": "Sidst ændret",
"Last reply": "",
"LDAP": "",
"LDAP server updated": "",
"Leaderboard": "",
"Leave empty for unlimited": "Lad stå tomt for ubegrænset",
"Leave empty to include all models from \"{{URL}}/api/tags\" endpoint": "",
"Leave empty to include all models from \"{{URL}}/models\" endpoint": "",
"Leave empty to include all models or select specific models": "",
"Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt": "Lad stå tomt for at bruge standardprompten, eller indtast en brugerdefineret prompt",
"Leave model field empty to use the default model.": "",
"License": "",
"Light": "Lys",
"Listening...": "Lytter...",
"Llama.cpp": "",
"LLMs can make mistakes. Verify important information.": "LLM'er kan lave fejl. Bekræft vigtige oplysninger.",
"Loader": "",
"Loading Kokoro.js...": "",
"Local": "",
"Local Models": "Lokale modeller",
"Location access not allowed": "",
"Logit Bias": "",
"Lost": "",
"LTR": "LTR",
"Made by Open WebUI Community": "Lavet af OpenWebUI Community",
"Make sure to enclose them with": "Sørg for at omslutte dem med",
"Make sure to export a workflow.json file as API format from ComfyUI.": "Sørg for at eksportere en workflow.json-fil som API-format fra ComfyUI.",
"Manage": "Administrer",
"Manage Direct Connections": "",
"Manage Models": "",
"Manage Ollama": "",
"Manage Ollama API Connections": "",
"Manage OpenAI API Connections": "",
"Manage Pipelines": "Administrer pipelines",
"March": "Marts",
"Max Tokens (num_predict)": "Maks. tokens (num_predict)",
"Max Upload Count": "Maks. uploadantal",
"Max Upload Size": "Maks. uploadstørrelse",
"Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.": "Højst 3 modeller kan downloades samtidigt. Prøv igen senere.",
"May": "Maj",
"Memories accessible by LLMs will be shown here.": "Minder, der er tilgængelige for LLM'er, vises her.",
"Memory": "Hukommelse",
"Memory added successfully": "Hukommelse tilføjet.",
"Memory cleared successfully": "Hukommelse ryddet.",
"Memory deleted successfully": "Hukommelse slettet.",
"Memory updated successfully": "Hukommelse opdateret.",
"Merge Responses": "Flet svar",
"Message rating should be enabled to use this feature": "",
"Messages you send after creating your link won't be shared. Users with the URL will be able to view the shared chat.": "Beskeder, du sender efter at have oprettet dit link, deles ikke. Brugere med URL'en vil kunne se den delte chat.",
"Min P": "Min P",
"Minimum Score": "Minimumscore",
"Mirostat": "Mirostat",
"Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta",
"Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau",
"Model": "",
"Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.": "Model '{{modelName}}' er blevet downloadet.",
"Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.": "Model '{{modelTag}}' er allerede i kø til download.",
"Model {{modelId}} not found": "Model {{modelId}} ikke fundet",
"Model {{modelName}} is not vision capable": "Model {{modelName}} understøtter ikke billeder",
"Model {{name}} is now {{status}}": "Model {{name}} er nu {{status}}",
"Model accepts image inputs": "Model accepterer billedinput",
"Model created successfully!": "Model oprettet!",
"Model filesystem path detected. Model shortname is required for update, cannot continue.": "Model filsystemsti registreret. Modelkortnavn er påkrævet til opdatering, kan ikke fortsætte.",
"Model Filtering": "",
"Model ID": "Model-ID",
"Model IDs": "",
"Model Name": "",
"Model not selected": "Model ikke valgt",
"Model Params": "Modelparametre",
"Model Permissions": "",
"Model updated successfully": "Model opdateret.",
"Modelfile Content": "Modelfilindhold",
"Models": "Modeller",
"Models Access": "",
"Models configuration saved successfully": "",
"Mojeek Search API Key": "",
"more": "",
"More": "Mere",
"Name": "Navn",
"Name your knowledge base": "",
"Native": "",
"New Chat": "Ny chat",
"New Folder": "",
"New Password": "Ny adgangskode",
"new-channel": "",
"No content found": "",
"No content to speak": "Intet indhold at tale",
"No distance available": "",
"No feedbacks found": "",
"No file selected": "Ingen fil valgt",
"No files found.": "",
"No groups with access, add a group to grant access": "",
"No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content found.": "Intet HTML-, CSS- eller JavaScript-indhold fundet.",
"No inference engine with management support found": "",
"No knowledge found": "Ingen viden fundet",
"No memories to clear": "",
"No model IDs": "",
"No models found": "",
"No models selected": "",
"No results found": "Ingen resultater fundet",
"No search query generated": "Ingen søgeforespørgsel genereret",
"No source available": "Ingen kilde tilgængelig",
"No users were found.": "",
"No valves to update": "Ingen ventiler at opdatere",
"None": "Ingen",
"Not factually correct": "Ikke faktuelt korrekt",
"Not helpful": "",
"Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "Bemærk: Hvis du angiver en minimumscore, returnerer søgningen kun dokumenter med en score, der er større end eller lig med minimumscoren.",
"Notes": "",
"Notification Sound": "",
"Notification Webhook": "",
"Notifications": "Notifikationer",
"November": "November",
"num_gpu (Ollama)": "num_gpu (Ollama)",
"num_thread (Ollama)": "num_thread (Ollama)",
"OAuth ID": "OAuth-ID",
"October": "Oktober",
"Off": "Fra",
"Okay, Let's Go!": "Okay, lad os gå!",
"OLED Dark": "OLED Mørk",
"Ollama": "Ollama",
"Ollama API": "Ollama API",
"Ollama API settings updated": "",
"Ollama Version": "Ollama-version",
"On": "Til",
"OneDrive": "",
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed": "",
"Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Kun alfanumeriske tegn og bindestreger er tilladt i kommandostrengen.",
"Only collections can be edited, create a new knowledge base to edit/add documents.": "Kun samlinger kan redigeres, opret en ny vidensbase for at redigere/tilføje dokumenter.",
"Only select users and groups with permission can access": "",
"Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Ups! URL'en ser ud til at være ugyldig. Tjek den igen, og prøv igen.",
"Oops! There are files still uploading. Please wait for the upload to complete.": "",
"Oops! There was an error in the previous response.": "",
"Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Ups! Du bruger en metode, der ikke understøttes (kun frontend). Kør WebUI fra backend.",
"Open file": "Åbn fil",
"Open in full screen": "Åbn i fuld skærm",
"Open new chat": "Åbn ny chat",
"Open WebUI uses faster-whisper internally.": "",
"Open WebUI uses SpeechT5 and CMU Arctic speaker embeddings.": "",
"Open WebUI version (v{{OPEN_WEBUI_VERSION}}) is lower than required version (v{{REQUIRED_VERSION}})": "Open WebUI-version (v{{OPEN_WEBUI_VERSION}}) er lavere end den krævede version (v{{REQUIRED_VERSION}})",
"OpenAI": "OpenAI",
"OpenAI API": "OpenAI API",
"OpenAI API Config": "OpenAI API-konfiguration",
"OpenAI API Key is required.": "OpenAI API-nøgle er påkrævet.",
"OpenAI API settings updated": "",
"OpenAI URL/Key required.": "OpenAI URL/nøgle påkrævet.",
"or": "eller",
"Organize your users": "",
"Other": "Andet",
"OUTPUT": "",
"Output format": "Outputformat",
"Overview": "Oversigt",
"page": "side",
"Password": "Adgangskode",
"Paste Large Text as File": "",
"PDF document (.pdf)": "PDF-dokument (.pdf)",
"PDF Extract Images (OCR)": "Udtræk billeder fra PDF (OCR)",
"pending": "afventer",
"Permission denied when accessing media devices": "Tilladelse nægtet ved adgang til medieenheder",
"Permission denied when accessing microphone": "Tilladelse nægtet ved adgang til mikrofon",
"Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}": "Tilladelse nægtet ved adgang til mikrofon: {{error}}",
"Permissions": "",
"Perplexity API Key": "",
"Personalization": "Personalisering",
"Pin": "Fastgør",
"Pinned": "Fastgjort",
"Pioneer insights": "",
"Pipeline deleted successfully": "Pipeline slettet.",
"Pipeline downloaded successfully": "Pipeline downloadet.",
"Pipelines": "Pipelines",
"Pipelines Not Detected": "Pipelines ikke registreret",
"Pipelines Valves": "Pipelines-ventiler",
"Plain text (.txt)": "Almindelig tekst (.txt)",
"Playground": "Legeplads",
"Please carefully review the following warnings:": "Gennemgå omhyggeligt følgende advarsler:",
"Please do not close the settings page while loading the model.": "",
"Please enter a prompt": "",
"Please fill in all fields.": "Udfyld alle felter.",
"Please select a model first.": "",
"Please select a model.": "",
"Please select a reason": "Vælg en årsag",
"Port": "",
"Positive attitude": "Positiv holdning",
"Prefix ID": "",
"Prefix ID is used to avoid conflicts with other connections by adding a prefix to the model IDs - leave empty to disable": "",
"Presence Penalty": "",
"Previous 30 days": "Seneste 30 dage",
"Previous 7 days": "Seneste 7 dage",
"Profile Image": "Profilbillede",
"Prompt": "",
"Prompt (e.g. Tell me a fun fact about the Roman Empire)": "Prompt (f.eks. Fortæl mig en sjov kendsgerning om Romerriget)",
"Prompt Content": "Promptindhold",
"Prompt created successfully": "",
"Prompt suggestions": "Promptforslag",
"Prompt updated successfully": "",
"Prompts": "Prompts",
"Prompts Access": "",
"Pull \"{{searchValue}}\" from": "Hent \"{{searchValue}}\" fra",
"Pull a model from": "Hent en model fra",
"Query Generation Prompt": "",
"RAG Template": "RAG-skabelon",
"Rating": "",
"Re-rank models by topic similarity": "",
"Read": "",
"Read Aloud": "Læs højt",
"Reasoning Effort": "",
"Record voice": "Optag stemme",
"Redirecting you to Open WebUI Community": "Omdirigerer dig til OpenWebUI Community",
"Reduces the probability of generating nonsense. A higher value (e.g. 100) will give more diverse answers, while a lower value (e.g. 10) will be more conservative.": "",
"Refer to yourself as \"User\" (e.g., \"User is learning Spanish\")": "Referer til dig selv som \"Bruger\" (f.eks. \"Bruger lærer spansk\")",
"References from": "",
"Refused when it shouldn't have": "Afvist, når den ikke burde have været det",
"Regenerate": "Regenerer",
"Release Notes": "Udgivelsesnoter",
"Relevance": "",
"Remove": "Fjern",
"Remove Model": "Fjern model",
"Rename": "Omdøb",
"Reorder Models": "",
"Repeat Last N": "Gentag sidste N",
"Repeat Penalty (Ollama)": "",
"Reply in Thread": "",
"Request Mode": "Forespørgselstilstand",
"Reranking Model": "Omarrangeringsmodel",
"Reranking model disabled": "Omarrangeringsmodel deaktiveret",
"Reranking model set to \"{{reranking_model}}\"": "Omarrangeringsmodel sat til \"{{reranking_model}}\"",
"Reset": "Nulstil",
"Reset All Models": "",
"Reset Upload Directory": "Nulstil uploadmappe",
"Reset Vector Storage/Knowledge": "",
"Reset view": "",
"Response notifications cannot be activated as the website permissions have been denied. Please visit your browser settings to grant the necessary access.": "Svarnotifikationer kan ikke aktiveres, da webstedets tilladelser er blevet nægtet. Besøg dine browserindstillinger for at give den nødvendige adgang.",
"Response splitting": "Svaropdeling",
"Result": "",
"Retrieval": "",
"Retrieval Query Generation": "",
"Rich Text Input for Chat": "",
"RK": "",
"Role": "Rolle",
"Rosé Pine": "Rosé Pine",
"Rosé Pine Dawn": "Rosé Pine Dawn",
"RTL": "RTL",
"Run": "Kør",
"Running": "Kører",
"Save": "Gem",
"Save & Create": "Gem og opret",
"Save & Update": "Gem og opdater",
"Save As Copy": "Gem som kopi",
"Save Tag": "Gem tag",
"Saved": "Gemt",
"Saving chat logs directly to your browser's storage is no longer supported. Please take a moment to download and delete your chat logs by clicking the button below. Don't worry, you can easily re-import your chat logs to the backend through": "Lagring af chatlogs direkte i din browsers lager understøttes ikke længere. Download og slet dine chatlogs ved at klikke på knappen nedenfor. Du kan nemt importere dine chatlogs til backend igennem",
"Scroll to bottom when switching between branches": "Rul til bunden, når du skifter mellem grene",
"Search": "Søg",
"Search a model": "Søg efter en model",
"Search Base": "",
"Search Chats": "Søg i chats",
"Search Collection": "Søg i samling",
"Search Filters": "",
"search for tags": "",
"Search Functions": "Søg i funktioner",
"Search Knowledge": "Søg i viden",
"Search Models": "Søg i modeller",
"Search options": "",
"Search Prompts": "Søg i prompts",
"Search Result Count": "Antal søgeresultater",
"Search the internet": "",
"Search Tools": "Søg i værktøjer",
"SearchApi API Key": "SearchApi API-nøgle",
"SearchApi Engine": "SearchApi-engine",
"Searched {{count}} sites": "",
"Searching \"{{searchQuery}}\"": "Søger efter \"{{searchQuery}}\"",
"Searching Knowledge for \"{{searchQuery}}\"": "Søger i viden efter \"{{searchQuery}}\"",
"Searxng Query URL": "Searxng forespørgsels-URL",
"See for instructions": "Se for instruktioner",
"See what's new": "Se, hvad der er nyt",
"Seed": "Seed",
"Select a base model": "Vælg en basemodel",
"Select a engine": "Vælg en engine",
"Select a function": "Vælg en funktion",
"Select a group": "",
"Select a model": "Vælg en model",
"Select a pipeline": "Vælg en pipeline",
"Select a pipeline url": "Vælg en pipeline-URL",
"Select a tool": "Vælg et værktøj",
"Select an auth method": "",
"Select an Ollama instance": "",
"Select Engine": "Vælg engine",
"Select Knowledge": "Vælg viden",
"Select only one model to call": "Vælg kun én model at kalde",
"Selected model(s) do not support image inputs": "Valgte model(ler) understøtter ikke billedinput",
"Semantic distance to query": "",
"Send": "Send",
"Send a Message": "Send en besked",
"Send message": "Send besked",
"Sends `stream_options: { include_usage: true }` in the request.\nSupported providers will return token usage information in the response when set.": "Sender `stream_options: { include_usage: true }` i forespørgslen.\nUnderstøttede udbydere vil returnere tokenforbrugsinformation i svaret, når det er indstillet.",
"September": "September",
"SerpApi API Key": "",
"SerpApi Engine": "",
"Serper API Key": "Serper API-nøgle",
"Serply API Key": "Serply API-nøgle",
"Serpstack API Key": "Serpstack API-nøgle",
"Server connection verified": "Serverforbindelse bekræftet",
"Set as default": "Indstil som standard",
"Set CFG Scale": "Indstil CFG-skala",
"Set Default Model": "Indstil standardmodel",
"Set embedding model": "",
"Set embedding model (e.g. {{model}})": "Indstil indlejringsmodel (f.eks. {{model}})",
"Set Image Size": "Indstil billedstørrelse",
"Set reranking model (e.g. {{model}})": "Indstil omarrangeringsmodel (f.eks. {{model}})",
"Set Sampler": "Indstil sampler",
"Set Scheduler": "Indstil scheduler",
"Set Steps": "Indstil trin",
"Set Task Model": "Indstil opgavemodel",
"Set the number of layers, which will be off-loaded to GPU. Increasing this value can significantly improve performance for models that are optimized for GPU acceleration but may also consume more power and GPU resources.": "",
"Set the number of worker threads used for computation. This option controls how many threads are used to process incoming requests concurrently. Increasing this value can improve performance under high concurrency workloads but may also consume more CPU resources.": "",
"Set Voice": "Indstil stemme",
"Set whisper model": "",
"Sets a flat bias against tokens that have appeared at least once. A higher value (e.g., 1.5) will penalize repetitions more strongly, while a lower value (e.g., 0.9) will be more lenient. At 0, it is disabled.": "",
"Sets a scaling bias against tokens to penalize repetitions, based on how many times they have appeared. A higher value (e.g., 1.5) will penalize repetitions more strongly, while a lower value (e.g., 0.9) will be more lenient. At 0, it is disabled.": "",
"Sets how far back for the model to look back to prevent repetition.": "",
"Sets the random number seed to use for generation. Setting this to a specific number will make the model generate the same text for the same prompt.": "",
"Sets the size of the context window used to generate the next token.": "",
"Sets the stop sequences to use. When this pattern is encountered, the LLM will stop generating text and return. Multiple stop patterns may be set by specifying multiple separate stop parameters in a modelfile.": "",
"Settings": "Indstillinger",
"Settings saved successfully!": "Indstillinger gemt!",
"Share": "Del",
"Share Chat": "Del chat",
"Share to Open WebUI Community": "Del til OpenWebUI Community",
"Show": "Vis",
"Show \"What's New\" modal on login": "",
"Show Admin Details in Account Pending Overlay": "Vis administratordetaljer i overlay for ventende konto",
"Show shortcuts": "Vis genveje",
"Show your support!": "Vis din støtte!",
"Showcased creativity": "Udstillet kreativitet",
"Sign in": "Log ind",
"Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "Log ind på {{WEBUI_NAME}}",
"Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}} with LDAP": "",
"Sign Out": "Log ud",
"Sign up": "Tilmeld dig",
"Sign up to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "Tilmeld dig {{WEBUI_NAME}}",
"Signing in to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "Logger ind på {{WEBUI_NAME}}",
"sk-1234": "",
"Source": "Kilde",
"Speech Playback Speed": "Talehastighed",
"Speech recognition error: {{error}}": "Talegenkendelsesfejl: {{error}}",
"Speech-to-Text Engine": "Tale-til-tekst-engine",
"Stop": "",
"Stop Sequence": "Stopsekvens",
"Stream Chat Response": "Stream chatsvar",
"STT Model": "STT-model",
"STT Settings": "STT-indstillinger",
"Subtitle (e.g. about the Roman Empire)": "Undertitel (f.eks. om Romerriget)",
"Success": "Succes",
"Successfully updated.": "Opdateret.",
"Suggested": "Foreslået",
"Support": "Support",
"Support this plugin:": "Støt dette plugin:",
"Sync directory": "Synkroniser mappe",
"System": "System",
"System Instructions": "",
"System Prompt": "Systemprompt",
"Tags Generation": "",
"Tags Generation Prompt": "",
"Tail free sampling is used to reduce the impact of less probable tokens from the output. A higher value (e.g., 2.0) will reduce the impact more, while a value of 1.0 disables this setting.": "",
"Talk to model": "",
"Tap to interrupt": "Tryk for at afbryde",
"Tasks": "",
"Tavily API Key": "Tavily API-nøgle",
"Tell us more:": "Fortæl os mere:",
"Temperature": "Temperatur",
"Template": "Skabelon",
"Temporary Chat": "Midlertidig chat",
"Text Splitter": "",
"Text-to-Speech Engine": "Tekst-til-tale-engine",
"Tfs Z": "Tfs Z",
"Thanks for your feedback!": "Tak for din feedback!",
"The Application Account DN you bind with for search": "",
"The base to search for users": "",
"The batch size determines how many text requests are processed together at once. A higher batch size can increase the performance and speed of the model, but it also requires more memory.": "",
"The developers behind this plugin are passionate volunteers from the community. If you find this plugin helpful, please consider contributing to its development.": "Udviklerne bag dette plugin er passionerede frivillige fra fællesskabet. Hvis du finder dette plugin nyttigt, kan du overveje at bidrage til dets udvikling.",
"The evaluation leaderboard is based on the Elo rating system and is updated in real-time.": "",
"The LDAP attribute that maps to the mail that users use to sign in.": "",
"The LDAP attribute that maps to the username that users use to sign in.": "",
"The leaderboard is currently in beta, and we may adjust the rating calculations as we refine the algorithm.": "",
"The maximum file size in MB. If the file size exceeds this limit, the file will not be uploaded.": "Den maksimale filstørrelse i MB. Hvis filstørrelsen overstiger denne grænse, uploades filen ikke.",
"The maximum number of files that can be used at once in chat. If the number of files exceeds this limit, the files will not be uploaded.": "Det maksimale antal filer, der kan bruges på én gang i chatten. Hvis antallet af filer overstiger denne grænse, uploades filerne ikke.",
"The score should be a value between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).": "Scoren skal være en værdi mellem 0,0 (0%) og 1,0 (100%).",
"The temperature of the model. Increasing the temperature will make the model answer more creatively.": "",
"Theme": "Tema",
"Thinking...": "Tænker...",
"This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": "Denne handling kan ikke fortrydes. Vil du fortsætte?",
"This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!": "Dette sikrer, at dine værdifulde samtaler gemmes sikkert i din backend-database. Tak!",
"This is an experimental feature, it may not function as expected and is subject to change at any time.": "Dette er en eksperimentel funktion, den fungerer muligvis ikke som forventet og kan ændres når som helst.",
"This option controls how many tokens are preserved when refreshing the context. For example, if set to 2, the last 2 tokens of the conversation context will be retained. Preserving context can help maintain the continuity of a conversation, but it may reduce the ability to respond to new topics.": "",
"This option sets the maximum number of tokens the model can generate in its response. Increasing this limit allows the model to provide longer answers, but it may also increase the likelihood of unhelpful or irrelevant content being generated.": "",
"This option will delete all existing files in the collection and replace them with newly uploaded files.": "Denne indstilling sletter alle eksisterende filer i samlingen og erstatter dem med nyligt uploadede filer.",
"This response was generated by \"{{model}}\"": "",
"This will delete": "Dette vil slette",
"This will delete <strong>{{NAME}}</strong> and <strong>all its contents</strong>.": "",
"This will delete all models including custom models": "",
"This will delete all models including custom models and cannot be undone.": "",
"This will reset the knowledge base and sync all files. Do you wish to continue?": "Dette vil nulstille vidensbasen og synkronisere alle filer. Vil du fortsætte?",
"Thorough explanation": "Grundig forklaring",
"Thought for {{DURATION}}": "",
"Thought for {{DURATION}} seconds": "",
"Tika": "Tika",
"Tika Server URL required.": "Tika-server-URL påkrævet.",
"Tiktoken": "",
"Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement.": "Tip: Opdater flere variabelpladser fortløbende ved at trykke på tabulatortasten i chatinput efter hver udskiftning.",
"Title": "Titel",
"Title (e.g. Tell me a fun fact)": "Titel (f.eks. Fortæl mig en sjov kendsgerning)",
"Title Auto-Generation": "Automatisk titelgenerering",
"Title cannot be an empty string.": "Titel kan ikke være en tom streng.",
"Title Generation": "",
"Title Generation Prompt": "Prompt til titelgenerering",
"TLS": "",
"To access the available model names for downloading,": "For at få adgang til de tilgængelige modelnavne til download,",
"To access the GGUF models available for downloading,": "For at få adgang til de GGUF-modeller, der er tilgængelige til download,",
"To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "For at få adgang til WebUI skal du kontakte administratoren. Administratorer kan administrere brugerstatus fra administrationspanelet.",
"To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "For at vedhæfte vidensbase her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Viden\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"To learn more about available endpoints, visit our documentation.": "",
"To protect your privacy, only ratings, model IDs, tags, and metadata are shared from your feedback—your chat logs remain private and are not included.": "",
"To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "For at vælge handlinger her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Funktioner\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "For at vælge filtre her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Funktioner\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "For at vælge værktøjssæt her skal du først tilføje dem til \"Værktøjer\"-arbejdsområdet.",
"Toast notifications for new updates": "",
"Today": "I dag",
"Toggle settings": "Skift indstillinger",
"Toggle sidebar": "Skift sidebjælke",
"Token": "",
"Tokens To Keep On Context Refresh (num_keep)": "Tokens, der skal beholdes ved kontekstopdatering (num_keep)",
"Too verbose": "",
"Tool created successfully": "Værktøj oprettet.",
"Tool deleted successfully": "Værktøj slettet.",
"Tool Description": "",
"Tool ID": "",
"Tool imported successfully": "Værktøj importeret.",
"Tool Name": "",
"Tool updated successfully": "Værktøj opdateret.",
"Tools": "Værktøjer",
"Tools Access": "",
"Tools are a function calling system with arbitrary code execution": "Værktøjer er et funktionkaldssystem med vilkårlig kodeudførelse",
"Tools Function Calling Prompt": "",
"Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution": "Værktøjer har et funktionkaldssystem, der tillader vilkårlig kodeudførelse",
"Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution.": "Værktøjer har et funktionkaldssystem, der tillader vilkårlig kodeudførelse.",
"Top K": "Top K",
"Top P": "Top P",
"Transformers": "",
"Trouble accessing Ollama?": "Problemer med at få adgang til Ollama?",
"Trust Proxy Environment": "",
"TTS Model": "TTS-model",
"TTS Settings": "TTS-indstillinger",
"TTS Voice": "TTS-stemme",
"Type": "Type",
"Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Indtast Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL",
"Uh-oh! There was an issue with the response.": "",
"UI": "UI",
"Unarchive All": "",
"Unarchive All Archived Chats": "",
"Unarchive Chat": "",
"Unlock mysteries": "",
"Unpin": "Frigør",
"Unravel secrets": "",
"Untagged": "",
"Update": "Opdater",
"Update and Copy Link": "Opdater og kopier link",
"Update for the latest features and improvements.": "Opdater for at få de nyeste funktioner og forbedringer.",
"Update password": "Opdater adgangskode",
"Updated": "",
"Updated at": "Opdateret kl.",
"Updated At": "",
"Upgrade to a licensed plan for enhanced capabilities, including custom theming and branding, and dedicated support.": "",
"Upload": "Upload",
"Upload a GGUF model": "Upload en GGUF-model",
"Upload directory": "Uploadmappe",
"Upload files": "Upload filer",
"Upload Files": "Upload filer",
"Upload Pipeline": "Upload pipeline",
"Upload Progress": "Uploadfremdrift",
"URL": "",
"URL Mode": "URL-tilstand",
"Use '#' in the prompt input to load and include your knowledge.": "Brug '#' i promptinput for at indlæse og inkludere din viden.",
"Use Gravatar": "Brug Gravatar",
"Use groups to group your users and assign permissions.": "",
"Use Initials": "Brug initialer",
"use_mlock (Ollama)": "use_mlock (Ollama)",
"use_mmap (Ollama)": "use_mmap (Ollama)",
"user": "bruger",
"User": "",
"User location successfully retrieved.": "Brugerplacering hentet.",
"Username": "",
"Users": "Brugere",
"Using the default arena model with all models. Click the plus button to add custom models.": "",
"Utilize": "Anvend",
"Valid time units:": "Gyldige tidsenheder:",
"Valves": "Ventiler",
"Valves updated": "Ventiler opdateret",
"Valves updated successfully": "Ventiler opdateret.",
"variable": "variabel",
"variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.": "variabel for at få dem erstattet med indholdet af udklipsholderen.",
"Version": "Version",
"Version {{selectedVersion}} of {{totalVersions}}": "Version {{selectedVersion}} af {{totalVersions}}",
"View Replies": "",
"Visibility": "",
"Voice": "Stemme",
"Voice Input": "",
"Warning": "Advarsel",
"Warning:": "Advarsel:",
"Warning: Enabling this will allow users to upload arbitrary code on the server.": "",
"Warning: If you update or change your embedding model, you will need to re-import all documents.": "Advarsel: Hvis du opdaterer eller ændrer din indlejringsmodel, skal du importere alle dokumenter igen.",
"Warning: Jupyter execution enables arbitrary code execution, posing severe security risks—proceed with extreme caution.": "",
"Web": "Web",
"Web API": "Web API",
"Web Search": "Websøgning",
"Web Search Engine": "Websøgemaskine",
"Web Search in Chat": "",
"Web Search Query Generation": "",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook-URL",
"WebUI Settings": "WebUI-indstillinger",
"WebUI URL": "",
"WebUI will make requests to \"{{url}}/api/chat\"": "",
"WebUI will make requests to \"{{url}}/chat/completions\"": "",
"What are you trying to achieve?": "",
"What are you working on?": "",
"What’s New in": "Nyheder i",
"When enabled, the model will respond to each chat message in real-time, generating a response as soon as the user sends a message. This mode is useful for live chat applications, but may impact performance on slower hardware.": "",
"wherever you are": "",
"Whisper (Local)": "Whisper (lokal)",
"Why?": "",
"Widescreen Mode": "Widescreen-tilstand",
"Won": "",
"Works together with top-k. A higher value (e.g., 0.95) will lead to more diverse text, while a lower value (e.g., 0.5) will generate more focused and conservative text.": "",
"Workspace": "Arbejdsområde",
"Workspace Permissions": "",
"Write": "",
"Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)": "Skriv et promptforslag (f.eks. Hvem er du?)",
"Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].": "Skriv en opsummering på 50 ord, der opsummerer [emne eller søgeord].",
"Write something...": "",
"Write your model template content here": "",
"Yesterday": "I går",
"You": "Du",
"You can only chat with a maximum of {{maxCount}} file(s) at a time.": "Du kan kun chatte med maksimalt {{maxCount}} fil(er) ad gangen.",
"You can personalize your interactions with LLMs by adding memories through the 'Manage' button below, making them more helpful and tailored to you.": "Du kan personliggøre dine interaktioner med LLM'er ved at tilføje minder via knappen 'Administrer' nedenfor, hvilket gør dem mere nyttige og skræddersyet til dig.",
"You cannot upload an empty file.": "",
"You do not have permission to access this feature.": "",
"You do not have permission to upload files": "",
"You do not have permission to upload files.": "",
"You have no archived conversations.": "Du har ingen arkiverede samtaler.",
"You have shared this chat": "Du har delt denne chat",
"You're a helpful assistant.": "Du er en hjælpsom assistent.",
"You're now logged in.": "Du er nu logget ind.",
"Your account status is currently pending activation.": "Din kontostatus afventer i øjeblikket aktivering.",
"Your entire contribution will go directly to the plugin developer; Open WebUI does not take any percentage. However, the chosen funding platform might have its own fees.": "Hele dit bidrag går direkte til plugin-udvikleren; Open WebUI tager ikke nogen procentdel. Den valgte finansieringsplatform kan dog have sine egne gebyrer.",
"Youtube": "Youtube",
"Youtube Language": "",
"Youtube Proxy URL": ""