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#include "half_matmul.cuh"
#include "../util.cuh"
#include "../matrix.cuh"
#include "../cuda_compat.cuh"
#if defined(USE_ROCM)
#include "../hip_compat.cuh"
// Block size
const int THREADS_X = 32; // Block size and thread count along columns in w and out
const int THREADS_Y = 8; // Block size and thread count along rows in x and out
const int BLOCKSIZE = 256;
__global__ void half_matmul_kernel
const half* __restrict__ x,
const half* __restrict__ w,
half* __restrict__ out,
const int height,
const int dim,
const int width
const int column = (blockIdx.x * THREADS_X + threadIdx.x) * 2;
const int row = blockIdx.y * THREADS_Y + threadIdx.y;
const int k0 = blockIdx.z * BLOCKSIZE;
if (row >= height) return;
if (column >= width) return;
MatrixView_half x_(x, height, dim);
MatrixView_half w_(w, dim, width);
MatrixView_half_rw out_(out, height, width);
half2* x_ptr = (half2*) x_.item_ptr(row, k0);
half2* w_ptr = (half2*) w_.item_ptr(k0, column);
half2 acc = {};
#pragma unroll
for (int k = k0; k < k0 + BLOCKSIZE / 2; k++)
half2 x_item = *x_ptr++;
half2 x_item_0 = __half2half2(x_item.x);
half2 x_item_1 = __half2half2(x_item.y);
half2 w_item_0 = *w_ptr; w_ptr += w_.width / 2;
half2 w_item_1 = *w_ptr; w_ptr += w_.width / 2;
acc = __hfma2(x_item_0, w_item_0, acc);
acc = __hfma2(x_item_1, w_item_1, acc);
// out_.set(row, column, acc);
atomicAdd((half2*)out_.item_ptr(row, column), acc);
void half_matmul_cuda
const half* x,
const half* w,
half* out,
const int height,
const int dim,
const int width,
cudaStream_t alt_stream
dim3 threads(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y, 1);
dim3 blocks
(width + THREADS_X - 1) / THREADS_X / 2,
(height + THREADS_Y - 1) / THREADS_Y,
half_matmul_kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, alt_stream>>>(x, w, out, height, dim, width);
// cuBLAS can't be beat for large matrices, probably
const int MAX_DIM_SMALL = 8192;
void half_matmul_cublas_cuda
ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams,
const half* x,
const half* w,
half* out,
const int height,
const int dim,
const int width,
cublasHandle_t handle,
bool no_zero,
cudaStream_t alt_stream
// Fall back on a naive kernel for small matmuls to avoid cuBLAS overhead
if (height < 4 && dim <= MAX_DIM_SMALL)
half_matmul_small_cuda(tuningParams, x, w, out, height, dim, width, no_zero, alt_stream);
// printf("cuBLAS: (%i, %i) @ (%i, %i) -> (%i, %i)\n", height, dim, dim, width, height, width);
// Use cuBLAS
const half alpha = __float2half(1.0f);
const half beta = no_zero ? __float2half(1.0f) : __float2half(0.0f);
cudaStream_t default_stream;
if (alt_stream)
cublasGetStream(handle, &default_stream);
cublasSetStream(handle, alt_stream);
cublasHgemm(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, width, height, dim, &alpha, w, width, x, dim, &beta, out, width);
if (alt_stream)
cublasSetStream(handle, default_stream);
// Alternative to cuBLAS for tall or wide matrices
const int S_THREADS_X = 8; // width
const int S_THREADS_Z = 1; // height
const int S_BLOCKSIZE = MAX_DIM_SMALL / 1024 * S_THREADS_X; // dim
template<bool use_half2, bool odd_rank>
__global__ void half_matmul_small_kernel
const half* __restrict__ x,
const half* __restrict__ w,
half* __restrict__ out,
const int height,
const int dim,
const int width,
bool no_zero
int column = blockIdx.x * S_THREADS_X + threadIdx.x;
int row = blockIdx.z * S_THREADS_Z + threadIdx.z;
int k = threadIdx.y * S_BLOCKSIZE;
if (row >= height) return;
if (column >= width) return;
// if (k >= dim) return;
// printf("%i, %i, %i\n", row, column, k);
MatrixView_half x_(x, height, dim);
MatrixView_half w_(w, dim, width);
MatrixView_half_rw out_(out, height, width);
int k_end = k + S_BLOCKSIZE;
if (k_end > dim) k_end = dim;
const half* x_ptr = x_.item_ptr(row, k);
const half* x_ptr_end = x_.item_ptr(row, k_end);
const half* w_ptr = w_.item_ptr(k, column);
half* out_ptr = out_.item_ptr(row, column);
if constexpr (use_half2 && !odd_rank)
half2* x_ptr2 = (half2*) x_ptr;
half2* x_ptr2_end = (half2*) x_ptr_end;
half2 r = {};
while(x_ptr2 < x_ptr2_end)
half2 x_01 = *x_ptr2++;
half2 x_23 = *x_ptr2++;
half w_0 = *w_ptr; w_ptr += width;
half w_1 = *w_ptr; w_ptr += width;
half w_2 = *w_ptr; w_ptr += width;
half w_3 = *w_ptr; w_ptr += width;
half2 w_01 = __halves2half2(w_0, w_1);
half2 w_23 = __halves2half2(w_2, w_3);
r = __hfma2(x_01, w_01, r);
r = __hfma2(x_23, w_23, r);
half rh = __hadd(r.x, r.y);
__shared__ half accum[MAX_DIM_SMALL / S_BLOCKSIZE][S_THREADS_X];
accum[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = rh;
if (threadIdx.y == 0)
half acc = rh;
for (int i = 1; i < blockDim.y; ++i) acc = __hadd(accum[i][threadIdx.x], acc);
if (no_zero) acc = __hadd(acc, *out_ptr);
*out_ptr = acc;
half r = {};
while(x_ptr < x_ptr_end)
if constexpr (odd_rank)
half x_item = *x_ptr++;
half w_item = *w_ptr; w_ptr += width;
r = __hfma(x_item, w_item, r);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
half x_item = *x_ptr++;
half w_item = *w_ptr; w_ptr += width;
r = __hfma(x_item, w_item, r);
__shared__ half accum[MAX_DIM_SMALL / S_BLOCKSIZE][S_THREADS_X];
accum[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = r;
if (threadIdx.y == 0)
half acc = accum[0][threadIdx.x];
for (int i = 1; i < blockDim.y; ++i) acc = __hadd(accum[i][threadIdx.x], acc);
if (no_zero) acc = __hadd(acc, *out_ptr);
*out_ptr = acc;
void half_matmul_small_cuda
ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams,
const half* x,
const half* w,
half* out,
const int height,
const int dim,
const int width,
bool no_zero,
cudaStream_t alt_stream
bool use_half2 = !tuningParams->matmul_no_half2;
//printf("kernel: (%i, %i) @ (%i, %i) -> (%i, %i)\n", height, dim, dim, width, height, width);
dim3 threads
dim3 blocks
(width + S_THREADS_X - 1) / S_THREADS_X,
//printf("t... %i %i %i\n", threads.x, threads.y, threads.z);
//printf("b... %i %i %i\n", blocks.x, blocks.y, blocks.z);
//if (!no_zero) cudaMemsetAsync(out, 0, height * width * sizeof(half));
if (dim & 0x03)
half_matmul_small_kernel<false, true> <<<blocks, threads, 0, alt_stream>>>(x, w, out, height, dim, width, no_zero);
if (use_half2) half_matmul_small_kernel<true, false> <<<blocks, threads, 0, alt_stream>>>(x, w, out, height, dim, width, no_zero);
else half_matmul_small_kernel<false, false> <<<blocks, threads, 0, alt_stream>>>(x, w, out, height, dim, width, no_zero);