juanma1907's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
#include "q4_matrix.cuh"
#include <vector>
#include "../util.cuh"
#include "../matrix.cuh"
using namespace std;
const int UNSHUF_BLOCKSIZE_X = 64;
const int RECONS_THREADS_X = 64; // Block size and thread count along columns in out, each thread converts 1 column
const int RECONS_THREADS_Y = 1; // Block size and thread count along rows in x and out, each thread converts 8 rows
vector<Q4Matrix*> g_q4_matrices;
void g_q4_keep_matrix(Q4Matrix* m)
void g_q4_free_matrices()
for (const auto& m : g_q4_matrices) delete m;
const int _height,
const int _width,
const int _groups,
uint32_t* _qweight,
uint32_t* _qzeros,
half* _scales,
uint32_t* _g_idx,
const int _device
) :
cuda_qweight = _qweight;
cuda_qzeros = _qzeros;
cuda_scales = _scales;
groupsize = height / groups;
if (_g_idx) make_sequential(_g_idx);
// Make sequential
__global__ void make_sequential_kernel
const uint32_t* __restrict__ w,
uint32_t* __restrict__ w_new,
const uint32_t* __restrict__ x_map,
const int w_height,
const int w_width
const uint64_t* w2 = (uint64_t*) w;
uint64_t* w_new2 = (uint64_t*) w_new;
int w2_stride = w_width >> 1;
int w2_column = UNSHUF_BLOCKSIZE_X * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (w2_column >= w2_stride) return;
int w_new2_row = blockIdx.y;
int x_map_idx = w_new2_row << 3;
uint64_t dst = 0;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
int source_row = x_map[x_map_idx++];
int w2_row = source_row >> 3;
int w2_subrow = source_row & 0x07;
int w2_row_shift = w2_subrow << 2;
int wnew2_row_shift = i << 2;
uint64_t src = w2[w2_row * w2_stride + w2_column];
src >>= w2_row_shift;
src &= 0x0000000f0000000f;
src <<= wnew2_row_shift;
dst |= src;
w_new2[w_new2_row * w2_stride + w2_column] = dst;
void Q4Matrix::make_sequential(const uint32_t* cpu_g_idx)
uint32_t* cuda_new_qweight = NULL;
cudaMalloc(&cuda_new_qweight, height / 8 * width * sizeof(uint32_t));
cudaMalloc(&cuda_x_map, height * sizeof(uint32_t)); // TODO: Should probably be allocated in PyTorch
uint32_t* cpu_g_idx_map = (uint32_t*) calloc(groups, sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t* cpu_x_map = (uint32_t*) malloc(height * sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t* cpu_x_map_inv = (uint32_t*) malloc(height * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Group histogram
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) cpu_g_idx_map[cpu_g_idx[i]]++;
// Group map
for (int i = 0, acc = 0; i < groups; i++)
short tmp = cpu_g_idx_map[i];
cpu_g_idx_map[i] = acc;
acc += tmp;
// X map (inverse)
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
uint32_t target_group = cpu_g_idx[row];
uint32_t target_row = cpu_g_idx_map[target_group];
cpu_x_map_inv[row] = target_row;
// X map
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) cpu_x_map[cpu_x_map_inv[row]] = row;
// Move to CUDA
cudaMemcpyAsync(cuda_x_map, cpu_x_map, height * sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Rearrange rows in w
dim3 threads(UNSHUF_BLOCKSIZE_X, 1, 1);
dim3 blocks
(width + UNSHUF_BLOCKSIZE_X * 2 - 1) / (UNSHUF_BLOCKSIZE_X * 2),
height / 8,
make_sequential_kernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(cuda_qweight, cuda_new_qweight, cuda_x_map, height / 8, width);
// Replace qweights
cudaMemcpyAsync(cuda_qweight, cuda_new_qweight, height / 8 * width * sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
// Cleanup
__global__ void reconstruct_kernel
const uint32_t* __restrict__ w,
half* __restrict__ out, // (y)
const half* __restrict__ w_scales,
const uint32_t* __restrict__ w_zeros,
const int height,
const int width,
const int groupsize
// Start of block
int column = RECONS_THREADS_X * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int row = (RECONS_THREADS_Y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y) * 8;
if (column >= width) return;
// Views
MatrixView_q4_column w_(w, height, width);
MatrixView_half_rw out_(out, height, width);
MatrixView_half w_scales_(w_scales, height / groupsize, width);
MatrixView_q4_row w_zeros_(w_zeros, height / groupsize, width);
// Groupsize version
int group = row / groupsize;
half w_scale = w_scales_.item(group, column);
uint32_t w_zero = w_zeros_.item(group, column) + 1;
uint32_t w_read = w_.item_uint32_t(row, column);
half* out_ptr = out_.item_ptr(row, column);
#pragma unroll
for (int s = 0; s < 32; s += 4)
half w_item = __hmul(__int2half_rn((int)((w_read >> s) & 0x0f) - w_zero), w_scale);
*out_ptr = w_item; out_ptr += out_.width;
void Q4Matrix::reconstruct(half* out)
dim3 blocks
(width + threads.x - 1) / threads.x,
(height / 8 + threads.y - 1) / threads.y,
reconstruct_kernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(cuda_qweight, out, cuda_scales, cuda_qzeros, height / 8, width, groupsize);