import logging from pyrogram import Client, emoji, filters from pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400 import QueryIdInvalid from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineQueryResultCachedDocument, InlineQuery from database.ia_filterdb import get_search_results from utils import is_subscribed, get_size, temp from info import CACHE_TIME, AUTH_USERS, AUTH_CHANNEL, CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cache_time = 0 if AUTH_USERS or AUTH_CHANNEL else CACHE_TIME async def inline_users(query: InlineQuery): if AUTH_USERS: return bool(query.from_user and in AUTH_USERS) return bool(query.from_user and not in temp.BANNED_USERS) @Client.on_inline_query() async def answer(bot, query): """Show search results for given inline query""" if not await inline_users(query): await query.answer(results=[], cache_time=0, switch_pm_text='okDa', switch_pm_parameter="hehe") return if AUTH_CHANNEL and not await is_subscribed(bot, query): await query.answer(results=[], cache_time=0, switch_pm_text='You have to subscribe my channel to use the bot', switch_pm_parameter="subscribe") return results = [] if '|' in query.query: string, file_type = query.query.split('|', maxsplit=1) string = string.strip() file_type = file_type.strip().lower() else: string = query.query.strip() file_type = None offset = int(query.offset or 0) reply_markup = get_reply_markup(query=string) files, next_offset, total = await get_search_results(string, file_type=file_type, max_results=10, offset=offset) for file in files: title=file.file_name size=get_size(file.file_size) f_caption=file.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name= '' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='' if f_caption is None else f_caption) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption=f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{file.file_name}" results.append( InlineQueryResultCachedDocument( title=file.file_name, file_id=file.file_id, caption=f_caption, description=f'Size: {get_size(file.file_size)}\nType: {file.file_type}', reply_markup=reply_markup)) if results: switch_pm_text = f"{emoji.FILE_FOLDER} Results - {total}" if string: switch_pm_text += f" for {string}" try: await query.answer(results=results, is_personal = True, cache_time=cache_time, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter="start", next_offset=str(next_offset)) except QueryIdInvalid: pass except Exception as e: logging.exception(str(e)) else: switch_pm_text = f'{emoji.CROSS_MARK} No results' if string: switch_pm_text += f' for "{string}"' await query.answer(results=[], is_personal = True, cache_time=cache_time, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter="okay") def get_reply_markup(query): buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton('Search again', switch_inline_query_current_chat=query) ] ] return InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)