import gradio as gr import requests import os from PIL import Image import json from datetime import datetime # Example data with placeholder JSON for lab_results and bank_statement examples = [ ["bonds_table.png", "Bonds table", "[{\"instrument_name\":\"str\", \"valuation\":0}]"], ["lab_results.png", "Lab results", "{\"patient_name\": \"str\", \"patient_age\": \"str\", \"patient_pid\": 0, \"lab_results\": [{\"investigation\": \"str\", \"result\": 0.00, \"reference_value\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}]}"], ["bank_statement.png", "Bank statement", "*"] ] # JSON data for Bonds table bonds_json = { "data": [ { "instrument_name": "UNITS BLACKROCK FIX INC DUB FDS PLC ISHS EUR INV GRD CP BD IDX/INST/E", "valuation": 19049 }, { "instrument_name": "UNITS ISHARES III PLC CORE EUR GOVT BOND UCITS ETF/EUR", "valuation": 83488 }, { "instrument_name": "UNITS ISHARES III PLC EUR CORP BOND 1-5YR UCITS ETF/EUR", "valuation": 213030 }, { "instrument_name": "UNIT ISHARES VI PLC/JP MORGAN USD E BOND EUR HED UCITS ETF DIST/HDGD/", "valuation": 32774 }, { "instrument_name": "UNITS XTRACKERS II SICAV/EUR HY CORP BOND UCITS ETF/-1D-/DISTR.", "valuation": 23643 } ], "valid": "true" } lab_results_json = { "patient_name": "Yash M. Patel", "patient_age": "21 Years", "patient_pid": 555, "lab_results": [ { "investigation": "Hemoglobin (Hb)", "result": 12.5, "reference_value": "13.0 - 17.0", "unit": "g/dL" }, { "investigation": "RBC COUNT", "result": 5.2, "reference_value": "4.5 - 5.5", "unit": "mill/cumm" }, { "investigation": "Packed Cell Volume (PCV)", "result": 57.5, "reference_value": "40 - 50", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)", "result": 87.75, "reference_value": "83 - 101", "unit": "fL" }, { "investigation": "MCH", "result": 27.2, "reference_value": "27 - 32", "unit": "pg" }, { "investigation": "MCHC", "result": 32.8, "reference_value": "32.5 - 34.5", "unit": "g/dL" }, { "investigation": "RDW", "result": 13.6, "reference_value": "11.6 - 14.0", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "WBC COUNT", "result": 9000, "reference_value": "4000-11000", "unit": "cumm" }, { "investigation": "Neutrophils", "result": 60, "reference_value": "50 - 62", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "Lymphocytes", "result": 31, "reference_value": "20 - 40", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "Eosinophils", "result": 1, "reference_value": "00 - 06", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "Monocytes", "result": 7, "reference_value": "00 - 10", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "Basophils", "result": 1, "reference_value": "00 - 02", "unit": "%" }, { "investigation": "Absolute Neutrophils", "result": 6000, "reference_value": "1500 - 7500", "unit": "cells/mcL" }, { "investigation": "Absolute Lymphocytes", "result": 3100, "reference_value": "1300 - 3500", "unit": "cells/mcL" }, { "investigation": "Absolute Eosinophils", "result": 100, "reference_value": "00 - 500", "unit": "cells/mcL" }, { "investigation": "Absolute Monocytes", "result": 700, "reference_value": "200 - 950", "unit": "cells/mcL" }, { "investigation": "Absolute Basophils", "result": 100, "reference_value": "00 - 300", "unit": "cells/mcL" }, { "investigation": "Platelet Count", "result": 320000, "reference_value": "150000 - 410000", "unit": "cumm" } ], "valid": "true" } bank_statement_json = { "bank": "First Platypus Bank", "address": "1234 Kings St., New York, NY 12123", "account_holder": "Mary G. Orta", "account_number": "1234567890123", "statement_date": "3/1/2022", "period_covered": "2/1/2022 - 3/1/2022", "account_summary": { "balance_on_march_1": "$25,032.23", "total_money_in": "$10,234.23", "total_money_out": "$10,532.51" }, "transactions": [ { "date": "02/01", "description": "PGD EasyPay Debit", "withdrawal": "203.24", "deposit": "", "balance": "22,098.23" }, { "date": "02/02", "description": "AB&B Online Payment*****", "withdrawal": "71.23", "deposit": "", "balance": "22,027.00" }, { "date": "02/04", "description": "Check No. 2345", "withdrawal": "", "deposit": "450.00", "balance": "22,477.00" }, { "date": "02/05", "description": "Payroll Direct Dep 23422342 Giants", "withdrawal": "", "deposit": "2,534.65", "balance": "25,011.65" }, { "date": "02/06", "description": "Signature POS Debit - TJP", "withdrawal": "84.50", "deposit": "", "balance": "24,927.15" }, { "date": "02/07", "description": "Check No. 234", "withdrawal": "1,400.00", "deposit": "", "balance": "23,527.15" }, { "date": "02/08", "description": "Check No. 342", "withdrawal": "", "deposit": "25.00", "balance": "23,552.15" }, { "date": "02/09", "description": "FPB AutoPay***** Credit Card", "withdrawal": "456.02", "deposit": "", "balance": "23,096.13" }, { "date": "02/08", "description": "Check No. 123", "withdrawal": "", "deposit": "25.00", "balance": "23,552.15" }, { "date": "02/09", "description": "FPB AutoPay***** Credit Card", "withdrawal": "156.02", "deposit": "", "balance": "23,096.13" }, { "date": "02/08", "description": "Cash Deposit", "withdrawal": "", "deposit": "25.00", "balance": "23,552.15" } ], "valid": "true" } def run_inference(image_filepath, query, key): if image_filepath is None: return {"error": f"No image provided. Please upload an image before submitting."} if query is None or query.strip() == "": return {"error": f"No query provided. Please enter a query before submitting."} if key is None or key.strip() == "": return {"error": f"No Sparrow Key provided. Please enter a Sparrow Key before submitting."} file_path = None try: # Open the uploaded image using its filepath img = # Extract the file extension from the uploaded file input_image_extension = image_filepath.split('.')[-1].lower() # Extract extension from filepath # Set file extension based on the original file, otherwise default to PNG if input_image_extension in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']: file_extension = input_image_extension else: file_extension = 'png' # Default to PNG if extension is unavailable or invalid # Generate a unique filename using timestamp timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") filename = f"image_{timestamp}.{file_extension}" # Save the image # Get the full path of the saved image file_path = os.path.abspath(filename) # Prepare the REST API call url = '' headers = { 'accept': 'application/json' } # Open the file in binary mode and send it with open(filename, "rb") as f: files = { 'file': (filename, f, f'image/{file_extension}') } # Convert 'query' input to JSON string if needed try: # Check if the query is a wildcard '*' if query.strip() == "*": query_json = "*" # Directly use the wildcard as valid input else: # Attempt to parse the query as JSON query_json = json.loads(query) # This could return any valid JSON (string, number, etc.) # Ensure the parsed query is either a JSON object (dict) or a list of JSON objects if not isinstance(query_json, (dict, list)): return { "error": "Invalid input. Only JSON objects, arrays of objects, or wildcard '*' are allowed."} # If it's a list, make sure it's a list of JSON objects if isinstance(query_json, list): if not all(isinstance(item, dict) for item in query_json): return {"error": "Invalid input. Arrays must contain only JSON objects."} except json.JSONDecodeError: return {"error": "Invalid JSON format in query input"} data = { 'group_by_rows': '', 'agent': 'sparrow-parse', 'keywords': '', 'sparrow_key': key, 'update_targets': '', 'debug': 'false', 'index_name': '', 'types': '', 'fields': query_json if query_json == "*" else json.dumps(query_json), # Use wildcard as-is, or JSON 'options': 'huggingface,katanaml/sparrow-qwen2-vl-7b' } # Perform the POST request response =, headers=headers, files=files, data=data) # Process the response and return the JSON data if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: return {"error": f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}", "details": response.text} finally: # Clean up the temporary file if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) def handle_example(example_image): # Find the corresponding entry in the examples array for example in examples: if example[0] == example_image: # Return bonds_json if Bonds table is selected if example_image == "bonds_table.png": return example_image, bonds_json, example[2] # Return lab_results_json if Lab results is selected elif example_image == "lab_results.png": return example_image, lab_results_json, example[2] # Return bank_statement_json if Bank statement is selected elif example_image == "bank_statement.png": return example_image, bank_statement_json, example[2] # Default return if no match found return None, "No example selected.", "" # Define the UI with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Ocean()) as demo: with gr.Tab(label="Sparrow UI"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_img = gr.Image(label="Input Document Image", type="filepath") query_input = gr.Textbox(label="Query", placeholder="Use * to query all data or JSON schema, e.g.: [{\"instrument_name\": \"str\"}]") key_input = gr.Textbox(label="Sparrow Key", type="password") submit_btn = gr.Button(value="Submit", variant="primary") # Radio button for selecting examples example_radio = gr.Radio(label="Select Example", choices=[ex[0] for ex in examples]) with gr.Column(): # JSON output for structured JSON display output_json = gr.JSON(label="Response (JSON)", height=900, min_height=900) # Function to handle example selection def on_example_select(selected_example): # Handle example selection and return the image, output (text or JSON), and query return handle_example(selected_example) # Update image, output JSON, and query when an example is selected example_radio.change(on_example_select, inputs=example_radio, outputs=[input_img, output_json, query_input]) # When submit is clicked, [input_img, query_input, key_input], [output_json]) gr.Markdown( """ --- <p style="text-align: center;"> Visit <a href="" target="_blank">Katana ML</a> for more details. </p> """ ) # Launch the app demo.queue(api_open=False) demo.launch(debug=True)