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Entrypoint for the CLI tool.
This module serves as the entry point for a command-line interface (CLI) tool.
It is designed to interact with OpenAI's language models.
The module provides functionality to:
- Load necessary environment variables,
- Configure various parameters for the AI interaction,
- Manage the generation or improvement of code projects.
Main Functionality
- Load environment variables required for OpenAI API interaction.
- Parse user-specified parameters for project configuration and AI behavior.
- Facilitate interaction with AI models, databases, and archival processes.
- The `OPENAI_API_KEY` must be set in the environment or provided in a `.env` file within the working directory.
- The default project path is `projects/example`.
- When using the `azure_endpoint` parameter, provide the Azure OpenAI service endpoint URL.
import difflib
import logging
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import openai
import typer
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain.globals import set_llm_cache
from langchain_community.cache import SQLiteCache
from termcolor import colored
from gpt_engineer.applications.cli.cli_agent import CliAgent
from gpt_engineer.applications.cli.collect import collect_and_send_human_review
from gpt_engineer.applications.cli.file_selector import FileSelector
from import AI, ClipboardAI
from gpt_engineer.core.default.disk_execution_env import DiskExecutionEnv
from gpt_engineer.core.default.disk_memory import DiskMemory
from gpt_engineer.core.default.file_store import FileStore
from gpt_engineer.core.default.paths import PREPROMPTS_PATH, memory_path
from gpt_engineer.core.default.steps import (
improve_fn as improve_fn,
from gpt_engineer.core.files_dict import FilesDict
from gpt_engineer.core.git import stage_uncommitted_to_git
from gpt_engineer.core.preprompts_holder import PrepromptsHolder
from gpt_engineer.core.prompt import Prompt
from import clarified_gen, lite_gen, self_heal
app = typer.Typer(
context_settings={"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]}
) # creates a CLI app
def load_env_if_needed():
Load environment variables if the OPENAI_API_KEY is not already set.
This function checks if the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is set,
and if not, it attempts to load it from a .env file in the current working
directory. It then sets the openai.api_key for use in the application.
# We have all these checks for legacy reasons...
if os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") is None:
if os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") is None:
load_dotenv(dotenv_path=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".env"))
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
if os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") is None:
if os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") is None:
load_dotenv(dotenv_path=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".env"))
def concatenate_paths(base_path, sub_path):
# Compute the relative path from base_path to sub_path
relative_path = os.path.relpath(sub_path, base_path)
# If the relative path is not in the parent directory, use the original sub_path
if not relative_path.startswith(".."):
return sub_path
# Otherwise, concatenate base_path and sub_path
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, sub_path))
def load_prompt(
input_repo: DiskMemory,
improve_mode: bool,
prompt_file: str,
image_directory: str,
entrypoint_prompt_file: str = "",
) -> Prompt:
Load or request a prompt from the user based on the mode.
input_repo : DiskMemory
The disk memory object where prompts and other data are stored.
improve_mode : bool
Flag indicating whether the application is in improve mode.
The loaded or inputted prompt.
if os.path.isdir(prompt_file):
raise ValueError(
f"The path to the prompt, {prompt_file}, already exists as a directory. No prompt can be read from it. Please specify a prompt file using --prompt_file"
prompt_str = input_repo.get(prompt_file)
if prompt_str:
print(colored("Using prompt from file:", "green"), prompt_file)
if not improve_mode:
prompt_str = input(
"\nWhat application do you want gpt-engineer to generate?\n"
prompt_str = input("\nHow do you want to improve the application?\n")
if entrypoint_prompt_file == "":
entrypoint_prompt = ""
full_entrypoint_prompt_file = concatenate_paths(
input_repo.path, entrypoint_prompt_file
if os.path.isfile(full_entrypoint_prompt_file):
entrypoint_prompt = input_repo.get(full_entrypoint_prompt_file)
raise ValueError("The provided file at --entrypoint-prompt does not exist")
if image_directory == "":
return Prompt(prompt_str, entrypoint_prompt=entrypoint_prompt)
full_image_directory = concatenate_paths(input_repo.path, image_directory)
if os.path.isdir(full_image_directory):
if len(os.listdir(full_image_directory)) == 0:
raise ValueError("The provided --image_directory is empty.")
image_repo = DiskMemory(full_image_directory)
return Prompt(
raise ValueError("The provided --image_directory is not a directory.")
def get_preprompts_path(use_custom_preprompts: bool, input_path: Path) -> Path:
Get the path to the preprompts, using custom ones if specified.
use_custom_preprompts : bool
Flag indicating whether to use custom preprompts.
input_path : Path
The path to the project directory.
The path to the directory containing the preprompts.
original_preprompts_path = PREPROMPTS_PATH
if not use_custom_preprompts:
return original_preprompts_path
custom_preprompts_path = input_path / "preprompts"
if not custom_preprompts_path.exists():
for file in original_preprompts_path.glob("*"):
if not (custom_preprompts_path /
(custom_preprompts_path /
return custom_preprompts_path
def compare(f1: FilesDict, f2: FilesDict):
def colored_diff(s1, s2):
lines1 = s1.splitlines()
lines2 = s2.splitlines()
diff = difflib.unified_diff(lines1, lines2, lineterm="")
RED = "\033[38;5;202m"
GREEN = "\033[92m"
RESET = "\033[0m"
colored_lines = []
for line in diff:
if line.startswith("+"):
colored_lines.append(GREEN + line + RESET)
elif line.startswith("-"):
colored_lines.append(RED + line + RESET)
return "\n".join(colored_lines)
for file in sorted(set(f1) | set(f2)):
diff = colored_diff(f1.get(file, ""), f2.get(file, ""))
if diff:
print(f"Changes to {file}:")
def prompt_yesno() -> bool:
TERM_CHOICES = colored("y", "green") + "/" + colored("n", "red") + " "
while True:
response = input(TERM_CHOICES).strip().lower()
if response in ["y", "yes"]:
return True
if response in ["n", "no"]:
print("Please respond with 'y' or 'n'")
GPT-engineer lets you:
- Specify a software in natural language
- Sit back and watch as an AI writes and executes the code
- Ask the AI to implement improvements
def main(
project_path: str = typer.Argument(".", help="path"),
model: str = typer.Option("gpt-4o", "--model", "-m", help="model id string"),
temperature: float = typer.Option(
help="Controls randomness: lower values for more focused, deterministic outputs",
improve_mode: bool = typer.Option(
help="Improve an existing project by modifying the files.",
lite_mode: bool = typer.Option(
help="Lite mode: run a generation using only the main prompt.",
clarify_mode: bool = typer.Option(
help="Clarify mode - discuss specification with AI before implementation.",
self_heal_mode: bool = typer.Option(
help="Self-heal mode - fix the code by itself when it fails.",
azure_endpoint: str = typer.Option(
help="""Endpoint for your Azure OpenAI Service (
In that case, the given model is the deployment name chosen in the Azure AI Studio.""",
use_custom_preprompts: bool = typer.Option(
help="""Use your project's custom preprompts instead of the default ones.
Copies all original preprompts to the project's workspace if they don't exist there.""",
llm_via_clipboard: bool = typer.Option(
help="Use the clipboard to communicate with the AI.",
verbose: bool = typer.Option(
False, "--verbose", "-v", help="Enable verbose logging for debugging."
debug: bool = typer.Option(
False, "--debug", "-d", help="Enable debug mode for debugging."
prompt_file: str = typer.Option(
help="Relative path to a text file containing a prompt.",
entrypoint_prompt_file: str = typer.Option(
help="Relative path to a text file containing a file that specifies requirements for you entrypoint.",
image_directory: str = typer.Option(
help="Relative path to a folder containing images.",
use_cache: bool = typer.Option(
help="Speeds up computations and saves tokens when running the same prompt multiple times by caching the LLM response.",
no_execution: bool = typer.Option(
help="Run setup but to not call LLM or write any code. For testing purposes.",
The main entry point for the CLI tool that generates or improves a project.
This function sets up the CLI tool, loads environment variables, initializes
the AI, and processes the user's request to generate or improve a project
based on the provided arguments.
project_path : str
The file path to the project directory.
model : str
The model ID string for the AI.
temperature : float
The temperature setting for the AI's responses.
improve_mode : bool
Flag indicating whether to improve an existing project.
lite_mode : bool
Flag indicating whether to run in lite mode.
clarify_mode : bool
Flag indicating whether to discuss specifications with AI before implementation.
self_heal_mode : bool
Flag indicating whether to enable self-healing mode.
azure_endpoint : str
The endpoint for Azure OpenAI services.
use_custom_preprompts : bool
Flag indicating whether to use custom preprompts.
prompt_file : str
Relative path to a text file containing a prompt.
entrypoint_prompt_file: str
Relative path to a text file containing a file that specifies requirements for you entrypoint.
image_directory: str
Relative path to a folder containing images.
use_cache: bool
Speeds up computations and saves tokens when running the same prompt multiple times by caching the LLM response.
verbose : bool
Flag indicating whether to enable verbose logging.
no_execution: bool
Run setup but to not call LLM or write any code. For testing purposes.
if debug:
import pdb
sys.excepthook = lambda *_:
# Validate arguments
if improve_mode and (clarify_mode or lite_mode):
typer.echo("Error: Clarify and lite mode are not compatible with improve mode.")
raise typer.Exit(code=1)
# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO)
if use_cache:
if improve_mode:
assert not (
clarify_mode or lite_mode
), "Clarify and lite mode are not active for improve mode"
if llm_via_clipboard:
ai = ClipboardAI()
ai = AI(
path = Path(project_path)
print("Running gpt-engineer in", path.absolute(), "\n")
prompt = load_prompt(
# todo: if is false and not llm_via_clipboard - ask if they would like to use gpt-4-vision-preview instead? If so recreate AI
if not
prompt.image_urls = None
# configure generation function
if clarify_mode:
code_gen_fn = clarified_gen
elif lite_mode:
code_gen_fn = lite_gen
code_gen_fn = gen_code
# configure execution function
if self_heal_mode:
execution_fn = self_heal
execution_fn = execute_entrypoint
preprompts_holder = PrepromptsHolder(
get_preprompts_path(use_custom_preprompts, Path(project_path))
memory = DiskMemory(memory_path(project_path))
execution_env = DiskExecutionEnv()
agent = CliAgent.with_default_config(
files = FileStore(project_path)
if not no_execution:
if improve_mode:
files_dict_before = FileSelector(project_path).ask_for_files()
files_dict = handle_improve_mode(prompt, agent, memory, files_dict_before)
if not files_dict or files_dict_before == files_dict:
f"No changes applied. Could you please upload the debug_log_file.txt in {memory.path}/logs folder in a github issue?"
print("\nChanges to be made:")
compare(files_dict_before, files_dict)
print(colored("Do you want to apply these changes?", "light_green"))
if not prompt_yesno():
files_dict = files_dict_before
files_dict = agent.init(prompt)
# collect user feedback if user consents
config = (code_gen_fn.__name__, execution_fn.__name__)
collect_and_send_human_review(prompt, model, temperature, config, memory)
stage_uncommitted_to_git(path, files_dict, improve_mode)
if ai.token_usage_log.is_openai_model():
print("Total api cost: $ ", ai.token_usage_log.usage_cost())
elif os.getenv("LOCAL_MODEL"):
print("Total api cost: $ 0.0 since we are using local LLM.")
print("Total tokens used: ", ai.token_usage_log.total_tokens())
if __name__ == "__main__":