import time import jwt import requests import json import base64 import os def image_to_base64(image_path): """ 将图片文件转换为Base64编码格式 :param image_path: 图片文件路径 :return: Base64编码字符串 """ with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode('utf-8') ak = "c1748494bc5d42ed8db2b2d24ceb1a2b" # 填写access key sk = "1cf0bbef768746f79d30ef13630b393b" # 填写secret key def encode_jwt_token(ak, sk): headers = { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" } payload = { "iss": ak, "exp": int(time.time()) + 1800, # 有效时间,此处示例代表当前时间+1800s(30min) "nbf": int(time.time()) - 5 # 开始生效的时间,此处示例代表当前时间-5秒 } token = jwt.encode(payload, sk, headers=headers) return token # 图片及回调配置 # HUMAN_IMAGE = image_to_base64(r"F:\codetest24\0903_lf\vton\people.jpg") # 替换为人物图片的Base64或URL # CLOTH_IMAGE = image_to_base64(r"F:\codetest24\0903_lf\vton\hanfu.jpg") # 替换为服饰图片的Base64或URL # CALLBACK_URL = "" # 可选,任务结果回调通知URL SAVE_DIRECTORY = "downloads/kolor" # ========== 步骤 1:创建虚拟试穿任务 ========== def create_virtual_tryon_task(humen, cloth): """ 创建虚拟试穿任务 """ # ========== 配置参数 ========== # API 请求的基础配置 api_token = encode_jwt_token(ak, sk) print(api_token) # 打印生成的API_TOKEN BASE_URL = "" # 请求头 HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}" } # 请求体数据 data = { "model_name": "kolors-virtual-try-on-v1", "human_image": image_to_base64(humen), "cloth_image": image_to_base64(cloth), } # 发起POST请求创建任务 response =, headers=HEADERS, data=json.dumps(data)) # 处理响应 if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() task_id = result['data']['task_id'] print(f"创建任务成功,任务ID: {task_id}") return task_id else: print(f"创建任务失败: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") return None # ========== 步骤 2:查询单个虚拟试穿任务状态并保存图片 ========== def query_virtual_tryon_task(task_id, i): """ 根据任务ID查询任务状态,成功后保存生成的图片 """ # 请求URL url = f"{BASE_URL}/{task_id}" # 发起GET请求查询任务状态 response = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS) # 处理响应 if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() task_status = result['data']['task_status'] print(f"任务状态: {task_status}") # 如果任务成功,下载并保存生成的图片 if task_status == 'succeed': images = result['data']['task_result']['images'] for image in images: image_url = image['url'] image_index = i save_image(image_url, image_index) # 返回任务状态 return task_status else: print(f"查询任务失败: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") return None # ========== 步骤 3:下载并保存图片 ========== def save_image(image_url, image_index): """ 根据图片URL下载并保存到本地 """ response = requests.get(image_url) if response.status_code == 200: # 保存图片到本地 image_path = os.path.join(SAVE_DIRECTORY, f"kolor_{image_index}.png") with open(image_path, "wb") as file: file.write(response.content) print(f"图片已保存到: {image_path}") else: print(f"下载图片失败: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") # ========== 步骤 4:查询任务列表 ========== def query_task_list(page_num=1, page_size=30): """ 查询任务列表 """ # 查询参数 params = { "pageNum": page_num, "pageSize": page_size } # 发起GET请求查询任务列表 response = requests.get(BASE_URL, headers=HEADERS, params=params) # 处理响应 if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() print("任务列表:") for task in result['data']: print(f"任务ID: {task['task_id']}, 状态: {task['task_status']}, 创建时间: {task['created_at']}") else: print(f"查询任务列表失败: {response.status_code}, {response.text}") # ========== 主流程 ========== def kolor_vton(humen, cloth, i): # 1. 创建虚拟试穿任务 task_id = create_virtual_tryon_task(humen, cloth) # 如果任务创建成功,继续执行查询步骤 if task_id: # 2. 定期查询该任务状态,直到任务完成 while True: status = query_virtual_tryon_task(task_id, i) if status in ['succeed', 'failed']: break print("任务正在处理中,等待5秒后重试...") time.sleep(5) # 等待5秒后重试 # 3. 查询任务列表 query_task_list(page_num=1, page_size=10) # kolor_vton("uploads/user_image.jpg", "uploads/user_image.jpg", 1)