world-sdr / index.html
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Global SDR Network Monitor</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
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.receiver {
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border-radius: 4px;
position: relative;
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background: linear-gradient(to right, #00ff00, #00ff00);
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border-radius: 2px;
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.leaflet-popup-tip {
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.station-marker {
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width: 8px;
height: 8px;
background: transparent;
.station-range {
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animation: signalPulse 2s infinite;
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100% { stroke-opacity: 0.4; }
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/* Make signal lines more visible */
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<div class="container">
<div class="sidebar">
<h3>Active SDR Receivers</h3>
<div id="receivers"></div>
<h3>Real-time Detections</h3>
<div id="detections"></div>
<div id="map"></div>
<script src=""></script>
// Global SDR stations data
const sdrStations = [
// Europe
name: "Twente WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [52.2389, 6.8343],
frequency: "0-29.160 MHz",
range: 200,
active: true
name: "TU Delft WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [51.9981, 4.3731],
frequency: "0-29.160 MHz",
range: 180,
active: true
name: "SUWS WebSDR UK",
url: "",
location: [51.2785, -0.7642],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 150,
active: true
name: "KiwiSDR Switzerland",
url: "",
location: [47.3769, 8.5417],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 160,
active: true
// United States
name: "W6DRZ WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [34.2847, -118.4429],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 170,
active: true
name: "K3FEF WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [40.5697, -75.9363],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 160,
active: true
name: "WA2ZKD KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [40.7128, -74.0060],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 150,
active: true
name: "W4AX WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [33.7756, -84.3963],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 165,
active: true
// Japan
name: "JH7VHZ WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [38.2682, 140.8694],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 155,
active: true
name: "JA1GJB KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [35.6762, 139.6503],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 145,
active: true
name: "JA3ZOH WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [34.6937, 135.5023],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 150,
active: true
// Australia
name: "VK4YA KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [-27.4698, 153.0251],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 170,
active: true
name: "VK2RG WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [-33.8688, 151.2093],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 165,
active: true
// Russia
name: "RZ3DJR WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [55.7558, 37.6173],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 180,
active: true
name: "UA9UDX WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [55.0084, 82.9357],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 175,
active: true
// China
name: "BY1PK WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [39.9042, 116.4074],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 160,
active: true
name: "BG3MDO KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [23.1291, 113.2644],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 155,
active: true
// South Korea
name: "HL2WA KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [37.5665, 126.9780],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 150,
active: true
name: "DS1URB WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [35.1796, 129.0756],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 145,
active: true
// Canada
name: "VE3HOA WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [43.6532, -79.3832],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 165,
active: true
name: "VA3ROM KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [45.4215, -75.6972],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 160,
active: true
// Brazil
name: "PY2RDZ WebSDR",
url: "",
location: [-23.5505, -46.6333],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 170,
active: true
name: "PY1ZV KiwiSDR",
url: "",
location: [-22.9068, -43.1729],
frequency: "0-30 MHz",
range: 165,
active: true
class RadarSystem {
constructor() {
this.targets = new Set();
this.markers = new Map();
this.signalLines = new Map();
initializeMap() { ='map', {
center: [20, 0],
zoom: 3,
preferCanvas: true,
worldCopyJump: true
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19,
attribution: 'Β© OpenStreetMap contributors'
sdrStations.forEach(station => {
const marker = L.circleMarker(station.location, {
radius: 5,
color: '#0f0',
fillColor: '#0f0',
fillOpacity: 1
const range =, {
radius: station.range * 1000,
className: 'station-range'
Frequency: ${station.frequency}<br>
Range: ${station.range}km
`, {
className: 'custom-tooltip'
renderReceivers() {
const container = document.getElementById('receivers');
container.innerHTML = => `
<div class="receiver" id="rx-${station.url.split(':')[0]}">
<div class="status">
<div class="led ${ ? 'active' : 'inactive'}"></div>
<div>πŸ“‘ ${station.url}</div>
<div>πŸ“» ${station.frequency}</div>
<div>πŸ“ ${station.location.join(', ')}</div>
<div>Range: ${station.range}km</div>
<div class="signal-strength">
<div class="signal-bar"></div>
generateTarget() {
const station = sdrStations[Math.floor(Math.random() * sdrStations.length)];
const range = 5;
return {
type: Math.random() > 0.7 ? 'aircraft' : 'vehicle',
position: {
lat: station.location[0] + (Math.random() - 0.5) * range,
lon: station.location[1] + (Math.random() - 0.5) * range
speed: Math.random() * 500 + 200,
altitude: Math.random() * 35000 + 5000,
heading: Math.random() * 360,
id: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 6).toUpperCase(),
signalStrength: Math.random()
updateTargets() {
// Clear existing signals and markers
this.signalLines.forEach(line =>;
this.markers.forEach(marker =>;
// Add new markers and signal lines for current targets
this.targets.forEach(target => {
// Create target marker
const marker = L.circleMarker([, target.position.lon], {
radius: 5,
color: target.type === 'aircraft' ? '#ff0' : '#0ff',
fillColor: target.type === 'aircraft' ? '#ff0' : '#0ff',
fillOpacity: 1,
weight: 2
// Enhanced tooltip
<div style="color: #0f0;">
${target.type === 'aircraft' ? '✈️' : 'πŸš—'} ${target.type.toUpperCase()}<br>
Speed: ${target.speed.toFixed(0)} kts<br>
${target.type === 'aircraft' ? `Altitude: ${target.altitude.toFixed(0)} ft<br>` : ''}
Signal: ${(target.signalStrength * 100).toFixed(0)}%
`, {
className: 'custom-tooltip'
this.markers.set(, marker);
// Draw signal lines to nearby active stations
sdrStations.forEach(station => {
if ( {
const distance =
[, target.position.lon],
) / 1000;
if (distance <= station.range) {
const signalStrength = Math.max(0.1, 1 - (distance / station.range));
const line = L.polyline([
[, target.position.lon],
], {
color: '#00ff00',
opacity: signalStrength * 0.8,
weight: 2,
dashArray: '5, 10',
className: 'signal-line'
this.signalLines.set(`${}-${}`, line);
updateDetections() {
const detections = document.getElementById('detections');
detections.innerHTML = Array.from(this.targets)
.map(target => `
<div class="detection">
${target.type === 'aircraft' ? '✈️' : 'πŸš—'}
Speed: ${target.speed.toFixed(0)} kts
${target.type === 'aircraft' ? `<br>Alt: ${target.altitude.toFixed(0)} ft` : ''}
<br>Signal: ${(target.signalStrength * 100).toFixed(0)}%
updateSignalStrengths() {
sdrStations.forEach(station => {
const bar = document.querySelector(`#rx-${station.url.split(':')[0]} .signal-bar`);
if (bar) {
// Calculate actual signal strength based on nearby targets
let maxSignalStrength = 0;
this.targets.forEach(target => {
const distance =
[, target.position.lon],
) / 1000;
if (distance <= station.range) {
const strength = Math.max(0.1, 1 - (distance / station.range));
maxSignalStrength = Math.max(maxSignalStrength, strength);
// Add some random fluctuation
const baseStrength = maxSignalStrength * 100;
const fluctuation = Math.random() * 20 - 10; // Β±10%
const finalStrength = Math.max(10, Math.min(100, baseStrength + fluctuation)); = `${finalStrength}%`; = maxSignalStrength > 0 ? 1 : 0.3;
startTracking() {
setInterval(() => {
// Add/remove targets
if(Math.random() < 0.1 && this.targets.size < 20) {
if(Math.random() < 0.1 && this.targets.size > 0) {
}, 100);
// Initialize radar system when page loads
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const radar = new RadarSystem();