import streamlit as st import inference import pandas as pd import const st.title("Japanese to Emotions") st.write( "I fine-tuned the BERT-based distillation model for classification of Japanese text." ) if "input_text" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.input_text = "" input_text = st.text_area( "Japanese text", value=st.session_state.input_text, max_chars=512 ) suggestions = ["今日は愛犬と散歩した", "猫カフェ行きたい", "自転車盗まれた"] COLUMNS_NUM = len(suggestions) cols = st.columns(COLUMNS_NUM) for i, suggestion in enumerate(suggestions): with cols[i]: if st.button(suggestion, use_container_width=True): st.session_state.input_text = suggestion st.rerun() if input_text: probs_dict = inference.exec(input_text) label_dict = { const.EMOTIONS[0]: "😊 Joy", const.EMOTIONS[1]: "😢 Sadness", const.EMOTIONS[2]: "😮 Anticipation", const.EMOTIONS[3]: "😲 Surprise", const.EMOTIONS[4]: "😠 Anger", const.EMOTIONS[5]: "😨 Fear", const.EMOTIONS[6]: "😖 Disgust", const.EMOTIONS[7]: "😉 Trust", } df = pd.DataFrame( { "Emotion": label_dict.values(), "Probs": [probs_dict[emotion] for emotion in const.EMOTIONS], } ) st.bar_chart(df.set_index("Emotion"), horizontal=True) st.write( """ - [Model]( - [Blog]( - [GitHub]( """ )