import copy | |
import random | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from import Batch | |
from torch_geometric.loader import DataLoader | |
from utils.diffusion_utils import modify_conformer, set_time, modify_conformer_batch | |
from utils.torsion import modify_conformer_torsion_angles | |
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R | |
from utils.utils import crop_beyond | |
from utils.logging_utils import get_logger | |
def randomize_position(data_list, no_torsion, no_random, tr_sigma_max, pocket_knowledge=False, pocket_cutoff=7, | |
initial_noise_std_proportion=-1.0, choose_residue=False): | |
# in place modification of the list | |
center_pocket = data_list[0]['receptor'].pos.mean(dim=0) | |
if pocket_knowledge: | |
complex = data_list[0] | |
d = torch.cdist(complex['receptor'].pos, torch.from_numpy(complex['ligand'].orig_pos[0]).float() - complex.original_center) | |
label = torch.any(d < pocket_cutoff, dim=1) | |
if torch.any(label): | |
center_pocket = complex['receptor'].pos[label].mean(dim=0) | |
else: | |
print("No pocket residue below minimum distance ", pocket_cutoff, "taking closest at", torch.min(d)) | |
center_pocket = complex['receptor'].pos[torch.argmin(torch.min(d, dim=1)[0])] | |
if not no_torsion: | |
# randomize torsion angles | |
for complex_graph in data_list: | |
torsion_updates = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi, high=np.pi, size=complex_graph['ligand'].edge_mask.sum()) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos = \ | |
modify_conformer_torsion_angles(complex_graph['ligand'].pos, | |
complex_graph['ligand', 'ligand'].edge_index.T[ | |
complex_graph['ligand'].edge_mask], | |
complex_graph['ligand'].mask_rotate[0], torsion_updates) | |
for complex_graph in data_list: | |
# randomize position | |
molecule_center = torch.mean(complex_graph['ligand'].pos, dim=0, keepdim=True) | |
random_rotation = torch.from_numpy(R.random().as_matrix()).float() | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos = (complex_graph['ligand'].pos - molecule_center) @ random_rotation.T + center_pocket | |
# base_rmsd = np.sqrt(np.sum((complex_graph['ligand'].pos.cpu().numpy() - orig_complex_graph['ligand'].pos.numpy()) ** 2, axis=1).mean()) | |
if not no_random: # note for now the torsion angles are still randomised | |
if choose_residue: | |
idx = random.randint(0, len(complex_graph['receptor'].pos)-1) | |
tr_update = torch.normal(mean=complex_graph['receptor'].pos[idx:idx+1], std=0.01) | |
elif initial_noise_std_proportion >= 0.0: | |
std_rec = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(torch.sum(complex_graph['receptor'].pos ** 2, dim=1))) | |
tr_update = torch.normal(mean=0, std=std_rec * initial_noise_std_proportion / 1.73, size=(1, 3)) | |
else: | |
# if initial_noise_std_proportion < 0.0, we use the tr_sigma_max multiplied by -initial_noise_std_proportion | |
tr_update = torch.normal(mean=0, std=-initial_noise_std_proportion * tr_sigma_max, size=(1, 3)) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos += tr_update | |
def is_iterable(arr): | |
try: | |
some_object_iterator = iter(arr) | |
return True | |
except TypeError as te: | |
return False | |
def sampling(data_list, model, inference_steps, tr_schedule, rot_schedule, tor_schedule, device, t_to_sigma, model_args, | |
no_random=False, ode=False, visualization_list=None, confidence_model=None, confidence_data_list=None, confidence_model_args=None, | |
t_schedule=None, batch_size=32, no_final_step_noise=False, pivot=None, return_full_trajectory=False, | |
temp_sampling=1.0, temp_psi=0.0, temp_sigma_data=0.5, return_features=False): | |
N = len(data_list) | |
trajectory = [] | |
logger = get_logger() | |
if return_features: | |
lig_features, rec_features = [], [] | |
assert batch_size >= N, "Not implemented yet" | |
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=batch_size) | |
assert not (return_full_trajectory or return_features or pivot), "Not implemented yet in new inference version" | |
mask_rotate = torch.from_numpy(data_list[0]['ligand'].mask_rotate[0]).to(device) | |
confidence = None | |
if confidence_model is not None: | |
confidence_loader = iter(DataLoader(confidence_data_list, batch_size=batch_size)) | |
confidence = [] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for batch_id, complex_graph_batch in enumerate(loader): | |
b = complex_graph_batch.num_graphs | |
n = len(complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos) // b | |
complex_graph_batch = | |
for t_idx in range(inference_steps): | |
t_tr, t_rot, t_tor = tr_schedule[t_idx], rot_schedule[t_idx], tor_schedule[t_idx] | |
dt_tr = tr_schedule[t_idx] - tr_schedule[t_idx + 1] if t_idx < inference_steps - 1 else tr_schedule[t_idx] | |
dt_rot = rot_schedule[t_idx] - rot_schedule[t_idx + 1] if t_idx < inference_steps - 1 else rot_schedule[t_idx] | |
dt_tor = tor_schedule[t_idx] - tor_schedule[t_idx + 1] if t_idx < inference_steps - 1 else tor_schedule[t_idx] | |
tr_sigma, rot_sigma, tor_sigma = t_to_sigma(t_tr, t_rot, t_tor) | |
if hasattr(model_args, 'crop_beyond') and model_args.crop_beyond is not None: | |
#print('Cropping beyond', tr_sigma * 3 + model_args.crop_beyond, 'for score model') | |
mod_complex_graph_batch = copy.deepcopy(complex_graph_batch).to_data_list() | |
for batch in mod_complex_graph_batch: | |
crop_beyond(batch, tr_sigma * 3 + model_args.crop_beyond, model_args.all_atoms) | |
mod_complex_graph_batch = Batch.from_data_list(mod_complex_graph_batch) | |
else: | |
mod_complex_graph_batch = complex_graph_batch | |
set_time(mod_complex_graph_batch, t_schedule[t_idx] if t_schedule is not None else None, t_tr, t_rot, t_tor, b, | |
'all_atoms' in model_args and model_args.all_atoms, device) | |
tr_score, rot_score, tor_score = model(mod_complex_graph_batch)[:3] | |
mean_scores = torch.mean(tr_score, dim=-1) | |
num_nans = torch.sum(torch.isnan(mean_scores)) | |
if num_nans > 0: | |
name = complex_graph_batch['name'] | |
if isinstance(name, list): | |
name = name[0] | |
logger.warning(f"Complex {name} Batch {batch_id+1} Inference Iteration {t_idx}: " | |
f"{num_nans} / {mean_scores.numel()} samples failed") | |
# Set the nan values to a small value, just want to disturb slightly | |
# Hopefully won't get nan the next iteration | |
tr_score.nan_to_num_(nan=(eps := 0.01*torch.nanmean(tr_score.abs())), posinf=eps, neginf=-eps) | |
rot_score.nan_to_num_(nan=(eps := 0.01*torch.nanmean(rot_score.abs())), posinf=eps, neginf=-eps) | |
tor_score.nan_to_num_(nan=(eps := 0.01*torch.nanmean(tor_score.abs())), posinf=eps, neginf=-eps) | |
del eps | |
tr_g = tr_sigma * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2 * np.log(model_args.tr_sigma_max / model_args.tr_sigma_min))) | |
rot_g = rot_sigma * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2 * np.log(model_args.rot_sigma_max / model_args.rot_sigma_min))) | |
if ode: | |
tr_perturb = (0.5 * tr_g ** 2 * dt_tr * tr_score) | |
rot_perturb = (0.5 * rot_score * dt_rot * rot_g ** 2) | |
else: | |
tr_z = torch.zeros((min(batch_size, N), 3), device=device) if no_random or (no_final_step_noise and t_idx == inference_steps - 1) \ | |
else torch.normal(mean=0, std=1, size=(min(batch_size, N), 3), device=device) | |
tr_perturb = (tr_g ** 2 * dt_tr * tr_score + tr_g * np.sqrt(dt_tr) * tr_z) | |
rot_z = torch.zeros((min(batch_size, N), 3), device=device) if no_random or (no_final_step_noise and t_idx == inference_steps - 1) \ | |
else torch.normal(mean=0, std=1, size=(min(batch_size, N), 3), device=device) | |
rot_perturb = (rot_score * dt_rot * rot_g ** 2 + rot_g * np.sqrt(dt_rot) * rot_z) | |
if not model_args.no_torsion: | |
tor_g = tor_sigma * torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2 * np.log(model_args.tor_sigma_max / model_args.tor_sigma_min))) | |
if ode: | |
tor_perturb = (0.5 * tor_g ** 2 * dt_tor * tor_score) | |
else: | |
tor_z = torch.zeros(tor_score.shape, device=device) if no_random or (no_final_step_noise and t_idx == inference_steps - 1) \ | |
else torch.normal(mean=0, std=1, size=tor_score.shape, device=device) | |
tor_perturb = (tor_g ** 2 * dt_tor * tor_score + tor_g * np.sqrt(dt_tor) * tor_z) | |
torsions_per_molecule = tor_perturb.shape[0] // b | |
else: | |
tor_perturb = None | |
if not is_iterable(temp_sampling): | |
temp_sampling = [temp_sampling] * 3 | |
if not is_iterable(temp_psi): | |
temp_psi = [temp_psi] * 3 | |
if not is_iterable(temp_sampling): temp_sampling = [temp_sampling] * 3 | |
if not is_iterable(temp_psi): temp_psi = [temp_psi] * 3 | |
if not is_iterable(temp_sigma_data): temp_sigma_data = [temp_sigma_data] * 3 | |
assert len(temp_sampling) == 3 | |
assert len(temp_psi) == 3 | |
assert len(temp_sigma_data) == 3 | |
if temp_sampling[0] != 1.0: | |
tr_sigma_data = np.exp(temp_sigma_data[0] * np.log(model_args.tr_sigma_max) + (1 - temp_sigma_data[0]) * np.log(model_args.tr_sigma_min)) | |
lambda_tr = (tr_sigma_data + tr_sigma) / (tr_sigma_data + tr_sigma / temp_sampling[0]) | |
tr_perturb = (tr_g ** 2 * dt_tr * (lambda_tr + temp_sampling[0] * temp_psi[0] / 2) * tr_score + tr_g * np.sqrt(dt_tr * (1 + temp_psi[0])) * tr_z) | |
if temp_sampling[1] != 1.0: | |
rot_sigma_data = np.exp(temp_sigma_data[1] * np.log(model_args.rot_sigma_max) + (1 - temp_sigma_data[1]) * np.log(model_args.rot_sigma_min)) | |
lambda_rot = (rot_sigma_data + rot_sigma) / (rot_sigma_data + rot_sigma / temp_sampling[1]) | |
rot_perturb = (rot_g ** 2 * dt_rot * (lambda_rot + temp_sampling[1] * temp_psi[1] / 2) * rot_score + rot_g * np.sqrt(dt_rot * (1 + temp_psi[1])) * rot_z) | |
if temp_sampling[2] != 1.0: | |
tor_sigma_data = np.exp(temp_sigma_data[2] * np.log(model_args.tor_sigma_max) + (1 - temp_sigma_data[2]) * np.log(model_args.tor_sigma_min)) | |
lambda_tor = (tor_sigma_data + tor_sigma) / (tor_sigma_data + tor_sigma / temp_sampling[2]) | |
tor_perturb = (tor_g ** 2 * dt_tor * (lambda_tor + temp_sampling[2] * temp_psi[2] / 2) * tor_score + tor_g * np.sqrt(dt_tor * (1 + temp_psi[2])) * tor_z) | |
# Apply noise | |
complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos = \ | |
modify_conformer_batch(complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos, complex_graph_batch, tr_perturb, rot_perturb, | |
tor_perturb if not model_args.no_torsion else None, mask_rotate) | |
if visualization_list is not None: | |
for idx_b in range(b): | |
visualization_list[batch_id * batch_size + idx_b].add(( | |
complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos[idx_b*n:n*(idx_b+1)].detach().cpu() + | |
data_list[batch_id * batch_size + idx_b].original_center.detach().cpu()), | |
part=1, order=t_idx + 2) | |
for i in range(b): | |
data_list[batch_id * batch_size + i]['ligand'].pos = complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos[i*n:n*(i+1)] | |
if visualization_list is not None: | |
for idx, visualization in enumerate(visualization_list): | |
visualization.add((data_list[idx]['ligand'].pos.detach().cpu() + data_list[idx].original_center.detach().cpu()), | |
part=1, order=2) | |
if confidence_model is not None: | |
if confidence_data_list is not None: | |
confidence_complex_graph_batch = next(confidence_loader) | |
confidence_complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos = complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos.cpu() | |
if hasattr(confidence_model_args, 'crop_beyond') and confidence_model_args.crop_beyond is not None: | |
confidence_complex_graph_batch = confidence_complex_graph_batch.to_data_list() | |
for batch in confidence_complex_graph_batch: | |
crop_beyond(batch, confidence_model_args.crop_beyond, confidence_model_args.all_atoms) | |
confidence_complex_graph_batch = Batch.from_data_list(confidence_complex_graph_batch) | |
confidence_complex_graph_batch = | |
set_time(confidence_complex_graph_batch, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, confidence_model_args.all_atoms, device) | |
out = confidence_model(confidence_complex_graph_batch) | |
else: | |
out = confidence_model(complex_graph_batch) | |
if type(out) is tuple: | |
out = out[0] | |
confidence.append(out) | |
if confidence_model is not None: | |
confidence =, dim=0) | |
confidence = torch.nan_to_num(confidence, nan=-1000) | |
if return_full_trajectory: | |
return data_list, confidence, trajectory | |
elif return_features: | |
lig_features =, dim=0) | |
rec_features =, dim=0) | |
return data_list, confidence, lig_features, rec_features | |
return data_list, confidence | |
def compute_affinity(data_list, affinity_model, affinity_data_list, device, parallel, all_atoms, include_miscellaneous_atoms): | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
if affinity_model is not None: | |
assert parallel <= len(data_list) | |
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=parallel) | |
complex_graph_batch = next(iter(loader)).to(device) | |
positions = complex_graph_batch['ligand'].pos | |
assert affinity_data_list is not None | |
complex_graph = affinity_data_list[0] | |
N = complex_graph['ligand'].num_nodes | |
complex_graph['ligand'].x = complex_graph['ligand'].x.repeat(parallel, 1) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].edge_mask = complex_graph['ligand'].edge_mask.repeat(parallel) | |
complex_graph['ligand', 'ligand'].edge_index = | |
[N * i + complex_graph['ligand', 'ligand'].edge_index for i in range(parallel)], dim=1) | |
complex_graph['ligand', 'ligand'].edge_attr = complex_graph['ligand', 'ligand'].edge_attr.repeat(parallel, 1) | |
complex_graph['ligand'].pos = positions | |
affinity_loader = DataLoader([complex_graph], batch_size=1) | |
affinity_batch = next(iter(affinity_loader)).to(device) | |
set_time(affinity_batch, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, all_atoms, device, include_miscellaneous_atoms=include_miscellaneous_atoms) | |
_, affinity = affinity_model(affinity_batch) | |
else: | |
affinity = None | |
return affinity |