Build error
Build error
File size: 12,987 Bytes
71006c1 |
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# Required Libraries:
# pip install streamlit huggingface_hub
import os
import streamlit as st
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, create_repo, upload_file, login
from threading import Thread, Event, Lock
import time
import re
# ----------------------------
# Set Page Configuration
# ----------------------------
st.set_page_config(page_title="π InfiniteStorageFace", layout="wide")
# ----------------------------
# Configuration and Constants
# ----------------------------
# Regular expression for validating repository ID
REPO_ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+$")
# Prefilled sample values (placeholders)
SAMPLE_TOKEN = "" # Leave empty for security; user must input
SAMPLE_FOLDER_PATH = "/Users/samihalawa/Documents/Megacursos/MEGACURSOS_S3_MASTER/angular"
SAMPLE_REPO_ID = "luigi12345/megacursos1"
# ----------------------------
# Global Variables and Locks
# ----------------------------
# Event to signal upload cancellation
cancel_event = Event()
# Lock for thread-safe operations
upload_lock = Lock()
# Shared log list (in-memory cache)
if 'logs' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.logs = []
if 'uploading' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.uploading = False
# ----------------------------
# Helper Functions
# ----------------------------
def log(message):
"""Logs a message by adding it to the shared_logs list."""
with upload_lock:
def authenticate(token):
"""Authenticates the user with Hugging Face using the provided token."""
if not token:
log("β Hugging Face Token is required.")
return False, "β Hugging Face Token is required."
login(token) # Authenticate user
Authenticated successfully!")
return True, "β
Authenticated successfully!"
except Exception as e:
log(f"β Authentication failed: {e}")
return False, f"β Authentication failed: {e}"
def validate_repo_id(repo_id):
"""Validates the format of the repository ID."""
if not repo_id:
log("β Repository ID is required.")
return False, "β Repository ID is required."
if not REPO_ID_REGEX.match(repo_id):
log("β Repository ID must be in the format 'username/repo-name'.")
return False, "β Repository ID must be in the format 'username/repo-name'."
return True, "β
Repository ID format is valid."
def create_repo_if_not_exists(repo_id, token, repo_type="space", private=False):
"""Creates a repository if it does not exist."""
api = HfApi()
# Check if the repository exists by listing its files
api.list_repo_files(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, token=token)
Repository '{repo_id}' exists. Proceeding with upload...")
return True, f"β
Repository '{repo_id}' exists. Proceeding with upload..."
except Exception:
# If repository does not exist, create it
create_repo(repo_id=repo_id, token=token, private=private, repo_type=repo_type, exist_ok=True)
Created new repository: '{repo_id}'.")
return True, f"β
Created new repository: '{repo_id}'."
except Exception as create_err:
log(f"β Failed to create repository '{repo_id}': {create_err}")
return False, f"β Failed to create repository '{repo_id}': {create_err}"
def upload_files(folder_path, repo_id, token, private=False, threads=5, subfolder=None):
"""Handles the uploading of files to the Hugging Face repository."""
if cancel_event.is_set():
log("β Upload has been cancelled.")
return "β Upload has been cancelled."
# Validate inputs
if not folder_path:
log("β Folder Path is required.")
return "β Folder Path is required."
# Normalize the folder path
folder_path = os.path.normpath(folder_path).strip()
if not os.path.isabs(folder_path):
log("β Please provide an absolute folder path.")
return "β Please provide an absolute folder path."
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
log(f"β The folder path '{folder_path}' does not exist.")
return f"β The folder path '{folder_path}' does not exist."
if not repo_id:
log("β Repository ID is required.")
return "β Repository ID is required."
valid, message = validate_repo_id(repo_id)
if not valid:
return message
if not token:
log("β Hugging Face Token is required.")
return "β Hugging Face Token is required."
# Check if the folder contains files
if not any(os.scandir(folder_path)):
log("β The folder is empty. No files to upload.")
return "β The folder is empty. No files to upload."
def upload_process():
with upload_lock:
st.session_state.uploading = True
# Step 1: Authenticate
success, auth_message = authenticate(token)
if not success:
st.session_state.uploading = False
# Step 2: Create repository if it doesn't exist
success, creation_message = create_repo_if_not_exists(repo_id, token, repo_type="space", private=private)
if not success:
st.session_state.uploading = False
# Step 3: Start upload
log("π Starting upload process...")
start_time = time.time()
# Iterate through all files in the folder
total_files = sum(len(files) for _, _, files in os.walk(folder_path))
uploaded_files = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
for file in files:
if cancel_event.is_set():
log("β οΈ Upload cancelled by user.")
st.session_state.uploading = False
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
relative_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, folder_path)
repo_path = os.path.join(subfolder, relative_path) if subfolder else relative_path
commit_message=f"Add {relative_path}"
uploaded_files += 1
Uploaded: {relative_path} ({uploaded_files}/{total_files})")
except Exception as e:
log(f"β Failed to upload {relative_path}: {e}")
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
Upload completed successfully in {int(elapsed_time)} seconds!")
except Exception as e:
log(f"β An unexpected error occurred during upload: {e}")
st.session_state.uploading = False
# Start the upload process in a separate thread to keep the UI responsive
upload_thread = Thread(target=upload_process, daemon=True)
return "π Upload initiated. Check the logs for progress."
def display_logs(log_container):
"""Displays the logs from st.session_state.logs."""
with log_container.container():
if st.session_state.logs:
# Join all log messages with newlines
log_text = "\n".join(st.session_state.logs)
# Display in a read-only text area with auto-scroll
st.text_area("π Upload Logs", log_text, height=400, key='log_text', disabled=True)
st.text_area("π Upload Logs", "Logs will appear here...", height=400, key='log_text', disabled=True)
def render_tree(tree, indent=0, max_depth=3, current_depth=0):
"""Recursively render the folder structure, limiting depth to simplify display."""
if current_depth >= max_depth:
for key, value in sorted(tree.items()):
if value is None:
st.markdown(" " * indent + f"- {key}")
st.markdown(" " * indent + f"- **{key}/**")
render_tree(value, indent + 2, max_depth, current_depth + 1)
# ----------------------------
# Main Application
# ----------------------------
def main():
# Auto-refresh every 1 second to update logs
# Note: This approach can be heavy on resources. Use with caution.
st_autorefresh = getattr(st, "autorefresh", None)
if st_autorefresh:
st.autorefresh(interval=1000, limit=1000, key="log_refresh")
st.title("π InfiniteStorageFace")
st.markdown("**Effortlessly upload your files to Hugging Face Spaces with real-time feedback and progress tracking!**")
# Sidebar for configuration
with st.sidebar:
st.header("π Configuration")
token = st.text_input(
"Hugging Face Token",
placeholder="Enter your Hugging Face API token",
private = st.checkbox(
"Make Repository Private",
folder_path = st.text_input(
"Folder Path to Upload",
placeholder="Enter the absolute path to your folder",
repo_id = st.text_input(
"Repository ID",
placeholder="e.g., username/repo-name",
subfolder = st.text_input(
"Subfolder in Repository (optional)",
placeholder="e.g., data/uploads",
threads = st.slider(
"Number of Threads",
help="Adjust the number of threads to optimize upload speed based on your internet connection.",
upload_button = st.button("Start Upload")
cancel_button = st.button("Cancel Upload")
# Main area for logs and folder structure
col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1])
with col1:
st.subheader("π Upload Logs")
log_container = st.empty()
if st.button("Clear Logs"):
with upload_lock:
st.session_state.logs = []
with col2:
st.subheader("π Folder Structure")
if os.path.isabs(folder_path) and os.path.isdir(folder_path):
tree = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
sub_dir = root.replace(folder_path, "").strip(os.sep)
parent = tree
if sub_dir:
for part in sub_dir.split(os.sep):
parent = parent.setdefault(part, {})
for d in dirs:
parent[d] = {}
for f in files:
parent[f] = None
st.warning("Please enter a valid absolute folder path to display its structure.")
# Handle upload and cancellation
if upload_button and not st.session_state.uploading:
# Clear previous logs
with upload_lock:
st.session_state.logs = []
status = upload_files(folder_path, repo_id, token, private, threads, subfolder)
elif upload_button and st.session_state.uploading:
st.warning("π Upload is already in progress.")
if cancel_button and st.session_state.uploading:
log("β οΈ Upload cancellation requested.")
**π Instructions**:
1. **Hugging Face Token**: Obtain your API token from your [Hugging Face account settings](
2. **Folder Path**: Specify the absolute path to the folder you want to upload.
3. **Repository ID**: Enter the desired repository name in the format `username/repo-name`.
4. **Subfolder in Repository**: Optionally, specify a subfolder in the repository to upload your files into.
5. **Number of Threads**: Adjust the number of threads to optimize upload speed based on your internet connection.
6. **Start Upload**: Click to begin uploading your files.
7. **Cancel Upload**: Click to cancel an ongoing upload process.
8. **Clear Logs**: Click to clear the upload logs.
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |