luulinh90s's picture
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<h3><span>Statement:</span> episode 11 had 2.77 million us viewers</h3>
<h3>Input Table: list of white collar episodes</h3>
<div class="step">
<div class="step">
<div class="step-title">Step 1: Select rows where 'no_in_series' is 11.</div>
<div class="content" id="step-1">
<td>paul holahan</td>
<td>jeff eastin</td>
<td>most wanted</td>
<td>paul holahan</td>
<td>mark goffman</td>
<td>diminishing returns</td>
<td>stefan schwartz</td>
<td>jim campolongo</td>
<td>parting shots</td>
<td>robert duncan mcneill</td>
<td>alexandra mcnally</td>
<td>honor among thieves</td>
<td>arlene sanford</td>
<td>joe henderson</td>
<td>identity crisis</td>
<td>david straiton</td>
<td>channing powell</td>
<td>compromising positions</td>
<td>paul holahan</td>
<td>matthew negrete</td>
<td>ancient history</td>
<td>russell lee fine</td>
<td>daniel shattuck</td>
<td>gloves off</td>
<td>renny harlin</td>
<td>mark goffman</td>
<td>vested interest</td>
<td>russell lee fine</td>
<td>jeff eastin</td>
<td>family business</td>
<td>paul holahan</td>
<td>joe henderson</td>
<td>brass tacks</td>
<td>anton cropper</td>
<td>jim campolongo &amp; alexandra mcnally</td>
<td>empire city</td>
<td>tim dekay</td>
<td>channing powell &amp; daniel shattuck</td>
<td>shoot the moon</td>
<td>russell lee fine</td>
<td>matthew negrete &amp; bob derosa</td>
<td>the original</td>
<td>john kretchmer</td>
<td>mark goffman</td>
<div class="step">
<div class="step-title">Step 2: Select rows where 'us_viewers__million_' is 2.77.</div>
<div class="content" id="step-0">
<div class="step">
<div class="step-title">Step 3: Use a `CASE` statement to return TRUE if the number of rows is equal to 1, otherwise return FALSE.</div>
<div class="content" id="step-1">