import torch | |
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer | |
import numpy as np | |
import gradio as gr | |
import spaces | |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2") | |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("gpt2") | |
print("Loading finished.") | |
print(f"Is CUDA available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}") | |
# True | |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): | |
print(f"CUDA device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())}") | |
STYLE = """ | |
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border-color: var(--primary-500); | |
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.chosen-token { | |
background-color: var(--primary-400); | |
} | |
.chosen-token td, .chosen-token tr { | |
color: black!important; | |
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.end-of-text { | |
width:auto!important; | |
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.nonfinal { | |
width:280px; | |
min-width: 280px; | |
} | |
.selected-sequence { | |
background-color: var(--secondary-500); | |
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background-color: var(--primary-500); | |
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""" | |
def clean(s): | |
return s.replace("\n", r"\n").replace("\t", r"\t").strip() | |
def generate_markdown_table( | |
scores, previous_cumul_score, score_divider, top_k=4, chosen_tokens=None | |
): | |
markdown_table = """ | |
<table> | |
<tr> | |
<th><b>Token</b></th> | |
<th><b>Step score</b></th> | |
<th><b>Total score</b></th> | |
</tr>""" | |
for token_idx in np.array(np.argsort(scores)[-top_k:])[::-1]: | |
token = tokenizer.decode([token_idx]) | |
item_class = "" | |
if chosen_tokens and token in chosen_tokens: | |
item_class = "chosen-token" | |
markdown_table += f""" | |
<tr class={item_class}> | |
<td>{clean(token)}</td> | |
<td>{scores[token_idx]:.4f}</td> | |
<td>{(scores[token_idx] + previous_cumul_score)/score_divider:.4f}</td> | |
</tr>""" | |
markdown_table += """ | |
</table>""" | |
return markdown_table | |
def generate_nodes(node, step): | |
"""Recursively generate HTML for the tree nodes.""" | |
token = tokenizer.decode([node.current_token_ix]) | |
if node.is_final: | |
if node.is_selected_sequence: | |
selected_class = "selected-sequence" | |
else: | |
selected_class = "nonselected-sequence" | |
return f"<li> <a href='#' class='end-of-text child {selected_class}'> <span> <b>{clean(token)}</b> <br>Total score: {node.total_score:.2f}</span> </a> </li>" | |
html_content = ( | |
f"<li> <a href='#' class='nonfinal child'> <span> <b>{clean(token)}</b> </span>" | |
) | |
if node.table is not None: | |
html_content += node.table | |
html_content += "</a>" | |
if len(node.children.keys()) > 0: | |
html_content += "<ul> " | |
for token_ix, subnode in node.children.items(): | |
html_content += generate_nodes(subnode, step=step + 1) | |
html_content += "</ul>" | |
html_content += "</li>" | |
return html_content | |
def generate_html(start_sentence, original_tree): | |
html_output = f"""<div class="custom-container"> | |
<div class="tree"> | |
<ul> <li> <a href='#' id='root'> <span> <b>{start_sentence}</b> </span> {original_tree.table} </a>""" | |
html_output += "<ul> " | |
for subnode in original_tree.children.values(): | |
html_output += generate_nodes(subnode, step=1) | |
html_output += "</ul>" | |
html_output += """ | |
</li> </ul> | |
</div> | |
</body> | |
""" | |
return html_output | |
import pandas as pd | |
from typing import Dict | |
from dataclasses import dataclass | |
class BeamNode: | |
current_token_ix: int | |
cumulative_score: float | |
children_score_divider: float | |
table: str | |
current_sequence: str | |
children: Dict[int, "BeamNode"] | |
total_score: float | |
is_final: bool | |
is_selected_sequence: bool | |
def generate_beams(start_sentence, scores, length_penalty, decoded_sequences, beam_indexes_source): | |
input_length = len(tokenizer([start_sentence], return_tensors="pt")) | |
original_tree = BeamNode( | |
cumulative_score=0, | |
current_token_ix=None, | |
table=None, | |
current_sequence=start_sentence, | |
children={}, | |
children_score_divider=((input_length + 1) ** length_penalty), | |
total_score=None, | |
is_final=False, | |
is_selected_sequence=False, | |
) | |
n_beams = len(scores[0]) | |
beam_trees = [original_tree] * n_beams | |
for step, step_scores in enumerate(scores): | |
# Gather all possible descendants for each beam | |
( | |
top_token_indexes, | |
top_cumulative_scores, | |
beam_indexes, | |
current_sequence, | |
top_tokens, | |
) = ([], [], [], [], []) | |
for beam_ix in range(n_beams): | |
current_beam = beam_trees[beam_ix] | |
# skip if the beam is already final | |
if current_beam.is_final: | |
continue | |
# Get top cumulative scores for the current beam | |
current_top_token_indexes = list( | |
np.array(scores[step][beam_ix].argsort()[-n_beams:])[::-1] | |
) | |
top_token_indexes += current_top_token_indexes | |
top_cumulative_scores += list( | |
np.array(scores[step][beam_ix][current_top_token_indexes]) | |
+ current_beam.cumulative_score | |
) | |
beam_indexes += [beam_ix] * n_beams | |
current_sequence += [beam_trees[beam_ix].current_sequence] * n_beams | |
top_tokens += [tokenizer.decode([el]) for el in current_top_token_indexes] | |
top_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( | |
{ | |
"token_index": top_token_indexes, | |
"cumulative_score": top_cumulative_scores, | |
"beam_index": beam_indexes, | |
"current_sequence": current_sequence, | |
"token": top_tokens, | |
} | |
) | |
maxes = top_df.groupby(["token_index", "current_sequence"])[ | |
"cumulative_score" | |
].idxmax() | |
top_df = top_df.loc[maxes] | |
# Sort all top probabilities and keep top n_beams | |
top_df_selected = top_df.sort_values("cumulative_score", ascending=False).iloc[ | |
:n_beams | |
] | |
if any(["you enjoyed" in el for el in top_df["current_sequence"]]): | |
print("Displaying debug info:::") | |
display(top_df_selected) | |
# Write the scores table - one per beam source | |
for beam_ix in reversed(list(range(n_beams))): | |
current_beam = beam_trees[beam_ix] | |
if current_beam.table is None: | |
selected_tokens = top_df_selected.loc[ | |
top_df_selected["current_sequence"] == current_beam.current_sequence | |
] | |
markdown_table = generate_markdown_table( | |
step_scores[beam_ix, :], | |
current_beam.cumulative_score, | |
current_beam.children_score_divider, | |
chosen_tokens=list(selected_tokens["token"].values), | |
) | |
beam_trees[beam_ix].table = markdown_table | |
# Add new children to each beam | |
cumulative_scores = [beam.cumulative_score for beam in beam_trees] | |
for _, row in top_df_selected.iterrows(): | |
# Update the source tree | |
source_beam_ix = int(row["beam_index"]) | |
current_token_choice_ix = row["token_index"] | |
current_token_choice = tokenizer.decode([current_token_choice_ix]) | |
cumulative_score = ( | |
cumulative_scores[source_beam_ix] | |
+ scores[step][source_beam_ix][current_token_choice_ix].numpy() | |
) | |
current_sequence = ( | |
beam_trees[source_beam_ix].current_sequence + current_token_choice | |
) | |
if current_token_choice_ix == 340: | |
print("Found info:") | |
print(f"We generate token '{current_token_choice}', and the total sequence is '{current_sequence}'") | |
beam_trees[source_beam_ix].children[current_token_choice_ix] = BeamNode( | |
current_token_ix=current_token_choice_ix, | |
table=None, | |
children={}, | |
current_sequence=current_sequence, | |
cumulative_score=cumulative_score, | |
total_score=cumulative_score | |
/ ((input_length + step - 1) ** length_penalty), | |
children_score_divider=((input_length + step) ** length_penalty), | |
is_final=( | |
step == len(scores) - 1 | |
or current_token_choice_ix == tokenizer.eos_token_id | |
), | |
is_selected_sequence=( | |
current_sequence.replace("<|endoftext|>", "") | |
in [el.replace("<|endoftext|>", "") for el in decoded_sequences] | |
), | |
) | |
# Swap all beams by descending cumul score, so that n°1 has the highest cumulative score, and so on | |
beam_trees = [ | |
beam_trees[int(top_df_selected.iloc[beam_ix]["beam_index"])] | |
for beam_ix in range(n_beams) | |
] | |
# Advance all beams by one token | |
for beam_ix in range(n_beams): | |
current_token_choice_ix = top_df_selected.iloc[beam_ix]["token_index"] | |
beam_trees[beam_ix] = beam_trees[beam_ix].children[current_token_choice_ix] | |
return original_tree | |
def get_beam_search_html( | |
input_text, number_steps, number_beams, length_penalty, num_return_sequences | |
): | |
inputs = tokenizer([input_text], return_tensors="pt") | |
outputs = model.generate( | |
**inputs, | |
max_new_tokens=number_steps, | |
num_beams=number_beams, | |
num_return_sequences=num_return_sequences, | |
return_dict_in_generate=True, | |
length_penalty=length_penalty, | |
output_scores=True, | |
do_sample=False, | |
) | |
markdown = "The conclusive sequences are the ones that end in an `<|endoftext|>` token or at the end of generation." | |
markdown += "\n\nThey are ranked by their scores, as given by the formula `score = cumulative_score / (output_length ** length_penalty)`.\n\n" | |
markdown += "Only the top `num_beams` scoring sequences are returned: in the tree they are highlighted in **<span style='color:var(--secondary-500)!important'>blue</span>**." | |
markdown += " The non-selected sequences are also shown in the tree, highlighted in **<span style='color:var(--primary-500)!important'>yellow</span>**." | |
markdown += "\n#### <span style='color:var(--secondary-500)!important'>Output sequences:</span>" | |
# Sequences are padded anyway so you can batch decode them | |
decoded_sequences = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs.sequences) | |
for i, sequence in enumerate(decoded_sequences): | |
markdown += f"\n- Score `{outputs.sequences_scores[i]:.2f}`: `{clean(sequence.replace('<s> ', ''))}`" | |
original_tree = generate_beams( | |
input_text, | |
outputs.scores[:], | |
length_penalty, | |
decoded_sequences, | |
outputs.beam_indices, | |
) | |
html = generate_html(input_text, original_tree) | |
return html, markdown | |
def change_num_return_sequences(n_beams): | |
return gr.Slider( | |
label="Number of sequences", minimum=1, maximum=n_beams, step=1, value=n_beams | |
) | |
with gr.Blocks( | |
theme=gr.themes.Soft( | |
primary_hue=gr.themes.colors.yellow, | |, | |
), | |
css=STYLE, | |
) as demo: | |
gr.Markdown( | |
"""# <span style='color:var(--primary-500)!important'>Beam Search Visualizer</span> | |
Play with the parameters below to understand how beam search decoding works! | |
#### <span style='color:var(--primary-500)!important'>Parameters:</span> | |
- **Sentence to decode from** (`inputs`): the input sequence to your decoder. | |
- **Number of steps** (`max_new_tokens`): the number of tokens to generate. | |
- **Number of beams** (`num_beams`): the number of beams to use. | |
- **Length penalty** (`length_penalty`): the length penalty to apply to outputs. `length_penalty` > 0.0 promotes longer sequences, while `length_penalty` < 0.0 encourages shorter sequences. | |
This parameter will not impact the beam search paths, but only influence the choice of sequences in the end towards longer or shorter sequences. | |
- **Number of return sequences** (`num_return_sequences`): the number of sequences to be returned at the end of generation. Should be `<= num_beams`. | |
""" | |
) | |
text = gr.Textbox( | |
label="Sentence to decode from", | |
value="Conclusion: thanks a lot. That's all for today", | |
) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
n_steps = gr.Slider( | |
label="Number of steps", minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=4 | |
) | |
n_beams = gr.Slider( | |
label="Number of beams", minimum=2, maximum=4, step=1, value=3 | |
) | |
length_penalty = gr.Slider( | |
label="Length penalty", minimum=-3, maximum=3, step=0.5, value=1 | |
) | |
num_return_sequences = gr.Slider( | |
label="Number of return sequences", minimum=1, maximum=3, step=1, value=2 | |
) | |
n_beams.change( | |
fn=change_num_return_sequences, inputs=n_beams, outputs=num_return_sequences | |
) | |
button = gr.Button() | |
out_html = gr.Markdown() | |
out_markdown = gr.Markdown() | | | |
get_beam_search_html, | |
inputs=[text, n_steps, n_beams, length_penalty, num_return_sequences], | |
outputs=[out_html, out_markdown], | |
) | |
demo.launch() |