CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
import os | |
import tqdm | |
import time | |
import glob | |
import wandb | |
from traceback import print_exc | |
import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import bittensor as bt | |
import as px | |
# TODO: Store the runs dataframe (as in sn1 dashboard) and top up with the ones created since the last snapshot | |
# TODO: Store relevant wandb data in a database for faster access | |
MIN_STEPS = 10 # minimum number of steps in wandb run in order to be worth analyzing | |
NETUID = 1 | |
BASE_PATH = "macrocosmos/prompting-validators" | |
NETWORK = "finney" | |
KEYS = [ | |
"_step", | |
"_timestamp", | |
"task", | |
"query", | |
"reference", | |
"challenge", | |
"topic", | |
"subtopic", | |
] | |
ENTITY_CHOICES = ("identity", "hotkey", "coldkey") | |
LOCAL_WANDB_PATH = "./data/wandb" | |
USERNAME = "taostats" | |
# Initialize wandb with anonymous login | |
wandb.login(anonymous="must") | |
api = wandb.Api(timeout=600) | |
"5F4tQyWrhfGVcNhoqeiNsR6KjD4wMZ2kfhLj4oHYuyHbZAc3": "opentensor", | |
"5Hddm3iBFD2GLT5ik7LZnT3XJUnRnN8PoeCFgGQgawUVKNm8": "taostats", | |
"5HEo565WAy4Dbq3Sv271SAi7syBSofyfhhwRNjFNSM2gP9M2": "foundry", | |
"5HK5tp6t2S59DywmHRWPBVJeJ86T61KjurYqeooqj8sREpeN": "bittensor-guru", | |
"5FFApaS75bv5pJHfAp2FVLBj9ZaXuFDjEypsaBNc1wCfe52v": "roundtable-21", | |
"5EhvL1FVkQPpMjZX4MAADcW42i3xPSF1KiCpuaxTYVr28sux": "tao-validator", | |
"5FKstHjZkh4v3qAMSBa1oJcHCLjxYZ8SNTSz1opTv4hR7gVB": "datura", | |
"5DvTpiniW9s3APmHRYn8FroUWyfnLtrsid5Mtn5EwMXHN2ed": "first-tensor", | |
"5HbLYXUBy1snPR8nfioQ7GoA9x76EELzEq9j7F32vWUQHm1x": "tensorplex", | |
"5CsvRJXuR955WojnGMdok1hbhffZyB4N5ocrv82f3p5A2zVp": "owl-ventures", | |
"5CXRfP2ekFhe62r7q3vppRajJmGhTi7vwvb2yr79jveZ282w": "rizzo", | |
"5HNQURvmjjYhTSksi8Wfsw676b4owGwfLR2BFAQzG7H3HhYf": "neural-internet", | |
} | |
"state": lambda x: x.state, | |
"run_id": lambda x:, | |
"run_path": lambda x: os.path.join(BASE_PATH,, | |
"user": lambda x:[:16], | |
"username": lambda x: x.user.username[:16], | |
"created_at": lambda x: pd.Timestamp(x.created_at), | |
"last_event_at": lambda x: pd.Timestamp(x.summary.get("_timestamp"), unit="s"), | |
# 'netuid': lambda x: x.config.get('netuid'), | |
# 'mock': lambda x: x.config.get('neuron').get('mock'), | |
# 'sample_size': lambda x: x.config.get('neuron').get('sample_size'), | |
# 'timeout': lambda x: x.config.get('neuron').get('timeout'), | |
# 'epoch_length': lambda x: x.config.get('neuron').get('epoch_length'), | |
# 'disable_set_weights': lambda x: x.config.get('neuron').get('disable_set_weights'), | |
# This stuff is from the last logged event | |
"num_steps": lambda x: x.summary.get("_step"), | |
"runtime": lambda x: x.summary.get("_runtime"), | |
"query": lambda x: x.summary.get("query"), | |
"challenge": lambda x: x.summary.get("challenge"), | |
"reference": lambda x: x.summary.get("reference"), | |
"completions": lambda x: x.summary.get("completions"), | |
"version": lambda x: x.tags[0], | |
"spec_version": lambda x: x.tags[1], | |
"vali_hotkey": lambda x: x.tags[2], | |
# 'tasks_selected': lambda x: x.tags[3:], | |
# System metrics | |
"disk_read": lambda x: x.system_metrics.get(""), | |
"disk_write": lambda x: x.system_metrics.get("system.disk.out"), | |
# Really slow stuff below | |
# 'started_at': lambda x: x.metadata.get('startedAt'), | |
# 'disk_used': lambda x: x.metadata.get('disk').get('/').get('used'), | |
# 'commit': lambda x: x.metadata.get('git').get('commit') | |
} | |
def get_leaderboard(df, ntop=10, entity_choice="identity"): | |
df = df.loc[df.validator_permit == False] | |
df.index = range(df.shape[0]) | |
return df.groupby(entity_choice).I.sum().sort_values().reset_index().tail(ntop) | |
def get_metagraph(time): | |
print(f"Loading metagraph with time {time}") | |
subtensor = bt.subtensor(network=NETWORK) | |
m = subtensor.metagraph(netuid=NETUID) | |
meta_cols = [ | |
"I", | |
"stake", | |
"trust", | |
"validator_trust", | |
"validator_permit", | |
"C", | |
"R", | |
"E", | |
"dividends", | |
"last_update", | |
] | |
df_m = pd.DataFrame({k: getattr(m, k) for k in meta_cols}) | |
df_m["uid"] = range(m.n.item()) | |
df_m["hotkey"] = list(map(lambda a: a.hotkey, m.axons)) | |
df_m["coldkey"] = list(map(lambda a: a.coldkey, m.axons)) | |
df_m["ip"] = list(map(lambda a: a.ip, m.axons)) | |
df_m["port"] = list(map(lambda a: a.port, m.axons)) | |
df_m["coldkey"] = df_m.coldkey.str[:ABBREV_CHARS] | |
df_m["hotkey"] = df_m.hotkey.str[:ABBREV_CHARS] | |
df_m["identity"] = df_m.apply(lambda x: f"{x.hotkey} @ uid {x.uid}", axis=1) | |
return df_m | |
def load_downloaded_runs(time, cols=KEYS): | |
list_cols = ["rewards", "uids"] | |
extra_cols = ["turn"] | |
df_all = pd.DataFrame() | |
progress = st.progress(0, text="Loading downloaded data") | |
paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(LOCAL_WANDB_PATH, "*.parquet")) | |
for i, path in enumerate(paths): | |
run_id = path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] | |
frame = pd.read_parquet(path).dropna(subset=cols) | |
frame._timestamp = frame._timestamp.apply(pd.to_datetime, unit="s") | |
# handle missing extra cols such as turn which depend on the version of the codebase | |
found_extra_cols = [c for c in frame.columns if c in extra_cols] | |
df_long = frame[cols + list_cols + found_extra_cols].explode(list_cols) | |
prog_msg = f"Downloading data {i/len(paths)*100:.0f}%" | |
progress.progress( | |
i / len(paths), text=f"{prog_msg}... **downloading** `{run_id}`" | |
) | |
df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df_long.assign(run_id=run_id)], ignore_index=True) | |
progress.empty() | |
# Ensure we have consistent naming schema for tasks | |
task_mapping = { | |
"date-based question answering": "date_qa", | |
"question-answering": "qa", | |
} | |
df_all["task"] = df_all.task.apply(lambda x: task_mapping.get(x, x)) | |
# Runs which do not have a turn field are imputed to be turn zero (single turn) | |
df_all["turn"] = df_all.turn.fillna(0) | |
df_all.sort_values(by=["_timestamp"], inplace=True) | |
return df_all | |
def build_data(timestamp=None, path=BASE_PATH, min_steps=MIN_STEPS, use_cache=True): | |
save_path = "_saved_runs.csv" | |
filters = {} | |
df = pd.DataFrame() | |
# Load the last saved runs so that we only need to update the new ones | |
if use_cache and os.path.exists(save_path): | |
df = pd.read_csv(save_path) | |
df["created_at"] = pd.to_datetime(df["created_at"]) | |
df["last_event_at"] = pd.to_datetime(df["last_event_at"]) | |
timestamp_str = df["last_event_at"].max().isoformat() | |
filters.update({"updated_at": {"$gte": timestamp_str}}) | |
progress = st.progress(0, text="Loading data") | |
runs = api.runs(path, filters=filters) | |
run_data = [] | |
n_events = 0 | |
for i, run in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(runs, total=len(runs))): | |
num_steps = run.summary.get("_step", 0) | |
if num_steps < min_steps: | |
continue | |
n_events += num_steps | |
prog_msg = ( | |
f"Loading data {i/len(runs)*100:.0f}%, (total {n_events:,.0f} events)" | |
) | |
progress.progress( | |
i / len(runs), | |
text=f"{prog_msg}... **downloading** `{os.path.join(*run.path)}`", | |
) | |
if ( | |
"netuid_1" in run.tags | |
or "netuid_61" in run.tags | |
or "netuid_102" in run.tags | |
): | |
run_data.append(run) | |
progress.empty() | |
df_new = pd.DataFrame( | |
[ | |
{k: func(run) for k, func in EXTRACTORS.items()} | |
for run in tqdm.tqdm(run_data, total=len(run_data)) | |
] | |
) | |
df = pd.concat([df, df_new], ignore_index=True) | |
# Ensure that the timestamps are timezone aware | |
if is None: | |
df.last_event_at = df.last_event_at.dt.tz_localize("UTC") | |
if is None: | |
df.created_at = df.created_at.dt.tz_localize("UTC") | |
df["duration"] = (df.last_event_at - df.created_at).round("s") | |
df["identity"] = df["vali_hotkey"].map(IDENTITIES).fillna("unknown") | |
df["vali_hotkey"] = df["vali_hotkey"].str[:ABBREV_CHARS] | |
# Drop events that are not related to validator queries | |
df.dropna(subset="query", inplace=True) | |
print(df.completions.apply(type).value_counts()) | |
# Assumes completions is in the frame | |
df["completions"] = df["completions"].apply( | |
lambda x: x if isinstance(x, list) else eval(x) | |
) | |
df["completion_words"] = df.completions.apply( | |
lambda x: sum([len(xx.split()) for xx in x]) if isinstance(x, list) else 0 | |
) | |
df["validator_words"] = df.apply( | |
lambda x: len(str(x.query).split()) | |
+ len(str(x.challenge).split()) | |
+ len(str(x.reference).split()), | |
axis=1, | |
) | |
df.to_csv(save_path, index=False) | |
return df | |
def normalize_rewards(df, turn=0, percentile=0.98): | |
top_reward_stats = ( | |
df.loc[df.turn == turn] | |
.astype({"rewards": float}) | |
.groupby("task") | |
.rewards.quantile(percentile) | |
) | |
df["best_reward"] = | |
df["normalized_rewards"] = df["rewards"].astype(float) / df["best_reward"] | |
return df | |
def download_runs(time, df_vali): | |
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(df_vali.index, total=len(df_vali)) | |
progress = st.progress(0, text="Loading data") | |
for i, idx in enumerate(pbar): | |
row = df_vali.loc[idx] | |
prog_msg = f"Downloading data {i/len(df_vali)*100:.0f}%" | |
progress.progress( | |
i / len(df_vali), | |
text=f"{prog_msg}... **downloading** `{os.path.join(*row.run_id)}`", | |
) | |
save_path = f"data/wandb/{row.run_id}.parquet" | |
# Create the directory if it does not exist | |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True) | |
if os.path.exists(save_path): | |
pbar.set_description( | |
f">> Skipping {row.run_id!r} because file {save_path!r} already exists" | |
) | |
continue | |
try: | |
pbar.set_description(f"* Downloading run {row.run_id!r}") | |
run = | |
# By default we just download a subset of events (500 most recent) | |
df = run.history() | |
df.to_parquet(save_path) | |
except KeyboardInterrupt: | |
break | |
except Exception as e: | |
pbar.set_description( | |
f"- Something went wrong with {row.run_id!r}: {print_exc()}\n" | |
) | |
progress.empty() | |
def get_productivity(df_runs): | |
total_duration = df_runs.last_event_at.max() - df_runs.created_at.min() | |
total_steps = df_runs.num_steps.sum() | |
total_completions = (df_runs.num_steps * 100).sum() # TODO: Parse from df | |
total_completion_words = (df_runs.num_steps * df_runs.completion_words).sum() | |
total_completion_tokens = round(total_completion_words / 0.75) | |
total_validator_words = ( | |
df_runs.num_steps | |
* df_runs.apply( | |
lambda x: len(str(x.query).split()) | |
+ len(str(x.challenge).split()) | |
+ len(str(x.reference).split()), | |
axis=1, | |
) | |
).sum() | |
total_validator_tokens = round(total_validator_words / 0.75) | |
total_dataset_tokens = total_completion_tokens + total_validator_tokens | |
return { | |
"duration": total_duration, | |
"total_events": total_steps, | |
"total_completions": total_completions, | |
"total_completion_tokens": total_completion_tokens, | |
"total_validator_tokens": total_validator_tokens, | |
"total_tokens": total_dataset_tokens, | |
} | |
def get_reward_stats( | |
df, | |
exclude_multiturn=True, | |
freq="D", | |
remove_zero_rewards=True, | |
agg="mean", | |
date_min="2024-01-22", | |
date_max="2024-08-12", | |
): # TODO: Set the date_max to the current date | |
df = df.loc[df._timestamp.between(pd.Timestamp(date_min), pd.Timestamp(date_max))] | |
if exclude_multiturn: | |
df = df.loc[df.turn == 0] | |
if remove_zero_rewards: | |
df = df.loc[df.rewards > 0] | |
groups = ["run_id", pd.Grouper(key="_timestamp", freq=freq), "task"] | |
return df.groupby(groups).agg({"rewards": agg, "normalized_rewards": agg}) | |
def get_release_dates(): | |
release_dates = pd.DataFrame( | |
[ | |
{ | |
"version": "1.0.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=1, day=22, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": ["qa", "summarization"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.0.1", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=1, day=22, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.0.2", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=1, day=24, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": ["qa", "summarization"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.0.3", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=2, day=14, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.0.4", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=2, day=15, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.1.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=2, day=21, year=2024), | |
"note": "decay scores", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": ["date_qa", "math"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.1.1", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=2, day=28, year=2024), | |
"note": "reduce penalty weight", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": ["date_qa", "qa", "summarization"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.1.2", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=2, day=29, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.1.3", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=3, day=11, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.2.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=3, day=19, year=2024), | |
"note": "vllm", | |
"model": "zephyr", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "1.3.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=3, day=27, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "solar", | |
"tasks_affected": ["all", "math"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.0.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=4, day=4, year=2024), | |
"note": "streaming", | |
"model": "solar", | |
"tasks_affected": ["math", "qa", "summarization"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.1.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=4, day=18, year=2024), | |
"note": "chattensor prompt", | |
"model": "solar", | |
"tasks_affected": ["generic"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.2.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=5, day=1, year=2024), | |
"note": "multiturn + paraphrase", | |
"model": "solar", | |
"tasks_affected": ["sentiment", "translation", "math"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.3.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=5, day=20, year=2024), | |
"note": "llama + freeform date", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": ["all", "date_qa"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.3.1", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=5, day=21, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": ["date_qa"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.4.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=6, day=5, year=2024), | |
"note": "streaming penalty", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.4.1", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=6, day=6, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.4.2", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=6, day=7, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.4.2", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=6, day=7, year=2024), | |
"note": "", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.5.0", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=6, day=18, year=2024), | |
"note": "reduce multiturn", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": ["translation", "sentiment"], | |
}, | |
{ | |
"version": "2.5.1", | |
"release_date": pd.Timestamp(month=6, day=25, year=2024), | |
"note": "reduce timeout", | |
"model": "llama", | |
"tasks_affected": [], | |
}, | |
] | |
) | |
return release_dates | |
def plot_reward_trends( | |
df_stats, | |
task="qa", | |
window=14, | |
col="normalized_reward", | |
annotate=False, | |
task_label="Question answering", | |
): | |
stats = df_stats.reset_index() | |
release_dates = get_release_dates() | |
stats_task = stats.loc[(stats.task == task)].sort_values(by="_timestamp") | |
stats_task["rewards_ma"] = stats_task[col].rolling(window, min_periods=0).mean() | |
fig = px.area( | |
stats_task, | |
x="_timestamp", | |
y="rewards_ma", | |
title=f"Reward Trend for {task_label} Task", | |
labels={"rewards_ma": f"Rewards [{window} day avg.]", "_timestamp": ""}, | |
width=800, | |
height=600, | |
) | |
if not annotate: | |
return fig | |
# Add annotations based on relevant releases | |
for idx, row in release_dates.iterrows(): | |
line_color = "grey" | |
if task in row["tasks_affected"]: | |
line_color = "red" | |
elif "all" not in row["tasks_affected"]: | |
line_color = "blue" | |
# TODO add annotation or something | |
fig.add_vline( | |
row["release_date"], | |
line_color=line_color, | |
opacity=0.6, | |
line_dash="dot", | |
line_width=1, | |
) # , annotation_text=str(v)) | |
return fig | |
def get_task_counts(df_runs, df_events): | |
# Get mapping from run id to prompting repo version | |
run_to_version = df_runs.set_index("run_id").version.to_dict() | |
df_events["version"] = | |
def version_to_spec(version): | |
major, minor, patch = version.split(".") | |
return 10_000 * major + 100 * minor + patch | |
def get_closest_prev_version(version, my_versions): | |
ref_spec = version_to_spec(version) | |
my_specs = list(map(version_to_spec, my_versions)) | |
match = my_specs[0] | |
for spec in my_specs[1:]: | |
if spec > ref_spec: | |
break | |
match = spec | |
return my_versions[my_specs.index(match)] | |
# Now estimate the distribution of tasks for each version using the event data | |
task_rate = ( | |
df_events.groupby("version") | |
.task.value_counts(normalize=True) | |
.unstack() | |
.fillna(0) | |
) | |
# Impute missing versions | |
for v in sorted(df_runs.version.unique()): | |
if v not in task_rate.index: | |
prev_version = get_closest_prev_version(v, list(task_rate.index)) | |
print( | |
f"Imputing version {v} with task rate from closes previous version {prev_version!r}" | |
) | |
task_rate.loc[v] = task_rate.loc[prev_version] | |
# get esimated number of each task generated in every run using summary dataframe | |
task_counts = ( | |
df_runs.set_index("created_at") | |
.sort_index() | |
.apply(lambda x: round(task_rate.loc[x.version] * x.num_steps), axis=1) | |
.cumsum() | |
) | |
return task_counts | |
def load_state_vars(username=USERNAME, percentile=0.95): | |
df_runs = build_data(time.time() // UPDATE_INTERVAL, use_cache=False) | |
# df_runs = df_runs.loc[df_runs.netuid.isin([1,61,102])] # Now we filter for the netuid tag in build_data | |
st.toast(f"Loaded {len(df_runs)} runs") | |
df_vali = df_runs.loc[df_runs.username == username] | |
# df_vali = df_runs | |
download_runs(time.time() // UPDATE_INTERVAL, df_vali) | |
df_events = load_downloaded_runs(time.time() // UPDATE_INTERVAL) | |
df_events = normalize_rewards(df_events, percentile=percentile) | |
yesterday ="UTC") - pd.Timedelta("1d") | |
runs_alive_24h_ago = df_runs.last_event_at > yesterday | |
df_runs_24h = df_runs.loc[runs_alive_24h_ago] | |
# weight factor indicates the fraction of events that happened within the last 24 hour. | |
fraction = 1 - (yesterday - df_runs_24h.created_at) / ( | |"UTC") - df_runs_24h.created_at | |
) | |
df_runs_24h["fraction"] = fraction.clip(0, 1) | |
df_runs_24h["num_steps"] *= fraction.clip(0, 1) | |
df_task_counts = get_task_counts(df_runs, df_events) | |
df_m = get_metagraph(time.time() // UPDATE_INTERVAL) | |
return { | |
"df_runs": df_runs, | |
"df_runs_24h": df_runs_24h, | |
"df_vali": df_vali, | |
"df_events": df_events, | |
"metagraph": df_m, | |
"df_task_counts": df_task_counts, | |
} | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
pass | |