import time import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import as px import utils _ = """ [x] Define KPIs: Number of steps, number of completions and total generated tokens [x] Data pipeline I: pull run summary data from wandb [x] Data pipeline II: pull run event data from wandb (max 500 steps per run) [x] Task trends: Number of tasks over time [x] Reward trends I: average reward over time, by task [x] Reward trends II: average nonzero reward over time, by task [x] Reward trends III: average nonzero normalized reward over time, by task [x] Explain trends: show release dates to indicate sudden changes [ ] Miner trends: associate uids with miner rankings and plot top miner rewards vs network avg [ ] Baseline rewards I: compare the network trends with baseline model gpt-3.5-turbo [ ] Baseline rewards II: compare the network trends with baseline model gpt-4o [ ] Baseline rewards III: compare the network trends with baseline model zephyr [ ] Baseline rewards IV: compare the network trends with baseline model solar [ ] Baseline rewards V: compare the network trends with baseline model llama3 8B [ ] Baseline rewards VI: compare the network trends with baseline model llama3 70B --------- """ st.title('Prompting Subnet Dashboard') st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True) # reload data periodically state_vars = utils.load_state_vars() df_runs = state_vars['df_runs'] df_runs_24h = state_vars['df_runs_24h'] df_vali = state_vars['df_vali'] df_events = state_vars['df_events'] df_task_counts = state_vars['df_task_counts'] df_m = state_vars['metagraph'] st.toast(f'Loaded {len(df_runs)} runs') #### ------ PRODUCTIVITY ------ # Overview of productivity st.subheader('Productivity overview')'Productivity metrics show how much data has been created by subnet 1') productivity = utils.get_productivity(df_runs) productivity_24h = utils.get_productivity(df_runs_24h) m1, m2, m3, m4 = st.columns(4) m1.metric('Competition duration', f'{productivity.get("duration").days} days') m2.metric('Total events', f'{productivity.get("total_events")/1e6:,.2f}M', delta=f'{productivity_24h.get("total_events")/1e6:,.2f}M (24h)') m3.metric('Total completions', f'{productivity.get("total_completions")/1e9:,.2f}B', delta=f'{productivity_24h.get("total_completions")/1e9:,.2f}B (24h)') m4.metric('Total dataset tokens', f'{productivity.get("total_tokens")/1e9:,.2f}B', delta=f'{productivity_24h.get("total_tokens")/1e9:,.2f}B (24h)') st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.plotly_chart( px.area(df_task_counts, y=df_task_counts.columns, title='Data Created by Task', labels={'created_at':'','value':'Total data created'}, ), use_container_width=True, ) st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Overview of productivity st.subheader('Improvement overview')'Subnet 1 is an endlessly improving system, where miners compete to produce high quality responses to a range of challenging tasks') TASK_CHOICES = { 'Question answering': 'qa', 'Summarization': 'summarization', 'Date-based question answering': 'date_qa', 'Math': 'math', 'Generic instruction': 'generic', 'Sentiment analysis': 'sentiment', 'Translation': 'translation', } with st.expander('Advanced settings'): c1, c2 = st.columns(2) remove_zero_rewards = c1.checkbox('Exclude zero rewards', value=True, help='Remove completions which scored zero rewards (failed responses, timeouts etc.)') normalize_rewards = c1.checkbox('Normalize rewards', value=True, help='Scale rewards for each task to a maximium value of 1 (approx)') show_releases = c1.checkbox('Show releases', value=False, help='Add annotations which indicate when major releases may have impacted network performance') moving_avg_window = c2.slider('Moving avg. window', min_value=1, max_value=30, value=14, help='Window size to smooth data and make long term trends clearer') reward_col = 'normalized_rewards' if normalize_rewards else 'rewards' df_stats = utils.get_reward_stats(df_events, exclude_multiturn=True, freq='1D', remove_zero_rewards=remove_zero_rewards) task_choice_label ='Select task', list(TASK_CHOICES.keys()), index=0, horizontal=True) task_choice = TASK_CHOICES[task_choice_label] st.plotly_chart( # add fillgradient to make it easier to see the trend utils.plot_reward_trends(df_stats, task=task_choice, window=moving_avg_window, col=reward_col, annotate=show_releases, task_label=task_choice_label), use_container_width=True, ) st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True) #### ------ LEADERBOARD ------ st.subheader('Leaderboard')'The leaderboard shows the top miners by incentive.') m1, m2 = st.columns(2) ntop = m1.slider('Number of top miners to display', value=10, min_value=3, max_value=50, step=1) entity_choice ='Select entity', utils.ENTITY_CHOICES, index=0, horizontal=True) df_miners = utils.get_leaderboard(df_m, ntop=ntop, entity_choice=entity_choice) # hide colorbar and don't show y axis st.plotly_chart(, x='I', color='I', hover_name=entity_choice, text=entity_choice if ntop < 20 else None, labels={'I':'Incentive', 'trust':'Trust', 'stake':'Stake', '_index':'Rank'}, ).update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False, yaxis_visible=False), use_container_width=True, ) with st.expander('Show raw metagraph data'): st.dataframe(df_m) st.markdown('<br>', unsafe_allow_html=True) #### ------ LOGGED RUNS ------ st.subheader('Logged runs') #'The timeline shows the creation and last event time of each run.') # st.plotly_chart( # px.timeline(df_runs, x_start='created_at', x_end='last_event_at', y='user', color='state', # labels={'created_at':'Created at', 'last_event_at':'Last event at', 'username':''}, # ), # use_container_width=True # ) df_runs['spec_version'] = df_runs['spec_version'].astype('int64') with st.expander('Show raw run data'): st.dataframe(df_runs)