FROM LABEL name="OpenVINO(TM) Notebooks" \ maintainer="" \ vendor="Intel Corporation" \ version="0.2.0" \ release="2021.4" \ summary="OpenVINO(TM) Developer Tools and Jupyter Notebooks" \ description="OpenVINO(TM) Notebooks Container" ENV JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB="true" \ ENABLE_MICROPIPENV="1" \ UPGRADE_PIP_TO_LATEST="1" \ WEB_CONCURRENCY="1" \ THOTH_ADVISE="0" \ THOTH_ERROR_FALLBACK="1" \ THOTH_DRY_RUN="1" \ THAMOS_DEBUG="0" \ THAMOS_VERBOSE="1" \ THOTH_PROVENANCE_CHECK="0" USER root # Upgrade NodeJS > 12.0 # Install dos2unix for line end conversion on Windows RUN dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager remove -y nodejs && \ dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager module -y reset nodejs && \ dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager module -y enable nodejs:20 && \ dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager install -y nodejs mesa-libGL dos2unix libsndfile python38-tkinter && \ dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager -y update-minimal --security --sec-severity=Important --sec-severity=Critical --sec-severity=Moderate # GPU drivers RUN dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)' && \ dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager config-manager --add-repo RUN rpm -ivh && \ dnf --disableplugin=subscription-manager install --refresh -y \ intel-opencl intel-media intel-mediasdk libmfxgen1 libvpl2 \ level-zero intel-level-zero-gpu \ intel-metrics-library intel-igc-core intel-igc-cm \ libva libva-utils intel-gmmlib && \ rpm -ivh && \ rpm -ivh # Copying in override assemble/run scripts COPY .docker/.s2i/bin /tmp/scripts # Copying in source code COPY .docker /tmp/src COPY .ci/ /tmp/scripts COPY .ci/ /tmp/scripts COPY .ci/ignore_treon_docker.txt /tmp/scripts # workaround for coping file if it does not exists COPY .ci/test_notebooks.* /tmp/scripts # Git on Windows may convert line endings. Run dos2unix to enable # building the image when the scripts have CRLF line endings. RUN dos2unix /tmp/scripts/* RUN dos2unix /tmp/src/builder/* # Change file ownership to the assemble user. Builder image must support chown command. RUN chown -R 1001:0 /tmp/scripts /tmp/src USER 1001 RUN mkdir /opt/app-root/notebooks COPY notebooks/ /opt/app-root/notebooks RUN /tmp/scripts/assemble RUN pip check USER root RUN dos2unix /opt/app-root/bin/*sh RUN yum remove -y dos2unix RUN chown -R 1001:0 . RUN chown -R 1001:0 /opt/app-root/notebooks USER 1001 # RUN jupyter lab build CMD /tmp/scripts/run