"""DepthwiseConv2dSubsampling4 and TimeReductionLayer definition.""" |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from modules.wenet_extractor.transformer.subsampling import BaseSubsampling |
from typing import Tuple |
from modules.wenet_extractor.squeezeformer.conv2d import Conv2dValid |
class DepthwiseConv2dSubsampling4(BaseSubsampling): |
"""Depthwise Convolutional 2D subsampling (to 1/4 length). |
Args: |
idim (int): Input dimension. |
odim (int): Output dimension. |
pos_enc_class (nn.Module): position encoding class. |
dw_stride (int): Whether do depthwise convolution. |
input_size (int): filter bank dimension. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
idim: int, |
odim: int, |
pos_enc_class: torch.nn.Module, |
dw_stride: bool = False, |
input_size: int = 80, |
input_dropout_rate: float = 0.1, |
init_weights: bool = True, |
): |
super(DepthwiseConv2dSubsampling4, self).__init__() |
self.idim = idim |
self.odim = odim |
self.pw_conv = nn.Conv2d( |
in_channels=idim, out_channels=odim, kernel_size=3, stride=2 |
) |
self.act1 = nn.ReLU() |
self.dw_conv = nn.Conv2d( |
in_channels=odim, |
out_channels=odim, |
kernel_size=3, |
stride=2, |
groups=odim if dw_stride else 1, |
) |
self.act2 = nn.ReLU() |
self.pos_enc = pos_enc_class |
self.input_proj = nn.Sequential( |
nn.Linear(odim * (((input_size - 1) // 2 - 1) // 2), odim), |
nn.Dropout(p=input_dropout_rate), |
) |
if init_weights: |
linear_max = (odim * input_size / 4) ** -0.5 |
torch.nn.init.uniform_( |
self.input_proj.state_dict()["0.weight"], -linear_max, linear_max |
) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_( |
self.input_proj.state_dict()["0.bias"], -linear_max, linear_max |
) |
self.subsampling_rate = 4 |
self.right_context = 6 |
def forward( |
self, x: torch.Tensor, x_mask: torch.Tensor, offset: int = 0 |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
x = x.unsqueeze(1) |
x = self.pw_conv(x) |
x = self.act1(x) |
x = self.dw_conv(x) |
x = self.act2(x) |
b, c, t, f = x.size() |
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) |
x = x.contiguous().view(b, t, c * f) |
x, pos_emb = self.pos_enc(x, offset) |
x = self.input_proj(x) |
return x, pos_emb, x_mask[:, :, :-2:2][:, :, :-2:2] |
class TimeReductionLayer1D(nn.Module): |
""" |
Modified NeMo, |
Squeezeformer Time Reduction procedure. |
Downsamples the audio by `stride` in the time dimension. |
Args: |
channel (int): input dimension of |
MultiheadAttentionMechanism and PositionwiseFeedForward |
out_dim (int): Output dimension of the module. |
kernel_size (int): Conv kernel size for |
depthwise convolution in convolution module |
stride (int): Downsampling factor in time dimension. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, channel: int, out_dim: int, kernel_size: int = 5, stride: int = 2 |
): |
super(TimeReductionLayer1D, self).__init__() |
self.channel = channel |
self.out_dim = out_dim |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.stride = stride |
self.padding = max(0, self.kernel_size - self.stride) |
self.dw_conv = nn.Conv1d( |
in_channels=channel, |
out_channels=channel, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
stride=stride, |
padding=self.padding, |
groups=channel, |
) |
self.pw_conv = nn.Conv1d( |
in_channels=channel, |
out_channels=out_dim, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
groups=1, |
) |
self.init_weights() |
def init_weights(self): |
dw_max = self.kernel_size**-0.5 |
pw_max = self.channel**-0.5 |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.dw_conv.weight, -dw_max, dw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.dw_conv.bias, -dw_max, dw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.pw_conv.weight, -pw_max, pw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.pw_conv.bias, -pw_max, pw_max) |
def forward( |
self, |
xs, |
xs_lens: torch.Tensor, |
mask: torch.Tensor = torch.ones((0, 0, 0), dtype=torch.bool), |
mask_pad: torch.Tensor = torch.ones((0, 0, 0), dtype=torch.bool), |
): |
xs = xs.transpose(1, 2) |
xs = xs.masked_fill(mask_pad.eq(0), 0.0) |
xs = self.dw_conv(xs) |
xs = self.pw_conv(xs) |
xs = xs.transpose(1, 2) |
B, T, D = xs.size() |
mask = mask[:, :: self.stride, :: self.stride] |
mask_pad = mask_pad[:, :, :: self.stride] |
L = mask_pad.size(-1) |
if L - T < 0: |
xs = xs[:, : L - T, :].contiguous() |
else: |
dummy_pad = torch.zeros(B, L - T, D, device=xs.device) |
xs = torch.cat([xs, dummy_pad], dim=1) |
xs_lens = torch.div(xs_lens + 1, 2, rounding_mode="trunc") |
return xs, xs_lens, mask, mask_pad |
class TimeReductionLayer2D(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, kernel_size: int = 5, stride: int = 2, encoder_dim: int = 256): |
super(TimeReductionLayer2D, self).__init__() |
self.encoder_dim = encoder_dim |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.dw_conv = Conv2dValid( |
in_channels=encoder_dim, |
out_channels=encoder_dim, |
kernel_size=(kernel_size, 1), |
stride=stride, |
valid_trigy=True, |
) |
self.pw_conv = Conv2dValid( |
in_channels=encoder_dim, |
out_channels=encoder_dim, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
valid_trigx=False, |
valid_trigy=False, |
) |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.stride = stride |
self.init_weights() |
def init_weights(self): |
dw_max = self.kernel_size**-0.5 |
pw_max = self.encoder_dim**-0.5 |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.dw_conv.weight, -dw_max, dw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.dw_conv.bias, -dw_max, dw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.pw_conv.weight, -pw_max, pw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.pw_conv.bias, -pw_max, pw_max) |
def forward( |
self, |
xs: torch.Tensor, |
xs_lens: torch.Tensor, |
mask: torch.Tensor = torch.ones((0, 0, 0), dtype=torch.bool), |
mask_pad: torch.Tensor = torch.ones((0, 0, 0), dtype=torch.bool), |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
xs = xs.masked_fill(mask_pad.transpose(1, 2).eq(0), 0.0) |
xs = xs.unsqueeze(2) |
padding1 = self.kernel_size - self.stride |
xs = F.pad(xs, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, padding1, 0, 0), mode="constant", value=0.0) |
xs = self.dw_conv(xs.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)) |
xs = self.pw_conv(xs).permute(0, 3, 2, 1).squeeze(1).contiguous() |
tmp_length = xs.size(1) |
xs_lens = torch.div(xs_lens + 1, 2, rounding_mode="trunc") |
padding2 = max(0, (xs_lens.max() - tmp_length).data.item()) |
batch_size, hidden = xs.size(0), xs.size(-1) |
dummy_pad = torch.zeros(batch_size, padding2, hidden, device=xs.device) |
xs = torch.cat([xs, dummy_pad], dim=1) |
mask = mask[:, ::2, ::2] |
mask_pad = mask_pad[:, :, ::2] |
return xs, xs_lens, mask, mask_pad |
class TimeReductionLayerStream(nn.Module): |
""" |
Squeezeformer Time Reduction procedure. |
Downsamples the audio by `stride` in the time dimension. |
Args: |
channel (int): input dimension of |
MultiheadAttentionMechanism and PositionwiseFeedForward |
out_dim (int): Output dimension of the module. |
kernel_size (int): Conv kernel size for |
depthwise convolution in convolution module |
stride (int): Downsampling factor in time dimension. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, channel: int, out_dim: int, kernel_size: int = 1, stride: int = 2 |
): |
super(TimeReductionLayerStream, self).__init__() |
self.channel = channel |
self.out_dim = out_dim |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.stride = stride |
self.dw_conv = nn.Conv1d( |
in_channels=channel, |
out_channels=channel, |
kernel_size=kernel_size, |
stride=stride, |
padding=0, |
groups=channel, |
) |
self.pw_conv = nn.Conv1d( |
in_channels=channel, |
out_channels=out_dim, |
kernel_size=1, |
stride=1, |
padding=0, |
groups=1, |
) |
self.init_weights() |
def init_weights(self): |
dw_max = self.kernel_size**-0.5 |
pw_max = self.channel**-0.5 |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.dw_conv.weight, -dw_max, dw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.dw_conv.bias, -dw_max, dw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.pw_conv.weight, -pw_max, pw_max) |
torch.nn.init.uniform_(self.pw_conv.bias, -pw_max, pw_max) |
def forward( |
self, |
xs, |
xs_lens: torch.Tensor, |
mask: torch.Tensor = torch.ones((0, 0, 0), dtype=torch.bool), |
mask_pad: torch.Tensor = torch.ones((0, 0, 0), dtype=torch.bool), |
): |
xs = xs.transpose(1, 2) |
xs = xs.masked_fill(mask_pad.eq(0), 0.0) |
xs = self.dw_conv(xs) |
xs = self.pw_conv(xs) |
xs = xs.transpose(1, 2) |
B, T, D = xs.size() |
mask = mask[:, :: self.stride, :: self.stride] |
mask_pad = mask_pad[:, :, :: self.stride] |
L = mask_pad.size(-1) |
if L - T < 0: |
xs = xs[:, : L - T, :].contiguous() |
else: |
dummy_pad = torch.zeros(B, L - T, D, device=xs.device) |
xs = torch.cat([xs, dummy_pad], dim=1) |
xs_lens = torch.div(xs_lens + 1, 2, rounding_mode="trunc") |
return xs, xs_lens, mask, mask_pad |