import datasets import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import altair as alt st.set_page_config(layout='wide') # parse out gene_ids from URL query args to it's possible to link to this page query_params = st.query_params if "gene_id_1" in query_params.keys(): gene_id_1 = query_params["gene_id_1"] else: gene_id_1 = "CNAG_04365" if "gene_id_2" in query_params.keys(): gene_id_2 = query_params["gene_id_2"] else: gene_id_2 = "CNAG_04222" st.markdown(""" # CryptoCEN Expression Scatter **CryptoCEN** is a co-expression network for *Cryptococcus neoformans* built on 1,524 RNA-seq runs across 34 studies. A pair of genes are said to be co-expressed when their expression is correlated across different conditions and is often a marker for genes to be involved in similar processes. To Cite: MJ O'Meara, JR Rapala, CB Nichols, C Alexandre, B Billmyre, JL Steenwyk, A Alspaugh, TR O'Meara CryptoCEN: A Co-Expression Network for Cryptococcus neoformans reveals novel proteins involved in DNA damage repair * Code available at * Full network and dataset: ## Plot scatter plot expression for a pair of genes across studies. Put in the ``CNAG_#####`` gene_id for two genes. """) h99_transcript_annotations = datasets.load_dataset( path = "maomlab/CryptoCEN", data_files = {"h99_transcript_annotations": "h99_transcript_annotations.tsv"}) h99_transcript_annotations = h99_transcript_annotations["h99_transcript_annotations"].to_pandas() estimated_expression_meta = datasets.load_dataset( path = "maomlab/CryptoCEN", data_files = {"estimated_expression_meta": "Data/estimated_expression_meta.tsv"}) estimated_expression_meta = estimated_expression_meta["estimated_expression_meta"].to_pandas() estimated_expression = datasets.load_dataset( path = "maomlab/CryptoCEN", data_files = {"estimated_expression": "estimated_expression_matrix.parquet"}) estimated_expression = estimated_expression["estimated_expression"].to_pandas() #DEBUG print(f"estimated_expression shape: {estimated_expression.shape}") col1, col2, col3, padding = st.columns(spec = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4]) with col1: gene_id_1 = st.text_input( label = "Gene ID 1", value = f"{gene_id_1}", max_chars = 10, help = "CNAG Gene ID e.g. CNAG_04365") with col2: gene_id_2 = st.text_input( label = "Gene ID 2", value = f"{gene_id_2}", max_chars = 10, help = "CNAG Gene ID e.g. CNAG_04222") # check the user input try: cnag_id_1 = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1]["cnag_id"].values[0] gene_symbol_1 = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1]["gene_symbol"].values[0] description_1 = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1]["description"].values[0] except: st.error(f"Unable to locate cnag_id for Gene ID 1: {gene_id_1}, it should be of the form 'CNAG_######'") try: cnag_id_2 = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2]["cnag_id"].values[0] gene_symbol_2 = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2]["gene_symbol"].values[0] description_2 = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2]["description"].values[0] except: st.error(f"Unable to locate cnag_id for Gene ID 2: {gene_id_2}, it should be of the form 'CNAG_######'") chart_data = pd.DataFrame({ "gene_id_1": gene_id_1, "gene_id_2": gene_id_2, "expression_1": estimated_expression.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1].to_numpy()[0], "expression_2": estimated_expression.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2].to_numpy()[0], "log_expression_1": np.log10(estimated_expression.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_1].to_numpy()[0] + 1), "log_expression_2": np.log10(estimated_expression.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id_2].to_numpy()[0] + 1), "run_accession": estimated_expression.columns}) chart_data = chart_data.merge( right = estimated_expression_meta, on = "run_accession") with col3: st.text('') # help alignment with input box st.download_button( label = "Download data as TSV", data = chart_data.to_csv(sep ='\t').encode('utf-8'), file_name = f"CryptoCEN_expression_{gene_id_1}_vs_{gene_id_2}.tsv", mime = "text/csv") st.markdown(f""" #### Gene 1: * *Gene ID*: [{gene_id_1}]({gene_id_1}) {'* *Gene Symbol*:' + gene_symbol_1 if gene_symbol_1 is not None else ''} * *Description*: {description_1} * *Top [Co-Expressed Partners]({gene_id_1})* #### Gene 2: * *Gene ID*: [{gene_id_2}]({gene_id_2}) {'* *Gene Symbol*:' + gene_symbol_2 if gene_symbol_2 is not None else ''} * *Description*: {description_2} * *Top [Co-Expressed Partners]({gene_id_2})* """) chart = ( alt.Chart( chart_data, width = 750, height = 750) .mark_circle() .encode( x=alt.X("log_expression_1", title=f"Log10[{gene_id_1}+1] Expression"), y=alt.Y("log_expression_2", title=f"Log10[{gene_id_2}+1] Expression"), color=alt.Color("study_accession", title="Study Accession"), tooltip=["run_accession", "study_accession"])) st.altair_chart( chart)