File size: 1,519 Bytes
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title: Openai Gpt4 Vision
emoji: 🔥
colorFrom: yellow
colorTo: indigo
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.1.1
pinned: false
license: mit
# OpenAI GPT-4 With Vision
This repository contains a simple image captioning app that utilizes OpenAI's GPT-4 with the Vision extension. Users can upload images through a Gradio interface, and the app leverages GPT-4 to generate a description of the image content.
## How to Contribute
Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.
1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request
## License
Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information.
## Contact
Mark Anthony Llego - [@markllego](
Project Link: [](
HuggingFace Space: [](
Blog Post: [](
## Acknowledgements
- [OpenAI](
- [Gradio](
- [HuggingFace Spaces]( |