import numpy as np import cv2 import os import io import torch from torch import nn import sys from models.backbones.internvideo2 import pretrain_internvideo2_1b_patch14_224 from models.backbones.bert.builder import build_bert # from models.criterions import get_sim from models.backbones.internvideo2.pos_embed import interpolate_pos_embed_internvideo2_new from models.backbones.bert.tokenization_bert import BertTokenizer def _frame_from_video(video): while video.isOpened(): success, frame = if success: yield frame else: break v_mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape(1,1,3) v_std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape(1,1,3) def normalize(data): return (data/255.0-v_mean)/v_std def frames2tensor(vid_list, fnum=8, target_size=(224, 224), device=torch.device('cuda')): assert(len(vid_list) >= fnum) step = len(vid_list) // fnum vid_list = vid_list[::step][:fnum] vid_list = [cv2.resize(x[:,:,::-1], target_size) for x in vid_list] vid_tube = [np.expand_dims(normalize(x), axis=(0, 1)) for x in vid_list] vid_tube = np.concatenate(vid_tube, axis=1) vid_tube = np.transpose(vid_tube, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3)) vid_tube = torch.from_numpy(vid_tube).to(device, non_blocking=True).float() return vid_tube def get_text_feat_dict(texts, clip, text_feat_d={}): for t in texts: feat = clip.get_txt_feat(t) text_feat_d[t] = feat return text_feat_d def get_vid_feat(frames, vlm): return vlm.get_vid_features(frames) def retrieve_text(frames, texts, model, topk:int=5, config: dict={}, device=torch.device('cuda')): vlm = model vlm = fn = config.get('num_frames', 8) size_t = config.get('size_t', 224) frames_tensor = frames2tensor(frames, fnum=fn, target_size=(size_t, size_t), device=device) vid_feat = vlm.get_vid_features(frames_tensor) print('Video', vid_feat.mean(dim=-1)) text_feat_d = {} text_feat_d = get_text_feat_dict(texts, vlm, text_feat_d) text_feats = [text_feat_d[t] for t in texts] text_feats_tensor =, 0) print('Text', text_feats_tensor.mean(dim=-1)) probs, idxs = vlm.predict_label(vid_feat, text_feats_tensor, top=topk) ret_texts = [texts[i] for i in idxs.long().numpy()[0].tolist()] return ret_texts, probs.float().numpy()[0] def setup_internvideo2(config: dict): if "bert" in tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(config.model.text_encoder.pretrained, local_files_only=True) model = InternVideo2_Stage2(config=config, tokenizer=tokenizer, is_pretrain=True) else: model = InternVideo2_Stage2(config=config, is_pretrain=True) tokenizer = model.tokenizer if config.get('compile_model', False): torch.set_float32_matmul_precision('high') model = torch.compile(model) model = model_without_ddp = model if (config.pretrained_path.strip() and (os.path.isfile(config.pretrained_path)) or "s3://" in config.pretrained_path): checkpoint = torch.load(config.pretrained_path, map_location="cpu") try: if "model" in checkpoint.keys(): state_dict = checkpoint["model"] else: state_dict = checkpoint["module"] # This is a deepspeed stage 1 model except: state_dict = checkpoint # Note: this was a temporary fix due to the bug caused by is_pretrain=False # from collections import OrderedDict # state_dict = OrderedDict({ k.replace('text_encoder.bert', 'text_encoder') : state_dict[k] for k in state_dict}) if config.get('origin_num_frames', None) is not None: a = len(state_dict) interpolate_pos_embed_internvideo2_new(state_dict, model_without_ddp.vision_encoder, orig_t_size=config.origin_num_frames) assert a == len(state_dict), state_dict.keys() msg = model_without_ddp.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) print(f"load_state_dict: {msg}") if config.get('use_bf16', False): model_without_ddp = elif config.get('use_half_precision', False): model_without_ddp = else: model_without_ddp = return (model_without_ddp, tokenizer,) class InternVideo2_Stage2(nn.Module): """docstring for InternVideo2_Stage2""" def __init__(self, config, tokenizer, is_pretrain: bool=True): super(InternVideo2_Stage2, self).__init__() self.config = config self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.is_pretrain = is_pretrain self.vision_width = config.model.vision_encoder.clip_embed_dim self.text_width = config.model.text_encoder.d_model self.embed_dim = config.model.embed_dim # create modules. self.vision_encoder = self.build_vision_encoder() self.freeze_vision() self.text_encoder = self.build_text_encoder() self.freeze_text() self.vision_proj = nn.Linear(self.vision_width, self.embed_dim) self.text_proj = nn.Linear(self.text_width, self.embed_dim) def freeze_vision(self): """freeze vision encoder""" for p in self.vision_encoder.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False def freeze_text(self): """freeze text encoder""" for p in self.text_encoder.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False @property def dtype(self): return self.vision_encoder.patch_embed.proj.weight.dtype def encode_vision(self, image: torch.Tensor, test: bool=False): """encode image / videos as features. Args: image (torch.Tensor): The input images. test (bool): Whether testing. Returns: tuple. - vision_embeds (torch.Tensor): The output features. Shape: [B,N,C]. - pooled_vision_embeds (torch.Tensor): The pooled output features. Shape: [B,1,C]. - student_output (torch.Tensor): The features of alignment. Shape: [K,B,N,C]. - clip_output (torch.Tensor): The features of clip. Shape: [K,B,N,C]. """ T = image.shape[1] use_image = True if T == 1 else False image = image.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).to(self.dtype) # [B,T,C,H,W] -> [B,C,T,H,W] # whether save temporal dimension # keep_temporal=self.config.model.vision_encoder.keep_temporal if test: vision_embeds, pooled_vision_embeds, _, _ = self.vision_encoder( image, None, use_image) return vision_embeds, pooled_vision_embeds else: mask, targets_clip_middle_vis, targets_clip_final_vis = self.encode_teacher(image) # if mask is not None and (self.video_mask_type != 'tube' or self.image_mask_type != 'tube'): # keep_temporal = False # print(f"\033[31mmask is {type(mask)}\033[0m") vision_embeds, pooled_vision_embeds, student_output, student_output_final = self.vision_encoder( image, mask, use_image) return vision_embeds, pooled_vision_embeds, student_output, student_output_final, targets_clip_middle_vis, targets_clip_final_vis def encode_text(self, text: dict): """encode text. Args: text (dict): The output of huggingface's `PreTrainedTokenizer`. contains keys: - input_ids (torch.Tensor): Token ids to be fed to a model. Shape: [B,L]. - attention_mask (torch.Tensor): The mask indicate padded tokens. Shape: [B,L]. 0 is padded token. - other keys refer to "". Returns: tuple. - text_embeds (torch.Tensor): The features of all tokens. Shape: [B,L,C]. - pooled_text_embeds (torch.Tensor): The pooled features. Shape: [B,C]. """ text_output = self.get_text_encoder()( text.input_ids, attention_mask=text.attention_mask, return_dict=True, mode="text", ) text_embeds = text_output.last_hidden_state pooled_text_embeds = text_embeds[:, 0] return text_embeds, pooled_text_embeds def build_vision_encoder(self): """build vision encoder Returns: (vision_encoder, clip_teacher). Each is a `nn.Module`. """ encoder_name = if encoder_name == 'pretrain_internvideo2_1b_patch14_224': vision_encoder = pretrain_internvideo2_1b_patch14_224(self.config.model) else: raise ValueError(f"Not implemented: {encoder_name}") # parameters for mask img_size = self.config.model.vision_encoder.img_size num_frames = self.config.model.vision_encoder.num_frames tublet_size = self.config.model.vision_encoder.tubelet_size patch_size = self.config.model.vision_encoder.patch_size self.clip_img_size = self.config.model.vision_encoder.clip_input_resolution self.video_mask_type = self.config.model.vision_encoder.video_mask_type self.video_window_size = (num_frames // tublet_size, img_size // patch_size, img_size // patch_size) self.video_mask_ratio = self.config.model.vision_encoder.video_mask_ratio self.image_mask_type = self.config.model.vision_encoder.image_mask_type self.image_window_size = (1, img_size // patch_size, img_size // patch_size) self.image_mask_ratio = self.config.model.vision_encoder.image_mask_ratio return vision_encoder def build_text_encoder(self): """build text_encoder and possiblly video-to-text multimodal fusion encoder. Returns: nn.Module. The text encoder """ encoder_name = if "bert" in encoder_name: text_encoder = build_bert( self.config.model, self.is_pretrain, self.config.gradient_checkpointing, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Not implemented: {encoder_name}") return text_encoder def get_text_encoder(self): """get text encoder, used for text and cross-modal encoding""" encoder = self.text_encoder return encoder.bert if hasattr(encoder, "bert") else encoder def get_vid_features(self, frames: torch.Tensor): """get the video features for the given frames. Args: frames (torch.Tensor): The input frames. Shape: [B,T,C,H,W]. Returns: tuple. - vision_embeds (torch.Tensor): The output features. Shape: [B,N,C]. - pooled_vision_embeds (torch.Tensor): The pooled output features. Shape: [B,1,C]. """ with torch.no_grad(): _, vfeat = self.encode_vision(frames, test=True) vfeat = self.vision_proj(vfeat) vfeat /= vfeat.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) return vfeat def get_txt_feat(self, text: str): """get the text features for the given text.""" device = next(self.parameters()).device with torch.no_grad(): text = self.tokenizer( text, padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=self.config.max_txt_l, return_tensors="pt",).to(device) _, tfeat = self.encode_text(text) tfeat = self.text_proj(tfeat) tfeat /= tfeat.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) return tfeat def predict_label(self, vid_feat: torch.Tensor, txt_feat: torch.Tensor, top: int=5): label_probs = (100.0 * vid_feat @ txt_feat.T).softmax(dim=-1) top_probs, top_labels = label_probs.float().cpu().topk(top, dim=-1) return top_probs, top_labels