from PIL import Image from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw from PIL import ImageFont import argparse import numpy as np import os import multiprocessing as mp from tqdm import tqdm char_error = 0 def get_bbox(img): img = 255 - np.array(img) sum_x = np.sum(img, axis=0) sum_y = np.sum(img, axis=1) range_x = np.where(sum_x > 0) width = range_x[0][-1] - range_x[0][0] range_y = np.where(sum_y > 0) height = range_y[0][-1] - range_y[0][0] return width, height def write_glyph_imgs_mp(opts): """Useing multiprocessing to render glyph images""" charset = open(f"{opts.data_path}/char_set/{opts.language}.txt", 'r').read() fonts_file_path = os.path.join(opts.ttf_path, opts.language) sfd_path = os.path.join(opts.sfd_path, opts.language) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(fonts_file_path, opts.split)): ttf_names = files # ttf_names = ['08343.aspx_id=299524532'] ttf_names.sort() font_num = len(ttf_names) charset_lenw = len(str(len(charset))) process_nums = mp.cpu_count() - 1 font_num_per_process = font_num // process_nums + 1 def process(process_id, font_num_p_process): for i in tqdm(range(process_id * font_num_p_process, (process_id + 1) * font_num_p_process)): if i >= font_num: break fontname = ttf_names[i].split('.')[0] # print(fontname) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(sfd_path, opts.split, fontname)): continue ttf_file_path = os.path.join(fonts_file_path, opts.split, ttf_names[i]) try: font = ImageFont.truetype(ttf_file_path, int(opts.img_size*opts.FONT_SIZE), encoding="unic") except: print('cant open ' + fontname) continue fontimgs_array = np.zeros((len(charset), opts.img_size, opts.img_size), np.uint8) fontimgs_array[:, :, :] = 255 flag_success = True for charid in range(len(charset)): # read the meta file txt_fpath = os.path.join(sfd_path, opts.split, fontname, fontname + '_' + '{num:0{width}}'.format(num=charid, width=charset_lenw) + '.txt') try: txt_lines = open(txt_fpath,'r').read().split('\n') except: print('cannot read text file') flag_success = False break if len(txt_lines) < 5: flag_success = False break # should be empty file # the offsets are calculated according to the rules in data_utils/ vbox_w = float(txt_lines[1]) vbox_h = float(txt_lines[2]) norm = max(int(vbox_w), int(vbox_h)) if int(vbox_h) > int(vbox_w): add_to_y = 0 add_to_x = abs(int(vbox_h) - int(vbox_w)) / 2 add_to_x = add_to_x * (float(opts.img_size) / norm) else: add_to_y = abs(int(vbox_h) - int(vbox_w)) / 2 add_to_y = add_to_y * (float(opts.img_size) / norm) add_to_x = 0 char = charset[charid] array = np.ndarray((opts.img_size, opts.img_size), np.uint8) array[:, :] = 255 image = Image.fromarray(array) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) try: font_width, font_height = font.getsize(char) except Exception as e: print('cant calculate height and width ' + "%04d"%i + '_' + '{num:0{width}}'.format(num=charid, width=charset_lenw)) flag_success = False break try: ascent, descent = font.getmetrics() except: print('cannot get ascent, descent') flag_success = False break draw_pos_x = add_to_x #if opts.language == 'eng': thai_characters_long = ["ญ","ฎ","ฏ","ฐ"] if char in thai_characters_long: draw_pos_y = add_to_y + opts.img_size - ascent - descent - int((opts.img_size / 24.0) * (10.0 / 3.0)) else: draw_pos_y = add_to_y + opts.img_size - ascent - int((opts.img_size / 24.0) * (10.0 / 3.0)) #else: # draw_pos_y = add_to_y + opts.img_size - ascent - int((opts.img_size / 24.0) * (10.0 / 3.0)) draw.text((draw_pos_x, draw_pos_y), char, (0), font=font) if opts.debug:, opts.split, fontname, str(charid) + '_' + str(opts.img_size) + '.png')) try: char_w, char_h = get_bbox(image) # print(charid, char_w, char_h) except Exception as e: print("cannot get bbox") print(e) flag_success = False break # Detect large font problem = [] if font_width > 59: problem.append("width") if font_height > 93: problem.append("height") if problem: print(problem,fontname, charid, font_width, font_height, char_w, char_h) flag_success = False break # Detect Small Font if (char_w < opts.img_size * 0.15) and (char_h < opts.img_size * 0.15): flag_success = False break fontimgs_array[charid] = np.array(image) if flag_success:, opts.split, fontname, 'imgs_' + str(opts.img_size) + '.npy'), fontimgs_array) else: global char_error # Count char flag not success char_error += 1 print("flag on", fontname, charid, 'imgs_' + str(opts.img_size) + '.npy', " Not Succeed") processes = [mp.Process(target=process, args=(pid, font_num_per_process)) for pid in range(process_nums)] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Write glyph images") parser.add_argument("--language", type=str, default='eng', choices=['eng', 'chn', 'tha']) parser.add_argument("--data_path", type=str, default='./Font_Dataset', help="Path to Dataset") parser.add_argument("--ttf_path", type=str, default='../data/font_ttfs') parser.add_argument('--sfd_path', type=str, default='../data/font_sfds') parser.add_argument('--img_size', type=int, default=64) parser.add_argument('--split', type=str, default='train') parser.add_argument('--FONT_SIZE', type=float, default=1) parser.add_argument('--debug', type=bool, default=False) opts = parser.parse_args() write_glyph_imgs_mp(opts) if __name__ == "__main__": main()