from models.image_encoder import ImageEncoder from models.image_decoder import ImageDecoder from models.modality_fusion import ModalityFusion from models.vgg_perceptual_loss import VGGPerceptualLoss from models.transformers import * from torch.autograd import Variable device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class ModelMain(nn.Module): def __init__(self, opts, mode='train'): super().__init__() self.opts = opts self.img_encoder = ImageEncoder(img_size=opts.img_size, input_nc=opts.ref_nshot, ngf=opts.ngf, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm) self.img_decoder = ImageDecoder(img_size=opts.img_size, input_nc=opts.bottleneck_bits + opts.char_num, output_nc=1, ngf=opts.ngf, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm) self.vggptlossfunc = VGGPerceptualLoss() self.modality_fusion = ModalityFusion(img_size=opts.img_size, ref_nshot=opts.ref_nshot, bottleneck_bits=opts.bottleneck_bits, ngf=opts.ngf, mode=opts.mode) self.transformer_main = Transformer( input_channels = 1, input_axis = 2, # number of axis for input data (2 for images, 3 for video) num_freq_bands = 6, # number of freq bands, with original value (2 * K + 1) max_freq = 10., # maximum frequency, hyperparameter depending on how fine the data is depth = 6, # depth of net. The shape of the final attention mechanism will be: # depth * (cross attention -> self_per_cross_attn * self attention) num_latents = 256, # number of latents, or induced set points, or centroids. different papers giving it different names latent_dim = opts.dim_seq_latent, # latent dimension cross_heads = 1, # number of heads for cross attention. paper said 1 latent_heads = 8, # number of heads for latent self attention, 8 cross_dim_head = 64, # number of dimensions per cross attention head latent_dim_head = 64, # number of dimensions per latent self attention head num_classes = 1000, # output number of classes attn_dropout = 0., ff_dropout = 0., weight_tie_layers = False, # whether to weight tie layers (optional, as indicated in the diagram) fourier_encode_data = True, # whether to auto-fourier encode the data, using the input_axis given. defaults to True, but can be turned off if you are fourier encoding the data yourself self_per_cross_attn = 2 # number of self attention blocks per cross attention ) self.transformer_seqdec = Transformer_decoder() def forward(self, data, mode='train'): imgs, seqs, scalars = self.fetch_data(data, mode) ref_img, trg_img = imgs ref_seq, ref_seq_cat, ref_pad_mask, trg_seq, trg_seq_gt, trg_seq_shifted, trg_pts_aux = seqs trg_char_onehot, trg_cls, trg_seqlen = scalars # image encoding img_encoder_out = self.img_encoder(ref_img) img_feat = img_encoder_out['img_feat'] # bs, ngf * (2 ** 6) # seq encoding ref_img_ = ref_img.view(ref_img.size(0) * ref_img.size(1), ref_img.size(2), ref_img.size(3)).unsqueeze(-1) # [max_seq_len, n_bs * n_ref, 9] seq_feat, _ = self.transformer_main(ref_img_, ref_seq_cat, mask=ref_pad_mask) # [n_bs * n_ref, max_seq_len + 1, 9] # modality funsion mf_output, latent_feat_seq = self.modality_fusion(seq_feat, img_feat, ref_pad_mask=ref_pad_mask) latent_feat_seq = self.transformer_main.att_residual(latent_feat_seq) # [n_bs, max_seq_len + 1, bottleneck_bits] z = mf_output['latent'] kl_loss = mf_output['kl_loss'] # image decoding img_decoder_out = self.img_decoder(z, trg_char_onehot, trg_img) ret_dict = {} loss_dict = {} ret_dict['img'] = {} ret_dict['img']['out'] = img_decoder_out['gen_imgs'] ret_dict['img']['ref'] = ref_img ret_dict['img']['trg'] = trg_img if mode in {'train', 'val'}: # seq decoding (training or val mode) tgt_mask = Variable(subsequent_mask(self.opts.max_seq_len).type_as(, -1, -1, -1).to(device).float() command_logits, args_logits, attn = self.transformer_seqdec(x=trg_seq_shifted, memory=latent_feat_seq, trg_char=trg_cls, tgt_mask=tgt_mask) command_logits_2, args_logits_2 = self.transformer_seqdec.parallel_decoder(command_logits, args_logits, memory=latent_feat_seq.detach(), trg_char=trg_cls) total_loss = self.transformer_main.loss(command_logits, args_logits,trg_seq, trg_seqlen, trg_pts_aux) total_loss_parallel = self.transformer_main.loss(command_logits_2, args_logits_2, trg_seq, trg_seqlen, trg_pts_aux) vggpt_loss = self.vggptlossfunc(img_decoder_out['gen_imgs'], trg_img) # loss and output loss_svg_items = ['total', 'cmd', 'args', 'smt', 'aux'] # for image loss_dict['img'] = {} loss_dict['img']['l1'] = img_decoder_out['img_l1loss'] loss_dict['img']['vggpt'] = vggpt_loss['pt_c_loss'] # for latent loss_dict['kl'] = kl_loss # for svg loss_dict['svg'] = {} loss_dict['svg_para'] = {} for item in loss_svg_items: loss_dict['svg'][item] = total_loss[f'loss_{item}'] loss_dict['svg_para'][item] = total_loss_parallel[f'loss_{item}'] else: # testing (inference) trg_len = trg_seq_shifted.size(0) sampled_svg = torch.zeros(1, trg_seq.size(1), self.opts.dim_seq_short).to(device) for t in range(0, trg_len): tgt_mask = Variable(subsequent_mask(sampled_svg.size(0)).type_as(, -1, -1, -1).to(device).float() command_logits, args_logits, attn = self.transformer_seqdec(x=sampled_svg, memory=latent_feat_seq, trg_char=trg_cls, tgt_mask=tgt_mask) prob_comand = F.softmax(command_logits[:, -1, :], -1) prob_args = F.softmax(args_logits[:, -1, :], -1) next_command = torch.argmax(prob_comand, -1).unsqueeze(-1) next_args = torch.argmax(prob_args, -1) predict_tmp =, next_args),-1).unsqueeze(1).transpose(0,1) sampled_svg =, predict_tmp), dim=0) sampled_svg = sampled_svg[1:] cmd2 = sampled_svg[:,:,0].unsqueeze(-1) arg2 = sampled_svg[:,:,1:] command_logits_2, args_logits_2 = self.transformer_seqdec.parallel_decoder(cmd_logits=cmd2, args_logits=arg2, memory=latent_feat_seq, trg_char=trg_cls) prob_comand = F.softmax(command_logits_2,-1) prob_args = F.softmax(args_logits_2,-1) update_command = torch.argmax(prob_comand,-1).unsqueeze(-1) update_args = torch.argmax(prob_args,-1) sampled_svg_parralel =, update_args),-1).transpose(0,1) commands1 = F.one_hot(sampled_svg[:,:,:1].long(), 4).squeeze().transpose(0, 1) args1 = denumericalize(sampled_svg[:,:,1:]).transpose(0,1) sampled_svg_1 =[commands1.cpu().detach(),args1[:, :, 2:].cpu().detach()],dim =-1) commands2 = F.one_hot(sampled_svg_parralel[:, :, :1].long(), 4).squeeze().transpose(0, 1) args2 = denumericalize(sampled_svg_parralel[:, :, 1:]).transpose(0,1) sampled_svg_2 =[commands2.cpu().detach(),args2[:, :, 2:].cpu().detach()], dim =-1) ret_dict['svg'] = {} ret_dict['svg']['sampled_1'] = sampled_svg_1 ret_dict['svg']['sampled_2'] = sampled_svg_2 ret_dict['svg']['trg'] = trg_seq_gt return ret_dict, loss_dict def fetch_data(self, data, mode): input_image = data['rendered'] # [bs, opts.char_num, opts.img_size, opts.img_size] input_sequence = data['sequence'] # [bs, opts.char_num, opts.max_seq_len] input_seqlen = data['seq_len'] input_seqlen = input_seqlen + 1 input_pts_aux = data['pts_aux'] arg_quant = numericalize(input_sequence[:, :, :, 4:]) cmd_cls = torch.argmax(input_sequence[:, :, :, :4], dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) input_sequence =[cmd_cls, arg_quant], dim=-1) # 1 + 8 = 9 dimension # choose reference classes and target classes if mode == 'train': ref_cls = torch.randint(0, self.opts.char_num, (input_image.size(0), self.opts.ref_nshot)).to(device) if opts.ref_nshot == 52: # For ENG to TH ref_cls_upper = torch.randint(0, 26, (input_image.size(0), self.opts.ref_nshot // 2)).to(device) ref_cls_lower = torch.randint(26, 52, (input_image.size(0), self.opts.ref_nshot // 2)).to(device) ref_cls =, ref_cls_lower), -1) elif mode == 'val': ref_cls = torch.arange(0, self.opts.ref_nshot, 1).to(device).unsqueeze(0).expand(input_image.size(0), -1) else: ref_ids = self.opts.ref_char_ids.split(',') ref_ids = list(map(int, ref_ids)) assert len(ref_ids) == self.opts.ref_nshot ref_cls = torch.tensor(ref_ids).to(device).unsqueeze(0).expand(self.opts.char_num, -1) if mode in {'train', 'val'}: trg_cls = torch.randint(0, self.opts.char_num, (input_image.size(0), 1)).to(device) if opts.ref_nshot == 52: trg_cls = torch.randint(52, opts.char_num, (input_image.size(0), 1)).to(device) else: trg_cls = torch.arange(0, self.opts.char_num).to(device) if opts.ref_nshot == 52: trg_cls = torch.randint(52, opts.char_num, (input_image.size(0), 1)).to(device) trg_cls = trg_cls.view(self.opts.char_num, 1) input_image = input_image.expand(self.opts.char_num, -1, -1, -1) input_sequence = input_sequence.expand(self.opts.char_num, -1, -1, -1) input_pts_aux = input_pts_aux.expand(self.opts.char_num, -1, -1, -1) input_seqlen = input_seqlen.expand(self.opts.char_num, -1, -1) ref_img = util_funcs.select_imgs(input_image, ref_cls, self.opts) # select a target glyph image trg_img = util_funcs.select_imgs(input_image, trg_cls, self.opts) # randomly select ref vector glyphs ref_seq = util_funcs.select_seqs(input_sequence, ref_cls, self.opts, self.opts.dim_seq_short) # [opts.batch_size, opts.ref_nshot, opts.max_seq_len, opts.dim_seq_nmr] # randomly select a target vector glyph trg_seq = util_funcs.select_seqs(input_sequence, trg_cls, self.opts, self.opts.dim_seq_short) trg_seq = trg_seq.squeeze(1) trg_pts_aux = util_funcs.select_seqs(input_pts_aux, trg_cls, self.opts, opts.n_aux_pts) trg_pts_aux = trg_pts_aux.squeeze(1) # the one-hot target char class trg_char_onehot = util_funcs.trgcls_to_onehot(trg_cls, self.opts) # shift target sequence trg_seq_gt = trg_seq.clone().detach() trg_seq_gt =[:, :, :1], trg_seq_gt[:, :, 3:]), -1) trg_seq = trg_seq.transpose(0, 1) trg_seq_shifted = util_funcs.shift_right(trg_seq) ref_seq_cat = ref_seq.view(ref_seq.size(0) * ref_seq.size(1), ref_seq.size(2), ref_seq.size(3)) ref_seq_cat = ref_seq_cat.transpose(0,1) ref_seqlen = util_funcs.select_seqlens(input_seqlen, ref_cls, self.opts) ref_seqlen_cat = ref_seqlen.view(ref_seqlen.size(0) * ref_seqlen.size(1), ref_seqlen.size(2)) ref_pad_mask = torch.zeros(ref_seqlen_cat.size(0), self.opts.max_seq_len) # value = 1 means pos to be masked for i in range(ref_seqlen_cat.size(0)): ref_pad_mask[i,:ref_seqlen_cat[i]] = 1 ref_pad_mask = trg_seqlen = util_funcs.select_seqlens(input_seqlen, trg_cls, self.opts) trg_seqlen = trg_seqlen.squeeze() return [ref_img, trg_img], [ref_seq, ref_seq_cat, ref_pad_mask, trg_seq, trg_seq_gt, trg_seq_shifted, trg_pts_aux], [trg_char_onehot, trg_cls, trg_seqlen]