import spacy import pytextrank import re from operator import itemgetter import en_core_web_sm class KeywordExtractor: """ This class is an example Attributes: class_attribute (str): (class attribute) The class attribute instance_attribute (str): The instance attribute """ def __init__(self): self.nlp = en_core_web_sm.load() self.nlp.add_pipe("textrank") def get_keywords(self, text, max_keywords): """ The function to add two Complex Numbers. Parameters: num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added. Returns: ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum. """ doc = self.nlp(text) kws = [i.text for i in doc._.phrases[:max_keywords]] return kws def get_keyword_indicies(self, string_list, text): """ The function to add two Complex Numbers. Parameters: num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added. Returns: ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum. """ out = [] for s in string_list: indicies = [[m.start(), m.end()] for m in re.finditer(re.escape(s), text)] out.extend(indicies) return out def merge_overlapping_indicies(self, indicies): """ The function to add two Complex Numbers. Parameters: num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added. Returns: ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum. """ # Sort the array on the basis of start values of intervals. indicies.sort() stack = [] # insert first interval into stack stack.append(indicies[0]) for i in indicies[1:]: # Check for overlapping interval, # if interval overlap if (stack[-1][0] <= i[0] <= stack[-1][-1]) or (stack[-1][-1] == i[0]-1): stack[-1][-1] = max(stack[-1][-1], i[-1]) else: stack.append(i) return stack def merge_until_finished(self, indicies): """ The function to add two Complex Numbers. Parameters: num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added. Returns: ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum. """ len_indicies = 0 while True: merged = self.merge_overlapping_indicies(indicies) if len_indicies == len(merged): out_indicies = sorted(merged, key=itemgetter(0)) return out_indicies else: len_indicies = len(merged) def get_annotation(self, text, indicies, kws): """ The function to add two Complex Numbers. Parameters: num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added. Returns: ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum. """ arr = list(text) for idx in sorted(indicies, reverse=True): arr.insert(idx[0], "<kw>") arr.insert(idx[1]+1, "XXXxxxXXXxxxXXX <kw>") annotation = ''.join(arr) split = annotation.split('<kw>') final_annotation = [(x.replace('XXXxxxXXXxxxXXX ', ''), "KEY", "#26aaef") if "XXXxxxXXXxxxXXX" in x else x for x in split] kws_check = [] for i in final_annotation: if type(i) is tuple: kws_check.append(i[0]) return final_annotation def generate(self, text, max_keywords): """ The function to add two Complex Numbers. Parameters: num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added. Returns: ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum. """ kws = self.get_keywords(text, max_keywords) indicies = list(self.get_keyword_indicies(kws, text)) if indicies: indicies_merged = self.merge_until_finished(indicies) annotation = self.get_annotation(text, indicies_merged, kws) else: annotation = None return annotation, kws