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sum_examples = [
[['examples/note%d.txt'%i for i in range(1,n)]]
for n in range(5,1, -1)
text_examples = [
["a 72 year old female with chronic indwelling foley. GNR identified in her blood and there is concern for possible resistant pseudomonas. vanco discontinued and ceftriaxone replaced with zosyn. "],
["This is a 73 year old man with CMML with recent admission to OSH for emergent splenectomy after splenic rupture who is admitted for hypoxemia and worsening bilateral ground glass opacities. He was treated aggressively on the floor with antibiotics and other etiologies (PE, MI, etc) were appropriately addressed. He was fluid resusitated and continued on his CMML regimen. Despite this, the patient became progressively hypotensive and was transferred to the ICU for further care.\n"
"In the ICU the patient continued to deteriorate and developed progressive hypotension and acidosis despite aggressive fluid repletion, pressor support, and bicarbonate drip. He received >8L NS, 8amps bicarb, pressor support w/ levophed and vasopressin, and maximum ventilatory support. Despite these measures, his lactate continued to trend upwards and he became progressively more hypotensive on the PEEP settings required to adequately oxygenate him. Furthermore, the patient developed tumor lysis syndrome in the setting of his chemotherapy and became anuric producing only 40cc of urine over 8hr. Renal service was called emergently to consider dialysis but the family elected to change his code status to DNR/DNI and focus care on comfort as a priority, after discussion w/ his oncologist Dr [**First Name (STitle) 1557**] and to defer more aggressive therapy."],
["48 year old male with complicated past medical history, multiple problems notably including ESRD s/p renal transplant complicated by collapsing FSGS, recent MRSA line sepsis, here with fevers and hypotension at dialysis, code sepsis."
"He met sepsis criteria with fever, tachycardia and likely source of infection at site of tunneled dialysis catheter. Also had leukocytosis with L shift. CXR clear, urine not produced for sample. No central line placed [**3-5**] lack of access. Treated with 2 doses linezolid PO; d/w renal team - preferred vanco use, patient switched to vanco by level and d/c on vanco at HD. Underwent stim test; failed, started on hydrocort at stress dose levels (50 q6), d/w renal, felt uneccessary, patient started on prednisone taper back to home dose of 5 mg PO qd. Held HTN meds in setting of sepsis. Received dose of vanco prior to d/c."
"Dialysis Catheter - noted morning after admission to be clotted; question whether this was related to blood draw. Instilled tPA in catheter overnight; were able to use cath in AM for HD. "
"ESRD - Started on prograf; monitored levels, d/c on home dose. As per pharm, must continue to monitor levels in context of using itraconazole. Continued patient on bactrim for prophylaxis given tacrolimus use. To go to dialysis. 7 point HCT drop noted during admission; thought elevated HCT hemoconcentration. Hemolysis labs neg, no stool to guaiac. "
"PTT elevation - noted on admission, resolved in ICU. DIC labs negative. PT/PTT elevation at discharge c/w warfarin/SC heparin use."
"Hypertension: History of HTN, on lopressor and diltiazem. "
"Pulmonary Aspergillus: Stable. On itraconazole and followed by pulmonary as an outpatient. Continued in house"
"Atrial fibrillation: He is normally rate controlled with metoprolol and anticoagulated with coumadin. NSR on EKG here, continued warfarin, held beta blocker . "
"Call your PCP or return to the ED for fevers/chills/shakes, chest pain, shortness of breath, pain at the site of your dialysis catheter, nausea, vomiting, or swelling in your legs/feet. "]