import {Chat, ChatOptions, Request, Response, ResponseStream} from "../base"; import {Browser, Page} from "puppeteer"; import {BrowserPool} from "../../pool/puppeteer"; import {CreateEmail, TempEmailType, TempMailMessage} from "../../utils/emailFactory"; import {CreateTlsProxy} from "../../utils/proxyAgent"; import * as fs from "fs"; import {parseJSON, sleep} from "../../utils"; import {v4} from "uuid"; import moment from 'moment'; import {ReadEventStream, WriteEventStream} from "../../utils/eventstream"; type PageData = { gpt4times: number; } const MaxGptTimes = 4; const TimeFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"; type Account = { id: string; email?: string; login_time?: string; last_use_time?: string; gpt4times: number; } class AccountPool { private pool: Account[] = []; private readonly account_file_path = './run/account.json'; constructor() { if (fs.existsSync(this.account_file_path)) { const accountStr = fs.readFileSync(this.account_file_path, 'utf-8'); this.pool = parseJSON(accountStr, [] as Account[]); } else { fs.mkdirSync('./run', {recursive: true}); this.syncfile(); } } public syncfile() { fs.writeFileSync(this.account_file_path, JSON.stringify(this.pool)); } public getByID(id: string) { for (const item of this.pool) { if ( === id) { return item; } } } public delete(id: string) { this.pool = this.pool.filter(item => !== id); this.syncfile(); } public get(): Account { const now = moment(); const minInterval = 3 * 60 * 60 + 10 * 60;// 3hour + 10min for (const item of this.pool) { if (now.unix() - moment(item.last_use_time).unix() > minInterval) { console.log(`find old login account:`, item); item.last_use_time = now.format(TimeFormat); this.syncfile(); return item } } const newAccount: Account = { id: v4(), last_use_time: now.format(TimeFormat), gpt4times: 0, } this.pool.push(newAccount); this.syncfile(); return newAccount } public multiGet(size: number): Account[] { const result: Account[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { result.push(this.get()); } return result } } export class Forefrontnew extends Chat { private pagePool: BrowserPool; private accountPool: AccountPool; constructor(options?: ChatOptions) { super(options); this.accountPool = new AccountPool(); const maxSize = +(process.env.POOL_SIZE || 2); const initialAccounts = this.accountPool.multiGet(maxSize); this.pagePool = new BrowserPool(maxSize, =>, this.init.bind(this)); } public async ask(req: Request): Promise { const res = await this.askStream(req); let text = ''; return new Promise(resolve => { const et = new ReadEventStream(res.text);{event, data}) => { if (!data) { return; } switch (event) { case 'data': text = data; break; case 'done': text = data; break; default: console.error(data); break; } }, () => { resolve({text, other: res.other}); }); }) } private async tryValidate(validateURL: string, triedTimes: number) { if (triedTimes === 10) { throw new Error('validate failed'); } triedTimes += 1; try { const tsl = await CreateTlsProxy({clientIdentifier: "chrome_108"}).get(validateURL) } catch (e) { console.log(e) await this.tryValidate(validateURL, triedTimes); } } private static async closeVIPPop(page: Page) { await page.waitForSelector('.flex > .w-full:nth-child(1) > .grid:nth-child(2) > .flex > .text-sm') await'.flex > .w-full:nth-child(1) > .grid:nth-child(2) > .flex > .text-sm') } private static async selectAssistant(page: Page) { await page.waitForSelector('div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') await'div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') await page.hover('div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') // click assistant select await page.waitForSelector('.px-4 > .flex > .grid > .h-9 > .grow') await'.px-4 > .flex > .grid > .h-9 > .grow') // focus search input await page.waitForSelector('.flex > .grid > .block > .sticky > .text-sm') await'.flex > .grid > .block > .sticky > .text-sm') await page.keyboard.type('helpful', {delay: 10}); // select helpful assistant await page.waitForSelector('.px-4 > .flex > .grid > .block > .group') await'.px-4 > .flex > .grid > .block > .group') await'.relative > .flex > .w-full > .text-th-primary-dark > div') } private static async switchToGpt4(page: Page, triedTimes: number = 0) { if (triedTimes === 3) { await page.waitForSelector('div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') await'div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative'); return; } try { console.log('switch gpt4....') triedTimes += 1; await sleep(1000); await page.waitForSelector('div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') await'div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative'); await sleep(1000); await page.waitForSelector('div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') await'div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') await sleep(1000); await page.hover('div > .absolute > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(3) > .relative') // click never internet await page.waitForSelector('.flex > .p-1 > .relative') await'.flex > .p-1 > .relative') await Forefrontnew.selectAssistant(page); console.log('switch gpt4 ok!') } catch (e) { console.log(e); await page.reload(); await Forefrontnew.switchToGpt4(page, triedTimes); } } private async allowClipboard(browser: Browser, page: Page) { const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext() await context.overridePermissions("", [ 'clipboard-read', 'clipboard-write', ]) await page.evaluate(() => Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'clipboard', { value: { //@ts-ignore writeText(text) { this.text = text; }, } })); } private async init(id: string, browser: Browser): Promise<[Page | undefined, Account, string]> { const account = this.accountPool.getByID(id); try { if (!account) { throw new Error("account undefined, something error"); } const [page] = await browser.pages(); if (account.login_time) { await page.goto(""); await page.setViewport({width: 1920, height: 1080}); await Forefrontnew.closeVIPPop(page); await Forefrontnew.switchToGpt4(page); await this.allowClipboard(browser, page); return [page, account,]; } await page.goto(""); await page.setViewport({width: 1920, height: 1080}); await page.waitForSelector('#emailAddress-field'); await'#emailAddress-field') await page.waitForSelector('.cl-rootBox > .cl-card > .cl-main > .cl-form > .cl-formButtonPrimary') await'.cl-rootBox > .cl-card > .cl-main > .cl-form > .cl-formButtonPrimary') const emailBox = CreateEmail(process.env.EMAIL_TYPE as TempEmailType || TempEmailType.TempEmail44) const emailAddress = await emailBox.getMailAddress(); = emailAddress; this.accountPool.syncfile(); // 将文本键入焦点元素 await page.keyboard.type(emailAddress, {delay: 10}); await'Enter'); const msgs = (await emailBox.waitMails()) as TempMailMessage[] let validateURL: string | undefined; for (const msg of msgs) { validateURL = msg.content.match(/https:\/\/clerk\.forefront\.ai\/v1\/verify\?token=[^\s"]+/i)?.[0]; if (validateURL) { break; } } if (!validateURL) { throw new Error('Error while obtaining verfication URL!') } await this.tryValidate(validateURL, 0); console.log('register successfully'); account.login_time = moment().format(TimeFormat); this.accountPool.syncfile(); await page.waitForSelector('.flex > .modal > .modal-box > .flex > .px-3:nth-child(1)', {timeout: 120000}) await'.flex > .modal > .modal-box > .flex > .px-3:nth-child(1)') await Forefrontnew.closeVIPPop(page); await page.waitForSelector('.relative > .flex > .w-full > .text-th-primary-dark > div', {timeout: 120000}) await Forefrontnew.switchToGpt4(page); await this.allowClipboard(browser, page); return [page, account,]; } catch (e) { console.warn('something error happened,err:', e); this.accountPool.delete(account?.id || "") const newAccount = this.accountPool.get(); return [undefined, this.accountPool.get(),] as any; } } public static async copyContent(page: Page) { await page.waitForSelector('.opacity-100 > .flex > .relative:nth-child(3) > .flex > .cursor-pointer', {timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000}) await'.opacity-100 > .flex > .relative:nth-child(3) > .flex > .cursor-pointer') } public async askStream(req: Request): Promise { const [page, account, done, destroy] = this.pagePool.get(); const pt = new WriteEventStream(); if (!account || !page) { pt.write("error", 'please wait init.....about 1 min'); pt.end(); return {text:}; } try { console.log('try to find input'); await page.waitForSelector('.relative > .flex > .w-full > .text-th-primary-dark > div', { timeout: 10000, visible: true }) console.log('found input'); await'.relative > .flex > .w-full > .text-th-primary-dark > div') await page.focus('.relative > .flex > .w-full > .text-th-primary-dark > div') await page.keyboard.type(req.prompt); await'Enter'); await page.waitForSelector('#__next > .flex > .relative > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(1) > div'); // find markdown list container const mdList = await page.$('#__next > .flex > .relative > .relative > .w-full:nth-child(1) > div'); const md = mdList; } catch (e) { console.error(e); const newAccount = this.accountPool.get(); destroy(; pt.write("error", 'some thing error, try again later'); pt.end(); return {text:} } // get latest markdown id let id = 4; (async () => { let itl; try { const selector = `div > .w-full:nth-child(${id}) > .flex > .flex > .post-markdown`; await page.waitForSelector(selector); const result = await page.$(selector) itl = setInterval(async () => { const text: any = await result?.evaluate(el => { return el.textContent; }); if (text) { pt.write("data", text); } }, 100) if (!page) { return; } await Forefrontnew.copyContent(page); //@ts-ignore const text: any = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.clipboard.text); console.log('chat end: ', text); pt.write("done", text || await result?.evaluate(el => { return el.textContent; })); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } finally { pt.end(); await page.waitForSelector('.flex:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > .relative > .flex > .cursor-pointer') await'.flex:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > .relative > .flex > .cursor-pointer') account.gpt4times += 1; this.accountPool.syncfile(); if (account.gpt4times >= MaxGptTimes) { account.gpt4times = 0; account.last_use_time = moment().format(TimeFormat); this.accountPool.syncfile(); const newAccount = this.accountPool.get(); destroy(; } else { done(account); } if (itl) { clearInterval(itl); } } })().then(); return {text:} } }