import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js"; | |
app.registerExtension({ | |
name: "KJNodes.jsnodes", | |
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) { | |
if(!nodeData?.category?.startsWith("KJNodes")) { | |
return; | |
} | |
switch ( { | |
case "ConditioningMultiCombine": | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
this.cond_type = "CONDITIONING" | |
this.inputs_offset ="selective")?1:0 | |
this.addWidget("button", "Update inputs", null, () => { | |
if (!this.inputs) { | |
this.inputs = []; | |
} | |
const target_number_of_inputs = this.widgets.find(w => === "inputcount")["value"]; | |
if(target_number_of_inputs===this.inputs.length)return; // already set, do nothing | |
if(target_number_of_inputs < this.inputs.length){ | |
for(let i = this.inputs.length; i>=this.inputs_offset+target_number_of_inputs; i--) | |
this.removeInput(i) | |
} | |
else{ | |
for(let i = this.inputs.length+1-this.inputs_offset; i <= target_number_of_inputs; ++i) | |
this.addInput(`conditioning_${i}`, this.cond_type) | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case "ImageBatchMulti": | |
case "ImageAddMulti": | |
case "ImageConcatMulti": | |
case "CrossFadeImagesMulti": | |
case "TransitionImagesMulti": | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
this._type = "IMAGE" | |
this.inputs_offset ="selective")?1:0 | |
this.addWidget("button", "Update inputs", null, () => { | |
if (!this.inputs) { | |
this.inputs = []; | |
} | |
const target_number_of_inputs = this.widgets.find(w => === "inputcount")["value"]; | |
if(target_number_of_inputs===this.inputs.length)return; // already set, do nothing | |
if(target_number_of_inputs < this.inputs.length){ | |
for(let i = this.inputs.length; i>=this.inputs_offset+target_number_of_inputs; i--) | |
this.removeInput(i) | |
} | |
else{ | |
for(let i = this.inputs.length+1-this.inputs_offset; i <= target_number_of_inputs; ++i) | |
this.addInput(`image_${i}`, this._type) | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case "MaskBatchMulti": | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
this._type = "MASK" | |
this.inputs_offset ="selective")?1:0 | |
this.addWidget("button", "Update inputs", null, () => { | |
if (!this.inputs) { | |
this.inputs = []; | |
} | |
const target_number_of_inputs = this.widgets.find(w => === "inputcount")["value"]; | |
if(target_number_of_inputs===this.inputs.length)return; // already set, do nothing | |
if(target_number_of_inputs < this.inputs.length){ | |
for(let i = this.inputs.length; i>=this.inputs_offset+target_number_of_inputs; i--) | |
this.removeInput(i) | |
} | |
else{ | |
for(let i = this.inputs.length+1-this.inputs_offset; i <= target_number_of_inputs; ++i) | |
this.addInput(`mask_${i}`, this._type) | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case "FluxBlockLoraSelect": | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
this.addWidget("button", "Set all", null, () => { | |
const userInput = prompt("Enter the values to set for widgets (e.g., s0,1,2-7=2.0, d0,1,2-7=2.0, or 1.0):", ""); | |
if (userInput) { | |
const regex = /([sd])?(\d+(?:,\d+|-?\d+)*?)?=(\d+(\.\d+)?)/; | |
const match = userInput.match(regex); | |
if (match) { | |
const type = match[1]; | |
const indicesPart = match[2]; | |
const value = parseFloat(match[3]); | |
let targetWidgets = []; | |
if (type === 's') { | |
targetWidgets = this.widgets.filter(widget =>"single")); | |
} else if (type === 'd') { | |
targetWidgets = this.widgets.filter(widget =>"double")); | |
} else { | |
targetWidgets = this.widgets; // No type specified, all widgets | |
} | |
if (indicesPart) { | |
const indices = indicesPart.split(',').flatMap(part => { | |
if (part.includes('-')) { | |
const [start, end] = part.split('-').map(Number); | |
return Array.from({ length: end - start + 1 }, (_, i) => start + i); | |
} | |
return Number(part); | |
}); | |
for (const index of indices) { | |
if (index < targetWidgets.length) { | |
targetWidgets[index].value = value; | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
// No indices provided, set value for all target widgets | |
for (const widget of targetWidgets) { | |
widget.value = value; | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(userInput))) { | |
// Single value provided, set it for all widgets | |
const value = parseFloat(userInput); | |
for (const widget of this.widgets) { | |
widget.value = value; | |
} | |
} else { | |
alert("Invalid input format. Please use the format s0,1,2-7=2.0, d0,1,2-7=2.0, or 1.0"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
alert("Invalid input. Please enter a value."); | |
} | |
}); | |
}; | |
break; | |
case "GetMaskSizeAndCount": | |
const onGetMaskSizeConnectInput = nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput; | |
nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput = function (targetSlot, type, output, originNode, originSlot) { | |
const v = onGetMaskSizeConnectInput? onGetMaskSizeConnectInput.apply(this, arguments): undefined | |
this.outputs[1]["name"] = "width" | |
this.outputs[2]["name"] = "height" | |
this.outputs[3]["name"] = "count" | |
return v; | |
} | |
const onGetMaskSizeExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted; | |
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function(message) { | |
const r = onGetMaskSizeExecuted? onGetMaskSizeExecuted.apply(this,arguments): undefined | |
let values = message["text"].toString().split('x').map(Number); | |
this.outputs[1]["name"] = values[1] + " width" | |
this.outputs[2]["name"] = values[2] + " height" | |
this.outputs[3]["name"] = values[0] + " count" | |
return r | |
} | |
break; | |
case "GetImageSizeAndCount": | |
const onGetImageSizeConnectInput = nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput; | |
nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput = function (targetSlot, type, output, originNode, originSlot) { | |
const v = onGetImageSizeConnectInput? onGetImageSizeConnectInput.apply(this, arguments): undefined | |
this.outputs[1]["name"] = "width" | |
this.outputs[2]["name"] = "height" | |
this.outputs[3]["name"] = "count" | |
return v; | |
} | |
const onGetImageSizeExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted; | |
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function(message) { | |
const r = onGetImageSizeExecuted? onGetImageSizeExecuted.apply(this,arguments): undefined | |
let values = message["text"].toString().split('x').map(Number); | |
this.outputs[1]["name"] = values[1] + " width" | |
this.outputs[2]["name"] = values[2] + " height" | |
this.outputs[3]["name"] = values[0] + " count" | |
return r | |
} | |
break; | |
case "PreviewAnimation": | |
const onPreviewAnimationConnectInput = nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput; | |
nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput = function (targetSlot, type, output, originNode, originSlot) { | |
const v = onPreviewAnimationConnectInput? onPreviewAnimationConnectInput.apply(this, arguments): undefined | |
this.title = "Preview Animation" | |
return v; | |
} | |
const onPreviewAnimationExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted; | |
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function(message) { | |
const r = onPreviewAnimationExecuted? onPreviewAnimationExecuted.apply(this,arguments): undefined | |
let values = message["text"].toString(); | |
this.title = "Preview Animation " + values | |
return r | |
} | |
break; | |
case "VRAM_Debug": | |
const onVRAM_DebugConnectInput = nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput; | |
nodeType.prototype.onConnectInput = function (targetSlot, type, output, originNode, originSlot) { | |
const v = onVRAM_DebugConnectInput? onVRAM_DebugConnectInput.apply(this, arguments): undefined | |
this.outputs[3]["name"] = "freemem_before" | |
this.outputs[4]["name"] = "freemem_after" | |
return v; | |
} | |
const onVRAM_DebugExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted; | |
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function(message) { | |
const r = onVRAM_DebugExecuted? onVRAM_DebugExecuted.apply(this,arguments): undefined | |
let values = message["text"].toString().split('x'); | |
this.outputs[3]["name"] = values[0] + " freemem_before" | |
this.outputs[4]["name"] = values[1] + " freemem_after" | |
return r | |
} | |
break; | |
case "JoinStringMulti": | |
const originalOnNodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated || function() {}; | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
originalOnNodeCreated.apply(this, arguments); | |
this._type = "STRING"; | |
this.inputs_offset ="selective") ? 1 : 0; | |
this.addWidget("button", "Update inputs", null, () => { | |
if (!this.inputs) { | |
this.inputs = []; | |
} | |
const target_number_of_inputs = this.widgets.find(w => === "inputcount")["value"]; | |
if (target_number_of_inputs === this.inputs.length) return; // already set, do nothing | |
if (target_number_of_inputs < this.inputs.length) { | |
for (let i = this.inputs.length; i >= this.inputs_offset + target_number_of_inputs; i--) | |
this.removeInput(i); | |
} else { | |
for (let i = this.inputs.length + 1 - this.inputs_offset; i <= target_number_of_inputs; ++i) | |
this.addInput(`string_${i}`, this._type); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case "SoundReactive": | |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { | |
let audioContext; | |
let microphoneStream; | |
let animationFrameId; | |
let analyser; | |
let dataArray; | |
let startRangeHz; | |
let endRangeHz; | |
let smoothingFactor = 0.5; | |
let smoothedSoundLevel = 0; | |
// Function to update the widget value in real-time | |
const updateWidgetValueInRealTime = () => { | |
// Ensure analyser and dataArray are defined before using them | |
if (analyser && dataArray) { | |
analyser.getByteFrequencyData(dataArray); | |
const startRangeHzWidget = this.widgets.find(w => === "start_range_hz"); | |
if (startRangeHzWidget) startRangeHz = startRangeHzWidget.value; | |
const endRangeHzWidget = this.widgets.find(w => === "end_range_hz"); | |
if (endRangeHzWidget) endRangeHz = endRangeHzWidget.value; | |
const smoothingFactorWidget = this.widgets.find(w => === "smoothing_factor"); | |
if (smoothingFactorWidget) smoothingFactor = smoothingFactorWidget.value; | |
// Calculate frequency bin width (frequency resolution) | |
const frequencyBinWidth = audioContext.sampleRate / analyser.fftSize; | |
// Convert the widget values from Hz to indices | |
const startRangeIndex = Math.floor(startRangeHz / frequencyBinWidth); | |
const endRangeIndex = Math.floor(endRangeHz / frequencyBinWidth); | |
// Function to calculate the average value for a frequency range | |
const calculateAverage = (start, end) => { | |
const sum = dataArray.slice(start, end).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); | |
const average = sum / (end - start); | |
// Apply exponential moving average smoothing | |
smoothedSoundLevel = (average * (1 - smoothingFactor)) + (smoothedSoundLevel * smoothingFactor); | |
return smoothedSoundLevel; | |
}; | |
// Calculate the average levels for each frequency range | |
const soundLevel = calculateAverage(startRangeIndex, endRangeIndex); | |
// Update the widget values | |
const lowLevelWidget = this.widgets.find(w => === "sound_level"); | |
if (lowLevelWidget) lowLevelWidget.value = soundLevel; | |
animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(updateWidgetValueInRealTime); | |
} | |
}; | |
// Function to start capturing audio from the microphone | |
const startMicrophoneCapture = () => { | |
// Only create the audio context and analyser once | |
if (!audioContext) { | |
audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); | |
// Access the sample rate of the audio context | |
console.log(`Sample rate: ${audioContext.sampleRate}Hz`); | |
analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser(); | |
analyser.fftSize = 2048; | |
dataArray = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount); | |
// Get the range values from widgets (assumed to be in Hz) | |
const lowRangeWidget = this.widgets.find(w => === "low_range_hz"); | |
if (lowRangeWidget) startRangeHz = lowRangeWidget.value; | |
const midRangeWidget = this.widgets.find(w => === "mid_range_hz"); | |
if (midRangeWidget) endRangeHz = midRangeWidget.value; | |
} | |
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(stream => { | |
microphoneStream = stream; | |
const microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream); | |
microphone.connect(analyser); | |
updateWidgetValueInRealTime(); | |
}).catch(error => { | |
console.error('Access to microphone was denied or an error occurred:', error); | |
}); | |
}; | |
// Function to stop capturing audio from the microphone | |
const stopMicrophoneCapture = () => { | |
if (animationFrameId) { | |
cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrameId); | |
} | |
if (microphoneStream) { | |
microphoneStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()); | |
} | |
if (audioContext) { | |
audioContext.close(); | |
// Reset audioContext to ensure it can be created again when starting | |
audioContext = null; | |
} | |
}; | |
// Add start button | |
this.addWidget("button", "Start mic capture", null, startMicrophoneCapture); | |
// Add stop button | |
this.addWidget("button", "Stop mic capture", null, stopMicrophoneCapture); | |
}; | |
break; | |
} | |
}, | |
async setup() { | |
// to keep Set/Get node virtual connections visible when offscreen | |
const originalComputeVisibleNodes = LGraphCanvas.prototype.computeVisibleNodes; | |
LGraphCanvas.prototype.computeVisibleNodes = function () { | |
const visibleNodesSet = new Set(originalComputeVisibleNodes.apply(this, arguments)); | |
for (const node of this.graph._nodes) { | |
if ((node.type === "SetNode" || node.type === "GetNode") && node.drawConnection) { | |
visibleNodesSet.add(node); | |
} | |
} | |
return Array.from(visibleNodesSet); | |
}; | |
} | |
}); |